Chesterfield Elementary School Newsletter

Chesterfield Township School District Newsletter
December & January
Here’s what’s happening at Chesterfield School…
It’s officially the start of the holiday season and here at school, we start our 2nd marking
period. Conferences were held last month and report cards will be posted online on
December 10th at the end of the school day. Log on to Genesis to view your child’s progress
report. If you have any difficulty accessing the online report card, please send an email to
[email protected]. If you require a printed copy, please let your
child’s teacher know in advance.
The students will have an opportunity to shop for the holiday season during the PTA
sponsored, “Penguin Patch Holiday Shop.” Students will visit the shop in the atrium during
their recess from December 14th through December 18th. Everything will be reasonably
priced and parent volunteers will assist the children as they make their purchases. If you
would like to volunteer to help, please visit the PTA on the school website to sign up.
This year, the character education committee is sponsoring a holiday drive entitled “All
tucked in for the holidays!” A holiday tree will be placed in the atrium to be adorned with
blankets, slipper sox; new pajamas and other items to be donated to a local charity. Your
small donations will make a big difference to someone in need.
The CPEF is holding their Barnes & Noble Night on Tuesday, December 8 th, as the
conclusion of the read-a-thon. This is a great event to bring the family, do a little holiday
shopping and visit with special guest readers throughout the night!
While we all hope for a mild winter, we must prepare for those emergency closing days!
Families will be notified by the Honeywell Alert System for emergency closings and
delayed openings. We encourage all of you to update your profile in Genesis, as all
information is directed into the Honeywell system from your Genesis account. We will be
utilizing this system for most of our school-to-home communication. Once set up, you will be
notified via text, email, cell phone or home phone, depending upon your profile
specifications. Also, inclement weather announcements will be added to the school website.
Please ensure that child care is arranged in the event of these cancellations,
late openings or early closings. In the event of a delayed opening, the Little
Dragons morning session and morning Champions programs will be
cancelled. In the event of an early closing, the afternoon session of Little
Dragons and Champions will be cancelled as well as all evening activities.
On behalf of our Chesterfield Elementary School Family, we extend to you and your
family wishes for a happy holiday filled with peace and joy and a healthy, wonderful
new year!
Calendar of Events
December 3rd 1st Marking Period Ends
December 3rd Fairview Lake Parent Meeting 6:00 pm Cafeteria
December 4th PTA Craft and Vendor Fair – 6:30 pm Cafeteria
December 8th Barnes & Noble Night– 4:30-7:30 pm Hamilton Market Place
December 10th Report Cards Available on-line
December 14-18th Penguin Holiday Shop
December 16th BOE Meeting – Media Center
December 23rd Early Dismissal – 12:45
December 24th Winter Break - Happy Holidays!
4th School Re-opens
6th Chesterfield Fund Meeting 8:00
6th BOE Reorganization meeting – Media Center
12th PTA General Membership Meeting 7:30
18th School Closed - Martin Luther King Day
Fairview Lake …
On Wednesday, December 3rd at 6:30 pm, an informative meeting in the cafeteria
will be held for the parents of our 6th grade students going to Fairview Lake. We will
give details of what your child will be needing, show a slide presentation and
counselors from Fairview Lake will be there to answer any questions regarding this
Library Corner
Laura DiMeola, Librarian
The PTA sponsored the Scholastic Book Fair which was held in October. Students
and staff were able to come to the Media Center and shop for many books and items
from Scholastic. There were some exciting new titles for all age groups.
The students were able to get a preview of some of the different books on that were
on sale by viewing a video where the authors gave a “book talk” about their books.
This gave the students a chance to really hear what the story was about and why the
author decided to write about it. It was a great way to help make a decision on
which books to purchase. Happy Reading!!!
