Healthy Tidbits

Winter 2011
Start the Year Right – Eat Breakfast Daily
Nutrition is important for children’s health and growth. Skipping breakfast is
a common problem among children. Scientists have determined that good
nutrition, especially at breakfast, helps kids learn.
FACTS - Kids who eat breakfast…
n seem to have an easier time learning. They make fewer mistakes, score
higher on tests, work faster, and are more creative.
n behave better in school. They cause fewer fights, get along better with their
classmates, and are less likely to be sent to the principal’s office.
n are more likely to be in school. They are less likely to be absent or tardy,
and less likely to be in the nurse’s office with a headache or stomachache.
n Keep breakfast foods on hand. Grab-and-go foods are great (such as
cheese sticks, yogurt, cereal in Ziploc bags, bagels with peanut
butter, milk, Carnation Instant Breakfast Drink, granola bars).
n Be a role model for your child. Eat breakfast!
n Encourage kids to eat at school if they don’t eat at home.
Try these recipies!
Groovy Smoothie
10 ounces vanilla yogurt
1-1/2 cups orange juice
10 pineapple chunks (canned or fresh)
1 banana
1 cup frozen mixed berries
4 tablespoons peanut butter (omit if allergies)
Mix all ingredients in the blender
until smooth.
Pour into a16-ounce glass and enjoy!
Set oven to 300 degrees. Put all the ingredients
in a large mixing bowl and stir with a spoon.
4 cups rolled oats
Spoon mixture onto a cookie sheet and spread it
1/2 cup wheat germ
out thin. Bake until it is light brown and feels dry
1/2 cup slivered almonds
when touched. Set timer for 10 minutes and stir
1/2 cup chopped pecans
the granola. Repeat until all the granola is brown.
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/2 cup shredded unsweetened coconut After granola has cooled, store it in a Ziploc bag
or covered container.
3 tablespoons honey
1/4 cup oil
Serving ideas: After your granola has cooled you
1/4 cup water
can add raisins, dates or other fruits to it. Serve
1/2 teaspoon salt
granola in a bowl with fresh fruit and milk. Add
whole-grain toast and a glass of juice for a great
(Source: Fun with Kids in the Kitchen
Cookbook, by Judi Rogers)
Good Morning Granola
Children and Exercise
Do your children sit more than 30 minutes per day watching TV or playing computer/
video games? Try the following activities to get your kids moving.
With Family
n Take a walk together.
n Play in the park, go sledding or skating together.
n Put music on and dance as a family in your living room.
n Have a contest to see how many jumping jacks or hopping on one foot you can do.
With Friends
n Play outside for at least 30 minutes daily, even if it’s cold (dress for the weather). Play hopscotch or tag.
n Dance to music together.
n Join a sports team at school.
By Yourself
n Fly a kite.
n Offer to walk the neighbor’s dog.
n See how many times you can run around the house or how many jumping jacks you can do in 5 minutes.
Everyday Tips
n Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
n Help around the house (vacuum, pick up toys).
n Park away from building doors in parking lots and walk the distance with your family.