An etymological lexicon of Proto-Celtic (in progress) [Matasovic] :

An etymological lexicon of Proto-Celtic (in progress)
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Proto-Celtic: *abalnѓ 'apple-tree' ябълково дърво [Noun]
Old Irish: aball [f]
Middle Welsh: afall [f]
Middle Breton: avallenn, OBret. aballen
Cornish: auallen gl. malus
Gaulish: auallo gl. poma
Proto-Indo-European: *h2eph3ol-nPage in Pokorny: 1
See also: *abalo- 'apple'
References: LEIA A-6, DGVB 50, EIEC 25, GPC I: 41, Campanile 1974: 10f.
Proto-Celtic: *abalo- 'apple' –ябълка [Noun]
Old Irish: ubull [o n] (DIL uball)
Middle Welsh: afal [m]
Middle Breton: aval, OBret. abal
Gaulish: avallo (Vienne) gl. poma
Proto-Indo-European: *h2eph3ol- 'apple'
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IE cognates: OHG apful, OCS ablъko
See also: *abalnѓ
Notes: The Celtic forms can be derived from the oblique cases of the PIE l-stem N s
*h2eph3ol (*h2eph3Ўl) / G s *h2(e)ph3los. The geminate -ll- could have arisen under analogical
influence of *abalnѓ 'apple-tree'.
References: LEIA U-12f., DGVB 50, EIEC 25f, GPC I: 40, Delamarre 28f. , Hamp ZCP
37/1979: 158-166.
Proto-Celtic: *abon- 'river' – река [Noun]
Old Irish: ab , aub [n f]
Middle Welsh: afon [f]
Middle Breton: auon
Cornish: auon
Gaulish: ambe gl. rivo
Proto-Indo-European: *h2eph3on- 'river'
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IE cognates: Hitt. hѓpa-, Lat. amnis , OHG -affa (in river-names)
Notes: OIr. aub clearly points to PCelt. *abі, Acc. *abonen; the form *abonѓ (> MW afon)
was built to this stem.
References: LEIA A-4, LP 38, EIEC 486, GPC I: 43, Lambert 1994: 203, Matasovicґ 2004:
104, Stµber 1998: 97f., Campanile 1974: 11.
Proto-Celtic: *ad 'to' - към; за; в; според; до; по; пред [Preposition]
Old Irish: adMiddle Welsh: add
Gaulish: Ad-ianto- [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2ed 'to, at'
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IE cognates: Lat. ad, Go. atNotes: MW eddyl 'target' is presumably derived from PCelt. *adilo-, with the same suffix as
OE til 'to, until', cp. also OE tilian 'reach'. If so, the Germanic forms are from *h2d-ilo-,
which means that the PIE root had ablaut (*h2ed- / *h2d-).
References: LEIA A-13, Falileyev 3, GPC 31
Proto-Celtic: *adѓ 'hawthorn' – глог [Noun]
Old Irish: aide [Gen s]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2ed(h)IE cognates: Hitt. hat(t)-alkisnas 'hawthorn/whitethorn branch'
References: Watkins 1993.
Proto-Celtic: *ad-ber-tѓ 'offering, victim' – дарение, жертва, жертвоприношение [Noun]
Old Irish: edbart (DIL idbart) [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: aperth [m and f] (OW), MW [m and f] aberth 'sacrifice' жертвоприношение
Notes: The OIr. word is actually the verbal noun of ad-opair 'sacrifices, offers'.
References: Falileyev 9, GPC I: 2, Hamp 1982.
Proto-Celtic: *ad-dam-yo- 'allow, permit' - позволявам, допускам
Old Irish: ad-daim 'recognize, permit' – оценявам, разпознавам, допускам
Middle Welsh: addef 'acknowledge, confess'
See also: *dam-yoReferences: KPV 260ff, GPC I: 32.
Proto-Celtic: *ad-kubro- 'wish' – искам, желая, стремя се[Noun]
Old Irish: accobor [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *kup- 'wish'
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IE cognates: Lat. cupio 'wish', Skt. kupyati 'be angry' - сърдит
Notes: The OIr. word is actually the verbal noun of ad-cobra 'wish', which is itself of
deadjectival origin, cp. Oscan cyprum 'good' – добър, (Varro, L.L. V 159). Cp. also dea
Cupra (Picenum). An old compound from this root is milchobar 'honey-desiring = bear' (a
semantic parallel is provided by Russ. medveґd' 'bear' (lit. 'honey-eater').
References: LEIA A-10, Watkins 1962a, Uhlich 2002: 418f.
Proto-Celtic: *ad-kwis-o- 'see' – виждам, разбирам [Verb]
Old Irish: ad-ciґ, -aicci; -accai [Pret.]; ad-cess, -aiccess [Pass.]
Gaulish: appisetu [Impv.] (Thiaucourt)
Proto-Indo-European: *kweys- 'perceive' – възприемам, схващам
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IE cognates: Avestan cinahmi 'determine', Gr. tiґЎ 'reckon'
References: KPV 431ff., LIV 381f., LEIA C-89ff., RIG II.2: 269ff., Delamarre 51, Lambert
1994: 126, 150-159
Proto-Celtic: *ad-ret-o- 'reach, grasp' – обсег, хващам, улавям, достигам [Verb]
Old Irish: ad-reith
Middle Welsh: eiryt [3s Pres.]
See also: *ret-oReferences: KPV 538ff.
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Proto-Celtic: *ad-tekw-o- 'run to, approach' – тичам към някого, доближавам се [Verb]
Old Irish: ad-teich 'find refuge with someone' – намирам подслон при някой си
Middle Welsh: athechaf [1s Pres.] 'to flee from, avoid'
See also: *tekw-oReferences: KPV 629f., GPC I: 234
Proto-Celtic: *ad(u)- 'law' – закон, [Noun]
Old Irish: ad, ada [Gen s]
Middle Welsh: addas 1. 'merit, reward' – заслуга, награда 2. 'right, fitting' – верен,
подходящ, годен.
Middle Breton: camadas gl. habilis (OBret.)
Proto-Indo-European: *h2edPage in Pokorny: 3
IE cognates: Umbrian arsie 'sancte' - святост
See also: *ad
Notes: The reconstruction of the PCelt. form is based on the assumption that OIr. ada 'legal'
is actually the genitive singular of ad, which might not be the case. W addas 'convenient,
worthy of' presumably represents a derivative *adestu-, parallel to OIr. adas 'lawful, just'
References: LEIA A-12, 13, DGVB 94, GPC I: 31De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 94.
Proto-Celtic: *aglo- 'brood, litter' – отпадък [Noun]
Old Irish: aґl [o m]
Middle Welsh: ael [f]
Notes: The MW form represents *aglѓ, originally a collective to *aglo-. The PIE root from
which these forms might be derived is presumably *h2eg'- 'drive' (Pokorny 4f.).
References: LEIA A-58, GPC I: 36, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 224
Proto-Celtic: *ag-o- 'drive' – возя се, карам [Verb]
Old Irish: agid, -aig; agaid, -aga [subj.]; acht, -acht [pret.];
Middle Welsh: hegit [3sg.pres.] 'go' (OW), MW a, aa [3sg.pres.]; aeth, ayth [pret.]
Middle Breton: a 'go', OBret. nit-a; aez [pret.]
Cornish: a 'go'; eth, etha [pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2eg'Page in Pokorny: 4f.
IE cognates: Skt. aґjati, Lat. ago, Arm. acem
Notes: In Brit. this verb has a suppletive VN, MW mynet, MBret. monet, MCo. mones. Gaul.
axat (Marcellus de Bordeaux) may be 3 s Pres. Subj. of the same verb (Delamarre 63) , so it
would mean 'he should bring'
References: LIV 255f, KPV 189-191, LEIA A-22, DGVB 50, GPC I: 40, Delamarre 63
Proto-Celtic: *agos 'cow' – крава [Noun]
Old Irish: ag [s n > f] 'cow'
Middle Welsh: aelaw [m] 'riches, wealth'
Proto-Indo-European: *h2eg'Ho- 'cow'
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IE cognates: Skt. ah–ґ , Arm. ezn
Notes: The MW word represents a derivative, *ag-ilo-.
References: LEIA A-22, GPC I: 36, EIEC 135, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 143.
Proto-Celtic: *agrinyѓ 'sloe, fruit of the blackthorn' – плод от капина[Noun]
Old Irish: aґirne [iѓ f]
Middle Welsh: eirin [p] eirinen [singulative f]
Middle Breton: irinenn
Proto-Indo-European: *h2eg- 'fruit, berry'
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IE cognates: MHG eckern 'acorn', Lith. uґoga 'strawberry', Russ. jaґgoda
References: LEIA A-48, GPC I: 1196, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 367
Proto-Celtic: *agro- 'carnage, battle' – битка, сражение [Noun]
Old Irish: aґr [o n]
Middle Welsh: hair [f] (OW), MW aer [f] 'battle'
Middle Breton: air (OBret.)
Cornish: hair gl. clades
Gaulish: Ver-agri [Ethnonym] (Caesar)
Proto-Indo-European: *h2eg'ro- 'hunt' – гоня, преследвам, ловувам.
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IE cognates: Gr. aґgrЊ 'hunt', Av. azrЎ- 'hunt'
Notes: The word-initial h- in OW is non-etymological. Presumably, these words are derived
from PIE *h2eg'- 'drive' (Lat. ago, etc.).
References: LEIA A-82, LP 32, DGVB 58, GPC I: 36, EIEC 284, Falileyev 80.
Proto-Celtic: *akro- 'high' – висок [Adjective]
Old Irish: eґr 'high, noble, great – висок, благороден, голям'
Gaulish: Axro-talus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2ek'ro- 'high'
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IE cognates: Gr. aґkros
Notes: OIr. acher (DIL aicher) 'sharp, violent, fierce' [o] might also belong here, if it is not a
Latin loanword (as stated by LEIA A-11). It could represent PCelt. *ak-ero- or *ak-aro- (it is
occasionally spelled achar), cp. *ok-ari- > OIR. ochair 'edge'.
References: LEIA A-11, Delamarre 31, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 233.
Proto-Celtic: *alal(i)yo- 'another, other' – друг, различен [Pronoun]
Old Irish: arail
Middle Welsh: arall (OW and MW)
Middle Breton: al(l)all, arall
Cornish: arall
See also: *al(i)yoNotes: This is a reduplicated, intensive variant of *al(i)yo- 'other'
References: LEIA A-11, Falileyev 9, GPC I: 176
Proto-Celtic: *alamo- 'herd, flock, movable proprety' – собствено стадо [Noun]
Old Irish: alam [? n]
Middle Welsh: alaf [m] 'herd, wealth, property – стадо, богатство, изобилие'
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Notes: Schrijver (1995: 75) derives these words from PIE *pelh2- 'to drive' (Lat. pello, etc.),
which is possible.
References: LEIA A-60, GPC I: 73, Schrijver 1995f.
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Proto-Celtic: *albiyo- 'world' – свят , мир [Noun]
Middle Welsh: elbid [m and f] 'world' (OW), MW eluit, eluyd
Gaulish: Albio-rix [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2elbho- 'white' – бял
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IE cognates: Lat. albus, OHG albiz 'swan' – лебед (бяла птица)
Notes: For the semantics, see Delamarre 36; the primary meaning is 'upper world' (in
opposition to the underworld), with the semantic development similar to the one seen in Russ.
svet 'world, light'. The name of Britain attested in ancient authors, Aґlbion, is presumably
from the same root, as well as the OIr. name for Britain and (later) Scotland, Albu.
References: Delamarre 36, Falileyev 52, Meid 1991.
Proto-Celtic: *al(i)yo- 'other' – друг [Pronoun]
Old Irish: aile [io]
Middle Welsh: eil, allMiddle Breton: eil
Cornish: yl
Gaulish: Allo-broges [PN], allos (La Graufesenque)
Proto-Indo-European: *h2elyo- 'other'
Page in Pokorny: 25f.
IE cognates: Lat. alius, Go. aljis
Notes: Celtib. ailam, which has been interpreted as the Acc. s of this pronoun (e. g. McCone
1996: 109), has also been taken to mean something like 'place, abode' (e. g. Meid 1994: 48).
References: LEIA A-31f., Delamarre 39f., McCone 1996: 109, Meid 1994: 48
Proto-Celtic: *aln-assV- 'sweat' – пот [Noun]
Old Irish: allas [?o n]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2elh1- 'heat'
IE cognates: Hitt. allaniyezzi 'sweats', Gr. aleґa 'body heat, warmth – човешка пот,
Notes: The gender and stem of the OIr. word are not certainly established. According to DIL,
it is an o-stem, and according to De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 272 it is neuter. It is occasionally
spelled allus in early sources, so it could, conceivably, represent an old u-stem neuter
*alnossu- < *alnos-tu-.
References: LEIA A-62, EIEC 560, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 272.
Proto-Celtic: *al-o- 'feed, raise' – питание, растеж [Verb]
Old Irish: alid, -ail; alaid, -ala [subj.]; ailt, -alt [pret.]; altae, -alt [pret.pass.]
Middle Welsh: alu 'bear young'; alho – новородено [3sg.pres.subj.]
Middle Breton: halaff 'bear young, calve'
Proto-Indo-European: *h2elPage in Pokorny: 26
IE cognates: Lat. alo, Gr. neѓlЊґs 'strong', Go. alan 'grow' – голям, растящ
References: LIV 262, KPV 193-195, LEIA A-57, GPC I: 73
Proto-Celtic: *alten- 'razor' – бръснач [Noun]
Old Irish: ailt [n f]
Middle Welsh: elinn gl. nouacula (OW), MW ellyn [m and f]
Middle Breton: altin gl. ferula (OBret.) [f]
Notes: I find doubtful Pokorny's etymology (p. 986) which derives these Celtic words from
PIE *(s)pel- 'cut' (German spalten). Falileyev (53) accepts this etymology.
References: LEIA A-34, LP 47, Falileyev 53, GPC I: 1209
Proto-Celtic: *altiyo- 'fosterling, client' – подчинан, васал [Noun]
Old Irish: altae [io m]
Middle Welsh: eillt [m] 'unfree landholder, subject, vassal'
See also: *al-o- 'feed, raise'
References: GPC I: 73
Proto-Celtic: *alto- 'height, cliff' – висока, стръмна скала, връх [Noun]
Old Irish: alt [o m]
Middle Welsh: allt [f] 'hill' - хълм
Middle Breton: pen-an-aout 'top of the hill' – връх на хълм
Cornish: als gl. litus
Notes: These words are probably related to Lat. altus 'high'. Some derive them from the root
*h2el- 'feed, raise'; the semantic development fwould have been 'raised' > 'high'.
References: LEIA A-63f., LP 47, GPC I: 78.
Proto-Celtic: *altr-awon- 'foster-uncle' – опекун [Noun]
Old Irish: altra [n m] 'foster-father'
Middle Welsh: athro [m] 'teacher', - учител athrawon [p]
Middle Breton: autrou 'lord, master - господар'
Cornish: altrou 'stepfather' – втори баща, настойник
See also: *al-o- 'nourish' – храня, храненик
Notes: The second element of this compound, PCelt. *awі / *awon-, is the Celtic parallel to
Lat. auunculus 'uncle' (see Stµber 1998: 109f.). It is preserved also in Bret. eontr, W ewythi
'uncle' < *awon-t–r.
References: GPC I: 235, Stµber 1998: 109f.
Proto-Celtic: *amaro- 'pain' – блока, страдание [Noun]
Old Irish: amar [o m] 'wailing, moaning' – виене, охкане (от болка)
Middle Welsh: afar [m] 'sadness, lamentation' – страдания, оплаквания, тъга
References: LEIA A-65, GPC I: 41, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 317.
Proto-Celtic: *ambaxto- 'servant' – слуга [Noun]
Middle Welsh: amaeth [m] 'servus arans'
Middle Breton: ambaith (OBret.)
Gaulish: ambaktos, ambactus (Festus, Caesar)
Proto-Indo-European: *h2mbhi-h2eg'See also: *ag-oNotes: OHG ambaht 'servant' is a Celtic loanword.
References: Delamarre 40, Lewis 30, Birkhan 1970: 58, Meid 2005: 162f.
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Proto-Celtic: *ambi- 'around' – около, в кръг [Preposition]
Old Irish: imb, imm [aspirating, +Acc.]
Middle Welsh: im (OW), MW am
Middle Breton: am, em
Gaulish: ambiCeltiberian: ambi (ampi-)
Proto-Indo-European: *h2embhi 'around, about'
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IE cognates: Skt. abhiґ, Gr. amphiґ, Lat. ambiReferences: EIEC 32, Delamarre 41f., Falileyev 90, Coґlera 1998: 88, 96, 103
Proto-Celtic: *ambi-gab- 'meet' – събирам [Verb]
Old Irish: imm-immgaib 'avoids'
Middle Welsh: ymgaffael 'meet, sleep with' (GPC ymgael, ymgaff(a)el)
See also: *gab-yoReferences: GPC III: 3778
Proto-Celtic: *ambi-gwan-o- 'fight (each other)' - борба
Old Irish: imm-goin
Middle Welsh: ymwan (GPC ymwan(u))
Cornish: omwana 'pierce oneself' – наранявам се
See also: *gwan-oReferences: KPV 363f., GPC III: 3806
Proto-Celtic: *ambi-rѓd-–- 'think' – мисля, смятам [Verb]
Old Irish: imm-raґdi 'think'
Middle Welsh: amraud (OW) 'thought' - обаче
See also: *rѓd-–References: LEIA R-3, Falileyev 6
Proto-Celtic: *amsterѓ 'time, moment' – време, момент [Noun]
Old Irish: aimser [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: amser [m] 'time', amser 'because, when' (OW), MW amser [m and f] 'time'
Middle Breton: amzer [f]
Cornish: anser gl. tempus (OC)
Notes: In OIr. there is the noun am(m) [n] 'time', which reflects the root *amo- from which
*amsterѓ must be derived. However, its etymology is unknown (LEIA A-67). It is also
unclear why W amser is masculine - it may be from PCelt. by-form *amsteroReferences: LEIA A-3, LP 21, Falleyev 6, GPC I: 102, Campanile 1974: 3.
Proto-Celtic: *am-(y)o- 'wash' – мия се [Verb]
Old Irish: ind-aim < *ande-ameti
Proto-Indo-European: *h2emReferences: LIV 265, KPV 195
Proto-Celtic: *ana- 'breathe, remain' – живея, съществувам, оставам, стоя [Verb]
Old Irish: anaid, -ana 'waits, remains'; anaid, -ana [subj.]; anais, -an [pret.]
Middle Welsh: kynhanu 'pronounce' < *kom-anaMiddle Breton: ehanaff 'remain' – чакам, стоя< *eks-anaProto-Indo-European: *h2enh1- 'breathe, blow'
Page in Pokorny: 38f.
IE cognates: Skt. aґniti 'breathes', Gr. aґnemos 'breath', Lat. animus 'spirit'
References: LIV 267f, KPV 196f, LEIA A-71
Proto-Celtic: *anam– 'blemish, fault' – позор, вина, грях [Noun]
Old Irish: anim [?–, later ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: anamou gl. mendae (OW), MW anaf
Middle Breton: anaf, anaff 'fault', OBret. di-anam gl. efficaciter
Notes: The PCelt. reconstruction is here based on the somewhat doubtful assumption that the
OIr. words is an ancient –-stem (it also inflects as ѓ-stem, but the Np anmi might be an
indication that –-inflection is original). Pokorny's connection of these words with Gr. oґnomai
'blame, injure' is improbable. It is possible that *an- is the negative prefix in this word; cp.
also the parallelism between OBret. di-anam and OIr. dianim 'faultless'.
References: LEIA A-78, DGVB 63, GPC I: 106
Proto-Celtic: *anamon- 'soul' – душа [Noun]
Old Irish: anim [n f]
Middle Breton: eneff
Cornish: enef
Proto-Indo-European: *h2enh1-monPage in Pokorny: 38
IE cognates: Lat. anima 'soul'
See also: *anatlѓ 'breath' – дъх, полъх
Notes: In both branches of Insular Celtic the reflexes of this PCelt. etymon were influenced
by Lat. anima.
References: LEIA A-78.
Proto-Celtic: *anatlѓ 'breath' – полъх [Noun]
Old Irish: anaґl [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: anadyl, anadl [f and m]
Middle Breton: alazn
Cornish: anal, anel
Proto-Indo-European: *h2enh1-tloPage in Pokorny: 38
IE cognates: Lat. animus, Gr. aґnemos < *h2enh1-moNotes: Gaul. anatia (Larzac) should perhaps be translated as 'souls' (Lambert) and related to
these words.
References: LEIA A-73, GPC: I: 104, EIEC 82, 98., McCone 1996: 51., Delamarre 44f.
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Proto-Celtic: *anderѓ 'young woman' – млада жена [Noun]
Old Irish: ander [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: anneir [f] 'heifer' – телица, юница (GPC anner, annair)
Middle Breton: anner 'heifer'
Cornish: annoer gl. uitula
Gaulish: ? anderon [Gen. p]
Notes: It has been often suggested that there is a connection of this Celtic etymon and Basque
andere 'lady, woman', but this might be only a chance ressemblance. The meaning of Gaulish
anderon is not certain (it might rather be related to L inferus), so this word might be unrelated
after all.
References: LEIA A-76, GPC I: 136, Lambert 1994: 155, Delamarre 47.
Proto-Celtic: *aneg-o- 'protect' . защита [Verb]
Old Irish: aingid, anaig; anais, -ain [subj.]; anais, -ain [fut.]; anacht, -anacht [pret.]; anachtae,
-anacht [pret.pass.]
Proto-Indo-European: _*h1egH-
Page in Pokorny: 290
IE cognates: Lat. egeo, ON ekla 'lack'
References: LIV 231, KPV 197-200, LEIA A-76f, Schrijver 1995: 86
Proto-Celtic: *aneg-tlo- 'refuge, protection' – подслон, защита [Noun]
Old Irish: anacul [o, n]
Gaulish: Anextlo-marus 'attribute of Apollo', perhaps 'he, whose protection is great'
See also: *aneg-oNotes: The meaning of Anextlo-mѓros is doubtful; since the suffix *-tlo- usually has
instrumental meaning, perhaps Anextlomѓros originally meant "he of the great shelter".
References: LEIA A-77, Schrijver 1995: 86, Delamarre 49, Dottin 1920: 227, Lujaґn 2003:
188, Markey 2003.
Proto-Celtic: *angu- 'narrow' – тесен [Adjective]
Old Irish: cumung < *kom-inguMiddle Welsh: ing
Middle Breton: enc (OBret.), MBret. encq
Proto-Indo-European: *h2eng'hu- 'tight, narrow, constricted'
Page in Pokorny: 42f.
IE cognates: Skt. am·hu- 'narrow', Lat. ango 'strangle', OHG engi 'narrow'
See also: *kom-anguReferences: LEIA C-292, DGVB 159, EIEC 391
Proto-Celtic: *angw–nѓ 'nail' – нокът, гвоздей [Noun]
Old Irish: ingen [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: eguin (OW), MW ewin [m and f]
Middle Breton: eguin gl. adungem (OBret.), Bret. euin
Cornish: euuin gl. unguis
Proto-Indo-European: *h3noghu-, Gen. *h3nghew-s 'nail'
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IE cognates: Lat. unguis, Gr. oґnyks, OCS nogъtь, ToA maku [p] 'nails'
References: LP 34, EIEC 389, LHEB 387, Falileyev 52, GPC I: 1262, Campanile 1974: 45,
De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 219, 447
Proto-Celtic: *ank-o- 'reach' – обсег [Verb]
Old Irish: -ic, do-ic 'come'; -tiґ [subj.]; taґnicc [pret.], ro-ic 'reach'; -riґcht [pret.pass.], con-ic 'can', etc.
Middle Welsh: rynghu 'reach' < *fro-ank-, reingk [3sg pres.]
Middle Breton: renc, rencq 'reaches' [3sg pres.]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2nek'Page in Pokorny: 316-318
IE cognates: Skt. asґnoґti 'reaches', Lat. nanciscor
References: LIV 282-284, KPV 200-202, McCone 1991a
Proto-Celtic: *anku- 'death' – смърт [Noun]
Old Irish: eґc [u m]
Middle Welsh: angau
Middle Breton: ancou (OBret.)
Cornish: ankow
Proto-Indo-European: *nek'u- 'death'
Page in Pokorny: 762
IE cognates: Gr. neґkys 'corpse', Avest. nasu- 'corpse', ToA on†k 'man' – човек, смъртен
Notes: OIr. eґcht is another derivative from the same root. It can be derived from PCelt. anxti
< PIE *nk'ti-.
References: DGVB 64, EIEC 150, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 97
Proto-Celtic: *anman 'name' - име [Noun]
Old Irish: ainm [n n]
Middle Welsh: anu (OW), MW enw [m]
Middle Breton: hanu
Cornish: enw
Gaulish: anuana [p] (Larzac)
Proto-Indo-European: *h3nomn 'name'
Page in Pokorny: 321
IE cognates: Hitt. lѓman, Skt. nѓґman, Lat. nЎmen, Gr. oґnoma, Goth. namЎ, OPr. emmens
Notes: The Celtic forms are derived from the oblique cases of this PIE word, i.e. from
References: LEIA A-36f., GPC I: 1220, Lambert 1994: 18f., Falileyev 8, Delamarre 50f.,
McCone 1996: 50, 64, 61, 72, 80, 117, 127, 134, Matasovicґ 2004: 122
Proto-Celtic: *ansyo- 'reins' – юзда [Noun]
Old Irish: eґis(s)i [?io m p]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2ensyo- 'reins'
Page in Pokorny: 48
IE cognates: Gr. (Myc.) a-ni-ja, Gr. hЊniґa
References: EIEC 481
Proto-Celtic: *anto- 'border' – граница [Noun]
Gaulish: antom (Vercelli)
Proto-Indo-European: *h2ento- 'border'
Page in Pokorny: 48ff.
IE cognates: Skt. aґnta-, Goth. andeis 'end' - край
References: Delamarre 50
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Proto-Celtic: *antono- 'forehead' – чело [Noun]
Old Irish: eґtan [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2ent- 'face, forehead'
Page in Pokorny: 209
IE cognates: Skt. aґnti 'in front of', Lat. ante 'in front of', Hitt. hant-, ToB ѓnte 'surface,
See also: *anto- 'border'
References: EIEC 209, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 256, 450
Proto-Celtic: *aratro- 'plow' [Noun]
Old Irish: arathar [o n or m]
Middle Welsh: ara[ter] (OW), MW aradr [m]
Middle Breton: arazr
Cornish: aradar gl. aratrum
Proto-Indo-European: *h2erh3-troPage in Pokorny: 62
IE cognates: Lat. aratrum, Gr. aґrotron, Lith. aґrklas
See also: *ar-yo- 'to plow'
References: LEIA A-84f., LP 2, 93, Falileyev 9, GPC I: 175, McCone 1996: 51, 53ff.,
Campanile 1974: 9
Proto-Celtic: *arawar / *arawen- 'grain, cereal' – жито, житно зърно [Noun]
Old Irish: arbor [n n]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2erh3wr 'field'
Page in Pokorny: 63
IE cognates: Lat. aruum 'plowed field' Gr. (Myc.) a-ro-u-ra 'field' – поле
See also: *ar-yoNotes: The inflection of OIr. arbor shows that this word was a heterocliton in PCelt. The
exact development of W erw 'field' is unclear to me. McCone 1994: 72 assumes that it is
from the British p. arw– via raising.
References: LEIA A-85, EIEC 200, McCone 1994: 72, McCone 1996: 49, 53, Hamp 1995.
Proto-Celtic: *ardi- 'point, extremity, direction' – крайна точка на пътуване [Noun]
Old Irish: aird [i f]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2erdiPage in Pokorny: 63
IE cognates: Gr. aґrdis 'point (of spear)'
References: LEIA A-40f., EIEC 439, De Bernardo Stempel 199: 71, Matasovicґ 2004: 115
Proto-Celtic: *ardwo- 'high' – висок [Adjective]
Old Irish: ard [o]
Gaulish: Ardu-enna (silua)
Proto-Indo-European: *h2erHdh-wo- 'upright' – стълб, подпора
Page in Pokorny: 339
IE cognates: Lat. arduus 'high, difficult', Skt. іrdhvaґ-, Gr. orthoґs 'upright'
Notes: G orthoґs can be derived from *h2orHdhwo- quite regularly (the loss of the laryngeal is
expected after oR).
References: LEIA A-87, EIEC 269, McCone 1996: 103, Delamarre 51f.
Proto-Celtic: *arextu- 'conversation, assembly, meeting' – беседа, събрание, среща [Noun]
Old Irish: airecht [u m] 'assembly'
Middle Welsh: areith [f] 'conversation' (GPC araith)
Middle Breton: areih (Vannetais) 'dispute'
Cornish: areth
References: LEIA A-43, GPC I: 176
Proto-Celtic: *arganto- 'silver' – сребро [Noun]
Old Irish: argat [t n]
Middle Welsh: argant (OW), MW ariant [m] (GPC arian, ariant)
Middle Breton: argant (OBret.), Bret. arc'hant
Cornish: argans
Gaulish: Arganto-magus [Toponym]
Celtiberian: arkato- (K.0.7)
Proto-Indo-European: *h2erg'-nt-oPage in Pokorny: 64
IE cognates: Lat. argentum, Skt. rajataґReferences: LEIA A-88, EIEC 518, 641., DGVB 72, Falileyev 11, GPC I: 203, LP 33, LHEB
467f., Coґlera 1998: 20, Lambert 1994: 76f., Delamarre 53, Birkhan 1970: 121, Campanile
1974: 9., McCone 1994: 80.
Proto-Celtic: *argyo- 'white' – бял [Adjective], 'snow' – сняг [Noun]
Middle Welsh: eiry (GPC eira, eiry) [m] 'snow'
Middle Breton: erc'h
Cornish: irch
Gaulish: Argio-talus [PN]
See also: *argant- 'silver'
References: Delamarre 54
Proto-Celtic: *aro- 'ploughing, ploughed land' – разорана земя [Noun]
Old Irish: ar [o n > m] 'tilling, husbandry'
Middle Welsh: ar [m] 'ploughed land' (GPC …r)
Proto-Indo-European: *h2erh3-o- 'ploughing'
See also: *ar-yoReferences: LEIA A-81, GPC I: 174
Proto-Celtic: *arto- 'bear' – мечка [Noun]
Old Irish: art [o m] 'bear, hero, warrior' – мечка, герой, войн
Middle Welsh: arth [m and f]
Middle Breton: Ard-, Arth- (OBret.), Bret. arz – мечка
Gaulish: Artio [Theonym]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2rtk'o- 'bear'
Page in Pokorny: 845
IE cognates: Hitt. hartagga-, Gr. aґrktos, Lat. ursus
Notes: Basque hartz 'bear' is presumably a Celtic loanword. The development of the syllabic
resonant *r > ar before a stop is probably to be explained by assuming that *tk' first changed
to PCelt. *xt, and that *x behaved like *s when the syllabic resonant developed vocalis
prothesis. Thus we had *h2rtk'os > *(H)rxtos > *arxtos > *artos. Another, less probable
explanation would involve positing a special rule *h2rC > *arC before CRC > CriC (Joseph
1982: 50f.).
References: LEIA A-91, LP 25, GPC I: 212, EIEC 55, 98, Matasovicґ 2004: 87, Delamarre
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Proto-Celtic: *arto- 'stone' – камък [Noun]
Old Irish: art
Gaulish: artuass 'stones' (Todi)
Notes: This is a rather weak etymology, since the OIr. word is known only from glossaries
(its gender and stem formation are unknown), and the meaning of the Gaulish noun is not
ascertained (cp. Lambert 1994: 74)
References: LEIA A-91
Proto-Celtic: *aryo- 'free man' – свободен човек (ариец) [Noun]
Old Irish: aire [k m, originally io m]
Gaulish: Ario-manus, Ario-vistus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2eryoPage in Pokorny: 24, 67
IE cognates: Skt. aryaґ- 'kind, favorable'
Notes: The k-stem of OIr. aire is clearly secondary, as Dat. p airib is also attested. The word
was therefore originally a yo-stem. A different etymology (e. g. in Meid 2005: 146) relates
these Celtic words to PIE *prh3- 'first' (Skr. pіrvaґ- etc.), but this is less convincing because
there are no traces of laryngeal in Celtic.
References: LEIA A-42, EIEC 213, Delamarre 55, Meid 2005: 146.
Proto-Celtic: *ar-yo- 'plow' –плуг [Verb]
Old Irish: airid, -air; araid, -ara [subj.]; ebraid, -ebra [fut.]
Middle Welsh: eredic, ardd [3sg. pres.]
Middle Breton: arat ; aret [part. pret. pass.]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2erh3- 'plow'
Page in Pokorny: 62f
IE cognates: Lat. aro, Go. arjan
Notes: The future stem (ebraid) is suppletive in OIr. It can be derived from PCelt. *ibrѓse/oReferences: KPV 204f, LIV 272f
Proto-Celtic: *astno- 'bone, rib' – кост, ребро [Noun]
Old Irish: asna, esna [io m] 'rib' – ребро
Middle Welsh: eisen [Singulative f] 'rib'
Proto-Indo-European: *h2osth1 'bone'
Page in Pokorny: 783
IE cognates: Hitt. hastѓi-, Skt. aґsthi, Lat. os, ossis
References: GPC I: 1198, EIEC 77, De Bernardo Stempel 368, Matasovicґ 2004: 97, 108
Proto-Celtic: *ati-gwan-o- 'strike again' – удряне [Verb]
Old Irish: ad-goin
Middle Welsh: atwanaf [1s Pres.] (GPC adwanaf)
See also: *gwan-oReferences: KPV 362ff., GPC I: 28
Proto-Celtic: *ati-liy-o- 'stick, adhere to' – залапвам, доближавам плътно [Verb]
Old Irish: ad-len
Middle Welsh: edlynu
See also: *liy-oReferences: KPV 453f., GPC I: 1166
Proto-Celtic: *ati-new-o- 'promise, assent to' –обещание, съгласие [Verb]
Old Irish: ad-noiґ 'entrust' – поверявам
Middle Welsh: adneu [m] 'inhumation, deposit (in the earth), pledge' (GPC adnau)
Middle Breton: adnou 'deposit'
Proto-Indo-European: *new- 'nod, assent to'
Page in Pokorny: 767
IE cognates: Lat. ad-nuo, Skt. naґvate 'move, turn oneself', Gr. neuґЎ 'nod'
Notes: The British forms do not agree very well in meaning with the OIr. verb; for semantic
develpoment see LEIA N-13
References: LEIA N-13, GPC I: 24, LIV 410
Proto-Celtic: *at–r 'father' – баща [Noun]
Old Irish: athir, athair [r m]
Gaulish: atrebo
Proto-Indo-European: *ph2tЊr 'father'
Page in Pokorny: 829
IE cognates: Skt. pitaґr-, Lat. pater, Go. fadar
See also: *attyo-, *atriyoReferences: LEIA A-100, EIEC100, 194, Lambert 1994: 16
Proto-Celtic: *atriyo- 'paternal' – бащински [Adjective]
Old Irish: aithre [io m] 'paternal family'
Middle Welsh: edrydd [m] 'paternal domain'
See also: *at–r
References: LEIA A-100, GPC I: 1168, EIEC 195
Proto-Celtic: *attrebѓ 'settlement' – селище [Noun]
Old Irish: attrab [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: athref [f] 'domicilium'
Gaulish: Atrebates [Ethnonym]
See also: *trebѓ
Notes: The geminate in Celtic is doubtlessly the result of assimilation from *ad-trebѓ, cp. W
tref 'home, town' < *trebѓ
References: GPC I: 235, LP 123, 147, Delamarre 59
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Proto-Celtic: *attyo-, *tato- 'father, foster father' – баща, настойник [Noun]
Old Irish: aite [io m]
Middle Welsh: tat
Middle Breton: tat
Cornish: tat gl. pater
Proto-Indo-European: *attaPage in Pokorny: 71
IE cognates: Gr. aґtta, Go. atta, Lat. atta
Notes: Nursery words not really derivable from the same prototype (the British forms are
from a reduplicated root *tato-).
References: LEIA A-52f., Campanile 1974: 98.
Proto-Celtic: *aw 'from' – от, за [Preposition]
Old Irish: oґ, uґa [aspirating, +Dat.]
Middle Welsh: o (OW and MW)
Middle Breton: o
Proto-Indo-European: *h2ew 'away'
Page in Pokorny: 73
IE cognates: Lat. au-, Skt. aґva, OCS uNotes: The OIr. conjunction oґ (and MW o) 'when' is the same word (in the unstressed
position). There is, in OIr., also the adverb aґu 'away'
References: LEIA O-1, EIEC 37, Falileyev 122f.,
Proto-Celtic: *aw- 'negative prefix and particle' – негативен префикс, уви [Particle]
Old Irish: uaProto-Indo-European: *h2ewPage in Pokorny: 72
IE cognates: OCS u-(bogъ) 'poor' – беден, слаб,
See also: *aw- 'from'
Notes: This is perhaps the same entry as *aw- 'from' (see Hamp, Celtica21: 173-177).
References: LEIA U-1
Proto-Celtic: *awe-C- 'inspiration, insight' – вдъхновение, проницателност [Noun]
Old Irish: aui, aiґ [t m> f] 'poetic inspiration'
Middle Welsh: awen [f] 'poetic inspiration, talent'
See also: *awelѓ
References: LEIA A-19 , GPC I: 240, De Bernardo Stempel 172
Proto-Celtic: *awelѓ 'breeze, wind' – бриз, вятър [Noun]
Middle Welsh: awel [f] 'breeze'
Middle Breton: avel 'wind', OBret. [p] auelou gl. aurarum
Cornish: auhel gl. aura (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *h2uh1-elPage in Pokorny: 81ff.
IE cognates: Gr. aґella 'stormwind'
Notes: The Celtic forms presuppose the full grade of the root, *h2ewh1-el, while Gr. aґella is
from *h2uh1el-. We are probably dealing with an archaic neuter l-stem here, with N s
*h2ewh1l G s *h2uh1el-s. Both the Greek and the Celtic reflexes may be from the old
(collective) plural.
References: DGVB 77, GPC I: 240, Campanile 1974: 11
Proto-Celtic: *awon-t–r 'uncle', чичо, вуйчо [Noun]
Middle Welsh: ewythr [m]
Middle Breton: eontr
Proto-Indo-European: *h2ewh2-onPage in Pokorny: 89
IE cognates: Lat. auunculus
Notes: OIr. amnair 'maternal uncle' is derived from the same root in the oblique cases and
with a different suffix (*awn-er).
References: LEIA A-67, GOI 214, GPC I: 1265f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 128, Schrijver
1995: 365ff., Stµber 1998: 110.
Proto-Celtic: *aws- 'ear' – уго, слух [Noun]
Old Irish: au, oґ [s n]
Gaulish: Su-ausia [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2ews- 'ear'
Page in Pokorny: 785
IE cognates: Lat. auris, OE Њare
References: LEIA A-102, EIEC 173. De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 35, 148
Proto-Celtic: *awі- (?) 'liver' – черен дроб [Noun]
Old Irish: oґa [f], oґeib [Dat p]
Middle Welsh: afu [m and f], ahu
Middle Breton: avu
Notes: The reconstruction of the PCelt. form is very uncertain. It appears possible to relate
these Celt. words to the PIE word for 'kidney' (бъбъреци), *h2eh2r- (Hitt. hahri- etc., see
PCelt. *ѓron-), if one starts from PIE oblique stem *h2h2on- ? > PCelt. *aon- > *awon-, from
which the new Nom. s *awі was formed. The stem of the oblique cases, *awon-, was
subsequently lost in both British and in Goidelic.
References: LEIA O-2, GPC I: 46, Pedersen I 313.
Proto-Celtic: *axsilѓ 'axis' – ос [Noun]
Middle Welsh: echel [f]
Middle Breton: ahel
Proto-Indo-European: *h2ek's- 'axis'
Page in Pokorny: 6
IE cognates: Lat. axis, Lith. a«i°s
Notes: OIr. ais [f] 'back' might be related, but there are semantic problems with this
References: LEIA A-50, GPC I: 1160, LP 20, EIEC 39
Proto-Celtic: *axto-, *axt–no- 'furze, gorse' - бот. прещип [Noun]
Old Irish: aitten [o m]
Middle Welsh: aeth, eithin
Middle Breton: ethin gl. rusci (OBret.)
Cornish: eythinen [Singulative] gl. ramnus
Notes: W aeth preserves the original underived noun. The British forms presuppose a
feminine noun (presumably old collective) *axt–nѓ, while OIr. aitten presupposes *axtinoReferences: LEIA A-57, DGVB 168, GPC I: 1203
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Proto-Celtic: *aydu- 'fire' – огън [Noun]
Old Irish: aґed [?u n]
Middle Welsh: aidd [m and f] 'ardor'
Middle Breton: oaz 'ardor, jealousy'
Proto-Indo-European: *h2eydhos 'fire, firewood' – дърва за огрев
Page in Pokorny: 11
IE cognates: Skt. eґdhas, OE aґd 'bonfire', Lat. aedes 'building, temple'
Notes: It is uncertain whether the British forms belong here, because the vocalims are
aberrant. See LEIA s. v. aed. It is possible that the Ethnonym Aedui should be derived from
the same PCelt. form (Delamarre 35). OIr. aґed is not well attested, but it appears to be an ustem (the Gen. s is aґeda).
References: LEIA A-20, GPC I: 69, EIEC 87, Delamarre 35f.
Proto-Celtic: *ay-(s)to- 'life, age' – живот, възраст [Noun]
Old Irish: aґes, oґes [o n]
Middle Welsh: ois (OW) [f] 'age', MW oes; oit [f and m] (OW) 'time, period', MW oed
Middle Breton: oit (OBret.), MBret. oet
Cornish: huis gl. seculum (OCo.), Co. oys
Celtiberian: aiuizas (?) (Botorrita I)
Proto-Indo-European: *h2ey-wo- 'age'
IE cognates: Lat. aeuum, Go. aiws
Notes: The Goidelic and British forms differ to some extent. Perhaps we should reconstruct
both PCelt. *ayto- (> MW oed) and *aysso- < *ayt-so- (MW oes). Cp. also Ogam PN Avittoriges and OBret. Oed-ri.
References: LEIA A-21, LP 9, Falileyev 124, DGVB 275, Campanile 1974: 66, Schrijver
1995: 194
Proto-Celtic: *bakko- '(curved) stick, hook' - крива тояга, кука [Noun]
Old Irish: bacc [o m] 'stick' – тояга
Middle Welsh: bach [m and f] (OW and MW) 'hook, peg' – кука, крива клечка
Middle Breton: bah (OBret.), MBret. bach 'hook'
Cornish: bagh
Proto-Indo-European: *bak- 'stick'
Page in Pokorny: 93
IE cognates: Lat. baculum, Gr. baґktron
Notes: Because of the word-initial *b- and the vowel *a it contained, this word is suspect of
being aWanderwort, a loan from some unknown source. This is possible if the original
meaning was "shepherd's staff" vel. sim.
References: LEIA B-2, DGVB 77, GPC I: 246, Falileyev 13, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
Proto-Celtic: *balko- 'strong' – силен [Adjective]
Old Irish: balc [o]
Middle Welsh: balch 'fine, proud, strong, brave' – хубав, горд, смел, храбър
Middle Breton: balc'h
Cornish: balgh
Proto-Indo-European: *bhel- 'strength'
Page in Pokorny: 120
IE cognates: OE beald 'bold' – смел, дързък
References: LEIA B-12, GPC I: 251
Proto-Celtic: *ballo- 'member, limb' – крайник (пенис, хуй) [Noun]
Old Irish: ball [o m] ball ferda gl. membrum uirile – пишка
Gaulish: Ballo-marios [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *bhalPage in Pokorny: 120
IE cognates: Gr. phalloґs 'penis' – хуй
References: LEIA B-12, Ellis-Evans 1967: 147, Delamarre 65f.
Proto-Celtic: *bal-ni- 'throw away, die' – хвърлям, жребии [Verb]
Old Irish: a-t-baill 'dies' < *eks-id-bal-ni- 'throws it'; -bela [Subj.]; -beґla [Fut.]; -balt [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: aballu 'die, perish' – загивам < *ad-bal-; aballaf [1s Pres.]
Proto-Indo-European: * gwelh1Page in Pokorny: 471f.
IE cognates: Gr. baґllЎ 'throw'
References: LP 340, LEIA B-12, GPC I: 2, KPV 212, LIV 208
Proto-Celtic: *banatlo- 'broom-plant, broom' – метла, мета [Noun]
Middle Welsh: banadl [p] 'broom, often fig. for woman's golden hair' жена с коса като
метла (руса)
Middle Breton: balazn, benal
Cornish: banathel gl. genesta
Gaulish: *balano- > OFrench balain
References: Delamarre 65, GPC I: 253
Proto-Celtic: *bandyѓ 'drop' – капка [Noun]
Old Irish: banne [iѓ f]
Middle Welsh: ban [m]
Middle Breton: banne
Cornish: banne gl. gutta
Notes: These words are not related to Skt. binduґ- 'drop' for reasons clearly stated in EIEC
References: LEIA B-7f., GPC I: 253, EIEC 477
Proto-Celtic: *banwo- 'young pig, piglet' – малко прасенце [Noun]
Old Irish: banb [o m]
Middle Welsh: banw [m and f]; beinw [p]
Middle Breton: ban gl. scrofa
Cornish: baneu gl. sus (OCo.)
Gaulish: Banuus [PN]
References: LEIA B-14, GPC I: 255, LP 6, Ellis-Evans 1967: 149, Delamarre 66f.,
Campanile 1974: 12.
Proto-Celtic: *baragenѓ '(barley) bread' – ечемичен хляб [Noun]
Old Irish: bairgen [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: bara [m]
Middle Breton: bara
Cornish: bara gl. panis, bara can 'white bread'
Proto-Indo-European: *bhar-s- 'barley'
Page in Pokorny: 111
IE cognates: Lat. far 'grain, coarse meal', OE bere 'barley', Russ. boґro«no 'ryemeal'
Notes: The PCelt. reconstruction is based on OIr., but *baraginѓ appears equally possible; the
British forms could be from underived *barago- (cp. Lat. farrѓgЎ)
References: LEIA B-9, LP 31,GPC I: 256, EIEC 51, Campanile 1974: 12.
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Proto-Celtic: *bar(an)- 'furor, anger' – ярост, гняв [Noun]
Old Irish: barae [n f]
Middle Welsh: b…r [m], baran [m]
Middle Breton: bere-hic gl. furibundus (OBret.), baran (OBret.)
Gaulish: ? Ambi-barii (Caesar, B. G. VII 75 4).
Notes: Cp. also OBret. PN Bleid-bara 'furious wolf'. These words might be from the PIE root
*bherH- 'pierce, injure' (Lat. ferio, OCS borenie 'fight', Gr. phaґros 'plough', etc.), but this is
uncertain (one would have to start with the n-stem *bherЎn / *bherHnos, which would give
PCelt. *beran-, then *baran- by Joseph's rule; Stµber's stem *barn- is impossible, since this is
a root in laryngeal, cp. the acute in Lith. baґrti 'scold').
References: LEIA B-17, GPC I: 256, DGVB 79, Stµber 1998: 171f.
Proto-Celtic: *bardo- 'bard, poet' – певец, поет [Noun]
Old Irish: bard [o m]
Middle Welsh: bardd [m]; beirdd, beirddion, beirddiaid [p]
Middle Breton: barz
Cornish: barth gl. mimus, scurra
Gaulish: *bardos, bardus (Festus), Bardo-magus [Toponym]
Proto-Indo-European: *gwrH-dhh1o-, *gwerH- 'praise'
Page in Pokorny: 478
IE cognates: Skt. gr·n·ѓti 'call, praise', Lat. grѓtus 'delightful', Lith. gi°rti 'praise'
References: LEIA B-18, GPC I: 257, LP 33, LIV 188f., EIEC 436, 449, Delamarre 67,
Campanile 1974: 12, Schrijver 1995: 143
Proto-Celtic: *barinѓ 'rock, rocky ground' – скала, скалиста земя (дъно) [Noun]
Old Irish: bairenn [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: brennigen [Singulative] 'barcnacle, limpet'
Middle Breton: brennik
Cornish: brennik
Proto-Indo-European: *gwrH-inoPage in Pokorny: 477f.
IE cognates: OCS gora 'mountain', Lith. giria° 'wood', Alb. gur 'rock'.
Notes: The British forms represent derivatives with a velar suffix. English barnacle is
ultimately derived from British *baranѓko-. Celtic preserved the zero-grade of the PIE root
noun *gwЎrHs / *gwrH-os 'woody mountain' and added the suffix *-ino- which is common in
References: LEIA B-9, GPC I: 320, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 459.
Proto-Celtic: *bar-n- 'proclaim' – провъзгласявам [Verb]
Middle Welsh: barnu 'judge, proclaim'; barn – съдия, съдебно решение [Pres.]
Middle Breton: barn
Proto-Indo-European: *gwerH- 'praise' – похвала
Page in Pokorny: 478
IE cognates: Skt. jaґrate 'sings', Lat. grѓtus 'pleasing, beloved', Lith. giriu°, gi°rti 'praise'
References: GPC I: 260, KPV 213, LIV 210f.
Proto-Celtic: *barro- 'point, top' – точка, връх [Noun]
Old Irish: barr [o m]
Middle Welsh: bar [m]
Middle Breton: barr (OBret.), MBret. barr
Cornish: bar
Gaulish: Cuno-barrus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *bhers- 'point'
Page in Pokorny: 109
IE cognates: Skt. bhr•s·tiґ- 'tip, point', OHG borst
Notes: The Celtic forms should be derived from the zero-grade *bhrso- of an ablauting rootnoun with the N s *bhЎrs.
References: LEIA B-20, B-20, GPC I: 256, EIEC 439, DGVB ?0, Pedersen I: 44, Delamarre
Proto-Celtic: *basko- 'red' – червен [Adjective]
Old Irish: basc [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *bhasPage in Pokorny: 105
IE cognates: OHG beri 'berry'
References: LEIA B-22
Proto-Celtic: *bato- 'death' – смърт [Noun]
Old Irish: bath [n o]
Middle Welsh: bad 'pest, plague' [f]
See also: *bѓ- 'die' - умирам, *bѓsto- 'death' - смърт
Notes: OIr. bath is an archaic word, occurring besides the more usual baґs < *gweh2-sto-. It
can be derived from the zero-grade of the same root, *gwh2-to-. Perhaps related are OCo.
badus gl. lunaticus and Bret. bad 'stupor, giddiness', but the semantic side of this connection
is a problem.
References: LEIA B-22f., GPC I: 247
Proto-Celtic: *bѓ- 'die' – умирам [Verb]
Old Irish: -baґ; bebaid [Fut.]; bebais [Pret.]; -bath [Pret. Pass.]
Proto-Indo-European: *gweh2- 'tread' – вървя (жизнен път)
Page in Pokorny: 463f.
IE cognates: Skt. jiґgati 'steps, goes', Arm. kam 'stand', Lith. dial. goґju, goґti 'go'
References: LIV 205, KPV 214ff.
Proto-Celtic: *bѓd- 'dive, drown' – потъвам, давя се [Verb]
Old Irish: baґidid, -baґidi, baґdfid [Fut], -baґided [Pt. Pass.] 'submerge, drown'
Middle Welsh: boddi
Middle Breton: beuziff
Cornish: buthy, bedhy
Proto-Indo-European: *gweg'h- 'tread, wade'
Page in Pokorny: 465
IE cognates: Skt. gѓґhate 'wade'
Notes: The Celtic formations can be interpreted as causatives or iteratives, derived from
*gwЎg'h-eye- (cp. Croatian gaziti 'tread, wade'). A different, less convincing etymology is
proposed by EIEC 160.
References: LEIA B-6, GPC I: 294f., EIEC 160
Proto-Celtic: *bѓno- 'white, shining' –бял, бляскав (в осетински бан/бон – ден)
Old Irish: baґn [o]
Proto-Indo-European: *bheh2-n- 'shine'
Page in Pokorny: 104
IE cognates: Skt. bhѓґti 'shine', Gr. phaiґnЎ 'show, appear'
References: LEIA B-13, EIEC 115, 513, LIV 54.
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Proto-Celtic: *bѓrego- 'morning' - утро [Noun]
Old Irish: baґrach [o ?] 'tomorrow'
Middle Welsh: bore [m] 'morning'; boreau, boryau, boreuau [p]
Middle Breton: beure
Cornish: bore
Notes: For a tempting, though difficult etymology, see Meid, Studia Celtica IV, 72.
References: LEIA B-16, GPC I: 301, Meid, Studia Celtica IV, 72
Proto-Celtic: *bѓsso- 'death' – смърт [Noun]
Old Irish: baґs [o n]
Proto-Indo-European: *gweh2- 'go'
Page in Pokorny: 480
See also: *bѓ- 'die'
Notes: OIr. baґs is actually the verbal noun to baiЁd 'die'. Another possibility is to relate OIr.
baґs to PIE *(s)gwes- 'put out' (OCS gasiti, G sbeґnnymi etc.).
References: LEIA B-20, Schrijver 1995: 406, 409.
Proto-Celtic: *bebru- 'beaver' – бобър [Noun]
Old Irish: Bibar [PN]
Middle Breton: beuer gl. castor (?)
Gaulish: Bebriacum [Toponym] 'locus castorum' (Tacitus)
Proto-Indo-European: *bhebhru- 'beaver'
Page in Pokorny: 136
IE cognates: Skt. babhrі-, Lat. fiber, E beaver
Notes: It is uncertain whether OBret. beuer is originally Breton, or rather the VLat. reflex of
Lat. biber.
References: DGVB 82, Delamarre 69f.
Proto-Celtic: *bedo- 'grave, ditch' – гроб, дупка [Noun]
Middle Welsh: bedd [m]; beddau, beddi [p]
Middle Breton: bez
Cornish: beth
Celtiberian: (arkato-)bezom (K.0.7)
Proto-Indo-European: *bhedh- 'dig'
Page in Pokorny: 113f.
IE cognates: Lat. fodio, Go. badi 'bed', Lith. bedu°, be°sti
Notes: The same word is preserved in toponymy, e. g. in the hydronyms Le Beґ, Le Bez, etc.
in France, as well as in some substrate words in French and Italian dialects (see Delamarre 70)
References: GPC I: 267, LP 36, Delamarre 70, Villar 1997: 906.
Proto-Celtic: *bego- 'break' – чупя, разбивам [Verb]
Old Irish: do-beig, co-toibget [3p Pres.]
IE cognates: Skt. bhanaґkti , Arm. ebek 'broke', LIth. bengiu° 'end'
Notes: This verb was confused in OIr. with its near-homonym, do-boing (DIL) 'wrests,
plucks, breaks' < *bhungoReferences: KPV 216f, McCone 1991, LIV 66f.
Proto-Celtic: *bek(k)o- 'beak, spout' – човка, нос
Middle Breton: beg
Gaulish: becco- (Sueton)
Notes: This appears to be an 'expressive' word, comparable to Lat. bucca 'mouth'.
References: Lambert 1994: 188
Proto-Celtic: *bekko- 'small' – малък, дребен [Adjective]
Old Irish: bec [o]
Middle Welsh: bach, bychan
Middle Breton: bihan
Cornish: boghan
References: LEIA B-24, GPC I: 246
Proto-Celtic: *bel-o- 'strike' – удар [Verb]
Middle Welsh: bel [3s Pres.]; belu [Verbal Noun] 'pierce, strike –пронизвам, удрям'
Proto-Indo-European: *gwelH- 'suffer'
Page in Pokorny: 470f.
IE cognates: OE cwelan 'suffer', OPr. gallintwei 'kill'
See also: *bal-ni-
Notes: Following LIV and KPV, these forms are to be separated from PIE *gwelh1- 'throw',
Celt. *bal-niReferences: GPC I: 271, KPV 218, LIV 185.
Proto-Celtic: *belyo- 'tree' - дърво[Noun]
Old Irish: bile [io n]
Proto-Indo-European: *bholyo- 'leaf'
Page in Pokorny: 122
IE cognates: Lat. folium, Gr. phyґllon
References: LEIA B-50f.
Proto-Celtic: *benѓў 'woman' – жена [Noun]
Old Irish: beґ [n ], ben [f ], mnaґ [Gen s],
Middle Welsh: ben [f] (OW)
Middle Breton: e-ben 'other', lit. 'his wife' – друга жена, OBret. ban-leu gl. lene
Cornish: benen gl. sponsa
Gaulish: bnanom [Gen p] (Larzac)
Proto-Indo-European: *gwenh2 'woman'
Page in Pokorny: 473
IE cognates: Skt. jaґni, G gynЊґ, OE cwen, OCS јena
Notes: OIr. neuter beґ is an archaic, poetic word, later replaced by ben, which also has
irregular inflection. LEIA derives beґ from a putative proto-form *gwepes- (cp. German Kebse
'concubine'), which is very unconvincing. I assume that the OIr. word beґ is the regular reflex
of *bena, while the 'regularized' form *benѓ yielded ben. OW ben is a hapax, and in OBret.
cp. also ban-doiuis gl. musa, literally 'woman-goddess'.
References: LEIA B-23f., B-31f., GPC I: 271, DGVB 78, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 29, 32,
Lambert 1994: 16, Delamarre 72f., Campanile 1974: 13, Matasovicґ 2004: 83, Hamp 1979,
Jasanoff 1989.
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Proto-Celtic: *bendi- 'melodious, harmonious' – мелодия хармония [Adjective]
Old Irish: bind [i]
Middle Welsh: bann, ban 'high, noble, sonorous, melodious'
Middle Breton: bann gl. canora (OBret.)
See also: *bennoNotes: In W, ban is also a noun [m and f] 'top, tip, summit', also 'horn of animal, corner,
angle'. It is possible that this word and PCelt. *benno- 'top, peak' became confused in Brit.
References: LEIA B-51, GPC I: 253, DGVB 78
Proto-Celtic: *benno- 'peak, top' – връх [Noun]
Old Irish: benn [ѓ f] 'peak, horn'
Middle Welsh: bann [m and f]
Middle Breton: bann
Gaulish: Canto-bennicus (mons) [Toponym]
Proto-Indo-European: *bendPage in Pokorny: 96f.
IE cognates: OE pintel 'penis'
References: LEIA B-35f., GPC I: 253, Pedersen I: 40, Schrijver 1995: 455, Lambert 1994:
Proto-Celtic: *bergѓ 'pillage, robbery' – грабеж, разбойничество [Noun]
Old Irish: berg [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: bery [m] 'bird of prey'
Notes: In MW the compound difer 'treachery' is parallel to OIr. diberg 'raid, pillage'. OBret.
barcot gl. caragios 'sorcerer' and Mod. Bret. barged 'fool' are probably also related.
References: LEIA B-41, GPC I: 276, DGVB 79
Proto-Celtic: *ber-o- 'carry, bring' [Verb]
Old Irish: beirid; beraid [Subj.]; beґraid [Fut.]; birt [Pret.]; brethae [Pret. Pass.]
Middle Welsh: beryt 'flows' [3s Pres.]; beru [Verbal Noun]
Middle Breton: beraff 'flow'; ber – лишавам от неща (блага) (OBret.) [3s Pres.]
Cornish: kemmeres 'take, receive' – вземама, получавам < *kom-beroProto-Indo-European: *bherPage in Pokorny: 128-132
IE cognates: Skt. bhaґrati, Lat. fero, Go. bairan
Notes: Cp. also OBret. diuer gl. influit, W beru 'flow'.
References: KPV 218ff., GPC I: 273, DGVB 145, LIV 76f, Morris Jones 1913: 79, 372f.,
McCone 1991: 67f.
Proto-Celtic: *beru- 'spit' – шиш [Noun]
Old Irish: bir, biur [u n]
Middle Welsh: ber [m] 'spear, lance, shaft' – шиш, острие, нож
Middle Breton: ber
Cornish: ber gl. ueru
Proto-Indo-European: *gweru- 'spear, spit'
Page in Pokorny: 479
IE cognates: Lat. uerі, Umbr. berva, Av. grava- 'staff'
References: LEIA B-51f., GPC I: 272, EIEC 536., Campanile 1974: 13.
Proto-Celtic: *beruro- 'watercress' – вид растение (мокриш) [Noun]
Old Irish: biror [o m]
Middle Welsh: berwr [Collective]
Middle Breton: beror (OBret.)
Cornish: beler (OCo.)
Gaulish: berula (Marcellus of Bordeaux)
Notes: This word is unattested in Gaulish, but we have Gallo-Latin berula > French berle . It
is probable that the Celtic words for watercress should be derived from *beru- 'water, spring,
well' > OIr. bir . The segmentation is, therefore, presumably *beru-ro-. OIr. bir is, in turn,
probably related to PCelt. *berw-ѓ- 'cook, brew'.
References: LEIA B-52., GPC I: 275, DGVB 82, Delamarre 73, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
Proto-Celtic: *berw-ѓ- 'brew, cook' – варя, готвя[Verb]
Old Irish: berbaid; -berba [Subj.]; berbais [Pt.]
Middle Welsh: berwi, berw
Middle Breton: bervi, birvi
Proto-Indo-European: *bherw- 'boil, brew'
Page in Pokorny: 132
IE cognates: Lat. ferueo 'boil', OE brЊowan
Notes: This is a denominative verb, derived from *berwo- > W berw 'stew'. Cp. also Gaul.
Boruo 'a name of Apollon as god of warm sources', cp. Delamarre 83
References: LEIA B-40f., LIV 65, EIEC 76, GPC I: 275, Delamarre 83
Proto-Celtic: *berxto- 'bright, beautiful' – светъл, красив [Adjective]
Middle Welsh: berth 'beautiful, fine, rich'
Middle Breton: berzh 'prosperity'
Proto-Indo-European: *bherHg'-to- 'bright'
Page in Pokorny: 139
IE cognates: OHG beraht 'bright', Russ. beґrest 'elm-tree'
References: GPC I: 274, Schrijver 1995: 67
Proto-Celtic: *betu- 'birch' – бреза [Noun]
Old Irish: beithe [io m]
Middle Welsh: bedw-en [Singulative]
Middle Breton: bezu, bezv-en [Singulative]
Cornish: bedewen gl. populus (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *gwetu- 'pitch' – смола
Page in Pokorny: 480
IE cognates: Skt. jaґtu, OHG cuti, OE cwidu
Notes: The formations within Celtic do not agree. The u-stem in Brit. appears to be more
archaic. Perhaps OIr. beithe can be from a derivative *betwiyo- if the development of *-tw- in
Goidelic is not parallel to the development of *-dw- > OIr. db (cp. Medb < *medwѓ), but
*kwetwores > cethir.
References: LEIA B-28, GPC I: 266, EIEC 65, Campanile 1974: 13
Proto-Celtic: *bЊ-sman 'blow' – удар [Noun]
Old Irish: beґimm [n n]
Middle Breton: boemm
Cornish: bom
Proto-Indo-European: *bheyH- 'hit, strike' – удар
Page in Pokorny: 117f.
IE cognates: OCS biti 'hit'
See also: *bi-naNotes: In OIr. beґimm is the verbal noun of the verb benaid. Its gender cannot be established
with full certainty, it might have been variable.
References: LEIA B-27, Stµber 1998: 63.
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Proto-Celtic: *bЊto-, *biwato- 'food' – храна [Noun]
Old Irish: biґad [o n]
Middle Welsh: bwyd [m]
Middle Breton: boued
Cornish: buit gl. cibus vel esca (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *gwyeh3-to-, *gwih3-uH-toPage in Pokorny: 468
IE cognates: Lat. u–ta 'life', Lith. gyvata°
Notes: OIr. biґad is attested as a bisyllable in early sources, which implies that the proto-form
was *biwato- < *gwiH-uH-to-; the British words can be derived from *bЊto-, ultimately form
References: LEIA B-47f., GPC I: 358, LIV 192f., Hamp, Meґlanges Palmer 88f.
Proto-Celtic: *bibud- 'guilty' – вина [Adjective]
Old Irish: bibdu [d m] 'culprit, enemy'
Middle Welsh: bibid (OW) gl. rei
Middle Breton: bevez 'guilty'
Proto-Indo-European: *bhewd- 'strike'
Page in Pokorny: 112
IE cognates: OE bЊatan 'strike'
Notes: The OIr. form is actually a participle *bibіdwЎt- from a verbal root which is unattested
in Celtic. OW bibid is a hapax in Welsh.
References: LEIA B-48, GPC I: 363, DGVB 82, EIEC 549, LIV 66., Falileyev 15.
Proto-Celtic: *biko- 'bee' – пчела [Noun]
Old Irish: bech [o m]
Middle Welsh: begegyr , bygegyr [m] 'drone'
Proto-Indo-European: *bhi-koPage in Pokorny: 116
IE cognates: OE bЊo, OCS bь‰ela
Notes: Lat. fіcus 'drone' can be derived from *bhoy-ko-, with the o-grade of the same root,
while Lith. bi°te† 'bee' has a completely different suffix. Perhaps we should reconstruct a root
noun *bhЎyk-s / *bhik-os / *bhoyk-m in PIE.
References: LEIA B-24f., GPC I: 363, EIEC 57, De Bernardo Stempel 44
Proto-Celtic: *bi-na- 'strike, hit' [Verb]
Old Irish: benaid ; -bia [Subj.]; biґu [1s Fut.]; biґ [Pret.]; -biґth [Pret. Pass.]
Middle Welsh: kymynu 'hit, cut down' < *kom-bi-na-; kymyn [3s Pres.]
Middle Breton: benaff 'cut'
Gaulish: biietutu 'should strike' [Impv.]
Celtiberian: ne-bintor 'should not be hit' [3p Impv. Med.] (Botorrita I)
Proto-Indo-European: *bheyHPage in Pokorny: 117f.
IE cognates: OLat. perfines 'you should strike' OCS biti 'strike'
References: LIV 72, KPV 226ff., LEIA B-32-34, McCone 1991: 11, 125, RIG II.2: 251-266,
Lambert 1994: 160-172, 214f.
Proto-Celtic: *birro- 'short' – къс [Adjective]
Old Irish: berr [o]
Middle Welsh: byrr (GPC byr)
Middle Breton: berr (OBret.), MBret. berr
Cornish: ber
Gaulish: Birrus [PN], (Gallo-Latin) birrus or birrum 'short cloak'
References: LEIA B-42, GPC I: 364, DGVB 82, Lambert 1994: 188., Delamarre 76.
Proto-Celtic: *bis(s)li- 'gall' – жлъчка [Noun]
Middle Welsh: bisl (OW), MWbystyl
Middle Breton: bistlou gl. humores nigri (OBret.), Bret. bestl
Cornish: bistel gl. fel (OCo.)
IE cognates: Lat. b–lis 'gall'
Notes: The consonant -t- in British is epenthetic, cp. PCelt. *gЊsslo- 'surety, hostage' > W
References: DGVB 84, Campanile 1974: 14, Falileyev 16, Schrijver 1995: 438, Morris Jones
1913: 140.
Proto-Celtic: *bitu- 'world' – свят [Noun]
Old Irish: bith [u m]
Middle Welsh: bid [m] (OW), MW byd [m]
Middle Breton: bit (OBret.), bet
Cornish: bit gl. mundus, bys
Gaulish: Bitu-riges [Ethnonym]
Proto-Indo-European: *gwiH-tu- 'life'
Page in Pokorny: 41
IE cognates: Lat. u–ta 'life', OCS јiti 'to live'
Notes: The short *-i- in this Celtic word is probably the result of the generalization of the root
shape *gwi-, which was regular before resonants followed by *-o-. It is also possible that we
are dealing with the same shortening as in PCelt. *wiro- "man" (OIr. fer, etc.) from PIE
*wiHro- (Lith. vyґras, etc.). Whether such shortenings depend on the position of the accent in
PIE (the alleged Dybo's law) is a matter of dispute.
References: LEIA B-54, GPC I: 360f., DGVB 84, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 288,
Delamarre 76f., Falileyev 15, Campanile 1974:14.
Proto-Celtic: *biwo- 'alive' – жив, бодър, жизнен [Adjective]
Old Irish: beґo [o]
Middle Welsh: byw 'living, alive'; 'life' [m]
Middle Breton: beu
Cornish: biu gl. uita, byw, bew
Gaulish: Biuonia [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *gwiHwo- 'alive'
Page in Pokorny: 468
IE cognates: Lat. u–us, OCS јivъ, Lith. gyґvas
References: LEIA B-37,GPC I: 369, EIEC 356, Delamarre 77, Campanile 1974: 14, Schrijver
1995: 246
Proto-Celtic: *b–w- 'pitch' – смола [Noun]
Old Irish: biґ [?f]
Proto-Indo-European: *gwiHu- 'pitch'
Page in Pokorny: 482
IE cognates: Arm. kiv (Gen. kvoy)
Notes: The OIr. word is too short and too poorly attested for this etymology to have any
degree of certainty.
References: LEIA B-45f.
Proto-Celtic: *blѓtu- 'flower' – цвете [Noun]
Old Irish: blaґth [u m]
Middle Welsh: blawd [m]
Middle Breton: bleuzff
Cornish: blodon (OCo.), bledzhan
Proto-Indo-European: *bhleh3- 'blossom, flower'
Page in Pokorny: 122
IE cognates: Lat. flЎs, OHG bluot
Notes: Gaul. PN Blatuna iis probably derived from the same root (Meid 2005: 187), cp. also
the toponym Blato-magus.
References: LEIA B-58, GPC I: 384, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 289, Meid 2005: 187.
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Proto-Celtic: *blѓwo- 'yellow' – жълт, слав.плав [Adjective]
Old Irish: blaґ [o]
Proto-Indo-European: *bhleh2- ?'blue'
Page in Pokorny: 160
IE cognates: Lat. flѓuus, OHG blao 'blue'
References: LEIA B-55, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 213
Proto-Celtic: *bled- 'wolf, ?large predator' – вълк, голям хищник [Noun] (Блед, брат на
Атила, явно името е дадено в келтски превод – значение – вълк!)
Old Irish: bled [ѓ f] 'monster, large animal'
Middle Welsh: bleidd [m] 'wolf' (GPC blaidd)
Middle Breton: bleid (OBret.), Bret. bleiz
Cornish: bleit gl. lupus (OCo.)
Notes: Another derivative from the same root is OIr. blesc [ѓ f] 'prostitute' < *bled-skѓ, cp.
LEIA B-59. The semantic motivation is the same as in Lat. lupa 'prostitute' from lupus 'wolf'
(the OIr. word might actually be a calque of the Latin word).
References: LEIA B-58, GPC I: 283, DGVB 85, Campanile 1974: 14.
Proto-Celtic: *blЊdan– 'year' – година [Noun]
Old Irish: bliadain [– f]
Middle Welsh: bloidin (OW), MW blwyddyn [f]
Middle Breton: blid, blidan, bliden (OBret.), MBret. blizen
Cornish: bli?en (OCo.)
Notes: The correspondence between OIr. and MW allows us to reconstruct an –-stem for
PCelt. However, there is also W blwydd, OBret. blid, Bret. bloaz 'year', presumably from an
underived *blЊdѓ. W blynedd and OBret. blened point to the zero grade *blid-ni-.
References: LEIA B-59, GPC I: 291, DGVB 85f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 79, 85
Proto-Celtic: *bodaro- 'deaf' – глух [Adjective]
Old Irish: bodar [o]
Middle Welsh: byddar
Middle Breton: bodaran (OBret.), MBret. bouzar
Cornish: bothar gl. surdus, bodhar
Proto-Indo-European: *bhodHro- 'deaf'
Page in Pokorny: 112
IE cognates: Skt. badhiraґ- 'deaf'
References: LEIA B-64f., GPC I: 362, DGVB 87, EIEC 148., Campanile 1974: 16.
Proto-Celtic: *bodwo- 'crow' – гарван [Noun]
Old Irish: bodb [o m and ѓ f] (DIL badb) 'crow, war-goddess'
Middle Breton: bodou gl. ardea (OBret.)
Gaulish: Boduus [PN], Boduo-gnatus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *bhodh-wo- 'battle'
Page in Pokorny: 114
IE cognates: OE beadu 'fight, battle'
Notes: The original meaning of the root *bhodh- is presumably 'to pierce, to fight', hence
*bhodhwo-'battle, fight'. The meaning 'crow' in Celtic must be secondary (the crow is the
bird symbolizing the carnage in battle).
References: DGVB 88, Delamarre 81, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 215, Birkhan 1970: 502ff.
Proto-Celtic: *bodyo- 'yellow' - жълт[Adjective]
Old Irish: buide [io]
Gaulish: (?) Bodio-casses [Ethnonym], Baius [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *bod(h)yoPage in Pokorny: 92
IE cognates: Lat. badius 'bay, chestnut brown'
References: LEIA B-113, EIEC 85, Delamarre 63
Proto-Celtic: *bolgo- 'sack, bag, stomach' – торба, чувал, търбух [Noun]
Old Irish: bolg [o m]
Middle Welsh: bol, boly, bola; boliau, byly [p]
Middle Breton: bolc'h 'cosse de lin'
Gaulish: *bulga (bulgas Galli sacculos scorteos appellant, P. Fest. 31.25)
Proto-Indo-European: *bholg'h- 'skin bag, bolster'
Page in Pokorny: 125
IE cognates: Av. barЌzi« 'bolster, cushion', OE belg 'stomach', Slovene blaziґna 'featherbed'
References: LEIA B-66f, GPC I: 296, EIEC 45, Delamarre 94
Proto-Celtic: *bondyo- '(arm-)ring, circlet, bracelet' [Noun]
Old Irish: buinne [io]
Proto-Indo-European: *bhendh- 'bind'
Page in Pokorny: 127
IE cognates: Skt. bandh-, Go. bindan
References: LEIA B-115, LIV, EIEC 64, 196
Proto-Celtic: *bonu- 'foundation, base, butt' – основа, дъно [Noun]
Old Irish: bun [u m]
Middle Welsh: bon [m] (GPC bЈЇn)
References: LEIA B-115f., GPC I: 298, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 249, Schrijver 1995: 36.
Proto-Celtic: *bostѓ 'palm, fist' – длан, юмрук [Noun]
Old Irish: bos, bas [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: bos (OW and MW) [f]
Middle Breton: boz
Proto-Indo-European: *gwosto- 'branch'
Page in Pokorny: 382, 480
IE cognates: MHG quast 'branch', Alb. gjethe
Notes: French boisse 'measure of grain' can be derived from Gaul. *bostiѓ. Some linguists
derive these Celtic words from non-IE sources, comparing them to, e. g., Basque bost 'five'
*cp. Pokorny, ZCP XVIII 111).
References: LEIA B-20f., GPC I: 302, Falileyev 17.
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Proto-Celtic: *bow- 'cow' – крава [Noun]
Old Irish: boґ [irregular f]
Middle Welsh: bu , buw [m and f]
Middle Breton: bou-tig 'stable'
Gaulish: Bo-marus [PN]
Celtiberian: bou-stom (?) 'stable' (Botorrita I)
Proto-Indo-European: *gwЎw- 'cow'
Page in Pokorny: 482
IE cognates: Lat. bЎs, OHG chuo, Skt. gauґ-, Arm. kov
Notes: The MW form bu is used only in counting cows; otherwise, the derivative buch is
used, with parallels in MBret. buch, Corn. buch.
References: LEIA B-61, GPC I: 342, DGVB 88, LHEB 641, EIEC 98, 134, Delamarre 79f.,
Coґlera 1998: 14, 39, Villar 1997: 907.
Proto-Celtic: *bowdi- 'booty, victory' – трофей, победа [Noun]
Old Irish: buґaid [i n] 'victory, gain, profit' – победа, печалба
Middle Welsh: budd [m] 'profit, advantage' – изгода
Middle Breton: bud gl. bradium (OBret.)
Gaulish: Boudi-latis, Boud-icca [PN]
Notes: Germanic forms, such as German Beute 'booty', are probably loanwords from Celtic.
In OW there is a compound from this root, budi-caul 'victor, conqueror', exactly parallel to
OBret. budicol.
References: LEIA B-107, GPC I: 345, DGVB 91, Lambert 1994: 59, Delamarre 83f.,
Falileyev 20, Schmidt 1987: 268, Meid 2005: 188.
Proto-Celtic: *bowd-ro- 'dirty' – мръсен [Adjective]
Old Irish: buaidir
Middle Welsh: budr
Proto-Indo-European: *gwew-d- 'excrement, defecate'
Page in Pokorny: 484
IE cognates: Skt. guvaґti 'cacat', OE cweґad 'dirt'
Notes: The meaning of OIr. buґaidir is not completely clear (it is compatible with the meaning
'confusion'). Cp. also OIr. buґiadre 'trouble, confusion'.
References: LEIA B-108, GPC I: 344
Proto-Celtic: *bow-koli- 'cowherd, herdsman' – кравар, пастир на крави [Noun]
Old Irish: buachaill [i m]
Middle Welsh: bugeil (GPC bugail)
Middle Breton: buguel, bugel
Cornish: bugel
Proto-Indo-European: *gwow-kwolo- 'shepherd'
Page in Pokorny: 639
IE cognates: Gr. boukoґlos
Notes: As in Greek, the second labiovelar was dissimilated (*kw > *k) in Celtic.
References: LEIA B-107, GPC I: 347, LP 44, Uhlich 2002: 417
Proto-Celtic: *bragno-, *bragni- 'rotten, faul' – лош, грешен [Adjective]
Old Irish: breґn [o]
Middle Welsh: braen 'putrid, corrupt' – мръсен, рзвален ( славянското брене – кал)
Middle Breton: brein
Proto-Indo-European: *bhreHgPage in Pokorny: 165f.
See also: *brag(y)o- 'to fart'
References: Schrijver 1995: 170f., GPC I: 305, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 252, 258
Proto-Celtic: *brag-(y)o- 'fart' – отдалечен [Verb]
Old Irish: braigid ; -bebraig [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *bhreHg36
Page in Pokorny: 165f.
IE cognates: Lat. fragrѓre 'smell' – миризма , OHG bracko 'Spµrhund'
Notes: Another etymology in LIV 91f, where these words are related to PIE *bhreg- 'break'.