Special Education News
The Chesterfield Child Study Team (CST) is always available to respond to our students at
Chesterfield, both for those found eligible for special educational services and as
consultants to all teachers and parents. The core CST members include Caren Guyett,
School Psychologist; Jeannine James, Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant; Cindy
McNally, School Social Worker; Marian Rock, Speech Specialist; and Erin Spinello, part-time
Speech Specialist. You can contact the Special Education office at 298-3027.
Special Announcement: “PALS” Meeting: Thursday December 17th at 6:30pm in
the Media Center.
The Parents for All Learning Styles (PALS) organization is Chesterfield’s Special
Education parents’ forum for information and conversation. The group’s main focus is
special education, and while this purpose is paramount, the group has also evolved into a
school-wide network for providing evening workshops, parent-teacher collaboration,
and links to additional community resources and information. This emphasis was developed
and remained since the group’s founding membership, several years ago. Past PAL’s topics
have included responding to behavioral issues at home, homework help, IEP development,
and assistive technology. Notices for upcoming programs will be posted in newsletters,
handouts, and on the school website.
The next PALS meeting will be held on Thursday December 17th at 6:30pm in the Media
Center. Our topic will be SPECIAL EDUCATION 101. The district’s Child Study Team
members, Caren Guyett, Cindy McNally, and Jeannine James, will be present. The
complete Special Education eligibility process, from referral to the Child Study Team,
through evaluation, and to intervention possibilities will be explained. In addition, state and
federal mandates will be reviewed and a question and answer period will follow. Please
note that due to confidentiality concerns, we cannot discuss individual students but we will
be happy to answer general questions. We hope to see you there!
Did you know …?
The 2nd grade students once again packed shoe-boxes full of goodies and sent
them to be delivered by the military as holiday gifts to children in war-torn
countries. Many of these children do not even have a toothbrush, so these
boxes are a wonderful treat for them to receive!
As the winter progresses and the snow falls, it is a township ordinance that
sidewalks need to be shoveled and cleared for pedestrians and students. This
is especially important for those community members that live within walking
distance to the school.
Character Education
In keeping with the theme of Caring, in December, the Character Education
Committee has come up with a new holiday drive. While the holidays can be a very
festive time of year for some people, for some people it is not. We would like to do
what we can this year to help brighten the holidays for those less fortunate. Our
drive is called “All Tucked in for the Holidays.” We are accepting new pajamas,
slippers, blankets and socks to be donated to a local charity. We will have our
holiday tree up in the atrium and we will be adorning it with all of the donations. The
last day of school, before our winter break, we will celebrate with a school-wide
pajama day!
Character is the real foundation for all worthwhile success. By John Hays Hammond
It takes a village…
Thank you for your generous donations for “Dollars for Food.” We were able to
send gift cards for Shoprite to St. Mary’s Food Pantry. In addition, the school
collected and donated boxes of food to help stock the shelves. Thank you for your
continued generosity and helping to make the holiday a little brighter for those less
This year, the Character Education committee is sponsoring, “All tucked in for the
Holidays!” to benefit local families in need this holiday season. We ask students and
staff to donate new pajamas, warm blankets, slipper sox and gifts to keep kids warm
throughout the winter season. A tree will be set up in the main atrium to be adorned
with donations.
News from the Health Office…
FLU Shots: Remember all children over the age of 6 months enrolled in daycare or
preschool in New Jersey are required to receive a flu shot by December 31st.
FOOTWEAR: Sneakers are necessary for PE and suggested for recess.
COLD WEATHER: Please send your child to school prepared for the winter
weather. The students are outside for recess for 25-30 minutes daily unless the
weather is below 32 degrees or raining or snowing. Please be sure your child wears
his/her jacket or coat, hat and gloves as needed. The nurse’s office is not equipped
to supply coats, hats or gloves to the students.
Long scarves can get caught in doors of cars or buses and are a hazard on the
playground equipment. They should not be worn in class.
