ON THE RELATIONSHIP OF AP, RS AND CEP IN CONGRUENCE MODULAR VARIETIES. II Clifford Bergman and Ralph McKenzie Abstract. Let V be a congruence distributive variety, or a congruence modular variety whose free algebra on 2 generators is finite. If V is residually small and has the amalgamation property, then it has the congruence extension property. Several applications are presented. In two previous papers [1] and [2], we considered the following question: if V is a residually small variety with the amalgamation property, must V have the congruence extension property? Our work established the following implications for a congruence modular variety V : (1) If V is 2–finite and has C2, then AP + RS =⇒ R. (2) If V is 4–finite with C2 and R, then AP + RS =⇒ CEP. (The terminology will be explained below.) In this paper we supplement and extend these results. Assuming still that V is congruence modular, we have: (3) AP + RS =⇒ C2. (4) If V has R, then AP + RS =⇒ CEP. Combining these implications, we have that every congruence modular, 2–finite variety satisfies AP + RS =⇒ CEP. Furthermore, every congruence distributive variety (no finiteness assumption) satisfies AP + RS =⇒ CEP. Our universal algebraic notation and terminology are standard. Good references are [4] and [9]. Let V be a variety of algebras. We say that V • has the amalgamation property (AP) if, for all A, B0 , B1 ∈ V and all embeddings fi : A → Bi , for i = 0, 1, there is C ∈ V and embeddings gi : Bi → C, i = 0, 1, such that g0 ◦ f0 = g1 ◦ f1 , • is residually small (RS) if there is a cardinal κ such that every subdirectly irreducible algebra in V has cardinality less than κ, • has the congruence extension property (CEP) if, for all A ≤ B ∈ V, and congruence α on A, there is ᾱ ∈ Con B such that ᾱ A = α, • is n–finite, for a positive integer n, if every member of V generated by n elements is finite. 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 08B10, 08B25; Secondary 03C25, 20E06.. Research partially supported by the Iowa State University Sciences and Humanities Research Institute and National Science Foundation Grants No. DMS-8600300 and DMS-8701643 1 The least non-trivial congruence on a subdirectly irreducible algebra is called the monolith, and the least and greatest congruences on an algebra are denoted 0 and 1 respectively. Let B be a subalgebra of A0 × A1 . It is often convenient to denote the elements of B as vertical pairs xx01 with xi ∈ Ai for i = 0, 1. Let α ∈ Con A0 . Then there is an induced congruence α0 on B given by xx01 α0 yy01 ⇐⇒ x0 α y0 . Similarly, for β ∈ Con A1 , there is a congruence β1 on B defined in an analogous way. The particularly important congruences 00 and 01 are denoted η0 and η1 respectively. Given a congruence β on an algebra D(β) for the o n D, we write x 2 subalgebra of D with universe β. That is: D(β) = :xβy . y The commutator is a binary operation, denoted [ , ], defined on the congruence lattice of an algebra. In a congruence modular variety V, the commutator has some strong properties. It is additive, that is α, _ _ Θ = [ α, θ ] for A ∈ V, α ∈ Con A, and Θ ⊆ Con A, θ∈Θ symmetric and meet-dominated [ α, β ] = [ β, α ] ⊆ α ∧ β for A ∈ V and α, β ∈ Con A, respects finite direct products for α, β ∈ Con A and γ, δ ∈ Con B [ α0 ∧ γ1 , β0 ∧ δ1 ] = [ α, β ]0 ∧ [ γ, δ ]1 in A × B, and exhibits the following homomorphism property if f : A → B is a surjective homomorphism and