concession reminders

Please Read Both Opening & Closing Instructions in White Binder before 1st Shift
- BEFORE GAME Please Read Opening Instructions in White Binder (or Online) before 1st Shift
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Machine: The heart defibrillator machine (AED) is located in the
concession stand on the second shelf above the sink with a binder behind it. There is an AED sign above the door
outside behind home plate. To use the machine in an emergency, simply take it out of the bag (keep bag and binder
with you) and remove the case. Turn it on and it will guide you to work on the patient. This machine will tell you what
to do step by step. Any medical personnel are encouraged to help in an emergency.
What’s New (3/2016): New Team Checker (for each 9G, JV, and V) role has been created to help out the transition at
the end of the night before the next game. They are assigned to come at the end of each day to ensure all closing
procedures were followed by concession. They will check to make sure things are restocked, cleaned, put away, and
remind and guide workers so their next shift is easier. The Checker will take the money (after you count out and
prepare per Closing Instructions) and deliver it to our drop off as well as discuss your inventory list of needs and
perishables that we need to count (See Closing Instructions) and take the numbers you help track for what has been
cooked and what is left over each shift. The Checker will now text the Inventory list (you start and keep) and the total
sales/sandwiches made of the night to Jill. This will help us be more efficient and on the same page going forward –
plus it will save a lot of time for our volunteer staff of shoppers and others who run the concession stand.
If it’s cold – Use Keurig to make hot water! Move Keurig to the end of the counter facing inside concession and plug
it in to the same plug as the warmer. Cocoa and individual coffee sticks in container marked as such along with sugar
and cream (leave on counter, not on condiments table) sit atop of microwave. Spoons are next to the cups or in the
container with the stock of warm drink items. In cold weather we usually keep a bag of cocoa handy on top of the
container (with candy we sell) on the second shelf under concession window.
Leave Keys in Lockbox: After opening, put ALL keys back in lockbox and lock it. This prevents lost keys or people
taking them (unknowingly) home.
Cook what is listed on the Grill Instructions (please read instructions before you cook; this season we have
changed numbers of items to cook and how to track them) – Read the information about asking the visiting team
about possible food needs when they are done (we can cook and save for them). If we have a lot of food left and the
visiting team does not want food after game, during the 5th inning of last game of day, ask the Announcer to offer
sandwiches at 50% off. What doesn’t sell can be taken to field and given to our players.
All Concession stand workers are to decide as a team (Cook/Cashier/Expediter) who will be the person who
stays until players are all off the field and be the person responsible for turning off Field Lights and Concession
Spotlights only after we are certain everyone is gone and not on field or in cages. Whoever volunteers for this
needs to ensure NO ONE else turns off the Field Lights by accident. Make sure your crew decides at the beginning of
your shift so everyone is clear who stays and who leaves when concession is ready to close. The Checker and
Announcer are not included in the mix; however, if you are in a bind, ask both of them or one of the coaches who
typically stay to help as well. Check the Closing Instructions for more details). Updated Open and Close Instructions
are located on our website and in the White Binder on the counter under the concession window. Instructions are
updated to reflect changes dated March 2016. Please read instructions before your shift so you are aware of changes
to processes. Grill/Cook instructions have been updated as well.
Concession Player Accounts – Accounts need to have positive balances to make purchases; make sure players know
if they are close to $0 or slightly in the negative. If you are working the Cashier role, please read the section related to
adding credits to Player Accounts. (See Opening/Closing Procedures)
Don’t sell “Display Candy” – Display is kept in a large Ziploc bag the under concession window (or in the
refrigerator if when it gets warm outside). Sell regular candy out of the container under the window on the second
shelf (clearly marked). If you need more candy, check containers for opened candy (container on right fridge) before
opening new (left fridge) boxes of candy. All chocolate is stored in refrigerator.
- CLOSING / LAST GAME - Reminders Only
Please Read Closing Instructions in White Binder (or Online) before 1st Shift
1. “Display Candy” is put back in Ziploc and put in left refrigerator on bottom shelf sideways by drink carts if
hot outside or on top of Sell From Candy Container on 2nd shelf under Concession window. Do not leave
on white display shelf when concession is closed.
2. It is your responsibility to keep a list on of items (Inventory Pad by player account clipboard) if you see we
are low or out of stock on anything. Also, track how many sandwiches have been made by asking cook;
they will have a list and it just needs to be added up at end of night along with how much food is left under
warmer. Example: If 20 HB, 10 HD, 30 CB, and 10 Chicken were made by one shift, document it neatly at
the bottom of the daily Inventory sheet. Each shift should report what they made. At the end of the night,
determine sandwiches left and add that number below the rest so it is clear for the Checker to report to Jill.
3. Sandwiches in warmer need to be communicated to the cook if we are running low. Make sure to let the
Grill person know when we have a few hot dogs left or what the counts are if we are selling a lot or it is a
busy night, make sure to relay to them as it takes awhile to prepare more food.
4. Don’t Close early – Unless we are in a situation where we need to close early, please wait to close until
after the game is over and players start to work on field and the visiting team is leaving. Many times the
players come by to grab a drink or get condiments for passed out food. You can start performing closing
duties early, but actually closing up needs to wait: stock drinks, make peanuts, restock chocolate in the top
shelf of the left fridge from large boxes, stock the Sell From container with candy/nuts, etc., transfer player
accounts (unless it’s on a Saturday), clean counters, sweep floors, wipe and put away condiments,
condiments table, stock napkins, bag cheese, etc. The grill usually closes down around the 5th inning
(unless there is a reason they need to stay open later) so it can be turned up and wire brush cleaned and
cooled before going back in at the end of the night. See more details in Closing Procedures and the Grill
5. Restock refrigerator w/drinks for next game. Restock candy container under shelf and the chocolate on top
shelf of left refrigerator by using boxed candy below it on the door. See Opening Instructions for more
details around cleaning and other duties performed before leaving. Make sure to always leave a gap
between rows of drinks on the top shelf of refrigerator so that no drinks are blocking the column from the
thermostat dial to where cold air blows into the refrigerator; this will freeze canned drinks and cause them
to explode.
6. Total up Player Purchases on Player Sheet dated for that day’s games, carry totals over to a new sheet for
the next day. Leave new “sheet” on clipboard and old one at bottom of the stack of new sheets inside the
clipboard. (Please make sure to read note about Credits to accounts in Opening/Closing instructions.)
7. Make sure Cook pulls out a frozen pack of Hot Dogs and put them in the fridge for next game; or 2/3 based
on how many games we have next few days (see Closing Instructions). Do not leave opened packs of hot
dogs in fridge unless they are in a Ziploc and if there is a game the next day.
8. Take out inside trash and make sure players take the large black bags out of the outside trash bins to the
large dumpster. They should come right after game when they start field clean up; Concession trash should
be taken out and put in the black bag and pulled out of outside containers and set to the side for them. If
you don’t see them come by, make sure and remind the coach or if you see a player, inquire.
9. All Concession Staff perform all closing duties together and will work to close down the Concession.
Windows need to be closed and latched and then cages locked with master locks. Except for the
Concession Door.
10. Double check that the heat lamp and Keurig (if applicable), and the Grill gas/power are OFF. Lock ALL
windows (please close wooden windows with latches Before closing and locking the grates over them).
Remember keys are in lock box. If lockbox won’t close hit the Clear button and try the code again. The
person closing/last person performs final lockdown and turns off lights.
11. Last person to leave: The person who is staying to ensure everyone leaves safely and closes and locks the
Concession Door will turn off the Field Lights (see Closing Instructions – Read NEW Section!