This papor contains on Pago 8 and the following - ICC

First Supplemant
to tho
of Trial Reports
(Doc, C.204)«
In addition to tho Trial Reports registered
in Doo*C,204, the following reports have
been received by the United Nations War Crimes
Cormdaaion by 24th June, 1946» *
II. British Trials.
77-J) Trial against Kojina Hise^ftro and Takoyoshi Eizo of the
Imperial Japanese Navy. . /
Date & Place of Trial: Singapore, 8th - 11th April. 1946.
Charge: (1) Oomnitting a war crime in that they, at
Nancowry Island in or about the month of
July 1945» in violation of the laws and
usages of war, were together oonceroed in the
ill-trcatmont and injury of Najiro and Ramadi,
civilian residents of Nanoowry Island, aforesaid,
and the deaths of the said Najiro and Ranadi
were caused thereby.
(2) Committing a war crime in that they, at
Nanoowry Island in or about the month of July
1945» in violation of tho lows and usages of
war, were together conoerned in the illtreatment and injury of Daulat, a civilian
resident of Nanoowry Island aforesaid and the .
death of the said Daulat was caused thereby.
1st accused: Each oharge - Not Guilty,
2nd aocusod: Charge (l) - Guilty,
Charge (2) - Not Guilty,
Death by hanging.
78-J) Trial against Vo.lima Hisajiro and Asoi Kenichi of tho imperial
Japanese Navy*
Date St Place of Trial: Singapore, 12,'13 and 15 April,1946.
Coninitting a war crime in that they, at
Nancowry Island in or about the months of May
and June 1945, in violation of the laws and
usages of war,were together concerned in the
ill-treatment and injury of Waris and Abdul
Karim civilian residents of Nanoowry Island
aforesaid, in consequence whereof, the said
Waris and Abdul Karim died.
Each accused - Guilty (with excaptions,)
Sentences: 1st accused :
Imprisonment for life*
2nd accused : Death by hanging*
» This papor contains on Pago 8 and the following
the synopsis of tho first fourty-sovon reports on trialo
conducted by F^enoh Courts,
-2 -
79-J) Triol ageinot Sgt,Maj,Ha8egawa SacLoo So-Cho and Sup.Pte,
Matauda Oaamu Jyoto-Hoi.
Date & Place of Trial: Labuan, 12, 13 and 15 April, 1946,
Committing a v«r crime in that they, together,
in violation of the laws and uaagos of war,
wore, in the vioinity of Papar, British Borneo,
being in tho servioe of the occupying Power, on
or about the 22nd July 1945, oonoemed in the •
unlawful killing of Ah Kim, a oivilian resident
of British Borneo aforosaid.
Verdict: Both guilty,
Sentenoes: 1st accused - imprisonment for 15 years,
2nd acoused - inqprisonment for 3 years,
80-J) Trial against W/0 Ikuina Tomoahige Jun-I and two others,
Date & Place of Trial: Labuan, 8 - 1 0 April 1946.
Cownitting a war crime in that they, together,
in violation of the laws and usages of "war at
Kuala Bolait, Borneo in or about the month of
June 1945, being in the servioe of the occupying
Power wore concerned in the killing of three
oivilian residents of British Borneo,
All guilty,’
Sentences: Death by shooting,
Imprisonment for life,
Imprisonment for 5 years,1,
81-J)*Trial against Nadomoto Hideo and two others.
Date & Place of Trial: Singapore, 1-5 and 8-9 April, 1946,
Committing a war orimo in that they, at Port
Blair in the Andaman Islands on or about 15th
January 1945, in violation of the lawB and
usages of war, wero together oonoomed in the .
ill-troatment and injury of Salem Din a oivilian
resident of Port Blair aforesaid, as a consequenoo
• whereof the said Salam Din diod,
All guilty,
Sentoneos: Impriaonmont for life, 1,
Imprisonment for 15 years, 2,
Trial against Minoru Kanoko of the Imperial Japanese Navy,
Dato& Place of Trial: Singaporo, 10-13 April 1946,
Committing a war crime in that ho, at Port
Blair, in or about the month of Pobruary 19U5,
in violation of the laws and usages of war, was
o onoemod in the ill-troatment and injury of
Makundi, a oivilian rosident of Port Blair
aforesaid, in oonsequenoe whereof the death of
the said Makundi was caused thereby.
Death by hanging,
83-J) Trial against w/0 Toraono Shunio of the Enporial Japanese A n y .
Date & Plaocof Triol: Singapore, 28th March and 1 - 3
April. 1946,
Committing a war crime in that he, in or near
Long-Thanh Airfield, Saigon, French Indo-China,
in or about the month of July 1945, in
violation of the laws and usagoa of war, was
oonoemed in the unlawful killing of T/Sgt Allen
Y?, Nioka, and T/Sgt Joseph A. Demaria, botli of
the United Statos Army Air Force, American
priaonera of war.