COMMUNICABLE DISEASES: This is the beginning of the season that usually has an
increase in upper respiratory infections, strep throats and viruses.
remember to keep your child home for 24 hours after symptoms of fever, vomiting,
or diarrhea. If your child has symptoms of strep throat (i.e. sore throat, fever,
swollen glands or sometimes just complaints of a headache or stomachache), please
contact your physician. If your child has strep, they need to be on an antibiotic and
have a doctor’s note to return to school.
Remember: Hand washing is the #1 step in disease prevention. Also, please
encourage your children to cover their coughs and sneezes and use tissues that they
discard properly.
FOOD ALLERGIES: Please remember that we have several
food allergies. We have a “Nut-Free” table in the cafeteria.
NO FRESH PEANUTS be brought to school by any children.
the shells and skins is too difficult to contain in the cafeteria.
children with severe
We also request that
The particulate from
Thank you for your
School Community Partners
Board of Education
The December meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 16th at 6:30 pm in the media
center. The re-organization meeting will be held on January 6, 2016.
Chesterfield Fund
The Chesterfield Public Education Fund has had two fundraisers to date - the Fall
Clothing Drive, on December 12th and the A&M Holiday Pie Sale. Thanks to all who
ordered pies for their Thanksgiving table. December 12th is the drop-off date for
our annual clothing drive from 10:00 – 2:00 in the school parking lot.
Though fall clubs have just completed, the CPEF is gearing up for the winter clubs
which will start in early January. Please be on the lookout for registration
information coming soon.
The CPEF provides funding for educational materials, programs and technology
that enhance the educational experience of Chesterfield Elementary students. The
CPEF meets the first Wednesday of every month at 7:30 in the Media Room. All
parents are welcome to attend.
The Chesterfield Public Education Fund (CPEF) extends warm Holiday Wishes to all
our Chesterfield families.
Gregg Masters, President; Sheri Friends, Vice-President; Lorrie Thier, Secretary;
Phyllis Tsai, Treasurer
Trustees: Kathleen D’Aulerio, Paula Hessinger, Jon Katz, Stacey Lindes
Volunteer Committee: Robin Cozzolino, Kelly D'Oria, Tracy Graessle, Jessica
Happy Holidays!
PTA News Corner
It is hard to believe that we are in the holiday season and finishing up 2015 – where
did the year go? While 2015 may be winding down, December finds us with many
activities for our students.
Our Scholastic Book Fair was a big success. Thank you to all the parent volunteers
and Mrs. Hawkins who worked so hard to make this event possible!
Please join us on Friday, December 4th for our Girls’ Night Out – Vendor and Craft
Show…Take this opportunity to get some holiday shopping done and enjoy a night
out with friends. We look forward to seeing you!
The Penguin Patch Holiday Shop is coming to Chesterfield. Students will have an
opportunity to shop for holiday gifts for family the week of December 14th thru 18th
during their recess time.
Enjoy the holiday hustle and bustle!
Any questions, please contact our chair for the event, Stacy Cassidy, at
[email protected].
After the holidays as we approach the new year, we all look forward to other funfilled activities. The PTA will keep you posted!
We wish all of you a happy holiday season and happy, healthy new year! Thank you
to all the parents, teachers and staff of Chesterfield School who generously give of
their time and talents!
The PTA Executive Board Officers – Stacy Cassidy, Maggie Brittain, Mary Hing,
Kathy Principe, and Jeanne Ashmore
The Chesterfield Township School District is an Affirmative Action/Equal Educational
School District and Employer. If any parent/guardian, student, or other person feels
that he or she or any other person is being or has been discriminated against
because of race, color, creed, religion, sex, ancestry, national origin, socioeconomic
status or handicap, such discrimination should be reported immediately to the
following school district officer: Dr. Gino Sivieri.
If your child is going to be absent from school, please call the school to report that
your child will not be present in school. Call the main office at 298-6900 by 8:45 a.m.
and leave a message with your child’s name, homeroom and reason for absence
after the “To report a student absence prompt”.