References: KPV 232f, Schrijver 1995: 170f., LEIA B-77
Proto-Celtic: *brano- 'raven' – гарван [Noun]
Old Irish: bran [o m]
Middle Welsh: bran [f] (GPC br…n); brain [p]
Middle Breton: mor-bran (OBret.), Bret. bran
Cornish: bran
Gaulish: Brano-dunum [PN]
References: LEIA B-77, GPC I: 309, DGVB 89, Delamarre 85
Proto-Celtic: *brasso- 'great, violent' – голям, силен [Adjective]
Old Irish: bras [o] 'great, boastful, defiant'
Middle Welsh: bras 'fat, thick'
Middle Breton: braz 'great'
Proto-Indo-European: *gwrostoPage in Pokorny: 485
IE cognates: Lat. grossus 'fat'
References: LEIA B-79, GPC I: 308f., Schrijver 1995: 55
Proto-Celtic: *bratto-, *brattino- 'mantle, cloak' – плащ, наметало [Noun]
Old Irish: bratt [o m]
Middle Welsh: brethyn [m] 'cloth'
Middle Breton: brothrac gl. taxam (OBret.), Bret. broz 'dress
Notes: W brat 'cloak' is a loanword from Irish (the final -t cannot be original). Fleuriot
(DGVB) believes OBret. brothrac also to be a loanword from OIr., and adduces Ir. brothrach
'a rich garment'. For possible (but not very convincing) PIE etymology of these words see
Lane 1931.
References: LEIA B-81, GPC I: 320f., DGVB 91, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 351, 513, 519,
Lane 1931.
Proto-Celtic: *brawon- 'quern, millstone' – мелница [Noun]
Old Irish: brao, broґ [n f]
Middle Welsh: breuan [f]
Middle Breton: breo
Cornish: brou gl. mola
Proto-Indo-European: *gwreHwЎn 'quern'
Page in Pokorny: 447
IE cognates: Skt. grѓґvan, Arm. erkan, Go. -qairnus, Lith. gi°rnos [p]
References: LEIA B-92, GPC I: 321, LP 12, EIEC 474, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 105,
Campanile 1974: 18, Stµber 1998: 94f.
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Proto-Celtic: *braxsman- 'fart' [Noun]
Old Irish: broimm [n n]
Middle Welsh: bram [f]
Middle Breton: bramm
Cornish: bram
See also: *brag-(y)o- 'to fart'
References: LEIA B-95, GPC I: 308, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 412, Stµber 1998: 52.
Proto-Celtic: *brѓgant- 'neck, throat' – шия, гърло [Noun] вж. бражник – пияница!
Old Irish: braґgae [t f]
Middle Welsh: breuant [f] (cp. OW abal-brouannou 'Adam's apples')
Middle Breton: Brehant (Dincat) [PN] (OBret.)
Cornish: briansen
Proto-Indo-European: *gwerh3- 'swallow' – гълтам
Page in Pokorny: 476
References: LEIA B-76, GPC I: 321, EIEC 64, Falileyev 2
Proto-Celtic: *brѓt–r 'brother' – брат [Noun]
Old Irish: braґthir [r m]
Middle Welsh: brawt (GPC brawd) [m]; brodyr, broder, brodorion [p]
Middle Breton: brotr (OBret.), MBret. breuzr
Cornish: broder .l. braud gl. frater
Gaulish: Bratronos (PN)
Proto-Indo-European: *bhreh2tЊr 'brother'
Page in Pokorny: 163f.
IE cognates: Skt. bhrѓtѓ, Lat. frѓter, Lith. broґlis
References: LEIA B-80f., GPC I: 311, DGVB 91, RIG II.1 L-6, Campanile 1974: 18.
Proto-Celtic: *brѓtu- 'judgement' – присъда [Noun]
Old Irish: braґth [u m]
Middle Welsh: braut (OW), MW brawd [f]; brodiau [p]
Middle Breton: breut 'debate'
Cornish: bres
Gaulish: bratou (? in the dedicatory formula bratou dekantem)
Proto-Indo-European: *gwrH-tu- 'proclamation'
Page in Pokorny: 478
IE cognates: Lat. grѓtus 'thankful'
References: LEIA B-80, GPC I: 311, Lambert 1994: 43, 52, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
291f., Delamarre 85f., Falileyev 18
Proto-Celtic: *brendo- 'spring, well' – пролет [Verb]
Old Irish: do-eprannat 'flow away' [3p Pres.] < *tu-eks-brendo-; do-breґ [3s Subj.] < *tubrend-s-o-; do-bibuir [3s Fut.] < *tu-bibrand-s-o-; bebarnatar [3p Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *bhrend(h)Page in Pokorny: 167f
IE cognates: Lith. bri,sti
References: KPV 232ff, LIV 95, LEIA B-103f., D-122, LP 347
Proto-Celtic: *brЊtrѓ 'word' – дума, разтовор [Noun]
Old Irish: briґathar [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: brwydr [f] 'fight, combat'
Page in Pokorny: 166
Notes: On the semantic connection between the OIr. and the W words, see LEIA B-88
References: LEIA B-88, GPC I: 336
Proto-Celtic: *brig- 'hill' – хълм [Noun]
Old Irish: briґ [g f]
Middle Welsh: bre [f]
Middle Breton: bre
Cornish: bre
Gaulish: -briga [in Toponyms], Brig-antes [Ethnonym]
Proto-Indo-European: *bherg'h- 'be high, mountain'
Page in Pokorny: 140f.
IE cognates: Av. bЌrЌz-, OHG berg
See also: *brigѓ
Notes: The Celtic forms can be derived from the zero-grade of the PIE root *bherg'h-. OIr.
preserves what seems to have been an old root noun PCelt. *brig-s, Gen. *brig-os, while the
Brit. and Gaul. forms point to a derivative *brigѓ.
References: LEIA B-87, GPC I: 313, LP 30, LIV 63, EIEC 269, Lambert 1994: 20, 37,
Delamarre 87.
Proto-Celtic: *brigѓ 'might, power' – сила, мощ [Noun]
Old Irish: briґ [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: bri [m] 'prestige, authority'
Middle Breton: bry 'respect'
Cornish: bry 'respect, honor'
See also: *brig39
Notes: Note that the genders of W and Goidelic do not match. Maybe we should reconstruct a
PCelt. root noun *br–g-s, Gen. *br–g-os, from the same root as *brig- 'hill'.
References: LEIA B-90, GPC I: 323, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 30
Proto-Celtic: *brikko- 'speckled' – шарка болест с обрив [Adjective]
Old Irish: brecc [o]
Middle Welsh: brych
Middle Breton: brec'h 'variola'
Cornish: brygh
Gaulish: Briccus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *prk'- 'speckled'
Page in Pokorny: 820f.
IE cognates: Skt. pr•ґsґni-, Gr. perknoґs
Notes: The initial *b- from PIE *p- is unexplained. A different etymology is proposed by
EIEC 514, relating the Celtic forms to Hitt. parkui- 'clean', which is unconvincing.
References: LEIA B-82, GPC I: 338, EIEC 514.
Proto-Celtic: *brisko- 'weak, fragile' – слаб, чуплив [Adjective] вж. бричка, разбрицан,
разбричкан - ??
Old Irish: brisc [o]
Middle Welsh: brysgar 'vivid, busy, quick'
Middle Breton: bresq 'fragile'
See also: *brissVNotes: It is doubtful whether W brysgar belongs here. GPC I: 340 derives it from brys-gar
and compares W brys 'haste, speed, hurry'
References: LEIA B-90f., GPC I: 340, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 278.
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Proto-Celtic: *brissV- 'fight, combat' – битка, сражение [Noun]
Old Irish: bres [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: Con-bresel [PN]
Middle Breton: brezel 'war' – война
Cornish: bresel 'war'
Proto-Indo-European: *bhers-t- 'break'
IE cognates: OE berstan
Notes: In OIr. there is the denominative verb brissid 'break' from this root.
References: LEIA B-86, B-91
Proto-Celtic: *briti- 'carrying, judgement' – решение, постановление [Noun]
Old Irish: brith, breth
Middle Welsh: bryd [m] 'thought, mind, intent, aim'
Cornish: brys 'thought'
Gaulish: Britus [NP]
Proto-Indo-European: *bhr-ti- 'carrying'
Page in Pokorny: 130
IE cognates: Skt. bhr•tiґSee also: *ber-oReferences: LEIA B-86f., GPC I: 338, Delamarre 89.
Proto-Celtic: *brixto/u- 'magical formula, incantation' [Noun]
Old Irish: bricht [u n]
Middle Welsh: -brith in lled-frith 'magical charm' – магическо заклнание
Middle Breton: brith (OBret.)
Gaulish: brixtia, brixtia (Chamalie°res)
Proto-Indo-European: *bhergh- 'enlighten'
Page in Pokorny: 139
IE cognates: ON bragr 'poetic talent'
References: LEIA B-89, Delamarre 90, Lambert 1994: 154
Proto-Celtic: *br–wѓ 'bridge' - мост [Noun]
Gaulish: brio gl. ponte (Vienne), -briua (in toponyms, e. g. Briuo-durum > Biare.
Proto-Indo-European: *bhreh1woPage in Pokorny: 173
IE cognates: OE brycg 'bridge', Croat. brv 'large plank'
References: Delamarre 90f.
Proto-Celtic: *brokko- 'badger' язовец [Noun]
Old Irish: brocc [o m]
Middle Welsh: broch [m]
Middle Breton: broc'h
Cornish: broch gl. taxo
Gaulish: Broco-magus [PN]
References: LEIA B-94, GPC I: 330, LHEB 567, Lambert 1994: 191, Delamarre 90,
Campanile 1974: 18.
Proto-Celtic: *brozdo- 'point, tip' – връхна точка [Noun]
Old Irish: brot [o m]
Middle Welsh: brath [m] 'bite, stab, wound'
Cornish: brath-ky gl. molossus
Proto-Indo-European: *bhros-dhh1oPage in Pokorny: 110
IE cognates: OE brord 'point'
References: LEIA B-98, GPC I: 310
Proto-Celtic: *brugno- 'sadness, pain' – печал, болка [Noun]
Old Irish: broґn [o m]
Middle Welsh: brwyn [m]
Proto-Indo-European: *gwru-gwhno- 'heavy blow' (compound)
Notes: This Celtic word cannot be derived from PIE *gwhrewHg'h- 'bite' (Pokorny 486), as
Gr. bryЇkhЎ, Lith. graґuјiu, etc. clearly point to a laryngeal, of which there is no trace in Celtic.
References: LEIA B-96, GPC I: 336
Proto-Celtic: *brusniyo- 'faggot, (bundle of) firewood' – сноп пръчки, съчки за огъня
Old Irish: brosnae [io m]
Proto-Indo-European: *bhrews- 'break'
Page in Pokorny: 171
IE cognates: Lat. brustum 'piece', German brausen 'make noise'
Notes: W bryn [m] 'heap, mound' might be related, but the semantics are weak.
References: LEIA B-97, GPC I: 339
Proto-Celtic: *bruson- 'abdomen, womb' – корем, матка [Noun]
Old Irish: bruґ [n f]
Middle Welsh: bru [m] 'womb, belly', bron [f] 'breast' – гръден кош (цици)
Middle Breton: bronn (OBret.) 'breast', Bret. bronn
Cornish: bron 'breast' – Гръден кош (цици)
Proto-Indo-European: *bhrews- 'belly' (?)
Page in Pokorny: 170f.
IE cognates: OE breost 'breast', Russ. brjux 'belly, paunch'
References: LEIA B-100, GPC I: 334, DGVB 90, EIEC 561, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
Proto-Celtic: *brutu- 'fermentation, (boiling) heat' - ферментира, кипи, ври [Noun]
Old Irish: bruth [u n]
Middle Welsh: brwd 'hot', OW brut gl. animus
Middle Breton: brot 'heat' (OBret.)
Cornish: bredion gl. coctio
Proto-Indo-European: *bherw- 'ferment, brew'
Page in Pokorny: 145
IE cognates: Lat. dЊ-frutum 'boiled wine', OHG briuwan 'brew'
References: LEIA B-106, GPC I: 334, DGVB 91, LP 38, LIV 65.
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Proto-Celtic: *bruwo- 'quantity, multitude' – множество, тълпа [Noun]
Old Irish: broґ 'multitude, dense mass' – множество плътна маса
Middle Welsh: bryw 'lively, strong, powerful' – здрав, силен
Notes: DIL (s. v. broґ) treats broґ 'multitude, dense mass' as the same word as broґ 'quern',
which might be correct, in which case this etymology is wrong.
References: LEIA B-93, GPC I: 342
Proto-Celtic: *brі- 'brow' – вежди [Noun]
Old Irish: -bruґ (for-bruґ) [u f]
Proto-Indo-European: *bhrewH- 'brow'
Page in Pokorny: 172f.
IE cognates: Skt. bhrіґ-, Gr. ophryґs, OE bruґ
References: LEIA B-75, EIEC 188
Proto-Celtic: *bud–nѓ 'troop, host' – тълпа, множество [Noun]
Old Irish: buiden [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: byddin [f] интересно – Будини – просто хора, тълпа, келтско племе!!!
Middle Breton: bodin gl. manus (OBret.)
Gaulish: *bud–nѓ > Late Latin bodina 'frontier'
References: LEIA B-114, GPC I: 362, DGVB 87, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 459, Schrijver
1995: 24, Delamarre 93
Proto-Celtic: *bud(y)ѓ 'satisfaction' – задоволство, благодарност [Noun]
Old Irish: buide [iѓ f] 'thanks, satisfaction'
Middle Welsh: bodd [m] 'will, good will'
Middle Breton: bod-lon gl. contentus (OBret.)
Cornish: both 'wish' – желая
Notes: I fail to see the semantic connection to the root *bhudh- 'wake, be conscient' (Skt.
budhyate, etc.) proposed by some linguists.
References: LEIA B-113f., GPC I: 294, DGVB 87
Proto-Celtic: *buggo- 'soft, tender' – нежен, даващ [Adjective]
Old Irish: boc [o]
Middle Breton: buc gl. putris (OBret)
Proto-Indo-European: *bhewg- 'bend'
Page in Pokorny: 152
IE cognates: Skt. bhujaґti 'bends', Go. biugan
References: LEIA B-62, EIEC 62, LIV 68.
Proto-Celtic: *bukko- 'goat'- коза [Noun]
Old Irish: boc [o m]
Middle Welsh: bwch [m]
Middle Breton: bouch
Cornish: boch gl. caper .l. hyrcus (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *bhug'o- 'goat, buck'
Page in Pokorny: 174
IE cognates: Av. bіza-, Arm. buc 'lamb', E buck
Notes: The Celtic forms might be loanwords from Germanic.
References: LEIA B-62f., GPC I: 351, EIEC 98, 229, Campanile 1974: 15.
Proto-Celtic: *bu-n-do- 'proclaim, give notice' – бележка, съобщение [Verb]
Old Irish: ad-boind < *ad-bundeti; a-t-boґis [2s Subj.]; ad-buib [3s Fut.]; at-bobuid < *uss-bubud- [3s Pret.]
Middle Breton: dogurbonnue (OBret.) < *to-wor-bunde- [3s Pres. Subj.]
Proto-Indo-European: *bhewdhPage in Pokorny: 150-152
IE cognates: Skt. bodhati 'he awakes', OE bodian 'announce'
Notes: The meaning and etymological connection of the OBret. form dogurbonnue are not
fully ascertained, cp. KPV 237.
References: KPV 236f, LIV 82f, LP 347, LEIA B-69, Delamarre 81, McCone 1991: 43
Proto-Celtic: *bundo- 'sole of foot, base, floor' – основа, ниско място, дъно [Noun]
Old Irish: bond [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *bhu-n-d-o- 'bottom'
Page in Pokorny: 174
IE cognates: Skt. budhnaґ-, Lat. fundus, OHG bodam
References: LEIA B-69
Proto-Celtic: *bu-n-g-o- 'break' – чупя (вж.бангея – сакат) [Verb]
Old Irish: -boing 'break, cut, reap'; -ba [Subj.], do-m-bibsat < *tu-bibug-so- [3p Fut.]; co-mbobig [Pret.]; -bocht [Pret. Pass.]
Middle Welsh: diwung 'attack' < *d–-bungo- [3s Pres.]
Proto-Indo-European: *bhewgPage in Pokorny: 152f.
IE cognates: OE bіgan 'to bend', Russ. bgat'
Notes: Attempts to relate Gaulish -bogio-in names like Ad-bogios, Com-bogio-marus to this
Celtic etymon are doubtful (Meid 2005, Delamarre 81), because the root vocalism does not
References: KPV 238ff, LIV 85f, LEIA B-70ff, McCone 1991: 43
Proto-Celtic: *bunno- 'owl, bittern' – кукумявка [Noun]
Old Irish: bonnaґn [o m] 'bittern'
Middle Welsh: bun, bwn [m]
Middle Breton: bonn gl. grus .i. auis (OBret.)
References: LEIA B-70, DGVB 88
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Proto-Celtic: *burro- 'inflated, swollen' – възпален, подут [Adjective]
Old Irish: borr [o]
Middle Welsh: bwrr, bwr 'fat, strong, big' – тлъст, силен, голям
Cornish: bor gl. pinguis (OCo.)
References: LEIA B-73, GPC I: 354, Campanile 1974: 16.
Proto-Celtic: *bussu- 'lip' – устна [Noun]
Old Irish: bus
Middle Welsh: gwe-fus
Middle Breton: gweuz
Cornish: gueus gl. labia
Gaulish: Bussu-maros [PN]
Notes: OIr. bus is not well attested (it belongs to the poetic language, beґrla na filed). Its stem
and gender are unknown. Meid 2005: 129 adduces also Gaul. Bussu-gnata from Pannonia,
and assumes the meaning 'kiss' for the element bussu-.
References: LEIA B-118, Delamarre 95, Meid 2005: 128f.
Proto-Celtic: *butѓ 'place, dwelling, hut' – селище, жилище, колиба [Noun]
Old Irish: both [ѓ f] 'hut'
Middle Welsh: bod [f] 'dwelling, place'
Middle Breton: Bot- (in place-names)
Cornish: bod, bos
Notes: There is a possible connection to Lith. bu°tas 'home, house' < *bhu-to-, but this might
be accidental.
References: LEIA B-74, GPC I: 293, DGVB 88.
Proto-Celtic: *bu-yo- 'be, become' – става (бълг.бива)[Verb]
Old Irish: biid 'is wont to be' [consuetudinal Pres.]; -beґ [Subj.]; bieid, -bia [Fut.]; boiґ [Pret.];
-both [Pret. Pass.]
Middle Welsh: bot (GPC bod); bez [3s Pres.]; bit [3s Pres.]; bei [Impf. Subj.]; bu [3s Pret.]
Middle Breton: bout ; bei (OBret.) [3s Impf. Subj.]; boe, boue [3s Pret.]
Cornish: bos ; beth [3s Pres.]; be [3s Impf. Subj.]; bue [3s Pret.]
Gaulish: biiete [2p Impv] (Inscription from Limeґ)
Proto-Indo-European: *bhewh2Page in Pokorny: 146-150
IE cognates: Skt. bhaґvati, Lat. fu– 'I was', OCS byti
See also: *esNotes: These forms are suppletive to *es- 'be'; OIr. biid (disyllabic) 'is wont to be' and Gaul.
biiete point to PCelt. *biye- < *bhwiye- (< *bhuh2i(H)ye-), cp. Lat. fio 'become, be'.
References: KPV 241-256, GPC I: 292, LP 325-331, LEIA B-46f, McCone 1991: 115-135,
RIG II.2: 269-280, Morris Jones 1913: 346-353.
Proto-Celtic: *buzdo- 'tail, penis' – опашка, хуй [Noun]
Old Irish: bot [o m]
Middle Welsh: both [f] 'umbo, nave, boss of shield' – пъп, изпъкналост на щита
Gaulish: bu‹‹uton (?) 'penis' – пишка, хуй, кур
References: LEIA B-73
Proto-Celtic: *dafnѓ 'poem' – стихотворение [Noun]
Old Irish: duґan [ѓ f]
Proto-Indo-European: *dap-no- 'offering'
Page in Pokorny: 176f.
IE cognates: Lat. daps
Notes: Another possibility is to relate OIr. duґan to PIE *dhewg'h- 'be useful' (Pokorny 271,
Gr. tyґkhЊ 'success' etc.), cp. EIEC 614
References: EIEC 614, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 255f., Watkins 1970.
Proto-Celtic: *dago- 'good' – добър, хубав, даващ, (Дагда – добрият бог)[Adjective]
Old Irish: dagMiddle Welsh: da
Middle Breton: da- (OBret.), MBret. da
Cornish: da
Gaulish: Dago-marus [PN]
References: Stokes 140, GPC I: 866, LEIA D-7f., DGVB 126, Delamarre 134, Campanile
1974: 35, Meid 2005: 82.
Proto-Celtic: *dakro- 'tear' – дера, късам [Noun]
Old Irish: deґr [o n]
Middle Welsh: deigr [m], deigryn [Singulative]; dagrau [p]
Middle Breton: dacr-lon 'full of tears' (OBret.), MBret. dazrou [p]
Cornish: dagrow [p]
Proto-Indo-European: *dh2ek'ru- 'tear'
Page in Pokorny: 23
IE cognates: Hitt. ishahru-, Lat. lacrima, OE tЊar, Gr. daґkry
References: Stokes 140, LEIA D-53f., GPC I: 921, DGVB 126, LP 42, EIEC 567, De
Bernardo Stempel 1999: 237, Hamp, Eґriu 22/1971: 181ff.
Proto-Celtic: *dallo- 'blind' – сляп [Adjective]
Old Irish: dall [o]
Middle Welsh: dall
Middle Breton: dall (OBret.), MBret. dall
Cornish: dal gl. cecus (OCo.)
Notes: Probably related are Gaul. PN Tri-dallus, Dallo (cp. Delamarre 135, Meid 2005: 192).
The PIE etymology of these Celtic words is uncertain (but see Pokorny 266; the relationship
with OHG tol seems probable).
References: LEIA D-18, GPC I: 882, DGVB 128, LP 11, Delamarre 135, Campanile 1974:
35, Meid 2005: 192.
Proto-Celtic: *dal-n- 'come into being, turn into something' – възниква, превръща се ве
нещо [Verb]
Middle Welsh: deillyau (GPC deillio) 'emanate, proceed, derive, come about, originate'
(славянското делати – правя)
Proto-Indo-European: *dhh2elh1Page in Pokorny: 234
IE cognates: G thaґllЎ 'blossom' –цвят на растение [Verb], Alb. dal
See also: *doliskoReferences: KPV 257f, GPC I: 922, LIV 132
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Proto-Celtic: *dam-na- 'subdue, break a horse' – обязден кон[Verb]
Old Irish: damnaid, -damna 'bind, subdue' – обязден, покорен
Proto-Indo-European: *demh2- 'subdue, tame'
Page in Pokorny: 199f.
IE cognates: Hitt. damaszi 'press, push', Skt. dѓmyaґti 'is tame', Lat. domo
See also: *damoReferences: EIEC 565, LIV 99f.
Proto-Celtic: *damo-, *damato- 'bull' – бик [Noun]
Old Irish: dam [o m]
Middle Welsh: dafad [f] 'sheep'; defaid, defeidiau [p]
Middle Breton: dan~vad
Cornish: dauat gl. ouis (OCo.)
Gaulish: Damona (?) [Theonym]
Proto-Indo-European: *domh2o- 'the tamed one'
Page in Pokorny: 199f.
IE cognates: Skt. damya- 'young bull to be tamed', Alb. dem 'bull, steer'
Notes: The Celtic a-vocalism is best explained by starting from a proto-form *dm-Ho-, with
vocalic *m. The Brit. forms point to a derivative *damato- rather than *damo- > OIr. dam.
References: LEIA D-19f., GPC I: 878, EIEC 136, Campanile 1974: 36, De Bernardo Stempel
1999: 43, 47
Proto-Celtic: *dam-yo- 'allow, permit, endure' – определям, допускам, издържам [Verb]
Old Irish: daimid, -daim ; -dama [Subj.]; -didam [Fut.]; -daґmatar [3p Pret.]; -deґt [Pret. Pass.]
Middle Welsh: goddef 'suffer, permit' – търпя, издържам
Middle Breton: gouzaff 'suffer, permit'
Cornish: godhaff 'suffer'
Proto-Indo-European: *demh2Page in Pokorny: 199f.
IE cognates: Hitt. damaszi 'forces', Skt. damaґyati 'forces, tames', Lat. domѓre 'to tame'
Notes: The simplex *dam-yo- is attested only in OIr., the Brit. forms pointing to PCelt. *wodam-, cp. also OIr. fo-daim, -fodaim 'suffer, endure' < *wo-dam-yoReferences: KPV 260ff, LIV 116f., LP 357, LEIA D-10f, GPC II: 1425, McCone 1991: 30,
Proto-Celtic: *danto- 'tooth – зъб [Noun]
Old Irish: deґt [o m]
Middle Welsh: dant [m]
Middle Breton: dant (OBret.), Bret. dant
Cornish: dans gl. dens (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *h1dont- 'tooth'
Page in Pokorny: 289
IE cognates: Lat. dЊns, Gr. odЎґn, Lith. danti°s, OHG zand
References: Stokes 154, GPC I: 889f., DGVB 128f., EIEC 594, Campanile 1974: 35, De
Bernardo Stempel 1999: 432
Proto-Celtic: *darno- 'piece, part' – парче, част (бълг.дрън – буца)[Noun]
Middle Welsh: darn [m]
Middle Breton: darn
Cornish: darn
Proto-Indo-European: *drH-no- 'torn'
Page in Pokorny: 206ff.
IE cognates: Gr. deiґrЎ 'tear', Lith. dial. di°rti
References: Stokes 147, GPC I: 896, Pedersen I: 52, LIV 104
Proto-Celtic: *daru- 'oak' - - дърво дъб[Noun]
Old Irish: daur, dair [u f]
Middle Welsh: dar (GPC d…r) [f]; deri, deiri [p]
Middle Breton: dar (OBret.)
Cornish: dar gl. quercus (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *doru- 'tree, wood'
Page in Pokorny: 214ff.
IE cognates: Hitt. tѓru, Gr. doґry 'tree, trunk, spear', ToAB or 'wood', Av. dѓuru
See also: *derwo- 'firm, true'
Notes: The OIr. i-stem dair is younger than the old u-stem daur. It was reshaped since
feminine u-stems are otherwise exceptional in Celtic. The a-vocalism of the Celtic forms is
References: Stokes 148, GPC I: 891f., DGVB 129, EIEC 598, Campanile 1974: 35, De
Bernardo Stempel 1999: 237
Proto-Celtic: *dar(y)o- 'bull' – бивол [Verb]
Old Irish: dairid ; daraid [Subj.]; -dart [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *dherh3- 'bespringen'
Page in Pokorny: 256
IE cognates: Gr. thrЎґskЎ 'mates'
References: KPV 264f, LIV 146f., LP 357, LEIA D-13, McCone 1991: 30, McCone 1996: 53
Proto-Celtic: *dasti- 'heap, pile' – куп, грамада [Noun]
Old Irish: daiss [?i f]
Middle Welsh: das (OW), MW das [f and m]
Middle Breton: desi (OBret.)
Proto-Indo-European: *dheh1Page in Pokorny: 238
IE cognates: Lat. facio, Gr. tiґthЊmi
Notes: The Irish word is attested late, and its original stem formation is uncertain, but it was
probably an i-stem. The PCelt. word *dasto- should be derived from the zero-grade *dhh1-sti-.
References: LEIA D-13f., DGVB 136, Falileyev 40, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 268.
Proto-Celtic: *datlѓ 'assembly, meeting' – събрание [Noun]
Old Irish: daґl [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: dadl, dadyl [m]
Middle Breton: dadl gl. concio (OBret.), MBret. dael 'dispute'
Cornish: datheluur gl. concionator
Proto-Indo-European: *dheh1- 'make, put'
Page in Pokorny: 237
IE cognates: Lat. facio, Gr. tiґthЊmi
Notes: OIr. daґl 'assembly' is sometimes treated as the same etymon as daґl 'share, part', but
this has a completely different etymology (see *dѓlo-). Etymology of *datlѓ is disputed, but it
may the root *dheh1- 'put together, make' (Lat. facio, etc.), and the suffix *-tlo-. Gaul.
hydronym Condate (which meant 'confluvium') has also been related to this root (PCelt.
*kom-da-ti- ?).
References: LEIA D-16f., Falileyev 40, Schrijver 1995: 80, GPC I: 870, Delamarre 123f.,
DGVB 127.
Proto-Celtic: *daw-yo- 'kindle, burn' – запалим, огън[Verb]
Old Irish: doud [Verbal Noun Dat. s] 'burning' – горящ
Middle Welsh: deifyaw (GPC deifio)
Middle Breton: devi
Cornish: dewy, dywy
Proto-Indo-European: *deh2u- 'burn, kindle'
Page in Pokorny: 179f.
IE cognates: Skt. dunoґti, Gr. daiЎ, ToB tu
References: GPC I: 920, EIEC 87, LIV 88.
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Proto-Celtic: *dѓ- 'give' – давам [Verb]
Old Irish: -tartat < *tu-ro-ad-dѓ- 'could give' [3s Pres.]
Gaulish: dede [Pret.] (Orgon, etc.)
Lepontic: tetu
Celtiberian: tatuz [Imperative] (?) (Botorrita I)
Proto-Indo-European: *deh3Page in Pokorny: 223ff.
IE cognates: Skt. dѓ-, Lat. dare, OCS dati
See also: *dѓnoNotes: On Celtib. tatuz (Botorrita I) see Eska 1989: 142). Gaulish dede and Lepontic tetu
might be from PIE *dheh1- rather than from *deh3-, but this appears less probable (there do
not appear to be any traces of *dheh1- in Celtic).
References: KPV 265 ff., LIV 105, Delamarre 138f., Lejeune 1971: 94.
Proto-Celtic: *dѓlo- 'share, part' – дял, част [Noun]
Old Irish: daґl [o n]
Middle Welsh: daul [m] (OW)
Proto-Indo-European: *deh2- 'divide'
Page in Pokorny: 175f.
IE cognates: Skt. daґyate 'divides', Gr. daiґomai
Notes: OW daul is a hapax.
References: LEIA D-16, LIV 87, Falileyev 41
Proto-Celtic: *dѓmo- 'retinue' [свита, кортеж) Noun]
Old Irish: daґm [o m]
Middle Welsh: daum (OW) 'client', W daw [m] 'son-in-law' (GPC daw, dawf)
Middle Breton: deuff 'son-in-law'
Cornish: dof gl. gener (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *domh2o- 'household, home'
Page in Pokorny: 198f.
IE cognates: Lat. domus 'home', Gr. doґmos
Notes: The OW hapax daum has an alternative reading dauu (Falileyev, 41). As shown by
McCone 1992, the Celtic forms continue PIE vrddhi built from *domh2o-; the original
meaning was 'belonging to the household', whence 'retinue' (collectively). Another
derivative from the same PIE word is OIr. deґis [i m] 'client', build from the PIE Genitive
References: Stokes 142, GPC I: 906, LP 6, Falileyev 41, McCone 1992.
Proto-Celtic: *dѓnu- 'gift' – подарък [Noun]
Old Irish: daґn [u m] 'gift, bestowal, skill'
Middle Welsh: dawn [m and f]
Proto-Indo-European: *deh3r / *deh3n-os 'gift'
Page in Pokorny: 225
IE cognates: Lat. dЎnum, OCS darъ, Arm. tur
See also: *dѓReferences: LEIA D-22, GPC I: 906, LIV 105, EIEC 185, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 249,
Proto-Celtic: *dѓ-yo- 'ail, trouble' – болка, непирятности [Verb]
Old Irish: daґthair, daas [relative]
Middle Welsh: -dawr [3s Pres.]
Middle Breton: -deur 'is important' [3s Pres.]
Cornish: -duer [3s Pres.]
Notes: This verb was confused with *tѓ- 'be, find oneself' < PIE *steh2-, see KPV 266ff.
References: KPV 266ff., LP 164, Morris Jones 1913: 373.
Proto-Celtic: *dedmV- 'rite, ceremony, usage' – обичаи церемонии [Noun]
Old Irish: deidmea [Gen. s]'law, usage'dedmѓto-: MW deuawt, defawt `ceremony, rite; law',
dedfawd `law', OB domot gl. ritum; PCl. *dedmi-: OIr. deidmea [] `law, usage', MW
dedyf `law'. (Schrijver 1995: 37). x
Middle Welsh: deuawt, defawt 'rite, ceremony'; deddf [f] 'rite, decree, ordinance, law'
Middle Breton: domot gl. ritum (OBret.)
Notes: Some attested forms (e. g. OBret. domot) point to PCelt. *dedmѓto-, while OIr.
deidmea, if it is the Gen. s. of an i-stem, must imply PCelt. *dedmi-. Outside Celtic, a
probable cognate is Gr. thesmoґs 'custom' < PIE *dhedh(h1)mo-.
References: GPC I: 912, Schrijver 1995: 37.
Proto-Celtic: *degwi- 'flame, blaze' – пламък [Noun]
Old Irish: daig [i f]
Middle Welsh: goddeith [m and f] 'big flame, blaze' (GPC goddaith)
Proto-Indo-European: *dhegwh- 'burn'
Page in Pokorny: 240f
IE cognates: Skt. daґhati, Lat. febris 'fever', ToAB tsaЁk- 'burn', Alb. djeg 'burn'
Notes: W goddeith < *wo-degw-tѓ.
References: GPC II: 1425, EIEC 87, LIV 115f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 64ff., Schrijver
1995: 140, McCone 1996: 23, 111ff.
Proto-Celtic: *dekan 'ten' – десет [Numeral]
Old Irish: deich [Nasalizing]
Middle Welsh: deg
Middle Breton: dec (OBret.), Bret. dek
Cornish: dec
Gaulish: decan-, decometos 'tenth'
Celtiberian: tekametam 'tenth' (Botorrita I)
Proto-Indo-European: *dek'm 'ten'
Page in Pokorny: 191
IE cognates: Lat. decem, Gr. deґka, Go. taihun, ToA sґ„k
References: Stokes 145, GPC I: 916, DGVB 131, EIEC 403, Delamarre 137
Proto-Celtic: *dekos 'honor' – плащане [Noun]
Old Irish: dech [Comparative of maith 'good]
Proto-Indo-European: *dek'os 'honor'
IE cognates: Lat. decus, Arm. tasanem 'see', Avest. dasa- 'goods, possessions'
Notes: The indeclinable superlative dech in OIr. is best taken as the petrified form of old
neuter noun meaning 'honor'.
References: EIEC 271, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 128, 241
Proto-Celtic: *delg-o- 'hold, contain' – съдържание [Verb]
Middle Welsh: daly, dala 'hold' (GPC dal, dala, daly)
Middle Breton: delgim (OBret.)
Gaulish: delgu [1s Pres.]
Notes: In OIr. there is a possible cognate in coindelg [o and ѓ, n and f] 'contract, comparison]
< *kom-delgo- (cp. also W cynnal 'maintain')
References: KPV 271ff., GPC I: 881f., DGVB 134, Schrijver 1995: 142f., RIG II.2: 152155., LEIA C-150
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Proto-Celtic: *delgo- 'pin, needle' – игла, острие [Noun]
Old Irish: delg [o m]
Middle Welsh: dala [m] 'sting' – жило
Proto-Indo-European: *dhelgPage in Pokorny: 247
IE cognates: Lat. falx 'curved blade, hook', OE dalc 'bracelet', Lith. dilgu°s 'stinging,
References: LEIA D-48, GPC I: 880, EIEC 424, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 141
Proto-Celtic: *delwѓ 'form, appearance, image' – форма, външен вид [Noun]
Old Irish: delb [ѓ f (later also u m)]
Middle Welsh: delu (OW), MW delw [f]
Cornish: del
Proto-Indo-European: *del- 'carve, split' – дълбая, гравирам, режа (бълг. делва –
издълбан съд!) в осет.дигорски дёлёбёл внизу, внизу находящийся; под землей,
Page in Pokorny: 194ff.
IE cognates: Lat. dolo 'hew- изкопан', Lith. dalyґti 'divide' - разделен, Alb. dalloj 'cut' –
References: Stokes 150, LEIA D-47f., GPC I: 972, EIEC 143, Falileyev 42, LHEB 387, De
Bernardo Stempel 1999: 216
Proto-Celtic: *demi- 'dim, dark' –тъмен [Adjective]
Old Irish: deim [i]
Proto-Indo-European: *dhem- 'dim, dark'
Page in Pokorny: 148
IE cognates: E dim, Norwegian daam
Notes: MIr. deim is not well-attested, but there is also the derivative deime < *demyѓ
'darkness'. This word is attested only in Germanic and Celtic, other etymologies in Pokorny
247f. are doubtful on semantic grounds (root *dhemH- 'smoke')
References: Stokes 147
Proto-Celtic: *dergo- 'red, blood-red' [Adjective]
Old Irish: derg [o]
Proto-Indo-European: *dherg- 'dark'
Page in Pokorny: 251
IE cognates: OE deorc, Lith. daґrgana 'bad weather'
Notes: Delamarre (140) mentions the possibility that the PN An-dergus, attested in Lusitania,
is related to the same PCelt. root.
References: LEIA D-57, Delamarre 140.
Proto-Celtic: *derk- 'see' – виждам [Verb]
Old Irish: -darc , a-t-chondarc < *ad-kom-dark- [1s Pres.]; ad-chon-dairc [3s Pret. relative]
Proto-Indo-European: *derk'- 'glance at'
Page in Pokorny: 213
IE cognates: Skt. darsґ-, Gr. deґrkomai, OE torht 'bright, clear', Alb. driteЁ 'light'
See also: *kwis-oNotes: This stem formed some suppletive forms to the root *kwis-o- 'see', cp. KPV 270.
From the same root is OIr. drech 'face', W drych 'appearance' (PCelt. *drikѓ).
References: KPV 270f., LEIA D-55f., LIV 122, EIEC 505
Proto-Celtic: *derwo- 'firm (as an oak)' от дъб [Adjective]; 'oak' [Noun]
Old Irish: derb [o]
Middle Welsh: derwen [Singulative] 'oak'; derw [p]
Middle Breton: daeru (OBret.), Bret. deru 'oaks'
Gaulish: Dervo [Toponym]; *derwo- > OFrench derveґe 'oak wood'
Proto-Indo-European: *derw-o- 'oak'
Page in Pokorny: 214f.
See also: *daru- 'oak'
Notes: The semantic development in OIr. was 'firm as an oak' > 'firm, strong' > 'true', as
explained by Benveniste, Vocabulaire I, 8. OIr. derb2 'vessel' is a feminine ѓ-stem, derivable
from *derwѓ 'made of oak-wood', the feminine-collective of *derwo-.
References: LEIA D-12, 54f., GPC I: 932f., EIEC 36, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 216f.
Proto-Celtic: *dexs(i)wo- 'right, south' – десен, южен [Adjective]
Old Irish: dess [o]
Middle Welsh: dehau, deheu (GPCdeau, de)
Middle Breton: dehou (OBret.), Bret. dehou
Cornish: dehow, dyghow
Gaulish: Dex(s)iua [Theonym]
Proto-Indo-European: *dek's-wo- 'right'
Page in Pokorny: 190
IE cognates: Lat. dexter, Gr. deksiteroґs, OCS desnъ, Alb. djathteЁ
Notes: The Insular Celtic forms are derivable from *dexswo-, while the Gaulish name
Dexsiua points to *dexsiwo-, which is the expected form, in light of the cognates in other IE
languages (cp. also Gr. deksioґs < *dek'siwo-). The meaning 'south' is derived from the main
principle of orientation in Celtic by facing the rising sun (cp. also OIr. tuґath 'left, north'.
References: Stokes 145, GPC I: 999, DGVB 133, LEIA D-61f., EIEC 458, LHEB 535, De
Bernardo Stempel 1999: 212, Delamarre 143.
Proto-Celtic: *dЊno- 'fast' – пости [Adjective]
Old Irish: diґan [o]
Proto-Indo-European: *deyh1- 'fly, move swiftly'
Page in Pokorny: 187
IE cognates: Skt. d–ґyati 'fly', Gr. diґemai 'hasten'
Notes: The OIr. form can be regularly derived from PIE *deyh1no-, with (De Saussure's) loss
of the laryngeal before *-RoReferences: LEIA D-68, EIEC 208, LIC 91, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 252, 372
Proto-Celtic: *dЊwo- 'god' – бог [Noun]
Old Irish: diґa [o m]
Middle Welsh: duiu (OW), W duw, Duw [m]
Middle Breton: doe, doue
Cornish: duy (OCo.), dew (MCo.)
Gaulish: Deuo-gnata [PN], teuo-xtonio- (Vercelli)
Celtiberian: Teiuo-reikis (K 6.1)
Proto-Indo-European: *deyw-o- 'god, sky-god'
Page in Pokorny: 184f.
IE cognates: Skt. devaґ-, Lat. deus, OPruss. deiwas
References: LEIA D-64, GPC I: 1101, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 44, Delamarre 143,
Birkhan 1970: 324, Villar 1997: 900ff.
Proto-Celtic: *dilѓ 'teat, dug' – цици
Old Irish: deil [?ѓ ?f]
Proto-Indo-European: *dheh1(y)-lPage in Pokorny: 242
IE cognates: Lat. fЊlix 'fruitful, happy', OHG tila 'nipple' – зърно на цица
Notes: The MIr. form deil is not well attested. In Cormac's glossary we seem the have the
plural dela. Is it possible to derive PCelt. *dilѓ from PIE *dh1i-l-, with the zero-grade?
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Proto-Celtic: *di-na- 'suck' – смуча [Verb]
Old Irish: denaid, denait [3p Pres.]; did [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: dynu, denu
Middle Breton: denaff
Cornish: dena
Proto-Indo-European: *dheh1y- 'suck'
Page in Pokorny: 241f.
IE cognates: Skt. dhѓґyati, Lat. fЊlѓre, Go. daddjan, OCS dojiti 'suckle', Arm. diem
References: KPV 273ff., GPC I: 1140, LP 36, EIEC 556, LIV 138f.
Proto-Celtic: *di-n-g-o- 'knead, form, press' – меся, вая, натискам [Verb]
Old Irish: dingid, -ding ; didis [Fut.]; dedaig [Pret.]; -decht [Pret. Pass.]
Celtiberian: ambitinkounei 'build' < *ambi-dingo- [Inf]
Page in Pokorny: 244f.
IE cognates: Lat. fingo
Notes: The connection of the Celtiberian form with this stem is not certain; see, however,
KPV 277. OIr. adjective daigen 'firm, fast, solid' (sometimes spelled daingen) is sometimes
connected with this root. The form daigen points to a proto-form *degino- (with e > a before
palatalized g, as in daig 'wall') < PCl. *degwi-. This change was prior to raising and lowering,
so one cannot derive daigen from **digino- and relate it to the PIE root *dheyg'h-. It could,
however, be from *dhegwh- 'burn, heat' (see *degwi-).
References: KPV 276ff., LIV 140, LP 357f, McCone 1991: 41, 46f.
Proto-Celtic: *dis-smi- 'something, anything, a small quantity' [Pronoun] – нещо в малко
Old Irish: dim gl. quippiam
Middle Welsh: dim 'thing, any matter, aught'
See also: (?) *dus- 'bad'
Notes: The OIr. word is scarcely attested (in the Ml. glosses) and it might be a borrowing
from Brit. PCelt. *dis-smi-, if this is the correct reconstruction, could have been dissimilated
from *dus-smi- 'something bad'.
References: GPC I: 1018
Proto-Celtic: *d– 'from, of' – на, за , с[Preposition]
Old Irish: di, de [aspirating, +Dat.], diґMiddle Welsh: di (OW), diMiddle Breton: di (OBret.)
Proto-Indo-European: *h2d-eh1
Page in Pokorny: 181ff.
IE cognates: Lat. dЊ
Notes: The root in this Italic and Celtic preposition is presumably the same as in *h2ed-, but
with a different suffix (or instrumental case-ending) *-eh1.
References: Stokes 143, GPC I: 943, EIEC 37, Falileyev 43 LEIA D-27, GOI 504f.,
Delamarre 143, DGVB 136
Proto-Celtic: *d–-ѓkV- 'lazy, lit. un-swift' – бавно, ленимо [Adjective]
Middle Welsh: diauc gl. segnem (OW), MW diawg (GPC diog)
Middle Breton: diochi (OBret.), Bret. diek
Cornish: dioc gl. piger (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *h1Ўk'u- 'swift' – бързо, внезапоно
Page in Pokorny: 775
IE cognates: Gr. Ўkyґs, Lat. Ўcior 'swifter'
Notes: The existence of this compound (with the prefix *d–-) presupposes the simplex
meaning 'swift'; parallels in other IE languages point to an u-stem, but this cannot be
demonstrated for Celtic.
References: LP 6, GPC I: 1026, Falileyev 43f.
Proto-Celtic: *d–-bergѓ 'robbery, brigandage' – разбойничество бандити [Noun]
Old Irish: diґberg [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: difer [m] 'treason, betrayal'
Notes: In OIr., there is also the simplex berg [ѓ f] 'robbery', but its etymology is unclear.
References: LEIA B-41, GPC I: 980, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 314.
Proto-Celtic: *d–-bi-na- 'take away' – пребирам, вземам [Verb]
Old Irish: do-ben 'take away'
Middle Welsh: dibyn 'break'
See also: *bi-naReferences: KPV 228, GPC I: 957
Proto-Celtic: *d–galѓ 'vengeance' – мъст [Noun]
Old Irish: diґgal [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: dial [m]
Cornish: dyal
See also: *gal-nReferences: GPC I: 946
Proto-Celtic: *d–-wedo- 'end' – край [Noun]
Old Irish: diґad [o n, later ѓ f] (DIL dead)
Middle Welsh: diued (OW), MW diued, diwet [m] (GPC diwedd)
Middle Breton: diued (OBret.), MBret. divez
Cornish: deweth
Proto-Indo-European: *dЊ-wedhPage in Pokorny: 1115f.
See also: *wed-oReferences: LEIA D-29, GPC I: 1056, DGVB 145, Falileyev 48
Proto-Celtic: *d–-wed-o- 'stop' [Verb]
Old Irish: do-ruid [3s Perf. Relative]
Middle Welsh: dywedd(u) (GPC diweddu, diwedd)
See also: *wed-o-, *d–-wedo- 'end'
References: KPV 656ff., GPC I: 1056
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Proto-Celtic: *d–-wik-o- 'punish, avenge' – наказание, отмъщение [Verb]
Old Irish: do-fich, -diґch
Middle Welsh: difwyn, diwyn (GPC difwyno) 'spoil, defile, pollute, violate'; diwc [3s Pres.]
'improve, pay wergeld'
See also: *wik-oReferences: KPV 683ff., GPC I: 987
Proto-Celtic: *d–y(w)o- 'day' – ден [Noun]
Old Irish: diЁe (DIL diґa)
Middle Welsh: did [m] (OW), MW dit, dyt, dyd(d) (GPC dydd) [m]; dyddiau, dieuoedd [p]
Middle Breton: ded, did (OBret.), Bret. deiz
Cornish: det (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *diy-ew- 'day'
Page in Pokorny: 184f.
IE cognates: Lat. diЊs, Arm. tiv
Notes: Cp. also OBret. diu-mercer 'Wednesday', W heddiw 'today', OIr. indiґu 'today'; we
should probably reconstruct an ablauting paradigm for PCelt. *diyЊws / *diywos
References: LEIA D-64, GPC I: 119f., DGVB 138, LHEB 351, Falileyev 45
Proto-Celtic: *dligito- 'duty, debt' – дълг [Noun]
Old Irish: dliged [o n]
Middle Welsh: dled, dyled, dylyed, dlyed [m and f]
See also: *dlig-o- 'owe'
References: GPC I: 1136
Proto-Celtic: *dlig-o- 'owe, be entitled to' – задължения [Verb]
Old Irish: dligid, -dlig ; -dlis [2s Subj.], dlicht [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: dylyu , dyly [3s Pres.]
Middle Breton: dleout 'must'
Proto-Indo-European: *dhelg(')hPage in Pokorny: 271f.
IE cognates: Go. dulgs 'debt', Russ. doґlg
References: Stokes 155, GPC I: 1135, KPV 280ff., LP 358, LEIA D-107f, EIEC 123, Morris
Jones 1913: 379.
Proto-Celtic: *dlu-n-g-o- 'split' цепя, разделям [Verb]
Old Irish: dlongaid, -dloing ; -didlastais [3p Cond.];
Proto-Indo-European: *dlewgPage in Pokorny: ?196
IE cognates: ON telgja 'hew, cut'
Notes: Rather uncertain etymology
References: KPV 284f., LEIA D-108f., McCone 1991: 45.
Proto-Celtic: *do 'to' – към , в [Preposition]
Old Irish: do, du [aspirating, +Dat.]
Proto-Indo-European: *do, *de
Page in Pokorny: 181ff.
IE cognates: OLat en-do 'in', OHG zuo, OCS do 'up to'
References: EIEC 590
Proto-Celtic: *doklo- 'hair, lock of hair' – коса, кичур коса [Noun] в славянските ез длака
Old Irish: duґal [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *dok'-lo- 'thread, hair'
Page in Pokorny: 191
IE cognates: Skt. dasґѓ 'fringe', Go. tagl 'a single hair',
References: Stokes 152, LEIA D-208, EIEC 252, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 227
Proto-Celtic: *dolѓ 'meadow, dale' – ливада, долина [Noun]
Middle Welsh: dol [f] (GPC dЈЇl)
Middle Breton: Dol- [in Toponyms]
Proto-Indo-European: *dhol-o- 'valley'
Page in Pokorny: 245f.
IE cognates: Go. dal, OCS dolъ
References: GPC I: 1073
Proto-Celtic: *dolisko- 'seaweed, Palmaria palmata' – водорасли [Noun]
Old Irish: duilesc [o m]
Middle Welsh: delysc [m] 'fucus palmatus, edible seaweed, stuff which is cast up by the sea'
(BPC delysg, dylysg, dylusg)
Proto-Indo-European: *dhh2elh1Page in Pokorny: 234
See also: *dal-nReferences: KPV 257, GPC I: 928f., LEIA D-216f., D-220
Proto-Celtic: *dol-V- 'leaf' – лист [Noun] (нашето дилянка)
Old Irish: duilne, duille [iѓ f] 'leaf, foliage'
Middle Welsh: deilen [Singulative]; dail [p]
Middle Breton: dol (OBret.)
Cornish: delen (OCo.) [Singulagive]
Gaulish: pempe-dula 'a plant (with five leaves)'
Proto-Indo-European: *dhh2el- 'blossom'
Page in Pokorny: 234
IE cognates: OE dile 'dill', Arm. dalar 'green'
See also: *dal-nNotes: The formations of these Celtic words do not match. OIr. duille should be derived from
*dolnyѓ, while the British forms are from *dolyѓ, and Gaulish seems to have a reflex of *dolѓ
References: GPC I: 879, Delamarre 146
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Proto-Celtic: *dorro- 'harsh, rough' – суров, груб, неравен [Adjective]
Old Irish: dorr [o]
Page in Pokorny: 206ff.
IE cognates: E tarse
Notes: There is little doubt that OIr. dorr is from the PIE root *der- 'tear - късам, but parallels
with the suffix *-s- are few, and limited to Germanic. Another derivative from the same root
in OIr. is doirr [originally ѓ f] 'anger' - гневен, which may go back to *dorseh2.
Proto-Celtic: *dowsant- 'arm, hand' – ръка [Noun]
Old Irish: doeЁ, doe [nt f]
Proto-Indo-European: *dowsPage in Pokorny: 226
IE cognates: Skt. doґs·-, Latv. pa-duse 'armpit' (славянското пазва)
References: LEIA D-133, EIEC 26, Thurneysen 208, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 433
Proto-Celtic: *dragenѓ 'sloetree, blackthorn, Prunus spinosa' [Noun] – растение трънка
Old Irish: draigen [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: draen, drain [m and f] 'thornbush, brambles, briars'; draenen [Singulative]
Middle Breton: draen
Cornish: drain gl. spina (OCo.)
Gaulish: Draganes [PN], *drageno- > French dial. dren 'raspberry'
Proto-Indo-European: *dhergh- 'sloetree, blackbush'
Page in Pokorny: 258
IE cognates: OHG dirn-baum, Russ. dereЁn 'cornel cherry' – дрян
References: Stokes 155, LEIA D-189f., GPC I: 1080, EIEC 528, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
145, 447, Delamarre 148, Campanile 1974: 40.
Proto-Celtic: *drikѓ 'face, appearance' [Noun]
Old Irish: drech [ѓ f] 'face'
Middle Welsh: drych [m] 'spectacle, mirror, aspect'
Middle Breton: dre(h) (OBret.)
See also: *derk-o- 'see'
References: DGVB 152, GPC I: 1091, Morris Jones 1913: 76
Proto-Celtic: *dri-n-g-o- 'climb, advance' [Verb]
Old Irish: dringid, -dring ; dreisi [2s Subj.]; dreblaing [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: dringo (GPC dringo, dringio, dringad)
Proto-Indo-European: *dreghPage in Pokorny: 212f., 254
IE cognates: Av. draјaite 'holds', Gr. draґssomai, Russ. derјaґt'
References: KPV 285f., GPC I: 1085, DGVB 152, LIV 126, LP 359, LEIA D-196, McCone
1991: 47
Proto-Celtic: *dristi- 'bramble, thornbush' [Noun]
Old Irish: driss [i f] gl. vepres
Middle Welsh: drissi [p] (OW), MW dryssi, drissi [p] (GPC drysi, drys)
Middle Breton: drisoc gl. drumentum (OBret.) , Bret. drez
Cornish: dreis gl. vepres (OCo.)
Notes: These Celtic words were compared to Gr. drioґs 'bush, coppice', but Schrijver (1995:
410) calls this 'a mere possibility'. In any case, in the absence of comparanda from other IE
languages, it is difficult to reconstruct a PIE etymon (perhaps *dris-).
References: LEIA D-197, GPC I: 1096, Falileyev 50, Schrijver 1995: 410
Proto-Celtic: *droko- 'wheel' [Noun]
Old Irish: droch [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *dhrogho- 'wheel'
Page in Pokorny: 273
IE cognates: Gr. trokhoґs, Arm. durgn 'potter's wheel'
Notes: The Celtic form might be an independent formation from PIE *dhregh- 'run' (Gr.
treґkhЎ, etc.). It is usually interpreted as a thematic derivative of the phoroґs-type, but its
voiceless velar is unexplained (we would expect PCelt. *drogo-). Therefore, I think one
should start from the PIE root-noun *dhrohgs (or *dhrЎghs) / Gen. *dhroghos, and Celtic simply
generalized the voiceless velar realized in the Nom. before final *-s.
References: LEIA D-199, LIV 135, EIEC 640, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 45, Uhlich 2002:
Proto-Celtic: *druko- 'bad' [Adjective]
Old Irish: droch-
Middle Welsh: drwg
Middle Breton: drouk
Cornish: drog
Gaulish: Druca, Drucco [PN]
References: LEIA D-198, GPC I: 1087, Delamarre 149
Proto-Celtic: *drungo- 'detachment, troop' – отряд чета [Noun]
Old Irish: drong [o m]
Middle Welsh: dronn [f] 'multitude, throng, host' (GPC dron)
Middle Breton: drogn (OBret.) gl. cetus (coetus)
See also: *dring-oNotes: These Celtic words are presumably early borrowings from Germanic, as suggested by
Pokorny (252ff.), cp. OE dryht 'companion', OHG truht 'troop' (otherwise the -u- in the root
is unexplained). The Germanic words are related to OCS drugъ 'companion', Lith. draugas,
etc. The nasal infix might be due to the influence of the verb *dri-n-go- 'advance' (OIr.
dringid etc.). Lat. drungus 'globus hostium' is a loanword from Gaulish (or directly from
some Germanic source?).
References: LEIA D-201, GPC I: 1086, Delamarre 150, DGVB 152, Birkhan 1970: 1042
Proto-Celtic: *druwid- 'priest, druid' [Noun]
Old Irish: druiґ [d m]
Gaulish: druides [Nom. p]
Notes: The second element of this compound is the root of the verb *weyd- 'see, know' (Skt.
veґda, etc.). The first element is presumably PIE *derw-, *dru- 'oak' which metaphorically
also meant 'strong, firm'. *dru-wid- is therefore the priest with 'strong insight'. The Welsh
form derwydd and OBret. dorguid gl. pithonicus are actually parallel formations (< *do-arewid-).
References: LEIA D-202f., EIEC 598, Delamarre 149
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Proto-Celtic: *dubno- 'deep' [Adjective], 'world' [Noun]
Old Irish: domain 'deep' [i], domun [o m] 'world'
Middle Welsh: dwfn 'deep'
Middle Breton: doun
Cornish: down
Gaulish: Dumno-rix [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *dhewb- 'deep'
Page in Pokorny: 267f.
IE cognates: OE dЊop, OCS dъno 'bottom', ToB tapre 'high', Alb. det 'sea'
Notes: On the relationship of OIr. domun 'world' and domain 'deep' see Uhlich 1995.
References: Stokes 153, LEIA D-163f., GPC I: 1104, EIEC 154, Delamarre 152, De
Bernardo Stempel 1999: 70, Meid 2005: 141f., Uhlich 1995.
Proto-Celtic: *dubro- 'dark, unclean' [Adjective]
Old Irish: dobur [o] 'black, unclean'
Middle Welsh: dwfr, dwr [m] 'water'
Middle Breton: dour
Cornish: dour
Gaulish: Dubra, Uerno-dubrum [Toponym]
Proto-Indo-European: *dhubh- 'black'
Page in Pokorny: 263ff.
IE cognates: Go. daufs 'deaf', Gr. typhloґs 'blind'
Notes: OIr. has also the substantivized adjective dobur 'water' (DIL D-218), which
presumably developed from the syntagm 'dark water'. A similar development also occurred in
British and (probably) Gaulish.
References: Stokes 153, LEIA D-123, GPC I: 1103f., Delamarre 152, De Bernardo Stempel
1999: 228f.
Proto-Celtic: *dubu- 'black' [Adjective]
Old Irish: dub [u]
Middle Welsh: Dub- (OW), W du
Middle Breton: du (OBret.), Bret. du, duff
Cornish: duw gl. niger
Gaulish: Dubis [Hydronym]
Proto-Indo-European: *dhewbhPage in Pokorny: 264
IE cognates: Gr. typhloґs 'blind', Go. daufs
Notes: The Gaulish forms in -i- are best derived from a feminine *dubw– built to the stem in
References: LEIA D-210f., EIEC 115, DGVB 153, LHEB 275, Delamarre 152f., Falileyev
51, Campanile 1974: 41.
Proto-Celtic: *duk-o- 'lead, carry' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: dwyn (GPC dwyn, dygyd, dygu), dygaf [1 s Pres.]; dwc [3 s Pres.] ; duc
Middle Breton: do(u)en 'carry'
Cornish: doen 'take, bring, steal'
Proto-Indo-European: *dewkPage in Pokorny: 220f.
IE cognates: Lat. dіco 'lead', Go. tiuhan 'pull'
References: KPV 286ff, LIV 124, GPC I: 1129f.
Proto-Celtic: *dunno- 'dark, brown' [Adjective]
Old Irish: donn [o]
Middle Welsh: dwn
Proto-Indo-European: *dhews- 'dark'
IE cognates: Lat. fuscus, furuus, OE dox
Notes: Gaulish names like Dunnius, Dunnonia might be related (Delamarre 154). OIr. donn
'noble' (Pokorny 121) is a different word.
References: LEIA D-171, GPC I: 1105, Delamarre 154.
Proto-Celtic: *durno- 'fist' [Noun]
Old Irish: dorn [o m]
Middle Welsh: dwrn [m]
Middle Breton: durn (OBret.), Bret. dourn
Gaulish: Dago-durnus [PN]
Notes: Old French dor, Occitan dorn 'fist' are presumably Gaul. loanwords. The IE
etymology of these Celtic words in Pokorny 203 is not persuasive.
References: Stokes 148, LEIA D-177f., GPC I: 1106, DGVB 153, Delamarre 156
Proto-Celtic: *dus- 'bad, ill-' [Prefixed adjective]
Old Irish: do-, du- (e. g. do-chla 'inglorious')
Middle Welsh: dy- (e. g. dyfydd 'gloomy')
Proto-Indo-European: *dus- 'ill-, mis-'
Page in Pokorny: 227
IE cognates: Skt. dus·-, Lat. dif-ficilis 'difficult' < *dus-facilis
Proto-Celtic: *du(s)bwuyo- 'gloom, grief'
Old Irish: dubae [?io n]
Middle Welsh: dyfydd [m]
References: GPC I: 1128, Uhlich 2002: 419
Proto-Celtic: *duxt–r 'daughter' [Noun]
Old Irish: Der-, Dar- [elements of PN], e.g. Dar-inill; Dechtir [PN]
Gaulish: duxtir (Larzac)
Celtiberian: tuateros [Gen. s] (Botorrita III)
Proto-Indo-European: *dhugh2tЊr 'daughter'
Page in Pokorny: 277
IE cognates: Hieroglyphic Luvian tuwatar-, Skt. duhitaґr-, G thygaґtЊr, ToB tkѓcer, Arm. dustr
Notes: For probable OIr. reflexes of the word for 'daughter' in OIr. see De Bernardo Stempel
References: EIEC 148, 393, Delamarre 159, De Bernardo Stempel 1997.
Proto-Celtic: *dіno- 'fort, rampart' [Noun]
Old Irish: duґn [o n]
Middle Welsh: din [m in Toponyms], dinas [m and f]
Middle Breton: din gl. arx (OBret.)
Gaulish: dunum (in Latin authors), -dunum [in PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *dhuHno- 'enclosure'
Page in Pokorny: 260
IE cognates: OE dіn 'down, moor, height'
Notes: E town, German Zaun etc. presumably represent PGerm. *tіno-, which is an old
loanword from Celtic. For a rather speculative root etymology see EIEC 210.
References: Stokes 150, LEIA D-222f., GPC I: 1019, EIEC 210, LHEB 318f., De Bernardo
Stempel 1999: 149f., Delamarre 154f., Birkhan 1970: 232.
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Proto-Celtic: *dwѓw 'two' [Numeral]
Old Irish: daґu, doґu, doґ [m, Aspirating]; di, diґ [f, Aspirating]; da, daґ [n, Nasalizing]
Middle Welsh: dou (OW), MW deu (GPC dau); dwy [f]
Middle Breton: dou, dau (OBret.), MBret. dou
Cornish: dow, dew
Proto-Indo-European: *d(u)weh3 'two'
Page in Pokorny: 228f.
IE cognates: Lat. duo, OE tі, Lith. du°, Arm. erku, ToB wi
References: LEIA D-6, GPC I: 905, DGVB 151, EIEC 399, Falileyev 49f., Schrijver 1995:
Proto-Celtic: *dweno- 'strong' [Adjective]
Old Irish: de(i)n [o]
Proto-Indo-European: *dwe-no- 'good, favourable'
Page in Pokorny: 218f.
IE cognates: Skt. duґvas 'worship, reverence' OLat. duenos, Lat. bonus 'good'
References: LEIA D-49, EIEC 650, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 454
Proto-Celtic: *dwЊflo- 'double' [Adjective]
Old Irish: diґabul [o]
Proto-Indo-European: *dwey-plo- 'double'
Page in Pokorny: 228ff.
IE cognates: Go. tweifls, Lat. duplus
References: GOI 139
Proto-Celtic: *dw–tu- 'loss, destruction' [Noun]
Old Irish: diґth [u ?n, m]
Proto-Indo-European: *dhweh1- 'die'
Page in Pokorny: 260
IE cognates: Lat. fіnus 'burial', OHG tauwen 'die', OCS daviti 'strangle'
References: LEIA D-100, EIEC 150, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 292
Proto-Celtic: *dworѓ, *duro-, *dworestu- 'door' [Noun]
Old Irish: dorus [u m], Dor, Duir [Toponyms]
Middle Welsh: dor (OW), MW dor [f] (GPC dЈЇr), drws [m]
Middle Breton: dor
Cornish: dor, darat
Gaulish: Augusto-durum [PN] ('Forum Augusti')
Proto-Indo-European: *dwwor- 'door'
Page in Pokorny: 278
IE cognates: Lat. forЊs, Gr. thyґrѓ, ToB twere
Notes: The Celtic forms are actually not easy to subsume under a single etymon. We might be
dealing with a PCelt. ablauting paradigm, Nom. s *dwЎr, Acc. *dwor-an (from which we have
the British forms and, with a suffix, OIr. dorus, W drws < *dwor-es-tu-), Gen. s *dur-os (from
which we can derive Gaul. -durum and the OIr. toponyms Dor, Duir
References: LEIA D-173, GPC I: 1089, EIEC 98, 168, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 145, 447,
Delamarre 156, Falileyev 49, Matasovicґ 2004: 103, 117
Proto-Celtic: *dwosyo- 'human being' [Noun]
Old Irish: doeґ, dae [io? m]
Proto-Indo-European: *dhwes- 'breathe'
Page in Pokorny: 268ff.
IE cognates: Lith. dіsiu°, OCS dy«ati, German Tier 'animal'
Notes: Middle Irish doeґ is attested chiefly in poetic texts. A possible parallel in Gaul. is
Dusios 'a kind of demon, incubus', attested in the works of Lat. writers (e. g. Augustine). See
Delamarre 158.
References: LEIA D-14, Delamarre 158, Lindeman 1999.
Proto-Celtic: *dwЎyo- 'slow' [Adjective]
Old Irish: doґe [io]
Proto-Indo-European: *deh2-w- 'far'
Page in Pokorny: 219f.
IE cognates: Gr. dЊґn 'far' (Adv.), Lat. dі-dum 'some time ago'
Notes: If the PCelt. reconstruction is correct, it would appear that OIr. doґe is from PIE
*dwoh2-yo-, but the o-grade of this root is unattested elsewhere. It also appears possible to
derive it from *deh2-w-yo-, with the same suffix as in Slavic, cp. Croat. davni 'very old,
References: LEIA D-204, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 204
Proto-Celtic: *eburo- 'yew'[Noun]
Old Irish: ibar [o m]
Middle Welsh: efwr 'cow parsnip, hog-weed'
Middle Breton: evor
Gaulish: Eburo-dunum [Toponym]
See also: *yewo- 'yew'
Notes: This word should not be confused with PCelt. *yewo-, as in EIEC 654.
References: EIEC 654, Delamarre 159f.
Proto-Celtic: *ed-o- 'eat' [Verb]
Old Irish: ithid, -ith; estair, -estar [Subj.]; iґsaid, -iґsa [Fut.]; *aґid, do-fuґaid < *tu-ѓdProto-Indo-European: *h1edPage in Pokorny: 287f.
IE cognates: Skt. aґdmi, Gr. eґdomai, Lat. edo
Notes: It is possible that this verb formed a 'Narten' present in Proto-Celtic, in which case the
correct reconstruction would be PCelt. *–d- / *ed-. See the discussion in KPV 378ff.
References: KPV 377ff., LIV 230f.
Proto-Celtic: *edwon- 'pain' [Noun]
Old Irish: idu [n f] 'pain, birthpangs'
Proto-Indo-European: *h1edwol/n- 'pain, evil'
Page in Pokorny: 287ff.
IE cognates: Hitt. idѓlu- 'evil', Gr. odyґnЊ 'pain', Arm. erkn 'birthpangs'
References: EIEC 413, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 115, Matasovicґ 2004: 123, Stµber 1998:
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Proto-Celtic: *efiro- 'after' [Preposition]
Old Irish: iar [Nasalizing, +Dat.]
Proto-Indo-European: *h1epi-, *h1opi- 'near, on'
Page in Pokorny: 323
IE cognates: Skt. aґpi, Arm. ev 'and, also', Alb. epeЁreЁ 'upper'
References: EIEC 391
Proto-Celtic: *ekoro- 'open' [Adjective]
Old Irish: echair, eochair [i and k, f] 'key'
Middle Welsh: agor 'open'
Notes: In W, the verb agoraf is deadjectival, as well as the MIr. noun echair, eochair,
originally 'the opener'
References: Pedersen 1909, I: 123, GPC I: 48
Proto-Celtic: *ekwo-, *ekwѓlo- 'horse' [Noun]
Old Irish: ech [o m]
Middle Welsh: ebawl 'foal' [m] (GPC ebol)
Middle Breton: eb 'horse' (OBret.), ebol 'foal' (OBret.) , MBret. ebeul
Cornish: ebol gl. pullus (OCo.)
Gaulish: Epos [PN]
Celtiberian: Ekua-laku [PN] (A.63)
Proto-Indo-European: *h1ek'wo- 'horse'
Page in Pokorny: 301
IE cognates: Luw. a«uwa-, Skt. aґsґvas, Lat. equus, OE eoh, ToB yakwe
Notes: Gaul. Equos 'name of the ninth month' (Coligny) might be an archaic form (with
preserved qu < *kw), but it might also be a Latin loanword. The Brit. forms (except OBret.
eb) are from a derivative *ekwѓlo- (cp. also Celtib. Ekua-laku-).
References: GPC I: 1156, DGVB 154, EIEC 98, 274, Delamarre 163ff., Campanile 1974: 41,
De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 43, 219
Proto-Celtic: *elan(t)– 'doe, hind' [Noun]
Old Irish: elit, ailit [– f]
Middle Welsh: elain [m and f]
Gaulish: Elantia [NP]
Proto-Indo-European: *h1elh1nih2 'hind-elk, adult female Cervus elaphus'
Page in Pokorny: 303f.
IE cognates: Lith. aґlne†, OCS lani
Notes: The OIr. and Gaul. forms are derivable from PCelt. *elant–, while MW elain points to
*elan–, with clearer parallels in other languages. Cp. also Gaul elambiu(os) 'tenth month
(deer-month)' (Coligny), which contains the same suffix *-bh- seen in Gr. eґlaphos 'red deer,
References: GPC I: 1204, EIEC 155, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 83, Delamarre 161
Proto-Celtic: *elV- 'swan' [Noun]
Old Irish: ela, elae [?iѓ f]
Middle Welsh: alarch [m and f]; eleirch, elyrch [p]
Middle Breton: alarch
Cornish: elerhc gl. olor .l. cignus
Proto-Indo-European: *h1el- 'swan'
Page in Pokorny: 304
IE cognates: Lat. olor
Notes: The British forms are derivable from *elarsko- according to Schrijver (1995: 76). The
OIr. form might imply PCelt. *elyѓ.
References: GPC I: 74, EIEC 558, Pedersen I: 40, Campanile 1974: 41, Schrijver 1995: 76
Proto-Celtic: *emban- 'butter' [Noun]
Old Irish: imb [n n]
Middle Welsh: ymenyn [m] (GPC ymenyn (e)menyn)
Middle Breton: amann, amannen
Cornish: amanen gl. butyrum (OCo.), MoCo. manyn
Proto-Indo-European: *h3engw-en- 'butter'
Page in Pokorny: 779
IE cognates: Lat. unguen 'grease', OHG ancho 'butter', OPruss. anctan 'butter'
References: GPC III: 3775, EIEC 382, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 101ff., 120, Schrijver
1995: 87, Stµber 1998: 58f., Campanile 1974: 3.
Proto-Celtic: *embli-yon- 'navel' [Noun]
Old Irish: imbliu [n, m or f] ( imliu)
Proto-Indo-European: *h3nobh-li- 'navel, nave'
Page in Pokorny: 314f.
IE cognates: Skt. nѓґbhi, Lat. umbil–cus, OE nafela
References: EIEC 391, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:118, 331
Proto-Celtic: *em-o- 'take' [Verb]
Old Irish: ar-foiґm 'receive, allow' < *ari-wo-em- ; ar-a-foiґma < * ari-wo-em- [3s Subj.
relative]; ar-foґet [Pret.]
Page in Pokorny: 310
IE cognates: Lat. emo 'take', Lith. imЇti 'take'
References: KPV 290ff, LP 360, LIV 236, McCone 1991: 162
Proto-Celtic: *enѓtro- 'entrails, bowels' [Noun]
Old Irish: inathar [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *h1eh1tro- 'internal organ'
IE cognates: Gr. Њtor 'heart', OHG ѓdara 'vein, p. entrails'
Notes: The OIr. form can be derived from PIE *en-h1oh1tro-.
References: EIEC 359, De Bernardo Stempel 425.
Proto-Celtic: *enekwo- 'face' [Noun]
Old Irish: enech [o n]
Middle Welsh: enep [m] (OW), MW wyneb
Middle Breton: enep (OBret.)
Cornish: eneb gl. pagina (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *h1eni-h3kwoPage in Pokorny: 775ff.
IE cognates: Gr. Ўґps 'face', OCS o‰i 'eyes'
Notes: An old compound meaning something like 'that on which eyes are located'.
References: Pedersen I: 38, DGVB 160, EIEC 188, Falileyev 54, Campanile 1974: 42, De
Bernardo Stempel 1999: 36, 315
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Proto-Celtic: *eni 'in' [Preposition]
Old Irish: i [nasalizing, +Dat. and +Acc.]
Middle Welsh: in (OW), MW yn
Middle Breton: en
Cornish: yn
Proto-Indo-European: *eni 'in'
Page in Pokorny: 311
IE cognates: Gr. eґni, en, Lat. in, Go. in
References: GOI 521, EIEC 290, 395, Delamarre 163, De Bernardo Falileyev 91, Stempel
1999: 53
Proto-Celtic: *eni-fedo- 'position, place' [Noun]
Old Irish: ined (DIL inad) [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *eni-pedo-, from *pedo- 'track, footprint'
Page in Pokorny: 791f.
IE cognates: Hitt. pЊdan 'place', Lat. peda 'sole', Arm. het
References: EIEC 595
Proto-Celtic: *enter 'between' [Preposition]
Old Irish: eter [Aspirating in Mid. Ir., +Acc.]
Middle Welsh: ithr (OW), MW ythr
Middle Breton: entr- (OBret.)
Gaulish: Entarabo [Theonym Dat.]
Celtiberian: entara (Botorrita)
Proto-Indo-European: *h1enter 'into, between'
Page in Pokorny: 313
IE cognates: Lat. inter, OHG untar(i), Alb. ndeЁr
References: GOI 510, DGVB 161, EIEC 63, Delamarre 163, Falileyev 98.
Proto-Celtic: *erbѓ 'fallow deer, roedeer' [Noun]
Old Irish: erp, erb [?n f] 'she-goat, doe, roe'
Proto-Indo-European: *h1er- 'lamb, kid'
Page in Pokorny: 326
IE cognates: Skt. ѓreya- 'ram', Umbrian eriet- 'ram', Lat. ariЊs 'ram', Gr. eґriphos 'young
Notes: Cp. also Scottish Gaelic earb 'roedeer'. According to DIL, OIr. erp could be an nstem, but this is not certain.
References: EIEC 511, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 77
Proto-Celtic: *erb-(y)o- 'leave (after death)' [Verb]
Old Irish: erbaid, -erbai 'entrusts, commits'
Gaulish: Orbius [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *h1erbhPage in Pokorny: 781f.
IE cognates: Lat. orbus 'bereft, parentless', Gr. orphanoґs, Go. arbja 'inheritance'
Notes: This etymology is not completely ascertained; the nominal forms cited above must be
from *h1orbhReferences: KPV 293f. Delamarre 243
Proto-Celtic: *eriro- 'eagle' [Noun]
Old Irish: irar [o m] (DIL ilar)
Middle Welsh: eryr [m and f]; eryrod, eryron [p]
Middle Breton: erer
Cornish: er (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *h3er- 'eagle'
Page in Pokorny: 325f.
IE cognates: Hitt. hѓras, Gr. oґrnis 'bird', Lith. ere?lis, OCS orьlъ
Notes: It is difficult to reconcile the vocalism of the Celtic words with the word-initial *h3,
assured by Hittite. Word-initial e- in Lithuanian is due to assimilation *are- > *ere-, but such
an explanation cannot hold for Celtic. Delamarre thinks that Gaulish names in Erno- might be
related, but I do not find this very convincing.
References: GPC I: 1240, EIEC 173, Delamarre 166, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 240.
Proto-Celtic: *erro- 'back, hinder-part, extremity' [Noun]
Old Irish: err [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *h1erso- 'rear-end, buttocks'
Page in Pokorny: 340
IE cognates: Hitt. ѓrra- 'rump', OE ears 'arse', perhaps also Lat. dorsum (if from *tod orsom)
References: EIEC 88, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 77
Proto-Celtic: *es- 'be' [Verb]
Old Irish: is [3 s Pres. copula]
Middle Welsh: is (OW), MW ys [3s Pres.] oedd [Pret.]
Middle Breton: is (OBret.)
Cornish: os, oys
Gaulish: immi [1s Pres.] (Pennes-Mirabeau)
Proto-Indo-European: *h1esPage in Pokorny: 340ff.
IE cognates: Skt. aґsmi, Lat. sum, esse
References: KPV 295ff., LIV 241f., GPC III: 3740, LP 317-323, RIG II.2: 332f.
Proto-Celtic: *esok- 'salmon' [Noun]
Old Irish: eoґ [k m]
Middle Welsh: ehawc (GPC eog) [m]
Middle Breton: eheuc
Cornish: ehoc gl. isicius (OCo.)
Gaulish: *esoks > Lat. esox (Plinius)
Notes: The British forms were reshaped, and are derivable from *esѓko- (on the analogy with
the frequent formations in Celt. *-ѓko-). Basque izokin 'salmon' is ultimately a Celtic
References: GPC I: 1225, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 311, Delamarre 167, Campanile 1974:
Proto-Celtic: *eti 'yet, still, but' [Conjunction]
Gaulish: eti (La Graufesenque)
Proto-Indo-European: *h1eti 'beyond'
Page in Pokorny: 344
IE cognates: Lat. et 'and', Skt. aґti 'beyond, over'
Notes: Gaul. etic 'and' (Chamalie°res) is from *eti-kwe.
References: Delamarre 168
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Proto-Celtic: *exs 'out of, from' [Preposition
Old Irish: ess, a
Middle Welsh: ech, eh
Middle Breton: ech (OBret.)
Gaulish: exCeltiberian: es, esProto-Indo-European: *(h1)eg'hs
Page in Pokorny: 292f.
IE cognates: Lat. ex, Gr. eks, OCS iz
References: GPC I: 1160, DGVB 154, GOI 507ff., Delamarre 169, Oґ Flaithearta 1997: 658.