Death by hanging.
- 3-
Trial against General Nicola Bollomo, Italian
Date & ELaoe of Trial: Bari, Italy, 23-28 July 1945*
hargei(l) Conmitting a war crime in that he at Torre Trosoo
near Bari,. Italy, on 30th November 1941* in
violation of the*laws and usages of war, did
instigate and take part in the killing of,
G. Playno, The Gloucestershire Hussars, a prisoner
of war, then in arrest following his
(2) Conmitting a war crime in that he at Torre Tresoa
near Bari, Italy, on 30jrh November 1941# in
.violation af the laws and usages of war, did
instigato and take part in the attompted killii^
of Capt*(thon Lt.)R.R*Cooke, the Queen's Own
Royal Wost Kent Regiment, a prisoner of war, then
in arrest following his reoapture.
Both ohargos^ Guilty,
Death by ¿looting.
Sentence exocuted on 11th
September 1945*
Trial against Werner Rritz Seeling, Erioh Hoffmann and Fritz
Date & Placo of Trial: 10th - 13th Decenfcor 1945# at Oslo,
Norway, ‘
Qiarge i
Committing a war crime in thatthey atStavanger,
on days unknown in or about the month of
November 1942, in violation of the laws and
usages of war* wore concerned in the killing of
four unidentified British prisoners of war,
All guilty*
Sentencesi Fritz Seoling and Erich Hoffmann, death
Fritz Fauerlein, imprisonment for life,
Sentenco imposed on Seoling was put into
oxocution at Akorhus Prison, Oslo, Norway, on
10th January 1946.
Sentenco imposed on Hofftoann was put into execu­
tion at Hamoln Zuchthaus(Germany) on 15th May, 1946,
Trial against Karl Buck, Robert Funsch and 9 others*
Date & Placo of Trial: 6th - 10th May 1946 at Wuppertal,
Germany» the court consisting of five British
offioors and one Fronoh officer of the French
Air Force, with a British barrister as Judge
Being conoemod in the killing of six
prisoners of war, four American prisoners of
war and four French nationals,
10 of the acoused wore found guilty.
One not guilty.
Sentences: Death by shooting,
IDqarisonmont for 10 years, 1,
• "
" 4 "
" 3 "
1 #
Trial against Max Pauly and 13 others, (The Neuongajnno Trial).
Date A Placo of Trial: Hamburg, 18th March to 3rd May, 1946.
Ch argot
Being concomod in the killing and ill-.treatment
of allied nationals at Nouengamme concentration
camp between Juno 1940 and May 1945*
All the accused, guilty,
Sentonoos: Death by hanging,
Imprisonment for 20 yoars, 1,
" 15
" 10
-4 ,
88) Trial against Karl Adam Gollool and 13 others.
Dato 4 Place of trial: 15th - 21at May 1946 at Wuppertal,
Ccranitting a war crime in that they at La Grande
Fosse, Fronoe, on 15th October 1944, in
violation of the lavrs and usages of war, wore
concerned in the killing of 8 British soldiers of
the No.2. Special Air Sorvice Regiment, whon
prisoners of war.
8 of the accused, found guilty.
I of the acoused found not guilty,
Sontneoes: imprisonment for 10years,
4 "
3 II
2 ”
89) Trial against Colonollo Masslmiliano Capurao and Clomente Fantacoi.
Date A Place of Trial: British Military Court at Afragola,
27thi - 29 th March 1946,
Committing a war crime in that they atZforzacosta,
Italy, on or about 24th February, 1943» in violation
of the laws and usages of war, were concerned in the
killing of Tpr*Aaron, a British IVisoner of War*
Both found guilty.
Sentenoes: Capurso, imprisonment for 8 years.
Fantacoi, inprisonment for 15 yoars.'
The Comnanding Genoral did not confirm the findings
and sentenoo in the caso of Colonollo Capurso.
Tho findings and sontence in the case of Fantacoi
were confirmed, but 7 yoars of the sentonce of 15
yoars. wore remitted. *
90) Trial against Josef Muth and 5 othors.
Date A Place of Trial: British Military Court at Wuppertal,
Germany, 4th and 5th Juno, 1946.
In that they, at Struthof/Nat0zoilor, on or about
30th July 1944, in violation af tho laws and
usages of war, wero concerned in tho killing of
Sgt.Hapgood, R.A.F., a British prisoner of war.
One accused, not guilty, (no ovidonce produced,)
ho other 5 wore found guilty.
Sontenoes: Doath by hanging,
Death by shooting,
Imprisonment for 7 years, 1.
9 1)
Trial against Kurt Student
Dato A Place of Trial: British Military Court at Lunobefcfc,
6th - 10th May, 1946.
