$\simplify{ unit:v:x }$ Question Authoring Cheat Sheet Command Output x \lt y \gt z Editor: numbas.mathcentre.ac.uk. x < y > z A_{x} A^{y} Documentation: bit.ly/numbasdocs. a = b \neq c a = b ≠ c \frac{x}{y} Part Types Information x \times y \cdot z Normally used in Steps; no student input. only fill Gap- Place multiple inputs inside the prompt text. Mathematical Algebraic answer; instant rendering of input. expression certain number of sig. \alpha, \beta, \dots α, β, … \left( \sum_{x=1}^{\infty} x^2 \right) ( ) marked like number entry. Match text Free text input. Must match given regular pattern expression. Choose one Student picks any number of answers from a several from a Output verb:pi π op:x x Operator name v:x x Vector Match choices 2D grid; match items from two lists. Can allow with answers one answer per choice or many. Unit vector dot:x Dot on top matrix:A Simpli A extra hints, or break the question into smaller steps. fication rules Usage: $\simplify[rule1,rule2,...]{ expression }$ Cancel exponents of 1. Cancel fractions with denominator 1. zeroFactor Cancel products of 0 to 0. zeroTerm Omit zero terms. address bar. In the editor, click Insert video and paste in the URL. zeroPower Cancel exponents of 0 to 1. To insert an image noLeadingMinus Rearrange expressions so they don't start Click Insert image. Click Upload an image and select the image. collectNumber Collect together numerical products and produces output like My name is Bob To substitute a simple number in maths, use the LaTeX: LaTeX is only used to render maths, not for text or layout. fined using JME syntax, not LaTeX. Variables and correct answers are de Inline maths is enclosed in dollar signs: Display maths is enclosed in To substitute text, wrap a variable name in curly braces: My name is {name} Displaying Maths \[ and $x^2 + 1$ \] 2 produces x + 1. 2 x $x + \var{a}$ \var . command in produces x + 2 . \simplify . Expressions inside curly braces are evaluated: $\simplify{ {a}x + {b}x + {c} }$ produces 2x − 3 when + 1 Online resources Test commands with instant rendering: bit.ly/biglatex. Draw symbols and get the corresponding commands: bit.ly/detexify. sums. Cancel fractions to lowest form. zeroBase Cancel any power of zero. constantsFirst Numbers go to the left of multiplications. sqrtProduct Collect products of square roots. sqrtDivision Collect fractions of square roots. sqrtSquare For randomised expressions which might need simplifying, use with a minus. simplifyFractions Cancel square roots of squares, and squares of square roots. trig Apply some trigonometric identities. otherNumbers Evaluate powers of numbers. a = 2, b = 0, c = −3 . all Apply all of the above rules, but not the Variable annotations fractionNumbers Numbers are displayed as fractions rowVector Vectors are displayed as rows instead of , and displayed on its own line. produces: Matrix unitDenominator Content Randomised content You can add additional Step parts to any part. These should provide . unit:x list; can specify max. and min. choices. list Meaning Verbatim - overrides built-in constants e, π, i Cancel products of 1. Go to the YouTube / Vimeo page for the video. Copy the URL in the choice list. Choose Annotation unitPower To insert a video Student picks one answer from a multiple from a list . unitFactor fig.s or d.p. Answer is a matrix of numbers; individual cells Matrix entry \[ x^2 + 1 \] x × y ⋅ z Accept a number within a range; can require Number entry produces LaTeX commands Use annotations to display variable names di expression. For example, fferently inside a simplified $\simplify{ vector:x }$ produces x . two display rules below. instead of decimals. columns. Any LaTeX command can be used as an annotation for notation which is not built-in, e.g. $\simplify{ vec:x }$ produces . Annotations can be chained together. For example, More LaTeX commands: bit.ly/latexcommands. © Newcastle University 2015
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