Proto-Celtic: *exs-obno- 'fearless' [Adjective]
Old Irish: essamin
Middle Welsh: ehouyn (GPC eofn, eon)
Gaulish: Exobnus
See also: *obnu- 'fear'
References: LEIA O-22, GPC I: 1225, Meid 2005: 173
Proto-Celtic: *ex(s)tos 'except, but' [Conjunction, Preposition]
Old Irish: acht
Proto-Indo-European: *ek'to- 'out'
IE cognates: Gr. ektoґs
References: LEIA A-11
Proto-Celtic: *extero- 'without, outside' [Preposition]
Old Irish: echtar
Middle Welsh: eithr, eithyr
See also: *exs
References: GPC I: 1203, GOI 391, Oґ Flaithearta 1997
Proto-Celtic: *(f)ali-s- 'rock, stone' [Noun]
Old Irish: ail [i f]
Proto-Indo-European: *pelPage in Pokorny: 807
IE cognates: OHG felis, Gr. peґlla
See also: *falso- 'cliff'
Notes: The vocalism of OIr. ail is problematic. Gaul. Toponym Alesia, Alisia might be
related, as well as the Celtib. PN Alizos, but this is far from certain (see Coґlera 1998: 131,
Delamarre 39). The Celtic forms can be squared with those from Germanic languages if we
start from PIE ablauting laryngeal stem, with the Nom s *pelh1is, Gen s *plh1eys. Celtic
would have generalized the stem of the oblique cases. The development of *ClHV > *CalV in
Celtic is regular. Gr. peґlla is a glossary word (Hesych), so its form cannot be used as a safe
argument in reconstruction (usually *pelsѓ is assumed). An old s-stem, ultimately from the
same root, is OIr. all 'cliff' < *falso-.
References: LEIA A-29f., EIEC 548, Delamarre 39, Coґlera 1998: 26, 131.
Proto-Celtic: *fal-na- 'approach, drive' [Verb]
Old Irish: ad-ella 'visit, approach'< *ad-fal-na-; eblaid [Fut.]
Middle Welsh: el 'goes' [3s Pres.]
Middle Breton: yal 'goes' [3s Pres.]
Cornish: gallas 'went' [3s Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *pelh2- 'approach'
Page in Pokorny: 801f.
IE cognates: Lat. pello 'strike, drive', Gr. (Epic) piґlnamai 'approach', elanem 'exit'
See also: *ag-oNotes: OIr. eblaid is the suppletive future to agid 'drive'; MW el is the suppletive present to
mynet 'go' (GPC mynd)
References: KPV 503ff., LIV 470f., LP 359f., LEIA D-119, McCone 1991: 32
Proto-Celtic: *falso- 'cliff' [Noun]
Old Irish: all [o or u n]
Proto-Indo-European: *pel-s- 'stone'
Page in Pokorny: 807
IE cognates: Skt. pѓs·ѓnaґ- 'stone', ON fjall 'rock'
See also: *(f)aliReferences: LEIA A-70
Proto-Celtic: *falto- 'joint' [Noun]
Old Irish: alt [o n] 'joint'
Proto-Indo-European: *pol-to- 'fold'
Page in Pokorny: 802f.
IE cognates: Gr. peґplos 'cloth (in folds)', Alb. paleЁ 'fold', OE fealdan 'to fold'
References: LEIA A-63, EIEC 63
Proto-Celtic: *fansѓ 'footprint' [Noun]
Old Irish: eґs [ѓ f]
Proto-Indo-European: *peth1- 'broaden'
Page in Pokorny: 824f.
IE cognates: Lat. pando, passum 'step', Gr. piґtnЊmi
Notes: The PCelt. form can be derived from *pant-tѓ, which presupposes a nasal present
comparable to Lat. pando, see Hamp 1981.
References: Hamp 1981.
Proto-Celtic: *fare 'in front of' [Preposition]
Old Irish: air, ar [aspirating, +Acc, +Dat.]
Middle Welsh: ar-, erMiddle Breton: er-, ar
Gaulish: Are-morici [Ethnonym]
Celtiberian: are-korata (A 52)
Proto-Indo-European: *prH(i) 'in front of'
Page in Pokorny: 810-812
IE cognates: Skt. purѓґ, Gr. paґra, OHG furi
Notes: LEIA A-37 relates the Celt. forms to Gr. peri°, Go. faur-, Lat. per- (PIE *peri- 'near'),
but this is less probable in light of the vocalism (*rHV > ar is expected).
References: LEIA A-37, GOI 497f., Delamarre 52, Villar 1997: 902.
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Proto-Celtic: *fare-ber-o- 'use' [Verb]
Old Irish: ar-beir 'use'
Middle Welsh: arber (OW) 'partake of', MW aruer 'use' (GPC arfer, arferu, arferyd)
See also: *ber-oReferences: KPV 220, LEIA A-85, GPC I: 193, Falileyev 10
Proto-Celtic: *fare-derko- 'visible' [Adjective]
Old Irish: airdirc
Middle Welsh: ardderchog 'excellent, noble'
Middle Breton: erderh (OBret.) gl. euidentis
See also: *derkReferences: LEIA A-41
Proto-Celtic: *fare-kom-wed-o- 'prevent, wound' [Verb]
Old Irish: ar-coat
Middle Welsh: argyweddu 'injure, damage'
See also: *wed-oReferences: KPV 656ff., GPC I: 202
Proto-Celtic: *fare-koro- 'blow, shot' [Noun]
Old Irish: airchor [o m] 'cast, shot'
Middle Breton: ercor gl. ictum (OBret.)
See also: *are-, *koroReferences: LEIA C-205
Proto-Celtic: *fare-kri-ni- 'fear, perish' [Verb]
Old Irish: ar-a-chrin 'perish, pass'; -cria [Subj.]; -ciґuir [Pret.
Middle Welsh: ergrynu 'tremble, fear' (GPC ergryn, egryn)
See also: *kri-niReferences: KPV 420ff., GPC I: 1232f.
Proto-Celtic: *fare-kwendo- 'end, extremity' [Noun]
Old Irish: airchenn [o n] 'end, measure of land'
Middle Welsh: arbenn [m] 'chief'
Gaulish: arepennis 'semiiugerum'
See also: *kwendo- 'head'
Notes: GPC does not note the noun arbenn, but it has the derived adjective arbennig. Cp. the
parallel formations of W arbennig 'principal, chief' and OIr. airchinnech < *arepend–kos.
References: LEIA A-39, GPC I: 178.
Proto-Celtic: *fare-mert-o- 'prepare' [Verb]
Old Irish: airmert [o n] 'preparation'
Middle Welsh: armerth 'prepare'
Middle Breton: armerhein 'preparation'
References: LEIA A-47f., GPC I: 208, LP 346
Proto-Celtic: *fare-sed- 'charioteer' [Noun]
Old Irish: arae [d m]
Notes: If this etymology is correct, the compound *are-sed-s meant "the one sitting next (to
the warrior)". For a different interpretation see Campanile (1989).
References: LEIA A-84, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 168.
Proto-Celtic: *fare-wed-o- 'lead, bring to' [Verb]
Old Irish: ar-feid
Middle Welsh: arwein 'bear, carry' (GPC arwain, arweddu)
See also: *wed-oReferences: KPV 656ff., GPC I: 214
Proto-Celtic: *fare-wЊd-yo- 'sign' [Noun]
Old Irish: airde [io n]
Middle Welsh: arwydd [m and f]
Middle Breton: aroued-ma gl. signaculum (OW)
See also: *wЊd-oReferences: LEIA A-41, GPC I: 216
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Proto-Celtic: *far-na- 'bestow' [Verb]
Old Irish: ernaid, -ern; eraid, -era [Subj.]; ebraid, -ebra [Fut.]; iґr [Pret.]; rathae, -rath [Pret.
Gaulish: ieuru 'offered' [3s Pret.] (Alise)
Proto-Indo-European: *perh3- 'bestow, give'
Page in Pokorny: 817
IE cognates: Skt. pr•n·ѓґti 'gives', Lat. paro 'prepare'
References: KPV 508ff., LIV 474f., LEIA R-19f., Delamarre 188f.
Proto-Celtic: *far-sko- 'ask, plead' [Verb]
Old Irish: arcaid, -airc; reiss, -reґ [Subj.]; ibrais, -ibair [Fut.]; arcair [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: erchim (OW), MW erchi; archaf [1 s Pres.]? erchis [3s Pret.]; erchit
Middle Breton: archaff [1s Pres.]
Cornish: erghi
Proto-Indo-European: *prek'- 'ask'
Page in Pokorny: 821f.
IE cognates: Lat. precor, OCS prositi, Lith. prasўyґti
References: KPV 511ff., LIV 490f., LEIA A-86, GPC I: 179, LHEB 582, Falileyev 56,
Schrijver 1995: 350
Proto-Celtic: *farV- 'prepare' [Verb]
Old Irish: aradu [n f] 'preparation, disposition'
Proto-Indo-European: *perh2- 'produce, procure'
Page in Pokorny: 818
IE cognates: Lat. paro 'prepare'
References: LEIA A-83, LIV 427f., Stµber 1998: 116
Proto-Celtic: *fatar / Gen. fatanos, fetnos 'wing, bird' [Noun]
Old Irish: eґn [o m] 'bird'
Middle Welsh: atar (OW) 'birds', MW adar [p]; aderyn, ederyn [Singulative]; adein 'wing'
Middle Breton: attanoc gl. aligeris (OBret.)
Proto-Indo-European: *potr / *ptn-os 'wing'
IE cognates: Skt. paґtra-, Gr. pteroґn, Lat. penna.
See also: *fet-no- 'bird'
Notes: PCelt. probably preserved the old PIE heteroclyton which meant 'wing', but the
meaning was changed to 'bird' (i. e. 'the winged one'). Later, but still in PCelt., a new noun
stem was formed from the oblique cases *fetno-), which is the origin of OIr. eґn 'bird', W edn.
OIr. aґith 'wing', sometimes adduced as related to this PCelt. etymon, probably does not exist
(aґith 'drying kiln' is a different word).
References: LEIA A-53f., GPC I: 12, EIEC 646, Falileyev 12.
Proto-Celtic: *fatnѓ 'drinking vessel' [Noun]
Old Irish: aґn [ѓ f]
Proto-Indo-European: *poth2r / *pth2nos 'shallow dish, plate'
IE cognates: Hitt. pattar, Gr. pataґnЊ.
Notes: Another possibility, suggested by LEIA A-72, is to derive OIr. aґn from PCelt. *fѓ-nѓ,
and relate it to PIE *peh3- 'drink'.
References: LEIA A-72, EIEC 443, Matasovicґ 2004: 116.
Proto-Celtic: *fawtu- 'fear' [Noun]
Old Irish: uґath [u ?m] 'horror, fear'
Middle Welsh: uthr 'terrible'
Middle Breton: euz 'horror'
Cornish: uth 'horror'
Proto-Indo-European: *ph2ew- 'fear'
Page in Pokorny: 73
IE cognates: Lat. paueo, pauor
References: LEIA U-11, GPC III: 3721, Delamarre 170, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 291.
Proto-Celtic: *feno- 'moor, swamp' [Noun]
Old Irish: en 'water'
Middle Welsh: en-wyn [m] 'buttermilk'
Gaulish: anam gl. paludem
Proto-Indo-European: *penPage in Pokorny: 807f.
IE cognates: Goth. fani 'mud', OPruss. pannean 'moor, muddy field'
Notes: MIr. en is a glossary word, but en- 'water' is attested as a first member of compounds,
e. g. en-glas 'watery milk'. There is also MIr. enach [s n] 'swamp' (< *fenѓkos). The
hydronym Enos (> Inn in Austria) is probably from the same PCelt. form. Gaul. anam
probably presupposes an assimilation (*fenѓ > *fanѓ). This could also explain MIr. an [? ѓ f]
'water, urine'. The etymology that connects the name of the Roman province of Pannonia
with these words is possible, but speculative (see Meid 2005).
References: GPC I: 1224, Delamarre 43f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 151, Meid 2005: 19.
Proto-Celtic: *ferikѓ 'concubine' [Noun]
Old Irish: airech [ѓ f]
Proto-Indo-European: *perikeh2 'female servant?'
IE cognates: Avestan pairikѓ 'witch', ? Lat. Parcae 'the Fates'
References: LEIA A-43, De Bernardo Stempel 313
Proto-Celtic: *ferko- 'perch' [Noun]
Old Irish: erc [o m] 'perch, salmon'
Proto-Indo-European: *perk'- 'color'
IE cognates: Gr. perknoґs 'freckled, red', German farbe 'color' < *pork'woReferences: EIEC 113
Proto-Celtic: *ferko- 'salmon' [Noun]
Old Irish: erc, orc [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *perk'- 'speckled (fish), trout'
Page in Pokorny: 821
IE cognates: OHG ferhana 'trout'
References: LEIA O-28, EIEC 537, 634.
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Proto-Celtic: *feruti 'last year' [Adverb]
Old Irish: innuraid (DIL uraid)
Proto-Indo-European: *per-uti [Loc. s]'last year', *wet- 'year'
Page in Pokorny: 1175
IE cognates: Skt. par-uґt 'last year', Gr. peґrysi
Notes: OIr. inn-uraid might reflect the PCelt. Accusative s *ferut-en, rather than Loc./Dat. s
*feruti, if McCone 1996: 101 is right.
References: GOI 52, McCone 1996: 101
Proto-Celtic: *fet-no- 'bird' [Noun]
Old Irish: eґn [o, m]
Middle Welsh: edn [m]; ednod [p]
Middle Breton: ezn
Cornish: hethen, ethen
Gaulish: Etnosus [Theonym]
Proto-Indo-European: *pet- 'fly'
Page in Pokorny: 825f.
See also: *fatar 'bird'
Notes: The thematic stem *fetno- is presumably generalized from the oblique cases of the old
heterocliton *fatar / *fetnos maybe also *fatanos).
References: KPV 515, GPC I: 1166f, EIEC 646, Falileyev 12, Delamarre 168, De Bernardo
Stempel 1999: 254
Proto-Celtic: *fet-o- 'fly' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: ehedec < *eks-fet-o-; ehet [3s Pres.]
Proto-Indo-European: *pet- 'fly'
Page in Pokorny: 825f.
See also: *fet-no- 'bird'
Notes: LIV reconstructs this root as *peth2-, KPV without the laryngeal.
References: KPV 515, LIV 479
Proto-Celtic: *fextu- 'breast' [Noun]
Old Irish: ucht [u n?]
Proto-Indo-European: *pektu- 'breast'
Page in Pokorny: 848
IE cognates: Lat. pectus
Notes: In the prehistory of the OIr. word, we must assume an assimilation *fextu- > *fuxtu-,
which is trivial.
References: LEIA U-14f., EIEC 518
Proto-Celtic: *fЊsko- 'fish' [Noun]
Old Irish: iґasc [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *pi(k')sk'o- 'trout, fish'
Page in Pokorny: 796
IE cognates: Lat. piscis, OE fisc
References: EIEC 604, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 43, 523
Proto-Celtic: *fЊtu- '(grass-)land, territory' [Noun]
Old Irish: iґath [u n] 'land, territory'
Proto-Indo-European: *peyh2-tu- 'prairy, rich grassland'
Page in Pokorny: 793
IE cognates: Gr. poiґЊ 'grass', Lith. piґeva 'meadow'
Notes: The name of the Gaulish tribe HeluЊti– could be a compound *felu-Њtyo- 'Die
Landreichen' (see Delamarre 168).
References: Delamarre 168
Proto-Celtic: *fib-o- 'drink' [Verb]
Old Irish: ibid, -ib; ebaid, -eba [Subj.]; iґbaid, -iґba [Fut.]; ibis, -ib [Pret.]; ibthe, -ibed [Pret.
Middle Welsh: yuet; yf [3s Pres.] (GPC yfed)
Middle Breton: euaff, yvet
Cornish: eva, eve
Gaulish: ibetis [2p Impv. or Ind.]
Proto-Indo-European: *peh3(y)- 'drink'
Page in Pokorny: 839f.
IE cognates: Skt. piґbati, Lat. bibo, OCS piti
Notes: In OW the form iben is attested (Juv. 3). It is the 1p imperfect.
References: KPV 516ff., GPC III: 3751, LIV 462f., LP 373, RIG II.2: 349f., EIEC 98, 175,
Delamarre 187, Falileyev 89.
Proto-Celtic: *filu- 'many' [Adjective]
Old Irish: il
Proto-Indo-European: *pelh1u- 'much'
Page in Pokorny: 800
IE cognates: OE fela 'much', Gr. polyґs 'much'
References: EIEC 3, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 92, 532ff.
Proto-Celtic: *fitu- 'food' [Noun]
Old Irish: ith [u n] 'grain'
Middle Welsh: it (OW)
Proto-Indo-European: *peytu- 'food'
Page in Pokorny: 793f.
IE cognates: OCS pi«ta 'meal', Lith. pie?tіs 'meal'
References: EIEC 208, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 292.
Proto-Celtic: *f–sselo- 'low' [Adjective]
Old Irish: iґsel [o]
Middle Welsh: isel (OW and MW)
Middle Breton: isel gl. imum (OBret.), MBret. isel
Cornish: yssel
References: GPC II: 2033, DGVB 232, Falileyev 97.
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Proto-Celtic: *f–ssu- 'under' [Preposition]
Old Irish: iґs [+Dat.] 'below, under'
Middle Welsh: is (OW and MW)
Middle Breton: is (OBret.), MBret. is
Proto-Indo-European: *ped- 'foot'
Page in Pokorny: 790
IE cognates: Skt. pѓґd-, Lat. pЊs, Gr. pouґs
Notes: This OIr. form is usually derived from PIE Locative p. *pЊdsu, but the lengthened
grade is unexpected. It is, however, found also in OCS peў«ь 'on foot' and in Alb. posh-teЁ
'under'. Perhaps it is better to assume a PIE preposition *pЊdsV- already with the lengthened
References: GPC II: 2031, EIEC 208f., DGVB 230, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 31
Proto-Celtic: *f–weryon- 'earth, soil' [Noun]
Old Irish: iґriu [n f]
Proto-Indo-European: *piHwer-/n- 'thick, fat'
Page in Pokorny: 798
IE cognates: Skt. p–ґvan- 'thick, fat', Gr. p–ґЎn, f. p–ґeira 'fat, fruitful, rich'
Notes: The Irish (and Welsh) name of Ireland, Eґriu, W Iwerddon, might also be related, but
there are difficulties with this etymology, and there are alternative ones (see Stµber 1998: 96).
References: GPC II: 2025, Schrijver 1995: 288, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 114, Stµber
1998: 95ff.
Proto-Celtic: *flѓmѓ 'palm, hand' [Noun]
Old Irish: laґm [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: lau [f] (OW), MW llaw
Middle Breton: lom- (OBret.)
Cornish: lof gl. manus (OCo.)
Gaulish: Lama-tutus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *plh2meh2 'palm, hand'
Page in Pokorny: 73
IE cognates: Lat. palma, Gr. palaґmЊ
Notes: In OBret. lom- appears only in compounds and in PN Dreho-lom.
References: GPC II: 2104, DGVB 246, EIEC 255, Delamarre 195, Falileyev 100, Campanile
1974: 73, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 247, 532, 573
Proto-Celtic: *flѓno- 'full' [Adjective]
Old Irish: laґn [o]
Middle Welsh: llawn
Middle Breton: dacr-lon 'full of tears' (OBret.) MBret. leun
Cornish: luen, leun
Gaulish: Uisu-lanius [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *plh1no- 'full'
Page in Pokorny: 799
IE cognates: Skt. pіrn·aґ-, Lat. plЊnus, Go. fulls
References: GPC II: 2112, DGVB 246, EIEC 206, 214, Delamarre 196f., De Bernardo
Stempel 1999: 388, 456
Proto-Celtic: *flѓro- 'floor' [Noun]
Old Irish: laґr [o n] 'ground, surface, middle'
Middle Welsh: laur (OW) 'floor', MW llaur, llawr [m]
Middle Breton: lor gl. solum (OBret.)
Cornish: lor gl. pauimentum (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *pelh2- 'flat, to spread'
Page in Pokorny: 806
IE cognates: OE flЎr 'floor', Lat. plѓnus 'flat, even'
Notes: The closest equivalent of the Celtic forms is found in Germanic, where OE flЎr is from
*flЎruz < *pleh2-ru-. Lat. plѓnus perhaps points to the existence of a PIE heterocliton, *pleh2r
/ *plh2nos 'floor'.
References: GPC II: 2118, DGVB 247, Falileyev 101, LHEB 287, GPC 2118, Campanile
1974: 74.
Proto-Celtic: *fleng-o- 'jump' [Verb]
Old Irish: lingid, -ling; leґiss, -leґ [Subj.]; iblais, -ibail [Fut.]; leblaing, eblaing [Pret.]; -eblacht
[Pret. Pass.]
Proto-Indo-European: *h1lengwh- 'move effortlessly'
Page in Pokorny: 660f.
IE cognates: Skt. raґmўhate 'hurry', Gr. elaphroґs 'quick', OHG gi-lingan 'succeed'
Notes: KPV 522ff. relates this verb to PIE *(s)prengh- 'jump', but I prefer to follow LIV's
attribution, in spite of some phonological difficulties. The name of the Gaulish tribe Lingones
may be related to this root (Delamarre).
References: KPV 522ff., LIV 247f., LEIA D-162., Delamarre 203
Proto-Celtic: *flenstu- 'light' [Noun]
Old Irish: leґs [u m]
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)plend- 'shine'
Page in Pokorny: 987
IE cognates: Lat. splendeo, ToAB plѓntѓ- 'rejoice'
References: EIEC 514, LIV 530.
Proto-Celtic: *flЊd-o- 'succeed' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: llwyddaw (GPC llwydd(i)o)
Proto-Indo-European: *pleyd- 'attempt'
IE cognates: OE fl–tan, OHG fl–zan 'attempt, try hard'
Notes: This verb is not represented in LIV; it is attested only in Germanic and Celtic.
References: GPC II: 2242, KPV 521f.
Proto-Celtic: *flЊto- 'gray' [Adjective]
Old Irish: liґath [o]
Middle Welsh: llwyd
Middle Breton: loit (OBret.), MBret. loet
Cornish: loys
Gaulish: *LЊtisamѓ > Louesme [Toponym]
Proto-Indo-European: *peli- 'gray'
Page in Pokorny: 805
IE cognates: Skt. palitaґ-, Lat. pallidus 'pale', Gr. pelitnoґs
References: GPC II: 2239, DGVB 246, Delamarre 200, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 372, 441
Proto-Celtic: *flikkѓ '(flat) stone' [Noun]
Old Irish: lecc [ѓ f] '(sepulcral) plate, stone'
Middle Welsh: llech [f] 'slate'
Middle Breton: lec'h
Cornish: lehan
Gaulish: Are-lica [Toponym]
Proto-Indo-European: *plkeh2 'flat surface'
Page in Pokorny: 831f.
IE cognates: Gr. plaґks 'flat stone; ON flaґ
References: GPC II: 2123, Delamarre 201, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 178, 508ff.
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Proto-Celtic: *fli-ni- 'flow' [Verb]
Old Irish: do-lin < *tu-fli-niProto-Indo-European: *pleh1- 'be full, fill'
Page in Pokorny: 798f.
IE cognates: Skt. pr•n·ѓґti 'fill', Arm. lnowm
See also: *flѓnos 'full'
Notes: In EIEC the OIr. verb is related rather to PIE *h2ley- 'set in motion' (Lat. l–tus
'beach', OCS liti 'pour', etc., Pokorny 664ff.), which is also a possiblity.
References: KPV 524f., LIV 482f., LEIA D-161, EIEC 506
Proto-Celtic: *flitano-, *flitaw– 'broad' [Adjective]
Old Irish: lethan [o]
Middle Welsh: llydan 'broad'; OWLitau 'Brittany', W Llydaw 'Brittany'
Middle Breton: litan (OBret.), Bret. ledan; Letau (OBret.) 'Brittany'
Cornish: ledan
Gaulish: Litana (silua) [Toponym], Litaui [Theonym]
Proto-Indo-European: *plth2u- 'broad', *plth2wih2 'the broad one' [f]
Page in Pokorny: 806, 833
IE cognates: Skt. pr•thiv–ґ 'earth' Gr. Plaґtaia [Toponym]
Notes: The PIE form was *plth2u- m., *plth2wih2 f. (cp. Gr. platyґs, plate–a). PCelt. flitaw–
directly represents the feminine form, while *flitano- is from the derived *plth2-no- (with the
stem *plth2- abstracted from the comparative?).
References: GPC II: 2251, DGVB 244, EIEC 98, Delamarre 204, De Bernardo Stempel
1999: 91, 532ff.
Proto-Celtic: *flittV- 'pap, porridge' [Noun]
Old Irish: littiu [n f]
Middle Welsh: llith [m] 'food, nourishment, bait'
Proto-Indo-European: *polt- / *plt-os 'pap, porridge'
Page in Pokorny: 802
IE cognates: Lat. puls, pultis, Gr. poґltos
Notes: If the etymology assumed here is correct, the Celtic forms are derived from the zerograde of the root attested in Lat. puls. There is, however, another possibility (see Stµber 1998:
127). MIr. littiu is sometimes spelled lichtiu, so it could also be a derivative of ligid 'licks',
PCelt. *lixtyon-. If so, MW llith would be from the participle *lixto-. On the other hand, the
agreement in meaning with Lat. is compelling, and the form lichtiu could be due to the
analogical influence of ligid.
References: GPC II: 2188, EIEC 441, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 110, 512ff., Stµber 1998:
Proto-Celtic: *flowdyo- 'lead' [Noun]
Old Irish: luґaide [io m]
Proto-Indo-European: *plowdho- 'lead'
IE cognates: Lat. plumbum
Notes: The Germanic words for 'lead' (OE lЊad, etc.) are early borrowings from Celtic. The
Italic and Celtic words are presumably also loanwords from some unknown source.
References: EIEC 347, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 468
Proto-Celtic: *fod- 'foot' [Noun]
Gaulish: ades 'feet' (Hesych., presumably Galatian)
Proto-Indo-European: *pod- 'foot'
Page in Pokorny: 790
IE cognates: Lat. pЊs, Gr. pouґs
See also: *f–ssu 'under'
Notes: It is difficult to see how the Hesychian gloss could represent anything else than the
Galatian word for 'foot', with the regular development '*pЎd- > ѓd-.
Proto-Celtic: *folno- 'great, vast' [Adjective]
Old Irish: oll
Proto-Indo-European: *polh1Page in Pokorny: 798ff.
IE cognates: Gr. polyґs 'many'
Notes: The loss of laryngeal in this word is regular after *oR; the o-grade of the root is
attested in Greek.
References: LEIA O-20f.
Proto-Celtic: *fondos 'stone' [Noun]
Old Irish: ond [s n]
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)pondos 'weight'
Page in Pokorny: 988
IE cognates: Lat. pondus
Notes: This is a poetic word in OIr., preserved chiefly in glossaries.
References: LEIA O-23f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 143.
Proto-Celtic: *forko- 'pork, young pig' [Noun]
Old Irish: orc [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *pork'o- 'young pig, piglet'
Page in Pokorny: 841
IE cognates: Lat. porcus, Lith. parў«as
Notes: OIr. orc is a poetic word, attested chiefly in glossaries. The name of the Orkneys is
probably from the same PCelt. root.
References: LEIA O-28, LP26, EIEC 100, 425, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 44.
Proto-Celtic: *fotlo- 'drink, act of drinking' [Noun]
Old Irish: oґl, oґol [o n]
Proto-Indo-European: *ph3e-tloPage in Pokorny: 840
IE cognates: L pЎculum, Gr. poґsis 'drink'
See also: *fib-oNotes: The vowel *o in Celtic is unexpected, as the PIE laryngeal should have yielded *a
between consonants. It is probably due to an early analogy with the full grade (*eh3 > *Ў >
PCelt. *ѓ).
References: LEIA O-19, LIV 417f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 302.
Proto-Celtic: *fowmosnѓ 'skin' [Noun]
Old Irish: uґamann [ѓ f]
Proto-Indo-European: *powm- 'body hair'
IE cognates: Lat. pіbЊs 'adult', Skt. puґmѓn 'man, male', Lith. (Dial.) pausti°s 'animal fur'
Notes: Since this word is very rare in Ir. (occurring only in poetic texts of rather late date,
such as Togail Troiґ), this etymology is rather speculative.
References: LEIA U-7, EIEC 469
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Proto-Celtic: *frato- 'grace, virtue, good fortune' [Noun]
Old Irish: rath [o n]
Middle Welsh: rat [m] (OW and MW), (GPC rhad)
Middle Breton: Rad-(uueten) [PN]
Cornish: ras
See also: *far-na- 'bestow'
Notes: These nouns are probably related to the root of *far-na- 'bestow' (OIr. ernaid etc.).
Gaul. PN Su-ratus may contain the same root.
References: LEIA R-8, GPC III: 2995, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 442.
Proto-Celtic: *freswo- 'strong cold' [Noun]
Old Irish: reoґd, reґud [o m]
Middle Welsh: rew [m] 'frost, ice' (GPC rhew)
Middle Breton: re(a)u, MoBret. rev
Cornish: reu gl. gelum (OCo.), MoCo. reaw
Proto-Indo-European: *prews- 'freeze'
Page in Pokorny: ?846
IE cognates: Skt. prus·vѓґ 'hoarfrost', Lat. pru–na 'hoarfrost', Go. frius 'hoarfrost'
Notes: The attested forms can be reconciled with PIE *prews- only if one assumes a
metathesis (*ws > *sw), but even in that case the reconstruction of the PCelt. form remains
References: LEIA R-24f., GPC III: 3063, EIEC 287
Proto-Celtic: *frikѓ 'furrow' [Noun]
Old Irish: etarche [iѓ f] < *enter-rikyѓ
Middle Welsh: rych [m and f] (GPC rhych)
Middle Breton: rec gl. sulco (OBret.)
Gaulish: *rikѓ > OFrench roie, French raie
Proto-Indo-European: *prkeh2 'furrow'
Page in Pokorny: 821
IE cognates: Lat. porca, OHG furuh
References: GPC III: 3125, EIEC 215, Delamarre 257
Proto-Celtic: *frikkѓ 'fart' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: rhech [f]
Proto-Indo-European: *perd- 'fart'
Page in Pokorny: 819
IE cognates: Lat. pЊdo, Gr. peґrdiks 'partridge', Eng. fart
Notes: PCelt. *frikkѓ arose by assimilation from *prid-kѓ, which has the zero-grade of the
PIE root *perd- 'fart'.
References: GPC III: 3042
Proto-Celtic: *fritu- 'ford' [Noun]
Old Irish: Humar-rith [Toponym]
Middle Welsh: rit (OW), W rhyd [m]
Middle Breton: rit (OBret.) gl. uadum
Cornish: rid gl vadum, red
Gaulish: Ritu-magus [Toponym]
Proto-Indo-European: *prtu- 'ford'
Page in Pokorny: 817
IE cognates: Lat. portus 'port', OE ford
References: LEIA R-34, GPC III: 3126, Delamarre 259
Proto-Celtic: *friyo- 'free' [Adjective]
Middle Welsh: rhydd
Middle Breton: rid (OBret.)
Cornish: benen rid gl. femina (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *priHo- 'dear, free'
Page in Pokorny: 844
IE cognates: Skt. priyaґ-, Go. freis 'free'
Notes: Some Gaul. names with the element Rio- (e. g. Riotalus) might be related to this root,
rather than to *r–g- 'king' (Delamarre 258).
References: GPC III: 3127, EIEC 214, 358, Delamarre 258f., Benveniste, Vocabulaire I,
Proto-Celtic: *fro-ank-o- 'reach' [Verb]
Old Irish: ro-ic, -ric 'reach'
Middle Welsh: renghi, rynghu 'reach, satisfy, please' (GPC rhyngu, rhangu, rhengi)
Middle Breton: ranquout, rencout 'must'
See also: *ank-oReferences: KPV 200ff., GPC III: 3139
Proto-Celtic: *fro-gus-o- 'choice' [Noun]
Old Irish: rogu [indecl. n] 'choice'
Proto-Indo-European: *gews- 'taste, enjoy'
Page in Pokorny: 399
IE cognates: Skt. joґs·ati 'enjoy', Lat. gustѓre, OHG kiosan
Notes: There are other words derived from the root *gews- in OIr., with different prefixes:
togu, forgu, digu, etc., but the simplex is not preserved.
References: LEIA R-40
Proto-Celtic: *fromo- 'immediately' [Adverb]
Old Irish: rom
Proto-Indo-European: *pro-mo- 'first, leading'
IE cognates: Gr. proґmos 'leader', Umbrian promom [Adverb] 'firstly'
References: LEIA R-41f.
Proto-Celtic: *frosso- 'height, elevated land, (wooded) hill' [Noun]
Old Irish: ros [o m] 'wood, height'
Middle Welsh: ros [f] 'flat and uncultivated land, moor' (GPC rhos)
Middle Breton: ros
Cornish: Rose, Roose [Toponyms]
Proto-Indo-European: *pro-sth2o- 'protruding' (?)
Page in Pokorny: 1005
IE cognates: Skt. prastha- 'elevated land'
Notes: Cp. also Lat. postis 'door-post' < *pr-sth2-i-. The same PIE root is attested in other
compounds, cp. OIr. iress 'faith' < PCelt. *fare-sistѓ < PIE *peri-si-steh2-.
References: LEIA R-43, GPC III: 3096, Uhlich 2002: 415
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Proto-Celtic: *fster-u- 'sneeze' [Noun]
Old Irish: sreod [o m]
Middle Welsh: trev, ystrew [m]
Middle Breton: strefia, strevia 'to sneeze'
Proto-Indo-European: *pster- 'sneeze'
Page in Pokorny: 847
IE cognates: Lat. sternuo, Gr. ptaґrnymai
Notes: Although these words are related, the exact correspondences are difficult to ascertain.
References: LEIA S-185, GPC III: 3866, EIEC 133, LIV 446, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
Proto-Celtic: *ful-V- 'beard' [Noun]
Old Irish: ul [??]
Gaulish: Ulatos [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *pul- 'body hair'
Page in Pokorny: 850
IE cognates: Skt. pulaґka-, Gr. pyґligges [p]
Notes: Delamarre (323) prefers to relate Gaul. Ulatos (etc.) to PCelt. *wlѓti- 'ruler', which is
also a possibility.
References: LEIA U-23, Delamarre 323
Proto-Celtic: *fuxtakѓ 'pine' [Noun]
Old Irish: ochtach [ѓ f]
Proto-Indo-European: *pewk's 'pine'
Page in Pokorny: 828
IE cognates: Gr. peuґkЊ, OHG fiuhta 'fir', Lith. pu«i°s
References: LEIA O-7, EIEC 428
Proto-Celtic: *fіro- 'fresh' [Adjective]
Old Irish: uґr [o]
Middle Welsh: ir 'verdant, green, sappy'
Proto-Indo-European: *puh2-ro-o- 'pure, clean'
Page in Pokorny: 827
IE cognates: Lat. pіrus, Skt. pіta- 'purified'
References: LP 26, LIV 432, LEIA U-26f., EIEC 109, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 135, 138,
Proto-Celtic: *gablo- 'fork, forked branch' [Noun]
Old Irish: gabul [o m and ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: gafl [f]
Middle Breton: gabl (OBret.), Bret. gaol
Gaulish: (Ciuitas) Gabalum (> le Geґvaudon) [Toponym]
Proto-Indo-European: *ghabhlo- 'fork, branch of tree'
Page in Pokorny: 409
IE cognates: OE gafol 'fork'
Notes: The only correspondences to these Celtic words are attested in Germanic. However, it
appears probable that these words should be related to PIE *ghHbh- 'have, hold'. In OW there
is the adjective gablau 'split open, forked' (Falileyev 59).
References: GPC II: 1370, DGVB 173, Pedersen I: 39, EIEC 209, De Bernardo Stempel
1999: 224, 227, Delamarre 172f., Falileyev 59.
Proto-Celtic: *gabro- 'he-goat' [Noun]; *gabrѓ 'she-goat'
Old Irish: gabor [o m]
Middle Welsh: gafr [f] 'goat, she-goat'
Middle Breton: gabr (OBret.), Bret. gaor
Cornish: gauar gl. capra (OCo.)
Gaulish: Gabro-magus [Toponym] 'Goatfield', Gabrus [NP]
Proto-Indo-European: *kapr 'penis, he-goat'
Page in Pokorny: 529
IE cognates: Skt. kaґpr•th 'penis', ON hafr 'he-goat', Gr. kaґpros 'boar'
References: GPC II: 1370f., LP 39, EIEC 507, Delamarre 173f., Campanile 1974: 48, De
Bernardo Stempel 1999: 44, Schrijver 1995: 353, 460
Proto-Celtic: *gab-yo- 'take, hold' [Verb]
Old Irish: gaibid, -gaib ; -gaba [Subj.]; -geґba [Fut.]; gabais, -gab [Pret.], -gabad [Pret. Pass.]
Middle Welsh: ad-gabael (OW), MW caffael 'get, receive', keiff [3s Pres.] ; cauas [Pret.]
Middle Breton: caffout
Cornish: kavoes, gauael gl. prehensio (OCo.)
Gaulish: gabi [2s Impv.]
Celtiberian: kapizeti [3s] (Botorrita I)
Proto-Indo-European: *ghHbhPage in Pokorny: 407ff.
IE cognates: Lat. habeo 'have'
References: KPV 318ff., LIV 195, LP 365ff., EIEC 707, Morris Jones 1913: 343ff., RIG II.2:
330f., Lambert 1994: 123, 212, Eska 1989: 168.
Proto-Celtic: *galaro- 'sickness, distress, pain' [Noun]
Old Irish: galar [o n]
Middle Welsh: galar [m] 'grief, lament'
Middle Breton: galar
Cornish: glachar
Proto-Indo-European: *g'helH-ro- 'evil, unhealthy'
Page in Pokorny: 411
IE cognates: Hitt. kallara- 'evil, unpleasant, unhealthy', perhaps also OE geallla 'galled place
on the skin', Lith. јala° 'damage, harm'
Notes: There is no need for positing PIE *a in this root, as in EIEC; OIr. galar is derivable
from *gela-ro- by Joseph's rule.
References: GPC II: 1373, EIEC 43, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 130, 320, 500
Proto-Celtic: *galѓ 'valor, ability' [Noun]
Old Irish: gal [ѓ f] 'valor, fighting spirit'
Middle Welsh: gallu 'be able'
Middle Breton: gal (OBret.) 'might, ability'
Proto-Indo-European: *gelHPage in Pokorny: 351
IE cognates: Lith. galiu° 'be able'
See also: *gal-n- 'be able'
References: EIEC 3, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 130, Meid 2005: 195f.
Proto-Celtic: *galbo- 'fat' [Adjective]
Old Irish: golb [o m] 'stomach, belly'
Gaulish: Galba [PN]
References: Ellis-Evans 1967: 349f., Delamarre 174
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Proto-Celtic: *gal-n- 'be able' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: gallu ; geill [3s Pres.] (GPC gallu, gallael, gallel, gallyd)
Middle Breton: gallout, guell [3s Pres.]
Cornish: gallos
Proto-Indo-European: *gelHPage in Pokorny: 351
IE cognates: Lith. galiu° 'can', Arm. kalaw 'found'
Notes: The ethnonyms Galli and Galaґtai, as well as Gaul. PN like Gallus, Gallius, are
probably also related to this etymon.
References: GPC II: 1377, KPV 324ff., LIV 185f., Meid 2005: 195f.
Proto-Celtic: *galw-o- 'call' [Verb]
Old Irish: gall (?) 'swan'
Middle Welsh: galw [m and f] 'call, invitation'
Middle Breton: galu (OBret.), MBret. galu
Proto-Indo-European: *gel- / *gol- 'call'
Page in Pokorny: 350
IE cognates: OE ceallian 'call', OCS glasъ 'voice', Ossetic ‘alas 'sound', perhaps Lat. gallus
Notes: OIr. gall 'swan' is not well attested. It is a doubtful glossary word (Cormac Y 68).
References: GPC II: 1375, DGVB 173, EIEC 89, LEIA G-40
Proto-Celtic: *gan-d-o- 'take place' [Verb]
Old Irish: ro-geinn 'takes place' < *fro-gan-d-e-ti
Middle Welsh: genni ; gannaf [1 s Pres.] 'contain, find room in'
Proto-Indo-European: *ghed- 'take, seize'
Page in Pokorny: 437f.
IE cognates: Lat. prae-hendo, Gr. khandaґnЎ, Alb. gjen 'find'
References: GPC II: 1380, KPV 330, LIV 173.
Proto-Celtic: *gansi- 'swan' [Noun]
Old Irish: geґis [i f]
Proto-Indo-European: *g'heh2ns- 'goose'
Page in Pokorny: 412
IE cognates: Skt. ham·saґ-, Lat. ѓnser, Gr. khЊґn, OHG gans
References: LP 24, EIEC 236, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 35, 77, 85
Proto-Celtic: *gan-yo- 'be born' [Verb]
Old Irish: gainidir, -gainedar ; -genadar [Subj.]; -gignethar [Fut.]; geґnair [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: geni ; ganaf [1 s Pres.]
Middle Breton: guenell
Cornish: genys [Ptc. Pass.]
Proto-Indo-European: *g'enh1- 'beget'
Page in Pokorny: 373ff.
IE cognates: Skt. jan-, Lat. gigno, nѓscor, OE cennan
Notes: OIr. -gainethar, -gainedar has the regular reflex of syllabic *-n- before any consonant
except a stop. Two developments are possible, either *g'nh1yetor > *gnyetor (with an early
loss of the laryngeal) > *ganyetor > *ganitor > gainethar, or *g'nh1yetor > *gnHitor >
*ganHitor > gainethar.
References: GPC II: 1380, KPV 327ff., LIV 163ff., McCone 1994: 70
Proto-Celtic: *garano- 'crane' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: garan [f] 'heron, crane'
Middle Breton: garan
Cornish: garan
Gaulish: tri-garanos 'with three cranes' (RIG 2-1 165)
Proto-Indo-European: *g'erh2no- 'crane'
Page in Pokorny: 383
IE cognates: Gr. geґranos, E crane
Notes: *era > PCelt. *ara by Joseph's rule.
References: GPC II: 1380, Pedersen I: 38, EIEC 140, Delamarre 175, Campanile 1974: 47,
Matasovicґ 2004: 86, 144
Proto-Celtic: *gargo- 'rough' [Adjective]
Old Irish: garg [o]
Gaulish: Gargenus [NP]
Proto-Indo-European: *garg'o- (?)
Page in Pokorny: 353
IE cognates: OCS groza 'horror', Arm. karcr 'hard'
References: EIEC 568, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 501, Delamarre 175
Proto-Celtic: *garrV- 'calf of the leg' [Noun]
Old Irish: gairr [i m or f]
Middle Welsh: gar [m and f] 'leg, shank'
Middle Breton: garr 'leg'
Cornish: gar 'leg'
References: GPC II: 1380
Proto-Celtic: *garsman- 'cry, shout' [Noun]
Old Irish: gairm [n n] 'the act of shouting, calling'
Middle Welsh: garm [f]
Middle Breton: garm
Cornish: garm
See also: *gѓriNotes: The short vowel is unexpected if one starts from *g'eh2-rsmen-.
References: GPC II: 1383, EIEC 89, Delamarre 176, Stµber 1998: 65, De Bernardo Stempel
1999: 242
Proto-Celtic: *garwo- 'rough, coarse' [Adjective]
Old Irish: garb [o]
Middle Welsh: garw
Middle Breton: garu
Cornish: garow
Proto-Indo-European: *g'her(s)Page in Pokorny: 445f.
IE cognates: Lat. horreo 'to stare, fear, tremble'
Notes: This is an expressive formation similar to *gargo-. Pokorny's attribution to the root
*g'her(s)- is doubtful (maybe one should better relate these Celtic words to PCelt. *gargo- <
PIE*ger-g'-). The (probably Gaulish) PN Garvo attested in Pannonia might be related (Meid
2005: 231)
References: GPC II: 1383, Meid 2005: 231.
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Proto-Celtic: *gar-yo- 'call, cry' [Verb]
Old Irish: gairid, -gair; garaid, -gara [subj.]; geґraid, -geґra [fut.]; gairt, -gart [pret.]; grathae, grath [pret. pass.]
Middle Welsh: garddu 'groan, creak, crush, shake'
Middle Breton: gerent gl. dicunt [3p Pres.] (OBret.)
Proto-Indo-European: *g'eh2r- 'call'
Page in Pokorny: 352
IE cognates: Lat. garr–re, Ossetic zar- 'sing'
See also: *gѓriNotes: Gaulish adgarion [Acc. s] might perhaps be translated as 'accusatorem' (Lejeune,
Delamarre), in which case it is a cognate of OIr. ad-gair 'summon' (Delamarre 32). The short
*a in this Celtic etymon might be regular, if one starts from the zero-grade *g'h2r-yo-. The
full grade of the root is preserved in *gѓri- 'call'
References: GPC II: 1381, KPV 331ff., LIV 161, LP 368f., LEIA D-116, DGVB 175,
Delamarre 32
Proto-Celtic: *gayso- 'spear' [Noun]
Old Irish: gae [o m]
Middle Welsh: gwaew [m and f] (GPC gwayw)
Middle Breton: guugoiou (OBret.), MBret. goa
Cornish: hoch-wuyu gl. venabulum
Gaulish: *?aiso- > Lat. gaesum, Ario-gaisus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *ghoyso- 'spear'
IE cognates: Skt. heґs·a- 'arm', OE gѓr
Notes: Since the Celtic words for 'spear' imply a proto-form with *ay rather than *oy, PCelt.
*gayso- may be a loanword from Germanic, cp. Delamarre 174.
References: GPC II: 1606, DGVB 204, EIEC 537, Delamarre 174, De Bernardo Stempel
1999: 314
Proto-Celtic: *gazdo- 'withe' [Noun]
Old Irish: gat [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *ghasdh- / *ghast- 'shaft'
Page in Pokorny: 412f.
IE cognates: Lat. hasta 'spear-shaft, lance', Goth. gazds 'goad'
Notes: OIr. gass 'sprig' might represent another reflex of the same PIE root, *ghasto- (>
PCelt. *gasso-).
References: LP 26
Proto-Celtic: *gѓri- 'shout, call' [Noun]
Old Irish: gaґir [i f, perhaps originally n]
Middle Welsh: gawr [f and m]; gewri, geuri, goriau [p]
Gaulish: Garo-marus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *g'eh2r- 'shout, call'
Page in Pokorny: 352
IE cognates: Gr. ge?rys 'voice, call', Lat. garrio 'chatter', OE cearu 'care, sorrow'
See also: *garsmenReferences: GPC II: 1385, EIEC 89, Delamarre 176, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 66, 201
Proto-Celtic: *gѓwѓ 'falsehood, lie' [Noun]
Old Irish: gaґu [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: gau [m] 'lie', 'false'
Middle Breton: gou 'false, lie'
Cornish: gow
Notes: The IE etymology of these Celtic words is dubious, partly also because several PCelt.
reconstructions are possible; some derive them from alleged PIE *gew- 'bend, twist'
(Norwegian kaa, see Pokorny 393), but comparison with Lat. haud 'not' seems more
promising. The PIE root would be *g'heh2u-, and one might even want to relate Lith. at-јіґlas
'hard', Avest. zіrah- 'unrighteousness', OCS zъlъ 'bad, wicked' (if from *g'huh2-lo-, *g'hh2ulo-) .
References: GPC II: 1385, DGVB179, GOI 44, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 59
Proto-Celtic: *gdon- 'earth, place' [Noun]
Old Irish: duґ [n f] 'place, spot'
Proto-Indo-European: *dheg'hЎm 'earth'
Page in Pokorny: 414f.
IE cognates: Hitt. tЊkan, Skt. ks·ѓґ, Lat. humus, Alb. dhe, ToB kem·
References: EIEC 174, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 28.
Proto-Celtic: *gdonyo- 'human, person' [Noun]
Old Irish: duine [io m]
Middle Welsh: dyn [m and f]
Middle Breton: don, den (OBret.), MBret. den
Cornish: den gl. homo (OCo.)
Gaulish: -xtonio (Vercelli)
Proto-Indo-European: *dhg'hom-yo- 'human, earthling'
Page in Pokorny: 414
IE cognates: Lat. homo, Go. guma
See also: *gdon- 'earth'
Notes: The Gaulish form -xtonio (in the compound form teuoxtonio) should be read -gdonio
(the alphabet of Vercelli does not distinguish between voiced and voiceless stops, cp.
Delamarre 176).
References: DGVB 149, GPC I: 1140, EIEC 174, 366, Delamarre 176, Campanile 1974: 36,
McCone 1996: 49.
Proto-Celtic: *gdyes- 'yesterday' [Adverb]
Old Irish: in-deґ
Middle Welsh: doe, ddoe
Middle Breton: dech
Cornish: doy gl. heri (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *dhg'h(y)es(i)- 'yesterday'
Page in Pokorny: 41
IE cognates: Skt. hyaґ-, Gr. khtheґs, Alb. dje
Notes: The reconstructed adverb *dhg'h(y)es(i) is a petrified locative of some old root-noun
meaning 'the preceding day'
References: GPC I: 1070, EIEC 654, Campanile 1974: 40.
Proto-Celtic: *gelu- 'leech' [Noun]
Old Irish: gil
Middle Welsh: gel [f and m] (GPC gelau, gele, gЊl]
Middle Breton: geґlaouen
Cornish: ghel gl. sanguissuga (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *g'elu- 'leech'
Page in Pokorny: 365
IE cognates: Skt. jalіkѓReferences: GPC II: 1389, EIEC 349
Proto-Celtic: *gelwo- 'yellow, white' [Adjective]
Old Irish: gel [o] 'white, fair, shining'
Middle Welsh: gell 'yellow'
Middle Breton: gell 'brown'
Proto-Indo-European: *g'hel-wo- 'yellow'
Page in Pokorny: 429f.
IE cognates: Lat. heluus 'honey yellow', OE geolu
References: EIEC 654, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 46
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Proto-Celtic: *genetѓ 'girl' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: geneth [f]
Gaulish: geneta, genata, gnata
Proto-Indo-European: *genh1- 'bear, give birth to'
Page in Pokorny: 373ff.
IE cognates: Lat. -genitus in primo-genitus 'first born'
See also: *genosNotes: W geneth points to a geminate *genettѓ; this PCelt. noun is derived with the suffix *eto- (cp. Oscan genetaiґ 'daughter' [Dat. s]. OIr. ingen [ѓ f] 'daughter' < *eni-genѓ (Ogam
INIGENA) is another formation from the same root, cp. also Gaul. (Larzac) andognam 'born
inside (the family)' and PN Andegenus. OIr. PN Sogen (Ogam Gen. SOGINI) is presumably
from *su-g'enh1o- 'well-born' (Skt. sujana-).
References: GPC II: 1393, LIV 163, Delamarre 177, Uhlich 2002: 422.
Proto-Celtic: *genos- 'family, gens' [Noun]
Old Irish: Eґo-gan [PN]
Middle Welsh: Mor-gen [PN] (OW)
Middle Breton: gen gl. ethnicus (OBret.)
Gaulish: Ad-genus, Cintu-genus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *g'enh1-os 'family, clan, descendants'
Page in Pokorny: 373ff.
IE cognates: Skt. jaґnas, Gr. ?eґnos, Lat. genus
References: DGVB 174, Delamarre 177f., Ellis-Evans 1967: 204.
Proto-Celtic: *genu- 'jaw' [Noun]
Old Irish: gin [u m] 'mouth'
Middle Welsh: gen [f] 'cheek' (GPC gЊn)
Middle Breton: gen gl. maxilla (OBret.), Bret. genou [p]
Cornish: genau (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *g'enu- 'jaw'
Page in Pokorny: 381
IE cognates: Skt. haґnu-, Gr. geґnys, Lat. gena 'cheek', OE cinn, ToA sґanwem·[Dual] 'jaws'
References: GPC II: 1391, DGVB 174, EIEC 322, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 95
Proto-Celtic: *gess– 'taboo, prohibition' [Noun]
Old Irish: geis [?– f]
Proto-Indo-European: *ghed- 'seize, take'
Page in Pokorny: 437f.
IE cognates: Lat. prae-hendo, Gr. khandaґnЎ
See also: *gan-d-oNotes: The OIr. word can be derived regularly from *ghed-ti-h2, but the semantic
development is somewhat difficult, see Hamp 1981.
References: Hamp 1981.
Proto-Celtic: *gЊstlo- 'surety, pledge, hostage' [Noun]
Old Irish: giall [o m] 'hostage'
Middle Welsh: gwystl [m and f] 'pledge, surety, hostage'
Middle Breton: guistl gl. obses (OBret.), MBret. goestl
Cornish: guistel gl. obses (OCo.)
Gaulish: Con-geistlus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *gheydh- desire, wait for'
Page in Pokorny: 426
IE cognates: Lith. geidјiu° 'desire', OCS јьdati 'wait'
Notes: OIc. giґsl 'hostage', etc. are old loanwords from Celtic. W gwystl and other British
words probably have an epenthetic -t- (before *l), cp. Schrijver 1995: 404f. The IE etymology
of these Celtic words is weak on the semantic side.
References: GPC II: 1789, DGVB 204, LP 23, LIV 175, Schrijver 1995: 405., Campanile
1974: 59.
Proto-Celtic: *glan-n-d-o- 'show' [Verb]
Old Irish: as-gleinn 'examine' < *eks-glandoProto-Indo-European: *g'hlendh- 'show, shine'
Page in Pokorny: 431
IE cognates: Russ. gljadeґt' 'watch'
References: KPV 334ff., LIV 200
Proto-Celtic: *glano- 'clean, clear' [Adjective]
Old Irish: glan [o]
Middle Welsh: glan (GPC gl…n)
Middle Breton: glan (OBret.), MBret. glan
Cornish: glan
Gaulish: Glanis [Hydronym], (Matrebo) Glaneikabo [Theonym]
References: GPC II: 1400, Delamarre 180
Proto-Celtic: *glasto- 'green, blue' [Adjective]
Old Irish: glas [o]
Middle Welsh: glas (OW and MW)
Middle Breton: glas
Cornish: glesin gl. sandix
Gaulish: glastum 'Isatis tinctoria' (Pliny)
Notes: For possible, but in my view unconvincing, PIE etymologies, see Delamarre 180,
Pokorny 429ff. The Celtic forms can be derived from PIE *ghl-sto- (pace De Bernardo
Stempel), but Skt. haґri- 'white' and Gr. khlЎroґs 'green' point to *ghelh3- (cp. also OCS zelenъ
'green'). For the apparent preservation of *-st- in Gaul., cp. Schrijver 1995: 402.
References: GPC II: 1401, Delamarre 180, Falileyev 61, Campanile 1974: 49, De Bernardo
Stempel 1999: 271, Schrijver 1995: 402.
Proto-Celtic: *glendos 'valley, shore' [Noun]
Old Irish: glend [s n]
Middle Welsh: glynn [m] 'glen, valley'
Middle Breton: glann 'shore'
Proto-Indo-European: *glend- 'shore' (?)
IE cognates: MLG klint, 'shore' ON klettr 'rock'
References: GPC II: 1414, Pedersen I: 38
Proto-Celtic: *gli-na- 'glue' [Verb]
Old Irish: glenaid, -glen; glieid, -glia [Subj.]; giґulaid, -giґulai [Fut.]; giґuil [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: glynu
Middle Breton: englenaff < *en-gli-na- 'stick'
Cornish: glena
Proto-Indo-European: *gleyHPage in Pokorny: 362
IE cognates: OHG klenan 'smear', Lith. dial. gleju° 'smear'
References: GPC II: 1414, KPV 337ff., LIV 190, LP 369, LEIA D-148
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Proto-Celtic: *gloydo- 'glue, lime' [Noun]
Old Irish: gloґed, glaґed (DIL)
Middle Welsh: glud [m]
Middle Breton: glut
Cornish: glut gl. gluten (OCo.)
See also: *gli-naNotes: The gender and stem-formation of MIr. glaґed are uncertain.
References: GPC II: 1412
Proto-Celtic: *gloywo- 'liquid, clear' [Adjective]
Old Irish: gleґ 'clear, evident'
Middle Welsh: gloiu [m] gl. liquidum (OW), MW gloyw, gloew
Middle Breton: gloeu (OBret.)
Proto-Indo-European: *g'hley- 'shine'
Page in Pokorny: 432
IE cognates: MHG gl–men 'to shine'
Notes: OIr. gleґ (rather than *gliґa) points to PCelt. *glЊwo- (rather than *gloywo-), but British
forms are more easily derived from *gloywo-.
References: GPC II: 1411, LHEB 325f., Falileyev 62
Proto-Celtic: *gnѓto- 'known, usual' [Adjective]
Old Irish: gnaґth [o]
Middle Welsh: gnawt
Middle Breton: gnot (OBret.) 'usual'
Proto-Indo-European: *g'enh3- 'know'
Page in Pokorny: 373ff.
IE cognates: Lat. co-gnЎsco, OCS znati, etc.
Notes: Certain Gaulish compounds with -gnatos can be understood both as 'known' <
*gnh3tos and as 'born' < *gnh1tos, see Delamarre 181f.
References: GPC II: 1415, EIEC 337, Delamarre 181f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 337, 440
Proto-Celtic: *gni-na- 'recognize' [Verb]
Old Irish: ad-gnin < *ati-gni-na-; -geґna [Fut.]; ad-geґn-sa [3s Pret. relative]
Middle Welsh: atnabot ; atwaen [3s Pres.] < *ati-wo-gni- (GPC adwaen)
Cornish: aswonvos; aswon [3s Pres.] < *ati-wo-gniProto-Indo-European: *g'enh3- 'know'
Page in Pokorny: 373ff.
See also: *gni-yoNotes: Gaul. gniiou (Chateaubleau) is probably 1 s Pres. of the verb 'to know, recognize'. It
can be derived from PCelt. *gn–yі < PIE *g'nЊh3-yo-. But it could also be related to PCelt.
*gni-yo- 'beget, make'.
References: GPC I: 28, Delamarre 182.
Proto-Celtic: *gn-iyo- 'beget, create, do' [Verb]
Old Irish: gniid, -gniґ 'do'; gneith, -gneґ [Subj.]; geґnaid, -geґna [Fut.]; geґnais [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *g'enh1- 'beget'
Page in Pokorny: 373-375
IE cognates: Lat. gigno, Skt. jaґnati 'begets'
Notes: OIr. -gniґ is somewhat problematic, because of its long iґ. If it is derived directly from
*gniyeti, then we have to explain why we have short i, e. g., in biid 'is wont to be' < *biyeti.
We know that *treyes '3' yields OIr. tri (at least when used substantively; as an attribute, it is
proclitic, hence shortened to tri). Therefore, (do-)gniґ can be from *gneyeti (with the early loss
of laryngeal, originally before *y, or from an anit-form of the root, as in Lat. gens). On the
other hand, disyllabic biid 'is wont to be' can be from *biyeti < *bhuyeti, or from *bhw-iyeti
(cp. Lat. fio). The same form is attested in Gaulish biiete (Inscription from Limeґ) <
*bhuHyete or *bhwiyete. It appears that PCelt. *i remains syllabic before glides followed by a
vowel, cp. PCelt. *biwato- > OIr. biad 'food' (disyllabic). In any case, OIr. biid must be from
PCelt. *b(w)iyeti, while -gniґ can be from *gneyeti. This can be the old causative formation
(with the suffix *-eye-) built from the zero grade of the root. The meaning of OIr. -gniґ 'do,
make' is actually fully compatible with the originally causative formation of this verb. On the
other hand, it is also possible to derive -gniґ from PCelt. *gn–yeti < PIE *g'neh1yeti (thus
McCone 1991: 33) because we know that PCelt. *sn–yeti (< PIE *sneh1yeti) yields OIr. sniid,
-sniґ 'spin, weave'. However, I find this explanation inherently improbable because the alleged
proto-form *g'neh1yeti lacks any parallels in Celtic or elsewhere.
References: KPV 339ff., LIV 163ff., LEIA D-149, McCone 1991: 33.
Proto-Celtic: *gn–mu- 'work, action'
Old Irish: gniґm [u m]
Middle Welsh: guor-gnim 'great toil, exertion' (OW)
Middle Breton: im-guo-gnim (OBret.)
References: Falileyev 73
Proto-Celtic: *gnіnos- 'knee' [Noun]
Old Irish: glіn [s n]
Middle Welsh: pen-(g)lin
Middle Breton: penn-glin
Cornish: penglin gl. genu
Proto-Indo-European: *g'onu 'knee'
Page in Pokorny: 380f.
IE cognates: Skt. jѓґnu, Gr. goґny, Lat. genі
Notes: The transformation of PIE *g'onu- into PCelt. *gnіnos > OIr. gluґn is difficult to
understand, but the etymology is beyond doubt. Long *і might reflect the old dual ending in
*-uh1, and the cluster *gl- arose from *gn- in the zero-grade of the PIE root (the same change
occurred, independently, in Albanian, cp. alb. gju 'knee' < *glun-. The first element of the
compound attested in the Brit. languages is the word for 'head' (*kwendo-). Probably
*kwendo-gnіnos referred originally to knee-caps only (cf. the parallelism with English).
References: EIEC 336, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 144ff., Campanile 1974: 86.
Proto-Celtic: *goban- 'smith' [Noun]
Old Irish: gobae [n m]
Middle Welsh: gof [m]
Middle Breton: gof
Cornish: gof gl. faber
Gaulish: Gobano [PN], Cobanno [Theonym, Dat.] gobedbi [Dat p]
Notes: Cp. also OBret. gobail gl. officina = MW geueil, Co. gofail. The IE etymology is
References: GPC II: 1428, DGVB 177, Delamarre 182, Campanile 1974: 50, De Bernardo
Stempel 1999:100, 109, 119, Schrijver 1995: 182, Stµber 1998: 172
Proto-Celtic: *gobbo- 'muzzle, snout, beak' [Noun]
Old Irish: gop [o m]
Gaulish: *gobbo- > OFrench gobel, gobet 'bit'
Proto-Indo-European: *g'op-h3o- 'eat, masticate (of animals)'
Page in Pokorny: 382
IE cognates: OE ceafl 'jaw, jowl', Russ. zobaґt' 'masticate'
References: EIEC 175, Delamarre 182
Proto-Celtic: *gormo- 'dun, dark' [Adjective]
Old Irish: gorm [o] 'blue'
Middle Welsh: gwrm (GPC gwrm, gwrwm)
Middle Breton: Uurm-haelon [PN] 'with brown brows'
References: GPC II: 1711, LP 33, Schrijver 1995: 348
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Proto-Celtic: *gorto- 'fence, enclosure, pen' [Noun]
Old Irish: gort [o m, perhaps originally n] 'field'
Middle Welsh: gorth, garth [m] 'field, pen'
Middle Breton: -(o)rth 'pen' (OBret.), Bret. garz
Gaulish: *gortiѓ > Gorze [Toponym], French dial. (Limousin) gorso 'fence'
Proto-Indo-European: *ghЎrdh-s, Gen. *ghrdh-os 'enclosure, garden, pen'
Page in Pokorny: 444
IE cognates: Skt. gr•haґ- 'house', Lat. hortus 'garden', OHG garto 'garden', Russ. goґrod
Notes: The voiceless stop seen in Celtic, Greek and Latin is bes explained if one assumes that
*-dhs (in the Nominative) was assimilated to *-ts, from which *-t- was then extrapolated to
other case-forms (with generalized o-grade from the Accusative (*ghordh-m), see Matasovicґ
2004: 99, 137. It should be noted, however, that the lengthened grade of the original root noun
is nowhere preserved.
References: GPC II: 1383, EIEC 199, LP 47, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 441, Delamarre
183, Matasovicґ 2004: 99, 137
Proto-Celtic: *gowlo- 'charcoal' [Noun]
Old Irish: guґal [o m and ѓ f]
Proto-Indo-European: *g'welH- 'burn, glow'
Page in Pokorny: 399
IE cognates: Skt. jvѓlaґ- 'flame, coal', OE col 'glowing piece of wood'.
Notes: The PCelt. reconstruction of this etymon is uncertain, and it is difficult to reconcile it
with PIE *g'welH-. The Germanic forms point to the zero-grade *g'wul-. One would have to
assume 'Schwebeablaut'. Or is it possible to start from PCelt. *gwol-? This would imply that
the reflexes of PIE *gw and *gw were distinct in PCelt., which can hardly have been the case.
References: EIEC 87, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 224
Proto-Celtic: *grando-, *grendo- 'beard' [Noun]
Old Irish: grend
Middle Welsh: grann [m] 'chin, beard, cheek'
Middle Breton: grann 'eyebrow'
Gaulish: *grenno- 'moustache, beard' > Occitan gren 'moustache'
Notes: The attested forms point to two different ablaut grades in PCelt. Should we reconstruct
an ablauting paradigm *grends / *grand-os? The semantic development of Bret. grann
'eyebrow' is unclear. The name of the Gaulish equivalent of Apollo, Grannos, is sometimes
related to this set of forms, but he is actually never portrayed with a beard (see Delamarre
References: GPC II: 1524, Delamarre 183
Proto-Celtic: *grѓno- 'grain' [Noun]
Old Irish: graґn [o n]
Middle Welsh: grawn [p], gronyn [Singulative m]
Middle Breton: greun
Cornish: gronen gl. granum
Proto-Indo-European: *g'rHno- 'grain'
Page in Pokorny: 390f.
IE cognates: Lat. grѓnum, OHG kornLith. јi°rnis 'pea'
Notes: If these words are derived from PIE *g'erh2- 'ripen, age' (as assumed by EIEC), then
the correct reconstruction is *g'rh2no-.
References: GPC II: 1526, EIEC 236, Campanile 1974: 52, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 254
Schrijver 1995: 183, 189, 211, McCone 1996: 52
Proto-Celtic: *gregi- 'herd' [Noun]
Old Irish: graig [i n] 'horses (coll.)'
Proto-Indo-European: *greg- 'herd'
Page in Pokorny: 382f.
IE cognates: Lat. grex, Gr. gaґrgara 'crowd'
Notes: The PIE root is presumably *ger- (or *h2ger-) 'gather'. W gre 'herd, stud' [m], Bret.
gre and Co. gre are usually considered to be loanwords from Lat. grex, but it is also
conceivable that they are inherited.
References: De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 503, EIEC 217, Schrijver 1995: 60, 69, 140
Proto-Celtic: *gri-n-do- 'follow, drive' [Verb]
Old Irish: do-greinn < *tu-gri-n-doMiddle Welsh: grynnyaw 'push, press, thrust'; gryn [3s Pres.] (GPC grynio, grynnu)
Proto-Indo-European: *ghreydhPage in Pokorny: 456f.
IE cognates: Go. grid 'step', OCS gre§sti 'tread, step, go'
Notes: OBret. golent gl. prex (MBret. goulen) might be from *wo-glendѓ, a derivative from
the same root, cp. OIr. fo-gliunn gl. disco.
References: GPC II: 1541, KPV 353ff., LIV203
Proto-Celtic: *growdos- 'cheek' [Noun]
Old Irish: gruґad [s n, later m and f]
Middle Welsh: grudou [p] (OW), MW grudd [f and m]
Cornish: grud gl. maxilla (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *ghrowdhPage in Pokorny: 462
IE cognates: OE grЊada 'breast'
Notes: The semantic side of this etymology is rather weak (*ghrowdo- would presumably
denote 'round body parts'). The evidence that gruґad was an s-stem is not completely certain.
References: GPC II: 1536, Falileyev 63, Campanile 1974: 53
Proto-Celtic: *gulbV-, *gulb–no- 'beak' [Noun]
Old Irish: gulba [n f] 'beak, jaw', gulban [o m] 'beak, sting'
Middle Welsh: gilbin [m and f] 'point' (OW), MWgylfin 'beak'
Middle Breton: golbin (OBret.), golbinoc gl. ac rostratam (OBret.)
Cornish: geluin gl. rostrum (OCo.)
Gaulish: *gulbia > Lat. gulbia (Isidore of Seville)
References: GPC II: 1794, DGVB 178, Delamarre 184, Campanile 1974: 48, Falileyev 61,
De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 118, 459
Proto-Celtic: *gus-o- 'choose' [Verb]
Old Irish: do-goa < *tu-gus-o-; do-gega [3s Fut. relative]; do-roiґgu [3s Pret. relative]
Proto-Indo-European: *g'ews- 'choose, taste'
Page in Pokorny: 399f.
IE cognates: Skt. jus·aґte 'enjoy', Gr. geuґomai, Go. kiusan, Alb. desha 'loved'
See also: *gustuReferences: KPV 356ff., LEIA D-149, EIEC 566
Proto-Celtic: *gustu- 'excellence, force' [Noun]
Old Irish: guss [u m]
Middle Welsh: Gur-gust [PN] (OW), W gwst [f and m]; gystion [p] 'pain, endurance,
patience, difficulty'
Gaulish: gussou [Dat. s] '? force'
Proto-Indo-European: *g'us-tu- 'choose, taste'
Page in Pokorny: 399f.
IE cognates: Lat. gustus 'tasting', OE cost 'choice, excellence'
Notes: For the apparent preservation of *st in British, see Schrijver 1995: 412.
References: GPC II: 1742f., EIEC 566, Delamarre 184, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 290,
Schrijver 1995: 412f.
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Proto-Celtic: *gutu- 'voice' [Noun]
Old Irish: guth [u m]
Gaulish: gutu-ater 'name of a priest', perhaps 'father of invocations'
Proto-Indo-European: *g'hewH- 'call, invoke'
Page in Pokorny: 413
IE cognates: Skt. haґvate 'call', OE god 'god', ToB kuwѓ- 'call, invite'
References: EIEC 89, Delamarre 184f.
Proto-Celtic: *gwan-o- 'strike, kill' [Verb]
Old Irish: gonaid, -goin ; gonaid, -gona [Subj.]; gignid, gignea [Fut.]; geguin [Pret.]? geґtae, geґt [Ptc. Pass.]
Middle Welsh: gwan 'hit, injure'? gwant [Pret.] (GPC gwanu, gw…n)
Middle Breton: goanaff 'punish'
Cornish: gwana 'pierce'
Proto-Indo-European: *gwhen- 'strike, slay'
Page in Pokorny: 491-493
IE cognates: Skt. han-, Lat. dЊ-fendo
References: KPV 363ff., LIV 218f., GPC II: 1572, LP 372, EIEC 549
Proto-Celtic: *gwariyѓ [Noun] 'duty'
Old Irish: goire [iѓ f] 'filial duty'
Middle Welsh: gwared [m] 'deliverance, relief'
Middle Breton: gored
Cornish: gweres 'help'
Proto-Indo-European: *gwher- 'burn'
Page in Pokorny: 493ff.
See also: *gwer-oNotes: These words are formed with the regular Celtic reflex of the zero-grade of the root
*gwer- 'burn'.
References: GPC II: 1581f., McCone 1996: 41, Hamp 1996.
Proto-Celtic: *gwed-yo- 'ask, plead, pray' [Verb]
Old Irish: guidid, -guid; geiss, geґ [Subj.]; gigis, -gig [Fut.]; gaґid [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: imguodant < *ambi-gwodGaulish: uediiґumi [1s Pres.]
Proto-Indo-European: *gwhedh- 'wish'
Page in Pokorny: 488
IE cognates: Gr. potheґЎ 'wish', Go. bidjan
Notes: Celtiberian family name kuezontikum (Botorrita III, IV-36) might reflect the Celtib.
reflex of this root (Villar 1997: 908).
References: KPV 369ff., LIV 217, LP 373, EIEC 62, 98, 449, Cowgill 1980, Lambert 1994:
150-159, RIG II.2: 550ff., Delamarre 309f., Villar 1997: 908.
Proto-Celtic: *gwel-o- 'graze, eat' [Verb]
Old Irish: geilid, -geil; gelaid, -gela [Subj.]; gilt, -gelt [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *gwhelPage in Pokorny: 365 (*gel-)
IE cognates: Russ. glotaґt'
Notes: The PIE reconstruction of this root is not generally agreed upon; Arm. klanem
'swallow', NHG Kehle 'throat' might be related, but point to the root with initial *g(w)-. The
Celtic forms, however, must be from the root with initial *gwh-.
References: KPV 371f., LIV 217f., LP 369, EIEC 349
Proto-Celtic: *gweltѓ 'grass' [Noun]
Old Irish: geilt 'grazing' [ѓ, f]
Middle Welsh: gwellt [m] 'grass'
Middle Breton: gueltiocion gl. 'fenosa' (OBret.)
Cornish: gwels 'grass'
See also: *gwel-oReferences: GPC II: 1632f., KPV 372, DGVB 188, LP 28, Sims-Williams 1982: 228f.
Proto-Celtic: *gwer-o- 'warm up, heat' [Verb]
Old Irish: geirid, -geir; geraid, -gera [Subj.]; girt, -gert [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *gwher- 'heat'
Page in Pokorny: 493-495
IE cognates: Gr. theґromai, Go. brinnan 'burn'
References: KPV 372f., LIV 219f., LP 369
Proto-Celtic: *gwr–ns- / *gwrenso- 'heat' [Noun]
Old Irish: gr–s [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: gwres [m] 'heat (of the sun, fire)'
Proto-Indo-European: *gwhrenso- 'warm'
Page in Pokorny: 495
IE cognates: Skt. ghram·saґ- 'heat of the sun'
Notes: OIr. griґs must represent a reflex of PCelt. *gwr–nso-, with the lengthened grade
(expected in the Nom. s. of an original root noun). It appears probable that OIr. griґan [ѓ f]
'sun' should be derived from PCelt. *gwrensnѓ > > Proto-Irish *gwrЊnѓ. This fits well with the
semantics of Skt. ghram·saґ-. The PIE root is *gwher- 'be hot' (G thermoґs etc.). Gaul. Grannos
(a name of Apollo) probably also belongs here, cp. Delamarre 183.
References: GPC II: 1706, EIEC 263, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 260f.
Proto-Celtic: *gyemo- 'winter' [Noun]
Old Irish: gam, gem (DIL gaim)
Middle Welsh: gaem (OW), MW gayaf, gaeaf [m]
Middle Breton: guoiam (OBret.), MBret. gouaff
Cornish: goyf gl. hyemps (OCo.)
Gaulish: Giamoni[-] 'name of the 7th month' (Coligny), Giamos [PN}
Proto-Indo-European: *g'hyem- 'winter'
Page in Pokorny: 425f.
IE cognates: Lat. hiems, OCS zima, Arm. jiun 'snow'
Notes: The reconstruction of PCelt. *gyemo- is based on the assumption (Schrijver) that
*gye- > *gya- in British and Gaulish.
References: GPC II: 1368, LHEB 359, DGVB 196, Delamarre 178, Falileyev 60, Campanile
51f., Schrijver 1995: 108ff., Matasovicґ 2004: 123.
Proto-Celtic: *gyo- 'sinew' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: gieu [p] 'sinews', giewyn [Singulative] (GPC giЁau
Cornish: goiven gl. nervus (OCo.), MCo. gyew
Proto-Indo-European: *gwyo- 'sinew'
Page in Pokorny: 469
IE cognates: Skt. jyѓ, Gr. bioґs 'bowstring'
Notes: The word-initial *g- in W presupposes an early delabialization of *gw before *y in
Celtic, see McCone 1996: 42
References: GPC II: 1397, McCone 1996: 42
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Proto-Celtic: *imbeto- 'great quantity' [Noun]
Old Irish: imbed [o n]
Middle Welsh: immet (OW)
Gaulish: Imbetius, Imbetus [PN]
Notes: According to Falileyev (91), the reading and meaning of OW immet are not certain.
References: Delamarre 189, Falileyev 91
Proto-Celtic: *i-n-d-o- 'light up' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: ennynnu < *ande-indoProto-Indo-European: *h2eydh- 'burn'
Page in Pokorny: 11f.
IE cognates: Skt. eґdhate 'shines', Gr. aiґthЎ 'burn'
References: KPV 374f.
Proto-Celtic: *isk-ѓ- 'cleanse (especially of vermin' [Verb]
Old Irish: escaid [Verbal Noun]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2eys-sk'- 'seek'
Page in Pokorny: 16
IE cognates: Skt. ichaґti 'seeks', OHG eisca 'question'
Notes: The semantic development in Celtic is from 'seek' to 'seek lice'. However, the PCelt.
reconstruction is uncertain since only the verbal noun escaid is attested in Irish.
References: LIV 231
Proto-Celtic: *kafno- 'port, haven' [Noun]
Old Irish: cuґan [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *kap-noPage in Pokorny: 527
IE cognates: Lat. capio 'take', OHG havan 'haven'
Notes: The formation with the suffix *-no- in the word for 'haven' is an exclusive GermanicCeltic isogloss.
References: LEIA C-261, LP 27, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 255
Proto-Celtic: *kag-o- 'get, receive' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: cael (GPC cael, caffael, caffu); kehy [3s Pres.]
Middle Breton: caffout
Cornish: caf(f)os, cafes
Proto-Indo-European: *kh2eg(')Page in Pokorny: 518
IE cognates: Lat. in-cohѓre 'begin', Oscan kahad 'takes' [Subj.]
References: KPV 386f., LIV 342, GPC I: 386f.
Proto-Celtic: *kagyo- 'pen, enclosure' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: cae [m]
Middle Breton: cai (OBret.), Bret. kae
Cornish: ke
Gaulish: cagiiґon (Cajarc), caio 'breialo sice bigardio (Vienne)
Proto-Indo-European: *kaghoPage in Pokorny: 518
IE cognates: OE haga 'field'
References: GPC I: 382, Delamarre 97
Proto-Celtic: *kakkѓ 'excrement' [Noun]
Old Irish: cacc [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: cach [m]
Middle Breton: cauch
Cornish: caugh
Proto-Indo-European: *kakko- 'defecate, excrement'
Page in Pokorny: 521
IE cognates: Lat. cacco, Gr. kakkaґЎ
References: LEIA C-2, GPC I: 374
Proto-Celtic: *kaleto- 'hard, cruel, strong' [Adjective]
Old Irish: calad [o]
Middle Welsh: caled
Middle Breton: calet, caled
Cornish: cales, calas, calys
Gaulish: Caleti [Ethnonym]
Proto-Indo-European: *k'lH-etoPage in Pokorny: 524
IE cognates: Av. sarЌta- 'cold', Lith. «aґlti 'be cold, frieze', OE haeled 'hero'.
Notes: If this etymology, proposed by Joseph (Eґriu XXXIII 40) is correct, the original
meaning was 'cold, frozen' > 'hard'. Cp. also the Gaulish PN Calitix in Pannonia (Meid 2005:
References: LEIA C-26, GPC I: 392, Meid 2005: 189.
Proto-Celtic: *kall–- 'wood, grove' [Noun]
Old Irish: caill [?– f]
Middle Welsh: celli [f] 'grove, copse'
Cornish: kelli gl. nemus (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *kelh2- 'strike, hit' (?)
Page in Pokorny: 545f.
IE cognates: ON holt 'woody hill'
Notes: The geminate *-ll- is probably the result of assimilation, but it cannot be ascertained
which consonant was originally involved as the second member of the cluster.