Charges:(l) Responsibility for tho use of British prisoners
of war as a scroon far tho defence of German
troops whon near Malomo, Croto.
(2) Responsibility for employing British prisoners of
war on prohibited work at Maleme Aerodrome.
( 3) Responsibility for tho shooting and killing of
several British prisonors of war for refusing to
do prohibited work at Malomo.
(4 ) Responsibility for tho bombing of a hospital
near Galatos»
(5) Responsibility for driving a pcxty of British
prisoners of wUr before tiion by German troops
( ' near Calatos.
(6) Responsibility for killing of 3 British soldiers
near Galatos.
( 7 ) Responsibility for killing of British prisoners
of war near Galatos.
(8) Responsibility for tho killing of British
prisoners of war near Malemo,
- 5-
N0t guilty on chargoa N o b * 1» 4, 5, 7 m d 8.
Guilty on ohargoa Noa. 2, 3 and 6,
Imprisonment for 5 years, *
IV. Uni tod Staton Trials«
34) Trial against Wilhelm Foorator, a G o m a n national*
Date & Place of Trial: 19th April 1946, Intormediato Military
Govornmont Court, Ludwigaburg.
Charges(l) In that he did at Hornburg, Germany, in or about
Soptombor 1944, wilfully, deliberately and wrong­
fully attempt to kill an unknown member of the
United Statca Arny, who was then an unarmed,
surrendered priaonor of war, by shooting at him
with a rifle.
(2) In that ho did at Hornburg, Germany in or about
Septombor 1944, wrongfully oocmit an aaBault upon
an unknown member of tho United Statoa A m y who
was then an unarmed, surrendered prisoner of the
then German Reich, by hitting him on tho head
with the butt of a rifle.
Not guilty of first charge, Guilty of the second
Imprisonment for two yoora,
35) Trial againat Otto Sukopp and Kurt Kiohno, Gorman nationals.
Date & Place of Trial: Gonoral Military Government Court at
Ludwigsburg, 9th April 1946,
In that they did, at or near Gross Dontko, Germany,
on or about 28th Soptenfcor 1944, wilfully,
deliberately and wrongfully onoourago, aid, abet
and participate in tho killing of a member of tho
United Statos .Army who was thon an unarmed,
surrendered priaonor of war.
Both guilty.
Sentence: Sukopp to be impriaoned for 12 years,
Kiohno to bo imprisonod for 5 years,
36) Trial againat Albert Luoohau,
Date & Place of Trial: Intermediate Military Government Court
at Ludwigsburg, 11th April 1946,
In that ho did, at or near Alvesso, Kroia Poine,
Germany, on or about 20th January 1944, wrongfully,
conmit an assault upon an unknown member of the
United Statos Army who was thon an unarmed,
surrendered prisoner of war in tho custody of the
thon German Roich, by hitting him in tho book with
a riflo.
Sontence: Imprisorenont for 5 yoora#
37) Trial against Georg Hitzer,
Date & Placo of Trial: 11th March 1946, Gonoral Military
Government Court, Ludwigsburg. •
In that ho did, at Rouenheim,Germany, in
about January 1945, wrongfully commit an assault
upon two unknown members of the Unitod States Ar^y
who wore then unarmed, surrendered prisoners of
war in tho custody of tho thon G0rman Roich, by
hitting them with his fist and a long handled scrub
Sontence: Imprisonment for 4 years,(Period ofconfinement
reduced to two yoars.)
For continuation of list of British Trial Reports,
see Pago 15.
-6 -
38) Trial against Otto Rudolph, a Gorman national.
Date & Placo of Trial: Intermediate Military Government Court
at I/uchrvigflburg, 2nd April 1946.
In that he did, at or noar Songprhauson, Gormany,
on or about 2nd Novombor 1944, 'wrongfully commit
an aooault upon an unknown membor of the United
States Army, who was thon an unarmed, surrendered
prisonor of war in the custody of the then German
Reich, by boating him on tho hoad.with a rook,
(Amondod to includo "and boating him with his fist",)
Sentences Imprisonment for 7 years.
Findings confirmed, but
sontenco commuted to imprisonment for 2 yoars,
39) Trial against Alfred Koller, a Gorman National,'
Date & Plaoo of Trial: Intermediate Military Government Court at
Ludwig sburg, 2nd April 1946,
In that he did, at or near
Roloven, Germany, on or
about 26th November 1944, wrongfully and with intent
to do him bodily harm, commit an assault upon an
unknown member of tho Uni tod States Array, who was
then an unarmed surrendered prisoner af war in the
ousto<3|y of the thon Gorman R3ich, by hitting him
over tho head with a stiok,
Sentonoe: Imprisonment for 5 years.
Findings oonfirmod,but
sontenco roduced to imprisonment for 2 years,
40) Trial against Rudolf Haferburg,
Dato & Place of Trial: 30th April 1946, Intermediate Military
Government Court, Lu^wigehurg.
