Coaching Questionnaire – Mick Newall Who was your biggest

Coaching Questionnaire – Mick Newall
Who was your biggest influence growing up?
My parents
Have you trained and rising stars/athletes?
Yes several International cricketers
Who is your sporting hero?
Bob Paisley
If there was any coach/manager you could meet who would it be and why?
I would like to meet Brendan Rogers because he coaches my team, Liverpool
If you could meet anyone in the world who would it be and why?
Kelly Brook
What is your coaching philosophy?
Give people trust and responsibility to do their jobs
What was your first job?
Barman, I was terrible
What is your best sporting memory?
Winning the County Championship in 2005,closely followed by winning in 2010
What is your goal for the future?
To coach at International level
What’s the typical ‘day in the life of’ you?
No such thing, that’s why I love it