Because of space limitations on our buses, it is necessary to restrict backpack size to
a maximum of 15" wide by 18" long (approximately) and only the non-wheeled
variety are permitted on the bus. Teachers have indicated that this style
sufficiently meets their standards regarding the materials students transport
between home and school.
If you need child care either before or after school, Champions is an independently
run program held at the school for your convenience. Visit online at or contact Melissa Capone at 267-994-3565 for more
Following up on suggestions made by our school Wellness Council, food will not be
served in school for children’s birthday celebrations. Teachers will develop grade
level guidelines for birthday celebration activities.
If you are planning a party at home, please only send invitations in to school if you
will be inviting everyone (or just the same gender) in the class. If you are sending
only to a few classmates, please distribute them by mail. Thanks for your
Cell phones have become a part of our daily routine. However, the use of cell
phones in school by students is prohibited, unless the use is approved by a teacher
or administrator. If a child is carrying a cell phone in his/her backpack for
emergency use, it must not be displayed while in school or on the bus. If a student is
found using or playing with a cell phone during school, it will be confiscated and a
parent/guardian must come into the school office to retrieve it. All electronic
devices, IPods, Gameboy, etc., should be enjoyed at home. Thanks for
If you have concerns about your preschool child’s (ages 3-5 years) language, social
or learning development, please call our Child Study Team office at 609-298-3027.
Our Supervisor of Special Services, Dr. Gino Sivieri; Supervisor of Curriculum, Mrs.
Jeanine May-Sivieri, School Social Worker, Mrs. Cindy McNally or Speech
Pathologist, Ms Marian Rock will be happy to speak to you about your concerns and
provide information about the Child Study Team evaluation process and possible
services that may be provided for pre-school students.
If you have concerns about your infant or preschool child’s development (birth - 3
years) services may be available through New Jersey’s Early Intervention System.
Please call PROJECT CHILD FIND at 1-800-322-8174 or Burlington County Early
Intervention at 609-267-1950.
If you are picking your child before early, please send a note into the teacher with
all the details – time of pickup, who will be picking up and the reason for early
dismissal. If your child is picked up before 3:00 p.m., they will be charged as a
tardy for on their attendance record. Regular dismissal begins at 3:10 pm.
If you have a child who will be five years old on or before October 1, 2016, you
should register on-line beginning in January on the school website under
kindergarten registration at Kindergarten screenings
are held in the spring for all our new enrollments and parents will be notified by
mail at that time.
Items found without any identification will be placed on the “Lost and Found” table
located in the cafeteria. Please check this table if your child is missing a lunchbox,
coat, book-bag or other items.
The Chesterfield Township School faculty, staff and administration believe that a
child’s parents and local community are an important and integral part of the total
school program. The Superintendent and all other personnel will welcome any
inquiries, questions or suggestions from any interested member of the community.
The Honeywell Alert System will be used for emergencies closings and delays.
A message will be sent to you depending on the profile you set up. Therefore, it is
very important to log onto Genesis to set up your family profile.
In our continuing efforts to ensure the safety of our students, every visitor must sign
in and obtain a visitor’s pass upon arrival. All teachers request that you never go
directly to the classroom without being announced, even to just drop off a lunch,
forgotten items or to walk a student to class when they arrive late. Unexpected
visits, especially in the morning, take the teacher’s attention away from the
classroom an often disrupt routine procedures.
I will be picking up my child today ______________________________________
EARLY ____________________
Student’s Name ________________________________________________________
Grade & Teacher________________________________________________________
Parent Signature ________________________________________________________
If someone other than a parent is picking up your child, please print the name below:
Lunch Account Form
Student Name ___________________________ Grade/Teacher _______
Cost of Lunch $2.70 (includes milk)
Extra Entrée w/ $2.00
Amount Enclosed $________
[ ] Cash
Make checks payable to: Chesterfield BOE
[ ] Check # _________