References: LEIA C-13, GPC I: 459
Proto-Celtic: *kalmiyo- 'skilful, skilled'
Old Irish: calma 'strong, brave' (gl. fortibus)
Middle Welsh: celmed (OW), MW celuit, celuyd (GPC celfydd)
Middle Breton: celmed (OBret.)
References: LEIA C-27, GPC I: 456, Falileyev 25, Schrijver 1995: 288
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Proto-Celtic: *kalyѓko- 'rooster' [Noun]
Old Irish: cailech [o m]
Middle Welsh: keilyawc [m] (GPC ceiliog, ceilog)
Middle Breton: kilhog, kilheg
Cornish: chelioc gl. gallus (OCo.), colyek
Gaulish: Caliaga [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *kleh1- 'call'
Page in Pokorny: 549
IE cognates: Lat. calo, Gr. kaleґЎ, OHG halЎn
References: LEIA C-12, GPC I: 451, LP1 6, EIEC 90, 112, LIV 321, Delamarre 98,
Campanile 1974: 25.
Proto-Celtic: *kalyo- 'spot' [Noun]
Old Irish: caile [io m]
Proto-Indo-European: *keh2l / *kh2lo- 'dirty, spotted, dark'
Page in Pokorny: 548
IE cognates: Lat. calidus 'with spotted forehead', cѓl–go 'darkness', Skt. kѓla- 'dark blue'
References: LEIA C-11
Proto-Celtic: *kambo- 'crooked, twisted' [Adjective]
Old Irish: camm [o]
Middle Welsh: cam 'wrong, evil' (OW and MW)
Middle Breton: camm gl. obliquus (OBret.), MBret. kamm
Cornish: cam gl. strabo, cam-hinsic gl. iniustus
Gaulish: Cambo [PN], Cambo-dunum [Toponym]
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)kambo- 'crooked'
Page in Pokorny: 918
IE cognates: Gr. skamboґs
Notes: These words are probably borrowed from some ancient non-IE substrate; it contains
two very rare sounds in PIE (*b and *a), both of which are indicative of loanwords.
References: LEIA C-29, GPC I: 396, DGVB 94f., LP 40, EIEC 143, Falileyev 99, EllisEvans 1967 320ff., Delamarre 100, Campanile 1974: 20.
Proto-Celtic: *kanawon- 'young animal, young dog, whelp' [Noun]
Old Irish: cana, cano [m n] 'cub, whelp'
Middle Welsh: ceneu [m] (GPC cenau, cenaw)
Middle Breton: ceneuan gl. catulaster, Ri-keneu [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)ken- 'young, new'
Page in Pokorny: 564
IE cognates: Russ. «‰enoґk 'young dog, puppy', Arm. skund 'young dog'
References: LEIA C-32, GPC I: 461, DGVB 101, EIEC 204
Proto-Celtic: *kani- 'good, nice' [Adjective]
Old Irish: cain [i]
Middle Welsh: cein (GPC cain)
Middle Breton: quen
References: GPC I: 390, LEIA C-16
Proto-Celtic: *kankѓ 'branch' [Noun]
Old Irish: geґc [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: cainc, caing [f and m]
Proto-Indo-European: *k'o(n)kH- 'branch'
Page in Pokorny: 523
IE cognates: Skt. sґѓґkhѓ, Go. hЎha 'plow', Lith. «aka°
Notes: MW cainc represents an u-stem, while OIr. geґc (with g- by dissimilation) points rather
to an ѓ-stem. It is difficult to see which is original.
References: GPC I: 390, LP 43, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 44, 278.
Proto-Celtic: *kankt- 'power' [Noun]
Old Irish: ceґcht
Proto-Indo-European: *k'e(n)k- 'force'
Page in Pokorny: 522
IE cognates: Skt. sґaґkti- 'force', ON haґttr
Notes: This is not a particularly strong etymology, because the OIr. word is attested only as a
glossary entry. W pybyr 'strong' is probably unrelated.
References: LEIA C-52, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 285
Proto-Celtic: *kankto- 'plough, plough-beam' [Noun]
Old Irish: ceґcht [u m]
Proto-Indo-European: *k'nk-t-
Page in Pokorny: 523
IE cognates: Skt. sґakti- 'spear'
See also: *kankѓ
References: LEIA C-52, EIEC 80, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 290
Proto-Celtic: *kan-o- 'sing' [Verb]
Old Irish: canaid, -cain; canaid, -cana [Subj.]; cechnaid, -cechna [Fut.]; cechain [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: canam (OW), MW canu
Middle Breton: canaff
Cornish: kana
Proto-Indo-European: *kanPage in Pokorny: 525f.
IE cognates: Lat. cano, Go. hana 'cock'
References: KPV 387ff., LIV 342, GPC I: 408, Falileyev 21
Proto-Celtic: *kanta-bw-iyo- 'perceive' [Verb]
Old Irish: ceta-biґ 'perceives'
Middle Welsh: kanfot 'discover' (GPC canfod, canffod)
See also: *bu-yoReferences: GPC I: 409, KPV 242
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Proto-Celtic: *kantlo- 'song, singing' [Noun]
Old Irish: ceґtal [o n]
Middle Welsh: cathl [m and f]
Middle Breton: kentel 'lesson'
See also: *kan-o- 'sing'
Notes: OIr. ceґtal is the verbal noun of canid 'sings'.
References: GPC I: 442, LP 48
Proto-Celtic: *kantom '100' [Numeral]
Old Irish: ceґt
Middle Welsh: cant (OW), MW cant
Middle Breton: cant (OBret.), Bret. kant
Cornish: cans
Gaulish: Canto-mili [PN]
Celtiberian: kantom (Botorrita I)
Proto-Indo-European: *k'mtom '100'
Page in Pokorny: 192
IE cognates: Lat. centum, Go. hund
References: LEIA C-82, GPC I: 418, DGVB 96, Delamarre 104, Falileyev 21, Campanile
1974: 21.
Proto-Celtic: *kanxsman- 'step, act of stepping' [Noun]
Old Irish: ceґimm [n n]
Middle Welsh: cemmein [p] (OW), MW cam [m]
Middle Breton: cam
Cornish: cam
Celtiberian: Camanom (?) (Botorrita)
Notes: Vulg. Latin *camm–nus 'path, way' (F chemin, Ital. camino, etc.) are reflexes of the
Gaulish cognate of this word. I find it doubtful whether Celtib. Camanom belongs here, but c.
Schrijver 1995: 375 and Meid 1994a:22. (who interprets camanom as 'way').
References: LEIA C-55, GPC I: 396, Falileyev 25, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 265, Stµber
1998: 64, Schrijver 1995: 375, Meid 1994a: 22, Eska 1989: 145.
Proto-Celtic: *karant- 'friend' [Noun]
Old Irish: cara [nt m]
Middle Welsh: car [m] (GPC c…r)
Middle Breton: car
Cornish: car gl. amicus
Gaulish: Caranto- [PN]
See also: *kar-oReferences: LEIA C-37f., GPC I: 422, DGVB 97, Lambert 1994: 37, Campanile 1974: 22.
Proto-Celtic: *karbanto- '(war) chariot' [Noun]
Old Irish: carpat [o m]
Gaulish: carpento- (Titus Livius XXXI.21.17)
Notes: W cerbyd and OBret. cerpit are loanwords from Goidelic.
References: LEIA C-40f., Delamarre 105
Proto-Celtic: *kariyo-(mon)- 'shoemaker'
Old Irish: cairem [n m]
Middle Welsh: crydd [m]
Middle Breton: chereor, kere, kereour
Cornish: quere
Proto-Indo-European: *krh1pi- 'shoe'
Page in Pokorny: 581
IE cognates: Gr. krЊpiґs, Lith. ku°rpe†
References: LEIA C-21, GPC I: 621, EIEC 514, Matasovicґ 2004: 117
Proto-Celtic: *karno- 'heap of stones, tomb'
Old Irish: carn [o m]
Middle Welsh: carn [m and f]; carnau, cernydd, cerni [p]
Middle Breton: Pen karn [Toponym]
Cornish: carn 'heap'
Gaulish: (?) karnitu (Todi) 'erected, constructed' (?)
Page in Pokorny: 532
See also: *karno- 'hoof'
Notes: The Gaulish form karnitu is presumably a denominative verb. I am not sure whether
Co. carn 'heap' exists at all. It might be the same word as OCo. carn gl. ungula, OBret. carn
gl. ungula caballi, which are related to Lat. cornu 'horn' (cp. Campanile 1974: 22).
References: LEIA C-39f., GPC I: 429, Lambert 1994: 75f., Campanile 1974: 22.
Proto-Celtic: *karno- 'horn, hoof' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: carn 'hoof' [m]
Middle Breton: carn gl. ungula caballi (OBret.)
Gaulish: kaґrnon 'Galatian trumpet' (Hesych.)
Proto-Indo-European: *k'rnoPage in Pokorny: 574ff.
IE cognates: Luv. zarwani(ya)- 'of horn', OE horn, ORuss. sьrna 'roedeer'
See also: *karwo- 'deer'
Notes: The Celtic words are from an anit·- variant of the PIE root for 'horn' (*kerh2-).
Probably related is also OIr. crueЁ 'hoof' (cp. Greene 1983). GPC treats carn 'mound' and carn
'hoof' as one word, which cannot be true.
References: GPC I: 429, DGVB 97, EIEC 272, Delamarre 106f., Greene 1983.
Proto-Celtic: *kar-o- 'love' [Verb]
Old Irish: caraid, -cara; cechraid [Fut]; carais [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: caru
Middle Breton: karet
Cornish: care
Gaulish: Caro- [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *keh2r- 'love'
Page in Pokorny: 515
IE cognates: Lat. cѓrus, OHG huor 'prostitute'
See also: *karantNotes: This is a deadjectival verb formed from *karo- 'dear, beloved'.
References: LEIA C-36, GPC I: 422, LIV 306, Ellis Evans 1967: 162, Delamarre 107
Proto-Celtic: *karro- 'wagon' [Noun]
Old Irish: carr [o m]
Middle Welsh: carr [m] (GPC car); ceir [p]
Middle Breton: carr (OBret.), Bret. carr, karr
Gaulish: Karroґdounon [PN] (Ptolemy)
Proto-Indo-European: *krsoPage in Pokorny: 583
IE cognates: Lat. curro 'run'
References: LEIA C-41f., GPC I: 421, DGVB 97, Ellis Evans 1967: 63, Delamarre 107f.,
McCone 1996: 49.
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Proto-Celtic: *karwo- 'deer' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: caru (OW), MW carw
Middle Breton: caru
Cornish: caruu gl. cervus (OCo.)
Gaulish: Caruus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *k'erh2- 'horn'
Page in Pokorny: 576
IE cognates: Lat. ceruus 'deer', Gr. keґras 'horn', OCS krava 'cow'
References: Pedersen I: 51f., EIEC 272, Delamarre 108, Falileyev 22
Proto-Celtic: *karyѓ 'mistake, sin' [Noun]
Old Irish: caire [iѓ f]
Middle Welsh: cared gl. nota, nequitiae (OW), MW cared, karet
Middle Breton: carez
Cornish: cara
Proto-Indo-European: *ker- 'abuse, blame'
Page in Pokorny: 530
IE cognates: Lat. carino, OCS u-koriti
References: LEIA C-20, Falileyev 22
Proto-Celtic: *kasninѓ 'garlic, leek' [Noun]
Old Irish: cainnenn [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: cennin [p] (OW) 'leeks, daffodils'
Middle Breton: caeninn (OBret.), MBret. quinghenn, quinhenn
Cornish: kenin gl. allium
Proto-Indo-European: *kesn- (?)
IE cognates: Russ. ‰esnok 'garlic'
Notes: These words are presumably loanwords from some non-IE substrate, see Schrijver
1995: 456. The resemblance of the Slavic words for 'garlic' might be accidental, because they
can be related to the verbal root *kes- (OCS ‰esati 'to comb, to peel).
References: LEIA C-19, GPC I: 464, DGVB 93, Falileyev 26, Campanile 1974: 24, Schrijver
1995: 456
Proto-Celtic: *kassarѓ 'hail-shower, lightning' [Noun]
Old Irish: casar [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: kesseir [p] 'hail, hailstones' (GPC cesair); ceseiren, ceseiryn [Singulative]
Middle Breton: cazarc'h
Cornish: ceser gl. grando
Proto-Indo-European: *k'ad- 'fall'
Page in Pokorny: 516
IE cognates: Lat. cado, Skt. sґad- 'fall off, fall out (of teeth)'
References: LEIA C-46, GPC I: 470, LIV 282, EIEC 191 Campanile 1974: 24.
Proto-Celtic: *kassi- 'hatred, hate' [Noun]
Old Irish: cais 'love, hate'
Middle Welsh: cas [m] (OW), MW cas
Middle Breton: cas
Cornish: cas
Proto-Indo-European: *k'eh2d- 'hate'
Page in Pokorny: 517
IE cognates: Go. hatis 'hatred', Av. sѓdra- 'suffering'
Notes: The meanings of MIr. cais depend on the context; the best rendition would be 'strong
emotion (whether positive or negative)'. The stem and gender of that word are not stated in
References: LEIA C-22, GPC I: 435, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 149, Falileyev 22f.
Proto-Celtic: *kasso- 'curly, woven, twisted' [Adjective]
Old Irish: cass [o] (DIL cas)
Gaulish: Cassi- [PN], Bodio-casses [Ethnonym]
References: LEIA C-44f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 324
Proto-Celtic: *kati- 'throw, spend' [Verb]
Old Irish: caithid, -caithi 'spend'; caithfid [Fut.]
Gaulish: cateia 'projectile'
References: LEIA C-24, Lambert 1994: 202
Proto-Celtic: *katto- 'cat' [Noun]
Old Irish: catt [o m]
Middle Welsh: cath [m and f]
Middle Breton: caz
Cornish: kat
Gaulish: Cattos [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *kat(t)- 'cat'
IE cognates: Lat. cattus, OHG kazza
Notes: The word for 'cat' in the European languages is a loanword from some non-IE (maybe
north-African) source. In Celtic, the intermediary may have been Latin.,
References: LEIA C-49f., GPC I: 440, EIEC 91
Proto-Celtic: *katu- 'battle' [Noun]
Old Irish: cath [u m]
Middle Welsh: cat (OW), MW cad [f]; cadau, cadoedd [p]
Middle Breton: Catoc [PN] (OBret.), -cat (in compounds, OBret.)
Cornish: cas [f]
Gaulish: Catu-marus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *katu- 'fight'
Page in Pokorny: 534
IE cognates: OHG hadu- 'fight', OCS kotora 'fight'
References: LEIA C-47f., GPC I: 374, DGVB 98, EIEC 201, Delamarre 111, Falileyev 23
Proto-Celtic: *kawanno- 'owl' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: cwan, cuan [f]; cuanod [p]
Middle Breton: couann , couhann (OBret.), Bret. kaouann
Gaulish: Cauanos [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *kaw- 'owl'
Page in Pokorny: 535
IE cognates: OHG hіwo 'owl'
Notes: The existence of the Gaul. word cauan(n)os is confirmed by the Vulgar Latin
loanword cauannus (ululae aues... quam auem Galli cauannum uocant), see Delamarre 111.
References: GPC I: 626, Delamarre 111, DGVB 120
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Proto-Celtic: *kawaro- 'hero, champion' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: cawr [m] 'giant'
Cornish: caur-march gl. camelus (OCo.)
Gaulish: Kauaros [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *k'ewh2-ro- 'strong'
Page in Pokorny: 592
IE cognates: Skt. sґaґv–ra- 'strong', Gr. kyґrios 'lord'.
Notes: OIr. caur, Gen. curad 'champion' cannot be related directly to these forms.
References: GPC I: 443, Delamarre 112, Morris-Jones 1913: 105, Schrijver 1995: 18.
Proto-Celtic: *kaxto- 'prisoner, slave' [Noun]
Old Irish: cacht [ѓ f] 'female servant'
Middle Welsh: caeth [m and f]
Middle Breton: quaez, kaez 'poor, unfortunate'
Cornish: cait gl. servus (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *kap-to- 'captive'
Page in Pokorny: 527
IE cognates: Lat. captus, Go. hafts
Notes: It is possible that these words are borrowed from Lat. captus; however, they could also
be inherited.
References: LEIA C-3, GPC I: 384f., EIEC 90
Proto-Celtic: *kayko- 'blind' [Adjective]
Old Irish: caґech [o]
Middle Welsh: coeg
Cornish: cuic gl. luscus vel monophthalmus
Proto-Indo-European: *kayko- 'blind'
Page in Pokorny: 519
IE cognates: Lat. caecus, Go. haihs
References: LEIA C-6, GPC I: 529, EIEC 70
Proto-Celtic: *kaylo- 'omen' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: coil(i)ou (OW) [p] 'omens, auguries'; MW coel [m and f] 'belief, omen'
Middle Breton: coel (OBret.) gl. haruspicem
Cornish: chuillioc gl. augur
Proto-Indo-European: *kh2eylo- 'whole, healthy', perhaps also 'blessed with good omen'
Page in Pokorny: 520
IE cognates: Go. hails, OCS ceўlъ
Notes: OIr. ceґl 'omen' is a loanword from W. The first element of the toponym Caeilo-briga
in Spain is probably also related.
References: LEIA C-59, GPC I: 532, DGVB 112, Falileyev 33, LHEB 325, Kluge 364
Proto-Celtic: *kayto- 'wood' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: coit (OW), W coed [m]
Middle Breton: koat
Cornish: cuit gl. silva (OCo.), MCo. coys
Gaulish: Caito-brix [Toponym] (Ptolemy)
Proto-Indo-European: *kayto- 'wood, field'
Page in Pokorny: 521
IE cognates: Go. hai?i 'field'
Notes: This is a correspondence limited to Celtic and Germanic. The a-vocalism of Gaul.
toponyms Caito-brix and Dio-caitus is difficult to account for, and the diphthong -ai- in
Germanic could, of course, imply an original *oy as well, in which case the correct
reconstruction would be PCelt. *koyto-. The element -cetium found in toponyms such as
Anicetis, Leto-cetum, to° ketiґon oґros (Ptolemy) might reflect a late Gaul. reflex of both *koytand *kayt-.
References: GPC I: 528, Delamarre 98, Campanile 1974: 33.
Proto-Celtic: *kѓdos- 'regret, anger' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: cawdd [m] 'anger'
Middle Breton: cuez 'regret, affliction'
Cornish: kueth 'regret'
Proto-Indo-European: *k'eh2dos
Page in Pokorny: 517
IE cognates: Gr. kЊdos 'suffering, concern', OHG haz 'hate'
See also: *kassiNotes: OIr. cais goes back to zero-grade *kh2d-ti- (attested also in OW cas 'hatred', MBret.
cas 'hatred'), while W cawdd represents the full grade *keh2do-.
References: LEIA C-22, GPC I: 442, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 149, LIV
Proto-Celtic: *kѓgni- 'law, tribute' [Noun]
Old Irish: caґin [f i]
Middle Welsh: di-gawn [m] 'plenty, abundance' (GPC digon, digawn); digoni [Verb] 'make,
perform, be able'
Proto-Indo-European: *keh2/3g'-nIE cognates: OCS kaznь 'punishment'
Notes: Another possible etymology (from PCelt. *kaxni- < *kapni-) is found in EIEC 563.
OIr. caґinid 'to satirize' could be related to this root.
References: LEIA C-16, GPC I: 998, EIEC 563, O'Brien, Celtica III 172
Proto-Celtic: *kekworѓ 'swamp, mud'
Old Irish: cechor [ѓ > k f] gl. palus
Proto-Indo-European: *k'okwr 'excrement'
Page in Pokorny: 544
IE cognates: Skt. sґaґkr•t, Gr. koґpros
Notes: The Proto-Celtic form *kekworѓ is actually the collective/plural of the original r/n
neuter stem.
References: LEIA C-51f.
Proto-Celtic: *kel-o- 'hide' [Verb]
Old Irish: ceilid, -ceil; celaid, -cela [Subj.]; ceґlaid, -ceґla [Fut.]; cilt, -celt [Pret.]; clethae, cleth [Pass.]
Middle Welsh: kelu (GPC celu)
Middle Breton: keles
Proto-Indo-European: *k'el- 'hide'
Page in Pokorny: 553f.
IE cognates: Lat. oc-culo, OE helan
References: GPC I: 455, KPV 394ff., LIV 323, EIEC 134
Proto-Celtic: *keltѓko- 'fight, war' [Noun]
Old Irish: cellach [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *kelh2- 'strike'
Page in Pokorny: 546f
IE cognates: Lat. -cello 'strike', OHG hilta 'fight', Lith. kaґlti 'strike, hew'
Notes: Gaulish ethnonym Su-cellus (? 'good striker') might be related to this root.
References: LEIA C-61, LIV
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Proto-Celtic: *kenetlo- 'race, kind' [Noun]
Old Irish: ceneґl [o n]
Middle Welsh: cenetl [f] (OW); MW kenedyl (GPC cenedl, ceneddl)
Middle Breton: chenetl (OBret.)
Cornish: kinethel gl. generatio
Proto-Indo-European: *ken- 'begin'
Page in Pokorny: 563f.
IE cognates: Lat. re-cens 'new', Gr. kainoґs 'young, new'
See also: *ken-oNotes: OW feminine cenetl is probably the original Nom-Acc. p. of the neuter *kenetlon
References: LEIA C-64, GPC I: 461, DGVB 101, Falileyev 25
Proto-Celtic: *kengeto- 'warrior' [Noun]
Old Irish: cing [t m]
Gaulish: Cingeto-rix [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *keng-o- 'tread, step, walk'
Notes: The same root is probably found in PN like Gaul. Es-cinga, Eskeggai (Dat.).
References: LEIA C-102, Delamarre 116
Proto-Celtic: *keng-o- 'tread, step, walk' [Verb]
Old Irish: cingid, -cing; ceґiss, -ceґ [Subj.]; cichis, -cich [Fut.]; cechaing [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)keng- 'limp, walk lamely'
Page in Pokorny: 930
IE cognates: Gr. skaґzЎ, OHG hinkan
See also: *kengeto- 'warrior'
References: KPV 397ff, LIV 555, LEIA C-102f, C-54, Delamarre 116, Meid 2005: 174.
Proto-Celtic: *kenno- 'skin' [Noun]
Old Irish: ceinn 'peel, rind'
Middle Welsh: ceenn [m] (OW) 'murex', W cen [m] 'skin'
Middle Breton: cennenn gl. membrana (OBret.)
Cornish: cen
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)ken-d- 'peel'
Page in Pokorny: 929f.
IE cognates: OE scinn 'skin'
Notes: OIr. ceinn is not well attested.
References: LEIA C-55, GPC I: 460, Falileyev 23, Schrijver 1995: 36
Proto-Celtic: *ken-o- 'descend from, come into being, be born' [Verb]
Old Irish: cinid; cinis, -cin [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *ken- 'begin'
Page in Pokorny: 564
IE cognates: Lat. re-cens, Gr. kainoґs 'new'
Notes: The Gaulish patronymic suffix -cno- (e. g. in TRUTICNOS = Druti filius) might be
etymologically related to this verb.
References: LEIA C-103, LIV , Ellis Evans 1967: 182
Proto-Celtic: *kentu- 'first' [Adjective]
Old Irish: ceґtMiddle Welsh: cynt
Middle Breton: cint (OBret.), MBret. quent
Cornish: kyns
Gaulish: Cintu-gnatus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *ken-tPage in Pokorny: 564
IE cognates: Lat. re-cens 'new', Gr. kainoґs 'young, new', OHG hintar 'behind'
See also: *ken-oReferences: LEIA C-83, GPC I: 800, EIEC 169, Ellis-Evans 1967: 178, Delamarre 117
Proto-Celtic: *kentu-sam–no- 'May' [Noun]
Old Irish: ceґtamain [indecl.]
Middle Welsh: kintevin [m] (GPC cyntefin)
See also: *kintu-, *samonReferences: LEIA C-58, GPC I: 801
Proto-Celtic: *kera- 'fall' [Verb]
Old Irish: do-cer 'fell' [3s Pret.] < *tu-keraProto-Indo-European: *k'erh2- 'break'
Page in Pokorny: 578
IE cognates: Skt. sґar- 'break'
Notes: In Old Irish forms derived from this root serve as suppletive preterites to *tud-o- 'fall',
see KPV 399.
References: KPV 399, LIV 327f.
Proto-Celtic: *kerbo- 'pointed, sharp' [Adjective]
Old Irish: cerb [o]
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)kerbho- 'sharp'
Page in Pokorny: 943
IE cognates: OE scearp, Lat. scrobis, scrobs 'ditch, trench'
References: LEIA C-71
Proto-Celtic: *kerdѓ 'art, skill' [Noun]
Old Irish: cerd [ѓ f] 'skill, art (esp. poetic art)'
Middle Welsh: cerdd [f] 'skill, poetry, music'
Middle Breton: cherdoran (OBret.) gl. parasitaster
Proto-Indo-European: *kerd- 'profit'
Page in Pokorny: 579
IE cognates: Gr. keґrdos 'gain, profit'
Notes: This etymology is based on the comparison of just two branches of IE (Greek and
Celtic) and is therefore not completely compelling.
References: LEIA C-71f., GPC I: 465, DGVB 103, LP 37, EIEC 139, 143
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Proto-Celtic: *kerd-o- 'put, lay' [Verb]
Old Irish: fo-ceird 'put, throw' < *wo-kerd-o-; fo-cerr [Subj.]; fo-cicherr [Fut.]; fo-caird
[Pret.]; fo-cress [Pass.]
Middle Welsh: kerddet 'walk, go' (GPC cerdded); kerdd [3s Pres.]
Middle Breton: cerd 'movement' (OBret.), MBret. querzet 'go, run'
Cornish: kerdhes 'go'
Proto-Indo-European: *kerdh2Page in Pokorny: 934f.
IE cognates: Gr. kradaґЎ 'swing, wave' [Verb], Lat. cardЎ 'hinge of a door or gate'
Notes: The IE relations of these Celtic forms are notoriously difficult. I prefer Pokorny's
etymology to more recent proposals.
References: KPV 401ff., GPC I: 465, DGVB 103, LIV 353ff., LEIA C-72
Proto-Celtic: *kerkѓ 'hen' [Noun]
Old Irish: cerc [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: crychydd [m] 'heron'
Middle Breton: corcid (OBret.) gl. ardea, MBret. quercheiz
Cornish: cherchid gl. ardea (OCo.), MCo. kerghyt, keryth
Notes: The British forms can be derived from *korkiyo-, itself a derivative of *kerkѓ. Other
IE languages have similar onomatopoeic words, e. g. Skt. kr•ka-vѓґku 'cock'.
References: LEIA C-71, GPC I: 620
Proto-Celtic: *kernѓ 'angle, corner' [Noun]
Old Irish: cern [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: cern [f] 'corner, jaw, cheek, side'
Middle Breton: quern 'top'
Cornish: Kernow 'Cornwall'
Proto-Indo-European: *k'erh2-no- 'horn'
Page in Pokorny: 576
IE cognates: Go. haurna 'horn', Lat. cornu 'horn'
References: LEIA C-74, GPC I: 468, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 58
Proto-Celtic: *kЊlyo- / *kilyo- 'companion' [Noun]
Old Irish: ceґile [io m]
Middle Welsh: cilydd [m] 'companion, other'
Middle Breton: e-gile 'other'
Cornish: y-gyla, e-gele
Gaulish: cele (?) 'companion'(Chateaubleau)
Notes: The interpretation of Gaul. cele (hapax) is doubtful, see Delamarre 112.
References: LEIA C-52f, GPC I: 481, Delamarre 112
Proto-Celtic: *kЊno- 'long' [Adjective]
Old Irish: ciґan [o]
Proto-Indo-European: *kwey-noPage in Pokorny: 638
IE cognates: Go. hweila 'period, time', OCS po-‰iti 'rest', Lat. quies 'rest'
References: LEIA C-94f.
Proto-Celtic: *ki / *koy [Particle]
Old Irish: ce, ceґ demonstrative particle: in bith ce 'this world', Ogam CI, COI 'this'
Gaulish: koui (?)
Proto-Indo-European: *k'ey- 'this'
Page in Pokorny: 609
IE cognates: Lat. cis, Lith. «i°s
References: LEIA C-51, EIEC 458
Proto-Celtic: *kinѓў 'besides' [Preposition]
Old Irish: cen [+Acc.] 'without'
Middle Welsh: am-gen 'other, different'
Middle Breton: quen 'other, otherwise'
Cornish: ken 'other, otherwise'
Notes: It appears that these words are connected to the demonstrative base *k'i- (Lat. cis
etc.), but details are unclear.
References: LEIA C-64, GPC I: 86
Proto-Celtic: *kistѓ '(woven) basket' [Noun]
Old Irish: cess (DIL ces) [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: cest [f] gl. fiscina
Middle Breton: kest
IE cognates: Gr. kiґstЊ
Notes: Borrowing from Lat. cista (itself from Gr. kiґstЊ) seems improbable. Lat. cissium 'a
kind of car with two wheels' is considered to be a loanword from Gaul. It may be from the
same Celt. root.
References: LEIA C-78f., GPC I: 740, DGVB 104, Delamarre 117
Proto-Celtic: *kiw-V- 'fog' [Noun]
Old Irish: ceoґ [f and m]
Proto-Indo-European: *k'eyH- 'gray'
Page in Pokorny: 951
IE cognates: OE heґow, hiw 'appearance', OCS sivъ 'gray', Lith. «yґvas
References: LEIA C-68f.
Proto-Celtic: *ki-yo- 'fall, cry' [Verb]
Old Irish: ciid, -ciґ 'cry'; cieid, -cia [Subj.]; cichid, -cichi [Fut.]; cich [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: -chiawr 'fall' [3s Pres.] (GPC ciawr)
Middle Breton: coezaff 'fall, happen'
Cornish: koedha 'fall, happen'
Proto-Indo-European: *k'eyPage in Pokorny: 542 (*keyd-)
IE cognates: Skt. sґ–yate 'falls'
Notes: Breton and Cornish forms are from PCelt. *key-do-, a derivative from the same verbal
root. Cp. also W cwyddaw 'fall'.
References: GPC I: 475, KPV 404ff., LIV 321, LEIA C-9, C-98
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Proto-Celtic: *k–kѓ 'breast' [Noun]
Old Irish: ciґch [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: cig [m] 'meat'
Middle Breton: cic-guan gl. fuscina (OBret.), MBret. quic
Cornish: cic gl. caro (OCo.), chic, kyk
Gaulish: Cic-ollus [PN]
References: LEIA C-96, GPC I: 477, DGVB 105, LHEB 304, Delamarre 116, Campanile
1974: 26f.
Proto-Celtic: *k–srѓ 'comb' [Noun]
Old Irish: ciґr [ѓ f]
Proto-Indo-European: *kes- 'comb'
Page in Pokorny: 585
IE cognates: OCS ‰esati 'to comb', Lith. kasyґti 'to scratch'
Notes: The lengthened grade of OIr. cir is unexpected, and the development of intervocalic *sr- is still disputed.
References: LEIA C-105, LIV , Schrijver 1995: 446
Proto-Celtic: *kladiwo- 'sword' [Noun]
Old Irish: claideb [o m]
See also: *klѓўd-oNotes: The British words (MW cledyf, MBret. clezeff, Corn. clethe) are early loanwords from
Goidelic. It is usually assumed that Lat. gladius was borrowed from Celtic in prehistoric
times, but it could also be inherited (with *kl > gl- as in glЎria < *klowesyѓ).
References: LEIA C-110f.
Proto-Celtic: *klad-o- 'dig, bury' [Verb]
Old Irish: cladaid, -claid; claґiss, -claґ [Subj.]; cechlais, -cechla [Fut.]; cechlaid [Pret.];
classae, -class [Pass.]
Middle Welsh: claddu
Middle Breton: claza
Proto-Indo-European: *kelh2- 'hit, break'
Page in Pokorny: 546f.
IE cognates: Lat. per-cello, Gr. klѓґЎ, OCS klati
References: GPC I: 486, KPV 410ff., LIV 350, LP 352f., LEIA C-111f.
Proto-Celtic: *klamo- 'sick, suffering from leprosy' [Adjective]
Old Irish: clam [o]
Middle Welsh: claf
Middle Breton: claff
Cornish: claf gl. eger
References: LEIA C-112, GPC I: 487, LP 54, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 45, Campanile
1974: 27.
Proto-Celtic: *klawo- 'bolt' [Noun]
Old Irish: cloґ [o m] 'nail'
Middle Welsh: clo [m] 'lock, bolt'
Middle Breton: clou (OBret.) gl. acutamenta
Proto-Indo-European: *kleh2w- 'bolt, bar, hook'
Page in Pokorny: 604
IE cognates: Lat. clѓuis 'key, bolt', Gr. kleiґs
References: LEIA C-121, GPC I: 501, EIEC 272
Proto-Celtic: *klѓўdo- 'trench' [Noun]
Old Irish: clad [o m] 'hole dug in the ground, trench'
Middle Welsh: cladd [m and f] 'pit, ditch' (GPC cladd), clawd [m] 'mound, ditch, pit,
bulwark' (GPC clawdd); cloddiau, cloddion [p]
Middle Breton: klѓz, kleuz
Cornish: cleath
Gaulish: Vindo-cladia [Toponym]
Proto-Indo-European: *kleh2dPage in Pokorny: 546
IE cognates: Lat. clѓdes 'devastation'
Notes: There is also a denominative verb from this root: OIr. claidid 'dig'; class- [Subj.];
cechlaid [Pret.], W claddu, Bret. klaza. MBret. kleuz and W clawd must be from PCelt. *klѓdwith long *ѓ. The forms with short *a must somehow be analogical, because *klh2d- (with
PIE zero-grade) would have yielded PCelt. *klѓd- as well.
References: LEIA C-109, GPC I: 486, 491, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 47.
Proto-Celtic: *klѓro- 'board, plank' [Noun]
Old Irish: claґr [o n and m]
Middle Welsh: claur (OW), W clawr [m] 'cover, lid, plank'; cloriau [p]
Middle Breton: kleur 'limon de charrette'
Proto-Indo-European: *kleh2ro- 'plank'
Page in Pokorny: 545
IE cognates: Gr. kle^ros 'lot, piece of wood for casting lots'
References: LEIA C-113f., GPC I: 491, EIEC 431, Falileyev 32, Schrijver 1995: 182, 189
Proto-Celtic: *klЊtѓ 'palisade, hurdle' [Noun]
Old Irish: cliґath [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: clwyd [f] 'barrier, wattle, scaffolding, gate'
Middle Breton: kloued
Cornish: cluit gl. clita
Proto-Indo-European: *k'ley-tPage in Pokorny: 601
See also: *klitNotes: French claie, Catalan cleda are derived from Gaul. *clЊta, the exact correspondence of
these Celtic words, see Delamarre 118.
References: LEIA C-119, GPC I: 513, Delamarre 118, Campanile 1974: 28, Schrijver 1995:
224, 230, 241.
Proto-Celtic: *klЊyo- 'left' [Adjective]
Old Irish: cleґ
Middle Welsh: cled (OW), MW cled (GPC cledd) 'left, left hand or side' ([f] when used as a
Middle Breton: cleiz
Cornish: cledh
Proto-Indo-European: *k'leyPage in Pokorny: 601
IE cognates: Lat. cl–uis 'inauspicious', Go. hleiduma 'left'
References: LEIA C-115, GPC I: 493, EIEC 131, 159, 349, Falileyev 32, De Bernardo
Stempel 1999: 204
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Proto-Celtic: *kli-nu- [Verb]
Old Irish: ro-cluinethar < *fro-kli-nu-tori; -cloathar [Subj.]; cechladar [Fut.]; -cualae [Pret.];
-closs [Pass.]
Proto-Indo-European: *k'lewPage in Pokorny: 605ff.
IE cognates: Skt. sґru-, Gr. klyґЎ
See also: *klus-–References: LIV 334, EIEC C-127f.
Proto-Celtic: *klisso-, *klissu- 'feat' [Noun]
Old Irish: cles [o and u m]
Proto-Indo-European: *klisd-toIE cognates: Skt. kr–ґd·ati 'play, dance'
References: LEIA C-117
Proto-Celtic: *klit- 'pillar, post' [Noun]
Old Irish: cliґ [m] and cleth [ѓ f] 'housepost'
Proto-Indo-European: *k'ley-t- 'post, trimmed log'
Page in Pokorny: 601
IE cognates: Skt. sґrit- 'ladder', Gr. (Hesykh.) kliґta 'cloister', OE gehlid 'fence'
References: LEIA C-118, EIEC 441, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 57
Proto-Celtic: *klito- 'warm' [Adjective]
Middle Welsh: clyd 'warm, sheltered'
Proto-Indo-European: *k'lto- 'warm'
Page in Pokorny: 551
IE cognates: Lith. «iltas, Lat. calidus
References: GPC I: 515
Proto-Celtic: *klokko- 'bell' [Noun]
Old Irish: clocc [o m]
Middle Welsh: cloch [f]
Middle Breton: kloc'h
Cornish: cloch gl. clocca
References: LEIA C-122f., GPC I: 502, Campanile 1974: 27f.
Proto-Celtic: *klowni- 'meadow' [Noun]
Old Irish: cluґain [i m]
Middle Welsh: clun [m] (OW), MW clun
Notes: Pokorny hesitates between the roots *klep- (p. 603) and *k'lew- (607), but neither
etymology is persuasive.
References: LEIA C-126, GPC I: 510, Falileyev 33
Proto-Celtic: *klowni- 'thigh' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: clun [f]; cluniau [p]
Middle Breton: klun 'buttock'
Cornish: clun
Proto-Indo-European: *k'lowniPage in Pokorny: 607f.
IE cognates: Lat. clіnis, OIc. hlaun, Lith. «launi°s
References: GPC I: 510, LP 41
Proto-Celtic: *klowstѓ 'hearing, ear' [Noun]
Old Irish: cluґas [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: clust [m and f]; clustiau [p]
Gaulish: Rokloisiabo [Dat p, Theonym]
Proto-Indo-European: *k'lews-t- 'hear'
Page in Pokorny: 606
IE cognates: OE hlyst 'hearing'
References: LEIA C-126f., GPC I: 510f., Schrijver 1995: 400, 409, 412
Proto-Celtic: *klukѓ 'stone, rock' [Noun]
Old Irish: cloch [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: clog [f] 'rock'
Middle Breton: Cleguer [Toponym]
Cornish: clog
References: LEIA C-123f., GPC I: 505, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 471
Proto-Celtic: *klus-–- 'hear' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: clywet, clybot (GPC clywed, clybod)
Middle Breton: clevet
Cornish: klywes
Proto-Indo-European: *k'lewsPage in Pokorny: 605ff.
IE cognates: OHG hlosЊn, OCS slysўati
See also: *kli-nuNotes: The forms of the verb 'to hear' in Goidelic are derived from the form *k'lew-.
References: GPC I: 516, KPV 412ff., LIV 336
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Proto-Celtic: *kluto- 'fame' [Noun]
Old Irish: cloth [o n]
Middle Welsh: clod [m and f]
Middle Breton: clot gl. rumoris (OBret.)
Cornish: clos
Proto-Indo-European: *k'lu-toPage in Pokorny: G klytoґs 'famous', Lat. in-clutus
Notes: This word is a substantivized neuter passive participle. W clod < *klutѓ is best
interpreted as the reflex of the old neuter plural, rather than as an independent feminine
References: LEIA C-124f. GPC I: 503, DGVB 109, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:143
Proto-Celtic: *kluwos 'fame' [Noun]
Old Irish: cluґ [s n]
Proto-Indo-European: *k'lewos 'word, fame'
Page in Pokorny: 606
IE cognates: Skt. sґraґvas, Gr. kleґos, Lat. cluЎr
See also: *kli-nuNotes: The unexpected *-u- in Celtic is probably due to the analogy with the participle of the
verb 'to hear', *klu-to-. The same root is attested in Gaul. personal names such as Ver-clovus,
Veru-cloetius (Caesar).
References: LEIA C-125f., EIEC 192, 437, Meid 2005: 180.
Proto-Celtic: *knaw– 'fleece' [Noun]
Old Irish: cnaiґ [– f]
Middle Welsh: cnaif [m] 'fleece, clipping, a shearing'
Middle Breton: kneau, cnev, (Vannes kaneo)
Cornish: kneu
References: LEIA C-128f., GPC I: 517
Proto-Celtic: *knѓmi- 'bone' [Noun]
Old Irish: cnaґim [i m]
Proto-Indo-European: *konh2m 'leg'
Page in Pokorny: 613
IE cognates: Gr. knЊґmЊ 'leg', OE hamm 'ham'
Notes: The OIr. word is derived from the oblique stem of the PIE etymon, *knh2mo-. W cnaw
[m] 'bone, skull' is probably a loanword from OIr.
References: LEIA C-129f., GPC I: 518, EIEC 349, Matasovicґ 2004: 107, Schrijver 1995:
182, 189
Proto-Celtic: *knѓ-yo- 'bite, chew' [Verb]
Old Irish: imm-cnaґ < *ambi-knѓ-yo-, -cnaґ
Middle Welsh: cnoi; cny [3s Pres.]
Proto-Indo-European: *kneh2Page in Pokorny: 560
IE cognates: Lith. knoґti 'peel'
Notes: Cp. also OIr. cnai†d 'bites, gnaws'. The verbal noun cnaґm < *knѓmѓ might be
etymologically identical to MW cnaw 'bone'.
References: KPV 418, LIV 365, LP 354, LEIA C-129
Proto-Celtic: *knokko- 'protuberance, hill' [Noun]
Old Irish: cnocc [o m]
Middle Welsh: cnwch [m] (GPC cnwch, clwch)
Middle Breton: cnoch (OBret.) gl. tumulus
Page in Pokorny: 559
IE cognates: OE hnecca 'neck', OHG hnac 'back, top'
Notes: W cnwc is a loanword from Irish.
References: LEIA C-132, GPC I: 523
Proto-Celtic: *knі- 'nut' [Noun]
Old Irish: cnuґ [і f]
Middle Welsh: cnau [p]; cneuen [Singulative f]
Middle Breton: knoen [Singulative]
Cornish: cnyfan [Singulative]
Proto-Indo-European: *knew- 'nut'
Page in Pokorny: 558
IE cognates: Lat. nux, OE hnutu
Notes: These words, all derived from the same root (*knew-) have different suffixes (*-k- in
L, *-d- in Germanic, ? -H- in Celtic). They may have been ultimately borrowed from some
unknown non-IE source.
References: LEIA C-132, GPC I: 518, EIEC 405, Schrijver 1995: 330
Proto-Celtic: *kob(o)- 'victory' [Noun]
Old Irish: cob [o n (?)]
Gaulish: Uer-cobius [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *kobPage in Pokorny: 610
IE cognates: ON happ 'chance', OCS kobь 'destiny'
Notes: OIr. cob is a rare, poetic word glossed as buaid 'victory' in O' Davoreen's dictionary.
It could be neuter, but this is not certain. The comparison of the Gaulish names with this
element is also rather speculative.
References: LEIA C-134f., Delamarre 120, Ellis-Evans 1967: 183.
Proto-Celtic: *koldo- 'destruction' [Noun]
Old Irish: coll [o n]
Middle Welsh: coll [m]
Middle Breton: colled 'destroyed'
Cornish: colled gl. iactura
Proto-Indo-European: *kol-d-'strike, cut'
Page in Pokorny: 545
IE cognates: OE healtian 'limp'
References: LEIA C-158, GPC I: 546, LP 37, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 44
Proto-Celtic: *kolgѓ 'sword, dagger' [Noun]
Old Irish: colg, calg [ѓ f later o m]
Middle Welsh: col, coly [m] 'sting, spike, chaff'; colginn gl. aristam (OW), MW colyn [m]
'sting, pivot'
Cornish: col, colgh
Proto-Indo-European: *kelh2- 'pierce, strike'
Page in Pokorny: 545
IE cognates: Lat. per-cello, OCS klati
References: LEIA C-157, GPC I: 542, 546, LP 33, Falileyev 34, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
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Proto-Celtic: *koligno- 'pup, small animal' [Noun]
Old Irish: cuileґn [o m]
Middle Welsh: colwyn [m]; colwynod [p]
Middle Breton: coloinan (OBret.) gl. catulaster, MBret. quoalen
Cornish: coloin gl. catulus
References: LEIA C-269, GPC I: 545, DGVB 114
Proto-Celtic: *kolino- 'holly tree' [Noun]
Old Irish: cuilenn [o m]
Middle Welsh: celyn
Middle Breton: quelenn
Cornish: kelin
Proto-Indo-European: *kol-ino- 'pricky tree, ?holly'
Page in Pokorny: 545
IE cognates: OE holegn 'holly', Alb. kalliґ 'straw, chaff'
References: LEIA C-270, EIEC 367, 451
Proto-Celtic: *kom 'with' [Preposition]
Old Irish: co , cu [nasalizing, +Dat.]
Middle Welsh: cyfMiddle Breton: kevCornish: kevProto-Indo-European: *k'om 'with'
Page in Pokorny: 612
IE cognates: Lat. cum, OCS sъ
References: LEIA C-133, C-161 , GOI 502f.
Proto-Celtic: *kom-altiyo- 'foster-brother' [Noun]
Old Irish: comaltae [io m]
Middle Welsh: cyfeillt [m] 'friend' (GPC cyfaill, cyfaillt)
Cornish: chevals gl. artus
See also: *altiyoReferences: GPC I: 675
Proto-Celtic: *kom-angu- 'narrow' [Adjective]
Old Irish: cumung [o]
Middle Welsh: cyfyng
Notes: Cp. also the denominative verb W cyfyngu 'to narrow, distress, restrict'.
References: LEIA C-292, GPC I: 724, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 428
Proto-Celtic: *kom-are-(yo)- 'direction, presence' [Noun]
Old Irish: comair (used as a preposition: comair caich 'in front of everyone')
Middle Welsh: cyfair [m and f] 'direction, place, spot, acre' (GPC cyfair, cyfer)
Middle Breton: e queffuer
Cornish: -kever
See also: *kom-, *are
References: LEIA C-163, GPC I: 675
Proto-Celtic: *kom-ber-o- 'bring together' [Verb]
Old Irish: con-beir 'bring together, bear'
Middle Welsh: kymryt 'take, receive' (GPC kymryd, cymeryd)
Middle Breton: quempret 'take, receive', kemeret
Cornish: kemmeres 'take, receive'
See also: *ber-oReferences: KPV 219ff., GPC I: 759
Proto-Celtic: *kom-bero- 'confluence (of rivers)' [Noun]
Old Irish: commar [o]
Middle Welsh: cimer (OW) [m], cymer
Middle Breton: kemper
See also: *kom-, *ber-oReferences: LEIA C-178, GPC I: 759, Falileyev 30, Hamp 1982: 30.
Proto-Celtic: *kom-bi-na- 'cut off' [Verb]
Old Irish: con-ben 'cut off'
Middle Welsh: kymynu 'hew, cut off'
Middle Breton: quemenas 'cut' [3s Pret.]
References: GPC I: 774
Proto-Celtic: *kom-fro-ank-o- 'meet, fight' [Verb]
Old Irish: con-ric 'meet'
Middle Welsh: kyfreing, kyfrang [3s Pres.] 'meet, fight' (GPC cyfrengi)
See also: *ank-oReferences: KPV 200f., GPC I: 710
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Proto-Celtic: *kom-koro- 'meeting' (?) [Noun]
Old Irish: cocur [o m] 'secret'
Middle Welsh: cynghor [m] 'counsel' (GPC cyngor)
See also: *kom-, *koroReferences: LEIA C-205, GPC I: 740
Proto-Celtic: *kom-men- 'memory' [Noun]
Old Irish: cuman, cumen (in is cuman lim 'I remember')
Middle Welsh: cof [m], covein, cofawr [p]
Middle Breton: com, cam (OBret.), MBret. couff
Cornish: cof
See also: *man-yo- 'think, remember'
Notes: OBret. com, cam is not adduced in DGVB.
References: LEIA C-287f., GPC I: 536, Schrijver 1995: 37
Proto-Celtic: *kom-okti- 'power, wealth' [Noun]
Old Irish: cumachtae [io n] 'power'
Middle Welsh: comoid [m] 'power' (OW), MW cyfoeth, kyuoeth 'wealth'
Cornish: chefuidoc gl. omnipotens
References: LEIA C-286, GPC I: 708, Falileyev 34
Proto-Celtic: *kom-skara- 'divide, destroy' [Verb]
Old Irish: con-scara 'cut to pieces, destroy'
Middle Welsh: kyfsycaraf [1s Pres.] 'separate (oneself)' (GPC cyfysgar)
See also: *skaraReferences: KPV 576, GPC I: 727
Proto-Celtic: *kom-sniy-o- 'contend, strive for' [Verb]
Old Irish: con-sniґ; con-seґna [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: kynnif, kynnyddu 'grow, enlarge'
See also: *sniy-oReferences: KPV 599f., GPC I: 797
Proto-Celtic: *ko(m)-wari- 'just, rightful' [Adjective]
Old Irish: coґiЁr, coair [i]
Middle Welsh: couer 'complete' (OW), MW kyweir cyweir 'ready, equipped' (GPC cywair);
cywair [m and f] 'proper order, correction, state of mind'
References: LEIA C-152; GPC I: 828, Falileyev 35, Schrijver 1995: 326
Proto-Celtic: *kondo- 'protuberance, preeminence, reason' [Noun]
Old Irish: conn [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *k'om-dhh1o- 'put together'
Page in Pokorny: 613
IE cognates: Lat. condЎ, OCS soNdъ 'court, judgement'
Notes: It is not certain whether there is only one word *kondo- encompassing all of the
meanings attributable to OIr. conn.
References: LEIA C-196
Proto-Celtic: *koret- 'palisade, (stone) wall' [Noun]
Old Irish: cora [t f]
Middle Welsh: cored [f] 'weir, dam'
Middle Breton: coret (OBret.)
References: LEIA C-206, GPC I: 558, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 165
Proto-Celtic: *korkkyo- 'oats' [Noun]
Old Irish: corca, coirce [io m]
Middle Welsh: ceirch [p]; ceirchyn, ceirchen [Singulative]
Middle Breton: kerc'h
Cornish: bara keirch gl. panis avena (OCo.)
Notes: Old Swedish hagre 'oats' (from which Finnish kakra 'id.' was borrowed) can be
derived from *kokro-; these words for 'oats' were probably borrowed from some pre-IE
source in NW Europe.
References: LEIA C-208, GPC I: 454, Schrijver 1995: 259, 283, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
Proto-Celtic: *kormi 'beer' [Noun]
Old Irish: cuirm [i n]
Middle Welsh: curum (OW), Wcwrw [m]
Cornish: coruf gl. ceruisia(OCo.), MCo. kor
Gaulish: curmi, koґrma
Proto-Indo-European: *kermPage in Pokorny: 572
IE cognates: Russ. korm 'fodder', ?Lat. cremor 'broth, pap'
Notes: The reconstruction PCelt. *kormi- is preferable to the alternative *kurmi-, because
such a vocalism can more easily be related to the PIE root *kerm-, so Gaul. curmi must be
secondary. Lat. ceruЊsia 'beer' was borrowed from a Celtic form with the e-vocalism.
Falileyev does not adduce OW curum.
References: LEIA C-277f., GPC I: 649f., LP 55, EIEC 82, Lambert 1994: 123, 191,
Delamarre 133, Campanile 1974: 31, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 245
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Proto-Celtic: *koro- 'act of putting, casting [Noun]
Old Irish: cor [o m]
Middle Welsh: -gor (e.g. in a-gor 'to open')
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)ker- 'turn, curve'
Page in Pokorny: 935
IE cognates: Lat. curuus 'curved' Gr. kyrtoґs 'round'
Notes: In OIr., there is a denominative verb do-cuirethar 'put, place' (< *to-koryetor) derived
from this root
References: LEIA C-204ff., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 45
Proto-Celtic: *korso- 'pointed, protruding, angled' [Adjective]
Old Irish: corr [o]
Middle Welsh: cwrr [m] 'corner, edge, end, brim' (GPC cwr)
References: LEIA C-211f., GPC I: 646
Proto-Celtic: *koruko- '(leather) boat' [Noun'
Old Irish: curach [o m]
Middle Welsh: corwg, cwrwgl [m]
Notes: A connection of these words with PIE *(s)koro- 'leather' (OCS kora, Lat. corium,
Pokorny 939) appears probable.
References: LEIA C-294f., GPC I: 567, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 312
Proto-Celtic: *kor(x)sѓ 'heron, crane' [Noun]
Old Irish: corr [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: crychydd [m]
Middle Breton: quercheiz
Cornish: crechit gl. ardea (OCo.)
See also: *kerkѓ 'hen'
Notes: The derivation is not without problems, since the root is onomatopoetic. Cp. also W
creyr, crehyr, MBret. querhair 'heron'.
References: LEIA C-212, GPC I: 620, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 505
Proto-Celtic: *koryo- 'troop, tribe' [Noun]
Old Irish: cuire [io ?m]
Middle Welsh: cordd [f] 'tribe, clan'
Gaulish: Vo-corii [Ethnonym], Ate-corius [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *koryo- 'troop'
Page in Pokorny: 615
IE cognates: OPers. kѓra- 'people', Go. harjis 'army', Lith. ka?rias 'army'
Notes: OW casgoord 'retinue of attendants' is probably composed of *wo-eks-koryo-.
References: LEIA C-275, GPC I: 557, EIEC 30, Delamarre 125, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
202, Falileyev 23, Meid 2005: 165f.
Proto-Celtic: *koslo- 'hazel' [Noun]
Old Irish: coll
Middle Welsh: coll gl. corilis (OW) [coll.], MW coll(en); cyll [p]
Middle Breton: colguid gl. colurnus (OBret.), Bret. kelvezan
Cornish: colwiden gl. corillus (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *kos(V)loPage in Pokorny: 616
IE cognates: Lat. corulus, OHG hasal
Notes: The Celtic forms can be derived by syncope. Bret. kelvezen and OCo. colwiden
represent compounds, with the second element *widu- 'wood'. There may have existed a
related word coslo- in Gaulish (see LEIA C-158).
References: LEIA C-157f., GPC I: 546, EIEC 260, Falileyev 34, Campanile 1974: 29, De
Bernardo Stempel 1999: 44
Proto-Celtic: *kowik- 'cuckoo' [Noun]
Old Irish: coґi [k f]
Proto-Indo-European: *kewPage in Pokorny: 535
IE cognates: Gr. kauґaks 'gull'
Notes: There are similar onomatopoeic words for 'cuckoo' in British, MW and Co. cog, but
they do not formally match OIr. coiґ, the formation of which seems more archaic.
References: LEIA C-9
Proto-Celtic: *kownѓ 'litter (of dogs)' [Noun]
Old Irish: cuґan [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: cun 'pack (of dogs)'
References: LIEA C-261, GPC I: 630, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 257
Proto-Celtic: *kowyo- 'hollow' [Adjective]
Old Irish: cuґa 'hollow'
Middle Welsh: keu, cau 'hollow, closed'
Middle Breton: cau 'covered' (OBret.), MBret. queu 'hollow'
Proto-Indo-European: *k'ewh2- 'vault, hole'
Page in Pokorny: 592f.
IE cognates: Skt. sґіnyaґ- 'empty, hollow', Gr. kyґar 'eye of the needle', Lat. cauus 'hollow',
ToB kor 'throat'
Notes: There is some doubt whether OBret. cau 'closed' belongs here, but since MW cau
means both 'hollow' and 'closed', it is possible that both meanings were present in PCelt.
This adjective might have been influenced by Lat. cauus 'hollow, empty'. Various cognates in
othe PIE languages presuppose a PIE heterocliton, *k'owHr /*k'uHnos
References: LEIA C-258, GPC I: 441, EIEC 96, DGVB 98, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 204.
Proto-Celtic: *koxsѓ 'leg' [Noun]
Old Irish: cos [ѓ f]
Proto-Indo-European: *kok'so- 'hollow of joint'
Page in Pokorny: 611
IE cognates: Lat. coxa 'hip', OHG hѓhsa 'back of knee', ToB kakse 'loins'
References: LEIA C-214, EIEC 323, Matasovicґ 2004: 212, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 60
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Proto-Celtic: *koylo- 'thin' [Adjective]
Old Irish: coil, caґel [o]
Middle Welsh: cul 'narrow, lean'
Middle Breton: cul
Cornish: cul gl. macer vel macilentus (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *koyHloPage in Pokorny: 610
IE cognates: Latv. kails 'naked, bold'
References: LEIA C-6, GPC I: 629, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 222
Proto-Celtic: *koymo- 'dear, nice' [Adjective]
Old Irish: coґim, caґem [o]
Middle Welsh: cu
Middle Breton: cunff, cuff
Cornish: cuf, cueff
Proto-Indo-European: *k'oymo- 'homely, belonging to the family'
Page in Pokorny: 540
IE cognates: OE haґm 'home', Latv. sa°ime 'family'
Notes: Gaul. PN Coemo might belong here (Meid 2005: 191)
References: LEIA C-7, GPC I: 626, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 246, Meid 2005: 191.
Proto-Celtic: *krѓbi- 'devotion, religious practice' [Noun]
Old Irish: craґbud [*u > o m]
Middle Welsh: crefydd [f and m]
Notes: W crefydd has -e- rather than -o- on the analogy with the verb credu 'believe'. It has
the suffix *-yo-, while OIr. craґbud has another suffix, *-itu-. Pokorny's etymology of these
words (p. 617)is not convincing.
References: LEIA C-220f., GPC I: 587, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 388
Proto-Celtic: *krѓwo- 'stable, enclosure' [Noun]
Old Irish: croґ [o m] 'enclosure, shed'
Middle Welsh: creu [m] 'shed' (GPC crau, craw)
Middle Breton: crou (OBret.) gl. hara .i. stabulum porcorum, MBret. kraou
Cornish: crow 'hut'
Proto-Indo-European: *krop-o- 'roof'
IE cognates: ON hrof 'roof'
Notes: The PIE etymology of these words is uncertain because of the semantics of the Celtic
cognates, which points to the PCelt. meaning 'round, circular' (rather than 'covered, roof').
Greene 1983 relates the Celtic words for 'enclosure' to OIr. cruind, W crwnn 'round' (PCelt.
References: LEIA C-240, GPC I: 582, DGVB 123, EIEC 217, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
25, Greene 1983.
Proto-Celtic: *kred- 'heart' [Noun]
Old Irish: cride [io n]
Middle Welsh: craidd [m] 'center'
Middle Breton: creis, kreiz 'center'
Cornish: creys 'center'
Proto-Indo-European: *k'erd- 'heart'
Page in Pokorny: 580
IE cognates: Hitt. kir, kardiyas, Lat. cor, cordis, Lith. «irdi°s, Arm. sirt
Notes: This word was probably a root noun in PCelt., with Nom. *kred- (> W craidd), Gen.
krid-os (> OIr. cride). It has been pointed out, however, that W craidd may be a ghost-word
(cp. Schrijver 1995: 319ff.). If that is indeed the case, then OIr. cride and its British cognates
may go back to PCelt. *kridyo- < PIE *k'rdyo-.
References: LEIA C-235f., GPC I: 578, EIEC 98, 263, Schrijver 1995: 319ff., De Bernardo
Stempel 1999: 35, 202, 412
Proto-Celtic: *kred-d–- 'believe' [Verb]
Old Irish: creitid, -creiti ; -cretis [2s Pret.]
Middle Welsh: credu
Middle Breton: crediff, critim (OBret.)
Cornish: cresy, krysi, cregy
Proto-Indo-European: *k'red-dheh1- 'believe, trust'
Page in Pokorny: 235ff.
IE cognates: Skt. sґrad-dhѓ-, Lat. crЊdo
Notes: The geminate in Celtic is only explainable if one assumes an old compound equivalent
to Skt. sґrad-dhѓ-. The first element of that compound is usually identified with the PIE word
for 'heart', but for doubts see Benveniste 1969.
References: KPV 278ff., GPC I: 586, LIV 136ff., DGVB 123, LEIA C-228f., Benveniste
Proto-Celtic: *kredd–mѓ 'faith, believing' [Noun]
Old Irish: cretem [ѓ f]
Middle Breton: critim (OBret.), MBret. ‰·R—Ї‹—Ї , ‰·R?‹—Ї
Notes: This is the verbal noun of *kred-d–- 'believe'
References: LEIA C-228f., DGVB 123
Proto-Celtic: *kredro/i- 'relic, sacred object'
Old Irish: cretair [i f], (?earlier cretar [o])
Middle Welsh: creirriou (OW) [p], MW creir [m and f]
Middle Breton: kreirio [p]
References: LEIA C-232, GPC I: 578, Falileyev 36, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 231ff.
Proto-Celtic: *kre(n)xtu- 'wound' [Noun]
Old Irish: creґcht [i m]
Middle Welsh: creith [f] (GPC craith)
Middle Breton: creithi [p] gl. ulcera (OBret.), MBret. creizenn [Singulative]
References: LEIA C-226, GPC I: 579, Pedersen I: 123, DGVB 121f., G. S. Lane, Language
13: 23f.
Proto-Celtic: *kret-o- 'hit, meet' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: dygredu
Middle Breton: credam (OBret.) [1s Pres.]
Proto-Indo-European: *kret- 'shake'
Page in Pokorny: 620f.
IE cognates: OHG redan 'sift', OCS krotiti 'tame'
References: KPV 419, GPC I: 1132, DGVB 121
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Proto-Celtic: *krЊ-tro- 'sieve' [Noun]
Old Irish: criathar [o m]
Middle Welsh: cruitr gl. pala (OW), W crwydr [m] 'a wandering'
Middle Breton: croitir (OBret.), MBret. croezr
Cornish: croider gl. cribrum
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)kreyH- 'separate'
Page in Pokorny: 946
IE cognates: Lat. cr–brum 'sieve', OE hridder
References: LEIA C-233, GPC I: 617, DGVB 123, LP 46, EIEC 518, Falileyev 37,
Campanile 1974: 32, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 304
Proto-Celtic: *krid- 'shrink, grow thinner' [Verb]
Old Irish: credb(a) 'shrinkage', credba(ig)id, -credbaigi'contract, grow thinner'
Middle Welsh: cryddu 'shrink'
Middle Breton: crez 'stingy'
Proto-Indo-European: *krdhIE cognates: Skt. kr•dhu- 'short, small'
Notes: OIr. credb < *kridw- (stem and gender are unknown).
References: LEIA C-227, GPC I: 621, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 216
Proto-Celtic: *krif- 'body' [Noun]
Old Irish: criґ [indeclinable]
Middle Welsh: cryf 'strong'
Middle Breton: creff, MoBret. kren?v 'strong'
Cornish: crif gl. fortis (OCo.), MCo. creff, cref
Proto-Indo-European: *krep- 'body'
IE cognates: Skt. kr•p- 'form, shape', Lat. corpus 'body', OE hrif 'guts, womb'
Notes: The OIr. form is from the oblique case-stem of the PIE etymon, *krp-, while OE hrif
preserves the nominative stem (*krep-). The word was a root noun in PIE. The British forms
are from a thematic adjective, PCelt. *krif-mo-.
References: LEIA C-223, GPC I: 621, EIEC 76, Matasovicґ 2004: 110, De Bernardo Stempel
1999: 31ff.
Proto-Celtic: *kri-ni- 'sift, shake' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: crynu 'shake, tremble'
Middle Breton: crenaff
Cornish: crenna, krena
Proto-Indo-European: *kreh1-(y)- 'sift, divide'
Page in Pokorny: 945ff.
IE cognates: Lat. cerno, Gr. kr–ґnЎ
References: KPV 420ff., GPC I: 623, LIV 366f., LEIA C-237f.
Proto-Celtic: *krissu- 'belt' [Noun]
Old Irish: cris [u m]
Middle Welsh: guecrissou [p] (OW), MW crys [m] 'shirt', gwregys 'belt, girdle'
Middle Breton: cres 'shirt', OBret. guo-cris 'belt'
Cornish: kreis gl. camisia (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *kerd- 'belt'
IE cognates: Russ. ‰eґres 'leather belt'
References: LEIA C-238f., GPC I: 625, Pedersen I: 42f., DGVB 122f., EIEC 224, Falileyev
65, Campanile 1974: 32, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 262, 574
Proto-Celtic: *krito- 'trembling, fever' [Noun]
Old Irish: crith [o m]
Middle Welsh: crit gl. timore (OW), MW crid, cryt, cryd [m]
Middle Breton: crit gl. frenesin
Cornish: dor-gryz 'earthquake'
Proto-Indo-European: *kritPage in Pokorny: 937
IE cognates: OE hri‹a 'fever'
References: LEIA C-239f., GPC I: 620, Falileyev 37, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 287, 412
Proto-Celtic: *krittѓ 'body, frame, shape' [Noun]
Old Irish: crett, creit [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: creth [f] 'nature, appearance, form'
Notes: The OIr. word is often used to refer to the frame of a chariot. For a possible, but not
wholly convincing, IE etymology, see LEIA C-223.
References: LEIA C-223f., GPC I: 592
Proto-Celtic: *krixso- 'curly-haired' [Adjective]
Middle Welsh: crych 'curly, wrinkled, rough'
Middle Breton: crech
Gaulish: Crixus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *kripso- 'curly-haired'
Page in Pokorny: 938
IE cognates: Lat. crispus, Alb. krip 'hair'
References: GPC I: 619, Pedersen: I: 75
Proto-Celtic: *kr–kwѓ 'furrow, trench, boundary' [NOun]
Old Irish: criґch [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: crib [f and m] 'comb, crest'
Middle Breton: crib 'comb'
Cornish: cryb, cryben
Proto-Indo-European: *krek- 'post'
Page in Pokorny: 619
IE cognates: Russ. kroґkva 'stake', Lith. kre?klas 'rafter'
Notes: This etymology is not wholly convincing, since it requires an unmotivated
lenghthened grade in Celtic (*krЊk-u-)
References: LEIA C-234f., GPC I: 594f., EIEC 441, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 220f.
Proto-Celtic: *kr–no- 'withered, dry' [Adjective]
Old Irish: criґn [o]
Middle Welsh: crin (OW) gl. ar(i)dum, MW crin
Middle Breton: krin (MoBret.)
Proto-Indo-European: *k'reh1(y)- 'separate, sieve'
Page in Pokorny: 945f.
IE cognates: Lat. cerno, OCS kroiti 'cut'
See also: *kri-niNotes: The semantic connection of the Celtic forms with those in other languages is rather
weak, so this etymology is uncertain. The alternative, adopted by LEIA and LIV, of treating
these words as derive to *k'erh2- 'break' (Skt. sґr•n·ѓmi 'break', Gr. keraiґzЎ destroy'), Pokorny
578 is impossible, since the Celtic forms clearly presupposes *eh1 in PIE.
References: LEIA C-236f., GPC I: 597, LIV Falileyev 36f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 252
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Proto-Celtic: *krotto- 'round object' [Noun]
Old Irish: crott [ѓ f] 'harp'
Middle Welsh: crwth [m] 'round object, harp], croth [f] 'womb'
Middle Breton: courz gl. uulua
References: LEIA C-248, GPC I: 616, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 510ff.
Proto-Celtic: *krowko- 'heap, hill' [Noun]
Old Irish: cruґach [ѓ f] 'stack (of corn), heap, hill'
Middle Welsh: cruc (OW), W crug [m] 'cairn, hillock'
Middle Breton: cruc gl. gibbus (OBret.), MBret. krug-ell
Cornish: cruc gl. collis
Proto-Indo-European: *krew-kPage in Pokorny: 938
IE cognates: ON hraukr 'heap'
Notes: Related words (of Gaulish origin) are attested in Romance dialects (e. g. Beґarnais
cruque 'heap (of earth)'). Since W crug is masculine, and OIr. cruґach is feminine, it is
doubtful whether to reconstruct PCelt. *krowkѓ or *krowko-; I assume that the form
*krowko- is original, and *krowkѓ is a collective thereof.
References: LEIA C-249f., GPC I: 613, DGVB 124,
Proto-Celtic: *krumbo- 'round, curved' [Adjective]
Old Irish: cromm [o]
Middle Welsh: crwm
Middle Breton: crum (OBret.) 'hunchback', Bret. kromm
Cornish: crom
References: LEIA C-244f., GPC I: 615, DGVB 124, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 281
Proto-Celtic: *krundi- 'round, compact'
Old Irish: cruind [i]
Middle Welsh: crunn (OW), MW crwn
Middle Breton: cron gl. tornatili (OBret.), Bret. krenn 'round'
Cornish: cren
See also: *krumboReferences: LEIA C-252f., GPC I: 615, DGVB 123, Falileyev 37, De Bernardo Stempel
1999: 258
Proto-Celtic: *krіs- 'blood' [Noun]
Old Irish: cruґ [? n] 'gore, blood' [Gen. s croґu, croґ]
Middle Welsh: creu [m and f] 'blood' (GPC crau)
Cornish: crow
Proto-Indo-European: *k'rewh2- 'gore, raw meat'
Page in Pokorny: 621
IE cognates: Skt. kravi- 'raw meat', Lat. cruor, G kreґas 'raw meat'
Notes: OIr. cruґaid 'crude, rude' presupposes a PCelt. *krowdi-, similar in form to Lat. crіdus
'raw', see LEIA C-250f.
References: LEIA C-248f., GPC I: 582, LP 12, EIEC 98, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 25,
Greene 1983.
Proto-Celtic: *kswib-–- 'move, recede' [Verb]
Old Irish: scibid, -scibi
Middle Welsh: chwyfu (GPC chwifio, chwyfio, chwyfu, chwyfan)
Middle Breton: fifual
Proto-Indo-European: ?*ksweybhPage in Pokorny: 1041 (*swЊy-)
IE cognates: Skt. ks·ipaґti 'throw', OCS sўibati 'to whip'
References: KPV 423, GPC I: 852
Proto-Celtic: *kuf-sko- 'sleep' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: kyscu; cusc [3s Pres.]
Middle Breton: cousquet
Cornish: koska
Proto-Indo-European: *kewbh- 'lie'
Page in Pokorny: 589f.
IE cognates: Lat. cubo, cubѓre
References: KPV 424f., GPC I: 813, LIV 357f.
Proto-Celtic: *kukro- 'curved' [Adjective]
Old Irish: cuґar [o]
Proto-Indo-European: *kew-k- 'curve'
Page in Pokorny: 589
IE cognates: OHG hЎh 'high', ToA koc 'high', Lith. kau?karas 'high ground, hill'
References: LEIA C-262, EIEC 62
Proto-Celtic: *kuli- 'mosquito, fly' [Noun]
Old Irish: cuil [i f] gl. culex
Middle Welsh: cylion [p]; cylionyn, cylionen, [Singulative]
Middle Breton: quelyen [p]
Cornish: kelionen [Singulative] gl. musca
Proto-Indo-European: *kulPage in Pokorny: 626
IE cognates: Lat. culex 'mosquito'
References: LEIA C-268, GPC I: 751
Proto-Celtic: *kulo- 'sin, violation' [Noun]
Old Irish: col [o n]
Middle Welsh: ciliauc (OW) gl. scelestus, MW cwl [m] 'fault, sin'
Middle Breton: col, caul (OBret.) gl. nefariam rem
Notes: These words have been compared with Lat. scelus (< ?PIE *(s)kel-) and with Lat.
culpa (< ?*kelp-). The second possibility appears more promising; if this is true, the correct
reconstruction in PCelt. is presumably *kulfo-.
References: LEIA C-155, GPC I: 639, DGVB 99, Falileyev 28, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
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Proto-Celtic: *kumbѓ 'valley' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: cwm [m]; cymoedd [p]
Middle Breton: komm 'river-bed'
Gaulish: *cumba > Lat. cumba (Isidore of Seville)
Proto-Indo-European: *kumbho- (?)
Page in Pokorny: 592
IE cognates: Skt. kumbhaґ- 'pot'
References: GPC I: 640, Delamarre 131f.
Proto-Celtic: *kіlo- 'corner' [Noun]
Old Irish: cuґl [?ѓ f], cuґil 'corner, recess', cuґl [o m] 'back'
Middle Welsh: cil [m] 'corner, angle'
Middle Breton: kil
Cornish: chil gl. cervix (OCo.)
References: LEIA C-268f., GPC I: 478, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 526
Proto-Celtic: *kіti- 'sack, scrotum' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: cwd [m]
Proto-Indo-European: *kuHti- 'skin'
Page in Pokorny: 952f.
IE cognates: Lat. cutis, OHG hіt, TocA kѓc
Notes: MIr. codal 'skin' is borrowed from Lat. cutilia. Lat. cutis has short -u- as a result of
the similar shortening as in *wiHro- > uir 'man' (in unaccented position?).
References: LEIA C-139, GPC I: 635, Matasovicґ 2004: 108, Hilmarsson KZ 98/1985: 162f.
Proto-Celtic: *kwantyo- 'flat hill' [Noun]
Old Irish: ceґite [io and iѓ, m and f] 'hill, open space'
Middle Welsh: pant 'valley'
Middle Breton: pantet (OBret.) gl. imminet
Proto-Indo-European: *kwem-t- 'hill'
IE cognates: Lat. cumulus 'hill', OE hwamm
Notes: The alternation between an io and an iѓ stem in OIr. probably shows that this word is a
substantivized adjective; the original meaning could have been 'protruding' vel. sim. The
reading and the meaning of OBret. pantet are uncertain (some read it as Lat. pandit).
References: LEIA C-58, DGVB 280, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 273
Proto-Celtic: *kwѓti- 'chaff, husks' [Noun]
Old Irish: caґith [i f]
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)kweh1tPage in Pokorny: 632
IE cognates: Lat. quatio 'agitate, disturb', OHG scutten 'shake'
Notes: If this etymology is correct, the OIr. form would have to be derived from PIE
*kwoh1ti-, with the o-grade.
References: LEIA C-23, LIV , EIEC 113
Proto-Celtic: *kwef- 'pant, breathe' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: peuo
Proto-Indo-European: *kwep- 'breathe, pant'
Page in Pokorny: 596
IE cognates: Lith. kvepiu° 'breathe'
References: Fowkes 1945, LIV 336.
Proto-Celtic: *kwon- 'dog' [Noun] (Nom. s *kwі, Gen. s *kunos)
Old Irish: cuґ [n m]
Middle Welsh: ci [m]; cwn [p]
Middle Breton: ci
Cornish: ci gl. canis
Gaulish: Cuno-pennus 'Dog-head' [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *k'(u)wЎn 'dog'
Page in Pokorny: 632
IE cognates: Skt. sґvѓґ, Lat. canis, Toch.A ku, Arm. «un
References: LEIA C-257f., GPC I: 474, EIEC 98, 168, Delamarre 132, Campanile 1974: 27,
Matasovicґ 2004: 53, 88, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 27ff.
Proto-Celtic: *kwal-na- 'go around' [Verb]
Old Irish: imm-cella 'surround'< *ambi-kwal-naMiddle Welsh: pallu 'die, perish, be destroyed, run out, fail'; palla [3s Pres.]
Proto-Indo-European: *kwelh1- 'turn'
Page in Pokorny: 639f.
IE cognates: Skt. caґrati 'moves, goes', Lat. colo 'inhabit, cultivate'
References: KPV 427ff., LIV 386-388, LEIA C-61, GPC III: 2676
Proto-Celtic: *kwanѓ 'where from' [Particle]
Old Irish: can
Middle Welsh: pan (OW and MW)
Middle Breton: pe-ban
References: LEIA C-29f., Falileyev 127.
Proto-Celtic: *kwaryo- 'cauldron' [Noun]
Old Irish: coire [io m]
Middle Welsh: peir [m] (GPC pair)
Middle Breton: per (MoBret.)
Cornish: per gl. lebes (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *kweru- 'cauldron'
Page in Pokorny: 642
IE cognates: Skt. caruґ- 'cauldron, vase', Russ. ‰ara, OE hwer
Notes: French dialectal word pairol 'chauldron' is from the Gaulish cognate of this PCelt.
References: LEIA C-153, GPC III: 2669, EIEC 443, Matasovicґ 2004: 114
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Proto-Celtic: *kwaso- 'cough' [Noun]
Old Irish: casachtach [ѓ f], cosachtach (DIL) 'the act of coughing'
Middle Welsh: pas [m] 'whooping cough'
Middle Breton: pas gl. catarrus (OBret.), MBret. pas, paz
Cornish: pѓs, pѓz (MoCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *kweh2s-t- 'cough'
Page in Pokorny: 649
IE cognates: Skt. kѓґsate 'coughs', OHG huosto, Lith. koґsti
Notes: The Celtic forms are from the zero-grade *kwh2st- of this originally onomatopoetic
root. The laryngeal is assured by the acute in Lith.
References: LEIA C-215, GPC III: 2696f., DGVB 281, Hamp, Meґlanges V. I. Georgiev,
1980: 130-134.
Proto-Celtic: *kwѓkwo- 'everyone' [Pronoun]
Old Irish: caґch
Middle Welsh: paup (OW), MW pawb
Middle Breton: pop (OBret.), MBret. pep
Cornish: pup, pop, pep
Proto-Indo-European: *kwo-h3kwoPage in Pokorny: 645
IE cognates: OCS kakъ 'qualis'
Notes: Unstressed forms of this word serve as adjectival pronouns meaning 'every' (OIr.
cach, cech, MW pob). The PIE form *kwo-h3kwo- is a compound consisting of the
interrogative pronoun stem (*kwo-) and the stem of the word for 'eye' (*h3ekw- > Lat. oculus
References: LEIA C-3, GPC III: 2703, EIEC 457, Hamp BSLat. LXVIII 77ff., Falileyev 128.
Proto-Celtic: *-kwe 'and' [Conjunction]
Old Irish: -ch
Gaulish: eti-c
Celtiberian: -kue
Proto-Indo-European: *-kwe 'and'
Page in Pokorny: 635
IE cognates: Lat. -que, Gr. -te, Skt. ca
References: LEIA C-89, Coґlera 1998: 17, 103, 149
Proto-Celtic: *kwendo- 'head' [Noun]
Old Irish: cenn [o n > m]
Middle Welsh: penn [m] (OW and MW) (GPC pen)
Middle Breton: penn , pen (OBret.), MoBret. penn
Cornish: pen gl. capud (OCo.), MCo. pen
Gaulish: Penno-ouindos [PN]
References: LEIA C-66, GPC III: 2726f., DGVB 283, LP 45, Delamarre 249, Falileyev 129,
Campanile 1974: 86.
