The Week Ahead 6th February 2017

W/C 6th February 2017
The parents of girls in 2S are invited to attend the class music assembly which takes place on Wednesday
8th February at 8.50am. The music assembly for 1LK will take place on Thursday 9th February at
8.50am. We look forward to seeing you then.
As this week is our ‘Take One Picture’ week, many of our activities will link to the painting ‘Penelope with
the Suitors’ by Pintoricchio. Our activities will include writing a speech bubble for Penelope, sculpting
Greek pottery and tapestry weaving. In Maths, we will look at symmetry and create our own symmetrical
patterns. In Phonics, we will continue with our ‘nice and naughty’ digraphs. This week, we will learn about
the nice digraph ‘igh’ and the naughty digraph ‘ie’. In Handwriting, we will practise forming the letters j and y
Please remember to send the Nice and Naughty Digraph Book to school every
Thursday so we can add the next page.
Please also note that R1’s visit from Tesco was cancelled. We are hoping to rearrange the workshop for
another time soon.
This week is ‘Take One Picture’ week. We will be learning about the painting ‘Penelope with the Suitors’ by
Pintoricchio. Many of our activities will link to this. It would be great if you could look up this picture and
talk to your child about it.
English: In English we will be thinking about Odysseus and the adventures he went on. The children will
‘visit’ some of the islands Odysseus went to and write about them. The children will imagine they are going
on an adventure and will write about an exciting event they experienced. As it is the week before Valentine’s
Day they will also imagine they are Odysseus and will write a love letter to Penelope! This week’s joins are
‘one’, ‘ome’, ‘oa’ and ‘og’.
Maths: We will be focusing on money. Selecting coins to make given amounts. They will be using their
knowledge of counting in steps of 2, 5 and 10 to count different amounts of money. We will also be working
on giving change. Lastly we will be having a review of the areas we have covered during the term.
Science: We will be thinking about Odysseus as he sailed away on his adventure. The girls will make boats
and find different ways of making them move without using their hands. We will provide them with various
materials for them to experiment with. Unfortunately because of the weather we were not able to fly our
kites. We will try and fit this in next week.
Please could each girl bring in something small and plastic with a flat base to use as a boat e.g. a margarine
tub, take away containers or any other small packaging. Thank you.
This week we will be learning about the painting ‘’Penelope with the Suitors’
by Pintoricchio. We will start the week by looking closely at the painting and
discussing what we know and what we would like to find out. We will go on a
journey through the window of the painting and travel with Odysseus, King of
the Island of Ithaca, to Troy. In Troy we will be making a Trojan horse, working
together and focussing on teamwork. We will then leave Troy and set sail around
many islands and create our own Greek mythological creatures, write our own
messages in a bottle and decorate our own Greek pots to show our adventures.