HealthBeat-2014-07-Excretory System

Sensing Release
Debbie Rosas, Nia CEO + Founder
Staying healthy is all about keeping the good in and getting the bad out. If toxic
waste is not successfully eliminated, you will get sick. You can even die.
The body is amazing at balancing itself and
in creating homeostasis, which is the perfect
environment needed to sustain health and wellbeing. For a body to stay healthy, it needs to take
good things in and get the bad things out. What
it doesn’t need is toxic waste build-up. To make
sure unwanted waste products, solids, gasses,
or liquids, are removed from your body, your
body’s excretory system, which in part includes
your liver, lungs, kidneys, bladder, and intestines,
removes toxic waste second-by-second. This is
the stuff left over from the process of metabolism.
Staying healthy is all about keeping the good
in and getting the bad out. If toxic waste is not
successfully eliminated, you will get sick. You can
even die.
What can you do to make sure your body can
do its job of getting the good in and moving the
bad out? Listen. Listen to your body and learn to
distinguish the difference between healthy and
continued on page 2
A healthy excretory system releases. It can pee,
poop, and easily manage unwanted waste products.
It leaves you feeling light, energized, harmonized, fluid,
satisfied, and chemically balanced.
An unhealthy excretory system holds onto waste.
It cannot easily pee and poop and has difficulty
managing unwanted waste products. It leaves you
feeling heavy, sluggish, dissonant, stuffed, bloated,
and chemically unbalanced. | 918 SW Yamhill Street, 4th Floor, Portland OR 97205 | 503.227.3578
Vol. 14:05
“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength.
However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let
go and then do it.”
— ― Ann Landers, a pen name created by Chicago Sun-Times advice columnist Ruth Crowley in 1943 taken over by Eppie Lederer in 1955.
unhealthy signals coming from your excretory system.
Learn to respond to the sensation of unhealthy, as
these signals are asking you to change.
The urge to pee and poop is a signal your body has
done its job. It’s ready to let go of the unwanted
waste and toxins. The problem comes when we fill
our body with things that cause it to work extra hard,
like eating the wrong kinds of foods and drinking
too much alcohol. On the other hand, eating healthy
fresh foods, drinking water, and getting a daily dose
of exercise can kick start your body’s excretory
system into a healthy state.
The body is 70% water, and water forms 90% of
your body’s urine. Drink plenty of water to keep
the kidneys healthy.
❷ Move daily and laugh for one minute a day to help
the lungs exhale to push stale air out.
Listen to your body’s need to pee and poop.
❹ Take in the right amount of everything and avoid
overloading your body with excess minerals and
Debbie says:
Eat organic, locally fresh grown foods and meats.
When it comes to the body’s excretory system, which
includes your liver, lungs, kidneys, bladder, and intestines,
developing a relationship with “feeling good” is vital.
Cultivate this sensation by tracking the signals of a healthy
and unhealthy excretory system and by practicing letting
go techniques. Know when to empty, what to eat, drink,
and think, and you and your body will not only function
better, you’ll both feel good.
Avoid toxic chemicals and processed foods.
Look at the color of your urine. Healthy urine is
pale yellow or light amber in color. Blood in your
urine is a sign of ill health; get it checked out!
Everything you take into your body, the food, liquid, even
the air, contains things your body can’t use. This is the
left over stuff, the waste, and your body must dispose
of it to function properly. Just like you clean out your
house and get rid of unwanted, unneeded things, your
body’s excretory system does the same thing to manage
the unwanted waste products - solids, gasses and
liquids. The difference is that you clean out your house
occasionally, and your body is doing it every second.
How does your body get rid of this waste? By exhaling,
perspiring, peeing, and pooping!
Featured Product:
Nia Sounds Vibe CD and
Workout video featuring
the music of Bob Marley.
Slanted Top with Braided Straps.
This unique twist on our classic Slanted
Top features a three-color braided strap
that comes in two different colors. | 918 SW Yamhill Street, 4th Floor, Portland OR 97205 | 503.227.3578
Vol. 14:05