Proto-Celtic: *kwend-s-o- 'suffer' [Verb]
Old Irish: ceґsaid, -ceґsa; ceґsais [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *kwendh- 'suffer, be pressed'
Page in Pokorny: 641
IE cognates: Gr. paґskhЎ, Lith. kentu°
References: LEIA C-79f., LIV
Proto-Celtic: *kwenkwe 'five' [Numeral]
Old Irish: coґic
Middle Welsh: pimp (OW), MWpymp (GPC pump, pum, pym(p))
Middle Breton: pemp (OBret.), MBret. pemp
Cornish: pymp
Gaulish: pempeProto-Indo-European: *penkwe '5'
Page in Pokorny: 808
IE cognates: Lat. quinque, Go. fimf, Lith. penki°
Notes: The ordinal *kwinkweto- is regularly derived from OW pimphet, Gaul. ponpetos,
MBret. pempet and OIr. coґiced.
References: LEIA C-142f., GPC III: 2928f., DGVB 283, EIEC 98, 100, 401, Delamarre 248,
Falileyev 131, Schrijver 1995: 27, 349
Proto-Celtic: *kwer- 'make, cause' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: peri 'cause, create, make'; paraf, peraf [1 s Pres.]
Middle Breton: paras [3 s Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *kwer- 'do, make'
Page in Pokorny: 641f
IE cognates: Skt. karoґti 'do', OCS ‰arъ 'magic'
See also: *kwrituNotes: The present stem formation of this PCelt. verbal root cannot be reconstructed.
References: GPC III: 2685
Proto-Celtic: *kwerkwt- 'bush' (?) [Noun]
Old Irish: ceirt 'apple-tree'
Middle Welsh: perth 'bush, hedge' [f]
Cornish: Pen-berth [Toponym]
Proto-Indo-European: *perkwu- 'oak'
Page in Pokorny: 822
IE cognates: Lat. quercus, OE furh 'fir'
Notes: Since OIr. ceirt is known only from glossaries and as the name of the Ogam letter C,
this etymology is not very strong.
References: LEIA C-56, GPC III: 2780
Proto-Celtic: *kwetwores 'four' [Numeral]
Old Irish: ceth(a)ir [m]; cetheoir [f]
Middle Welsh: petguar (OW), MW pedwar [m]; pedeir [f]
Middle Breton: petguar (OBret.), MBret. peuar; peder [f]
Cornish: peswar; pedyr [f]
Gaulish: petuar[ios] [Ordinal]; Petru-corii [Ethnonym] = 'Peґrigord'
Proto-Indo-European: *kwetwores '4'
Page in Pokorny: 642
IE cognates: Lat. quattuor, Gr. teґttares, Go. fidwor
References: LEIA C-87, GPC III: 2710f., DGVB 284, LP 3, 44, EIEC 97f., LHEB 397,
Falileyev 120, Delamarre 250.
Proto-Celtic: *kwezdi- 'piece, portion' [Noun]
Old Irish: cuit [i f]
Middle Welsh: ped (OW), MW peth 'thing' [m and f]
Middle Breton: pez
Cornish: peth, pyth
Notes: Medieval Latin petia terrae 'piece of land' is from the lost Gaulish *pettia (cp. also
French pie°ce 'piece', etc.)
References: LEIA C-280f., GPC III: 2789f., Delamarre 249, Falileyev 128, Schrijver 1995:
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Proto-Celtic: *kwЊs 'who' [Pronoun]
Old Irish: ciґa
Middle Welsh: pui (OW), MW pwy
Middle Breton: pou (OBret.), MBret. piou
Cornish: pyw
Proto-Indo-European: *kwe/o-y- 'who, what'
Page in Pokorny: 635
References: LEIA C-91f., GPC III: 2946, EIEC 456, Falileyev 134, GPC 2946f.
Proto-Celtic: *kwЊslѓ 'mind, spirit, reason' [Noun]
Old Irish: ciґall [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: puil [m and f] (OW), MW pwyll
Middle Breton: poell (MoBret.)
Cornish: gur-bull-oc gl. insanus (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *kweys- 'perceive'
Page in Pokorny: 637
See also: *ad-kwis-oReferences: LEIA C-94, GPC III: 2948f., Falileyev 134, Schrijver 1995: 224
Proto-Celtic: *kwis-o- 'see' [Verb]
Old Irish: ad-ciґ, -aicci ; -accastar [Pret. Pass.]; -accae [Perf.]
Gaulish: pissiґumiґ [1 s Pres.] (Chamalie°res); appisetu (Thiaucourt)
Proto-Indo-European: *kweys- 'perceive'
Page in Pokorny: 637
IE cognates: Avest. cinahmi 'determine'
Notes: OIr. senchae 'storyteller' can be derived from an old compound *seno-kwoysyos
'old/ancient witness' (McCone 1995).
References: LIV 340f., Delamarre 251, Uhlich 2002: 414
Proto-Celtic: *kwo- 'to' [Preposition]
Old Irish: co [geminating, +Acc.]
Middle Welsh: py
Proto-Indo-European: *kwoPage in Pokorny: 613
IE cognates: OCS kъ 'to'
References: LEIA C-133, GOI 501f.
Proto-Celtic: *kwokw-o- 'cook, bake' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: pobi
Middle Breton: pibi, poba
Cornish: pobas
Proto-Indo-European: *pekw- 'cook'
Page in Pokorny: 798
IE cognates: Skt. paґcate, Lat. coquo
Notes: In Celtic, the assimilation * < * preceded the loss of PIE *p.
References: KPV 429, GPC III: 2835f., LP 3, LIV 468
Proto-Celtic: *kwolu- 'wheel' [Noun]
Old Irish: cul 'part of a chariot'
Proto-Indo-European: *kwol-o- 'wheel'
Page in Pokorny: 639
IE cognates: Gr. poґlos 'axis', OCS kolo 'wheel'
Notes: OIr. cul is known chiefly from glossaries, so this etymology is uncertain.
References: LEIA C-283
Proto-Celtic: *kwresno- 'wood, tree' [Noun]
Old Irish: crann [o n]
Middle Welsh: prenn [m] (GPC pren)
Middle Breton: pren (OBret.), MBret. prenn
Cornish: pren gl. lignum (OCo.), MCo. pren
Gaulish: prenne gl. arborem grandem (Endlicher Glossary)
Proto-Indo-European: *kwresPage in Pokorny: 633
IE cognates: OE hyrst 'bushes'
References: LEIA C-222f., GPC III: 2873, DGVB 289, Schrijver 1995: 39, Lambert 1994:
203, Delamarre 252, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 256f.
Proto-Celtic: *kwrimi- 'worm' [Noun]
Old Irish: cruim [?i f]
Middle Welsh: prem (OW), MW pryf [m]; pryfed [p]
Middle Breton: preff
Cornish: prif gl. uermis (OCo.), MCo. pref
Proto-Indo-European: *kwrmi- 'worm'
Page in Pokorny: 1152
IE cognates: Skt. kr•ґmi-, Alb. krimb, Lith. kirmi°s, Slovene cўrm
References: LEIA C-252, GPC III: 2919f., EIEC 649, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 72
Proto-Celtic: *kwri-na- 'buy' [Verb]
Old Irish: crenaid, -cren; crieid, -cria [Subj.]; ciґuraid, -ciґurai [Fut.], ciґuir [Pret.]; criґthae, criґth [Pass.]
Middle Welsh: prinit [3s Pres.] (OW), MW prynu
Middle Breton: prenaff
Cornish: prinid (OCo.), MCo. prena
Proto-Indo-European: *kwreyh2- 'buy, exchange'
Page in Pokorny: 648
IE cognates: Skt. kr–n·ѓґti, Gr. priґasthai
References: KPV 438ff., LIV 395f., GPC III: 2923, LP 354, LEIA C-229ff., D-117, Falileyev
133, McCone 1991: 11
Proto-Celtic: *kwritu- 'magical transformation, shape' [Noun]
Old Irish: cruth [u m] 'shape, form', also creth 'poetry'
Middle Welsh: pryd 'form, shape, time' [m]
Middle Breton: pred 'moment'
Cornish: prit gl. hora (OCo.), MCo. prys
Gaulish: Prittius (?) [PN]
Notes: OIr. creth was abstracted from the regular Gen s creth-o of the original u-stem cruth.
In W, GPC separates pryd 'time, moment' and pryd 'face, appearance' as two lexical entries
and doubts whether their etymologies are identical.
References: LEIA C-232, 256, GPC III: 2915f., EIEC 362, Pedersen I: 43, Watkins, Celtica
VI 214f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 290, Delamarre 253
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Proto-Celtic: *kwr–yet- 'earth, mud' [Noun]
Old Irish: creґ [t f]
Middle Welsh: pridd [m]
Middle Breton: pri gl. creta (OBret.), MBret. pry, pri
Cornish: pry
Notes: These words are probably related to Lat. crЊta 'chalk', but details are obscure.
References: LEIA C-224, GPC III: 2883, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 21, 173
Proto-Celtic: *labro- 'eloquent, talkative' [Adjective]
Old Irish: labar [o]
Middle Welsh: llafar
Middle Breton: labar 'talking' (OBret.), MBret. lauaret 'talk'
Cornish: lauar gl. sermo (OCo.)
Gaulish: Labarus, Labrios [PN]
Page in Pokorny: 831
Notes: In OIr. there is also the denominative deponent verb labraithir, -labrathar 'talks'.
References: DGVB 236, Delamarre 194f., Meid 2005: 56.
Proto-Celtic: *lag(g)o- 'weak, slack' [Adjective]
Old Irish: lac [o]
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)leh2g- 'slack'
Page in Pokorny: 959f.
IE cognates: Lat. laxus, OE sleack
Notes: MW llacc 'slack' is probably a Latin loanword.
References: EIEC 523, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 509f.
Proto-Celtic: *lagV- 'small' [Adjective]
Old Irish: laugu, laigiu 'smaller' [Comparative]
Middle Welsh: llaw 'small, sad'
Middle Breton: lau (OBret.) 'small, bad'
Notes: For possible IE etymologies see EIEC 353, for a possible parallel in Gaul. see
Delamarre 195. OIr. laugu, laigiu might be derivable from *legw-yЎs, the PCelt. comparative
of an adjective formed from the root *legw- (it could have been an u-stem originally). Similar
comparatives are MW llei, Co. le 'smaller'. These forms might be derivable from PIE
*h1legwh- 'light, swift' (Gr. elakhyґs, Lat. leuis, etc., Pokorny 660f.), but the British vocalism
(with a) is difficult to explain
References: DGVB 237, EIEC 353, Delamarre 195, GOI: 51.
Proto-Celtic: *lam-yo- 'dare' [Verb]
Old Irish: ro-laimethar < *fro-lam-yo-; ro-lamathar [Subj.]; ro-lilmathar [Fut.]; laґmair
[Pret.]; ro-leґt [Pret. Pass.]
Middle Welsh: llafasu
Cornish: lauasos 'to be allowed'
Proto-Indo-European: *h3lem- 'to tire (oneself)'
Page in Pokorny: 674
IE cognates: Gr. nЎlemeґs 'untiring', Lith. leґmti 'to ordain'
References: KPV 446f., LIV 412, LP 376, EIEC 81, Stµber 1998: 135
Proto-Celtic: *landѓ 'open land' [Noun]
Old Irish: lann [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: lann [f] 'church-yard', MW llann
Cornish: lan
Gaulish: *landѓ > French lande
Proto-Indo-European: *londh- 'open land, waste'
Page in Pokorny: 675
IE cognates: OE land, OPruss. lindan 'valley'
References: EIEC 200, Delamarre 196, Falileyev 100, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 351, 472,
McCone 1994: 70.
Proto-Celtic: *lati- 'liquid, fluid' [Noun]
Old Irish: laith 'ale, liquor'
Middle Welsh: llad 'drink, beer'
Middle Breton: lat gl. crapulam, Bret. leiz
Cornish: lad
Gaulish: Are-late [Toponym] = Arles
Proto-Indo-European: *lat- 'wet'
Page in Pokorny: 654
IE cognates: OHG letto 'mud'
Notes: Connection of these words with Gr. laґtaks 'drops of wine from the bottom of a winecup', suggested by Pokorny, is unconvincing.
References: DGVB 237, Delamarre 197
Proto-Celtic: *laxsaro- 'burning, shining' [Adjective]
Old Irish: lassar [ѓ f] 'flame'
Middle Welsh: llachar 'shining, shiny'
Proto-Indo-European: *leh2p- 'shine'
IE cognates: Hitt. lѓpzi 'glows', Gr. laґmpЎ, OPruss. lopis 'flame'
Notes: OIr. lassar is probably a substantivized adjective. From the same root we have OIr.
lasaid 'burn'.
References: LP 19, EIEC 513, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 266, 467
Proto-Celtic: *la-yo- 'put, lay down, throw' [Verb]
Old Irish: ro-laґ < *fro-la-yo-; -laa [Subj.], ro-laa [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *leh1- 'let'
Page in Pokorny: ?682f.
IE cognates: Lith. liaґutis 'stop', Go. lewyan 'betray'
Notes: The Gaulish inscription from Voltino (CILat. V 4883, RIG II.2: 188) might contain
this verb (TO-ME-Z-EC-LAI ?'put me up'), but this is very doubtful, see KPV 442.
References: KPV 442ff., LIV 399, LP 354ff.
Proto-Celtic: *lѓto- 'furor, ardor [Noun]
Old Irish: laґth [o m]
Middle Welsh: llawd [m] 'heat (of sow), sow's desire for boar'
Notes: The first element in the Gaulish Ethnonym Lato-bici might be derivable from this
Celtic etymon (Delamarre 198, Meid 2005: 54).
References: GPC II: 2106, Delamarre 198, Meid 2005: 54.
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Proto-Celtic: *lѓygo- 'calf' [Noun]
Old Irish: loґeg [o m]
Middle Welsh: lo (OW), MW llo [m]
Middle Breton: lue
Cornish: loch gl. vitulus (OCo.), Co. lugh
Proto-Indo-European: *leh2p- 'cattle'
Page in Pokorny: 654
IE cognates: Alb. lopeЁ 'cow', Latv. lu°ops 'cattle'
Notes: The Celtic etymon must be from something like *leh2p-ego-. The monosyllabic form
found in MW llo must have been remodeled after the plural lloe-au (falsely reinterpreted as
llo-eau, llo-iau).
References: GPC II: 2196, Schrijver 309f., Falileyev 105, LHEB 451, Campanile 1974: 73
Proto-Celtic: *leg-a- 'melt, perish' [Verb]
Old Irish: legaid, -lega
Middle Welsh: dadleithio, dadlaith 'melt'
Proto-Indo-European: *leg- 'drip, trickle'
Page in Pokorny: 657
IE cognates: OE hlec 'leak', Arm. li‰ 'bog'
Notes: The Welsh form should be derived from the compound *do-ate-leg-t-.
References: GPC I: 871, EIEC 207
Proto-Celtic: *leg-o- 'melt' [Verb]
Old Irish: legaid, -lega
Middle Welsh: dilein 'destroy' (GPC dileu, dilein, dilain) < *d–-leg-oProto-Indo-European: *legPage in Pokorny: 657
IE cognates: ON leka 'leak, pour out in drops'
References: KPV 449, GPC I: 1012, LP 376
Proto-Celtic: *leg-o- 'to lay, lie down' [Verb]
Old Irish: laigid, -laig ; leiss, -leґ [Subj.]; leiss, -leґ [Fut.]; laґig [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *legh- 'lie'
Page in Pokorny: 658ff.
IE cognates: Go. ligan, OCS le«ti, Faliscan lecet 'lies'
References: KPV 448, LIV 398f., LP 375
Proto-Celtic: *leg(y)o- 'bed, couch, place' [Noun]
Old Irish: lige [io m]
Middle Welsh: lle [m] 'place'
Middle Breton: le 'place' (OBret.)
Gaulish: legasit 'placed' [3s Pret.] (Bourges)
Proto-Indo-European: *legh- 'lie'
Page in Pokorny: 658f.
IE cognates: Gr. leґkhos 'bed', Lat. lectus 'bed', ToB leke, leki, 'bed, resting place'
Notes: Also related is MBret. lech 'place' < *lexso- < *legh-sReferences: DGVB 238, EIEC 57, Delamarre 199
Proto-Celtic: *lestro- 'vessel' [Noun]
Old Irish: lestar [o n]
Middle Welsh: llestr [m]
Middle Breton: lestr
Cornish: lester gl. nauis (OCo.), MCo. lester
Notes: OIr. lestar might be a W loanword.
References: GPC II: 2159, Schrijver 1995: 400, GOI 120, 178, Campanile 1974: 71.
Proto-Celtic: *letos 'side' [Noun]
Old Irish: leth [s n] 'side', la 'with, among' [geminating, +Acc.]
Middle Welsh: lled [m] 'breadth, width'
Middle Breton: led
Cornish: les
Proto-Indo-European: *letos
IE cognates: Lat. latus
Notes: The OIr. preposition la 'with, among' [geminating, +Acc.] represents a form of this
noun (presumably *let-s, with the second vowel lost in allegro speech). For a different
etymology see De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 142 (relates the Celtic words to PIE *plЊ-t-,
presumably *pleh1-t-, but there is no trace of laryngeal in Celtic.
References: GPC II: 2126ff., GOI 523, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 142.
Proto-Celtic: *lЊmo-, *limo- 'elm' [Noun]
Old Irish: lem [o m]
Middle Welsh: llwyfen [Singulative]; llwyf [p]
Gaulish: Lemo-uices [Ethnonym] > Limoges
Proto-Indo-European: *h1leym- 'elm'
Page in Pokorny: 303
IE cognates: Lat. ulmus, E elm, Russ. iґlem 'mountain elm'
Notes: OIr. lem < *limo-, W llwyf-en < *lЊmѓ. These words are not related to the BaltoSlavic words for 'linden (Russ. liґpa, Lith. liґepa, etc.), as suggested by some (Vasmer, etc.).
References: GPC II: 2243, EIEC 178, Delamarre 199, De Bernardo Stempel 246
Proto-Celtic: *lЊro- 'complete, diligent' [Adjective]
Old Irish: leґir [i] 'assiduous, earnest, diligent'
Middle Welsh: llwyr 'whole'
Middle Breton: loir gl. diligens (OBret.)
References: GPC II: 2246, DGVB 245, Walde-Hofmann II: 323
Proto-Celtic: *lig-o- 'lick' [Verb]
Old Irish: ligid, -lig; lilis, -lil [Fut.]; lelaig [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: llyu (GPC llyfu, llyo, llyu)
Middle Breton: leat
Proto-Indo-European: *leyg'h- 'lick'
Page in Pokorny: 668
IE cognates: Gr. leiґkhЎ, Lat. lingo, OCS lizati
References: GPC II: 2253, KPV 451f., LIV 404, EIEC 351
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Proto-Celtic: *lim-ѓ- 'sharpen, polish' [Verb]
Old Irish: liґmaid 'shapren, polish'; limsat [3p Pret.]
Middle Welsh: llymhau
Middle Breton: lemhaam gl. acuo (OBret.), MBret. lemaff
Notes: These words are most probably related to Lat. l–ma 'file', OHG sl–man 'make smooth',
etc. The PIE root would be *(s)ley- (Pokorny 663), with the suffix *-mo- in Italic, Germanic,
and Celtic. However, the length in OIr. liґmaid is unexpected (but cp. the short vowel in 3p
Pret. limsat).
References: GPC II: 2271, DGVB 239
Proto-Celtic: *li-na- 'stick' [Verb]
Old Irish: lenaid, -len, 'remain, adhere to, follow'; lieid, lia [Subj.]; lilid, -lil [Fut.]; lil [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: llynu 'smear, dirty, pollute'
Proto-Indo-European: *h2leyHPage in Pokorny: 662
IE cognates: Lat. lino, G aliґnein (Hesych.)
Notes: In OBret. cp. linom gl. litturam, parallel to OIr. lenamon 'litura', both from the same
root as lenaid 'adhere to'
References: GPC II: 2273, KPV 453ff, LP 378, DGVB 243
Proto-Celtic: *lindѓ 'veil, cloak' [Noun]
Old Irish: lenn [ѓ f] 'cloak, mantle'
Middle Welsh: lenn [f] 'veil, curtain' (OW), MW llen
Middle Breton: escei lenn gl. cortina (OBret.)
Cornish: len gl. sagum (OCo.)
References: Falileyev 102, Campanile 1974: 71, GPC 2151
Proto-Celtic: *lindu-, *lindo- 'liquid, lake' [Noun]
Old Irish: lind [u m]
Middle Welsh: llynn [m and f] 'drink, lake' (GPC llyn)
Middle Breton: lin (OBret.) 'lake', Bret. lenn 'pool'
Cornish: gre-lin gl. lacus (OCo.)
Gaulish: linda [Nom. p] (Banassac) Lindiacum [Toponym]
Notes: GPC has two different entries, llyn [m and f] 'lake, pool' and llyn [m] 'drink,
beverage'. It is possible that this difference goes back to PCelt. (? *lindo- 'drink', *lindѓ
'pool, lake').
References: GPC II: 2272, DGVB 243, Pedersen I: 37, Delamarre 203
Proto-Celtic: *li-n-kw-o- 'leave, let' [Verb]
Old Irish: leґicid, -leґici 'leave, let, allow'
Proto-Indo-European: *leykw- 'leave'
Page in Pokorny: 669f.
IE cognates: Lat. linquo, Gr. leypЎ, Go. leihvan
References: KPV 454ff., LIV 406ff., LP 377f., EIEC 348
Proto-Celtic: *liro- 'sea, ocean' [Noun]
Old Irish: ler [o m]
Middle Welsh: lirou [p] 'seas, oceans' (OW), MW llyr [m]
Notes: The IE etymology offered by Pokorny (664, from *ley- 'flow') is unconvincing.
References: GPC II: 2275, Falileyev 104
Proto-Celtic: *listu- 'abhorrence' [Noun]
Old Irish: lius [u m]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2leyt- 'do something hateful'
Page in Pokorny: 672
IE cognates: OE lѓ? 'loathsome;, Gr. aloitoґs 'sinner'
References: EIEC 259, De Bernardo Stempel 288
Proto-Celtic: *liwo- 'color' [Noun]
Old Irish: liґ [o ]
Middle Welsh: liu [m] (OW), MW lliw
Middle Breton: liou (OBret.)
Cornish: liu gl. color (OCo.), MCo. lyw
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)liHwo- 'blue'
Page in Pokorny: 967
IE cognates: Lat. l–uor, l–uidus, OCS sliva 'plum'
Notes: Gaul. Lionus [PN] may be derivable from the same root (Delamarre)
References: GPC II: 2192, DGVB 243f., EIEC 113, 246, Delamarre 205, Falileyev 105,
Campanile 1974: 72, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 178
Proto-Celtic: *liy-o- 'charge, accuse' [Verb]
Old Irish: liid, -liґ; liґthae, -liґth [Pass.]
Proto-Indo-European: *sleyHPage in Pokorny: 650f.
IE cognates: Lat. l–s, l–tis 'strife'
Notes: Perhaps related is Celtib. litom (?) 'what is permitted' (Botorrita), cp. Meid 1994a:
References: KPV 452, Joseph 1986, Meid 1994a: 17, Coґlera 1998: 85f.
Proto-Celtic: *liy-o- 'flow' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: dillydd < *d–-eks-liy-o- [3s Pres.]
Proto-Indo-European: *leyH- 'flow'
Page in Pokorny: 664f
IE cognates: OCS liti, Lith. lieґti
References: KPV 451f., GPC I: 1018, LIV 405f.
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Proto-Celtic: *loku- 'lake, pool' [Noun]
Old Irish: loch [u n]
Middle Breton: lagen
Cornish: lagen gl. stagnum (OCo.)
IE cognates: Lat. lacus, G laґkkos, OE lagu, OCS loky
Notes: W llwch (OW lichou) and OBret. loch 'lake' are loanwords from Goidelic (or are
somehow analogical). The difficulties presented by the IE cognates can be resolved if one
starts from PIE *loku-s, Gen. *lkew-s (Matasovicґ 2004: 104).
References: EIEC 343, DGVB 244, Delamarre 206, Campanile 1974: 70, Falileyev 103,
Matasovicґ 2004: 104
Proto-Celtic: *lomanѓ 'rope, thong' [Noun]
Old Irish: loman [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: llyfan [f and m]
Middle Breton: louffan [f]
Cornish: lovan
Notes: The reconstruction is uncertain, since all of the attested forms might go back to
*lumanѓ as well as *lomanѓ (Schrijver 1995: 31).
References: GPC II: 2253, Pedersen I: 33, Schrijver 1995: 31.
Proto-Celtic: *longѓ 'boat, vessel' [Noun]
Old Irish: long [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: llong [f]
Middle Breton: locou (OBret.) [p]
Gaulish: Longaticum [Toponym] (= Nau-portus in Pannonia)
Notes: This word may be an old pan-Celtic loanword from Latin, if it is derived from Lat.
(nauis) longa. However, I believe it is more probable that we are dealing with an inherited
Celtic word for 'vessel', with unknown etymology.
References: GPC II: 2204, Delamarre 207, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 270, 351.
Proto-Celtic: *lorgѓ 'stick, club' [Noun]
Old Irish: lorg [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: llory [m]; llyry [p]
Middle Breton: lorc'henn 'shaft'
Cornish: lorch (OCo) gl. baculus, MCo. lorgh
Proto-Indo-European: *lorg-o- 'club'
Page in Pokorny: 691f.
IE cognates: ON lurkr
Notes: The ON word is possibly a loanword from Celtic.
References: GPC II: 2210, EIEC 112, LP 33, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 60, 117
Proto-Celtic: *lorgo- 'trace' [Noun]
Old Irish: lorg [o m]
Middle Welsh: llwrw [m]
Middle Breton: lerc'h
Cornish: lergh
Notes: Pedersen (I 105) compares Arm. oљork 'smooth'
References: GPC II: 2236f., Pedersen I 104f., Lewis 1989: 48.
Proto-Celtic: *lowatro- 'bath' [Noun]
Old Irish: loathar [o n]
Middle Breton: lovazr
Gaulish: lautro gl. balneo (Vienne)
Proto-Indo-European: *lowh1-tro- 'bath'
Page in Pokorny: 692
IE cognates: Lat. lauѓbrum, G loetroґn
References: EIEC 52, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 305, Delamarre 198, McCone 1996: 51.
Proto-Celtic: *lowko- 'bright, light' [Adjective]
Old Irish: luach ( loґch) [o] 'glowing white'
Middle Welsh: llug [m] 'eyesight, perception'
Gaulish: Leucus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *lewko- 'bright, shining'
Page in Pokorny: 687ff.
IE cognates: Lat. lіx 'light', Go. liuha? 'light', Gr. leukoґs 'white', ToB lyіke 'light'
References: GPC II: 2235, EIEC 83, Delamarre 200
Proto-Celtic: *lowtwi- 'ash' [Noun]
Old Irish: luґaith [i f]
Middle Welsh: lludw [m] (GPC lludw, lludu)
Middle Breton: ludu
Cornish: lusow
Notes: Pokorny's connection of these words to PIE *lewh2- 'wash' (Lat. lauo) is possible (the
original sense of PCelt. *lowtwi- would have been 'washing substance').
References: GPC II: 2218, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 218.
Proto-Celtic: *lub–/ѓ 'herb, plant' [Noun]
Old Irish: luib [–? and ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: luird [p] gl. horti (OW)
Middle Breton: -lub, -lob (OBret.), Bret. lou
Proto-Indo-European: *(h3)lewbh- 'leaf'
Page in Pokorny: 690
IE cognates: OHG loub 'leaf', Lat. liber 'bark, rind', Russ. lub 'bark', Lith. luba° 'plank'
Notes: OW luird is the plural to *luord, which is the compound corresponding to Bret. luorz,
lyorz 'garden', OIr. lub-gort. OIr. luib inflects mostly as an ѓ-stem, but Np luibi may indicate
that it had been an original –-stem. The Celtic, Baltic, and Italic forms are from the zero grade
of the PIE root (*lubh-), while the Germanic and Slavic forms come from the o-grade
(*lowbh-). If Gr. oloґuphЎ 'peel' (Hesych.) is related, the correct PIE reconstruction is
References: DGVB 274, Kluge 505
Proto-Celtic: *lub-o- 'love' [Verb]
Gaulish: lubi [Ipv.] (Banassac)
Proto-Indo-European: *lewbh- 'love'
Page in Pokorny: 683
IE cognates: OE lЊof , Lat. lub–dЎ 'sexual desire', OCS ljubiti
Notes: Although this verb is unattested in Insular Celtic, the meaning of Gaul. forms derived
from *lub-o- are well established.
References: Delamarre 209, LIV 372
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Proto-Celtic: *lud- 'went' [Verb]
Old Irish: luid 'went' [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *h1ludh- 'grow, tread'
Page in Pokorny: 684f., 306f.
IE cognates: Skt. roґdhati 'grows', Go. liudan 'grow', ToB lac 'went out'
See also: *ti-n-gNotes: Suppletive aorist to *ti-n-g- 'go'
References: KPV 456, LIV 248f., EIEC 228
Proto-Celtic: *lugiyo- 'oath' [Noun]
Old Irish: lugae [io n]
Middle Welsh: lllw [m and f]
Middle Breton: le [f]
Cornish: gov-lya 'to swear falsely'
Proto-Indo-European: *h2lewg(')hPage in Pokorny: 687
IE cognates: Hitt. haluga- 'news, message', Go. liuga 'marriage'
Notes: OBret. di-lu gl. detestantur probably contains this word also. The semantic connection
of the Celtic forms with those in other languages is weak.
References: GPC II: 2233, DGVB 142, KPV 650, Schrijver 1995: 310
Proto-Celtic: *lugrѓ 'moon' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: loyr (OW), MW lloer [f]
Middle Breton: loir, loer (OBret.), Bret. loer, loar
Cornish: luir gl. luna (OCo.), MCo. lo(e)r
Proto-Indo-European: *lewg- 'to bend, twist'
Page in Pokorny: 685f.
IE cognates: Gr. lygiґzЎ 'bend', Lith. lu°gnas 'twisted', Skt. rujaґti 'breaks'
Notes: The semantics of this derivation are somewhat stretched; however, this can be
remedied if one starts from the meaning 'young moon' as 'twisted, bent'. Pokorny's (p. 690)
connection with the root *lewk- 'to shine' (Lat. lіx, etc.) is implausible from the phonological
point of view (there is no evidence for the variant of this root with a voiced velar). A different
etymology is offered 'as a mere possibility' by Schrijver (1995: 332). He relates W lloer etc.
to Lat. lіridus 'pale, yellow', from a putative PIE *lows-.
References: GPC II: 2198, Pedersen II: 50, DGVB 245, Schrijver 1995: 233f., 332.
Proto-Celtic: *Lugu- 'god Lug', perhaps originally 'the shiny one' [Noun]
Old Irish: Lug [NP]
Middle Welsh: Llew
Gaulish: Lugus
Celtiberian: Luguei [Dat. s]
Notes: Cp. the parallelism of the compound PNs OIr. Lugaid (Gen Luigdech), Ogam
LUGUDECCAS (CIIC no. 263) and Gaul. Lucudeca 'serving the god Lug' < PCelt. *Lugudek-s (Uhlich 2002: 409). For the second element of this compound see PCelt. *dekos.
References: EIEC 97, Delamarre 211, Coґlera 1998: 63, 207ff, Uhlich 2002: 409.
Proto-Celtic: *luk-o- 'see, perceive, set eyes upon' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: gorllwyn < *wor-luk-o- 'expect, perceive, follow'
Proto-Indo-European: *lewk- 'shine'
Page in Pokorny: 687
IE cognates: Skt. roґcate 'shines', OLat. lіceo 'make light'
Notes: From the same root there is in OW licat (MW llygat) 'well, source', OCo. lagat gl.
oculus, MBret. lagat.
References: KPV 459, LIV 418, Falileyev 103
Proto-Celtic: *lukot- 'mouse' [Noun]
Old Irish: luch [t f]
Middle Welsh: llygoden [Singulative]; llygod [p]
Middle Breton: loc (OBret.), Bret. logodenn [Singulative]
Cornish: logoden gl. mus [Singulative] (OCo.), MoCo. logaz
Gaulish: Lucotios [PN]
References: GPC II: 2265, DGVB 244, EIEC 387, Campanile 1974: 73, De Bernardo
Stempel 1999: 160, 388, Delamarre 210
Proto-Celtic: *lu-n-g-o- 'put, place' [Verb]
Old Irish: fo-loing 'support'; fo-loґ [Subj.]; fo-lil [Fut.]; fo-lolaig [Pret.]; fo-locht [Pass.]
Middle Welsh: dillwng < *d–-eks-lu-n-g-o- 'set free' (GPC dillwng, dillyngio)
Proto-Indo-European: *lewg- 'bend'
Page in Pokorny: 685f.
IE cognates: Lat. luctor 'wrestle', Go. ga-lіkan 'close'
References: KPV 461f., GPC I: 1018, LP 379, McCone 1991: 42f.
Proto-Celtic: *lutѓ 'dirt' [Noun]
Old Irish: loth [ѓ f]
Gaulish: Luto-magus [Toponym]
Proto-Indo-European: *lew-to- 'mud, dirt'
Page in Pokorny: 681
IE cognates: Lat. lutum
Notes: In W we have lluddedic < *lowt-eto- 'muddy' with the full grade of the same root.
Lith. liіtyґnas 'puddle' is sometimes adduced as belonging to the same PIE root, but it is
probably unrelated.
References: EIEC 160, Delamarre 211, Lewis 1989 42f.
Proto-Celtic: *luwѓ 'louse' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: llau [p]; lleuen [Singulative]
Middle Breton: louenn
Cornish: lewen(ki) gl. pediculus (OCo.), MoCo. low
Proto-Indo-European: *lewh2- 'louse'
Page in Pokorny: 692
IE cognates: OE lіs
References: GPC II: 2103
Proto-Celtic: *luw-o- 'escape' [Verb]
Old Irish: as-loiґ < *eks-luw-o-; as-loa [Subj.]
Proto-Indo-European: *lewH- 'cut off, set free'
Page in Pokorny: 681f.
IE cognates: Gr. lyґЎ, Lat. luo 'pay, release from debt', so-luo 'release'
References: KPV 463, LIV 417, LP 379f.
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Proto-Celtic: *luxsmen 'drop, sip' [Noun]
Old Irish: loimm [n n] 'sip, mouthful', later 'milk'
Middle Welsh: llymaid [m] 'sip, drink'
Middle Breton: lom-coll gl. sucus arboris (OBret.), Bret. lomm, loum 'drop'
References: GPC II: 2269, DGVB 246, Stµber 1998: 82f., 87
Proto-Celtic: *luxtu- '1. contents; 2. crowd, people' [Noun]
Old Irish: lucht [u m] 'charge, contents, people'
Middle Welsh: luidt, luith [m] 'tribe, lineage, family' (OW), MW luith, llwyth
Middle Breton: loit (OBret.)
Cornish: leid gl. progenies (OCo.)
Gaulish: luxtos [?Gen. s]
Notes: The etymology in Pokorny (686) deriving these Celtic words from PIE *lewg'- 'break'
is not convincing because of the difference in meaning. In Celtic, the basic meaning is
'contents' from which the meaning 'people' developed in a similar manner as in Lat. plЊbs <
*pleh1- 'be full'.
References: GPC II: 2248f., Delamarre 212, Falileyev 107, GPC 2248, LHEB 405,
Campanile 1974: 73
Proto-Celtic: *lіtu- 'anger, power' [Noun]
Old Irish: luґth [u m] 'power of motion, vigour'
Middle Welsh: llid [m] 'anger'
Gaulish: Lutu-marus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *lewH-toPage in Pokorny: 691
IE cognates: OCS ljutъ 'angry'
Notes: The Gaulish PN Lutumarus has the exact parallel in OIr. luґthmaґr 'powerful'. The IE
part of this etymology is somewhat speculative, since it relies only on Celtic and Slavic;
moreover, the Celtic forms must be from *luHtu-, while OCS ljutъ must represent *lewHto-.
References: GPC II: 2175, Delamarre 212, Ellis-Evans 1967: 218.
Proto-Celtic: *mad-yo- 'break' [Verb]
Old Irish: maidid, -maid; maґis, -maґ [Subj.]; memais, -mema [Fut.]; memaid [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: maeddu 'break, win'
Middle Breton: mezaff 'knead'
Proto-Indo-European: *mad- ?(*mh2d-) 'be wet, become wet'
Page in Pokorny: 694f.
IE cognates: Lat. madeo, Gr. madaґЎ
Notes: The PIE reconstruction is semantically and formally dubious (because of the vowel
References: KPV 464f., GPC III: 2304, LIV 421
Proto-Celtic: *madyo- 'futile, useless' [Adjective]
Old Irish: madae
Middle Welsh: madeu in eneit vadeu 'lost soul'; madau (GPC maddau) 'forfeit, give up,
Middle Breton: in vadau gl. pessum (OBret.)
See also: *mad-yo- 'break'
References: LEIA M-6, GPC III: 2303
Proto-Celtic: *magino- 'stone, place' [Noun]
Old Irish: magen [ѓ, f] 'place'
Middle Welsh: maen [m] 'stone'; main, meini, maenau [p]
Middle Breton: main (OBret.), maen, men [m]
Cornish: men
Notes: The OIr. form in -ѓ is a collective built from *magino-, like Lat. loca from locus
References: LEIA M-9, GPC III: 2306ff., DGVB 250
Proto-Celtic: *maglo- 'noble, chief' [Noun]
Old Irish: maґl [o m]
Middle Welsh: -mael, -fael (in PN)
Middle Breton: -mael (in PN, e. g. Tiernmael)
Gaulish: Magalos, -maglus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *meg'h2- 'great'
Page in Pokorny: 709
IE cognates: Gr. meґgas, Go. mikils
References: LEIA M-13, Delamarre 213
Proto-Celtic: *magos 'plain, field' [Noun]
Old Irish: mag [s n]
Middle Welsh: maessid [p] (OW), MW -ma [m and f], maes
Middle Breton: -ma (OBret.), maes (OBret. and MBret.)
Cornish: -ma
Gaulish: -magus (e. g. Noviomagus, Rigomagus(
Proto-Indo-European: *meg'h2- 'great' (?)
Page in Pokorny: 709
IE cognates: Lat. magnus 'great', Gr. meґgas
Notes: MW maes and MBret. maes should be derived from a formation in *-tu, i. e. PCelt.
References: LEIA M-8, GPC III: 2293, DGVB 249f., LHEB 445, Delamarre 214, Falileyev
Proto-Celtic: *magyo- 'great' [Adjective]
Old Irish: maige [io]
Gaulish: Magios [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *meg'h2Page in Pokorny: 709
IE cognates: Lat. maius
Notes: OIr. maige is a rare, poetic word.
References: LEIA M-10, Delamarre 213, Meid 2005: 197f.
Proto-Celtic: *mak-o- 'increase' [Verb]
Old Irish: do-formaig < *tu-wor-mak-o- 'increase, add'; do-forma [Subj.]; do-formacht
Middle Welsh: magu 'feed, produce, rear'
Middle Breton: maguaff 'feed, rear'
Cornish: maga
Proto-Indo-European: *meh2k'- 'grow, feed'
Page in Pokorny: 709 (*meg'h-)
IE cognates: Lat. maceo 'be lean', Gr. makroґs 'big'
See also: *makwos 'son'
References: KPV 466, GPC III: 2316
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Proto-Celtic: *mak-wo-s 'son' [Noun]
Old Irish: macc [o m]
Middle Welsh: map [m] (OW), MW map (GPC mab)
Middle Breton: mab, map (OBret.), MBret. mab
Cornish: mab gl. filius (OCo.), map
Gaulish: Maponos [Theonym]
Proto-Indo-European: *meh2k'Page in Pokorny: 709 (*meg'h-)
IE cognates: Lat. macer 'meagre', Gr. makroґs 'great'
See also: *mak-o- 'grow, increase'
Notes: The IE etymology proposed here is rather uncertain (for semantic reasons).
References: LEIA M-1f., GPC III: 2293f., DGVB 249, Delamarre 216, Falileyev 109,
Campanile 1974: 75.
Proto-Celtic: *malno- 'slow, lazy' [Adjective]
Old Irish: mall [o]
Middle Welsh: mall 'evil, sick, bad, dull'
Proto-Indo-European: *melPage in Pokorny: 720
IE cognates: Gr. meґllЎ 'be late, must', Lat. prЎ-mello
Notes: Lat. prЎmellere, which means litem promovere according to Lewis & Short, s. v., is a
hapax. The meaning of W mall according to GPC is not as close to the meaning of OIr. mall,
as implied by LEIA. As a noun, mall means 'plague, pestilence' in W.
References: LEIA M-15, GPC III: 2331
Proto-Celtic: *mal-o- 'grind' [Verb]
Old Irish: meilid, -meil; melaid, -mela [Subj.]; meґlaid, -meґla [Fut.]; milt, -melt [Pret.];
mlethae, -mleth [Pass.]
Middle Welsh: malu
Middle Breton: maletic gl. contritum [Past Participle] (OBret.), MBret. malaff 'grind'
Proto-Indo-European: *melh2- 'grind'
Page in Pokorny: 716f.
IE cognates: Lat. molo, Lith. maґlti, Arm. malem
References: KPV 470ff.,GPC III: 2326f., DGVB 250, LIV 432f., LP 381, LEIA M-32,
Schrijver 1995: 81f., Hamp 1973: 152.
Proto-Celtic: *mamm(y)ѓ 'mother, nanny' [Noun]
Old Irish: muimme [iѓ f] 'nurse, fostermother'
Middle Welsh: mam [f] 'mother'
Middle Breton: mam(m)
Cornish: mam gl. mater (OCo.), MCo. mam
Proto-Indo-European: *mam(m)a 'mommy'
Page in Pokorny: 694
IE cognates: Lat. mamma, OHG muoma
See also: *mѓt–r
Notes: These forms are from the children's language, while the 'formal' word for 'mother' is
preserved in OIr. maґthir.
References: LEIA M-71f., GPC III: 2332f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 514ff.
Proto-Celtic: *man-yo- 'think, remember' [Verb]
Old Irish: muinithir, -muinethar 'think'; menaithir, -menathar [Subj.]; meґnair [Pret.]; meґtae,
-meґt [Pret. Pass.]
Proto-Indo-European: *men- 'think'
Page in Pokorny: 726ff.
IE cognates: Skt. maґnyate, Go. munan
References: KPV 473ff., LIV 435f., LP 382f., LEIA M-35
Proto-Celtic: *(s)k–tto- 'left, clumsy' [Adjective]
Old Irish: cittach [o]
Middle Welsh: chwith 'left, left-handed, sinister, sad, wrong'
Proto-Indo-European: *skh2ey- 'left'
IE cognates: Lat. scaeuus, Gr. skaioґs
Notes: The Greek and Latin words for 'left' can be derived from *skh2ey-wo-, while in the
Celtic forms we must assume laryngeal metathesis and 'expressive' gemination (*skih2-tto-),
which renders this etymology rather speculative.
References: LEIA C-108, EIEC 349, GPC I: 858
Proto-Celtic: *(s)towxsman- 'bend, arch, curve' [Noun]
Old Irish: tuґaimm [n n] (MIr.) '?mound'
Middle Welsh: ystum 'curve, gesture, shape, trick' [m and f]
Middle Breton: stum 'form'
Cornish: Stym(codde) [Toponym]
See also: *stu-n-g-o- 'bend'
Notes: The exact meaning of MIr. tuґaimm is unknown, but it appears to mean something like
'tumulus, mound'. Greene (1958) related it to OIr. tuґag [ѓ f] 'arch'. W ystum is apparently the
same word as tuґaimm with the s-mobile, or, alternatively, with the prefix *eks- (Stµber 1998:
References: GPC III: 3867, Stµber 1998: 68, Greene 1958, Schrijver 1995: 419.
Proto-Celtic: *manti-, *mant–- 'quantity' [Noun]
Old Irish: meґit [– f]'greatness, magnitude'
Middle Welsh: pa-mint gl. quam (OW); MW maint
Middle Breton: ment (OBret.)
Cornish: myns
Proto-Indo-European: *meh1- 'measure', *mh1-ntPage in Pokorny: 703
IE cognates: Skt. mѓґti 'measures', Lat. mЊtior
Notes: French maint 'several' preserves the Gaulish cognate of the same Celtic word, derived
from the PIE participle *mh1-nt-. It is possible that the root is attested in Gaul. anthroponymy,
e. g. Cara-mantius.
References: LEIA M-31f., DGVB 254, Falileyev 111, 114, Schrijver 1995: 175
Proto-Celtic: *manto- 'gums, jaw' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: mant 'mandible, gums'
Proto-Indo-European: *men-t- 'jaw'
Page in Pokorny: 726
IE cognates: Lat. mentum 'jaw'
Notes: OIr. mant 'gums, jaw' (attested in Corm. 2897) is a W loanword according to DIL, s.
v. It is possible that Gaul. PNs such as Mantus, Manta, Mantusa, etc., also contain this root.
References: LEIA M-17f., Delamarre 216
Proto-Celtic: *mar-na- 'betray, deceive' [Verb]
Old Irish: marnaid, -mairn; meraid, -mera [Subj.]; meґraid, -meґra [Fut.], mirt, -mert [Pret.];
mrathae, -mrath [Pret. Pass.]
Proto-Indo-European: *merh2- 'crumble, destroy'
Page in Pokorny: 735f.
IE cognates: Skt. mr•n·ѓґti 'crumble', Gr. maґrnamai 'fight', ON merja 'hit'
Notes: The connection with the PIE root is problematic on semantic grounds.
References: KPV 477ff., LIV 440, LEIA M-21, McCone 1991: 15, 30
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Proto-Celtic: *mar-o- 'remain' [Verb]
Old Irish: maraid, -mair 'last, remain'; marathair, -marathar [Subj.]; meґraid, meґra [Fut.]
Proto-Indo-European: *merHPage in Pokorny: 969f. (*(s)mer-)
IE cognates: Lat. mora 'delay'
References: KPV 476, LEIA M-19, Pedersen I: 44.
Proto-Celtic: *marko- 'horse' [Noun]
Old Irish: marc [o m] (a poetic word)
Middle Welsh: march [m]; meirch [p]
Middle Breton: marh (OBret.), MBret. march, Bret. marc'h
Cornish: march gl. equus (OCo.), MCo. margh
Gaulish: markan [Acc. s], marcosior 'may I ride' [Verb]
Proto-Indo-European: *marko- (?) 'horse'
IE cognates: OHG marah 'horse'
Notes: This word is probably a "Wanderwort" of eastern origin, that established itself in
Celtic and Germanic alongside the inherited PIE word for 'horse', *h1ek'wos (OIr. ech).
Attempts to connect it to Skt. maґrya- 'youth, foal' are not convincing (Celtic points to non-IE
a-vocalism of *marko-).
References: LEIA 19f., GPC III: 2353, DGVB 251, EIEC 274, Lambert 1994: 63, 125, 167,
Delamarre 217
Proto-Celtic: *markѓko- 'horseman' [Noun]
Old Irish: marcach [o m]
Middle Welsh: marhauc [m] (OW), MW marchawc
Middle Breton: marcoc gl. aequester (OBret.), MBret. marhec
Cornish: marrec
See also: *marko- 'horse'
References: LEIA M-20, GPC III: 2357, DGVB 251, Falileyev 110
Proto-Celtic: *marwo- 'dead' [Adjective]
Old Irish: marb [o]
Middle Welsh: marw
Middle Breton: marf, maru
Cornish: marow
Proto-Indo-European: *mer- 'die', *mr·to- 'dead'
Page in Pokorny: 735
IE cognates: Skt. mr·taґ-, Lat. mortuus, Gr. (poetic) brotoґs 'mortal'
Notes: In Celtic, the original PIE adjective *mr·to- was remodelled on the analogy with
*gwiHwos 'alive' (Lat. u–uus, etc.). There are also parallel denominative verbal formations in
OIr. (marbaid 'kills') and Brit. (MW marw, merwi 'die', MBret. meruel, MCo. merwel),
pointing to PCelt. *marw-ѓ-.
References: LEIA M-19, GPC III: 2364, LP 7, EIEC 98
Proto-Celtic: *marwo-natu- 'funerary poem, eulogy' [Noun]
Old Irish: marbnad [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: marwnad [f and m] (GPC marwnad, marnad)
Middle Breton: marvnad (MoBret.)
References: LEIA N-4, GPC III: 2368
Proto-Celtic: *mati- 'good' [Adjective]
Old Irish: maith [i]
Middle Welsh: mad
Middle Breton: mat
Cornish: mas
Gaulish: mat. (Coligny)
Proto-Indo-European: *meh2-tPage in Pokorny: 693
IE cognates: Lat. mѓnis, mѓnus, Mѓtіta 'goddess Dawn'
Notes: Gr. matiґs 'great' (Hesych.) is uncertain (it is not even ascertained that the word is
Greek, it might even be Galatian).
References: LEIA M-12f., GPC III: 2300, EIEC 235f., Lambert 1994: 109
Proto-Celtic: *maylo- 'bald' [Adjective]
Old Irish: mael [o]
Middle Welsh: mail (OW), MW moel
Middle Breton: moal
Cornish: mЈЇl
References: LEIA M-6f., GPC III: 2474f., Falileyev 108, McCone 1996: 138.
Proto-Celtic: *mazdyo- 'stick' [Noun]
Old Irish: maide [io m] 'post'
Proto-Indo-European: *masdoPage in Pokorny: 702
IE cognates: Lat. mѓlus, OIc. mastr 'mast'
Notes: Cp. also OIr. matan 'club' < *mazd-an-o-.
References: LEIA M-10, EIEC 441
Proto-Celtic: *meblѓ 'shame' [Noun]
Old Irish: mebul [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: mefl [m]
Middle Breton: meplaom (OBret.) 'be ashamed' (gl. confutari)
Cornish: meul 'evil'
Proto-Indo-European: *mebhIE cognates: Gr. meґmphomai 'to blame', Go. bi-mampjan 'to mock'
References: LEIA M-26, GPC III: 2404, DGVB 254, LP 39, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
Proto-Celtic: *med-o- 'measure, judge' [Verb]
Old Irish: midithir, -midethar; mestair, -mestar [Subj.]; miastair, -miastar [Fut.]; miґdair
[Pret.]; messae, -mess [Pret. Pass.]
Middle Welsh: meddu 'think, be able, rule'
Cornish: medhes 'say'
Proto-Indo-European: *med- 'measure'
Page in Pokorny: 705f.
IE cognates: Lat. medeor 'heal', modus 'measure', Go. mitan 'measure'
References: KPV 478ff., LIV 423, GPC III: 2394, LEIA M-48f., LP 381f.
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Proto-Celtic: *medu 'mead, alcoholic drink' [Noun]
Old Irish: mid [u n > m]
Middle Welsh: medd [m]
Middle Breton: medot gl. ebrietas (OBret.), MBret. mez
Cornish: med, meth
Gaulish: Medu-genos [PN]
Celtiberian: Mezu-kenos [PN] (Botorrita III)
Proto-Indo-European: *medhu 'mead'
Page in Pokorny: 707
IE cognates: Skt. maґdhu, Gr. meґthy 'wine'
Notes: OBret. medot corresponds to MW meddawt 'drunkenness'; both represent a derivative
References: LEIA M-48, GPC III: 2394, LP 36, EIEC 271, 313, Delamarre 222f., Coґlera
1998: 26, 190ff.
Proto-Celtic: *medyo- 'middle' [Noun]
Old Irish: mide [io m]
Middle Breton: med (OBret.), MBret. mez-even 'June' (lit. 'middle of the summer'
Gaulish: Medio-lanum [Placename] > Milano
Proto-Indo-European: *medhyo- 'middle'
Page in Pokorny: 706
IE cognates: Skt. maґdhya-, Lat. medius
Notes: MW uet, met 'middle' is presumably from the same root, but final -t is difficult to
account for.
References: LEIA M-50, DGVB 252, EIEC 380, Delamarre 222
Proto-Celtic: *meldo- 'mild, pleasant' [Adjective]
Old Irish: mell [o m]
Gaulish: Maldi [Ethnonym] (?)
Proto-Indo-European: *meld- 'tender, mild'
Page in Pokorny: 718
IE cognates: Skt. mr·duґ-, Lat. mollis
Notes: The name of Gaulish Maldi is preserved in the toponym Meaux in France.
References: LEIA M-34,
Proto-Celtic: *melgos 'milk' [Noun]
Old Irish: melg [s n]
See also: *mlig-oNotes: OIr. melg is a glossary word. It is attested in Corm. 2861.
References: LEIA M-33, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 142, 144.
Proto-Celtic: *meli 'honey' [Noun]
Old Irish: mil [i f]
Middle Welsh: mel [m] (OW and MW) (GPC meЇl)
Middle Breton: mel gl. nectare (OBret.), Bret. mel
Cornish: mel gl. mel (OCo.)
Gaulish: Meli-ssos [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *meli 'honey'
Page in Pokorny: 724
IE cognates: Lat. mel, Gr. meґli
See also: *melinoNotes: British *melino- 'yellow' (OW melin, melen, MW melyn, OBret. milin gl. flauus, OC
milin gl. fuluus) probably represent a derivative from this word.
References: LEIA M-51, GPC III: 2418, DGVB 253, LP 54, EIEC 271, Falileyev 111,
Campanile 1974: 78.
Proto-Celtic: *melino- 'yellow' [Adjective]
Middle Welsh: melyn
Middle Breton: milin (OBret.) gl. flauus, Bret. melen
Cornish: milin gl. fuluus uel flauus (OCo.), MCo. melyn
Gaulish: Melinus [PN]
See also: *meliNotes: Romance adjectives such as Sardic meґlinu, Rhaeto-Romance meґlen 'yellow', are
presumably from the unattested Gaulish form of this word.
References: GPC III: 2422, DGVB 257, Delamarre 224
Proto-Celtic: *melso- 'destruction' [Noun]
Old Irish: mell
IE cognates: ToB m„l- 'to wound, damage'
Notes: The OIr. word is known mostly from glossaries, but there is a denominative verb
millid 'to destroy', and a possible cognate in OBret. milin 'prostitute'
References: LEIA M-33, EIEC 258, DGVB 257, Hamp 1973: 153.
Proto-Celtic: *menekki- 'frequent, abundant' [Adjective]
Old Irish: meinicc [i]
Middle Welsh: mynych
Cornish: menough
Proto-Indo-European: *menPage in Pokorny: 730
IE cognates: OE manig, OCS mъnogъ
Notes: The double *-kk- in Celtic is probably the result of expressive gemination; the
comparison of PCelt. *menek- and *monogh- implied by Slavic and Germanic forms points to
a very un-Indo-European shape of the root. These words might be loanwords from some
unknown NW European source.
References: LEIA M-37, GPC III: 2540, Schrijver 1995: 33f.
Proto-Celtic: *menman- 'thought, mind' [Noun]
Old Irish: menme [n m]
Middle Welsh: mynw [?m] 'nature, disposition'
Middle Breton: meno (MoBret.) 'opinion, judgement'
Gaulish: Menman-dutis [Dat. p Theonym]
Proto-Indo-European: *men-mnPage in Pokorny: 726
IE cognates: Skt. maґnman- 'mind, thought'
See also: *men- 'think'
References: LEIA M-37f., GPC III: 2539, LP 55, Delamarre 224, Schrijver 1995: 33, Stµber
1998: 13, 172f.
Proto-Celtic: *menno- 'young of an animal, kid' [Noun]
Old Irish: menn [o m]
Middle Welsh: myn [m] 'young goat, kid'
Middle Breton: menn
Cornish: min gl. hedus
References: LEIA M-38, GPC III: 2533
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Proto-Celtic: *mentyon- 'thought, mention' [Noun]
Old Irish: toimtiu [n f] < *to-mentyonProto-Indo-European: *men-ti-HonPage in Pokorny: 726
IE cognates: Lat. mentiЎ
See also: *men- 'think'
References: Stµber 1998: 127.
Proto-Celtic: *menwo- 'small, minute' [Adjective]
Old Irish: menb [o]
Middle Welsh: difanw, difenwi 'weaken, decrease, diminish, abuse' [Verb] < *d–-menwoProto-Indo-European: *men- 'small'
Page in Pokorny: 728
IE cognates: Oscan menvum 'diminish', Gr. mѓnoґs < *manwos 'rare'
References: LEIA M-37, GPC I: 980, EIEC 528
Proto-Celtic: *menѓdo- 'awl' [Noun]
Old Irish: menad [o m]
Middle Welsh: mynawyd [m] (GPC mynawyd, myniawyd)
Middle Breton: menauet
Cornish: benewas, benewez
References: LEIA M-36, GPC III: 2534
Proto-Celtic: *mero- 'crazy, silly' [Adjective]
Old Irish: mer [o]
Middle Welsh: meryerid, mererid
Notes: W mererid, meryerid is not attested in GPC (merierid 'pearl' is of course another
word, borrowed from Lat. margarita). Cp. also W merf < *merwo- 'weak, insipid, useless'.
The formal relation of the W forms (if they exist) to the OIr. adjective is not clear, but they
are certainly from the same root. It is assumed here that the formation found in OIr. is
original. None of the deeper etymologies suggested by LEIA (s. v. mer) are more than
guesses, but a connection with Gr. mЈЇros 'stupid' appears probable.
References: LEIA M-39, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 42
Proto-Celtic: *merwi- 'lifeless' [Adjective]
Old Irish: meirb [i]
Middle Welsh: merw 'limp, lifeless' (GPC merf)
Proto-Indo-European: *mer- 'die', *mer-wo- 'lifeless'
Page in Pokorny: 736
IE cognates: OHG maro, marawi 'tender, soft'
Notes: French (dial.) marv 'rigid, insensible' is from the Gaulish cognate of these words, cp.
Delamarre 219. Cp. also *mero- 'crazy'.
References: LEIA M-30, GPC III: 2434, Delamarre 219.
Proto-Celtic: *mesal-kѓ 'blackbird' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: mwyalch [f]
Middle Breton: moualc'h
Cornish: moelh (OCo.), MoCo. mola
Proto-Indo-European: *mes-alPage in Pokorny: 35f.
IE cognates: L merula, OHG amusla, amsala
Notes: This word has all the appearances of a loanword from some unknown NW European
References: GPC III: 2516, Morris Jones 1913: 101, Schrijver 1995: 281
Proto-Celtic: *mesko- 'mixed, confused' [Adjective]
Old Irish: mesc [o]
Middle Welsh: mysgi [m] 'trouble, confusion'; mysgu 'destroy, unravel, undo'
Middle Breton: e mesk 'among'
Cornish: yn mysk 'among'
Proto-Indo-European: *meyk- 'mix'
Page in Pokorny: 714
IE cognates: Lat. misceo, OHG miscan
Notes: The OIr. verb mescaid 'mix', and its W cognate, mysgu, are probably deadjectival.
References: LEIA M-41f., GPC III: 2543, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 277.
Proto-Celtic: *messu- 'acorn' [Noun]
Old Irish: mess [u m] 'acorns, tree-fruit'
Middle Welsh: mes [p] mesen [Singulative]
Middle Breton: mes
Cornish: mesen
Proto-Indo-European: *medPage in Pokorny: 706
IE cognates: Go. mats 'food'
References: LEIA M-43, GPC III: 2438
Proto-Celtic: *met(t)o- 'decay, blight' [Noun]
Old Irish: meth [o and i, n and m]
Middle Welsh: methu 'be unsuccessful, err, fail'
Middle Breton: mez (Vannetais meh) 'shame'
Notes: The geminate is implied by the British forms and, perhaps, by OIr. metta 'timid,
References: LEIA M-44, GPC III: 2445
Proto-Celtic: *met-o- 'reap, cut' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: medi
Middle Breton: midiff
Cornish: midzhi (MoCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *met- 'hit, reap'
Page in Pokorny: 703
IE cognates: Lat. meto, OCS metati 'throw', Lith. me°sti 'throw'
Notes: LIV does not relate this PIE verbal root to OCS metati, Lith. me°sti 'throw', but I
believe they belong here, rather than with a putative root *met- 'reckon' (Gr. meґtron, etc.).
References: KPV 483, GPC III: 2391, LIV 442, LP 54
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Proto-Celtic: *metelo- 'reaper' [Noun]
Old Irish: methel [ѓ f] 'a troop (of reapers)'
Middle Welsh: medel [f] 'a troop (of reapers)'
Cornish: midil gl. messor (OCo.)
Gaulish: ? Metlosedum [Placename] > French Melun
Proto-Indo-European: *met- 'throw, reap'
Page in Pokorny: 704
IE cognates: Lat. meto, OCS metati, mesti
References: LEIA M-45, GPC III: 2391, LP 54, Delamarre 226, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
382, 452.
Proto-Celtic: *mezgo- 'whey' [Noun]
Old Irish: medg [o m]
Middle Welsh: meidd [m] (GPC maidd)
Middle Breton: meid (OBret.)
Cornish: meith (MoCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *mesgo- 'marrow'
Page in Pokorny: 714
IE cognates: Skt. majjaґn-, OHG marg 'marrow'
Notes: French me°gue 'whey' is supposed to be from Gallo-Latin *mesga, ultimately from the
Gaulish cognate of OIr. medg, etc.
References: LEIA M-28, GPC III: 2322, DGVB 253, Schrijver 1995: 376.
Proto-Celtic: *mi-nV- 'change position' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: tramwy 'movement', tramynu < *tras-mi-n- 'ride through'
Middle Breton: tremen 'pass by'
Cornish: tremena
Proto-Indo-European: *mey- 'change'
Page in Pokorny: 710
IE cognates: Skt. mayati, Latv. miju [1s Pres.] 'change'
Notes: MW (suppletive) verbal noun mynet 'to go, going' is probably related to these words.
References: KPV 485f., GPC III: 3555, LIV 426, LP 336
Proto-Celtic: *mi-nu- 'bind' [Verb]
Old Irish: do-diґmen < *tu-d–-mi-nu-; to-demi [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *mey- 'bind'
Page in Pokorny: 709
IE cognates: Skt. minoґti, Latv. mi°ets 'stake, pole'
References: KPV 484, LIV 426, LEIA D-131f., McCone 1991: 14
Proto-Celtic: *mik-n- 'shine, look' [Verb]
Old Irish: dimicnigid 'despises, condemns' do-meiccethar 'despises, dishonours' < *d–-miknMiddle Welsh: ed-mygu 'admire', myged 'admiration'
Middle Breton: dismegans 'disdain'
Proto-Indo-European: *meyk- 'twinkle, blink'
Page in Pokorny: 712f.
IE cognates: Lat. mico, micѓre 'twinkle, vibrate', ULusatian mikacґ
Notes: Pokorny (p. 713) says that the OIr. forms are loanwords from British, but there is no
evidence for this claim; OIr. -cc- is the regular development of *-kn-.
References: LEIA M-26f.
Proto-Celtic: *mindo- 'crown, diadem' [Noun]
Old Irish: mind [u n]
Middle Welsh: minn (OW) (GPC myn)
Notes: Falileyev (s. v. minn, minnou) thinks that these words could be loanwords from OIr.
References: LEIA M-53f., GPC III: 2533, Falileyev 113f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 94,
Proto-Celtic: *mlasto- 'taste' [Noun]
Old Irish: mlas, blas [o ]
Middle Welsh: blas [m]
Middle Breton: blaz
Cornish: blas
Proto-Indo-European: *mel-sPage in Pokorny: 725
IE cognates: Russ. molsaґt' 'suck'
References: LEIA M-56, GPC I: 284
Proto-Celtic: *mlig-o- 'milk' [Verb]
Old Irish: mligid, -mlig; meill, -mell [Subj.]; mailg [Pret.]; mlechtae, -mlecht [Pret. Pass.]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2melg'- 'milk'
Page in Pokorny: 722f.
IE cognates: Gr. ameґlgЎ, Lat. mulgeo, OCS mlьzoN
References: KPV 486ff., LIV 279
Proto-Celtic: *mlixto- 'milk' [Noun]
Old Irish: mlicht [o m]
Middle Welsh: blith 'full of milk, milch'
Proto-Indo-European: *h2melg'Page in Pokorny: 719
See also: *mlig-oNotes: This word is originally a passive past participle of the verb 'to milk', PCelt. *mlig-oReferences: LEIA M-57, GPC I: 287, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 162
Proto-Celtic: *mlѓto/i- 'tender, soft' [Adjective]
Old Irish: mlaґith [ i ]
Middle Welsh: blawd [m] 'flour'
Middle Breton: bleud [m] 'flour', OBret. blot
Cornish: blot [m] 'flour'
Proto-Indo-European: *melh?2- 'grind'
Page in Pokorny: 716
See also: *mal-oReferences: LEIA M-56, GPC I: 284, LP 54, DGVB 86, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 293,
Hamp 1973: 151f., McCone 1996: 52
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Proto-Celtic: *mogu- 'servant' [Noun]
Old Irish: mug [u m]
Middle Welsh: meu-dwy [m] 'servant of God, hermit'
Middle Breton: mao 'strong, happy'
Cornish: maw
Gaulish: Magurix [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *magh-u- 'young person'
Page in Pokorny: 695
IE cognates: Go. mawi 'young girl', Av. ma‘ava- 'unmarried'
References: LEIA M-70f., GPC III: 2448, EIEC 656, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 97f., 174
Proto-Celtic: *mokku- 'pig' [Noun]
Old Irish: mucc [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: moch [f]
Middle Breton: moch (OBret.), Bret. moc'h
Cornish: mow, mogh
Gaulish: Moccos [Theonym] (?), Cato-mocus [PN}
Notes: OIr. mucc was originally an u-stem, as confirmed by the u-affection of the root vowel
(GOI 195).
References: LEIA M-68f., GPC III: 2468, GOI 195, DGVB 258, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
96f., Delamarre 228, Meid 2005: 149f.
Proto-Celtic: *mol-ѓ- 'praise' [Verb]
Old Irish: molaithir, -molathar (DIL molaid)
Middle Welsh: molim [Verbal Noun] (OW), MW moli
Middle Breton: meuliff
References: LEIA M-62, GPC III: 2479, Falileyev 114.
Proto-Celtic: *molto- 'ram, wether' [Noun]
Old Irish: molt [o m]
Middle Welsh: mollt [m]
Middle Breton: mout, maout
Cornish: mols gl. uerues (OCo.), MCo. mols
Gaulish: Moltus [PN]
Notes: French mouton is derived from the lost gaulish word for 'ram' (Gallo-Latin *multo, Ўnis), which was etymologically related to the adduced Insular Celtic words.
References: LEIA M-62, GPC III: 2482, LP 47, Delamarre 228, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
Proto-Celtic: *mongѓ 'mane, hair' [Noun]
Old Irish: mong 'a lock or tuft of hair' [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: mwng [m]
Middle Breton: mogou [p] gl. comas (OBret.), MBret. moe
Proto-Indo-European: *mon-g- 'mane'
IE cognates: OE manu, Danish manke
See also: *moni- 'neck'
References: LEIA M-63, GPC III: 2508, DGVB 258, LP 34, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 60.
Proto-Celtic: *moni- 'neck' [Noun]
Old Irish: muin [i f]
Middle Welsh: mwn [m and f]
Middle Breton: mun (OBret.)
Proto-Indo-European: *moni- 'neck'
Page in Pokorny: 747f.
IE cognates: OHG mana 'mane', Av. manao±ri 'neck'
See also: *mongѓ 'mane'
References: LEIA M-72, GPC III: 2509, DGVB 261, EIEC 391f., De Bernardo Stempel
1999: 65, 310.
Proto-Celtic: *mori- 'sea' [Noun]
Old Irish: muir [i n]
Middle Welsh: mor
Middle Breton: mor (OBret.), MBret. mor
Cornish: mor gl. mare (OCo.), MCo. mor
Gaulish: Mori-ni [Ethnonym]
Proto-Indo-European: *mori 'sea, standing water'
Page in Pokorny: 748
IE cognates: Lat. mare, OHG mari, meri, OCE morje
References: LEIA M-73, GPC III: 2485, EIEC 503, DGVB 259, Delamarre 229
Proto-Celtic: *morwi- 'ant' [Noun]
Old Irish: moirb [i f]
Middle Welsh: myr [f] (GPC myЇr, myrr)
Middle Breton: meryenenn, MoBret. merien
Cornish: mwrrian (MoCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *morwi- 'ant'
Page in Pokorny: 749
IE cognates: Skt. vamraґ-, Avestan maoiri-, OE myre, Gr. myґrmos
Notes: The PIE form is notoriously difficult to reconstruct. The PIE i-stem implied by the
agreement between OIr. and Avestan is probably older than the thematic form found in Skt.
(which also involves metathesis).
References: LEIA M-60, GPC III: 2542, EIEC 24, Matasovicґ 2004: 92
Proto-Celtic: *morѓ 'female demon' [Noun]
Old Irish: mor-riґgain [– f] 'female demon'
Proto-Indo-European: *moreh2 'female demon'
Page in Pokorny: 736
IE cognates: OHG mara, Russ. moraґ
References: LEIA M-64, EIEC 181, 612, 634
Proto-Celtic: *moxs 'early' [Adverb]
Old Irish: mosMiddle Welsh: moch
Proto-Indo-European: *moksu 'early'
IE cognates: Skt. maks·uґ , Lat. mox
Notes: OIr. moch 'early' is a loanword from British.
References: LEIA M-65, GPC III: 2469
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Proto-Celtic: *moxto- 'soft, tender' [Adjective]
Old Irish: mocht [ o ]
Middle Welsh: mwyth [m] 'luxury, ease, pleasure'
Proto-Indo-European: *mewk- 'soft'
Page in Pokorny: 744
IE cognates: Lat. mіcor 'mould'
References: LEIA M-58, GPC III: 2525, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 438
Proto-Celtic: *moyni- 'treasure, precious object' [Noun]
Old Irish: moiґn [ f ]
Middle Welsh: muin [m] (OW), MW mwyn 'worth, value'
Middle Breton: moin gl. dulcis amica (OBret.), Bret. moan 'thin'
Cornish: muin gl. gracilis (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *mey-n- 'common'
Page in Pokorny: 710
IE cognates: Lat. mіnus 'duty, charge', Go. ga-mains 'common'
Notes: The development of meaning in Breton and Cornish was from 'beautiful' to 'gracile'
and (in Breton) 'thin'. The original meaning in PIE may have been '(precious) piece of
References: LEIA M-60, GPC III: 2519, DGVB 258, EIEC 184, GPC 2519, Falileyev 115
Proto-Celtic: *moyto- 'tender' [Adjective]
Old Irish: moith [i]
Middle Welsh: mwydion [ p ] 'tender parts of the body'; mwydyn [m] 'pulp, soft inner part'
Middle Breton: boedenn 'marrow'
See also: *meytiReferences: LEIA M-61, GPC III: 2517
Proto-Celtic: *mrak-no- 'smelly, foul, putrid' [Adjective]
Old Irish: breґn [o]
Middle Welsh: braen
Middle Breton: breyn
Proto-Indo-European: *merkPage in Pokorny: 739
IE cognates: Lat. marceo 'to wither, droop', Lith. merkiu° 'soak'
References: LEIA B-84f., GPC I: 305, De Bernardo Stempel 252, 258
Proto-Celtic: *mraki- 'malt' [Noun]
Old Irish: mraich > braich [i m]
Middle Welsh: brag [m]
Middle Breton: bragez [wheat malt]
Cornish: brag
Gaulish: *brakis (genus farris quod Galli bracem uocant (Pliny))
IE cognates: Lat. fraces 'dregs of oil', marceo 'to wither, droop, shrink'
References: LEIA M-66, GPC I: 306, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 65f.
Proto-Celtic: *mrato- 'deceit' [Noun]
Old Irish: mrath > brath [o n]
Middle Welsh: brad [m and f] 'treachery, trick'
Middle Breton: brat gl. seditione (OBret.), MBret. barat
Cornish: bras
See also: *mar-naReferences: LEIA M-67, GPC I: 304, DGVB 89
Proto-Celtic: *mrixto- 'variegated, diversified, painted' [Adjective]
Old Irish: mrecht
Middle Welsh: brith (OW) gl. pictam, W brith
Middle Breton: briz
Cornish: bruit
Proto-Indo-European: *merh2gwPage in Pokorny: 733f.
IE cognates: Gr. amorboґs 'dark', Lith. maґrgas 'variegated'
Notes: Cp. also W denominal verb britho 'speckle, colour'. If the PIE side of this etymology
is correct, the loss of laryngeal in Celtic is unexpected. The Celtic forms point to the zerograde *mrgwto-; perhaps the loss of laryngeal was generalized from the forms where it was
regular, as in Gr. amorboґs < *n-morgwo- with the regular loss of *H after *oR.
References: LEIA M-67, GPC I: 326, EIEC 147, Falileyev 19.
Proto-Celtic: *mrogi- 'territory, region' [Noun]
Old Irish: mruig > bruig [i m]
Middle Welsh: bro [f]; brofydd, broedd [p]
Middle Breton: bro (OBret.), Bret. bro
Cornish: bro
Gaulish: Brogi-maros [PN]; brogae Galli agrum dicunt (schol. Juven. 8.234)
Proto-Indo-European: *morg'- 'frontier'
Page in Pokorny: 738
IE cognates: Lat. margЎ 'frontier, margin', Go. marka 'frontier'
Notes: The Celtic forms must be explained by metathesis (*morgi- > *mrogi-).
References: LEIA M-68, GPC I: 329f., DGVB 90, EIEC 77, Lambert 1994: 36, 190,
Delamarre 91.
Proto-Celtic: *muk-V- 'smoke' [Noun]
Old Irish: muґch [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: mwg [m]
Middle Breton: mog, moug 'hearth'
Cornish: mok
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)mewg'h- 'smoke'
Page in Pokorny: 971
IE cognates: Gr. smyЇґkhЎ 'burn in moldering fire', OE smoca, Arm. mux
Notes: The OIr. forms are difficult in that they presuppose long *і, but cp. the verbal noun
muchad (to muґchaid 'stifle, quench'). The noun muґch is poorly attested, chiefly in glossaries.
References: LEIA M-69f., GPC III: 2507f., LP 41, EIEC 529, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
58, 97
Proto-Celtic: *mustѓko- 'boy' [Noun]
Old Irish: MOSAC [?Gen. s] (Ogam)
IE cognates: Lat. mustus 'young'
Notes: OIr. MOSAC is the translation of Lat. puer in the Ogam inscription of Crickhowel in
Wales, no. 327 in Macalister's notation (TVRPILLI IC IACIT PVVERI TRILVNI
DVNOCATI = TURPILI MOSAC TRALLONI). It is presumably a derivative in *-ѓko- from
the same root as Lat. mustus (cp. also Lat. mustax 'a kind of laurel'), but a PIE etymology
cannot be found. It is possible that Spanish mozo 'boy, servant, waiter' should be derived
from Celtic (?Celtiberian) *musso-, from the same root as *mussѓko- (Marcus Obaya, p. c.).
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Proto-Celtic: *musso- 'dirty' [Adjective]
Old Irish: mosach [o]
Middle Welsh: mws 'stinky, smelly'
Middle Breton: mous 'litter, garbage'
Cornish: mousak, mosek 'smelly'
Proto-Indo-European: *mewdPage in Pokorny: 742
IE cognates: myґsos 'filth'
Notes: The forms attested actually presuppose both *musso- and *mussako-, cp. also OBret.
admosoi gl. inrogauerit maculam and OIr. mosar 'dirt'.
References: LEIA M-65, GPC III: 2512, DGVB 54.
Proto-Celtic: *mѓ, *ma 'if' [Conjunction]
Old Irish: ma, maґ
Middle Breton: ma (OBret.), MBret. ma, mar
Cornish: mar
Proto-Indo-European: *meh2Page in Pokorny: 966
IE cognates: Gr. mЊґn
Notes: The short vowel seen in OIr. ma and MBret. ma could perhaps be explained by
shortening in monosyllables.
References: LEIA M-1, DGVB 248ff.
Proto-Celtic: *mѓni- 'turf, peat' [Noun]
Old Irish: moґin [i f]
Middle Welsh: mawn [p]; mawnen [Singulative]
Middle Breton: man (MoBret.)
References: LEIA M-60, GPC III: 2378, EIEC 639
Proto-Celtic: *mѓro- 'great' [Adjective]
Old Irish: maґr, moґr [o]
Middle Welsh: maur (OW), MW mawr
Middle Breton: mor (OBret.), MoBret. meur
Cornish: maur gl. magnus (OCo.), MCo. mur
Gaulish: -maros (in PN, e.g. Iantumarus)
Proto-Indo-European: *meh1-, *moh1-ro- 'great'
Page in Pokorny: 704
IE cognates: OHG mѓri 'news; known, famous, great', Gr. -mЎros (in compounds)
Notes: All Celtic forms (and Gr. -mЎros) can be derived from *moh1-ro-, while the e-grade is
attested in other languages. The PCelt. superlative of this adjective was suppletive *mѓ-samo(OIr. maґam, moam, OBret. meham, OW muihiam, Corn. moygha.
References: LEIA M-18, GPC III: 2379, EIEC 344 , DGVB 259, Falileyev 110, Campanile
1974: 81, Lambert 1994: 28, 32, Delamarre 218, Meid 2005: 92f.
Proto-Celtic: *mѓt–r 'mother' [Noun]
Old Irish: mґathir [r, f] `mother`
Middle Welsh: modryb [f] 'aunt'
Middle Breton: motrep 'aunt' (OBret.), MBret. mozreb 'aunt'
Cornish: modereb gl. matertera (OCo.) 'aunt'
Gaulish: matrebo [r, f] [Dat. p]
Celtiberian: matrubos (?) [Dat. p] (CIL II 28-48, Muro de Agreda)
Proto-Indo-European: *meh2tЊr 'mother'
Page in Pokorny: 700
IE cognates: Skt. m ѓtѓ, Lat. mѓter
Notes: The British forms mean 'aunt' and are from *mѓtrikwѓ (cp. Skt. mѓtr•ka- 'mother's
References: LEIA M-25, GPC III: 2473, DGVB 260, EIEC 98, 385, Delamarre 220, Coґlera
1998: 70, 75.
Proto-Celtic: *mЊko- 'sack, bushel (of grain)' [Noun]
Old Irish: miach [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *meyg'(h)- 'barley, grain'
IE cognates: OPr. moasis 'barley' , Latv. (p) mi°eјi 'barley'
Notes: A rather uncertain etymology, since the meanings do not match, and the devoicing of
*g > *k in Celtic is irregular.
References: LEIA M-47, EIEC 51
Proto-Celtic: *mЊni- 'mineral, metal' [Noun]
Old Irish: meґin, miґan 'ore, metal, mineral' [i f]
Middle Welsh: mwyn [m]
Middle Breton: men-gleuz 'mine'
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)mey- 'hew, cut'
Page in Pokorny: 968
IE cognates: Go. aiza-smi?a 'smith', Gr. sminyґs 'axe'
Notes: French mine (and, ultimately, English mine) are derived from a Gallo-Latin mina,
which is the Gaulish counterpart to OIr. meґin, etc.