In that he did, at or near Billroda, Germany, on or
about 7th Octobor 1944, wrongfully commit an assault
upon an unknown membor of the United States AxnV who
was thon an unarmod, surrondorod prisonor af war in
tho custody of tho then Gorman Reioh, by hitting him
and kicking him.
Sontenco: Imprisonment for one year,
41) Trial against Karl Stiog, Wilholm Paland and Fritz Toutogorg,
Dato & Plaoo of Trial: 7th Dooembor 1945, Intermediate
Military Govomment Court, Dudwigsburg,
Charget(l) Against Poland and Stiog:
In that they did*,
at or
noar Roiffonhauson, Germany, on or about 14th August,
1944, wrongfully conmit an assault upon an unknown
monfcor of tho Uni tod States Army who was thon an
unarmod surrondorod prisonor of war in tho custody
of tho thon German Roioh, by hitting him in the faco
with thoir fists,
(2) Against Teutobcrg: In that he did, at or noar
Roiffonhauson, Germany, on or about 14th August 1944,
wrongfully and with intont to do him bodily harm,
commit an assault upon an unknown membor of the United
Statos Army who was then an unarmed, surrendered
prisoner of war in tho custody of the then G0rman
Roich, by hitting him in tho faco with his fists and
by kicking him.
Paland and Toutoborg, Guilty,
Taland, imprJ noiiinont for 2
Toutogorg, imprisonment for 4 yoars.
Stieg, not guilty,
42) Trial against Johann Melchior and Walter Hirschelmann.
Dato & Place of Trial: Gonoral Uilitary Govcrnmont Court
at Ludwigsburg, 22nd - 24th January 1946.
In that they did, at or noor Grossenlindon,
Gormary, on or about 9th Septcnibor 1944» wilfully,
deliberately and wrongfully aid, abot,
enoourago and partioipato iniho killing of two
unknown members of tto Uni tod States A m y who
were then unarmed, surrendered prisoners of war in
the custody of the then (fcrman Reich, by ahooting
thorn with guns*
Both guilty*
Sentences: B 0th imprisonment for life*
43) M a i against Hans Pohl,
Date & Place of Trial: 14 May 1946 at Ludwigsburg.
Intermediate Military Government Court.
In that he did, at or near Sohierstein, Germany,
on or about 10th March 1944, wrongfully occmit
an assault upon an unknown member of tho United
States A m y , who was thon an unarmed, surrendered
prisoner of war in the custody of tho thon G o m a n
Roich, by hitting him in the faoe with his fist and
by kioldng him*
Sentonoe: Imprisonment for one year and a fine of 1,000
Findings confirmed, but sentenco ooramuted to
imprisonment for six months and the fine of
1,000 Reichsmarks romitted.
44) Trial against Karl Neubor, a Gorman national.
Date & Place of Trial: Gonoral Military Government Court at
Ludwigsburg, 26th April 1946#
In that ho did, at or near Hanau, Germany, on
or about 17th Fobruary 1945» wilfully, deliberately
and wrongfully oncourage, aid, abet and participate
in the killing of three unknown members of tho
United States A m y who wore thon unarmed, surrendered
prisoners of war in the oustody of tho thon Gorman
Sentonoe: Imprisonment for 7 years.
45) Trial against Adolf Wogor and Julius Schulzo, German «nationals.
Date & Placo of Trial: Gonoral Military Government Court,
Ludwigsburg, 29th-30th November and 1st - 8th
' Do comber, 1945*
In that they did, at or near Hanau, on or about
17th February 1945* wilfully, doliboratoly and
wrongfully onoourage, aid, abot and partioipato
in the killing of Charles B # Goldstein, a member
of tho United States Arny, and two other unknown
mombers of tho United States Army, who were thon
unarmed, surrendered prisoners of war in the
custody of tho thon German Itoich.
Sentonce: Wogor, sontonccd todoath by shooting.
Schulzo sontonced to imprisonment for life.
Findings confirmed, but sontoncos commutod to:
Wegor imprisonment for lifo and Schulzo to
imprisonment for 25 years.
- 8 -
Trial againat Robert Sohauor, Fritz Amstutz and Willi Christ,
. Dato and Place of Trial: Gonoral Military Govornraont
Court at Ludwigsburg, 4th - 8th December 1945»
In that thoy did, at or nuar Niodorsoolbuok,
on or about 19th Ootobor 1944, wilfully,
doliboratoly and wrongfully aid, obot and
participate in tho killing of throo unknown
mombors of tho United Statoa t o y , who woro
thon unamod, aurrondorod priaonoro of war
in tho custody of tho thon Gorman Roich.
(Note:"One aubotitutod for "throo" in tho
caso of Willi Christ).