References: LEIA M-29, GPC III: 2519
Proto-Celtic: *mЊno- 'wish' [Noun]
Old Irish: miґan [o n > m] 'wish'
Middle Welsh: mwyn [m] 'enjoyment, delight, profit, treasure'
Proto-Indo-European: *meyno- 'opinion'
Page in Pokorny: 714
IE cognates: OE mѓn 'meaning', ToB onmim·(< *opi-meyno-) 'remorse'
References: LEIA M-47, GPC III: 2519, EIEC 410
Proto-Celtic: *mЊto-, *meyti- 'fat, soft' [Adjective]
Old Irish: meґth [o and i] 'fat'
Middle Welsh: mwyd 'soft, tender'
Middle Breton: boueґden 'marrow'
Proto-Indo-European: *mey(H)-tPage in Pokorny: 711f.
IE cognates: Lat. m–tis 'mild, mellow'
Notes: Pokorny assumes that these words are related to words like OCS milъ 'dear', Latv. atmist 'become soft', etc., in which case the Balto-Slavic intonation would imply that the root
contained a laryngeal.
References: LEIA M-44
Proto-Celtic: *m–, *me 'I' [Pronoun, Acc. s]
Old Irish: meґ, me-s(s)e
Middle Welsh: mi
Middle Breton: me
Cornish: my, me
Gaulish: -mi (as verbal suffix only)
Proto-Indo-European: *mЊ
Page in Pokorny: Ё†702
IE cognates: Lat. mЊ(d)
Notes: In PCelt. two forms must be posited, the stressed *m– and the clitic (and shortened)
*me. This clitic later relengthened to yield OIr. (emphatic pronoun) meґ. Already in PIE, this
was the suppletive Acc. s. to the 1st person singular personal pronoun *eg'h2om (Lat. ego
etc.) which left no traces in Celtic.
References: LEIA 25f., GPC III: 2542, EIEC 454, Falileyev 112f., Lambert 1994: 66
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Proto-Celtic: *m–lo- 'animal' [Noun]
Old Irish: miґl [o n]
Middle Welsh: mil [m]
Middle Breton: mil [m]
Cornish: mil
Proto-Indo-European: *meh1lo- 'small animal'
Page in Pokorny: 724
IE cognates: Gr. me?lon, OCS malъ 'small'
References: LEIA M-51, GPC III: 2455, DGVB 256, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 44.
Proto-Celtic: *m–ros- 'piece of meat, food' [Noun]
Old Irish: miґr [s n] 'morsel, piece of meat'
Proto-Indo-European: *mЊmsro- 'meat'
Page in Pokorny: 725
IE cognates: Skt. mѓm·sa-, Lat. membrum 'part of the body, limb', Go. mimz
References: LEIA M-55, LP 22, 180, EIEC 375 , De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 102, 232
Proto-Celtic: *m–ns 'month' [Noun]
Old Irish: miґ [s m > f]
Middle Welsh: mis [m]
Middle Breton: mis (OBret.), MBret. miz
Cornish: mis gl. mensis (OCo.), MCo. mys
Proto-Indo-European: *meh1ns- 'month, moon'
Page in Pokorny: 703
IE cognates: Skt. mѓs-, Lat. mЊnsis
Notes: In the PIE paradigm Nom. s is *meh1nЎs, Gen. s is *meh?1nes-s (cp. Latv. mЊness).
This paradigm was remodelled in Celtic. The stem *meh1ns- was first introduced to the
oblique stem, and thence spread to the Nom. s. Celtic may share this development with Italic,
cp. Lat. mЊns-is. The N s *m–ns was then formed by the regular developments of *ns > s(s)
and *Њ > –.
References: LEIA M-46, GPC III: 2465, DGVB 257, EIEC 385
Proto-Celtic: *mіg- 'conceal' [Verb]
Old Irish: for-muґigthe 'smothered, concealed'
Proto-Indo-European: *mewg- 'cheat, deceive'
Page in Pokorny: 734f.
IE cognates: Lat. muger 'dice-cheat', ME micher 'thief'
References: EIEC 154
Proto-Celtic: *mіno- 'urine' [Noun]
Old Irish: muґn [m, perhaps earlier n]
Proto-Indo-European: *mewH- 'wash, make wet'
IE cognates: Skt. mіґtram 'urine', OCS myti 'wash'
Notes: Cp. also the denominative verb OIr. muґnaid 'piss'.
References: LEIA M-74
Proto-Celtic: *nad-sko- 'bind' [Verb]
Old Irish: nascaid, -naisc; naґiss, -naґ; nenais, -nenai [Fut.]; nenaisc [Pret.]; nassae, -nass [Pret.
Middle Breton: nasca 'bind'
Proto-Indo-European: *HnedhPage in Pokorny: 758 (*ned-)
IE cognates: Skt. naґhyati
Notes: Schumacher's alternative reconstruction of the PIE root (*neHd-, KPV 489) appears
less probable to me; Lat. nЎdus 'knot' and Germanic *natja- 'net' are probably from another
PIE root, as assumed by LIV.
References: KPV 489ff., LIV 227, LEIA N-4, LP 383
Proto-Celtic: *nak(k)i 'not' [Particle]
Old Irish: nacc, naicc
Middle Welsh: na, nac (OW), MW na(d)
Middle Breton: na, nac
Cornish: na(g)
References: LEIA N-1, GPC III: 2545, Falileyev 116.
Proto-Celtic: *nanti- 'fight, battle' [Noun]
Old Irish: neґit [i m]
Proto-Indo-European: *nent- 'combat, fight'
Page in Pokorny: 755
IE cognates: Go. ana-nan?jan 'dare', ToA nati 'might, strength'
Notes: It is very doubtful if the Tocharian forms are related to this root (cp. also ToB nete
'might, strength', since the *-n- should have been preserved.
References: LEIA N-7, EIEC 201, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 284., Lindeman 1999.
Proto-Celtic: *nanto- 'stream, valley' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: nant [m and f]
Middle Breton: nant
Cornish: nans gl. vallis (OCo.), MoCo. nance, nans
Gaulish: nanto (Vienne) *nanto- > French dial. nant, Nanto-lium [Toponym]
Notes: Conceivably PCelt. *nanto- can be from *nm-to- and related to *nemeto- 'grove'
References: GPC III: 2551, Delamarre 231
Proto-Celtic: *natrik- 'serpent' [Noun]
Old Irish: nathir [k f]
Middle Welsh: neidr [f]
Middle Breton: natrolion (OBret.) [p] gl. regulosis, Bret. (n)azr
Cornish: nader gl. vipera vel serpens vel anguis (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)nh2-tr 'water snake'
Page in Pokorny: 747
IE cognates: Lat. natr–x, Go. nadre [Gen p]
References: LEIA N-4f, GPC III: 2565, LP 46, DGVB 264, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
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Proto-Celtic: *natu- 'poem' [Noun]
Old Irish: nath [u n, m, and f] 'poem, elogy'
Middle Welsh: nad [f and m] 'clamor, cry, poem'
See also: *snѓtu- 'thread'
Notes: Lambert (1994: 168) speculates that this PCeltic word might be contained in Gaulish
duscelinatia (Larzac), if the correct morphological analysis of this form is dus-celi-nat-i-a.
These Celt. words could be related to PIE *(s)neh1- 'sew' (W nyddu). The semantic
development could be explained in terms of the poetic metaphor, whereby a poem is
identified with a thread (Matasovicґ 1996: 150). The same root is reflected in W nawdd
'patronage, support' < *nh1tu-.
References: LEIA N-4, GPC III: 2547, Lambert 1994: 168, Matasovicґ 1996: 105.
Proto-Celtic: *nawѓ 'boat' [Noun]
Old Irish: nau [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: noe [f and m] 'large vase, bowl'
Middle Breton: nev (MoBret.) 'vase'
Proto-Indo-European: *neh2u- 'boat'
Page in Pokorny: 755
IE cognates: Skt. nѓu-, Lat. nѓuis, Arm. naw
References: LEIA N-5, GPC III: 2592, EIEC 74, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 27, 32,
McCone 1994: 73
Proto-Celtic: *ne-kwe 'not' [Negation]
Old Irish: nach
Middle Welsh: nag
Celtiberian: nekue
Proto-Indo-European: *ne-kwe
Page in Pokorny: 756
IE cognates: L ne-que
See also: *ne-st
References: LEIA N-14, GPC III: 2549, Coґlera 1998: 103.
Proto-Celtic: *ne-st 'not' [Negation]
Old Irish: ni
Middle Welsh: ni (OW), MW ny, nyt (GPC ni)
Middle Breton: ne (OBret.), MBret. ne
Cornish: ny
Celtiberian: ne
Proto-Indo-European: *ne
Page in Pokorny: 756
IE cognates: Skt. na, Lat. ne, Go. ni
Notes: PCelt. *ne is preserved in Celtiberian, but developed to ni in Insular Celtic; the particle
added to the main clause negation in Insular Celtic cannot be identified with certainty. It has
to be assumed, however, because there is gemination of the following word initial consonant
in both Goidelic and British. For discussion see, e. g. Schrijver 1997: 158.
References: LEIA N-14, GPC III 2581, DGVB 264, Falileyev 119f., Coґlera 1998: 103,
Schrijver 1997: 158
Proto-Celtic: *ne-we 'or' [Conjunction]
Old Irish: noґ
Middle Welsh: neu, nou
Proto-Indo-European: *ne-we 'or... not'
Page in Pokorny: 75, 757
IE cognates: Lat. neue, neu
References: LEIA N-18, GPC III: 2574f., Falileyev 121f., Schrijver 1997: 160
Proto-Celtic: *neft–- 'niece, sister's daughter' [Noun]
Old Irish: necht [f]
Middle Welsh: nith [f]
Middle Breton: nith gl. nepta (OBret.), MBret. nyz
Cornish: noit gl. neptis (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *neptih2 'niece'
Page in Pokorny: 764
IE cognates: Skt. napt–ґ, Lat. neptis, OHG nift
See also: *nefіt- 'nephew'
References: LEIA N-15, GPC III: 2584
Proto-Celtic: *nefіt- 'nephew, sister's son'
Old Irish: nia [d m], NIOTTA (Ogam) [Gen s]
Middle Welsh: nei [m] (GPC nai)
Middle Breton: ny
Cornish: noi gl. nepos (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *nepЎts 'nephew, descendant'
Page in Pokorny: 764
IE cognates: Skt. naґpѓt, Lat. nepЎs, OHG nefo
References: LEIA N-15, GPC III: 2549f., EIEC 239, 392, Campanile 1974: 83, De Bernardo
Stempel 1999: 166.
Proto-Celtic: *nekwo- 'someone' [Pronoun]
Old Irish: nech
Middle Welsh: nepp (OW), MW neb
Middle Breton: nep (OBret.), MBret. nep
Cornish: nep
Gaulish: nepon [Acc. s] (Larzac)
Proto-Indo-European: *ne-kwoPage in Pokorny: 645
Notes: Indefinite pronoun formed with the negative prefix. There is a similar formation, e.g.,
in Slavic, cp. Croatian netko 'someone'. The meaning of Gaul. nepon is not completely
References: LEIA N-6, GPC III: 2560, DGVB 265, Falileyev 118, GOI 311, Delamarre 235.
Proto-Celtic: *nemeto- 'sacred place, sanctuary' [Noun]
Old Irish: nemed [o n > m]
Middle Welsh: Eid-nivet (OW) [PN]
Middle Breton: Iud-nimet (OBret.) [PN]
Gaulish: nemeton
See also: *nemos
References: LEIA N-9, EIEC 248, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 455, Delamarre 233f.
Proto-Celtic: *nemo- 'poison' [Noun]
Old Irish: neim [s n]
Proto-Indo-European: *nemos 'that, which is taken'
Page in Pokorny: 763
IE cognates: Go. niman
Notes: Vendryes rejects this etymology on semantic grounds.
References: LEIA N-7, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 142
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Proto-Celtic: *nemos- 'heaven, sky' [Noun]
Old Irish: nem [s n]
Middle Welsh: nem [f and m] (OW), MW nef
Middle Breton: nem (OBret.), MBret. neff
Cornish: nef gl. celum (OCo.), MCo. nef
Proto-Indo-European: *nebhos 'cloud, cloudy sky'
Page in Pokorny: 315
IE cognates: Hitt. nЊpis 'sky', Skt. naґbhas 'cloud', OCS nebo 'sky'
Notes: The irregular *-m- of the Celtic forms is best explained as the result of assimilation
( > n...m).
References: LEIA N-8, GPC III: 2561, DGVB 265, EIEC 110, Falileyev 118, Campanile
1974: 82, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 140, 142, 148, Campanile 1974: 82.
Proto-Celtic: *nero- 'hero'
Old Irish: ner [?o m] 'boar'
Middle Welsh: ner [m] 'chief, hero' (GPC neЇr)
Proto-Indo-European: *h2nЊr 'man'
Page in Pokorny: 765
IE cognates: Gr. anЊґr, Alb. njeri 'person', Osc. nerSee also: *nertoNotes: The Celtic forms have generalized the full grade from the accusative s (PIE *h2ner-m).
References: LEIA N-10, GPC III: 2571, Matasovicґ 2004: 83
Proto-Celtic: *nerto- 'strenth, force' [Noun]
Old Irish: nert [o n]
Middle Welsh: nerth [m and f] (OW and MW)
Middle Breton: nerth gl. robur (OBret.), MoBret. nerz, Vannetais nerh
Cornish: nerth
Gaulish: Nerto-maros [PN], Nerto-briga [Toponym]
Celtiberian: Nertobi(s) [Toponym], Nerto-marus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2ner-to- 'virile, strong'
Page in Pokorny: 765
IE cognates: Skt. naґr- 'man, male', Oscan nerum [Gen p] 'man'
See also: *neroReferences: LEIA N-10f., GPC III: 2571f., DGVB 266, LP 47, EIEC 366, Coґlera 1999:
121f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 240ff., Delamarre 235, Falileyev 119, Ellis-Evans 1967:
Proto-Celtic: *nesso- 'closer' (comparative) [Adjective]
Old Irish: nessa
Middle Welsh: nes (OW and MW)
Middle Breton: nes, nessoch
Cornish: nes, nessa
Gaulish: ne‹‹amon [Gen p] 'proximorum'
Proto-Indo-European: *ned-s-oPage in Pokorny: 758
IE cognates: Oscan nessimas 'proximae'
References: LEIA N-12, GPC III: 2573, DGVB 266, LP 21, Falileyev 119, GPC 2573.
Proto-Celtic: *new-o- 'nod, assent to' [Verb]
Old Irish: as-noiґ < *eks-newo- 'swear'
Middle Welsh: dineu < *d–-new-o- 'flow, pour'
Middle Breton: dinou < *d–-new-o- 'pour out'
Cornish: dynwa [3s Subj.] < *d–-new-oProto-Indo-European: *newPage in Pokorny: 767
IE cognates: Lat. ad-nuo, G neuґЎ
References: KPV 491ff., LIV 455f.,
Proto-Celtic: *nexso- 'wound' [Noun]
Old Irish: ness 'wound'
Middle Welsh: nych [m] 'pain'
Middle Breton: nec'h 'pain'
Proto-Indo-European: *nek'- 'die, perish'
Page in Pokorny: 762
IE cognates: Skt. naґsґyati 'perish', Lat. nex 'death'
Notes: The OIr. word is known only from glossaries, so its gender and stem formation are
References: LEIA N-11, GPC III: 2602
Proto-Celtic: *nig-yo- 'wash' [Verb]
Old Irish: nigid, -nig; neґiss, -neґ [Subj.]; ninis, -nin [Fut.]; nenaig [Pret.]; nechtae, -necht
[Pret. Pass.]
Proto-Indo-European: *neygw- 'wash'
Page in Pokorny: 761
IE cognates: Skt. nij-, Gr. niґzЎ, niґptЎ
References: KPV 493ff., LIV 450, LP 358, LEIA N-16f., D-170f.
Proto-Celtic: *ninati- 'nettle' [Noun]
Old Irish: nenaid [i f]
Middle Welsh: dynat [p] (GPC danadl); danhadlen, dynhaden [Singulative]
Middle Breton: linad
Cornish: linhaden gl. urtica (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *neh2t/dPage in Pokorny: 758
IE cognates: OE netele, Lith. notryne†
Notes: British forms must be explained by dissimilation (*n...n > *d...n). Correspondences in
other IE languages, as well as their distribution, imply that this is an old loanword from some
unknown non-IE source. Germanic forms can be derived from *nad(ila)- (cp. also OHG
nazza, nezzila), with *d instead of *t.
References: LEIA N-9f., GPC I: 886, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 68
Proto-Celtic: *nino- 'ash-tree' [Noun]
Old Irish: nin [o m]
Middle Welsh: nihn (OW)
References: LEIA N-17, Falileyev 120
Proto-Celtic: *nizdo- 'nest' [Noun]
Old Irish: net [o m, sometimes f]
Middle Welsh: nyth [m and f]
Middle Breton: nez
Cornish: neid gl. nidus (OCo.), MCo. nyth
Proto-Indo-European: *ni-sd-o- 'nest'
Page in Pokorny: 887
IE cognates: Lat. n–dus, OHG nest, Lith. li°zdas
References: LEIA N-12, GPC III: 2604, EIEC 393, Campanile 1974: 82, Uhlich 2002: 416.
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Proto-Celtic: *now-slo- 'cry, shout' [Noun]
Old Irish: nuall [o n]
Proto-Indo-European: *newH- 'cry, roar'
Page in Pokorny: 767
IE cognates: Skt. naґvate, ToA nus·
References: LEIA N-24, LIV 411.
Proto-Celtic: *nowameto- 'ninth' [Ordinal Number]
Old Irish: noґmad
Middle Welsh: nawfet (GPC nawfed)
Middle Breton: nauvet, naovet
Cornish: nawhwas (MoCo.)
Gaulish: nametos
See also: *newan 'nine'
References: LEIA N-20, GPC III: 2557, Lambert 1994: 132.
Proto-Celtic: *nowan 'nine' [Number]
Old Irish: noiґ [nasalizing]
Middle Welsh: nauou (OW), MW naw
Middle Breton: nau (OBret.), MBret. nau, Bret. nao
Cornish: naw
Proto-Indo-European: *(h1)newn 'nine'
Page in Pokorny: 318f.
IE cognates: Skt. naґva, Lat. nouem, Gr. enneґa
Notes: British forms can be derived from *nawan < *nowan.
References: LEIA N-20, GPC III: 2555, EIEC 403, DGVB 264, Falileyev 118
Proto-Celtic: *nowyo- 'new' [Adjective]
Old Irish: nuґae [io]
Middle Welsh: newydd
Middle Breton: en neuidteruo gl. mensis nouorum (OBret.)
Cornish: newyth
Gaulish: Nouio-(dunum) [Placename]
Celtiberian: _? nou-iza
Proto-Indo-European: *newos 'new'
Page in Pokorny: 769
IE cognates: Skt. naґvas, Lat. nouus, Gr. neґos
See also: *nu
Notes: The meaning of the Celtiberian form nouiza (Botorrita III, 1) is far from ascertained.
OBret. neguid, which is sometimes adduced here, appears to be actually a verbal form (ne
guid 'does not know'). OBret. neuidterou is actually a plural form of *neuid-ter 'newness'.
References: LEIA N-23f., GPC III: 2577, DGVB 161, 266, EIEC 393, Schrijver 1995: 283ff.,
De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 202, Delamarre 236, Coґlera 1999: 190.
Proto-Celtic: *noxtV- 'night' [Noun]
Old Irish: innocht 'tonight'
Middle Welsh: peu-noeth 'every night', OW he-noid 'tonight'
Middle Breton: hanoez 'tonight'
Cornish: haneth 'tonight'
Gaulish: tri-nox(tion) 'three nights' (Coligny), decam-noctiacis (Limoges)
Proto-Indo-European: *nokwt- 'night'
Page in Pokorny: 762
IE cognates: Hitt. nekuz (mehur) 'at night', Skt. nakt-, G nyґks, Lat. nox, Alb. nateЁ
Notes: MW nos is a loanword from Latin (nox); the Celtic form is preserved only in the
adverbial form, just as in OIr. (but see Falileyev 121 for a different opinion: OW nos < PCelt.
References: LEIA N-19, GPC III: 2790, EIEC 394, Falileyev 82f., De Bernardo Stempel
1999: 36, Delamarre 237, Meid 2005: 58.
Proto-Celtic: *noxto- 'naked' [Adjective]
Old Irish: nocht [o]
Middle Welsh: noeth
Middle Breton: noit (OBret.), MBret. noaz
Cornish: noeth, noyth
Proto-Indo-European: *nЎgw- 'naked body', *nogwo- 'naked'
Page in Pokorny: 769
IE cognates: Skt. nagnaґs, Lat. nіdus, Lith. nuґogas
Notes: OBret. noit might be the same word, but the meaning of this gloss is uncertain (it
might mean 'naked').
References: LEIA N-19, GPC III: 2592, DGVB 271, EIEC 45 De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
Proto-Celtic: *nu 'now' [Adverb]
Old Irish: nu
Gaulish: nu (Lezoux)
Proto-Indo-European: *nu
Page in Pokorny: 770
IE cognates: Skt. nuґ, Lat. nunc, Go. nu
References: LEIA N-23, Delamarre 237, Schrijver 1997: 160.
Proto-Celtic: *nѓmant- 'enemy' [Noun]
Old Irish: naґmae [t m]
Gaulish: Namanto-, Namantius, Ad-namatus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *n-h2em-ntNotes: If this etymology, which stems from Cormac (2981), is correct, this is a negated
present participle of the verb related to Lat. amo 'love'. However, it looks dangerously like a
folk etymology, and the root *h2em- (> PCelt. *am-) is unattested in Celtic.
References: LEIA N-2, Lambert 1994: 33, Delamarre 231, Meid 2005: 159f.
Proto-Celtic: *nѓro- 'noble, great-hearted' [Adjective]
Old Irish: naґr [o] 'modest, noble'
Proto-Indo-European: *h2enr 'manly strength'
Page in Pokorny: 765 (*ner-t-)
IE cognates: Lith. noґras 'will', Hitt. innarѓ 'forcefully'
References: LEIA N-3, EIEC 548, Schrijver 1995: 445f.
Proto-Celtic: *nЊbo- 'vigor, vital spirit' [Noun]
Old Irish: niґab [o m] 'vigor',
Middle Welsh: nwyf [m]
Proto-Indo-European: *neybho- 'holy'
Page in Pokorny: 760
IE cognates: OPers. naiba- 'good, beautiful'
See also: *neymѓ
Notes: The meaning of MIr. niґab is somewhat uncertain, but cp. the denominative verb
niґabaid 'provokes, incites'. Cp. also OIr. noiґb 'holy' [o] < PCelt. *noybo-. Gaul. PN Noibio is
probably from the same root.
References: LEIA N-16, N-20, GPC III: 2600, Meid 2005: 202, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
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Proto-Celtic: *nЊmѓ 'brilliance, beauty' [Noun]
Old Irish: niґam [ѓ f] 'brilliance, beauty'
Proto-Indo-European: *neyH-mPage in Pokorny: 760
IE cognates: Lat. niteo 'shine'
References: LEIA N-16, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 246.
Proto-Celtic: *n–tu- 'battle fury, anger'
Old Irish: niґth [u m and n]
Proto-Indo-European: *niH-tuPage in Pokorny: 760
IE cognates: Go. nei? 'jealousy'
References: LEIA N-17, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 288, 528
Proto-Celtic: *nіsso- 'first milk, colostrum' [Noun]
Old Irish: nuґs [o and u m]
Middle Welsh: nus [?m]
Middle Breton: (leaz) lusen
Notes: The vocalisms of Goidelic and British do not agree. The British words might be loanwords from Goidelic. Breton has the word initial l- by assimilation with the preceding word in
the syntagm.
References: LEIA N-25, GPC III: 2599
Proto-Celtic: *obnu- 'fear' [Noun]
Old Irish: oґmun [u m]
Middle Welsh: ofn [m]
Middle Breton: oun
Cornish: own
Gaulish: Ex-obnus < *eks-obno- [PN]
See also: *fawtuNotes: PCelt. *obno- could possibly be derived from earlier *fow-no-, in which case these
words are related to OIr. uґath 'terror', etc. (< PCelt. *fawtu-).
References: LEIA O-22, GPC III: 2631, Delamarre 170, Schrijver 1995: 353, De Bernardo
Stempel 1999: 94.
Proto-Celtic: *odbo- 'knot, bulge' [Noun]
Old Irish: odb [o m]
Middle Welsh: oddf [m]
Notes: EIEC relates these words to Skt. aґdga- 'knot, joint', Gr. oґskhos 'sucker, shoot' (PIE
*Hosgos), but does not explain the sound developments, which would be highly irregular.
One could, in principle, derive the Celtic and Indo-Iranian forms from PIE *h3edgwos, but
then Greek oґskhos is unrelated. Schrijver (1995: 376) follows LEIA in deriving the Celtic
forms from *ost-bhV- and relates them to Gr. osphyґs 'hip', which I find less convincing.
References: LEIA 0-9, GPC III: 2618, EIEC 336, Schrijver 1995: 376.
Proto-Celtic: *ofi-bѓ 'beauty, appearance'
Old Irish: oiґb [ѓ f and m]
Proto-Indo-European: *h1opi-bheh2
Page in Pokorny: 104
IE cognates: abhi-bhѓ 'inauspicious omen'
Notes: The PIE root is *bheh2- 'shine' (Skt. bhѓґti 'shines', etc.).
References: Joseph 1982a 176, Uhlich 2002 412
Proto-Celtic: *ofi-belѓ 'spark, flame' [Noun]
Old Irish: oiґbell [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: ufel [m]
Proto-Indo-European: *h1opi-bhelPage in Pokorny: 119
Notes: Vendrye°s (LEIA O-15) doubts this etymology and relates the OIr. word to oiґb 'beauty,
prosperity', which does not seem convincing.
References: LEIA O-15, GPC III: 3699
Proto-Celtic: *ogwno- 'lamb' [Noun]
Old Irish: uґan [o m]
Middle Welsh: oen [m and f]; wyЇn [p]
Middle Breton: oan
Cornish: oin gl. agnus (OCo.), MCo. oan, on
Proto-Indo-European: *h2egwno- 'lamb'
Page in Pokorny: 9
IE cognates: Lat. agnus, Gr. amnoґs, OE eґanian
Notes: The word initial *o- in Celtic is analogical (perhaps under the influence of *owi'sheep'). However, this change may have occurred only in British (since in OIr., PCelt.
*agwno- would likewise have yielded uґan), in which case the correct reconstruction is
*agwnoReferences: LEIA U-7f., GPC III: 2623, EIEC 510
Proto-Celtic: *olo- 'behind' [Preposition]
Old Irish: ol 1. 'beyond' 2. 'than' (Preposition with comparative)
Proto-Indo-European: *h2elPage in Pokorny: 24f.
IE cognates: OLat. ollus 'that' < *alno-, OCS lani 'in the past year'
Notes: The OIr. adverb and preposition ol is used in comparative constructions, e.g. Wb.
12a21 is sochrudiu laґam oldoґ-sa 'hand is more beautiful than I am'. Word initial *o instead of
the expected a- is due to early assimilation (*alo- > *olo-).
References: LEIA O-18f.
Proto-Celtic: *olyo- 'all, whole, every' [Adjective]
Old Irish: uile [io]
Middle Welsh: oll, holl
Middle Breton: holl (OBret.), Bret. holl, oll
Cornish: hol
Gaulish: ollon [n] (Chamalie°res); Ollo-dagos [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *h3ol-yo- 'all'
IE cognates: Go. alls 'all, whole'
Notes: Another etymology, equally viable, relates these words to PIE *sol-yo- 'whole' (Skt.
saґrva-, Gr. hoґlos < *sol-wo-). This would help explain the traces of word initial *h- (< *s-) in
British (but in most instances that word-initial h- can be purely graphic, and positing PCelt.
*s- does not explain the Gaulish forms).
References: LEIA U-17f., GPC III: 2646, DGVB 213, Delamarre 241, Falileyev 87,
Schrijver 1995: 323, McCone 1996: 49.
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Proto-Celtic: *ol–nѓ 'elbow, angle' [Noun]
Old Irish: uilen [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: elinou [p] (OW), MW elin [f and m]
Middle Breton: elin
Cornish: elyn
Proto-Indo-European: *h3elЊn 'elbow'
Page in Pokorny: 307
IE cognates: Lat. ulna, Gr. oleґnЊ, Go. aleina, ToB alyiye 'palm'
References: LEIA U-18, GPC I: 1206, EIEC 98, 176, Falileyev 53, Matasovicґ 2004: 107
Proto-Celtic: *omiyo- 'copper, bronze' [Noun]
Old Irish: umae [io n]
Middle Welsh: (o) emid gl. ex aere (OW), W efydd [m]
Page in Pokorny: 777
See also: *omo- 'raw'
References: LEIA U-24, GPC I: 1172, Falileyev 53, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 355
Proto-Celtic: *omo- 'raw' [Adjective]
Old Irish: om [o]
Middle Welsh: of
Proto-Indo-European: *h2Ўўmo- 'raw'
Page in Pokorny: 777
IE cognates: Gr. Ўmoґs, Arm. hum, Khotanese hѓmaReferences: LEIA O-21, GPC III: 2629, EIEC 478.
Proto-Celtic: *onko- 'at' [Preposition]
Old Irish: oc [+Dat.]
Middle Welsh: wnc, wng 'near'
See also: *ank-o- 'reach'
References: LEIA 0-5, GPC III: 3732, GOI 524f.
Proto-Celtic: *orbo- 'heir, inheritor' [Noun]
Old Irish: orb [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *h3erbho- 'inheritance'
Page in Pokorny: 781
IE cognates: Lat. orbus 'orphan', Arm. orb
References: LEIA O-27f., EIEC 411, De Bernardo Stempel 391.
Proto-Celtic: *ordo/ѓ- 'hammer' [Noun]
Old Irish: ord [o m]
Middle Welsh: ord [f] (OW), MW orth
Middle Breton: ord gl. maleus (OBret.), Bret. orz [f]
Notes: Gaulish ethnonym Ordo-vices has also been related to this PCelt. etymon. For a
possible IE etymology, see Falileyev 126 (to Arm. uirn).
References: LEIA O-29, DGVB 277, GPC 1468, Delamarre 243f., Falileyev 126.
Proto-Celtic: *org-o- 'destroy' [Verb]
Old Irish: orgaid, -oirg; oirr, -orr [Subj.]; ieirr, -iarr [Fut.]; oirt, -ort [Pret.]; ortae, ort [Pret.
Middle Welsh: yny-orth [Impersonal Pass.]
Gaulish: orge [Impv.] 'kill'
Proto-Indo-European: *h3erg- 'perish'
Page in Pokorny: 819 (*perg-)
IE cognates: Hitt. harkzi, Arm. harkanem 'strike'
Notes: The Welsh simplex occurs only in Canu Aneurin (CA 13.315)
References: KPV 499ff., LIV 301, LEIA 0-30, LP 386f.,
Proto-Celtic: *oro- 'edge, limit' [Noun]
Old Irish: or [o m]
Middle Welsh: or [f] (GPC ЈЇr)
Middle Breton: orion (OBret.) gl. oram, MoBret. or
Cornish: or
References: LEIA O-26, GPC III: 2561, DGVB 277
Proto-Celtic: *osno- 'ash-tree' [Noun]
Old Irish: onn [? ?], uinnius [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: onn [Collective]; ynn [p]
Middle Breton: ounn, onn
Cornish: onnen gl. fraxus [Singulative]
Proto-Indo-European: *h3es-n- 'ash-tree'
Page in Pokorny: 782
IE cognates: Lat. ornus, Lith. uґosis
References: LEIA U-20, GPC III: 2649, LP 24, EIEC 32, Campanile 1974: 84.
Proto-Celtic: *ow(x)selo- 'high, elevated' [Adjective]
Old Irish: uґasal [o]
Middle Welsh: uchel
Middle Breton: uchel, uhel (OBret.), Bret. huel
Cornish: huhel
Gaulish: Uxello-dunum, Uxama [Toponyms]
Proto-Indo-European: *h3owp-s- 'high'
Page in Pokorny: 1107
IE cognates: Gr. hyґpsos 'height, summit', Lat. sup-er 'above'
References: LEIA U-10, GPC III: 3693, DGVB 326, Delamarre 330
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Proto-Celtic: *owgro- 'cold' [Adjective]
Old Irish: uґar [o]
Middle Welsh: oer
Cornish: oir gl. frigidam (OCo.)
Gaulish: Ogron- 'a winter month in the Calender of Coligny' (fifth month of the year)
Proto-Indo-European: *h2owg- 'cold'
Page in Pokorny: 783
IE cognates: Arm. oyc 'cold'
References: LEIA U-8f., GPC III: 2624, Delamarre 239f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 228.
Proto-Celtic: *owi- 'sheep' [Noun]
Old Irish: oiґ [m]
Proto-Indo-European: *h3ewi- 'sheep'
Page in Pokorny: 784
IE cognates: Luw. hawi-, Oind. aґvi-, OE ewe
Notes: OIr. oiґ is an archaic, poetic word, known chiefly from glossaries and Laws.
References: LEIA O-14, EIEC 510.
Proto-Celtic: *ow–kѓ 'hind, doe' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: eguic (OW), W ewig [f]
Cornish: euhig gl. cerva (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *h3ewi-keh2 'little sheep'
Page in Pokorny: 784
IE cognates: Skt. avikѓґReferences: GPC I: 1262
Proto-Celtic: *owxs-anatѓ 'sigh' [Noun]
Old Irish: osnad [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: uchenaid [f]; ucheneid(i)au, uchenediau, ucheneidion [p]
Middle Breton: huanad 'sigh'
See also: *owxso-, *ana- 'breathe'
Notes: OBret. huan 'breath' appears to preserve the underived *owxsanoReferences: GPC III: 3697, GOI 526, DGVB 214
Proto-Celtic: *owxsV- 'high' [Adjective]
Old Irish: uґais 'high, noble'
Middle Welsh: uchaf 'highest'
Cornish: a-іgh
Gaulish: Uxisama, Uxama [Toponyms]
Celtiberian: usama [Superlative]
See also: *owfselo-, *owxsoReferences: LEIA U-4f., GPC III: 3692, Villar 1997.
Proto-Celtic: *owxso- 'above' [Preposition]
Old Irish: oґs [+Dat.] 'above'
Middle Welsh: uch
Cornish: (a) ugh
Gaulish: (a) uz
Proto-Indo-European: *h3owpso- 'above'
IE cognates: Gr. hyґpsi
References: LEIA O-32, GOI 527
Proto-Celtic: *owxtu- 'cold' [Noun]
Old Irish: uґacht [u m]
Proto-Indo-European: *h3ewg'- 'be cold'
Page in Pokorny: 783
IE cognates: Lith. aґu«ti 'become cold, Arm. oyc 'cold'
References: LEIA 0-7, EIEC 113.
Proto-Celtic: *oxtі 'eight' [Numeral]
Old Irish: ocht [nasalizing]
Middle Welsh: oith (OW), MW wyth
Middle Breton: eith (OBret.), MBret. eiz
Cornish: eath
Gaulish: oxtumetos 'eighth'
Proto-Indo-European: *h3ek'toh1 'eight'
Page in Pokorny: 775
IE cognates: Lat. octЎ, Gr. oktЎґ, Go. ahtau
References: LEIA O-7, GPC III: 3746, EIEC 100, 402., Falileyev 124f., 153, LHEB 405,
Delamarre 246, Schrijver 1995: 350.
Proto-Celtic: *oyno- 'one' [Numeral]
Old Irish: oґen
Middle Welsh: un (OW and MW)
Middle Breton: un (OBret.), MBret. un
Cornish: un
Proto-Indo-European: *h3ey-no- 'one'
Page in Pokorny: 12
IE cognates: OLat. oinos, Lat. іnus, Go. ains, OCS inъ
Notes: Other IE languages form the numeral 'one' from the same root (*h3ey-), but with
different suffixes, e. g. *-ko- in Skt. eґka-, *-wo- in Avest. aiva-, etc.
References: LEIA O-10f., GPC III: 3702ff., DGVB 327, EIEC 12, Falileyev 154.
Proto-Celtic: *oyto- 'oath' [Noun]
Old Irish: oeth [o m]
Middle Welsh: an-utonau (OW) gl. periuria [p]
Proto-Indo-European: *h1oy-toPage in Pokorny: 295
IE cognates: OHG eid 'oath', ToB aittanka 'directed toward'.
Notes: Presumably this is a derivative of the root *h1ey- 'to go'; the original meaning of
'oath' in Celtic and Germanic would be 'a going, path'. This could be motivated by the
custom of walking between pieces of sacrificed animals to give force to the oath.
References: LEIA O-12, EIEC 408f., Falileyev 8, Benveniste 1969, II, ch. 3.
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Proto-Celtic: *rannѓ 'part' [Noun]
Old Irish: rann [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: rann [f] 'share' (OW), MW ran, rann [f] (GPC rhan)
Middle Breton: rannou gl. partimonia (OBret.), MBret. rann
Cornish: ran
Notes: OW hapax guorenniou 'fractions, subdivisions' might be related according to
Falileyev 73. Outside Celtic, a connection with Lat. pars 'part' appears probable, in which
case the correct reconstruction is *frasnѓ (Pokorny 817).
References: LEIA R-7, GPC III: 3035f., DGVB 293, Falileyev 73, GPC 3035, Schrijver
1995: 135.
Proto-Celtic: *razd-o- 'scrape, scratch' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: rhathu (W)
Middle Breton: rahein (Vannetais) 'scrape, shave'
Proto-Indo-European: *(H)reh2s-dh(h1)o- 'shear, scratch, shave'
Page in Pokorny: 854 (*rЊd-)
IE cognates: Lat. rѓdo 'shave'
References: KPV 528f., LIV 496, GPC III: 3040
Proto-Celtic: *rati- 'fern' [Noun]
Old Irish: raith [i f]
Middle Welsh: rhedyn [p]; rhedynen [Singulative]
Middle Breton: reden, radenenn
Cornish: reden gl. filex, MoCo. redanan
Gaulish: ratis, Ratiate [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *perHt- 'fern'
Page in Pokorny: 850
IE cognates: Skt. paґrpata- 'medicinal herb', Lith. papaґrtis
References: LEIA R-4f., GPC III: 3046, Delamarre 254
Proto-Celtic: *reg-o- 'extend, stretch' [Verb]
Old Irish: a-t-raig 'stand up' < *eks-reg-o-; -reґ [Subj.], -reґ [Fut.]; -recht [Pret.]; -recht [Pret.
Middle Welsh: re 'get up' [3s Pres.]
Middle Breton: gurre 'rise, get up' < *wor-reg-o- (OBret.), MBret. re 'leads, drives'
Gaulish: regu-c [1s Pres.]
Proto-Indo-European: *h3reg'-o- 'extend, stretch, rule'
Page in Pokorny: 854ff.
IE cognates: Skt. rѓґs·ti 'rules', Gr. oreґgЎ 'extend', Lat. rego 'rule,
See also: *r–g-s 'king'
Notes: Lambert 1994: 157 gives another possible interpretation of Gaul. reguc
References: KPV 530ff., GPC III: 3042, DGVB 202, 293, LIV 304f., LEIA R-13f., LP 388f.,
RIG II.269f.
Proto-Celtic: *regini- 'tough, hard'
Old Irish: rigin [i]
Middle Welsh: rein, rain 'stiff, rigid' (GPC rhain)
See also: *reg-o- 'stretch'
References: LEIA R-30, GPC III: 3033
Proto-Celtic: *rek-o- 'arrange' [Verb]
Old Irish: ad-eirrig 'repeat, make better' < ati-eri-rek-oProto-Indo-European: *(H)rekPage in Pokorny: 863
IE cognates: Skt. racayati 'makes, prepares', OCS resўti 'say'
Notes: The Irish forms are usually related to PCelt. *reg-o- 'extend'; I follow KPV 536f. in
attributing them to PIE *(H)rek-.
References: KPV 536f., LIV 506, LEIA R-13
Proto-Celtic: *rem-–- 'place, put' [Verb]
Old Irish: fo-ruimi, -fuirmi, (later as simplex) fuirid < *wo-rim-–
Proto-Indo-European: *h1rem- 'be still'
Page in Pokorny: 864
IE cognates: Skt. raґmate 'places oneself, stops', Gr. Њreґma 'quiet', Go. rimis 'rest', Lith.
r°imsta 'becomes quiet'
References: LEIA R-31
Proto-Celtic: *remesso- 'period of time' [Noun]
Old Irish: reimes [o m]
Middle Breton: remsy
Notes: MIr. reimse 'time' (DIL, s. v.) is derived from reimes.
References: LEIA R-17
Proto-Celtic: *remro- 'great, fat, thick' [Adjective]
Old Irish: remor [o]
Middle Welsh: ref (GPC rhef)
References: LEIA R-19, GPC III: 3047, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 233ff.
Proto-Celtic: *rentu- 'thing, matter' [Noun]
Old Irish: reґt [u m]
Proto-Indo-European: *ren-tPage in Pokorny: 865
IE cognates: Skt. raґtna- 'possession, precious object'
References: LEIA R-22, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 93.
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Proto-Celtic: *renwo- 'quick, fast' [Adjective]
Old Irish: renn [o] 'quick', substantivized rend, renn 'foot, leg'
Middle Welsh: rin (GPC rhynn) 'quick, unyielding, stiff, brave, fierce'
Cornish: rynny 'trembling'
Proto-Indo-European: *ren- ? 'run'
IE cognates: OHG rinnan 'run'
References: LEIA R-20, GPC III: 3140
Proto-Celtic: *ret-o- 'run' [Verb]
Old Irish: reithid, -reith; reiss, -reґ [Subj.]; reiss, -reґ [Fut.]; raґith [Pret.]; ressae, -ress [Pret.
Middle Welsh: retit [3s Pres.] (OW), MW redec; red [3s Pres.] (GPC rhedeg)
Middle Breton: redec
Cornish: resek
Proto-Indo-European: *(H)reth2Page in Pokorny: 866
IE cognates: Lat. rota 'wheel', Skt. rathaґ- 'chariot'
See also: *roto- 'wheel'
Notes: This PIE root is attested only in Celtic as a verbal root; there is no doubt, however,
that the PIE words for 'wheel, chariot' (OIr. roth) are derived from it.
References: KPV 538, LEIA R-23, GPC III: 3043, LIV 507, Falileyev 137.
Proto-Celtic: *retu- 'course'
Old Irish: riuth, rith [u m]
Middle Welsh: red (GPCrhed) [f and m]
Middle Breton: red [m]
See also: *ret-o- 'run'
References: LEIA R-34f., GPC III: 3043, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 95, 288
Proto-Celtic: *rextu- 'fury, outburst of anger' [Noun]
Old Irish: recht [u m]
Middle Welsh: rheith 'booty'
References: LEIA R-12, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 288
Proto-Celtic: *rextu- 'rule, law' [Noun]
Old Irish: recht [u m]
Middle Welsh: reyth (GPC rhaith) [f] 'law, sermon, jury, verdict'
Middle Breton: reiz 'law, rule, arrangement'
Gaulish: Rectu-genus, Rextu-genus
Celtiberian: retu-keno [Gen s, PN]
See also: *reg-o- 'extend, stretch'
References: LEIA R-12, GPC III: 3033, EIEC 485, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 291, Meid
1994: 45f., Meid 2005: 125f.
Proto-Celtic: *ri-na- 'count, sell, exchange' [Verb]
Old Irish: renaid 'sell, exchange'; rieid, -ria [Subj.]; ririd, -rir [Fut.]; rir [Pret.]; riґthae, -riґth
[Pret. Pass.]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2reyHPage in Pokorny: 60f. (*ari-)
IE cognates: Gr. aґrithmos 'number'
See also: *r–mѓ 'number'
Notes: Another possibility is to relate these words to OIr. ernaid 'bestow'.
References: KPV 551f., LEIA R-19f.
Proto-Celtic: *rendi- 'point, peak' [Noun]
Old Irish: rind [i m]
Middle Breton: gabl-rinn 'fourche a° pointe' (OBret.)
Notes: The OBret. compound gablrinn has the exact parallel in Ir. gabhal-rind. It is unclar
whether OIr. rind [i n] 'star' is originally the same word, or an accidental homonym without
References: LEIA R-232, DGVB 297.
Proto-Celtic: *rig-o- 'bind' [Verb]
Old Irish: con-rig < *kom-rig-o- 'bind together'; con-reґ [Subj.]; con-rir [Fut.]; con-reraig
[Pret.]; con-recht [Pret. Pass.]
Middle Welsh: gwarwy < *wo-rig-o- 'play' (GPC gwarwy, gwary)
Middle Breton: hoari < *wo-rig-o- 'play'
Cornish: guariow [p] 'games'
Proto-Indo-European: *(H)reyg(')Page in Pokorny: 861
IE cognates: Lat. rigeo 'be stiff', MHG ricken 'bind'
References: GPC II: 1589, KPV 546ff., LIV 503,
Proto-Celtic: *rig-o- 'go' [Verb]
Old Irish: rigaid, -riga, -rega 'will go' [Fut. of teґit 'goes']; eirgg 'go' [Impv.]
Proto-Indo-European: *h1erg'hPage in Pokorny: 326ff.
IE cognates: Gr. eґrkhomai, orkheґomai 'dance'
References: KPV 549ff, LIV 238f., LP 399ff., LEIA R-15f.
Proto-Celtic: *rig-o- 'stretch' [Verb]
Old Irish: rigid, -rig 'stretch'; reґiss, -reґ; riris, -rir [Fut.]; reraig [Pret.]; rechtae, -recht [Pret.
Middle Breton: ren 'lead'
Gaulish: regu (Lezoux) [1 s Pres.]
Proto-Indo-European: *(H)reyg'Page in Pokorny: 862
IE cognates: OE raec(e)an 'reach', Lith. reґiјti 'stretch'
See also: *rig-oNotes: Some linguists, e. g. McCone (1991) prefer to derive OIr. rigid from a Narten-type
present (PIE *h3rЊg'-, with the lengthened grade). I adopted the etymologies presented in LIV
and KPV.
References: KPV 543f., LIV 503, LEIA R-13, Delamarre 256
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Proto-Celtic: *frixtu- 'form, appearance' [Noun]
Old Irish: richt [u m]
Middle Welsh: rith [m] (GPCrhith) 'species, form, aspect'
Middle Breton: (ar)rith gl. penace .i. imago (OBret.)
Proto-Indo-European: *prep- 'appear'
Page in Pokorny: 845
IE cognates: Gr. preґpЎ 'appear', Arm. erewim 'be evident, appear'
References: LEIA R-29, GPC III: 3080f., EIEC 25
Proto-Celtic: *reya-tro- 'torrent, waterfall' [Noun]
Old Irish: riґathor [o m]
Middle Welsh: reatir [p] gl. torrentum (OW), MW rhaeadr [f and m] (GPC rhaeadr, rheadr)
See also: *rЊnoReferences: LEIA R-28, GPC III: 2997, Falileyev 135, LHEB 337, GPC 2997, Schrijver
1995: 258, 385, McCone 1996: 52.
Proto-Celtic: *roto- 'wheel, chariot' [Noun]
Old Irish: roth [o m]
Middle Welsh: rot [f] (GPC rhod)
Middle Breton: rot
Cornish: rЈЇs (MoCo.)
Gaulish: Roto-magus [Toponym] >'Rouen'
Proto-Indo-European: *(H)roth2o- 'wheel', literally 'runner'
Page in Pokorny: 866
IE cognates: Skt. raґtha-, Lat. rota, OHG rad
See also: *ret-o- 'run'
References: LEIA R-45f., GPC III: 3083, EIEC 98, 491, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 45, 525,
Matasovicґ 2004: 114, Delamarre 262
Proto-Celtic: *rowdo- 'red' [Adjective]
Old Irish: ruґad [o]
Middle Welsh: rud (OW), W rhudd
Middle Breton: rud gl. rufus (OBret.), MoBret. ruz
Cornish: rud gl. ruber (OCo.), MCo. ruth, ruyth
Gaulish: Roudius [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *h1rewdh- 'red'
Page in Pokorny: 872
IE cognates: Skt. rudhirґa-, Lat. ruber, G erythroґs, OE reґad
Notes: Another derivative from this root in Celtic, but with probably PIE pedigree, is OIr.
ruґam 'red dye' < PCelt. *rowd-smon-, cp. Stifter 1998.
References: LEIA R-47, GPC III: 3099, EIEC 481, Delamarre 263, Falileyev 139, Campanile
1974: 91., Stifter 1998: 208f.
Proto-Celtic: *rowesyѓ 'field, open ground' [Noun]
Old Irish: roґe [iѓ, f]
Proto-Indo-European: *rewHos- 'open space'
Page in Pokorny: 874
IE cognates: Lat. rіs 'village, countryside', Avest. ravЎ, OE rіm 'space, room'
References: LEIA R-38f., EIEC 534, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 205.
Proto-Celtic: *royno- 'route, road' [Noun]
Old Irish: roen [o m]
Middle Breton: run 'mound'
Proto-Indo-European: *roynoPage in Pokorny: 857
IE cognates: OHG rein 'border'
References: LEIA R-39
Proto-Celtic: *ru-n-d-o- 'paint red' [Verb]
Old Irish: rondaid, -roind; roґiss, -roґ [Subj.]; roraid [Pret.]; rossae, -ross [Pret. Pass.]
Proto-Indo-European: *(h1)rewdh- 'red'
Page in Pokorny: 872f.
IE cognates: Gr. ereuґthЎ 'paint red'
See also: *rud-–- 'redden'
References: KPV 553f., LIV 508f.
Proto-Celtic: *rud-–- 'redden, become red' [Verb]
Old Irish: ruidid, -ruidi
Proto-Indo-European: *(h1)rewdh- 'red'
Page in Pokorny: 872f.
IE cognates: Lat. rubeo 'be red', OHG rotЊn 'be red'
See also: *rowdo- 'red'
References: KPV 553, LIV 508f., Stifter 1998: 210
Proto-Celtic: *rѓ-yo- 'row' [Verb]
Old Irish: raґiЁd, -raґ; reraid, -rera [Fut.], rerais, -rerae [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *h1reh1- 'row'
Page in Pokorny: 338
IE cognates: Gr. (Mycenaean) e-re-e 'row', OE rЎwan, Lith. i°rti
References: KPV 529f., LIV 251f., LEIA R-1f., LP 387
Proto-Celtic: *rѓd-–- 'talk' [Verb]
Old Irish: raґdid, radid, -radi 'talk'
Middle Welsh: amraud (OW) 'thought, meditation', W amrawdd [m] 'mind'
Proto-Indo-European: *(H)reh1dh- 'perform successfully'
Page in Pokorny: 59f.
IE cognates: Skt. rѓdh- 'perform successfully', OCS raditi 'take care of', Go. rodjan 'talk'
See also: *ambi-rѓd-–- 'think'
References: LEIA R-3, Falileyev 6, GPC I: 199.
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Proto-Celtic: *rѓno- 'mane' [Noun]
Old Irish: roґn [o m]
Middle Welsh: raun [m] (GPC rhawn)
Middle Breton: reun
Cornish: ruen
Notes: According to Pedersen (VKG I: 49) OIr. roґn was borrowed from British.
References: LEIA R-42f., GPC III: 3041
Proto-Celtic: *rѓti- 'fort, rampart' [Noun]
Old Irish: raґth, raґith [i an o, m and f]
Middle Welsh: bedd-rawd 'cemetery'
Middle Breton: bez-ret 'cemetery'
Gaulish: ratin [Acc.]
Proto-Indo-European: *preh2t-i- 'field'
Page in Pokorny: 843
IE cognates: Lat. prѓtum 'field'
References: LEIA R-9, Delamarre 243, McCone 1996: 52
Proto-Celtic: *rЊd-o- 'ride' [Verb]
Old Irish: reґidid, -reґid; reraid [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *(H)reydh- 'ride'
Page in Pokorny: 861
IE cognates: OE r–dan, Lith. riede†ґti 'roll'
References: KPV 535, LEIA R-26
Proto-Celtic: *rЊd-smen- 'movement, course' [Noun]
Old Irish: reґimm [n]
See also: *rЊd-o- 'ride'
References: LEIA R-18, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 551
Proto-Celtic: *rЊdi- 'simple, flat' [Adjective]
Old Irish: reґid [i] 'simple, easy, flat'
Middle Welsh: ruid (OW) gl. uacuum, W rhwydd 'easy, quick'
Middle Breton: ruet (OBret.), MBret. rouez gl. rarus
Proto-Indo-European: *reyd- 'ride, drive'
Page in Pokorny: 861
IE cognates: OHG bi-reiti 'ready'
References: LEIA R-17, GPC III: 3112, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 70
Proto-Celtic: *rЊdo- 'the act of riding, chariot' [Noun]
Old Irish: riґad [o n] 'riding, driving, voyage'
Middle Welsh: gorwydd 'horse' < *wo-rЊdoGaulish: rЊda > Lat. rЊda 'chariot'
See also: *rЊd-oReferences: LEIA R-26, Delamarre 256
Proto-Celtic: *rЊg-smen- 'bond' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: ruimmein (OW) [p]
See also: *rig-o- 'bind'
References: Falileyev 140
Proto-Celtic: *rЊk-o- 'tear apart' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: rwygaw (GPC rhwygo)
Middle Breton: roegaff
Proto-Indo-European: *h1reyk'- 'crush'
Page in Pokorny: 858
IE cognates: Gr. ereiґkЎ
References: KPV 535f., LIV504, GPC III: 3115, LP 41
Proto-Celtic: *rЊno- 'large expanse of water' [Noun]
Old Irish: riґan [o m] 'sea, course, route'
Gaulish: RЊnos > Lat. RhЊnus 'Rhine'
Proto-Indo-European: *reyH- 'flow'
Page in Pokorny: 330
IE cognates: Skt. r–yate 'flows', OE riґ‹ 'stream', Lat. r–vus 'river'
Notes: Gaul. rЊnos 'river' is the source of Old French rhin 'stream'
References: LEIA R-27, Delamarre 257, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 254
Proto-Celtic: *r–g- 'king' [Noun]
Old Irish: riґ [g m]
Middle Welsh: ri (OW), MW ri [m] (GPC rhi)
Gaulish: Rigomagus [Toponym], Catu-rix [PN]
Celtiberian: Teiuo-reikis [PN] (K.6.1)
Proto-Indo-European: *(H)rЊg'- 'king'
Page in Pokorny: 855
IE cognates: Skt. rѓj-, Lat. rЊx
Notes: There have been some justified doubts about the existence of the PIE word for 'king'
(see Matasovicґ 2004: 85 and the literature quoted there). Perhaps PIE *(H)rЊg's meant
'power, force', or something similar.
References: LEIA R-25, GPC III: 3065, EIEC , De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 30ff., 177,
Delamarre 261, McCone 1998, Schrijver 1995: 193, , Coґlera 1998: 21, Matasovicґ 2004: 85
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Proto-Celtic: *r–gan– 'queen' [Noun]
Old Irish: riґgain [– f]
Middle Welsh: riein [f] 'young girl, virgin' (GPC rhiain)
Gaulish: rigani
Proto-Indo-European: *(H)rЊg'nih2 'queen'
Page in Pokorny: 856
IE cognates: Skt. rѓґjnў–, Lat. rЊg–na
References: LEIA R-20, GPC III: 3065, EIEC 280, 329, Lambert 1994: 145f., Delamarre
258, McCone 1998
Proto-Celtic: *r–mѓ 'number, count' [Noun]
Old Irish: riґm [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: rif [m] (GPC rhif)
Middle Breton: ri(m) gl. summa (OBret.)
Cornish: ryvow [p] 'numbers'
Proto-Indo-European: *h2reyH- 'count'
Page in Pokorny: 60
IE cognates: Gr. arithmoґs 'number', OE riґm 'number, calculation'
Notes: PGerm. *r–ma 'number', from which OE riґm is derived, could be a loanword from
References: LEIA R-30f., GPC III: 3069, DGVB 296, EIEC 397, LP 6, De Bernardo Stempel
1999: 246
Proto-Celtic: *rіnѓ 'secret, magic' [Noun]
Old Irish: ruґn [ѓ f] 'mystery, secret'
Middle Welsh: rin [m and f] 'mystery, charm' (GPC rhin)
Middle Breton: rin 'secret, wisdom'
Cornish: Rin-duran [PN]
Gaulish: Cob-runus (?) < *kom-rіno- [PN]
Lepontic: Runatis (?) [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *rewHPage in Pokorny: 867
IE cognates: Go. rіna 'secret'
References: LEIA R-53f., GPC III: 3075, Ellis Evans 1967: 183, Delamarre 123
Proto-Celtic: *rіўsk(l)o- 'bark' [Noun]
Old Irish: ruґsc [o m]
Middle Welsh: risgl [m] (GPC rhisgl, rhisg)
Middle Breton: rusk, ruskl 'bark', ruskenn 'beehive'
Cornish: rusk gl. cortex (OCo.), MCo. risc
Gaulish: rusca (MLat. > Fr. ruche 'beehive')
Notes: It is possible that some of the British forms (with -u-) were borrowed from Goidelic,
or Romance, in the prehistoric period. The vocalism of OIr. ruscґ is probably original. If it is
inherited from PIE, then perhaps Celt. *rіsko- should be analyzed as *rі-sko- and related to
ON ryґja 'shear (of sheep), OCS ryti 'dig', L ruo, etc. (PIE *rewH-, LIV 461, Pokorny 868).
The original meaning would have been 'that which is scratched, sheared'. OIr. ruґsc etc. would
then be substantivized adjectives (similar formations are well attested in Celtic, cp. *trussko'dirty', *brisko- 'weak', perhaps also *dolisko- 'seaweed'. Gaul. rusca is actually attested
only indirectly, via the Medieval Latin (9th century) loanword rusca 'beehive'.
References: LEIA R-54, GPC III: 3079, Delamarre 264.
Proto-Celtic: *sag-yo- 'seek' [Verb]
Old Irish: saigid, -saig; saґiss, -saґ [Subj.]; sieis, -sia [Fut.]; siacht [Pret.]; sachtae, -sacht [Pret.
Proto-Indo-European: *seh2g(')- 'search, follow tracks'
Page in Pokorny: 876f.
IE cognates: Gr. hЊgeґomai, Lat. sѓgio, Go. sokjan
Notes: The British parallels are denominatives W haeddu 'attempt', Corn. hethy, hedhy,
MBret. dir-haes. The Gaulish ethnonym Tecto-sagi is probably also related, as well as the PN
Curmi-sagius ('beer-seeker'?) attested in Pannonia (Meid 2005: 152). Cp. also Gaul.
sagitiontias (Larzac), where we may have the attestation of the 3p Pres. of the verb 'to seek'
in Gaulish.
References: GPC II: 1803, KPV 555ff., LIV 520, LEIA S-9ff., LP 391f., Delamarre 265,
Meid 2005: 152.
Proto-Celtic: *sagro- 'firm, strong' [Adjective]
Old Irish: saґr [o m] 'excess'
Middle Welsh: haer 'firm, tenacious, importunate'
Middle Breton: Haer-mael (OBret.) [PN]
Gaulish: Ambi-sagrus [PN]
Notes: These words are usually derived from the root *segh- 'be victorious' (OIr. seg 'force',
etc.), but the a-vocalism is difficult to explain.
References: LEIA S-25f., GPC II: 1807, Delamarre 265
Proto-Celtic: *sakro- 'ugly' [Adjective]
Middle Welsh: hagr
Middle Breton: hagr
Cornish: hager
Gaulish: Sacro-bena [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *sakro- 'consecrated'
Page in Pokorny: 878
IE cognates: Lat. sacer , ToB sѓkre 'happy'
Notes: For the semantic connection of the Celtic words with those in other languages, see
Delamarre 264f.
References: GPC II: 1811, Delamarre 264f., Schrijver 1995: 383
Proto-Celtic: *salano- 'salt' [Noun]
Old Irish: salann [o ?]
Middle Welsh: halen [m] (GPC halen, halaen)
Middle Breton: holen
Cornish: haloin
Proto-Indo-European: *seh2l 'salt' (Gen. *sh2l-os)
Page in Pokorny: 878
IE cognates: Lat. sѓl, Gr. haґls, OCS solь
Notes: It is difficult to reconcile the attested forms with a single proto-form. The Brit. words
can be derived from PCelt. *salЊno- < *saleyno-, while OIr. salann points to a PIE derived
stem *sh2l-Hno- > PCelt. salano-.
References: LEIA S-18, GPC II: 1816, EIEC 498, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 130
Proto-Celtic: *salik- 'willow' [Noun]
Old Irish: sail [k f]
Middle Welsh: helyg [p], helygen [Singulative]
Middle Breton: halek
Gaulish: Salico-genne [Dat. PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *sh2elik- 'willow'
Page in Pokorny: 879
IE cognates: Lat. salix, OHG salaha
Notes: Because of their vocalism, these words are difficult to reconcile with Gr. heliґkЊ
'willow'. Maybe one should reconstruct *selik-, and derive the West-IE words (Celtic,
Germanic, and Italic) from a proto-form *sl•-ik-, with a secondary zero-grade. In any case, the
shape of this root appears non-Indo-European, so it is probably an early borrowing from some
unknown source.
References: LEIA S-13, GPC II: 1846, EIEC 643, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 179,
Delamarre 265
Proto-Celtic: *salѓ 'dirt' [Noun]
Old Irish: sal [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: halou gl. stercora (OW); halauc 'dirty' (OW), W halog
Middle Breton: haloc gl. (in ueste) lugubri (OBret.)
IE cognates: OE salu 'dirty'
Notes: Some linguists derive this word from the PIE root *seh2l- 'salt', but I find this dubious
on semantic grounds. W halog and OBret. haloc have the exact parallel in OIr. salach 'dirty' <
*salѓkoReferences: LEIA S-16, GPC II: 1816, DGVB 206, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 51, 58,
Matasovicґ 2004: 130.
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Proto-Celtic: *samali- 'similitude, description' [Noun]
Old Irish: samail [i f]
Middle Welsh: hafal
Middle Breton: -hemel [in PN], MBret. haual
Cornish: haval 'similar'
Proto-Indo-European: *sem-elPage in Pokorny: 903
IE cognates: Lat. similis 'similar', Gr. hamaloґs 'equal'
Notes: The Celtic forms could be derived from a proto-form *semHli- by Joseph's rule (*ema
> *ama).
References: LEIA S-21f., GPC II: 1808, EIEC 499, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 51, 499ff.
Proto-Celtic: *samalo- 'like, as' [Preposition]
Old Irish: amal [aspirating, +Acc.]
Middle Welsh: amal (OW), MW val, mal
Middle Breton: hemel (OBret.), MBret. heuel
See also: *samaliReferences: DGVB 208, GOI 500f.
Proto-Celtic: *samo- 'summer' [Noun]
Old Irish: sam [o m]
Middle Welsh: ham (OW), MW haf [m]
Middle Breton: ham (OBret.), MBret. haff
Cornish: haf gl. estas (OCo.)
Gaulish: Samo-gnatius [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *sem- 'warm season, summer'
Page in Pokorny: 905
IE cognates: Skt. saґmѓ 'season', OE sumor 'summer', Arm. am 'year', ToA s·me 'summer'
References: LEIA S-19, GPC II: 1808, DGVB 206, EIEC 504, LHEB 513, Falileyev 81, De
Bernardo Stempel 1999: 36, 47, 252, Delamarre 266, Campanile 1974: 61.
Proto-Celtic: *samo-sesk– 'heifer, sterile cow' [Noun]
Old Irish: samaisc [– f]
Middle Welsh: Hafesp [Hydronym]
Middle Breton: hanvesk, hanveskenn 'sterile cow'
References: LEIA S-23
Proto-Celtic: *samoni- '(feast of the) first month of the year' [Noun]
Old Irish: samain '(assembly on the) 1st of November' [i f]
Gaulish: samonProto-Indo-European: *somon- 'reunion, assembly'
Page in Pokorny: 905
IE cognates: Skt. samana-, Go. samana
Notes: The Gaulish form, occurring in the Coligny Calender, is abbreviated; it can be
reconstructed either as Nom. s. *samonios, or as *samonos (or *samonis), if it is the Gen. s.
The original meaning of *samoni- would be 'assembly of the living and the dead', cp.
Delamarre 267
References: LEIA S-22f., EIEC 646, Delamarre 267
Proto-Celtic: *san-na- 'reach'[Verb]
Old Irish: seinnid, -seinn 'reach, bring someone to something'; seґiss, -seґ [Subj.]; sifais, sif(e) [Fut.]; sephaind [Pret.]; seґssae, -seґss [Pret. Pass.]
Gaulish: ? soniti
Celtiberian: ? uer-zoniti [3s] (Botorrita I)
Proto-Indo-European: *senh2- 'reach, find, attain'
Page in Pokorny: 906
IE cognates: Hitt. sanahzi 'seeks', Skt. sanoґti 'attains'
References: KPV 558ff., LIV 532f., Lambert 1994: 173, LEIA S-86f., Delamarre 278, Coґlera
1998: 89, 186.
Proto-Celtic: *sanesto- '(secret) advice' [Noun]
Old Irish: sanas [m and f] 'whisper, secret advice, counsel'
Middle Welsh: hanes [m and f] 'history, secret'
Cornish: hanas, hanys
Notes: IE etymologies mentioned in LEIA S-24 are too speculative. It is probable, however,
that these Celtic forms are related to PIE root *sen(H)- 'old'; maybe we should start with
*senHsto- > *senasto- > PCelt. *sanasto- (by Joseph's rule)? Or should we assume metathesis
*senasto- > *sanesto-?
References: LEIA S-24, GPC II: 1819, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 51.
Proto-Celtic: *sani 'different' [Adjective]
Old Irish: sain [i] 'particular, different, distinct'
Middle Welsh: han gl. alium (OW), W h…n [m] 'separation'. Also used as a preposition, OW
hanaud 'from him', MW ohanaw
Middle Breton: han (OBret.) 'except, different from', Bret. a-hanoff 'from me'
Cornish: o-hanaw 'from him'
Proto-Indo-European: *senH-/snH-iPage in Pokorny: 907
IE cognates: Lat. sine 'without', ToA sne, OHG sun-tar 'apart'
References: LEIA S-14f., GPC II: 1818, DGVB 206, EIEC 24, Falileyev 81
Proto-Celtic: *sasyo- 'barley' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: haidd [m]
Middle Breton: heiz; heizen(n) [Singulative]
Gaulish: (s)asia (?) 'rye'
Proto-Indo-European: *sh1-sPage in Pokorny: 880
IE cognates: Skr. sasyaґ- 'corn, fruit', Hitt. sЊsaNotes: Gaul. asia is known only from Plyny (secale Taurini sub Alpibus asiam vocant), so the
existence of this word is uncertain. Delamarre does not mention it. The PIE root is probably
*seh1- 'to sow', but derivations are difficult: the Celtic forms must be from the zero-grade
*sh1s-, Skt. sasyaґ- (and Ved. sasaґ- 'food') are from *sh1-es-, while Hitt. sЊsa- might represent
*seh1-s- and *sh1e-s-. Perhaps one should start from a PIE neuter *sh1es / *sh1s-os.
References: GPC II: 1814, Hamp 1985
Proto-Celtic: *sati-, *satyo- 'swarm, throng' [Noun]
Old Irish: saithe [io m]
Middle Welsh: haid [f]; heidiau [p]
Middle Breton: hed [m]
Proto-Indo-European: *sh1-tiPage in Pokorny: 890
See also: *s–lo- 'seed'
Notes: The PIE root is *seh1- 'sow' (Lat. sero, etc.)
References: LEIA S-16, GPC II: 1813, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 445, 527
Total of 1215 records 122 pages
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Proto-Celtic: *saytlo- 'age, lifetime' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: hoedl [f] (GPC hoedl, hoeddl)
Middle Breton: hoidl, hoedl (OBret.), MBret. hoazl
Gaulish: Setlo-cenia [Theonym]
Proto-Indo-European: *seh2i-tloPage in Pokorny: 889f
IE cognates: Lat. saeculum, saeclum
Notes: The PIE root is *seh2i- 'link, bind' (Watkins, 'How to kill a dragon', 351)
References: LEIA S-12f., GPC II: 1883, Delamarre 272f., C. Watkins, How to kill a Dragon
in PIE, Cambridge 1995: 351.
Proto-Celtic: *saytu- 'illness' [Noun]
Old Irish: saeth [u m]
Middle Welsh: hoed [m] 'pain, regret'
Proto-Indo-European: *sh2ey-tuPage in Pokorny: 877
IE cognates: Lat. saeuus 'wild, ferocious' < *sh2ey-wo-, OE saґr 'sore' < *sh2ey-roReferences: LEIA S-6f., GPC II: 1883, EIEC 413
Proto-Celtic: *se(x)sman 'nail, rivet' [Noun]
Old Irish: seim(m) [n n]
Middle Welsh: hemm [f]
See also: *sego- 'force'
Notes: OIr. seimm is masculine in Irish Grammatical Tracts, and is attested only in Middle
and Modern Irish. It is built to the root *seg- 'to hold' (it is probably the original verbal noun
to that root).
References: LEIA S-71f., GPC II: 1847, Stµber 1998: 66f.
Proto-Celtic: *sed-o- 'sit' [Verb]
Old Irish: saidid, -said; seiss, -seґ [Subj.]; seiss, seґ [Fut.]; do-essaid [Pret.]
Middle Breton: hezaff 'stop'
Cornish: hedhi 'stop'
Proto-Indo-European: *sed- 'sit'
Page in Pokorny: 884-887
IE cognates: Skt. s–ґdati, Lat. sedeo, s–do, Go. satjan
References: KPV 560ff., LIV 513ff., LEIA S-7f., LP 391
Proto-Celtic: *sedlo- 'seat' [Noun]
Gaulish: caneco-sedlon (Autun)
Proto-Indo-European: *sed-lo- 'seat'
Page in Pokorny: 885f.
IE cognates: Lat. sella, Go. sitls 'throne'
References: Delamarre 269
Proto-Celtic: *sedos-, *s–dos- 'tumulus (inhabited by supernatural beings), peace' [Noun]
Old Irish: siґd [s n]
Middle Welsh: hedd [m and f] 'peace'
Proto-Indo-European: *sЊd-s / Gen. *sed-os 'seat'
Page in Pokorny: 885
IE cognates: Gr. heґdos 'seat', Lat. sЊdЊs
References: LEIA S-106, GPC II: 1834, EIEC 62, 152, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 52,
Proto-Celtic: *seg(m)-eto- 'seed' [Noun]
Old Irish: seґimed 'seed, descendants'
Middle Welsh: segeticion (OW) [p] gl. prolis, MW se, he 'scattering'
Proto-Indo-European: *seg- 'sow'
Page in Pokorny: 887
IE cognates: Lat. seges 'cornfield, crop'
Notes: LIV s. v. seґimed claims that this word is based on Lat. sЊmen 'seed'.
References: LEIA S-73, GPC II: 1830
Proto-Celtic: *seg-(y)o- 'sow, put' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: heu 'sow' (GPC heu, hau)
Proto-Indo-European: *seg- 'attach, grasp'
Page in Pokorny: 887
IE cognates: Lat. seges, -etis 'sowing field', Skt. saґjati 'attaches'
Notes: The etymological connection to Lat. seges is obvious; however, the attribution to the
PIE root *seg- 'attach, grasp' is open to doubt on semantic grounds.
References: GPC II: 1862, KPV 562f., Schrijver 1995: 336
Proto-Celtic: *sego- 'force' [Noun]
Old Irish: seg [o m]
Middle Welsh: hy 'bold, brave' (GPC hy, hyf)
Gaulish: Sego-maros [PN]
Lepontic: se»e±u (?) < *segedі 'Lepontic coin'
Celtiberian: Segouia (?) [Toponym], Sekobirikez [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *seg'h- 'hold (by force)'
Page in Pokorny: 888
IE cognates: Skt. saґhate 'be able, support', Gr. eґkhЎ 'hold', Go. sigis 'victory'
Notes: Celtib. asekati (Botorrita) might reflect *ad-seg- (Eska 1989).
References: LEIA S-68, GPC II: 1945, LIV 467, EIEC 123, Delamarre 269f., Coґlera 1998:
Proto-Celtic: *sekw-o- 'follow' [Verb]
Old Irish: sechithir, -sechethar
Proto-Indo-European: *sekw- 'follow'
Page in Pokorny: 896f.
IE cognates: Skt. saґcate, Lat. sequor
References: KPV 564, LIV 525f., LP 394, LEIA S-62
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Proto-Celtic: *sekw-o- 'say' [Verb]
Old Irish: sechid; sich [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: hepp [3 s Pres.] (OW), MW hebu
Middle Breton: hep (OBret.)
Proto-Indo-European: *sekw- 'say'
Page in Pokorny: 895
IE cognates: Gr. enn-eґpЎ 'tell', Lat. in-seque 'say!', inquit 'says', OHG sagen
See also: *sekw- 'follow'
References: LEIA S-64f., GPC II: 1830, DGVB 209, LIV 526f. KPV 565f., Falileyev 83.
Proto-Celtic: *sekwos 'besides, without' [Preposition]
Old Irish: sech [+Acc.]
Middle Welsh: hep (OW), MW heb 'without'
Middle Breton: ep (OBret.) gl. secus, MBret. hep 'without'
Cornish: heb
Proto-Indo-European: *sekw- 'follow'
Page in Pokorny: 897
IE cognates: Lat. secus '1. along; 2. differently', Skt. sacѓ 'with'
References: LEIA S-60f., GPC II: 1829, DGVB 161, GOI 530, EIEC 646, Falileyev 83,
Hamp, EC VIII 402f.
Proto-Celtic: *selgѓ 'hunt' [Noun]
Old Irish: selg [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: helgha [Impv] (OW) gl. uenando, MW hela 'to hunt' (GPC hel, hela, hely)
Middle Breton: emolch 'to hunt'
Cornish: helghya 'to hunt'
Proto-Indo-European: *selg'- 'send away, set loose'
Page in Pokorny: 900f.
IE cognates: Skt. sr•jaґti 'sets loose', Gr. (Dial.) lagaґsai 'to set free'
References: LEIA S-80f, GPC II: 1844, LP 33, Falileyev 82, EIEC 481
Proto-Celtic: *selwѓ 'possession' [Noun]
Old Irish: selb [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: helw, elw [m] (ar helw 'in possession of')
Gaulish: Lugu-selua [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *selh1- 'take, grasp'
Page in Pokorny: 899
IE cognates: Gr. hei?lon 'I took', Go. saljan 'offer as sacrifice'
Notes: The Celtic forms are derivable from *selh1-wo-, a thematic adjectival formation.
References: GPC I: 1208, LEIA S-79f, EIEC 564, Delamarre 270
Proto-Celtic: *sem-o- 'pour' [Verb]
Old Irish: do-essim < *tu-eks-sem-o-; to-esma [Subj.]; to-esset [Pret. Pass]
Middle Welsh: gwehynnu < *wo-sem-oMiddle Breton: douohinnom gl. haustum (OBret.) < *tu-wo-sem-oProto-Indo-European: *semH- 'pump, draw water'
Page in Pokorny: 901f.
IE cognates: Lith. seґmti 'pump', Lat. sent–na 'bilgewater'
References: KPV 569f., GPC II: 1618, LIV 531, LP 395, LEIA S-82f.
Proto-Celtic: *seno- 'old' [Adjective]
Old Irish: sen [o]
Middle Welsh: hen
Middle Breton: hen (OBret.)
Cornish: hen
Gaulish: Seno-gnatos [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *seno- 'old'
Page in Pokorny: 908
IE cognates: Skt. saґna-, Lat. senex, Go. sineigs
References: LEIA S-83f, GPC II: 1848, DGVB 208, EIEC 98, 409, Delamarre 270f., Meid
2005: 205f.
Proto-Celtic: *sentu- 'path' [Noun]
Old Irish: seґt [u m]
Middle Welsh: hynt [f]
Middle Breton: hint (OBret.), MBret. hent
Cornish: hins
Gaulish: Sento-latis [Toponym] (today Satolas)
Proto-Indo-European: *sent- 'head for, go'
Page in Pokorny: 908
IE cognates: Lat. sent–re 'feel', OHG sind 'path'
Notes: Cp. also British Toponym Gabro-senti.
References: LEIA S-98f., GPC II: 1978f., DGVB 211, EIEC 488, 637, Delamarre 271, De
Bernardo Stempel 1999: 45, 80
Proto-Celtic: *serwѓ 'theft' [Noun]
Old Irish: serb [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: herw [m] 'raid, outlawry'
Proto-Indo-European: *soru- / Gen. *srwo- 'booty'
Page in Pokorny: 910
IE cognates: Hitt. sѓru 'booty', Lat. seruus 'slave'
References: LEIA S-90f., GPC II:1859, EIEC 77, Watkins, IE Studies 2 (1975): 322ff.
Proto-Celtic: *sextam 'seven' [Numeral]
Old Irish: secht [+nasalization]
Middle Welsh: seith (GPC saith)
Middle Breton: seiz
Cornish: seyth, syth
Gaulish: sextanProto-Indo-European: *septm
Page in Pokorny: 909
IE cognates: Skt. saptaґ, Lat. septem, Go. sibun
References: LEIA S-66, GPC III: 3170, EIEC 100, 402, Delamarre 273
Proto-Celtic: *sextameto- 'seventh' [Ordinal]
Old Irish: sechtmad
Middle Welsh: seithfed
Middle Breton: seizvet
Cornish: seythves, seythes
Gaulish: sextametos 'seventh' [Ordinal]
References: GPC III: 3216, Delamarre 273
Total of 1215 records 122 pages
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Proto-Celtic: *sfelgѓ 'spleen' [Noun]
Old Irish: selg [ѓ f]
Middle Breton: felc'h [f]
Proto-Indo-European: *spelHg'hon- 'spleen'
Page in Pokorny: 987
IE cognates: Skt. pl–haґn-, Lat. liЊn, Lith. bluјni°s
Notes: In the OW manuscript Angers 477, there is the hapax felchou [p] gl. placentarum, but
it is possible that the gloss containing this word is Old Breton, rather than Old Welsh (see
Falileyev 57)
References: LEIA S-81, EIEC 538, Falileyev 57, Matasovicґ 2004: 106
Proto-Celtic: *sferѓ 'heel' [Noun]
Old Irish: seir [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: ffer [f and m] 'ankle' (GPC ffeЇr)
Middle Breton: Fergant [PN]
Cornish: fer gl. crus
Proto-Indo-European: *sprh1-o- 'heel'
Page in Pokorny: 993
IE cognates: OE spor 'footprint', ToB sprѓne [du] 'flanks'
Notes: Gr. sphyroґn 'ankle(bone)' is probably related, but the aspirate is unexpected. The
vowel y might be the result of Cowgill's law (o > y between labials and resonants).