Sontoncoa: Willi Christ, imprisonment for ono year,
Fritz Amstutz,imprisonmont for fivo yoars,
Robort Schaucr^ taprisonmont for thirteen
yoara, ,
Trial against Gustav Sautor.
Dato and Placo of Trial: General Military Government
Court, sitting as an Intormodiato Military
• Govomnont Court, Ludwigsburg, 11th and 12th
March 1946.
In that ho did, at Flohingon, Germany, on or
• about 21st July 1944, v/rongfully conmit on
assault upon two unknown mombors of tho
Unitod Statoa Array who woro thon unarmed,
surrendered prisoners of war in tho oustody of tho then German Roich, by hitting
thorn with a cane.
Vordiot: Guilty.
Sontonoo:Imprisonment for 3 yoars.
Fronoh Trial Roports
Trial of Richard Herchon.
Dato and Placo of Trial: Military Tribunal at Bor­
deaux. JUdgornt delivered on Dcr- 23r<? 191*4.
Chargo: Murdor of a Frcnch oivilian.
Vordiot: Guilty.
SontonooiDoathi Commutod by dooreo of July 12th,1945
to penal sorvitudo for life.
Trial of Goorgos Hillonbrand and fivo others. .
Date and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Rennes.
Judgment dolivorod on *Ju3y 13th, 1945*
Chargo: Illegal shooting of Fronoh prisoners of war.
Vordiot: Guilty,
Trial of Dotlof Joss,
Dato and Placo of Trial: Military Tribunal at
Montpellier, Judgmont delivered July 27th,1945#
Chargo: Complicity in arson, committed against a
Frcnch oiviliah.
Verdict: Guilty, but with extenuating circumstances.
Sentonoo:Penal Sorvitudo for twenty years,
Trial of Joseph Strothmullor,
Dato and Plaoo of Trial: Military Tribunal at MontPollior, Judgment dolivorod July 27th,1945*
Chargo: Murdor of French oivilian,
Vordiot:Guilty, but with oxtonuating circumstanccs.
Sentence: Ponal Servitude for life.
Trial of Anthon Weiss
Date and Placo of Trial: Military Tribunal at Lyon,
Judgement delivered August 8th 1945*
Charge: Complicity in murder, and murder, committed
against Fronoh Civilians,
Vordiot: Guilty.
Sentence: Doath, Commuted to Penal Servitude for life
by the President of the Provisional Government
on September 16 th, 1945,
Trial of Gregor Kmnpfert.
Date and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Lyon,
Judgment delivered on August 17th, 1945*
Murdor of Fronoh civilians,
Vordiot: Guilty,
Sentence: Death. Commuted to Penal Servitude for
life by the Prosidont of the Provisional
Government, on September 16th, 1945.
Trial of Walt or Keilpflug,
Date and Plaoe of Trial: Military Tribunal at Iyoiv
Judgment delivered August 17th, 1945,
Charge •: Murder, illogal arrest, and thoft
committed against Fronoh civilians,
Vordiot: Guilty, but tho killings vrcro unpremeditated,
and there woro extenuating circumstances,
Sontonoo: Penal Servitude for life.
Trial of Georg Schonheiter,
Date and Placo of Trial: Military Tribunal at Iyon.
Judgmont delivered August 17th, 1945*
Charge: Complicity in raurdor, murder, and
complicity in illogal arrest, committed
against various Frenoh citizens.
Verdict: Guilty,
Sentence tDeath, Commuted to Penal Sorvitude for life
by the President of the Provisional Govern­
ment on September 16th, 1945«
Trial of Friedrich Brandt,
Date and Placo of Trial: Military Tribunal at Lyon.
Judgment delivered September 26th, 1945,
Charge: Pillage, and robbing a wounded French soldier.
Vordiot: Guilty, but with extonuating circumstances,
Sentonoe:Penal Sorvitude for fivo years,
Trial of Walter Honsohol and Herbert Shieffer.
Date and Plaoe of Trial: Military Tribunal at Toulouso,
Judgment dolivored on September 28th, 1945*
Charge: As to Hontschol, complicity in murdor; as to
Shicffor, murdor. Acts woro committed against
Frenoh prisoners-of-war in German hands.
Verdict: Guilty,
Trial of Karl Frantz Tosohko
Date and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Fennos,
Judgment delivered Ootobor 17th, 1945»
Charge: Murdor of a Fronoh oivilian.
Vordiot: Guilty.
• Sontcnco:Death.
Trial of Anthon Weiss
Date and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Lyon,
Judgement delivered August 8th 1945*
Charge: Complicity in murder, and murder, committed
against Pronoh Civilians,
Verdiot: Guilty,
Sentence: Doath, Commutod to Penal Servitude for life
by tho President of the Provisional Government
on September 16 th, 1945*
Trial of Gregor Koapfert,
Date and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Iyon,
Judgment doliverod on August 17th, 1945,
Murdor of Fronoh civilians,
Vordiot: Guilty.
Sentence: Death. Commutod to Ponal Servitude for
life by the Prosidont of tho Provisional
Government, on September l6th, 1945.
Trial of Walt or Keilpflug,
Date and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at IyoiC
Judgment delivered August 17th, 1945»
Charge»: Murder, illogal arrest, and theft
oommittod against Fronoh civilians,
Vordiot: Guilty, but tho killings wero unpremeditated,
and thoro woro extenuating circumstances,
Sentonoe: Ponal Servitude for life.
Trial of Georg Schonheiter,
Date and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Iyon.
Judgmont delivered August 17th, 1945#
Charge: Complicity in murdor, murder, and
complicity in illogal arrest, committed
against various French citizens.
Vordiot: Guilty.
Sentence:Death, Commutod to Ponal Sorvitude for life
by the President of the Provisional Govern­
ment on September 16th, 1945«
Trial of Friedrich Brandt,
Date and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Iyon.
Judgment delivered Soptomber 26th, 1945#
Chargo: Pillage, and robbing a wounded Fro noli scldior.
Vordiot: Guilty, but with extonuating circimstances.
Sentonoe:Penal Sorvitude for fivo yoars,
Trial of Waltor Honsohol and Herbert Shieffer,
Dato and Plaoo of Trial: Military Tribunal at Toulouse,
Judgment dolivorcd on September 28th, 1945#
Charge: As to Hontschol, complicity in murdor; as to
Shicffor, murdor. Acts were ccnmitted against
French prisoners-of-war in Gorman hands.
Verdict: Guilty,
Trial of Karl Frantz Tooohko
Date and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Rennes,
Judgment delivered October 17th, 1945»
Chargo: Murdor of a Fro noh oivilian.
Vordiot: Guilty*
• Sontcnco:Death,
—10 ••
Trial of Carl Bauer and two others«
Date and Plaoo of Trial: Military Tribunal at Dijon.
Judgment Delivered on Ootober 18th, 1945..
Complicity in tho murdor of three P.P.I.
prisoners of War,
Guilty,but with extonuating oiroumatances
in favour of two of tho accused.
Sentonce: On Bauer, - death.
On tho other two - imprisonment for five years.
Trial of Paul Naoksel.
Date and Plaoo of Trial: Military Tribunal, at Lyon.
Judgment delivered Ootober 24th, 1945.
Robbing, striking and wounding a ajbn&nraa*
Sentence: Imprisonment for three years and six
Trial of Hans Szabados,
Dato and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Iyon,
Judgment Delivered on October 24th, 1945*
Murder, arson, wilful destruction of
buildings and pillage, committed against
persons of Prcnch and othor nationalities.
Sontoncj; Death.
Annulled by .the Tribunal MLlitairo
So Cassation, in Paris, on November 23rd, 1945.
Trial of Frantz Stiosshl and two others.
Dato and Placo of Trial: Military Tribunal at Ronnes.
Judgment Delivered on Ootober 30th, 1945*
Complicity in the murder of French prisoners
of war.
Sentonce: Death.
Trial of Feldwobel Kollo.
Dato and Plaoo of Trial: Military Tribunal at
Strasbourg. Judgment Delivered on November
5th, 1945.
Wilfully striking and wounding a Frenoh
civilian,and theft.
Sontonco: In his absence, Imprisonment for five yoors,
and a fine of six thousand franco.
Trial of Luoion Fromos.
Date and Plaoo of Trial: Military Tribunal at Iyons.
Judgment Dolivorod. Novombor 23rd, 1945*
Murder, pillago and wilful destruction of
buildings, cormittod against Frenoh civilians.
Sontenoo: Doath.
Trial of Wilhelm Allgaier.
Dato and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Angers.
Judgment dolivorod November 30th, 1945*
Wilfully striking and wounding a Frenoh
Vordic t :
Sontenco: Confinerrinbfor six years.
Trial of Hans Mullor,
Dato and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Angers,
Judgmont Delivered on November 30th, 1945,
Charge: Rape ooranittcd against a French oivilian.
Vordiot: Guilty, but with extonuating circiBnstanoes,
Sontonoo:Imprisonment for two years.
Trial of Ernest Muller,
Date and Placo of Trial: Military Tribunal at Lille,
Judgment Delivered Deoeirber 5th, 1945»
Charfee: Murder of French oivilians,
Vordiot, Not guilty of murder. Guilty of ooraplioity
in murder, but in extenuating ciroumstanoos,
Sontonoo :Ponal Servitude for life. Later annulled by the
Tribunal Militaire do Cassation, Paris, 25th January
Trial of Max Pior,
Date and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at lyon,
Judgmont Delivorod Dooembor 14th, 1945*
Charge: Attomptod murder, and thoft, oonrdtted against
a French citizen,
Verdiot: Guilty,
Sentence: Imprisonment for two years.