References: LEIA S-73, GPC I: 1283, EIEC 265, Schrijver 1995: 348, 374, Campanile 1974:
46, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 172.
Proto-Celtic: *sfondo- 'stick, staff' [Noun]
Old Irish: sond [o m]
Middle Welsh: finn [p] (OW), MW ffonn [f] (GPC ffon); ffyn, ffonnau [p]
Proto-Indo-European: *sph2en- 'piece of wood'
Page in Pokorny: 980f.
IE cognates: Lat. sponda 'bedstead, bed', OE spЎn 'sliver, shaving', Gr. sphЊґn 'wedge'
References: LEIA S-172, GPC I: 1302, EIEC 431, Falileyev 57, Schrijver 1995: 444, De
Bernardo Stempel 1999: 298
Proto-Celtic: *sfЊmi- 'thin' [Adjective]
Old Irish: seґim [i]
Proto-Indo-European: *spey-miPage in Pokorny: 982
IE cognates: Gr. spinoґs 'thin'
References: LEIA S-72
Proto-Celtic: *si-sta- 'put, stand' [Verb]
Old Irish: sissidir, -sissedar 'stand'; siasair [Pret.]
Celtiberian: sistat [3s Pres.] 'puts, constructs' (Penўalba, K.3.3)
Proto-Indo-European: *steh2- 'stand'
Page in Pokorny: 1004f.
IE cognates: Lat. sto, stare, Lith. stoґti
See also: *stѓ- 'be, find oneself'
References: KPV 571f., LIV 590ff., LEIA S-118ff., LP 395f., Coґlera 1998: 207ff.
Proto-Celtic: *sido- 'elk, stag' [Noun]
Old Irish: sed, seg
Middle Welsh: hydd [m]
Middle Breton: heizes [f] 'hind, doe'
Notes: The Irish word is attested scarcely, and rather late.
References: LEIA S-67f., GPC II: 1956.
Proto-Celtic: *sil-n- (?) 'look' [Verb]
Old Irish: sellaid, -sella 'look'
Middle Welsh: syllu 'stare, gaze' (GPC syllu, syllio)
Middle Breton: sellout
Cornish: sellos
Notes: All of these verbs are originally denominative, but the original form of the noun from
which they are derived cannot be reconstructed., cp. OIr. sell 'eye, iris' [?n]. Schrijver's
connection with the word for 'star' (PCelt. *ster-) is far-fetched from the semantic point of
view, but possible (cp. the semantic development of *sіli- from 'sun' to 'eye', OIr. suґil).
References: LEIA S-82, GPC III: 3384, Schrijver 1995: 421
Proto-Celtic: *sindo- 'this' [Demonstrative Pronoun]
Old Irish: sin
Middle Welsh: hinn (OW), MW hynn
Cornish: hen-ma
Gaulish: sinde
References: LEIA S-111f., Delamarre 274
Proto-Celtic: *siskwo- 'dry' [Adjective]
Old Irish: sesc, seisc [o and i]
Middle Welsh: hysp
Middle Breton: hesp 'dry, sterile'
Proto-Indo-European: *sisku- 'dry'
Page in Pokorny: 894
IE cognates: Avest. hi«ku-, Lat. siccus, Gr. iskhnoґs
Notes: In PCelt. PIE *sisku- was thematized (*sisku-o- > *siskwo-). I doubt whether Gr.
iskhnoґs also belongs here, since the aspirated kh cannot be explained.
References: LEIA S-96, EIEC 170, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 290
Proto-Celtic: *sitV- 'long' [Adjective]
Old Irish: sithMiddle Welsh: hit (OW) 'length', MW hyt [m and f] (GPC hyd)
Middle Breton: hit (OBret.), MBret. het
Cornish: hes
References: LEIA S-120f., GPC II: 1948ff.
Total of 1215 records 122 pages
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Proto-Celtic: *skwetlo- 'story' [Noun]
Old Irish: sceґl [o n]
Middle Welsh: chwedl [f and m] (GPC chwedl, chweddl
Middle Breton: que-hezl
Cornish: whethel
Proto-Indo-European: *sekw- 'say'
Page in Pokorny: 898
IE cognates: Lat. in-quam, OHG sageЇn, Lith. sakyґti
Notes: It is difficult to derive the British forms directly from PCelt. *skwetlo- (the expected
outcome would have been initial *sp-). They may be loanwords from Goidelic.
References: LEIA S-39f., GPC I: 846, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 302
Proto-Celtic: *skweyat- 'hawthorn' [Noun]
Old Irish: sceґ [d and k, f]
Middle Welsh: ispidattenn (OW) [Singulative], MW yspidat [f and m] (GPC ysbyddad,
Middle Breton: spezadenn [Singulative]
Cornish: spethes, spethas
Proto-Indo-European: *skwЊy-s / Gen. *skwiyos 'thorn'
IE cognates: Russ. xvojaґ 'needles and branches of a conifer', Lith. skuja° 'fir-needle and
References: LEIA S-37, GPC III: 3828, EIEC 80, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 159, 172, 183.
Proto-Celtic: *skamo- 'light' [Adjective]
Old Irish: scam [o m] 'lung' (attested only in the plural, scaim)
Middle Welsh: ysgafn 'light'; zsgefeint 'lung' (GPC ysgafn, ysgawn, ysgon)
Middle Breton: scaff
Cornish: scaff, schaff
IE cognates: OHG scamm 'short'
References: LEIA S-31, GPC III: 3829
Proto-Celtic: *skan-n-d-o- 'jump' [Verb]
Old Irish: sceinnid, -sceinn; sescaind [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: ysgeinnyaw 'disperse, spread, scatter' (GPC ysgain, (y)sgeinio, ysgeino)
Proto-Indo-European: *skend- 'jump'
Page in Pokorny: IE cognates: Skt. skaґndati, Lat. scando 'walk, tread'
References: KPV 574, LIV 554, LEIA S-41, GPC III: 3834, LP 393
Proto-Celtic: *skara- 'divide, separate' [Verb]
Old Irish: scaraid, -scara 'divide, separate'; scaraid, -scara [Subj.]; scarais, scar [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: yscar, ysgar (GPC(y)sgaru, ysgar, ysgario, ysgarad)
Middle Breton: discar < *d–-skara- 'divide, cut off'
Proto-Indo-European: *skerHPage in Pokorny: 938ff.
IE cognates: Umbrian kartu [Impv.]; Lith. ski°rti 'cut, divide'
References: KPV 576, LIV 558, LEIA S-33, GPC III: 3832, LP 392f., Pedersen I: 44,
McCone 1991: 110f.
Proto-Celtic: *skek- 'move' [Verb]
Old Irish: scuichid, -scuichi 'go away'; sceiss, -sceґ [Subj.]; scaґich [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: ysgogi 'move, stir, tremble' (GPC ysgogi, ysgog)
Proto-Indo-European: *skek- 'move fast'
Page in Pokorny: 922f.
IE cognates: OHG gi-skehan 'pass, happen'; OCS skocўiti 'jump'
Notes: The Slavic and Celtic forms of the present point to a PIE causative *skok-eye-; the
original present stem with the e-grade is preserved in Germanic and in the OIr. subjunctive.
References: KPV 580f., LIV 551f., GPC III: 3839, LEIA S-56f., LP 393
Proto-Celtic: *skerd-(y)o- 'scrape off' [Verb]
Old Irish: scerdaid, -sceird; scaird [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *skerdh- 'cut, pierce'
IE cognates: Lith. skerdzўiu° 'I cut'
References: KPV 582, LIV 558, LEIA S-39
Proto-Celtic: *skey-o- 'vomit, spew' [Verb]
Old Irish: sceiЁd, -sceґ
Middle Welsh: chwydu
Middle Breton: huedaff
Cornish: huedzha
Proto-Indo-European: *sk'ey-(d)Page in Pokorny: 919f.
IE cognates: Lith. skiґesti 'have diarrhoea', ON skiґta 'defecate'
Notes: The Brittanic forms are secondary verbs derived from the verbal noun (MW chwyt),
cp. KPV 579.
References: KPV 578f., LEIA S-37f., GPC I: 860
Proto-Celtic: *skiy-o- 'cut' [Verb]
Old Irish: scian [ѓ f] 'knife'
Middle Breton: sueiaff 'cut'
Page in Pokorny: 920
IE cognates: Lat. sacЊna, scЊna 'dolabra pontificalis', OIc. skeggia 'axe'
Notes: W ysgien [f] is probably an Irish loanword corresponding to OIr. sciґan (from PCelt.
*skЊno- < *sk'ey-no228
References: LEIA S-42f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 254, Schrijver 1995: 107
Proto-Celtic: *skoltѓ 'fissure, cleft' [Noun]
Old Irish: scoilt, scolt [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: hollt [m and f]
Middle Breton: faout
Cornish: felјa 'to break' [Verb]
Notes: It is difficult to derive the British and Irish forms from exactly the same PCelt.
prototype, see LEIA S-48f. In Irish, scoilt is attested late, only in Modern Irish. However,
there is a denominative verb scoiltid 'break, split' in OIr.
References: LEIA S-48f., GPC II: 1894.
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Proto-Celtic: *skublo- 'bird of prey' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: ysglyf [m] (GPC ysglyf, sglyf(f), ysglyff, ysgyfl, ysgylf)
Middle Breton: scubl (OBret.), Bret. skoul
Cornish: scoul gl. milvus (OCo.)
Gaulish: Scubli [Ethnonym]
References: GPC III: 3837, Delamarre 269
Proto-Celtic: *skѓto- 'shadow' [Noun]
Old Irish: scaґth [o n]
Middle Welsh: ysgawd [m] 'shade, darkness' (GPC ysgod)
Middle Breton: squeut
Cornish: scod gl. umbra (OCo.), MCo. schus 'terror'
Proto-Indo-European: *skoto- 'darkness, shadow'
Page in Pokorny: 957
IE cognates: OE sceadu, Gr. skoґtos
Notes: The Celtic forms probably represent a vrddhi, since they imply PIE *skЎto-, while the
Germanic and Greek words are derivable from *skoto-.
References: LEIA S-36, GPC III: 3838, EIEC 508, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 324, 528
Proto-Celtic: *skѓx-slo- 'demon, supernatural being' [Noun]
Old Irish: scaґl [o n]
Middle Welsh: yscawl [m] 'young hero, warrior' (GPC ysgawl)
IE cognates: Go. skЎhsl 'demon'
See also: *skek- 'move'
Notes: W yscawl is not very well attested and its meaning is rather vaguely established.
References: LEIA S-30, GPC III: 3834
Proto-Celtic: *skЊdo- 'wing' [Noun]
Old Irish: sciґath [o m]
Middle Welsh: ysgwydd [f] 'shoulder'
Middle Breton: scoaz, diou scoaz 'shoulders'
Cornish: scuid gl. scapula (OCo.), MCo. dyw-scoth 'shoulders'
See also: *skЊto- 'shield'
Notes: OIr. sciґath has the final -th rather than -d because of the influence of the word for
'shield', OIr. sciґath < *skЊtoReferences: LEIA S-44, GPC III: 3851
Proto-Celtic: *skЊto- 'shield' [Noun]
Old Irish: sciґath [o m]
Middle Welsh: ysgwyd [f and m]
Middle Breton: scoed
Proto-Indo-European: *skoyto-, *skeyto- 'shield'
Page in Pokorny: 921
IE cognates: OCS «titъ, Lat. scіtum
Notes: The relationship of this word to PCelt. *skЊoo- 'wing' is unclear.
References: LEIA S-43, GPC III: 3852, EIEC 512, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 557,
Campanile 1974: 94.
Proto-Celtic: *sk–to- 'tired' [Adjective]
Old Irish: sciґth [o]
Middle Welsh: esgud 'quick, vivid'
Middle Breton: escuit 'quick'
Cornish: uskys 'quick, vivid'
Proto-Indo-European: *skeh1tH- 'injure, harm'
Page in Pokorny: 950
IE cognates: OHG scado 'harm, loss'
Notes: Gr. askЊthЊґs 'uninjured' might be related, but its th is difficult to explain. The Brit.
forms are from a compound *eks-sk–to-. The vocalism of MW esgud (for expected *esgid) is
unaccounted for.
References: LEIA S-46f., GPC I: 1245, EIEC 312
Proto-Celtic: *slad-yo- 'hit, slay' [Verb]
Old Irish: slaidid, -slaid; slaґiss, -slaґ [Subj.]; selais, -sela [Fut.]; selaid [Pret.]; slassae, -slass
[Pret. Pass.]
Middle Welsh: ledit [3s Pres.] (OW); MW lladd; lladdawd [Pret.]; llas [Pret. Pass.]
Middle Breton: OBret. ladam gl. caedo, MBret. lazaff
Cornish: ladha, latha
References: GPC II: 2079f., KPV 583f., LEIA S-125f., Falileyev 101, LP 396, Schrijver
1995: 178, McCone 1994: 74.
Proto-Celtic: *slattѓ 'stalk, stem' [Noun]
Old Irish: slat [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: llath [f] 'rod, staff'
Middle Breton: lath gl. stipite (OBret.), MBret. laz
Cornish: lath
IE cognates: OHG latta 'plank'
References: LEIA S-127f., GPC II: 2100, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 510f., Schrijver 1995:
431, Kluge23 505
Proto-Celtic: *slig-o- 'strike, hew' [Verb]
Old Irish: sligid, -slig; sleґiss, -sleґ [Subj.]; silis, -sil [Fut.]; selaig [Pret.]; slechtae, -slecht
[Pret. Pass.]
Proto-Indo-European: *sleyg'- 'smear'
Page in Pokorny: 663f.
IE cognates: OHG sl–hhan 'creep', OCS slьzъkъ 'slippery'
References: KPV 591f., LIV 566f., LP 396, LEIA S-133
Proto-Celtic: *slimono- 'polished, smooth' [Adjective]
Old Irish: slemon [o] 'smooth, sleek'
Middle Welsh: limnint (OW) [3p Pres.] 'polish', MW llyfn 'polished, smooth'
Middle Breton: limn (OBret.) gl. lentum, MBret. di-leffn 'hard', MoBret. levn 'smooth'
Cornish: leven
Proto-Indo-European: *sley- 'smear (with grease), polish'
IE cognates: Lat. l–mo 'polish', OHG sl–men 'polish'
References: LEIA S-130, GPC II: 2254, DGVB 242f., EIEC 527, Falileyev 103, De Bernardo
Stempel 1999: 437, 540
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Proto-Celtic: *slowgo- 'troop, army' [Noun]
Old Irish: sluґag, sloґg [o m]
Middle Welsh: llu [m]
Middle Breton: mor-lu 'great arm' (OBret.), -lu (in toponyms)
Cornish: luu listri gl. classis (OCo.), MCo. lu
Gaulish: Catu-slugi [Ethnonym]
Proto-Indo-European: *slowg(h)oPage in Pokorny: 965
IE cognates: OCS sluga 'servant', Lith. slauga° 'servitude'
References: LEIA S-136, GPC II: 2215, DGVB 247, EIEC 506, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
Proto-Celtic: *slu-n-k-o- 'swallow' [Verb]
Old Irish: slucaid, -slucai ; sloicis [Pret.]; -slogeth [Pret. Pass.]
Middle Welsh: llyncu
Middle Breton: ro-luncas gl. guturicauit (OBret.), MBret. louncaff
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)lewkPage in Pokorny: 964
IE cognates: Ukrainian lyґkaty 'swallow', German schlucken 'swallow'
Notes: The root-form *(s)lewk- is a variant of *(s)lewg- (LIV 964), from which we have
NHG schlucken, etc. and OIr. loingid 'eat'. The variation *k/g is unexplained.
References: LEIA S-139, GPC II: 2273, KPV 593f., LIV 568, LEIA S-139, LP 396
Proto-Celtic: *slѓno- 'safe, whole, sane' [Adjective]
Old Irish: slaґn [o]
Proto-Indo-European: *selH- 'favorable'
Page in Pokorny: 900
IE cognates: Lat. sЎlor 'comfort, relief', Go. sЊls 'good, kind'
Notes: This etymology is somewhat weak on the formal side, see EIEC 236. The PCelt. from
would have to be from the zero-grade *slHno-.
References: LEIA S-126f., EIEC 236, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 252
Proto-Celtic: *slЊbos '(slippery) slope' [Noun]
Old Irish: sliґab [s n, later m] 'mountain, moor'
Middle Welsh: llwyfan [f and m] 'stage, platform'
Middle Breton: libiriou (OBret.) gl. lapsus
See also: *slimonoReferences: LEIA S-131, GPC II: 2243f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 46, 143ff.
Proto-Celtic: *smeko- 'chin' [Noun]
Old Irish: smech [o n]
Proto-Indo-European: *smek'ru- 'chin, jaw'
Page in Pokorny: 968
IE cognates: Skt. sґmaґsґru-, Lith. smakra°, Alb. mjekeЁr
References: LEIA S-140, EIEC 107, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 60, 341, Matasovicґ 2004:
Proto-Celtic: *smeru- 'marrow' [Noun]
Old Irish: smiur [u]
Middle Welsh: mer
Middle Breton: mel
Proto-Indo-European: *smer- 'marrow?'
Page in Pokorny: 970
IE cognates: OE smeoro 'butter, fat', Lat. medulla < *merulla
References: LEIA S-142, EIEC 194,
Proto-Celtic: *smЊ(V)ro 'blackberry' [Noun]
Old Irish: smeґr [?o m]
Middle Welsh: mwyar, mwyaren [Singulative]
Middle Breton: mouar
Cornish: moyr-bren gl. morus
Notes: OIr. meґr, which also means 'a berry, blackberry' is a British loanword.
References: LEIA S-141, Pedersen I: 67.
Proto-Celtic: *snad-o- 'hew, carve' [Verb]
Old Irish: snaidid, -snaid; snaґiss, -snaґ [Subj.]
Middle Welsh: naddu
Proto-Indo-European: *sneH2/3dhPage in Pokorny: 972f.
IE cognates: OHG snatta 'scar'
References: KPV 594f., LIV 571, LEIA S-146, LP 397
Proto-Celtic: *snidѓ 'nit' [Noun]
Old Irish: sned [?ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: nedd, nedden [Singulative]
Middle Breton: nez, nezenn [Singulative]
Cornish: nedhen [Singulative]
Proto-Indo-European: *konid- 'nit'
Page in Pokorny: 608, 437
IE cognates: Gr. koniґs, OE hnitu, Russ. gniґda
References: EIEC 357, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 58, Matasovicґ 2004: 89
Proto-Celtic: *snigw-(y)o- 'snow' [Verb]
Old Irish: snigid, -snig; sinis, -sin; senaig
Proto-Indo-European: *sneygwh- 'snow, adhere to'
Page in Pokorny: 974
IE cognates: Skt. snihyati 'adheres to',G neiґphei 'it snows', Lat. ninguit 'it snows'
Notes: W nyf is probably a loanword from Lat. (niuem)
References: KPV 597f., LIV 573, LEIA S-153, LP 397
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Proto-Celtic: *sniy-o- 'spin, weave' [Verb]
Old Irish: sniid, -sniґ; seґnaid, -seґna [Fut.]; seґnais, -seґnai [Pret.]; sniґthae, -sniґth [Pret. Pass.]
Middle Welsh: nyddu
Middle Breton: nezaff
Cornish: nedha
Proto-Indo-European: *sneh1- 'spin'
Page in Pokorny: 973
IE cognates: Lat. neo, nЊre, Gr. nЊґthЎ, OHG nѓen
References: KPV 599, LIV 571f., LEIA S-151f., LP 397
Proto-Celtic: *snѓ- 'swim' [Verb]
Old Irish: snaiЁd, -snaґ
Middle Welsh: nawf 'swimming'
Middle Breton: neuff 'swimming'
Proto-Indo-European: *sneh2- 'swim, bathe'
Page in Pokorny: 971f.
IE cognates: Skt. snѓґti 'bathes', Lat. no, nѓre
References: KPV 596, LIV 572f., LEIA S-145f., LP 397
Proto-Celtic: *snѓd-–- 'protect' [Verb]
Old Irish: snaґdid
Middle Welsh: nawdd 'protection'
References: LEIA S-146f.
Proto-Celtic: *snѓto- 'thread' [Noun]
Old Irish: snaґth [o m or n]
Middle Breton: notenn (OBret.) gl. a filo, MBret. neut
Proto-Indo-European: *snoh1t-oPage in Pokorny: 973
IE cognates: OE snoґd 'headband'
See also: *sniy-oReferences: LEIA S-148, EIEC 571, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 342, 441
Proto-Celtic: *so- 'this' [Demonstrative]
Old Irish: so
Gaulish: so-sin
References: LEIA S-154f.
Proto-Celtic: *sodyo- 'seat' [Noun]
Old Irish: suide [io n] 'sitting, seat'
Proto-Indo-European: *sodyoPage in Pokorny: 884
IE cognates: Lat. solium < *sodiom
References: LEIA S-200, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 209.
Proto-Celtic: *somo- 'same' [Pronoun]
Old Irish: -som [emphatic particle 3s m. and n.]
Proto-Indo-European: *somo- 'one, same'
Page in Pokorny: 904
IE cognates: Skt. samaґ- 'same', Go. sama
References: LEIA S-169.
Proto-Celtic: *sowno- 'sleep' [Noun]
Old Irish: suґan [o m]
Middle Welsh: hun [f]
Middle Breton: hun
Cornish: hun gl. letargia (OCo.), MCo. hun
Proto-Indo-European: *s(w)opno- 'sleep'
Page in Pokorny: 1048
IE cognates: Skt. svaґpna-, G hyґpnos, Lat. somnus, Arm. kcun, OE swefn
References: LEIA S-197, GPC II: 1910, EIEC 529, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 255ff.,
Campanile 1974: 66.
Proto-Celtic: *sowono- 'sun, sunlight' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: huan [m and f] 'sun'
See also: *suw-oNotes: This W noun is usually related to PIE heterocliton *seh2wol/n- 'sun', but the phonetic
development is difficult, and the evidence for l/n heteroclisis in PIE is weak. Therefore it is
preferable to relate this noun to PIE *sewh2- 'turn, set in motion' (Skt. suvaґti). The Vedic
theonym Savitaґr-, which is also derived from this root, is often just an epithet of the Sun
(sіrya-) in RV.
References: LEIA S-202, Schrijver 1995: 334
Proto-Celtic: *soyto- 'magic' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: hud [m and f]
Middle Breton: hud
Cornish: hus
Proto-Indo-European: *seyH- 'to bind'
Page in Pokorny: 891f.
IE cognates: ONo. sei‹ 'magic'
Notes: Cp. also OCo. hudol gl. magus and W hudol 'charming, illusory' < *soytѓloReferences: GPC II: 1905
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Proto-Celtic: *spionV- 'foxglove' [Noun]
Old Irish: siґon (DIL siґan)
Middle Welsh: fionou [p] (OW), MW ffion
Notes: These words are related to (or borrowed from ?) Lat. spionia 'a kind of grape-vine'
(this Latin word is scarcely attested; it is uncertain if the -o- was long (Oxford Latin
Dictionary) or short (Lewis and Short)).
References: LEIA S-115, Falileyev 57, Schrijver 1995: 281.
Proto-Celtic: *srobu- 'snout, beak' [Noun]
Old Irish: srub [u n]
Proto-Indo-European: *serbh-, *srebh- 'suck, absorb'
Page in Pokorny: 1001
IE cognates: Lat. sorbeo, Lith. srebiu°
References: LEIA S-188, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 95
Proto-Celtic: *sroknѓ 'nose' [Noun]
Old Irish: sroґn [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: ffroen [f] 'nostril'
Middle Breton: fron (OBret.), MBret. froan, fron
Notes: The Celtic word for 'nose' might be related to Lat. frЊnum, cp. Hamp BSLat. LI 42f.
References: LEIA S-187, DGVB 172, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 60, 258
Proto-Celtic: *srowman- 'stream'
Old Irish: sruaim [n]
Middle Breton: strum (OBret.) gl. copia (lactis)
Proto-Indo-European: *srew-m- 'flow, stream'
Page in Pokorny: 1003
IE cognates: Gr. rheu?ma, OHG stroum
References: LEIA S-188, DGVB 309, EIEC 207, 486, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 266
Proto-Celtic: *sruto- 'stream, flow' [Noun]
Old Irish: sruth [o n]
Middle Welsh: ffrwd [m > f]
Middle Breton: frut (OBret.)
Cornish: frot gl. alueus
Proto-Indo-European: *srew- 'flow'
Page in Pokorny: Skt. sraґvati, G rheґЎ
Notes: OBret. frut is not found in DGVB. These Celtic words can be derived from a passive
participle of the verb *srew- 'flow'. Cp. also Gaul. Phroudis [Hydronym].
References: LEIA S-189, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 290, 448, Campanile 1974: 47,
Schrijver 1995: 441.
Proto-Celtic: *stabo- 'shaft, pole' [Noun]
Old Irish: sab [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *steh2Page in Pokorny: 1012
IE cognates: Skt. staґmbha- 'pillar'
References: LEIA S-3, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 175
Proto-Celtic: *stamnѓ 'mouth' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: safn [f and m] 'jawbone, mouth'
Middle Breton: staffn
Cornish: sawn, sawan 'cleft' (MoCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *stom-n- 'mouth, jawbone'
Page in Pokorny: 1035
IE cognates: Hitt. istaman- 'ear', Gr. stoґma, Avest. staman- 'mouth of a dog'
Notes: Late Co. stevnig 'palate' is a derivative (< *stamnikѓ).
References: GPC III: 3164, EIEC 387, LP 20, LHEB 527, 530, Schrijver 1995: 422
Proto-Celtic: *star-na- 'strew, broaden' [Verb]
Old Irish: sernaid, -sern; seraid, -sera [Subj.]; sirt, -sert [Pret.]; srethae, -sreth [Pret. Pass.]
Proto-Indo-European: *sterh3- 'broaden, extend'
Page in Pokorny: 1029f.
IE cognates: Skt. str•n·ѓґti, Lat. sterno, Gr. stoґrnymi
References: KPV 601f., LIV 599f., LEIA S-93ff., LP 395
Proto-Celtic: *sterkѓ 'love' [Noun]
Old Irish: serc [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: serch [m]
Middle Breton: Serchan [PN] (OBret.), MWserch 'concubine'
Proto-Indo-European: *ster-kPage in Pokorny: 911
IE cognates: Gr. steґrgЎ 'love'
References: LEIA S-91f., GPC III: 3227, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 49
Proto-Celtic: *sterѓ 'star' [Noun]
Old Irish: ser
Middle Welsh: serenn [Singulative] (OW), MW ser, syr [p] (GPC seЇr, syЇr)
Middle Breton: sterenn [Singulative]
Cornish: steren [Singulative] gl. stella (OCo.), MCo. ste(y)r
Gaulish: Sirona, ‹irona [Theonym]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2stЊr 'star'
Page in Pokorny: 1028
IE cognates: Hitt. haster-z, Gr. astЊґr, Lat. stЊlla, Go. stairno
Notes: OIr. ser is a hapax, its gender is unknown; therefore, the PCelt. reconstruction is
References: LEIA S-90, GPC III: 3226, LP 20, Delamarre 282, Falileyev 142, LHEB 530,
Campanile 1974: 96, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 47, McCone 1996: 51, Matasovicґ 2004: 98
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Proto-Celtic: *stlissu- 'side, wall' [Noun]
Old Irish: sliss [u m]
Middle Welsh: ystlys [f and m] (GPC ystlys, stlys)
Proto-Indo-European: *stelH- 'extend'
Page in Pokorny: 1018
IE cognates: Lat. lѓtus 'broad, wide'
References: LEIA S-135f., GPC III: 3863, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 288, 295., Schrijver
1995: 438.
Proto-Celtic: *stlondo- 'sense, meaning' [Noun]
Old Irish: slond [o ?m]
Middle Welsh: istlinnit (OW) [3s Pres.] gl. profatur
Middle Breton: stlen 'declared'
Notes: Schrijver (1995: 435ff.) defends the old connection of these words with Lat. splendor.
If this is true, the correct PCelt. reconstruction is *sflondo-.
References: LEIA S-137f., Falileyev 97, Schrijver 1995: 435ff., De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
Proto-Celtic: *strato- 'valley' [Noun]
Old Irish: srath [o m] 'grass, sward, valley'
Middle Welsh: Strat (OW), MW Ystrad [in Toponyms], MWystrad [f and m] 'valley'
Middle Breton: strad 'bottom'
Cornish: Straet-neat [Toponym]
Proto-Indo-European: *sterh3- 'extend, strew'
Page in Pokorny: 1029f.
IE cognates: Skt. str•n·ѓґti, Lat. sterno, Gr. stoґrnymi
See also: *star-na- 'broaden, extend'
Notes: PCelt. *strato- is derivable from the participle *strh3-to-.
References: GPC III: 3865, McCone 1996: 52f.
Proto-Celtic: *struti- 'old, senior' [Adjective]
Old Irish: sruith 'old, venerable'
Proto-Indo-European: *sterPage in Pokorny: 1037
IE cognates: Lith. stru°jus 'old man'
References: LEIA S-189, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 293, Schrijver 1995: 453.
Proto-Celtic: *stu-n-g-o- 'bend' [Verb]
Old Irish: as-toing < *eks-stungo- 'refuse, swear away'; as-toґ [Subj.]
Middle Welsh: estwng, ystwng 'bend, lower oneself'
Middle Breton: stoeaff 'bend, lower oneself'
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)tewg- 'move abruptly'
Page in Pokorny: 1032f.
IE cognates: Skt. tuj-, Gr. stygeґЎ 'hate'
Notes: In Old Irish, forms of PCelt. *tungo- 'swear' were confused with the forms derived
from *stungo- 'bend', see KPV 605.
References: KPV 603ff., LIV 602, Schrijver 1995: 419f.
Proto-Celtic: *stѓ- 'be, find oneself' [Verb]
Old Irish: at-taґ, fil 'be' (substantive verb)
Proto-Indo-European: *steh2- 'put, stand'
Page in Pokorny: 1004
IE cognates: Lat. sto, stare, OCS stojati
See also: *si-staReferences: LEIA T-2, EIEC 468
Proto-Celtic: *stѓtlѓ 'heel' [Noun]
Old Irish: saґl [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: sawdl [m and f]; sodlau [p]
Middle Breton: seuzl
Cornish: suthel, sul
Proto-Indo-European: *steh2-tloPage in Pokorny: 1004
IE cognates: Lat. tѓlus 'heel'
Notes: De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 303 derives these words from PIE *sth2-dhleh2, with zerograde and a different suffix. The connection with Lat. tѓlus is also problematic, since the
diminutive taxillus implies a proto-form *takslos, not *(s)tѓtlos.
References: LEIA S-16f., GPC III: 3184, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 303, Schrijver 1995:
Proto-Celtic: *su- 'good' [(Prefixed) Adjective]
Old Irish: so-, suMiddle Welsh: hyMiddle Breton: heCornish: heGaulish: Sucellos [Theonym]
Proto-Indo-European: *h1su- 'good'
Page in Pokorny: 1037
IE cognates: OIr. su-, G euReferences: LEIA S-153f., EIEC 235, Delamarre 283
Proto-Celtic: *su-ofsmiyo- 'rich' [Adjective]
Old Irish: sommae [io]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2op- 'wealth'
Page in Pokorny: 780
IE cognates: Hitt. happinant- 'rich', Skt. aґpna- 'wealth', Lat. op-ulentus 'rich'
Notes: There is, in OIr., the antonym doimm 'poor' < *dus-ops-miReferences: LEIA S-170, EIEC 637
Proto-Celtic: *subi- 'strawberry' [Noun]
Old Irish: sub [i n]
Middle Welsh: syfi [p]; syfien [Singulative]
Middle Breton: seuuienn [Singulative]; s(u)iuy [p]
Cornish: syvyen [Singulative]; sevi [p] (MoCo.)
References: LEIA S-197f., GPC III: 3379, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 281
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Proto-Celtic: *sukko- 'pig' [Noun]
Old Irish: soc(c) [o m] 'snout'
Middle Welsh: huch (OW), MW hwch [f and m] 'pig'
Middle Breton: hoch gl. aper (OBret.), Bret. houc'h
Cornish: hoch gl. porcus (OCo.), MCo. hoch
Proto-Indo-European: *suH- 'pig'
Page in Pokorny: 1038
IE cognates: Lat. sіs, ToB suwo, German Sau
References: LEIA S-158f., GPC II: 1928, EIEC 425, LHEB 567, Falileyev 87, Campanile
1974: 64, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 35, 96, 519
Proto-Celtic: *suw-o- 'turn, wind' [Verb]
Old Irish: soiЁd, -soiґ; soaid, -soa [Subj.]; soiґfid, -soiґfea [Fut.]
Middle Welsh: amheu 'doubt' (GPC amau, amheuo)
Proto-Indo-European: *sewh1- 'move, set to motion'
Page in Pokorny: 914
IE cognates: Hitt. suwezzi, Skt. suvaґti
Notes: W asseu 'left' might be derivable from *ad-sowo-, from the same root.
References: KPV 605f., LIV 538f., LP 397f., LEIA S-156f., GPC I: 90
Proto-Celtic: *swan-na- 'sound, play (an instrument)' [Verb]
Old Irish: seinnid, -seinn; sifais, -sif(e) [Subj.]; sefainn [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *swenh2- '(produce) sound'
Page in Pokorny: 1046f.
IE cognates: Skt. svan-, Lat. sono
References: KPV 607f., LIV 611, LP 395, LEIA S-86, Watkins 1963: 130-133.
Proto-Celtic: *swar-yo- 'laugh' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: chwerthin
Middle Breton: huerzin
Cornish: hwerthin
Proto-Indo-European: *swer- 'sound, make sound'
Page in Pokorny: 1049f.
IE cognates: Skt. svaґrati, ON sverja 'swear'
Notes: The attribution of these Celtic forms to the PIE root *swer- is semantically difficult,
but possible. See KPV 609.
References: KPV 608f., GPC I: 843, LIV 613, LP 314
Proto-Celtic: *swekrі- 'mother-in-law' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: chwegr [f]
Cornish: hweger gl. socrus (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *swek'ru-h2 'mother-in-law'
Page in Pokorny: 1043f.
IE cognates: Lat. socrus, OCS svekry, Arm. skesur
See also: *swekrіnoReferences: GPC I: 848, LP 18, Campanile 66
Proto-Celtic: *swekrіno- 'father-in-law' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: chwegrwn [m]
Cornish: hwigeren gl. socer (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *swek'uro- 'father-in-law'
Page in Pokorny: 1043f.
IE cognates: Lat. socer, Gr. hekyroґs
See also: *swekrі241
Notes: The suffixes in W and OCo. do not agree. OCo. presupposes *swekrino-, which could
be analogical, while W chwegrwn can be derived directly from PCelt. *swekrіno-, which is a
regular derivative from *swekrі- 'mother-in-law'.
References: LP 18, Campanile 66
Proto-Celtic: *swelo- 'turn, moment' [Noun]
Old Irish: sel [o m]
Middle Welsh: chwyl [m and f] 'turn, course, destiny' (GPC chwy·Їl)
Middle Breton: hoalat 'attract'
Cornish: whel 'course'
Notes: A possible, but unconvincing, IE etymology of these words can be found in EIEC 63,
Pokorny 1041.
References: LEIA S-77f, GPC I: 861, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 222, EIEC 63
Proto-Celtic: *swengo- 'thin' [Adjective]
Old Irish: seng [o]
IE cognates: MHG swanc 'flexible, thin'
Notes: LEIA S-85f. derives the ancient name of Belgrade, Singi-dunum, also from this root.
References: LEIA S-85f., EIEC 63, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 42, 324.
Proto-Celtic: *swergo- 'illness' [Noun]
Old Irish: serg [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *swergh- 'be ill'
Page in Pokorny: 1051
IE cognates: Lith. sergu° 'I am sick', Alb. dergjem 'lie ill', ToA s„rk 'illness'
References: LEIA S-92, EIEC 516
Proto-Celtic: *swerwo- 'bitter' [Adjective]
Old Irish: serb [o]
Middle Welsh: chwerw
Middle Breton: hueru (MoBret. c'houero)
Cornish: wherow
References: LEIA S-90, GPC I: 850, Morris Jones 1913: 29.
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Proto-Celtic: *swesіr 'sister' [Noun]
Old Irish: siur [r f]
Middle Welsh: chwaer [f]
Middle Breton: hoer
Cornish: huir gl. soror
Gaulish: suiorebe [Instr. p]
Proto-Indo-European: *swesЎr 'sister'
Page in Pokorny: 1051
IE cognates: Skt. svasar-, Lat. soror, Go. svistar, Arm. kcoyr
References: LEIA S-123, GPC I: 838, Delamarre 286, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 122, 405,
Campanile 1974: 66.
Proto-Celtic: *swexs 'six' [Numeral]
Old Irish: seґ [+gemination]
Middle Welsh: chwech, chwe
Middle Breton: hue (OBret.), Bret. c'houec'h
Cornish: whegh, whe
Gaulish: suexos 'sixth' [Ordinal]
Celtiberian: sues
Proto-Indo-European: *swek's
Page in Pokorny: 1044
IE cognates: Lat. sex, Gr. heґks
References: LEIA S-59, GPC I: 846, DGVB 214, EIEC 402, Delamarre 285f., Coґlera 1998:
102, 186
Proto-Celtic: *swisso- 'sweat' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: chwys
Middle Breton: hues
Cornish: hwys
Proto-Indo-European: *sweyd- 'sweat'
Page in Pokorny: 1043
IE cognates: Lat. sіdo, Skt. sveґdate, Arm. kcirtn 'sweat (noun)'
Notes: The Celtic forms can be derived from PIE *swid-soReferences: EIEC 560, LEIA A-62, GPC I: 864
Proto-Celtic: *swizd-o- 'blow' [Verb]
Old Irish: do-infet < *tu-eni-swisdo- 'blow, inspire'; do-r-infid [3s Pret. Relative]; do-rinfess [Pret. Pass. Relative]
Middle Welsh: chwythu 'blow, breathe'
Middle Breton: huezaff
Cornish: hwytha
Proto-Indo-European: *sweys-dPage in Pokorny: 1040f.
IE cognates: Russ. svistaґt'
Notes: These words are of onomatopoeic origin, so indepentent creations in different
branches of IE cannot be excluded.
References: GPC I: 865, LIV 611ff., LP 395, LEIA S-100.
Proto-Celtic: *swѓdu- 'sweet' [Adjective]
Old Irish: Sadb [PN]
Gaulish: Suadu-gena, Suadu-rix
Proto-Indo-European: *sweh2du- 'sweet'
Page in Pokorny: 1039
IE cognates: Skt. svѓduґ-, Gr. hedyґs, Lat. suѓuis, ToB swѓre
Notes: W hawdd 'easy' might be derivable from the same root.
References: Delamarre 284, Ellis Evans 1967: 258, Meid 2005: 206f.
Proto-Celtic: *swЊd-o- 'swell' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: chwyddaw (GPC chwyddo)
Proto-Indo-European: *sweyd- 'sweat'
Page in Pokorny: 1043
IE cognates: Skt. svedate, Gr. idiґЎ, OHG swizzen
Notes: In OIr. there is the deverbal noun siґat [?u m] 'inflation, swelling' < PCelt. *swЊdu-.
For the semantic development 'sweat' > 'swell' see KPV 609.
References: KPV 610f., GPC I: 860, LIV 607
Proto-Celtic: *sw–s 'you (p)' [Pronoun]
Old Irish: siґ
Middle Welsh: hui (OW), MW chwi
Middle Breton: hui (OBret.), MBret. huy
Cornish: why
References: LEIA S-101f., GPC I: 850, GOI 254, 282, Falileyev 87f.
Proto-Celtic: *sѓmo- 'calm, easy, pleasant' [Adjective]
Old Irish: saґm [o]
Proto-Indo-European: *somo- 'same'
Page in Pokorny: 902
IE cognates: Skt. sѓmanaґ- 'calm', ON samr 'same'
References: LEIA S-20, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 39
Proto-Celtic: *sѓtѓ 'sufficiency, fill' [Noun]
Old Irish: saґth, saґith [ѓ f]
Proto-Indo-European: *seh2-tPage in Pokorny: 876
IE cognates: Lat. satis 'enough' < *sh2ti-, Lith. soґtis 'sufficiency', Go. ga-so?jan 'satisfy'
References: LEIA S-15f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 294, 527
Proto-Celtic: *sѓwol- / *sіli- 'sun' [Noun]
Old Irish: suґil [i f] 'eye'
Middle Welsh: haul [m and f]
Middle Breton: houl (OBret.), MBret. heuul, heul
Cornish: heuul gl. sol (OCo.), MCo. houl
Proto-Indo-European: *seh2wЎl 'sun'
IE cognates: Skt. sіrya-, Lat. sЎl, Go. sauil
Notes: The change of meaning in OIr. is understandable from the mythological context. 'Sun'
is viewed as 'the eye of the Sky'. It appears that there was still an ablauting paradigm in
PCelt., Nom. s. *sѓwol, Gen. *sіl-os, from which OIr. suґil was abstracted. Another possibility
would be to start with *sh2wЎl- > *saіl- (with the regular change of *Ў > *і in the final
syllable), thence *sіl-.
References: LEIA S-201, GPC II: 1826, DGVB 214, LP 12, EIEC 188, 438, De Bernardo
Stempel 1999: 72, Campanile 1974: 63, Matasovicґ 2004: 98, 102
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Proto-Celtic: *sЊbro- 'demon, spectre' [Noun]
Old Irish: siґabar [o m]
Middle Welsh: -hwyfar in Gwen-hwyfar [PN] = Guinevre (Arthur's wife), OIr. Findabair
Page in Pokorny: 891
References: LEIA S-103, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 230, 235
Proto-Celtic: *s– 'she' [Pronoun]
Old Irish: siґ
Middle Welsh: hi
Middle Breton: hi
Cornish: hy
Proto-Indo-European: *s- + -ih2
IE cognates: Go. si 'she'
Notes: The Celtic personal pronouns for the 3sg. f were formed by adding the "motion suffix"
*-ih2 to the pronominal stem *s- (from which we have, e. g., Skt. saґs, Gr. ho, etc.).
References: GPC II: 1864, Schrijver 1997: 56.
Proto-Celtic: *s–lo- 'seed, descendants' [Noun]
Old Irish: siґl [o n]
Middle Welsh: hil [f and m] 'race, lineage'
Middle Breton: hilProto-Indo-European: *seh1- 'sow'
Page in Pokorny: 890
IE cognates: Lat. sЊmen 'seed', OEsѓwan 'sow'
Notes: Celtib. zizonti (Botorrita I) might be the 3 p Pres. of the verb 'sow' (from PIE *seh1-),
parallel to Lat. sero < *si-sh1-.
References: LEIA S-108f., GPC II: 1806, LP 7, EIEC 505, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 224,
Proto-Celtic: *s–nѓ 'weather' [Noun]
Old Irish: siґn [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: hin [f]
Middle Breton: hinon 'nice weather'
References: LEIA S-112, GPC II: 1867
Proto-Celtic: *s–ro- 'long' [Adjective]
Old Irish: siґr [o]
Middle Welsh: hir (OW and MW)
Middle Breton: hir
Cornish: hir
Gaulish: Sirus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *seh1-ro- 'late'
Page in Pokorny: 891
IE cognates: Skt. sѓyaґ- 'evening', Lat. sЊrus 'late'
References: LEIA S-116, GPC II: 1869, EIEC 357, Falileyev 85, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
229ff., 526ff., Delamarre 276
Proto-Celtic: *s–tlѓ 'vase' [Noun]
Old Irish: siґthal [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: hidl [f] 'filter, strainer, sieve' (GPC hidl, hiddl)
Middle Breton: sizl
Notes: It is possible that these words were influenced by Lat. situla 'vessel'
References: LEIA S-120f., GPC II: 1865
Proto-Celtic: *tag-(t)-o- 'strangle, choke' [Verb]
Old Irish: tachtaid, -tachta
Middle Welsh: tagu
Middle Breton: tagu
Cornish: tage
Notes: For possible, but unconvincing, IE etymologies, see LEIA T-5, Pokorny 1055.
References: LEIA T-4f., GPC III: 3421, EIEC 518
Proto-Celtic: *talamon- 'earth, ground' [Noun]
Old Irish: talam [n m]
Gaulish: Talamone, Talmun (> Talmont) [Toponyms]
Proto-Indo-European: *telh2-omPage in Pokorny: 1061
IE cognates: Lat. tellus 'earth', OPruss. talus 'ground', OE ?el 'floor'
References: LEIA T-22f., EIEC 247, Delamarre 288f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 107, 241
Proto-Celtic: *talskV- 'fragment, piece' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: talch [p] 'oatmeal, groats, fragments'
Cornish: talch gl. furfures (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *telk- 'strike, hit'
Page in Pokorny: 1062
IE cognates: OCS tleў«ti
Notes: W talch can be related to the PIE zero-grade *tlk- ony by assuming that it is
dissimilated from *tlk-sk'-o- (like W arch- from *prk'-sk'-o-).
References: GPC III: 3428, LP 43, LIV 566
Proto-Celtic: *talu- 'front, forehead' [Noun]
Old Irish: taul [u n] 'boss, protuberance' (DIL tul)
Middle Welsh: tal [m] (OW and MW) 'forehead' (GPC t…l)
Middle Breton: talar (OBret.), MBret. tal
Cornish: tal gl. frons (OCo.), MCo. tal, taal
Gaulish: Argio-talus [PN]
See also: *talamonReferences: GPC III: 3425, Falileyev 144, Delamarre 288, Schrijver 1995: 84f., Meid 2005:
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Proto-Celtic: *tan-nu- 'broaden, spread' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: tannu
Cornish: tan [Impv] 'take'
Proto-Indo-European: *ten- 'broaden, stretch'
Page in Pokorny: 1065f.
IE cognates: Skt. tanoґti, Gr. taґnymai, Go. uf-?anjan
References: KPV 618, LIV 626f., GPC III: 3443
Proto-Celtic: *tanawyo- 'thin' [Adjective]
Old Irish: tanae, tana [io]
Middle Welsh: teneu (OW and MW) (GPC tenau)
Middle Breton: tanau
Cornish: tene?en gl. latus (OCo.), Co. tanow
Proto-Indo-European: *tenh2u- 'thin'
IE cognates: Gr. tanaoґs, Lat. tenuis, OHG dunni
References: LEIA T-26, GPC III: 3477f., EIEC 574, Falileyev 146, Campanile 1974: 99,
Schrijver 1995: 85, 297, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 49, 91, 213.
Proto-Celtic: *tangwѓt- 'tongue' [Noun]
Old Irish: tengae [m > f d]
Middle Welsh: tauawt (OW), W tafod [m and f]
Middle Breton: teaut, teut
Cornish: tauot gl. lingua (OCo.), MCo. tawes
Proto-Indo-European: *dng'huh2- 'tongue
Page in Pokorny: 223
IE cognates: Lat. lingua, OHG zunga, ToB kantwo
Notes: In Celtic, the initial *t (instead of the expected *d-) is best explained as the result of
metathersis (*d...t > t...d). The Celtic forms with stem-final *-t presuppose an earlier ѓ-stem,
*tangwѓ (see Widmer 1997).
References: LEIA T-50f., GPC III: 3416f., EIEC 98, 594, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 159ff.,
Matasovicґ 2004: 108, Widmer 1997.
Proto-Celtic: *tanko- 'peace' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: tagc (OW), MW tang, tanc [m]
Gaulish: Tanco-rix
Proto-Indo-European: *tenk- 'be solid, firm'
Page in Pokorny: 1068
IE cognates: Skt. tanўc-, German dicht 'thick'
Notes: OIr. teґchtaid, -teґchta 'freeze, solidify' is a denominative verb from this root.
References: LEIA T-38f., GPC III: 3439, Delamarre 288f., Falileyev 144, Meid 2005: 118.
Proto-Celtic: *tanno- 'green oak' [Noun]
Cornish: glastannen gl. quercus uel ilex
Gaulish: Tannetum, Tanno-gilum [Toponyms]
Notes: OIr. tinne 'holly, elder (?)' is probably related (PCelt. *tennyo-), cp. LEIA T-71
References: LEIA T-71, Delamarre 289f.
Proto-Celtic: *tantѓ 'cord, cable' [Noun]
Old Irish: teґt [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: tantou (OW) [p] gl. fides, W tant [m]
Middle Breton: tanntou (OBret.)
Proto-Indo-European: *ten- 'stretch'
Page in Pokorny: 1065
IE cognates: Skt. tan-, Lat. tendo
Notes: This is an old participle of the verb *ten- 'to stretch'
References: GPC III: 3444, LEIA T-55, Falileyev 145, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 296
Proto-Celtic: *tanѓ 'time' [Noun]
Old Irish: tan [? f]
Middle Welsh: tan 'until, while, below' (GPC tan, dan)
Middle Breton: tan, dan (OBret.)
References: LEIA T-25f., GPC III: 3435, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 49, 474, 539
Proto-Celtic: *tar(r)tu- 'dryness, thirst' [Noun]
Old Irish: tart [u m]
Middle Welsh: tarth [m] 'vapour, steam, fume'
Gaulish: Tartos (?) [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *trstu- 'dry'
Page in Pokorny: 1078
IE cognates: Lat. torrus, OHG durri
Notes: The semantic connection of W tarth and OIr. tart is not beyond doubt.
References: LEIA T-35, GPC III: 3452, EIEC 170, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 145, 289,
Delamarre 291
Proto-Celtic: *tar-yo- 'boil, burst' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: tarddu
Middle Breton: tardom gl. clangor (OBret.)
Cornish: tardha
Proto-Indo-European: *terh2- 'cross, overcome'
Page in Pokorny: 1074
IE cognates: Hitt. taruhzi, Skt. tіґrvati, Lat. trѓns
References: KPV 620, LIV 633f., GPC III: 3448, Schrijver 1995: 144f.
Proto-Celtic: *taratro- 'auger' [Noun]
Old Irish: tarathar [o m]
Middle Welsh: tarater (OW), W taradr [m]
Middle Breton: tarazr, talazr
Cornish: tardar
Gaulish: *taratro- > Lat. taratrum (French tarie°re)
Proto-Indo-European: *terh1tro- 'auger'
Page in Pokorny: 1072
IE cognates: Gr. teґretron, Lat. terebra (< *terh1-sro-)
References: LEIA T-30, GPC III: 3447, LP 46, EIEC 36, 424, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
304, Delamarre 290, Falileyev 145.
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Proto-Celtic: *tares 'across' [Preposition]
Old Irish: tar, dar [+Acc.]
Proto-Indo-European: *terh2- 'cross'
Page in Pokorny: 1075
IE cognates: Skt. tiras 'across', Lat. trans 'across'
Notes: W (and OW) tra, Bret. treuz can be derived from a related form, *trѓns (cp. Lat. trans).
References: LEIA T-28f., GOI 530f., EIEC 4, Falileyev 149.
Proto-Celtic: *targw-o- 'disturb, scare' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: tarfu
Proto-Indo-European: *tergw- 'scare, fear'
Page in Pokorny: 1076f.
IE cognates: Gr. tarbeґЎ, Skt. trajati 'threaten'
References: GPC III: 3449f., LIV 574f., Frisk II: 855
Proto-Celtic: *tarwo- 'bull' [Noun]
Old Irish: tarb [o m]
Middle Welsh: tarw [m]
Middle Breton: taruu (OBret.), MBret. taru
Cornish: tarow
Gaulish: taruos
Proto-Indo-European: *tawro- 'bull'
Page in Pokorny: 1083
IE cognates: Lat. taurus, OCS turъ
References: LEIA T-31, GPC III: 3452, LP 12f.EIEC 98, 135 De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
214, 219, Delamarre 291, Matasovicґ 2004: 87
Proto-Celtic: *taws(y)o- 'deaf' [Adjective]
Old Irish: toґ [o], tuґae [yo]
Middle Welsh: taw
Middle Breton: tao
Proto-Indo-European: *teh2wsPage in Pokorny: 1056ff.
IE cognates: Skt. tіs·n·–ґm 'still, in silence', OPruss. tusnan 'quiet'
References: LIV 582, GPC III: 3455, LEIA 90f.
Proto-Celtic: *taws-yo- 'be quiet, be still' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: tewi; tawaf [1 s Pres.]
Middle Breton: teuell
Cornish: tewel
Proto-Indo-European: *teh2ws- 'be quiet, be still'
Page in Pokorny: 1056f.
IE cognates: Hitt. tuhussiyezzi 'looks quiet'
See also: *taws(y)o- 'deaf'
Notes: The Hittite verb is derived from *tuHs - < *teh2ws- by regular metathesis. A different
reconstruction of the PIE root is offered bz LIV and KPV 621ff.
References: KPV 621ff., LIV 642f., GPC III: 3456, LEIA T-90f., T-99, LP 401
Proto-Celtic: *taysto- 'dough' [Noun]
Old Irish: taiґs, taeґs [o ]
Middle Welsh: toes 'farina subacta, massa farinaria'
Middle Breton: toas
Proto-Indo-European: *teh2ys-t- 'dough'
Page in Pokorny: 1054
IE cognates: OCS te?sto, OHG theismo
References: LEIA T-17, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 272
Proto-Celtic: *tazgo- 'badger' [Noun]
Old Irish: tadg '1. poet, 2. hard', Tadg [PN]
Gaulish: Tascos [PN], Tasco-uanus [PN] 'badger-slayer'
Proto-Indo-European: *toskoIE cognates: OHG dahs, perhaps Hitt. ta«ku- 'testicle?'
Notes: Although this etymology appears weak on the semantic side on the first sight, it is
actually quite sound, since OIr. Tadg is the name of a certain king whose totem was a badger.
There are also reflexes of the Gaulish words for 'badger' in various Romance dialects, e. g.
French (dial.) taisson, Italian tasso, Spanish tejon, etc.
References: LEIA T-5f., Delamarre 2004: 292, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 475, Ellis-Evans
1967: 263ff., Matasovicґ 2004: 88, J. Katz, KZ 111 (1998): 61-82, Uhlich 2002: 417.
Proto-Celtic: *tefent- 'hot, warm' [Adjective]
Old Irish: te, tee [nt]
Proto-Indo-European: *tep- 'be warm'
Page in Pokorny: 1070
IE cognates: Skt. tapati 'burns', Lat. tepeo 'be warm', OCS toplъ 'warm'
References: LEIA T-38, 263, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 148, 432, 532
Proto-Celtic: *tefnet- 'fire' [Noun]
Old Irish: tene [d m]
Middle Welsh: tan [m] (GPC t…n)
Middle Breton: tan
Cornish: tan
Proto-Indo-European: *tep- 'be warm'
Page in Pokorny: 1070
See also: *tefentNotes: The Celtic form *tepnet- presupposes an earlier s-stem (*tepnЊs), see Widmer 1997.
References: LEIA T-49f., GPC III: 3437, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 165, Widmer 1997.
Proto-Celtic: *tego-slowgo- 'household' [Noun]
Old Irish: teglach
Middle Welsh: telu (OW) 'retinue', MW teilu [m] (GPC teulu)
Cornish: teilu gl. familia (OCo.)
See also: *slowgoReferences: LEIA S-137, LEIA T-39, GPC III: 3490, Falileyev 146, Campanile 1974: 99.
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Proto-Celtic: *tegos 'house' [Noun]
Old Irish: tech [s n]
Middle Welsh: tig (OW), W ty [m] (GPC tyЇ)
Middle Breton: bou-tig (OBret.) 'stable', MBret. ti
Cornish: ti gl. domus (OCo.), MCo. chy
Gaulish: *attegia > Lat. attegia 'hut' (< *ad-teg-yѓ)
Celtiberian: teces (Luzaga)
Proto-Indo-European: *teg-os 'cover, roof'
Page in Pokorny: 1013
IE cognates: Lat. tego 'cover', Gr. teґgos 'roof', German Dach
Notes: OCo. to gl. tectum, W and Bret. to all presuppose PCelt. *togo-, another ablaut variant
of the same root. Cp. also OIr. tuige 'cover, protection' (DIL tugae) < *togyѓ. The lengthened
grade is attested in OIr. tiґ 'cloak' < *(s)tЊg-s, which is also compatible with the Brit. forms.
Should we reconstruct a PCelt. ablauting paradigm *t–g-s / *teg-os?
References: LEIA T-39, GPC III: 3667, EIEC 488, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 142, Uhlich
2002: 412, Meid 1994a: 43, Coґlera 1998: 170, Campanile 1974: 100.
Proto-Celtic: *tegu- 'thick' [Adjective]
Old Irish: tiug [u] 'thick, dense'
Middle Welsh: teu (OW), MW tew
Middle Breton: teo, teu
Cornish: tew
Proto-Indo-European: *tegu- 'thick'
Page in Pokorny: 1057
IE cognates: OHG dicchi
Notes: Reflexes of this PIE root are attested only in Celtic and Germanic.
References: LEIA T-76, GPC III: 3491, Falileyev 147, Schrijver 1995: 68
Proto-Celtic: *tekw-o- 'run, flee' [Verb]
Old Irish: teichid, -teich; teiss, -teґ [Subj.]; teiss, -teґ [Fut.]; taґich [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: techu
Middle Breton: techet
Proto-Indo-European: *tekw- 'flow, run'
Page in Pokorny: 1059f.
IE cognates: OCS tesўti, Lith. teku° 'run'
Notes: Brittonic -ch- is from an old subjunctive stem, cp. LP 399. The old present stem,
parallel to OIr. teich- is preserved in Canu Aneurin 55.1418 ny-debit [Impf. Impersonal
References: KPV 629ff., LIV 620f., GPC III: 3461, LEIA T-40, EIEC 491
Proto-Celtic: *telmi- 'sling, snare' [Noun]
Old Irish: teilm, tailm [i f]
Middle Welsh: telm 'snare, trap'
Middle Breton: talmorion gl. cum funditoribus, talm 'sling; a strike of lightning'
References: LEIA T-10, GPC III: 3474
Proto-Celtic: *temo-, *temeslo- 'dark'
Old Irish: temel [o m] 'shadow, darkness', tem 'dark'
Middle Welsh: timuil (OW), W tywyll 'dark, darkness'
Middle Breton: temoel gl. fenicatum, MBret. teffal
Cornish: tiwoulgou (OCo.) gl. tenebrae, MCo. teul, tevle
Proto-Indo-European: *temH- 'dark'
Page in Pokorny: 1064
IE cognates: Skt. timira- 'dark', OHG demar 'twilight', Lat. tenebrae 'darkness'
Notes: OIr. tem (DIL teim) 'dark' (< *temH-o-) is a rare word occurring only in glossaries.
References: LEIA T-48, GPC III: 3686, Falileyev 147, Schrijver 1995: 322, De Bernardo
Stempel 1999: 46
Proto-Celtic: *tand-man- 'cutting, gnawing' [Noun]
Old Irish: teinm [?n n]
Middle Welsh: tam [m] 'morsel, piece'
Middle Breton: tamm 'piece'
Cornish: tam
See also: *ten-n-d-o- 'break, cut'
Notes: There are phonological difficulties in equating MIr. teinm with W tam etc. See Stµber
1998: 167.
References: GPC III: 3434, Stµber 1998: 167.
Proto-Celtic: *tato- 'father' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: tad [m]
Middle Breton: tat
Cornish: tat gl. pater (OCo.), MCo. tas
See also: *attyoReferences: GPC III: 3407
Proto-Celtic: *ten-n-d-o- 'break, cut' [Verb]
Old Irish: teinnid, -teinn; teґiss, -teґ [Subj.]; tethainn [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *tend- 'cut'
Page in Pokorny: 1062f.
IE cognates: Lat. tondeo, Gr. teґndЎ
References: KPV 614, LIV 628, LP 399, LEIA T-51
Proto-Celtic: *texstu- 'heat' [Noun]
Old Irish: tess [u m]
Middle Welsh: tes [m]
Middle Breton: a tes gl. fotu (OBret.), MoBret. tez
Cornish: tes gl. feruor (OCo.)
Gaulish: Tessi-gnius (?) [PN]
Lepontic: A«e«- (?) [PN] (< *ad-tess-)
Proto-Indo-European: *tep- 'be warm'
Page in Pokorny: 1070
IE cognates: Skt. taґpas 'heat', Lat. tepeo 'be warm'
See also: *tefentReferences: LEIA T-54, GPC III: 3487, EIEC 263, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 146ff.,
Delamarre 294, Campanile 1974: 100, Oґ Flaithearta 1997, Meid 2005: 117f.
Proto-Celtic: *ti-ni- 'melt' [Verb]
Old Irish: tinaid, -tin 'melt, disappear'
Proto-Indo-European: *teyh1- 'become hot'
Page in Pokorny: 1053f.
IE cognates: Hitt. zЊari 'boils', OE ?–nan 'moisten'
References: KPV 640, LIV 617, LEIA T-67f.
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Proto-Celtic: *tigerno- 'lord, master' [Noun]
Old Irish: tigern [o m]
Middle Welsh: teern, teyrn [m]
Middle Breton: Tiarn (OBret.) [PN]
Cornish: mach-deyrn 'king'
Gaulish: (Castrum) Tigernum [Toponym]
Notes: For possible IE etymologies, see LEIA T-62 Coґlera 1998: 207ff. mentions the
possibility that Celtib. TIGINO (Pen. de Villastar) actually represents Tigernos, but I find this
References: LEIA T-62, GPC III: 3494, Delamarre 296, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 238ff.,
Coґlera 1998: 207ff.
Proto-Celtic: *tli-na- 'take away, steal' [Verb]
Old Irish: tlenaid, -tlen; tlieid, -tlia [Subj.]; -tiґuil [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *telh2- 'raise, support, bear'
Page in Pokorny: 1060f.
IE cognates: Lat. tollo, Go. ?ulan, Toch.B tallam·
See also: *talamon- 'earth'
References: KPV 641f., LIV 622f., LP 401, LEIA T-78f.
Proto-Celtic: *tlustu- 'kine, riches' [Noun]
Old Irish: tlus [u m]
Middle Welsh: tlws [m] 'treasure, jewel'
References: LEIA T-80, GPC III: 3510f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 269
Proto-Celtic: *tlѓti- 'weak' [Adjective]
Old Irish: tlaґith [i]
Middle Welsh: tlawdd 'poor, sick'
Proto-Indo-European: *telh2-ti- 'support, suffering'
Page in Pokorny: 1060f.
IE cognates: Gr. talaґs 'sad', OHG dolen 'suffer'
References: LEIA T-78, GPC III: 3510, McCone 1996: 52f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
293, 337
Proto-Celtic: *to- 'to' [Preposition]
Old Irish: to-, do-, do
Middle Welsh: di (OW), W dy
Middle Breton: do (OBret.)
References: LEIA T-81f., Falileyev 42f.
Proto-Celtic: *to-wessu- 'leadership, act of leading, driving' [Noun]
Old Irish: tuus, tuґs [u n] 'act of leading, preceding, beginning'
Middle Welsh: tywys 'lead, guide' (GPC tywys, tywysio, tywysu)
See also: *to-wess-ѓko-, *wedReferences: LEIA T-188, GPC III: 3688
Proto-Celtic: *tol-ey-o- 'sleep' [Verb]
Old Irish: tuilid, con-tuili; con-tuil [Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)tel- 'be quiet, be still'
Page in Pokorny: 1061f
IE cognates: OHG stillen 'make still', Lith. tylaґ 'quiet person'
References: LEIA T-170, EIEC 475
Proto-Celtic: *tonketo- 'destiny' [Noun]
Old Irish: tocad [o m]
Middle Welsh: tynghet [f and m] (GPC tynged)
Middle Breton: tonquaff 'presage'
Gaulish: Togi-marus (?) [PN]
Celtiberian: Togoti [Dat. s, theonym], tocoitei [Dat.-Loc. s] (Botorrita I) (?)
Proto-Indo-European: *tenkIE cognates: Go. ?eihan 'prosper'
Notes: For the probable relation to PCelt. *tong- 'swear' see, e. g., Delamarre 298, Koch EC
29/1992: 249-61
References: LEIA T-84f., GPC III: 3672, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 395, Meid 2005: 88f.
Proto-Celtic: *torano- 'thunder' [Noun]
Old Irish: torann [o m and ѓ f] 'thunder, noise'
Middle Welsh: taran [f] '(peal of) thunder, thunderclap'
Middle Breton: taran (OBret.) gl. tonitru, MoBret. taran
Cornish: taran gl. tonitruum (OCo.), MCo. taran
Gaulish: Taranis [Theonym]
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)ten-rPage in Pokorny: 1021
IE cognates: OHG donar, English thunder
Notes: The Gaulish word for 'thunder' is preserved in the Gasconian dialect of French
(taram). The Celtic forms are best explained by a metathesis *tonaro- > *torano-, despite
some doubts expressed by LEIA (s. v.). The unmetathesized form is perhaps attested as the
OBrit. theonym Tanaro and in the old name of the river Po, Tanarus 'thundering'.
References: LEIA T-113, GPC III: 3447, Delamarre 290
Proto-Celtic: *to-rid- 'pillar, hero'
Old Irish: tuir [t m and f]
Proto-Indo-European: *h1reyd- 'support'
IE cognates: Lat. ridica 'vine prop', Gr. ereiґdЎ 'support'
References: Joseph 1982a: 176, Uhlich 2002: 410
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Proto-Celtic: *tworko- 'boar' [Noun]
Old Irish: torc [o m]
Middle Welsh: twrch [m] 'young pig, boar'
Middle Breton: torch (OBret.) gl. uerres, Bret. tourc'h
Cornish: torch gl. magalis (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *twork'oPage in Pokorny: 1032
IE cognates: Avestan ±wЌrЌsaNotes: It is assumed here that *tw- was preserved in PCelt. (just as PIE *dw- was retained)
but it is possible that the change *tw- > *t- is already Proto-Celtic.
References: LEIA T-115, GPC III: 3661, DGVB 316, EIEC 425, Campanile 1974: 101,
Schrijver 1995: 65
Proto-Celtic: *torrV- 'belly' [Noun]
Old Irish: tarr, tair [u or i, m]
Middle Welsh: torr (OW) gl. palma, MW tor [f] 'belly'
Middle Breton: tar gl. ventrem, MBret. torr, teur
Cornish: tor gl. uenter (OCo.), MoCo. torow [p]
Notes: I have some doubts whether OW tor gl. palma is the same word as W tor 'belly'. It
could belong rather to W torri (MCo. terry, MBret. torret) 'break, smash'
References: LEIA T-33, GPC III: 3525, Falileyev 148, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 262,
Campanile 1974: 101.
Proto-Celtic: *torrѓko- 'pregnant' [Adjective]
Old Irish: torrach [o]
Middle Welsh: torrog
Middle Breton: toroc (OBret.)
See also: *torrV- 'belly'
References: LEIA T-33, GPC III: 3534
Proto-Celtic: *to-wessѓko- 'chief, first' [Adjective]
Old Irish: toiґsech [o]
Middle Welsh: tywyssawc [m] 'prince', British tovisaci [Gen. s] (Ogam) (GPC tywysog)
Middle Breton: toguisoc (OBret.)
See also: *wed-o- 'lead', *to-wessuNotes: An old derivative from the root *wedh- 'lead', i. e. *to-wedh-t-ѓko-
References: LEIA T-100f., GPC III: 3688, LHEB 186f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 349, W.
Cowgill, Language 43/135
Proto-Celtic: *towto- 'left, north' [Adjective]
Old Irish: tuґath [o]
Proto-Indo-European: *tewtoIE cognates: Lat. tіtus 'safe', Go. ?iu? 'good'
Notes: OBret. tut, which Fleuriot (DGVB) renders as 'good, favorable', appears to be the
same word, cp. also OBret. tuthe 'a kind of demon'. OIr. tuґath also means 'bad, perverse'. It
is unclear if the meanings 'left', 'good', and 'magic' can be brought together, since the
associations of the left hand side are almost universally negative. Therefore the IE part of this
etymology remains rather conjectural.
References: LEIA T-164f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 379
Proto-Celtic: *towtѓ 'people, tribe' [Noun]
Old Irish: tuath [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: tut [m] 'people, country' (GPC tud)
Middle Breton: tut
Cornish: tus
Gaulish: Teutates [Theonym], Touto [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *tewteh2 'people, tribe'
Page in Pokorny: 1084
IE cognates: Go. ?iuda 'people', Oscan touto 'city', Lith. tauta° 'people', perhaps Hitt. tuzzi'army'
Notes: Gaul. Teutates was presumably 'god of the tribe'; this form appears archaic, as the
change *ew > ow, ou is well-attested in Gaul.
References: LEIA T-164, GPC III: 3651, Pedersen I: 54, EIEC 288, 437, 631, De Bernardo
Stempel 1999: 379, Delamarre 295
Proto-Celtic: *toybo- 'side' [Noun]
Old Irish: toiґb, toґeb, taeb (DIL) [o m]
Middle Welsh: tu [m]
Middle Breton: tu (OBret.), MBret. tu
Cornish: tu
Proto-Indo-European: *teygw- 'side'
Page in Pokorny: 1015
IE cognates: Arm. tcЊkn 'shoulder'
References: LEIA T-91f., GPC III: 3648f., DGVB 324, EIEC 518, De Bernardo Stempel
1999: 492
Proto-Celtic: *trebѓ 'settlement' [Noun]
Old Irish: treb [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: tref [f], Tre- (in PN)
Middle Breton: treff .i. urbs
Cornish: treGaulish: Ambi-trebius [PN]
Celtiberian: Con-trebia (konterbia) [Toponym]
Proto-Indo-European: *treb- 'settlement'
Page in Pokorny: 1090
IE cognates: Go. ?aurp, Lith. troba° 'house'
See also: *attrebѓ
Notes: Old Provencal trevar 'inhabit' is from the lost Gaulish verb of the same meaning.
References: LEIA T-127f., GPC III: 3572, EIEC 281, Delamarre 301, Coґlera 1998: 30, 108,
Proto-Celtic: *treget- 'foot' [Noun]
Old Irish: traig [d m]
Middle Welsh: troet [m] (GPC troed)
Middle Breton: troat
Cornish: truit gl. pes (OCo.), MCo. troys, tros
Gaulish: treide .i. pede (Vienne)
Proto-Indo-European: *tregh- 'run, walk'
Page in Pokorny: 1089
IE cognates: Go. ?ragjan 'run', Croatian trag 'trace'
References: LEIA T-123, GPC III: 3608f., LP 29, EIEC 491, De Bernardo Stempel 1999:
167, 172, 525, Delamarre 300 Schrijver 1995: 136, Campanile 1974: 102f.
Proto-Celtic: *trexsno- 'strong' [Adjective]
Old Irish: treґn [o]
Middle Welsh: trech 'stronger'
Middle Breton: trech, MoBret. trec'h 'winner'
Gaulish: Trexius, Trexa, Trenus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *tregPage in Pokorny: 1090
IE cognates: OE ?raka 'courage'
References: LEIA T-136, GPC III: 3571, Delamarre 301, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 252,
258, 389
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Proto-Celtic: *trisano- 'one third' [Numeral]
Old Irish: triґan
Middle Welsh: trean (OW), MW trayan
Middle Breton: troian (OBret.)
See also: *tr–s 'three'
References: LEIA T-141f., GOI 250, Falileyev 149.
Proto-Celtic: *trowgo- 'sorry, sad' [Adjective]
Old Irish: truґag, troґg [o]
Middle Welsh: tru (OW and MW)
Middle Breton: tru[ed] gl. humanitatis (OBret.) , MBret. truez 'pity'
Cornish: tru
Gaulish: Trouceti-marus [PN]
Notes: Cp. the parallel compounds troґcar 'merciful' < *trowg-kar-o-, W trugar-og, 'merciful',
trugar-edd 'mercy'.
References: LEIA T-53f., GPC III: 3621, DGVB 324, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 325,
337f., Delamarre 303, Meid 2005: 119f.
Proto-Celtic: *trummo- 'heavy' [Adjective]
Old Irish: trom [o]
Middle Welsh: trumm (OW), MW trwm
Middle Breton: trom, trum (OBret.) gl. inoportune
Cornish: trom
Proto-Indo-European: *trewd- 'thrust, press'
Page in Pokorny: 1095f.
IE cognates: Lat. trіdo, OCS trudь 'trouble', Alb. tredh 'castrate'
Notes: The Celtic forms can be derived from *trud-smo-.
References: LEIA T-151, GPC III: 3626f., DGVB 324, EIEC 451, Falileyev 151, De
Bernardo Stempel 1999: 267, 373
Proto-Celtic: *tru(n)ksko- 'trunk, broken part'
Middle Welsh: trwch [m] 'thickness, density, wounded, broken, sad'; trychiau [p]
Middle Breton: truch gl. obtusi (OBret.), Bret. trouc'ha 'cut'
Cornish: trech gl. truncus (OCo.); MCo. trogh 'broken'
Proto-Indo-European: *trewk- 'cut'
IE cognates: Lat. truncus '1. mutilated, 2. stem'
Notes: GPC distinguishes two words, trwch thickness, bulk' and trwch 'sad, broken,
wounded'. Despite formal and semantic problems, the connection to Lat. truncus 'trunk', Lith.
trenkiu° 'hit' remains probable, but forms adduced in Pokorny (1074) belong to several
different roots.
References: GPC III: 3625, DGVB 324
Proto-Celtic: *trussko- 'dirty, leprous' [Adjective]
Old Irish: trosc [o] 'leprous'
Middle Welsh: trwsgl 'rash, crude, rude, coarse'
Middle Breton: trusci gl. scabiem (OBret.), MBret. trousquenn
Notes: OIr. trosc is also used as a substantive meaning 'a leper'. Perhaps related are Gaulish
PNs Truxus, Troxus, Troxo, cp. Delamarre 303.
References: LEIA T-152, GPC III: 3628, Delamarre 303, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 277
Proto-Celtic: *trusto- 'noise, cry' [Noun]
Old Irish: trost [o m]
Middle Welsh: trwst [m]
Middle Breton: trous
Cornish: tros
Notes: The preservation of *-st- in Insular Celtic is difficult to account for. Since this word
has no PIE etymology, maybe *-t- is an expressive suffix.
References: LEIA T-152, GPC III: 3629
Proto-Celtic: *truti- 'starling' [Noun]
Old Irish: truit [i f]
Middle Welsh: trydw (GPC drudw)
Middle Breton: tred, dret
Cornish: troet gl. turdus (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *trusdo- 'starling'
Page in Pokorny: 1090
IE cognates: Lat. turdus, MHG trostel, Croatian drozd
References: LEIA T-155, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 274, 519, Campanile 1974: 102.
Proto-Celtic: *trѓgi- 'beach, low tide' [Noun]
Old Irish: traґig [i f]
Middle Welsh: trei [m] 'low tide, draining'; treiau, treion [p]
Middle Breton: tre
References: LEIA T-123f., GPC III: 3551, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 66, 73, 525
Proto-Celtic: *trѓtu- 'length of time, hour' [Noun]
Old Irish: traґth [u n]
Middle Welsh: trawd [m and f] 'course, voyage' (GPC trawd, trawdd)
Proto-Indo-European: *trh2-to- 'crossed, traversed'
Page in Pokorny: 1074
IE cognates: Skt. tarati 'crosses', OCS trajati 'to last'
References: LEIA T-124f., GPC III: 3560, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 287, Schrijver 1995:
Proto-Celtic: *trЊ 'through' [Preposition]
Old Irish: tre [aspirating, +Acc., later also +Dat.]
Middle Welsh: trui (OW), MW trwy, drwy
Middle Breton: tre, dre
Cornish: dre
References: LEIA T-126, GPC III: 3630f., Falileyev 151, Schrijver 1995: 246f.
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Proto-Celtic: *tr–s 'three' [Numeral]
Old Irish: triґ
Middle Welsh: tri ; teir [f]
Middle Breton: tri; teir [f]
Cornish: try; teyr, tyr [f]
Gaulish: tri-; ti‹res [f]
Proto-Indo-European: *treyes 'three'
Page in Pokorny: 1090f.
IE cognates: Skt. traґyas, Lat. trЊs
Notes: OIr. triґ has long iґ when used as a substantive, but short i when used attributively
(shortening in proclisis). The ordinal numeral is formed differently in various Celtic
languages: Gaulish has Tritos [PN}, OIr. tris, tres < *tristo-, W trydydd, Bret. trede < *tritiyo.
References: LEIA T-139f., GPC III: 3591, EIEC 400, Delamarre 301f., Falileyev 150.
Proto-Celtic: *tu-ad-ret-o- 'reach, grasp' [Verb]
Old Irish: do-aґrad 'grasp, find'
Middle Welsh: daeredu 'reach, come, pay taxes'
See also: *ret-oReferences: KPV 538f.
Proto-Celtic: *tu-ari-wo-kan-o- 'prophesize' [Verb]
Old Irish: do-aurchain
Middle Welsh: darogan
See also: *kan-oReferences: KPV 388ff.
Proto-Celtic: *tu-kom-far-sko- 'ask' [Verb]
Old Irish: do-comairc
Middle Welsh: dy-m-kyueirch (with infixed pronoun -m-)
See also: *far-skoReferences: KPV 512
Proto-Celtic: *tong-o- 'swear' [Verb]
Old Irish: tongaid, -toing; -toґ [Subj.], tithis, -tith [Fut.], tochtae, -tocht [Pret. Pass.]
Middle Welsh: tyngu
Middle Breton: toeaff, touet
Cornish: ty ; tof [1 s Pres.]
Gaulish: toncsiiontio [3p Fut. Relative] (Chamalie°res)
Proto-Indo-European: *teh2g- 'touch'
Page in Pokorny: 1055
IE cognates: Lat. tango
Notes: The connection with Lat. tango 'touch' is not beyond doubt. The usual explanation is
that swearing was performed by touching a part of the body, or the ground, see LEIA T-108.
KPV 650 derives this Celtic verb from an earlier *lu-n-g-o- and relates it to PCelt. *lugyo'oath'; the explanation offered there how the stems *tek- and *leug- became confused is
rather complicated. KPV also claims that the Gaulish form toncsiiontio is unrelated to the
Insular Celtic forms.
References: KPV 648ff., RIG II.2: L-100, LEIA T-106ff., LP 401f, GPC III: 3672,
Delamarre 298 .