Trial of Otto Rampp,
Dato and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Lyon,
Judgmont Dolivored on December 14th, 1945*
Chargo: Cooporating with the Milioiens and the
Gestapo in Franco,
Vordiot: Not Guilty,
Trial of Frederic Roth and throo othors,
Dato and Placo of Trial: Military Tribunal at lyon.
Judgront Delivorod on Deoenfoor 14th, 1945*
Chargo: Torturing detained Fronoh civilians,
Vordiot:All guilty but ono,
Sontonoo: Imprisonment for poriods from six months
to two yoars.
Trial of Gunthor Sohollmann,
Dato and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at ClormontFerrand. Judgment Delivorod Dooembor 19th, 1945.
Chargo: Murder of a Fronoh civilian.
Verdict: Guilty, but with oxtonuating,circumstances,
Sontonoo:Penal Servitudo for twenty years.
Trial of Fritz Milko and Willy Tzsochoppc.
Date and Placo of Trial: Military Tribunal at ClormontPorrand, Judgmont dolivored on Decomber 20th,1945.
Charg'M As to Milke, murder; as to Tzsochoppo; attomptod
murdor. Both oomnitted against Fronch civilians,
Vordiot: Guilty,
Sontonoo: Doath, Judgment annullod by tho Tribunal
Militaire do Cassation, on January 25th, 1946.
Caso sent back to tho same oourt difforontly
Trial of Eriok Y7inzcn in his absonoe,
Dato and Placo of Trial: Military Tribunal at Tunis,
Judgmont Dolivorod Doconfcer 21st 1945.
Chargo: Attonqptod murdor of a Fronoh oivilian,
Vordiot: Guilty.
Sontonoo:Ponal servitude for twonty yearB,
•• 12 «•
Trial of Johann Wunder.
Date and Plaoo of Trial:
Military Tribunal at Strasbourg,
Judgment Dolivorod on January 8th, 194&.
Theft from a French Civilian.
Guilty, in his absenoe,
Sentonoo: Imprisonment for three years,
Trial of.Kohl ha on.
Date and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Strasbourg,
Judgment Dqlivored. January 22nd, 1946,
Murder in Franco of a Polish Prisoner-of-War.
Guilty, in his absence.
Penal Servitude for life,
Trial of Hans Ssabados.
Date and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at ClcrmondFerrand, Judgmont Delivered January 23rd, 1946.
Conplicity in murder, in arson of dwelling«,
in wartime pillago, and in destruction of
dwellings by moans of explosives, conmitted
against Frenoh oivilians,
Penal Servitude for life,
Trial of Robert Hagt,
Dato and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Toulouse,
Judgment Delivered January 29th, 1946*
Murder of a Fronch'civilian.
.Guilty of unprerooditatod killing,
Sentonoo: Ponal Servitude for lifo,
Trial of Adolf JojJp and Wilholm Mompe,
Dato and Flaco of Trial: Military Tribunal at Toulouse.
Judgment delivered January 29th, 1946,•
As to Jopp, murder: a3 to Mompe, complicity
in murder. Acts were conmittod against a
Fronch civilian,
Sontonco: Death.
Trial of Karl Merschrod and Karl Gillard.
Dato and Flaco of Trial: Military Tribunal at Strasbourg,
Judgmont Delivered: January 29th, 1946,
Pillago and theft against a French oivilian.
Guilty, in their absonco,
. Sontonoo: Ponal Servitude for twenty yoars:
for Gillard also a fine of 10,000 franos,
33) Trial of Erwin. Bahl.
Date and Plaoo of Trial: Military Tribunal at Toulouse,
Judgment Delivered Fobruary 12th, 1946.
Wilful murdor of a Fronch oivilian.
Sontcnco: Doath.
Trial of Leopold Kaniok and three others,
* •
Dato and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Toulouse*
Judgment Delivered Fobruary 12th, 1946,
Co-operating with the Gestapo in Franco,
All guilty oicept one.
Sentence: Imprisonment for threo and five years.
Trial of Kurt Blindauor
Data and Placo of Trial: Military Tribunal at*
Toulouso. Judgment Delivered on February 19th,
Charge: Co-pperation with the Gestapo: illegal
arrest and confinement; torturing persons so
arrested and oonfined,
Verdiot: Guilty,
36) Trial of Heinrich Gerwig.
Date and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Nancy.
Judgment Delivered on March 4th, 1946.
Charge: Murder of French Prisoners of War. *’
Verdiot: Guilty,
Judgmont annulled by decision of the
Tribunal Militaire do Cassation, Paris, on
April 5th, 1946,
Trial of Fritz Milkc and Willy Tzschoppo,
Date and Placo of Trial: Military Tribunal at ClerrcontFomand. Judgment Delivered March .13th, 1946.