Proto-Celtic: *tu-ret-o- 'approach' [Verb]
Old Irish: do-reith 'hurry'
Middle Welsh: dyred 'approach'
See also: *ret-oReferences: KPV 538f., GPC I: 1146
Proto-Celtic: *tu-skara- 'conquer, subject, strew' [Verb]
Old Irish: do-scara 'conquer, subject'
Middle Welsh: dyscaraf [1s Pres.] 'strew'
See also: *skaraReferences: KPV 576
Proto-Celtic: *tu-sl-iyo- 'earn' [Verb]
Old Irish: do-sliґ; (ro)-thuillisem [1p Pret. Relative]
Middle Welsh: dyrllid (GPC derllyddu, dyrllyddu, dyrllys, dyrllid) < *tu-ro-sl-iyoMiddle Breton: dellezaff < *tu-ro-sl-iyoCornish: deleth [3s Pres.]
Proto-Indo-European: *selh1- 'take'
Page in Pokorny: 899
IE cognates: Lat. cЎn-sulo 'gather, advice' ON selja 'sell'
Notes: The verbal root is unattested as simplex in Celtic.
References: KPV 588ff., GPC I: 932, LIV 529, LP 396, LEIA S-130f.
Proto-Celtic: *tud-o- 'fall' [Verb]
Old Irish: do-tuit < *tu-tud-o-; -toth [Subj.]; -toґeth [Fut.]
Proto-Indo-European: *(s)tewd- 'hit'
Page in Pokorny: 1033f.
IE cognates: Skt. tudaґti, Lat. tundo, Go. stautan
References: KPV 642ff., LIV 601, LEIA T-177ff., LP 402.
Proto-Celtic: *tullo- 'pierced, perforated' [Adjective]
Old Irish: toll [o]
Middle Welsh: twll
Middle Breton: tull (OBret.) gl. foramen, MBret. toull
Cornish: toll, tol
Proto-Indo-European: *tewk- 'beat, perforate'
Page in Pokorny: 1032
Notes: The Celtic forms are usually derived from *tuk-slo- (with the same suffix *-slo- as in
*tЎk-slo- > OIr. taґl 'axe')
References: LEIA T-103, GPC III: 3658, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 264f.
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Proto-Celtic: *tum-–- 'grow' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: tyfu
Middle Breton: tum (OBret.) [3s Pres.], MoBret. tenvanў
Cornish: a dyff 'grow'; tyff [3 s Pres.]
Proto-Indo-European: *twem- 'grow, swell'
Page in Pokorny: 1082
IE cognates: Lat. tumeo, Lith. tume†ґti 'get fat'
References: KPV 646f., GPC III: 3671, DGVB 325, LIV 654
Proto-Celtic: *tumbo- 'excrescence, hill' [Noun]
Old Irish: tomm [o m] 'bush, bunch, hill'
Middle Welsh: tom [f and m] 'dung, heap of dung, mound'
Proto-Indo-European: *tum-bh- 'mound, hill'
Page in Pokorny: 1082
IE cognates: Lat. tumulus 'mound'
Notes: OIr. tuґaim [n n] 'hill, mound' might also belong here (see LEIA T-159), but it might
also be from *stowxsman- (see above).
References: LEIA T-104, T-159, GPC III: 3519, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 281, 315
Proto-Celtic: *tundѓ 'wave' [Noun]
Old Irish: tonn [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: ton [f]
Middle Breton: tonn gl. lympha (OBret.), MBret. tonn
Cornish: ton
Notes: Perhaps related to Lat. tundo 'beat', cp. LEIA T-109
References: LEIA T-109, GPC III: 3519, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 342
Proto-Celtic: *tuto- 'vulva' – путка [Noun]
Old Irish: toth [o m]
Gaulish: Tuta [PN], Uiro-tuti [d PN] (?)
References: Delamarre 305
Proto-Celtic: *tѓ-yo- 'stand, find oneself (somewhere)' [Verb]
Old Irish: at-taґ < *ad-tѓ-yoMiddle Welsh: -tau [3s Pres.] 'is'
Middle Breton: to (OBret.) [3s Pres.]
Cornish: otte 'there is'
Gaulish: mori-tex (negotiator Britannicianus), CIL XIII 8164a (Cologne) 'seafarer'.
Proto-Indo-European: *steh2- 'stand'
Page in Pokorny: 1004f.
IE cognates: Lat. sto, stare, OCS stojati, Lith. stoґti
References: KPV 623ff., LIV 590ff., LP 323f., LEIA T-2, A-90
Proto-Celtic: *tѓtant- 'thief' [Noun]
Old Irish: taґid [nt, m]
Proto-Indo-European: *teh2- 'steal'
Page in Pokorny: 1010
IE cognates: Skt. tѓjuґ- 'thief', OCS tatь 'thief', tajiti 'hide'
References: LEIA T-7, EIEC 543, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 285, 355ff.
Proto-Celtic: *tѓxslo- 'axe' [Noun]
Old Irish: taґl [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *tek'-slo- 'axe'
Page in Pokorny: 1058
IE cognates: OCS tesla, OHG dehsa, dehsala
References: LEIA T-22, EIEC 38, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 224
Proto-Celtic: *tЊg-o- 'go' [Verb]
Old Irish: teґit, -teґt, -tiґagait [3p]; teґis, -teґ [Subj.]
Middle Welsh: ardwyaw < *ari-tЊg-o- 'defend, protect' (GPC ardwyo)
Cornish: ymardwyaw < *ambi-ari-teig-o- 'defend oneself'
Proto-Indo-European: *steygh- 'tread, go'
Page in Pokorny: 1017f.
IE cognates: Gr. steiґkhЎ, Go. steigan
Notes: The Celtic forms consistently point to word initial *t-, so the simplification (probably
originally in sandhi) of *st- > *t- is already Proto-Celtic (cp. also PCelt. *tѓ-yo- 'stand' <
*stѓ-yo-). Gaul. moritex is a compound of *mori 'sea' and PCelt. *tЊg- 'go'; cp. W mordwy
'movement of the sea, sea-voyage' < *mori-tЊgV-.
References: KPV 637ff., GPC I: 184, LIV 593f., LEIA T-57ff., EIEC 228, LP 399ff, Uhlich
2002: 420.
Proto-Celtic: *t–ros- 'land, earth' [Noun]
Old Irish: tiґr [o n]
Middle Welsh: tir (OW and MW) [m]
Middle Breton: tir
Cornish: tir gl. tellus (OCo.), MCo. tyr
Proto-Indo-European: *ter-s- 'dry'
Page in Pokorny: 1078
IE cognates: Lat. terra 'land' (< *tersѓ)
Notes: The long vowel of *t–ros < *tЊros is exactly parallel to *s–dos < *sЊdos, OIr. siґd
'mound'. It may represent an old vrddhi, but it may also point to a PIE root-noun *tЊrs'dryness, firmness'.
References: LEIA T-74f., GPC III: 3503, EIEC 100, 170, GOI 39, Falileyev 148, Campanile
1974: 100, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 144ff.
Proto-Celtic: *tі, *tu 'you' [Pronoun]
Old Irish: tuґ, tu-ssu
Middle Welsh: ti (OW and MW) (GPC ti, di)
Middle Breton: ti, te
Cornish: ty
Proto-Indo-European: *tuH
Page in Pokorny: 1097f.
IE cognates: Skt. t(u)vam, Lat. tі, OCS ty
Notes: Two forms of this pronoun must be distinguished in PCelt., the stressed *tі (> W ti)
and the unstressed *tu, preserved in OIr. tu-ssu and presumably relengthened in OIr. tuґ (cp.
meґ 'I' vs. me-sse).
References: LEIA T-156f., GPC III: 3496, DGVB 311, 313, EIEC 455, Falileyev 147
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Proto-Celtic: *tіўknѓ 'back, bottom, arse' [Noun]
Old Irish: toґn [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: tin [f and m]
Cornish: tyn
Proto-Indo-European: *tewH-k- 'swell'
Page in Pokorny: 1080
IE cognates: OE ?Њoh 'thigh', Lith. taґukas 'fat'
References: LEIA T-105f., GPC III: 3498f.
Proto-Celtic: *u-n-k-o- 'understand' [Verb]
Old Irish: do-ucai < *tu-u-n-k-oProto-Indo-European: *h1ewk- 'get used to'
Page in Pokorny: 347
IE cognates: Skt. ucyati, OCS ucўiti 'learn', Lith. ju°nkti 'get used to'
References: KPV 652f., LIV 244f., LEIA U-13f., LP 345
Proto-Celtic: *uden-sk-yo- 'water' [Noun]
Old Irish: uisce [io m]
Proto-Indo-European: *wod-r /uden- 'water'
Page in Pokorny: 79
IE cognates: Skt. udaґn-, Umbrian utur, OCS voda
Notes: Although this etymology is often repeated in handbooks, I'm not positive that it is
correct. The suffix combination *-skyo-seems odd.
References: LEIA U-21, EIEC 636
Proto-Celtic: *ufelo- 'bad' [Adjective]
Old Irish: fel [o]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2wop- 'treat badly'
Page in Pokorny: 1107
IE cognates: Hitt. huwapzi 'harrows, despoils', Go. ubils 'bad, evil'
References: EIEC 43, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 410, 450
Proto-Celtic: *ukWso-, *ukWsЎn 'ox' [Noun]
Old Irish: oss [o m] 'stag, cow'
Middle Welsh: ych [m], ychen [p]
Middle Breton: penn ohen gl. caput boum [p] (OBret.), MoBret. oc'hen
Cornish: oghan [p]
Proto-Indo-European: *ukWsЎn 'ox'
Page in Pokorny: 1118
IE cognates: OE oxa, Av. ux«an- 'bull', ToB okso 'draft-ox'
References: LEIA O-34, GPC III: 3749, EIEC 135.
Proto-Celtic: *ulkwo- 'bad, evil' [Adjective]
Old Irish: olc [o]
Lepontic: Ulkos [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *wlkwo- 'wolf'
Page in Pokorny: 1178f.
IE cognates: Skt. vr•ґka-, Lat. lupus
Notes: The meaning of this word in PCelt. could have been 'wolf', as in PIE. Another
etymology, less persuasive in my opinion, relates OIr. olc to Lat. ulciscor 'take vengeance'
(see LP 43).
References: LEIA O-19f., LP 43, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 553, McCone 1985, McCone
1996: 44.
Proto-Celtic: *up(p)u 'ouch' [Exclamation]
Old Irish: upp
Middle Welsh: wb (GPC wb, ub)
References: LEIA U-26, GPC III: 3729
Proto-Celtic: *w(u)lѓўno- 'wool' [Noun]
Old Irish: olann [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: gulan [m] (OW), MW gwlan (GPC gwl…n)
Middle Breton: glan
Cornish: gluan gl. lana (OCo.), MCo. glan, glawn
Proto-Indo-European: *wlh2no- 'wool'
Page in Pokorny: 1139
IE cognates: Hitt. hulana-, Skt. іґrn·ѓ, Lat. lѓna, Go. wulla
Notes: Some authors think that OIr. olann is a loanword from British (e. g. Falileyev, p. 70),
which I find unlikely. However, the word initial o- in OIr. can be explained if we start from
*ulanѓ, with a different syllabification than in British, which reflects *wlѓno-; we should
probably reconstruct both a feminine *ulanѓ and a neuter *wlѓno- for Proto-Celtic (the
feminine being an old collective), see Matasovicґ 2005: 128. Hittite h- is the result of
metathesis; there is no other evidence for the word-initial laryngeal.
References: LEIA O-19f., GPC II: 1680, EIEC 648, Falileyev 70, Campanile 1974: 49, De
Bernardo Stempel 1999: 254, Schrijver 1995: 177, Matasovicґ 2005: 128.
Proto-Celtic: *wal-na- 'rule, govern' [Verb]
Old Irish: fallnaithir, -fallnathar, -follnathar
Proto-Indo-European: *welH- 'be strong, rule'
Page in Pokorny: 1111f.
IE cognates: Lat. ualeo, Lith. velde†ґti 'govern, rule', Go. waldan 'rule'
References: KPV 655f., LIV 676f.,
Proto-Celtic: *walo- 'prince, chief' [Noun]
Old Irish: fal 'rule', Conall [PN] < *kuno-waloMiddle Welsh: Con-gual (OW) [PN] < *kuno-waloMiddle Breton: Conuual [PN] < *kuno-walo268
Proto-Indo-European: *welH- 'rule'
Page in Pokorny: 1112
IE cognates: Lat. ualeo 'be strong; Go. waldan 'rule', ToA walo 'king'
See also: *wlati- 'sovereignty'
Notes: Cp. the parallel compound PNs Gaul. Katouualos, OW Catgual, OIr. Cathal 'strong in
battle' < *katu-walo-.
References: EIEC 490, Delamarre 306, Untermann 2002: 414.
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Proto-Celtic: *wano- 'weak' [Adjective]
Old Irish: fann [o]
Middle Welsh: gwan
Middle Breton: guenion gl. mitiores (OBret.), Bret. gwan
Cornish: guan gl. debilis (OCo.)
References: GPC II: 1571f., Campanile 1974: 53.
Proto-Celtic: *warrѓ 'post, prop' [Noun]
Old Irish: farr [? f] 'post'
Middle Welsh: guar (OW), MW gwar [m and f] 'nape of the neck, noddle, upper part'
Cornish: guar gl. collum (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *wer-s- 'top, peak'
Page in Pokorny: 1150ff.
IE cognates: OCS vrъxъ 'top, peak', Lat. uerrіca
See also: *werro- 'high'
Notes: The semantic connection between the Goidelic and Welsh forms are not wholly
convincing. Besides, farr is attested rather late in Irish. On the formal side, PCelt. *warrѓ can
be derived from PIE *wrseh2.
References: GPC II: 1576, Walde-Hoffman II: 762
Proto-Celtic: *wasto- 'servant' [Noun]
Old Irish: foss [o m]
Middle Welsh: guas (OW), MW gwas [m]; gweision, gweis [p]
Middle Breton: -uuas, -guas [in PN] (OBret.), Bret. gwaz 'man, husband'
Cornish: guas
Gaulish: *uassos > Medieval Latin uassus (cp. French vassal)
Notes: A possible, but not wholly convincing etymology derives these words from PIE *uposth2-o- 'standing beneath', cp. Delamarre 307.
References: GPC II: 1590f., EIEC 506, Delamarre 307, Falileyev 65, Uhlich 2002: 415,
Schrijver 1995: 407
Proto-Celtic: *waylo- 'wolf' [Noun]
Old Irish: faґel [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *waylo- (?) 'wolf'
Page in Pokorny: 1110f.
IE cognates: Arm. gayl 'wolf'
Notes: This could be a chance correspondence, since it is based on only two IE languages.
References: EIEC 647, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 226
Proto-Celtic: *we-wlo- 'lip' [Noun]
Old Irish: beґl [o m]
Middle Welsh: gwefl [f]
Middle Breton: guefl 'mouth'
Cornish: gwelv
Notes: The exact reconstruction of this PCelt. etymon is difficult, but the attested forms are
doubtlessly related. Perhaps the original *wewlo- was a reduplicated form, created after the
Common Celtic shift of *ew > *ow. It is here assumed that the OIr. word is the result of a
dissimilation (*w...w > *b...w).
References: LEIA B-29, GPC II: 1615
Proto-Celtic: *wed-o- 'lead, bring together' [Verb]
Old Irish: feidid, -feid; feiss, -feґ [Subj.], feiss, -feґ [Fut.]; faґid [Pret.]; fessae, -fess [Pret.
Middle Welsh: gweddu ' subject oneself to, submit'; arweddu < *are-wed-o- 'lead, bring'
Middle Breton: dimiziff < *tu-ambi-wed-o- 'marry'
Cornish: demmedhi < *tu-ambi-wed-o- 'marry'
Proto-Indo-European: *h2wedh- 'lead'
Page in Pokorny: 1115f.
IE cognates: Hitt. huett(iya)- 'draw, pull', Lith. vedu° 'lead, marry', Go. ga-widan 'bind',
OCS vesti
Notes: The word-initial laryngeal is confirmed by the Hittite correspondence, but this is not
universally accepted (note that the Hitt. verb is written with double -tt-, which should be from
the PIE voiceless *t).
References: KPV 656f., GPC II: 1609, LIV 658f., EIEC 346, LP 361f., LEIA D-140
Proto-Celtic: *weg-yo- 'weave, compose' [Verb]
Old Irish: figid, -fig; faґig [Pret.]; fechtae, -fecht [Pret. Pass.]
Middle Welsh: gweЁu (GPC gwau)
Middle Breton: gueaff
Cornish: (Late Cornish) gwia
Proto-Indo-European: *wegPage in Pokorny: 1117
IE cognates: Lat. uЊlum 'sail' < *weg-s-loReferences: KPV 660ff., GPC II: 1602, LIV 662, LP 364, EIEC 473, 572
Proto-Celtic: *wegno- 'wagon' [Noun]
Old Irish: feґn [o m]
Middle Welsh: gwain
Proto-Indo-European: *weg'hnoPage in Pokorny: 1118ff.
IE cognates: OHG wagan, ToB yakne 'way, manner'
Notes: W gwain 'car' appears not to be attested in GPC (gwain 'sheath' < Lat. uag–na is a
different word).
References: LP 11, EIEC 625, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 254, 258
Proto-Celtic: *wegro- 'grass' [Noun]
Old Irish: feґr [o n]
Middle Welsh: gwair [m]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2ewg- / *h2weg- 'grow'
Page in Pokorny: 84f.
IE cognates: Lat. augeo, Go. aukan
Notes: In OW there is the compound guer-claud 'meadow'. On the Indo-European side, this
etymology, although accepted by De Bernardo Stempel (199: 228, 240), is weak from the
semantic point of view.
References: GPC II: 1563, Falileyev 67, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 228, 230
Proto-Celtic: *wekwo- 'speech' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: gwep [f] 'face, aspect, grimace'
Middle Breton: goap 'mockery'
Gaulish: Uepo-litanos [PN], Uepos [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *wekw- 'say, utter'
Page in Pokorny: 1135f.
IE cognates: Gr. ґepos 'word', Lat. uЎx 'voice', ToB wek 'voice'.
Notes: The change of meaning in W would be from 'speech' to 'mockery' to 'grimace', and
finally, to 'face'. This semantic evolution is complex, but possible. On the other hand, it is
difficult to know the meaning of the onomastic element Uepo- in Gaulish (see Meid 2005:
245ff.). Is Uepo-litanos 'broad-faced' or 'one with the broad speech? Such difficulties of
interpretation cast some doubt on the validity of this etymology.
References: GPC II: 1641, Delamarre 313f., Meid 2005: 245ff.
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Proto-Celtic: *wel-n-o- 'bend' [Verb]
Old Irish: fillid, -filli
Middle Breton: goalenn 'green twig'
Proto-Indo-European: *wel- 'turn, wind'
Page in Pokorny: 1140ff.
IE cognates: Skt. vaґlati, Lat. uoluo, OCS valiti 'roll', Go. walwyan 'rotate, roll', ToA walyi
References: EIEC 607
Proto-Celtic: *wel-o- 'see' [Verb]
Old Irish: -fil 'there is'
Middle Welsh: gwelet 'see' (GPC gweld, gweled)
Middle Breton: guilinn [3p Pret.] (OBret.), MBret. guelet
Cornish: gweles
Proto-Indo-European: *welPage in Pokorny: 1136f.
IE cognates: Lat. uoltus 'face'
Notes: OIr. file [d m] 'poet' is a derivative from this root (cp. Ogam Gen. s VELITAS). The
original meaning was 'seer'
References: KPV 669ff., GPC II: 1626, LIV 675, LP 331, EIEC 505, DGVB 191
Proto-Celtic: *weli- 'blood' [Noun]
Old Irish: fuil [i f]
Middle Welsh: gweli [f and m] 'blood, wound'
Middle Breton: goulyow [p]
Cornish: goly
Proto-Indo-European: *welh2/3- 'wound'
Page in Pokorny: 1144f.
IE cognates: Lat. uolnus, Gr. oulЊґ 'scar'
Notes: The laryngeal is implied by Lat. -ln- (from *-lan- by syncope; original *ln would have
been assimilated to ll, cp. tollo 'take' < *tolnЎ). W gweli and the other British forms cannot
be derived directly from the proto-form *weli-, but rather presuppose some kind of suffix,
perhaps *-–so- (Pokorny).
References: GPC II: 1627, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 65, 73, EIEC 650.
Proto-Celtic: *welo- 'good, desirable' [Adjective]
Middle Welsh: gwell 'better'
Middle Breton: gwell 'better'
Cornish: gwell 'better'
Proto-Indo-European: *wel- 'want, wish'
Page in Pokorny: 1137
IE cognates: Lat. uolo, Go. wiljan
Notes: It is possible that the Gaulish phrase Aisus scrisumio uelor, preserved in Marcellus of
Bordeaux (Dottin 214), contains the 1s pres. of the deponent verb uelor 'I wish', see
Delamarre 312. The interpretation of this Gaulish healing formula is difficult, though. Meid
1994: 44 interprets Celtib. erna uela (Luzaga) as 'good reception' and relates uela to PCelt.
*welo- 'good', but this is a mere possibility (as is his contention that the same element is
contained in the first part of the probably Celtic name Vela-genus, Meid 2004: 126).
References: GPC II: 1630, Delamarre 312, Meid 1994: 44, Meid 2005: 126.
Proto-Celtic: *wer-V- 'find' [Verb'
Old Irish: -fuґar (< *we-wor-) [Pret.]; fo-friґth 'was found' [Pass. Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *wreh1- 'find'
Page in Pokorny: 1160
IE cognates: Gr. heuriґskЎ, Arm. gerem 'take prisoner'
References: EIEC 202, LIV 637
Proto-Celtic: *wergѓ 'anger' [Noun]
Old Irish: ferg [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: gwery 'active, lively'
Middle Breton: guerg gl. efficax (OBret.)
Gaulish: uergo-bretus 'a magistrate'
Proto-Indo-European: *werg'- 'anger, strength'
Page in Pokorny: 1169
IE cognates: Skt. іrjѓґ 'strength, nourishment', Gr. orgЊґ 'impulse, mood, anger',
Notes: This etymology is somewhat weak on the formal side. Skr. іrjѓґ presupposes a root in
laryngeal, *werHg'-; Gr. orgЊґ could show the regular loss of the laryngeal after *oR, but the
loss of the laryngeal in OIr. could, perhaps, be accounted for by syncope.
References: GPC II: 1649, EIEC 208, LP 33, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 49, Delamarre 315.
Proto-Celtic: *werr- / *wesn- 'spring' [Noun]
Old Irish: errach [o m]
Middle Welsh: guiannuin [m] (OW)
Cornish: guaintoin gl. ver (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *wesr 'spring'
Page in Pokorny: 1174
IE cognates: Skt. vasantaґ-, Lat. uЊr, OCS vesna, Arm. garun
Notes: The British forms are derivable from something like *wesantЊno-, cp. Skt. vasantaґ-.
The OIr. form points to *werrako- < *wesrako-. It seems possible that the PCelt. form was a
heterocliton in r/n.
References: EIEC 504, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 135, 138, Falileyev 67f.
Proto-Celtic: *werro- 'high' [Adjective]
Old Irish: ferr [o] 'better'
Proto-Indo-European: *werso- 'peak'
Page in Pokorny: 1151f.
IE cognates: Lat. uerrіca 'varus, pimple', OE wearr 'sill', Lith. vir«u°s 'peak'
See also: *warrѓ
References: EIEC 416
Proto-Celtic: *werЊdo- 'horse' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: gorwydd [m] 'horse'
Gaulish: *verЊdo- > Lat. uerЊdus 'post horse'
See also: *rЊdo- 'riding', *rЊd-smenNotes: Late Latin paro-ueredus (ultimately from Gaulish) is the source of German Pferd
'horse' and French palefroi.
References: LEIA R-26, GPC II: 1596, Delamarre 315
Proto-Celtic: *werto- 'worth, price' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: gwerth [m]
Middle Breton: uuert (OBret.) 'worth', MBret. guerz 'sale'
Cornish: guerdhe 'sell'
Proto-Indo-European: *wert- 'turn'
Page in Pokorny: 1156ff.
IE cognates: OHG werd 'worth', Lat. uerto 'turn'
Notes: Some authors think that these British words were borrowed from Germanic, but it is
equally possible that they are inherited. Attribution to the root *wert- 'turn' is probable if one
starts with the meaning 'exchange'.
References: GPC II: 1646f., DGVB 329
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Proto-Celtic: *wessi- 'sow, young female pig' [Noun]
Old Irish: feis [i f]
Middle Welsh: gwys [f]
Middle Breton: guis (OBret.), MBret. guis, gues
Cornish: guis gl. scroffa (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *wet-s- 'yearling'
Page in Pokorny: 1175
IE cognates: Skt. vatsaґ- 'yearling, calf', Lat. vitulus 'calf', < *wet-eloNotes: OIr. feis (feґis) is chiefly attested in archaizing poetry.
References: GPC II: 1788, DGVB 193, EIEC 24, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 148, Oґ
Flaithearta 1997.
Proto-Celtic: *westѓ 'food, feast' [Noun]
Old Irish: feis(s), fess [?ѓ f] 1. 'spending the night, sleeping', 2. 'feast, food, provisions'
Middle Welsh: gwest [m and f]; gwesti, gweston [p]
Middle Breton: Or-guest [PN] (OBret.)
Cornish: gwest 'lodging'
Proto-Indo-European: *wes- 'graze'
Page in Pokorny: 1171
IE cognates: Hitt. wesi- 'pasture', OHG wist 'food'
Notes: It is not certain whether the OIr. words under 1. and 2. belong together. OIr. feis(s) 1.
is actually the VN of fo-aid 'spends the night, sleeps'. Cp. also OBret. guest-hemisiou gl.
laticlauia and W cy-westach 'chambering, sexual intercourse'
References: GPC II: 1650, DGVB 189, EIEC 198
Proto-Celtic: *wesu- 'excellent, noble' [Adjective]
Old Irish: feib [Dat.] 'in excellence' ( feb), foґ 'goodness' < *wosuGaulish: Vesu-avus, Bello-vesus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *wesu- 'excellent'
Page in Pokorny: 1174
IE cognates: Luw. wѓsu- 'good', Skt. vaґsuNotes: OIr. fiґu, W gwiw 'worthy, valuable' are also probably related to this root. These forms
might be directly derivable from *wesu- > *wihu- (> fiґu, gwiw).
References: EIEC 235, 638, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 60, 220, Delamarre 318.
Proto-Celtic: *wet-o- 'say' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: guetid (OW)
Proto-Indo-European: *weth2IE cognates: Lat. ueto 'forbid'
References: KPV 679ff., LIV 694f., LP 297
Proto-Celtic: *wet-o- 'turn' [Verb]
Old Irish: feithid, -feith 'turn to someone, wait'; feiss, -feґ [Subj.]; feiss, -feґ [Fut.]; faґith
[Pret.]; fessae, -fess [Pret. Pass.]
Proto-Indo-European: *wet- 'turn to, be acquainted with'
Page in Pokorny: 346
IE cognates: Skt. vat-, vatema [1p Pres. Opt.] 'may we be acquainted with'
Notes: The semantics of this etymology are dubious; the original meaning of PIE *wetwould be 'turn (to)' (cp. PIE *wets 'year') > 'get to know' > 'be acquainted with'
References: KPV 675ff., LIV 694, LP 361f., LEIA T-57f.
Proto-Celtic: *wextѓ 'time, course, turn' [Noun]
Old Irish: fecht [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: gwaith [f] '1. time, course, 2. work, act'
Middle Breton: gueid 'time' (OBret.), MBret. guez
Cornish: gueid gl. opus (OCo.), MCo. gweth, gwyth 'time'
Proto-Indo-European: *weg'h-to- 'carried'
Page in Pokorny: 1118ff.
IE cognates: Lat. uectus 'carried'
See also: *wegno- 'wagon'
References: GPC II: 1563
Proto-Celtic: *wi-n-d-o- 'find, experience' [Verb]
Old Irish: ro-finnadar < *fro-wi-n-d-o-; ro-fiґastar [Subj.]; ro-fiґastar [Fut.]
Middle Welsh: gwybot; ?wn [3s Pres.] 'know' (GPC gwybod)
Middle Breton: gouz(o)ut; goun, gon [1s Pres.] 'know'
Cornish: godhvos 'know'
Proto-Indo-European: *weyd- 'see, know'
Page in Pokorny: 1125f.
IE cognates: Skt. vindaґti 'finds', Lat. uideo, Arm. gitem 'know'
See also: *wЊd-o- 'find'
Notes: In the perfect, the forms of this verb meant 'to know', cp. OIr. ro-fitir 'knows'
(synchronically [3s Pres.] but historically from the perfect stem); in British, the following
forms are preterites, formed from the PCelt. perfect stem: MW gwyr, MBret. goar , MCorn.
gor [3s Pret.] 'knew'; in KPV 693ff. these forms are listed under a separate entry.
References: KPV 690ff., GPC II: 1745, LIV 665ff., LP 364f., Schrijver 1995: 152-156.
Proto-Celtic: *wi-na- 'bend, enclose' [Verb]
Old Irish: imm-fen < ambi-wi-na- 'hedge round, enclose, guard'
Proto-Indo-European: *weyh1- 'bend, wind'
Page in Pokorny: 1120ff.
IE cognates: Skt. vaґyati 'weave', Lat. uieo
Notes: The PIE root is reconstructed as *wyeh1- in LIV 695
References: KPV 688f., LIV 695f., LP 362.
Proto-Celtic: *widu- 'wood' [Noun]
Old Irish: fid [u m]
Middle Welsh: guid [Collective] 'trees' (OW), MW gwydd 'trees' (GPC gwyЇdd); gwydden
Middle Breton: guid (OBret.), Bret. gwez
Cornish: guiden [Singulative]
Gaulish: uidu-bion 'sickle', (Marti) Uiduco [Theonym, Dat.]
Proto-Indo-European: *widhu- 'wood'
Page in Pokorny: 1117
IE cognates: OE widu, wudu, Lith. vidu°s 'interior'.
Notes: The Italic correspondence is perhaps Lat. d–-uido 'divide' (because woods mark the
boundary of the inhabited territory). Gaul. vidubion, vidobium 'hoe' (cp. French vouge) is
from *widu- and the verbal root *bheyH- 'strike, cut' (cp. the parallel compound OIr. fidbae
'bill-hook', W. gwddyf 'sickle'.
References: GPC II: 1753, DGVB 190, LP 4, EIEC 598, Delamarre 319, Falileyev 68, De
Bernardo Stempel 1999: 94, 476, Uhlich 2002: 423.
Proto-Celtic: *widwѓ 'widow' [Noun]
Old Irish: fedb [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: gweddw [m and f] 'widower, widow'
Cornish: guedeu gl. vidua (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *h1widheweh2 'widow'
Page in Pokorny: 1127f.
IE cognates: Skt. vidhaґvѓ, Lat. uidua, OHG wituwa
Notes: The word for 'widow' may be a derivative from the PIE root *h1widh- 'kill' (Skt.
vidhyati). The semantic development of *widh(e)weh2 would have been 'family of the killed
one' > 'widow'.
References: GPC II: 1613, Matasovicґ 2004: 84, Tichy KZ 106/1993: 1-16.
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Proto-Celtic: *wik-o- 'fight' [Verb]
Old Irish: fichid, -fich; feґiss, -feґ [Subj.], fiis, -fiґ [Fut.]; fiґch [Pret.]; fechtae, -fecht [Pret.
Middle Welsh: amwyn, amwc [3s Pres.] < *ambi-wik-oMiddle Breton: amouez < *ambi-wik-o- 'set free'
Proto-Indo-European: *weyk- 'fight, conquer'
Page in Pokorny: 1128f.
IE cognates: Lat. uinco 'conquer', ON vega 'fight, kill'
References: KPV 683, LIV 670f., LP 364, LEIA D-140
Proto-Celtic: *wikant– 'twenty' [Numeral]
Old Irish: fiche, fichit [Dat./Acc.]
Middle Welsh: uceint (OW), MW figgit
Middle Breton: ucent (OBret.), MBret. ugent
Cornish: ugans
Proto-Indo-European: *wi(d)k'mtih1 'twenty'
Page in Pokorny: 1177
IE cognates: Lat. u–gint–, OE twЊgentig, Alb. njeЁ-zet, Arm. kcsan, ToA wiki
References: DGVB 326, EIEC 404, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 435
Proto-Celtic: *wimpo- 'beautiful, comely' [Adjective]
Middle Welsh: gwymp
Middle Breton: gwemp 'excellent'
Gaulish: Uimpia [PN], uimpi (?) 'pretty'
Notes: More speculative etymologies derive these forms from PCelt. *wenkwo- and relate
them to PIE *wenh1- 'desire', cp. Delamarre 320. In any case, since these words are attested
only in British and Gaulish, an alternative PCelt. reconstruction is *winkwo- (or *wenkwo-). It
has also been suggested that the Celtic words are related to ToA wamp- 'decorate' and ToB
wamer 'jewel' (see D. Q. Adams, A dictionary of Tocharian B, s.v. wamer).
References: GPC II: 1769f., Delamarre 320, Schrijver 1995: 158
Proto-Celtic: *windo- 'white' [Adjective]
Old Irish: find [o]
Middle Welsh: gwynn (GPC gwyn)
Middle Breton: guinn 'white, shiny' (OBret.), MBret. guinn 'happy'
Cornish: guyn gl. albus (OCo.), MCo. guyn
Gaulish: Uinda, Uindus [PN]
References: GPC II: 1770, DGVB 192, EIEC 252, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 46,
Delamarre 320, Meid 2005: 210f.
Proto-Celtic: *weniyѓ 'family, kindred' [Noun]
Old Irish: fine [iѓ f]
Middle Breton: coguenou gl. indigena (OBret.), MBret. gouen(n)
Gaulish: Ueni-carus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *wenh1- 'desire'
Page in Pokorny: 1147
IE cognates: OHG wini 'friend'
Notes: The same root is attested in OIr. fingal 'slaying of a relative'; cp. the compound PNs
OIr. Finchar, OW Guncar, Gaul. Uenicarus < *weni-kar-o-. Some authors interpret Lepontic
uenia as 'family' and derive it from the same root (cp.
References: DGVB 188, Uhlich 2002: 413, Schmidt 1987: 268, McCone 1993: 243f.
Proto-Celtic: *weskwero- 'evening' [Noun]
Old Irish: fescor [o m]
Middle Welsh: ucher [m and f]
Proto-Indo-European: *weskwer- 'evening'
Page in Pokorny: 1173
IE cognates: Lat. uesper, Gr. heґsperos, Arm. gi«er
Notes: OIr. fescor is usually considered to have been borrowed from Lat. uesper, but Lat.
origin is improbable for W ucher. In light of that, the OIr. word may have been inherited as
References: GPC III:3697f.
Proto-Celtic: *wiro- 'man' [Noun]
Old Irish: fer [o m]
Middle Welsh: gur (OW), MW gwr [m] (GPC gwЇr); gwyЇr [f]
Middle Breton: -gur (OBret.), MBret. gour
Cornish: gur gl. uir (OCo.), MCo. gour
Gaulish: Uiro-cantus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *wiHro- 'man'
Page in Pokorny: 1177
IE cognates: Skt. v–raґ-, Lat. uir, Lith. vyґras, Go. wair
Notes: Germanic, Celtic, and Italic point to a short *i, with loss of the laryngeal, which is
reconstructed on the basis of Lith. and Skt. forms.
References: GPC II: 1693f., DGVB 201, EIEC 355, 548, LHEB 337, De Bernardo Stempel
1999: 44, 230, Delamarre 321f., Falileyev 76, Campanile 1974: 59.
Proto-Celtic: *wiso- 'poison' [Noun]
Old Irish: fiґ [? ?]
Proto-Indo-European: *weys / *wis-os 'poison'
Page in Pokorny: 1134
IE cognates: Skt. vi«aґ-, Lat. u–rus, Gr. ioґs
Notes: The word fiґ is known only from the Middle Irish period, and is attested chiefly in
poetic texts. DIL does not state its gender and stem, so the PCelt. reconstruction is only
tentative. The length of – in Lat. u–rus is best accounted for by positing an original root-noun
*weys / *wis-os; Lat. preserved the stem of the nominative, whereas the other languages
generalized the stem of the oblique cases.
References: De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 526, Matasovicґ 2004: 130
Proto-Celtic: *wlano- 'blood red' [Adjective]
Old Irish: flann [o]
Proto-Indo-European: *welh2- 'hit, wound'
Page in Pokorny: 1144f.
IE cognates: Hitt. walahzi 'strikes', Lat. uolnus 'wound'
Notes: LIV (619) hesitatingly reconstructs the PIE root with *h3 rather than *h2. The PCelt.
reconstruction *wlano- is, in my opinion, preferable to Pokorny's *wlansno-. The
development in OIr. is similar to *(u)lano- > OIr. olann 'wool'.
References: De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 268, LIV 619
Proto-Celtic: *wlati- 'sovereignity' [Noun]
Old Irish: flaith [i f, later m] 'sovereignity, ruler'
Middle Welsh: gulat [f] (OW), MW gwlad 'country'
Middle Breton: guletic 'prince' (OBret.), MBret. gloedic 'count'
Cornish: gulat gl. patria (OCo.), MCo. gulas
See also: *waloNotes: Gaul. PN Ulattius might be related, cp. also the Ethnonym Ulatti.
References: GPC II: 1676, DGVB 193,EIEC 490, Delamarre 306, Falileyev 70, De Bernardo
Stempel 1999: 51, 285, Ellis-Evans 1967: 369ff., Meid 2005: 207f.
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Proto-Celtic: *wlidѓ 'feast, banquet' [Noun]
Old Irish: fled [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: guled [f] (OW), MW gwledd
Middle Breton: gloeґ (Gwened)
Gaulish: Ulido-rix [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *weld- 'desire'
Page in Pokorny: 1137
IE cognates: Gr. eґldomai
Notes: The reading of the inscription containing the PN Ulidorix is uncertain, but the name
could mean 'King of feasts'. The Insular Celtic forms are compatible with the reconstruction
*wledѓ as well.
References: GPC II: 1682f., Delamarre 324 163
Proto-Celtic: *wlikwo- 'wet' [Adjective]
Old Irish: fliuch [o]
Middle Welsh: gulip (OW), MW gulip, gwlyp (GPC gwlyb)
Middle Breton: gulip (OBret.), MBret. gloeb, glueb
Cornish: glibor gl. humor
Proto-Indo-European: *welk-woPage in Pokorny: 1145
IE cognates: OHG welh 'wet, mild', Latv. valks 'wet'
See also: *wolkoNotes: W gwlithen 'stye, whitlow' may represent PCelt. *wlik-to-, another derivative from
the same root (Fowkes 1945), cp. also W gwlych 'liquid, moisture' [m] < *wlik-so-.
References: GPC II: 1685, DGVB 193, GOI 64, Falileyev 70f., Campanile 1974: 49, Fowkes
Proto-Celtic: *wliskѓ 'stick, rod' [Noun]
Old Irish: flesc [ѓ f]
Proto-Indo-European: *wley-skPage in Pokorny: 1143
IE cognates: Go. wlizjan 'hit', Croat. lije°ska
Proto-Celtic: *wo-biyo- 'blow, injury' [Noun]
Old Irish: fubae [io n]
Middle Welsh: gofwy 'to visit, afflict with sickness, punish' (GPC gofwy, gofwyo)
Proto-Indo-European: *bheyH- 'strike, hit'
Page in Pokorny: 117f.
IE cognates: OCS biti
See also: *bi-naReferences: LIV 57, GPC II: 1433, Schumacher 2000: 173
Proto-Celtic: *wo-dam-yo- 'suffer' [Verb]
Old Irish: fo-daim
Middle Welsh: goddef
Middle Breton: gouzaff
Cornish: godhaff
See also: *dam-yo- 'suffer'
References: KPV 260ff., GPC II: 1425
Proto-Celtic: *wo-gn-iyo- 'serve, be useful' [Verb]
Old Irish: fo-gniґ
Middle Welsh: gweini; gweinyt [3s Pres.] (GPC gweini, gweinyddu)
Middle Breton: go(u)nit
Cornish: gonis 'work'
See also: *gn-iyoReferences: KPV 339ff., GPC II: 1621
Proto-Celtic: *wo-kwri-na- 'buy, earn' [Verb]
Old Irish: fo-cren 'buy, exchange'; fo-chiґura [Fut.]; fa-criґth [Pass.]
Middle Welsh: gobryn 'earn' (GPC gobryn, gobrynu)
See also: *kwri-naReferences: KPV 438f., GPC II: 1419
Proto-Celtic: *wo-kan-o- 'sing along, play' [Verb]
Old Irish: fo-cain 'accompany (with a musical instrument)'
Middle Welsh: goganu 'praise' (GPC goganu, gogan, goganyd)
See also: *kan-oReferences: KPV 388ff., GPC II: 1435
Proto-Celtic: *wo-kel-o- 'protect, cover' [Verb]
Old Irish: fo-ceil 'hide, cover'
Middle Welsh: goglyt 'defend, protect'; gogel [3s Pres.] (GPC goglyd, gogelyd, gogel,
See also: *kel-oReferences: GPC II: 1435, KPV 394ff.
Proto-Celtic: *wo-lawto- 'property, wealth' [Noun]
Old Irish: fo-lud [o n]
Middle Welsh: golud [m and f]
Proto-Indo-European: *leh2u- t-'benefit, prize'
Page in Pokorny: 655
IE cognates: Lat. lucrum < *lu-tlo-, OE lЊan 'reward' < *law-noNotes: Cp. also OIr. luґag, loґg 'prize' < *loh2u-go-.
References: GPC II: 1452, EIEC 484, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 144
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Proto-Celtic: *wo-leg- 'shelter, lair' [Noun]
Old Irish: foil, fail [k f]
Middle Welsh: gwal [f and m] 'lair, pigsty' (GPC gw…l)
Proto-Indo-European: *legh- 'lie'
Page in Pokorny: 659
Notes: Cp. also W gwely 'bed' < *wo-leg-yoReferences: GPC II: 1564f., Uhlich 2002: 411
Proto-Celtic: *wo-ret-o- 'help, save' [Verb]
Old Irish: fo-reith 'help, take someone's place'
Middle Welsh: gwared 'save, be helpful to' (GPC gwaredu, gwared)
Gaulish: Uoreto-uirius [PN]
See also: *ret-oNotes: Cp. also OIr. cobair, cobuir 'help' < *kom-wo-ret-, OIr. toґir 'help' < *to-wo-ret-. For
the semantic development of the verb 'to run' (*ret-) with the prefix *wo- 'under' cp. Lat. sucurro 'help'.
References: KPV 538ff., GPC II: 1582, Uhlich 2002: 411
Proto-Celtic: *wo-skoto/u- 'shadow, shelter' [Noun]
Old Irish: foscad [u and o n>m] 'shade, shelter'
Middle Welsh: gwasgod 'shelter'
Middle Breton: guascotou gl. frigora (OBret.), MBret. goasquet, MoBret. gwasked
Proto-Indo-European: *skot- 'darkness'
Page in Pokorny: 957
IE cognates: Gr. skoґtos, OE sceadu 'darkness'
References: GPC II: 1596, LP 2
Proto-Celtic: *wo-star-na- 'strew' [Verb]
Old Irish: fo-sern
Middle Welsh: gwassarnu (GPC gwasarnu, gosarnu)
See also: *star-naReferences: KPV 601f., GPC II: 1593
Proto-Celtic: *wo-wik-o- 'commit an offence' [Verb]
Old Irish: fo-fich 'trespass, commit an offence'
Middle Welsh: gowyn 'insult someone's honour'
See also: *wik-oReferences: KPV 683ff., GPC II: 1517
Proto-Celtic: *wokw-tlo- 'word' [Noun]
Old Irish: focal, focul [o n]
Proto-Indo-European: *wokw- 'voice, word'
Page in Pokorny: 1135f.
IE cognates: Skt. vѓk-, Lat. uЎx, OHG giwahanem 'recall', Arm. go‰em 'call'
Notes: The same root (*wokw-) appears in OIr. an-ocht 'a metrical fault' < PCelt. *an-ukto-,
parallel to OInd. anukta-.
References: EIEC 534f., De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 299
Proto-Celtic: *wolko- 'rain, wet weather' [Noun]
Old Irish: folc [o m] 'heavy rain'
Middle Welsh: golchi 'to cleanse, wash'
Middle Breton: guelchi, MoBret. gwalc'hi
Cornish: golhy
Proto-Indo-European: *wel-k/g- 'wet'
Page in Pokorny: 1145f.
IE cognates: OCS vlaga 'moisture', OHG weЁlk 'wet, moist'
Notes: *wlikwoReferences: GPC II: 1446, LP 2, EIEC 639
Proto-Celtic: *wolto- 'hair' [Noun]
Old Irish: folt [o m]
Middle Welsh: ?wallt [m]
Middle Breton: guolt (OBret.)
Cornish: gols gl. cesaries
Proto-Indo-European: *wol-t- 'hair'
Page in Pokorny: 1138
IE cognates: OCS vlatъ, OE weald 'wood'
Notes: The same PCelt. etymon is perhaps reflected in Gaul. Uolto-dagae [PN], etc. See
Delamarre 327f.
References: GPC II: 1569, LP 2, DGVB 197, Delamarre 327f.
Proto-Celtic: *wor < *ufer- 'over, on' [Preposition]
Old Irish: for [+Acc, +Dat.]
Middle Welsh: guor (OW), MW gor, gwar
Middle Breton: guor-, gor- (OBret.)
Cornish: gor
Gaulish: Ver-cingeto-rix [PN]
Celtiberian: uer- (Ver-amom)
Proto-Indo-European: *uper- 'over'
Page in Pokorny: 1105
IE cognates: Skt. upaґri, Go. ufar
Notes: It is not clear whether PCelt. *wor is a variant of *wer < *uper-, or a development
References: GOI 513, Delamarre 314, Falileyev 72, Villar 1997: 902.
Proto-Celtic: *wor-bw-iyo- 'remain' [Verb]
Old Irish: for-taґ
Middle Welsh: gorfot 'win, force (someone)' (GPC gorfodi)
See also: *bu-yoReferences: KPV 245, GPC II: 1479
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Proto-Celtic: *wor-kwendo- 'end' [Noun]
Old Irish: forcenn [o n>m]
Middle Welsh: gorffen [m]
Middle Breton: gourffenn
Cornish: gorfen
See also: *kwendo- 'head'
Notes: There is also the denominative verb OIr. for-cenna 'puts an end to', W gorffennu
'finish off'. This may be the result of parallel development.
References: GPC II: 1483, LP 45
Proto-Celtic: *wor-kan-o- 'teach' [Verb]
Old Irish: for-cain
Middle Welsh: gwarchanu (GPC gorchan, gorchanu, gwarchan)
See also: *kan-oReferences: KPV 388ff., GPC II: 1463.
Proto-Celtic: *worinѓ 'band, troop' [Noun]
Old Irish: foirenn [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: gwerin [f and m] 'host'
Middle Breton: guerin gl. in duas factiones (OBret.), MBret. gueryn 'people'
Proto-Indo-European: *wori-no- 'flock, troop'
Page in Pokorny: 1151
IE cognates: OE wearn 'troop, crowd'
References: GPC II: 1642, EIEC 268, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 372
Proto-Celtic: *wos-o- 'spend the night, remain' [Verb]
Old Irish: foaid, -foiґ 'spend the night, sleep with someone'; fieid, -fia [Subj.]; fiґf(a)id, fiґf(e)a [Fut.]; fiґu [Pret.]
Middle Welsh: kyuarhos < *kom-ari-wos-o- 'wait, expect' (GPC cyfaros)
Middle Breton: gourtos < *wor-ati-wos-o- 'expect, wait for'
Cornish: gortos < *wor-ati-wos-o- 'wait for'
Proto-Indo-European: *h2wes- 'remain, spend the night'
Page in Pokorny: 1170f.
IE cognates: Hitt. huiszi 'lives', Skt. vaґsati 'spends the night, remains', Go. wisan 'be, live',
Arm. goy 'is'
References: KPV 702ff., GPC I: 682, LIV 293f., LP 365.
Proto-Celtic: *wostu- 'dwelling' [Noun]
Old Irish: i foss 'at rest, at home'
Middle Welsh: gwas [f] 'abode, dwelling'
Proto-Indo-European: *h2wostu- 'dwelling'
Page in Pokorny: 1170f.
IE cognates: Skt. vѓґstu- 'house, dwelling', Gr. aґsty 'city', ToB ost 'house'
References: GPC II: 1591, EIEC 281
Proto-Celtic: *woxs-V- 'wasp' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: gwychi [p] (GPC gwychi, gwchi)
Middle Breton: guohi gl. fucos (OBret.)
Cornish: guhi-en [Singulative] gl. uespa (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *wobhseh2 'wasp'
Page in Pokorny: 1179
IE cognates: Lat. uespa, OE waesp
Notes: OIr. foich 'wasp' is a loanword from British.
References: GPC II: 1607, DGVB 196, LP 19, Schrijver 1995: 160
Proto-Celtic: *wragi- 'needle' [Noun]
Old Irish: fraig 'sharp instrument, ?needle'
Proto-Indo-European: *wreh2g'h- 'thorn'
Page in Pokorny: 1180
IE cognates: Gr. raґkhis 'spine, backbone'
Notes: The stem and gender of OIr. fraig are uncertain. The word occurs mostly in law tracts,
and refers to a physician's instrument. Therefore, the PCelt. reconstruction is a mere
References: EIEC 575
Proto-Celtic: *wreg-o- 'do, make' [Verb]
Middle Welsh: gwneuthur; goruc [3s Pret.]
Middle Breton: groa, gra [3s Pres.]
Cornish: gwra [3s Pres.]
Proto-Indo-European: *werg'- 'do, make'
Page in Pokorny: 1168f.
IE cognates: Gr. (Myc.) wo-ze /worzei/, Go. waurkjan
Notes: The forms with gwn- are due to the analogy with the verb *gni-yo- with the similar
References: KPV 707ff., GPC II: 1688ff., LIV 686ff., LP 336.
Proto-Celtic: *wrid(n)ѓ 'root' [Noun]
Old Irish: freґn [? ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: gwraidd [m]
Middle Breton: gruizyenn , MoBret. gwriz(ienn)
Cornish: gwreiten gl. radix (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *wrVd- 'root'
Page in Pokorny: 1167
IE cognates: Lat. rѓd–x, ON rЎt, Alb. rreЁnjeЁ, Go. waurts
References: GPC II: 1697, DGVB 179, EIEC 80, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 243, 258
Proto-Celtic: *writ-ber-o- 'come against, return' [Verb]
Old Irish: fris-beir 'return'
Middle Welsh: ?wrthvryt 'return'
See also: *ber-oReferences: KPV 220f.
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Proto-Celtic: *writ-tu-n-g-o- 'renounce' [Verb]
Old Irish: fris-toing
Middle Welsh: gwrthdwng [m] 'counter-oath'
See also: *tu-n-g-o-
References: KPV 648f., GPC II: 1718
Proto-Celtic: *writu- 'against' [Preposition]
Old Irish: frith-, fris-, fri [+Acc.]
Middle Welsh: gurt (OW), MW wrth
Middle Breton: gurth (OBret.)
Cornish: (w)orth
Proto-Indo-European: *wert- 'turn'
Page in Pokorny: 1156
IE cognates: Lat. uersus, uorsus 'against', ToB wrattsai 'against'
References: GOI 514f., DGVB 203, EIEC 607, Falileyev 76, Schrijver 1995: 158.
Proto-Celtic: *wѓ(d)-sko- 'press' [Verb]
Old Irish: faґiscid, faґisci 'press'
Middle Welsh: gwascu
Middle Breton: gwaska
Proto-Indo-European: *wedh- 'push, strike'
Page in Pokorny: 1115
IE cognates: Skt. vadhati 'strike, slay', Lith. vedega° 'a kind of ax', ToA wac 'struggle'
Notes: OIr. fodb [o n] probably does not belong here, since it means 'booty (usually of
clothes)' rather than 'weapon', as stated by EIEC 471.
References: LP 19, EIEC 471
Proto-Celtic: *wѓgno/ѓ- 'depression, slope, hollow' [Noun]
Old Irish: faґn [o m] 'slope, declivity, hollow'
Middle Welsh: guoun [f] 'meadow' (OW), MW gwawn, gweun (GPC gwaun)
Middle Breton: goen (OBret.), MBret. gueun
Cornish: guen gl. campus (OCo.), MCo. goen, gon, goon
Notes: The cluster -gn- is assured by the toponym Vagniacis in Britain (Itin.). Toponym
Vagna in Piemont could be the Gaulish equivalent of these words. The genders in OIr. and in
British do not match, so we must assume both *wѓgno- and *wѓgnѓ (OIr. faґn could also be
derived from *wagno-, with short *a, cp. De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 255). On the IndoEuropean side, PCelt. *wѓgno- has been connected to Lat. uagus (Pokorny 1120), but this is
uncertain from both semantic and formal points of view.
References: GPC II: 1603, Delamarre 305f., Falileyev 75, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 255,
258, De Bernardo Stempel 2000: 92.
Proto-Celtic: *wѓri- 'sunrise, east' [Noun]
Old Irish: faґir [? ?]
Middle Welsh: gwawr [f and m] 'dawn'
Proto-Indo-European: *wЎsri-, *wesr/nIE cognates: Gr. eґar 'spring', Lat. uЊr 'spring'
Notes: The Celtic forms appear to be vrddhi derivatives from PIE *wesr 'spring'. The PCelt.
reconstruction is difficult since the gender and stem of OIr. faґir are unknown. The word is
known only from glossaries.
References: GPC II: 1605, LP 22
Proto-Celtic: *wѓsto- 'empty' [Adjective]
Old Irish: faґs [o]
Proto-Indo-European: *h1weh2sto- 'waste'
Page in Pokorny: 345f.
IE cognates: Lat. uastus, OE wЊste 'waste, empty'
Notes: The word-initial laryngeal can be deduced if these words are related to Gr. e¶nis
'deprived', but this is not certain.
References: EIEC 179, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 271
Proto-Celtic: *wѓti- 'sooth-sayer, prophet' [Noun]
Old Irish: faґith [i m]
Gaulish: Ouaґteis [p] (Strabo 4.4.4.)
Proto-Indo-European: *wЎ-ti- 'prophet'
Page in Pokorny: 1113
IE cognates: OE wЎd 'inspiration', OCS veўti 'prophet'
See also: *wѓtu- 'poetic inspiration'
Notes: Lat. vѓtЊs is probably an old Celtic loanword.
References: LP 6, 65f., EIEC 707, Delamarre 308, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 369, 375
Proto-Celtic: *wѓtu- 'poetic inspiration' [Noun]
Old Irish: faґth [u m] 'prophesy'
Middle Welsh: gwawd [m and f] 'poem, satire'
Proto-Indo-European: *wЎ-tuPage in Pokorny: 1113
See also: *wѓtiReferences: GPC II: 1603, LP 6, Delamarre 308, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 286
Proto-Celtic: *wЊd-o- 'tell, relate' [Verb]
Old Irish: ad-feґt < *ad-weyd-o; ad-feґ [Subj.]; ad-fiґ [Fut.]; ad-fiґad [Pret.]; ad-fess [Pret.
Middle Welsh: amkawdd [3s Pret.]
Proto-Indo-European: *weyd- 'perceive, see'
Page in Pokorny: 1125f.
IE cognates: Skt. vindaґti 'finds', Lat. uideo, Arm. gitem 'know'
References: KPV 664ff., LIV 665ff., LP 363f., LEIA D-112.
Proto-Celtic: *wЊdo- 'sight, presence' [Noun]
Old Irish: fiґad [Preposition] 'in the presence of'
Middle Welsh: gwyd 'sight, presence'
Celtiberian: ueizos '?witness'
Proto-Indo-European: *weyd- 'perceive, see'
Page in Pokorny: 1125f.
IE cognates: Lat. uideo
See also: *wЊd-oNotes: The meaning of Celtib. ueizos is uncertain. It occurs in the dative in Luzaga (ueizui),
and, apparently, in the Nom. s. in 'the Bronze resґ'. Meid (1994: 48) renders its meaning as
'visitor, guest'.
References: McCone 1996: 15, Meid 1994: 48
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Proto-Celtic: *wЊdu- 'wild' [Adjective]
Old Irish: fiґad [u m] 'wild animals, game'
Middle Welsh: gwydd (GPC gwЇydd)
Middle Breton: guoid-och gl. aper (OBret.), MBret. goez
Cornish: guit-fil gl. fera (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *weydh- 'wood, wilderness'
Page in Pokorny: 1177
IE cognates: OE wѓ? 'hunt'.
See also: *widu- 'wood'
Notes: In OIr., there is also fiґad 'uncultivated land' and fiґadach 'hunt'. Another derivative
from the same PCelt. root is OIr. fian, denoting a troop of young warriors and brigands, can
be derived from *wЊdnѓ (McCone 1987). OE wѓ? 'hunt' represents a different ablaut grade,
PGerm. *waydaz. These words are probably from the same PIE root as PCelt. *widu- 'wood'
(Lat. silvaticus, from silva 'wood', also means 'wild').
References: GPC II: 1753, DGVB 196, McCone 1987.
Proto-Celtic: *wЊliyo/ѓ- 'modesty' [Noun]
Old Irish: feґle gl. honestas [iѓ f]
Middle Welsh: guiled [m] (OW), MW gwyled (GPC gwyledd)
Middle Breton: guiled gl. honestas (OBret.)
See also: *wЊlo- 'modest'
Notes: In Gaulish, there are PN with the element uelio- (e. g. Uelio-casses), but the length of
the vowel e is unknown. Therefore, the connection with PCelt. *wЊliyo- must remain
References: GPC II: 1761, DGVB 191, Delamarre 311, Falileyev 68, Evans 1967: 273ff.
Proto-Celtic: *wЊlo- 'modest' [Adjective]
Old Irish: fiґal [o]
Middle Welsh: gwyl (GPC gwЇyl)
See also: *wЊliyo- 'modesty'
Notes: Hamp (BBCS 28, 1980: 213) derives these words from PIE *wey- 'turn' (Pokorny
1120), cp. Lat. u–lis 'cheap, abundant' < PIE *wey-lo-.
References: GPC II: 1760, Falileyev 68
Proto-Celtic: *wЊro- 'crooked' [Adjective]
Old Irish: fiґar [o]
Middle Welsh: gwyr (GPC gwЇyr)
Middle Breton: goar, gwar 'curved'
Proto-Indo-European: *weyh1-ro- 'turned, twisted'
Page in Pokorny: 1122
IE cognates: OE w–r 'wire'
See also: *wi-naNotes: The PIE root is *weyh1- 'turn, twist', cp. OCS viti, Lat. uieo, etc.
References: GPC II: 1781, LP 11, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 228.
Proto-Celtic: *wЊt(t)ѓ 'stream, swamp' [Noun]
Old Irish: feґith [f] 'marsh, swamp'
Middle Welsh: gwyth [f]'canal, nerve, vein, ditch'
Middle Breton: goed 'stream' (OBret.), MBret. goaz, guez
Cornish: guid gl. vena (OCo.), MCo. gwyth, goth
Notes: In OIr. there is also feґith [f] which means 'sinew', but also 'kidney'; this is probably
just a homonym of feґith 'swamp' (as suggested by DIL). It is probably the same word as W
gwythi [p] 'veins' These words are usually derived from the root *weyh1- 'twist, turn'
(Pokorny 1122), but this is dubious on semantic grounds. The Brit. reflexes point to a double
stop (*-tt-) in PCelt., but the OIr. form is derivable from PCelt. *wЊtѓ with a single *-t-.
References: GPC II: 1790, DGVB 178
Proto-Celtic: *wЊti- 'withe' [Noun]
Old Irish: feґith [i f] 'some kind of twining plant'
Middle Welsh: gwden [f] 'withe'
Middle Breton: gueden
Cornish: guiden gl. circulus (OCo.), MCo. gusen
Proto-Indo-European: *weyt-i- 'willow, withe'
Page in Pokorny: 1122
IE cognates: Skt. veta- 'reed', OHG. w–da 'willow', Lith. vyti°s 'willow switch'
Notes: W gwden < *gwyden presupposes a derivative *wЊtina- (or is -en a petrified
singulative suffix?).
References: GPC II: 1607, EIEC 643, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 285
Proto-Celtic: *w–ro- 'true' [Adjective]
Old Irish: fiґr [o]
Middle Welsh: gwir
Middle Breton: guir (OBret.), Bret. gwir
Cornish: guir gl. verus, guirion gl. uerax (OCo.), MCo. guyr, gwyr
Gaulish: Co-uirus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *weh1-ro- 'true'
Page in Pokorny: 1166
IE cognates: Lat. uЊrus, OHG wѓr, OCS veўra 'belief'
References: GPC II: 1666, DGVB 192, EIEC 98, 606, Delamarre 321f., Campanile 1974: 57,
De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 42.
Proto-Celtic: *y(o)wanko- 'young' [Adjective]
Old Irish: oґac [o], oґc (DIL)
Middle Welsh: ieuanc
Middle Breton: yaouank
Cornish: iouenc (OCo.), MCo. yo(wy)nk
Gaulish: Iouinc-illus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2yuH-nk'-o- 'young'
Page in Pokorny: 510
IE cognates: Skt. yuvasґaґ- 'young', Lat. iuuencus 'young cow', OE geong 'young'
References: LEIA O-3, GPC II: 2013f., EIEC 655f., Campanile 1974: 68f.
Proto-Celtic: *yantu- 'zeal, jealousy' [Noun]
Old Irish: eґt [o m] 'emulation, jealousy'
Middle Welsh: add-iant, add-iat [m] 'wish'
Proto-Indo-European: *yet- 'to place oneself firmly, establish oneself'
Page in Pokorny: 506
IE cognates: Skt. yaґtate, Lat. n–tor < *ni-yet- 'to strive', ToA yatat„r 'is capable'
Notes: Gaulish name Iantumarus has an exact correspondance in MIr. eґtmar 'jealous'. The
nasal is lost in the Gaul. PN Ad-ietumarus. It is probably analogical, introduced from the npresents (although the verb from this root is unattested in Celtic). The etymology relating
these Celt. words to Skt. yaґtate etc. has been doubted on semantic grounds; it is not even
mentioned by Mayrhofer in EWA and by LIV (277).
References: GPC I: 33, Delamarre 32f., Schmidt 1957: 222f., Meid 2005: 74, Evans 1967:
Proto-Celtic: *yaro- 'chicken, hen' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: iar (OW), MW yar, iar [f] (GPC i…r, gi…r); ieir, gieir [p]
Middle Breton: yar
Cornish: yar gl. gallina (OCo.), MCo. yar
Gaulish: Iaros [PN]
Notes: OIr. eiriґn 'chicken' is related to these words, but details are unclear. All of these
words might be related to Lat. pipio and derived from something like *pipero- > PCelt.
References: GPC II: 2000, LP 78, Delamarre 186, Falileyev 89, Campanile 1974: 105, Stokes
1894: 223, Schrijver 1995: 104f.
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Proto-Celtic: *yeg-V- 'ice' [Noun]
Old Irish: aig [i f]
Middle Welsh: ia [m] (GPC i…)
Middle Breton: yen 'cold'
Cornish: iein gl. frigus; iey gl. glacies (OCo.)
Gaulish: *yag-oniѓ > Jouanne, Jogne [Hydronyms]
Proto-Indo-European: *yeg- 'ice'
Page in Pokorny: 503
IE cognates: ON jaki, Wakhi yaz 'glacier'
References: LEIA A-28, GPC II: 1994, EIEC 135, 287, Delamarre 185f, Matasovicґ 2004:
Proto-Celtic: *yemono- 'twin' [Noun]
Old Irish: emon [o m]
Proto-Indo-European: *yemo-no- 'twin'
Page in Pokorny: 505
IE cognates: Skt. yamaґ-, Lat. geminus
References: EIEC 608, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 81, Schrijver 1995: 108
Proto-Celtic: *yestu- 'boiling' [Noun]
Old Irish: es(s) [u m] 'cataract, stream'
Middle Welsh: ias [f and m] 'boiling'
Proto-Indo-European: *yes- 'boil'
Page in Pokorny: 506
IE cognates: Hitt. is(sa)na- 'dough', Skt. yaґsyati 'boils', Gr. zeґЎ, ToA y„s- 'boil' , OHG
jesan 'to foam, ferment'
Notes: Gaul. PN Iestinus might be related to this root.
References: GPC II: 2001, EIEC 77, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 287, Schrijver 1995: 105.
Proto-Celtic: *yewo- 'shaft, yew' [Noun]
Old Irish: eoґ [o ?m] 'stem, shaft, yew-tree',
Middle Welsh: yw [p] 'yew, yew-wood'; ywen [Singulative]
Middle Breton: Caer 'n Iuguinen [Toponym] (OBret.), MBret. ivin, iuin
Cornish: hiuin gl. taxus (OCo.)
Proto-Indo-European: *h1eywo- 'yew, Taxus baccata'
Page in Pokorny: 297
IE cognates: Hitt. GISe(y)an- '?yew', OE –w, Russ. iґva
See also: *eburoNotes: These forms should not be confused with PCelt. *eburo- 'ivy', as in EIEC. The
Gaulish word for yew-tree is unattested, so far as I know, but it is the source of French if. The
form iuos (Coligny) is of unknown meaning, pace Lambert 1994.
References: GPC III: 3872, EIEC 654, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 215, Delamarre 159f.
Proto-Celtic: *yextV- 'speech, language' [Noun]
Old Irish: icht [?u m] (MoIr.) 'people, tribe'
Middle Welsh: ieith [f] 'language, nation, race'
Middle Breton: yezh [f] 'language'
Proto-Indo-European: *yek- 'say, speak'
Page in Pokorny: 503f.
IE cognates: OHG jehan 'speak', Lat. iocus 'joke'
Notes: The stem and gender of Early MoIr icht are uncertain (it is a rare word). If it was a
feminine i-stem, then the PCelt. reconstruction *ixti- would be probable.
References: GPC II: 1999, LIV 276, Schrijver 1995: 106.
Proto-Celtic: *yo 'which' [Relative particle]
Gaulish: dugiionti-io 'who worship(?) (Alise St. Reine)
Celtiberian: iomui [Dat. s] (Botorrita)
Proto-Indo-European: *yo- 'which'
Page in Pokorny: 283
IE cognates: Skt. ya-, Gr. hoґs
Notes: In OIr. the relative pronoun is preserved as the aspiration of the verbal root in leniting
relative clauses, chiefly with subject antecendents (see Schrijver 1997: 105).
References: GOI 323f., Schrijver 1997: 105ff.
Proto-Celtic: *yorko- 'roebuck' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: iwrch [m]
Middle Breton: iorch gl. caprea (OBret.), Bret. iourc'h
Cornish: yorch gl. caprea (OCo.)
Gaulish: iґorkos 'roebuck' (probably Galatian)
Proto-Indo-European: *yorko- 'goat'
Page in Pokorny: 513
IE cognates: Gr. zoґrks 'gazelle, roedeer'
Notes: The vowel of W iwrch is unexplained. It would be regular in the plural, as the result of
References: GPC II: 2043, EIEC 155, DGVB 227, Delamarre 191
Proto-Celtic: *yugo- 'yoke' [Noun]
Old Irish: cuing [i f] (< *kom-yung-i)
Middle Welsh: iou (OW), MW iau, yeu [f and m]
Middle Breton: yeu, ieo
Cornish: ieu (OCo.)
Gaulish: Ver-iugus [PN]
Proto-Indo-European: *yugo- 'yoke'
Page in Pokorny: 508f.
IE cognates: Hitt. iukan, Skt. yugaґ-, Lat. iugum, OCS igo, Arm. luc
Notes: The British forms might be borrowings from Lat. iugum.
References: LEIA C-273, GPC II: 2002, LP 29, EIEC 655, Falileyev 94, Ellis Evans 1967:
Proto-Celtic: *yus-tyo- 'just' [Adjective]
Old Irish: uisse [io]
Proto-Indo-European: *yows- 'right, regular'
Page in Pokorny: 512
IE cognates: Lat. iіs 'justice, right', Avest. yao«
References: LEIA U-22, EIEC 345, 410
Proto-Celtic: *yutV- 'pap, porridge'
Old Irish: iґth gl. puls
Middle Welsh: iot (OW), MW iwt, iwd (GPC uwd)
Middle Breton: iod
Cornish: iot gl. puls (OCo.)
Notes: Gallo-Roman iutta, iotta is presumably borrowed from the Gaulish equivalent of these
Insular Celtic words. The long iґ in OIr. is analogical, probably having developed under the
influence of iґth 'fat' (GOI 39), or ithid 'eats'. It is not well attested, so its gender and stem are
unknown (DIL). The alternation of *o and *u in British perhaps points to PCelt. variant forms
with various vowels in the final sylllable. Perhaps we should reconstruct both *yuti- and
*yuto-. Pokorny's PIE etymology (p. 507), relating these words to PIE *yewH- (Gr. zyґmЊ,
OCS juxa, etc.) is unconvincing from both formal (no trace of laryngeal in Celtic) and
semantic point of view.
References: GOI 39, LHEB 55, Campanile 1974: 68, Falileyev 93f.
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Proto-Celtic: *yѓno- 'true, noble' [Adjective]
Old Irish: aґn [o] 'true, just'
Middle Welsh: iawn 'true, just'
Middle Breton: ion, eunt (OBret.) effn
Cornish: eun-hinsic gl. iustus (OCo.), MCo. ewn
Notes: OIr. aґn 'ardent, splendid' might or might not be a different word. In OBret. both eunt
and ion are found with the same menaning; ion seems to be the older form. For possible
cognates in other IE languages, see LEIA A-72.
References: LEIA A-72, GPC II: 2003, DGVB 169, 227.
Proto-Celtic: *yѓnt– 'place' [Noun]
Old Irish: aґit [?– f], aґitt (DIL)
Proto-Indo-European: *yeh2- 'ride, go'
Page in Pokorny: 296
IE cognates: Skt. yѓti 'goes, rides', Lith. joґti 'ride'
See also: *yѓtuNotes: The usual derivation of OIr. aґit from PIE *pЎntH- 'bridge, path' is not convincing,
since the long*Ў is unjustified. The etymology proposed here is also provisory, because of
semantic difficulties. PCelt. *yѓnt–- would be the feminine form of the active participle of the
verb *yeh2-, so the original meaning would be 'the one who goes (f.)' (cp. OIr. birit 'sow' <
References: LEIA A-52
Proto-Celtic: *yѓs 'chariot' [Noun]
Old Irish: aґ
Proto-Indo-European: *yeh2- 'ride, go'
Page in Pokorny: 296
IE cognates: Skt. yѓti 'goes, rides', Lith. joґti 'ride'
Notes: If this etymology is correct, OIr. aґ is an archaic root-noun derived directly from the
PIE verbal root *yeh2- 'to go'.
References: Watkins 1978, LIV 275, LEIA A-4
Proto-Celtic: *yѓtu- 'ford' [Noun]
Old Irish: aґth [u m]
Proto-Indo-European: *yeh2- 'ride, go'
Page in Pokorny: 296
IE cognates: Skt. yѓti 'goes, rides', Lith. joґti 'ride'
References: LEIA A-99, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 290
Proto-Celtic: *yіўsko- 'soup, broth' [Noun]
Old Irish: uґsc, usca 'lard, fat'
Middle Welsh: isgell [m] 'soup'
Cornish: iskel gl. ius (OCo.), MCo. isgal
Proto-Indo-European: *yuHs- 'broth'
Page in Pokorny: 507
IE cognates: Skt. yіs·-, Lat. iіs, OCS juxa
Notes: The Brit. words might be loanwords from Lat. (GPC, but Lat. *iіscellum, the alleged
source of these words (GPC), is not attested. The closest match is iusculum (OLD, s. v.)
which means 'broth' and is scarcely attested in the whole Lat. corpus.
References: GPC II: 2037, LEIA U-30, EIEC 84
Proto-Celtic: *ѓg- 'fear' [Verb]
Old Irish: -aґgadar, niґ-aґgathar
Proto-Indo-European: *h2eghPage in Pokorny: 7
IE cognates: Go. ogan 'fear', probably also Gr. aґkhos 'pain'
References: LP 337, LEIA A-23, KPV 206
Proto-Celtic: *ѓron- 'kidney' [Noun]
Old Irish: aґru [n f] 'kidney, gland'
Middle Welsh: arenn [f] 'kidney, testicle, stone' (GPC aren)
Proto-Indo-European: *h2eh2r- 'kidney'
IE cognates: Hitt. hahri, ? Lat. rЊnЊs [Nom p], ToA ѓrin?c 'heart'
Notes: If Lat. rЊnЊs belongs here, it probably represents the zero-grade *h2h2r-en-. For a
different etymology see Stµber 1998: 177f. She compares Goth. akran 'fruit', which is not
convincing semantically.
References: LEIA A-92, GPC I: 191, EIEC 329, Matasovicґ 2004: 112, Stµber 1998: 177f.
Proto-Celtic: *ѓs 'mouth' [Noun]
Old Irish: aґ
Proto-Indo-European: *h1oh1s
IE cognates: Hitt. ais, Skt. ѓґs, Lat. Ўs
Notes: The OIr. word aґ is known only from poetry and glossaries. Its gender is uncertain. The
correct reconstruction of the PIE etymon is a matter of dispute; another possibility is *h3eh1s.
References: LEIA A-4, EIEC 37, 313, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 26, Matasovicґ 2004: 110.
Proto-Celtic: *ѓti- 'furnace, oven' [Noun]
Old Irish: aґith [i f]
Middle Welsh: odyn [f] 'kiln'
Cornish: Oden-colc [Toponym]
Proto-Indo-European: *h2eh1-t- 'burn'
IE cognates: Palaic hѓri 'be hot', Lat. ѓra 'altar', ѓtrium
References: LEIA A-54, GPC II: 2618
Proto-Celtic: *ѓwyo- 'descendant, grandchild' [Noun]
Old Irish: aue > ua, oґ [io m], Ogam AVI [Gen s]
Middle Breton: eontr < *awontroCornish: eviter gl. patruus < *awontroGaulish: aua (Cavaillon) 'granddaughter'
Proto-Indo-European: *h2ewh2o- 'grandfather'
IE cognates: Hitt. hіhha-, Lat. auus 'grandfather', OIc. aґe, Arm. haw.
Notes: MW ewythr 'maternal uncle', MBret. eontr, and MCo. eviter < PCelt. *awontro-,
another derivative from the same PIE root. PCelt. *ѓwyo-, implied by OIr. aue (and perhaps
by MW wy-r 'descendant') is a vrddhi-derivative to PIE *h2ewh2o- 'grandfather'.
References: LEIA A-103f., U-1, EIEC 237, Schrijver 1995: 301., Delamarre 60f.
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Proto-Celtic: *ѓwyo- 'egg' [Noun]
Middle Welsh: ui (OW), MW wy [m]
Middle Breton: uy
Cornish: uy gl. ovum (OCo.), MCo. oy
Proto-Indo-European: *h2ЎwyoPage in Pokorny: 783
IE cognates: Lat. Ўuum, Arm. ju, OHG ei
Notes: The OIr. word for 'egg', og probably does not belong here. PIE *h2Ўwyo- is a vrddhi
derivative from *h2ewi- 'bird' (Lat. auis, etc.).
References: LEIA O-13, GPC III: 3739, EIEC 176, Falileyev 153, Campanile 1974: 104,
Schrijver 1995: 300ff.
Proto-Celtic: *Њ- 'this, that' [Pronoun]
Old Irish: eґ, heґ 'he'
Gaulish: eia 'she'[f] (Larzac)
Proto-Indo-European: *(h1)ey- 'that'
IE cognates: Lat. is, OHG er, Lith. ji°s
Notes: The masculine form of this pronoun is unattested in Gaul. In Insular Celtic, the
feminine form (*–, or *Њyѓ) was replaced by the pronominal stem *sih2 > OIr. siґ 'she'.
References: EIEC 399, Delamarre 161
Proto-Celtic: *Њskyo- 'moon' [Noun]
Old Irish: eґscae, eґsca [io n, later m]
Proto-Indo-European: *h1eysk-
Page in Pokorny: 16f.
IE cognates: OCS iskra 'spark', Lith. aґi«kus 'bright', Russ. jaґska 'bright star'
Notes: In OIr. this word replaced the earlier word for moon, luґan (see *lowxsnѓ). Its Baltic
and Slavic cognates are usually derived from PIE *h2eysk-, but on meagre evidence. Actually,
it is equally possible to reconstruct an ablauting root *h1eysk- > PCelt. *Њsk-, *h1isk- > OCS
iskra, *h1oysk- (or *h1Ўysk-) > Russ. jaґska, Lith. aґi«kus.
Proto-Celtic: *–kkѓ, *iakkѓ 'cure, treatment, salvation]
Old Irish: iґcc [ѓ f]
Middle Welsh: iach 'healthy'
Middle Breton: iac (OBret.) gl. suspite, Bret. yac'h 'healthy'
Cornish: iach gl. sanus (OCo.), MCo. yagh
Gaulish: Iaccus [PN]
Notes: The vocalism of OIr. iґcc can be explained if one starts with a variant *yiyekkѓ. Since
this OIr. word is actually a VN of the verb iґccaid 'heal', one might assume an original
reduplicated present *yi-yekk-o- from which *yiyekkѓ was abstracted (for *yek- > *yak- cp.
OIr. aig 'ice' < *yegi-). These Celtic words are usually connected to Gr. aґkos 'cure,
medicine', but phonetics of these etymology are difficult. Perhaps aґkos is from a psilotic
dialect, in which case it could be derived from Pre-Greek *yakos.
References: GPC II: 1994, EIEC 262, DGVB 217, De Bernardo Stempel 1999: 579,
Delamarre 185, Campanile 1974: 67.
Proto-Celtic: *–sarno- 'iron' [Noun]
Old Irish: iarn(n) [o n, later m]
Middle Welsh: haearn [m]
Middle Breton: hoiarn (OBret.), MBret. houarn
Cornish: hoern (OCo.), MCo. hoЇrn
Gaulish: Isarnus [PN]
Notes: This Celtic word was borrowed into Germanic in prehistoric times (cp. Go. eisarn, E
iron, etc.), cp. Birkhan 1970: 128f. For a possible PIE etymology see Cowgill
Indogermanische Grammatik I/1, 68 (from PIE *h1Њsh2r-no- 'bloody', cp. Hitt. eshar 'blood').
References: GPC II: 1801, EIEC 314, DGVB 213, Delamarre 192, De Bernardo Stempel
1999: 136ff., 256f., Birkhan 1970: 128f. Campanile 1974: 64., Benveniste 1956.
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