Chargo: Milke aocusod of murder of a French civilian;
Tzsohoppo acoused of attempted murder, of a
French oivilian,
Vordiot: Guilty
Trial of Hoinrich Ringo.
Dato and Plaoo of Trial: Military Tribunal at Nancy.
Judgmont Delivered March 23rd 1946.
Chargo: Pillago. Coisuittcd ogainst a Fro noh oivilian.
Verdict: Guilty, but with extenuating circumstances*
Sentence: Imprisonment for five years,
Trial of Johann Wolf and Friedrich HtJlkor,
Date and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Nanoy.
Judgment Delivered March 25th, 1946.
Chargo1 Pillago and wilful aots of violence.
Verdiot: Guilty, but with extenuating circumstances.
Sentenoe:Ponal servitude for five yoars.
Trial of Jacob Daumling.
Dato and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Angers.
Judgmont Delivered March 26th, 1946.
Chargo: Murder of a French oivilian.
Verdict: Guilty, but with extenuating ciroumstancos.
Sentonco: Ponal Servitudo for nine years,
Trial of Werner Krotzschnar.
Dato and Placo of Trial: Military
Judgment Doliverod March
Chargo: Killing without trial of
of the Fronch Resistance
Verdict: Guilty.
Sentence :Doath.
Tribunal at Angers.
27th, 1946.
two capturedmembers
Trial of Heinrich Saase and three others,
Dato and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Bordeaux. ,
Judgment Delivered on April 15th, 1946.
Charge; As to Basso and two others, wilful and
premeditated striking and wounding of French
civilians; as to tho other, ooraplioifcy in the
wilful striking of suoh oivilians,
Verdiot: Guilty.
Sentence: Imprisonment for five, three, and two years
with' finos of a thousand to six thousand francs.
Trial of Hans Biorworth.
Date and KLaoo of Trial: Military Tribunal at Toulouse,
Judgment Delivorcd April l6th, 1946*
Charge* Complicity in arson during the German rotroat
from France.
Verdiot:Not Guilty. '
Trial of Johann Gcnz.
Dato and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Toulouse.
Judgment Doliverod on April 16th, 1946.
Chargo: Deliberate violonoo to, and wounding of,
mombers of tho Maquis who had boen made *
Sentence:Imprisonment for two years.
Trial of Holfer,,Hans Kuohl and four othors,
Dato and Place of Trial: Military Tribunal at Toulouse.
Judgment Dolivored on April 16th, 1946.
Chargo: As to Holfor, complicity in arson, pillago
and murder; as to Kuohl, arson and murdor;
as to tho remaining four, arson. All acts
committed during tho liberation.
Vordict: All guilty except ono,
Sontonoe: Holfor, in his absonoo, sontonood to
Kuohl sontonood to penal sorvitudo for twenty
yoars; two others sontonced to ponal servitude
for .'ton years;
ono sontonood to imprison­
ment for two yoars, but roprievodj and ono
Trial of Stophan, Vogel and Throo. others.
Dato and Placo of Trial: Military Tribunal, at ClermontFerrand. Judgment Delivered: April 25th, 1946.
Thoft, with aggravating oircumstancos - comnittod
against Fronoh civilians,
Verdiot: Guilty.
Sontonoo: As to Vogel and one other, in their absonco,
confinement for five and eight yoars rospootivoly;
as to the othors, penal servitude for twenty
Trial of Robort Y/agnor and six othors,
Dato and Placo of Trial: Military Tribunal at Strasbourg.
Judgment Doliverod on May 3rd, 1946.
Charge: Provocation of Frcnchmont to boar arms against
Franoo; recruiting for tho bonofit of Germany
thon at war with Franco; infringomont of personal
liberty; murder, and complicity in murdor,
Vordict: Wagnor and five othors found guilty, one in his
absence; ono acquitted.
British Tríalo (continued from page 5)
Trial against Hoinrich Klein and 14 Others
Date and Place of Trial: British Military Court, Wuppertal,
22nd - 25th May 1946.
Committing a war crime in that they in Franoe
near St. Dio in or about September 1944,
in violation of the laws and usages of war,
.were concerned in the killing of a number of
British paratroops.
Not Guilty:
Death by shooting:
Imprisonment for 13 yrs:
" 10 yrs:
7 yrs:
6 yrs:
5 yrs:
3 yrs:
Trial against Wolfgang Zeuss and 9 Others
Date and Place of Trial:
British Military Court, Wuppertal
29th May - 1st Juno 1946.
Committing a war crime in that they, at
Stuthof/Natzweiler, France, in July and August.
1944 , in violation of the laws and usages of
war, wore concerned in the killing of four
British women when prisoners of war.
Not Guilty:
Sentence: Death by hanging:
Imprisonment for life: 1
" 13 yrs: 1