α, β ∈ Con B then f −1 [ α, β ] = f −1 α, f −1 β ∨ ker f. For a systematic development of the subject, we direct the reader to [6], especially chapter 4. There are three identities involving the commutator that we consider in this paper. We say that an algebra A has: C1 if ∀α, β ∈ Con A α ∧ [ β, β ] = [ α ∧ β, β ] C2 if ∀α, β ∈ Con A [ α, β ] = α ∧ β ∧ [ 1, 1 ] R ∀B ≤ A [ 1A , 1A ] B = [ 1B , 1B ] . if We say that a class K has one of these properties if and only if every member of K has the property. Finally for congruences α, β on an algebra A, we define (α : β) to be the largest congruence θ such that [ β, θ ] ≤ α. We collect some facts connecting these concepts in the following theorem. 2 Theorem 0. Let V be a congruence modular variety. (1) V satisfies C1 if and only if, for every subdirectly irreducible algebra A of V with monolith β, if θ = (0 : β) then [ θ, θ ] = 0. (2) V satisfies C2 if and only if every subdirectly irreducible algebra A of V satisfies C2, and this in turn is equivalent to A being either abelian or prime. (3) C2 =⇒ C1. (4) If V is a residually small variety then it satisfies C1. Conversely, if V is finitely generated and satisfies C1, then it is residually small. (5) Every variety with CEP satisfies C2 + R. (1) and (4) are from [5], (2) and (5) are from [7]. (A is prime iff α, β 6= 0 =⇒ [ α, β ] 6= 0). (3) follows easily from the definitions. Our first objective is the following Theorem 1. Let V be a congruence modular variety. If V has AP and RS, then V has C2. We require a pair of lemmas. The first of these is virtually identical to Theorem 10.9 of [6]. We include the proof for completeness. Lemma 2. Let V be a congruence modular, residually small variety. If V fails C2, then V contains a subdirectly irreducible algebra A with monolith β, and an endomorphism f such that (1) 0 = [ β, β ] < β = [ β, 1 ] (2) f = f 2 (3) x β y ⇐⇒ f (x) = f (y) β y. Proof. By Theorem 0, V satisfies C1 since it is residually small. If V fails C2, there is a subdirectly irreducible algebra D which is neither abelian nor prime. Let γ be the monolith of D and κ = (0 : γ). Then, since D is not prime, [ γ, γ ] = 0 and since D is not abelian, but satisfies C1, γ ≤ κ < 1 and [ κ, κ ] = 0. Let ∆ = ∆γ,κ be the congruence on D(γ) generated by x y , :xκy . x y Observe that on D(γ), κi = (ηi : γi ), for i = 0, 1, since [ δ, γi ] ≤ ηi =⇒ [ δ ∨ ηi , γi ] = [ δ, γi ] ∨ [ ηi , γi ] ≤ ηi =⇒ δ ≤ δ ∨ ηi ≤ κi by the homomorphism property of the commutator. Furthermore the following relationships hold among the congruences of D(γ): ηi ≺ γi ≤ κi γ0 = γ1 = η0 ∨ η1 ∆ ∨ ηi = κ0 = κ1 ∆ ∧ ηi = 0 3 for i = 0, 1. The last of these follows from the fact that [ γ, κ ] = 0. See [6, theorem 4.9]. It follows from these identities that γ0 /η0 & η1 /0 % κ0 /∆ & η0 /0 % γ1 /η1 , and therefore, η0 and η1 are atoms of Con D(γ). We claim that ∆ is a completely meet-irreducible congruence with (unique) cover κ0 . Let λ > ∆ and λ 6= κ0 . From the computation above, κ0 covers ∆, so λ κ0 . Since κ0 = (η0 : γ0 ) we have [ λ, η0 ∨ η1 ] = [ λ, γ0 ] η0 and therefore [ λ, η1 ] η0 . It follows that λ ∧ η1 6= 0. But η1 is an atom, so λ ≥ η1 , thus λ ≥ η1 ∨ ∆ = κ0 as desired. Define A to be D(γ)/∆. Then A is subdirectly irreducible with monolith β = κ0 /∆. Note that [ κ0 , κ0 ] = [ η0 ∨ ∆, η1 ∨ ∆ ] ≤ ∆, so [ β, β ] = 0 on A. Also A is non-abelian. For if it were abelian, then in D(γ), [ η1 , 1 ] ≤ ∆ ∧ η1 = 0. But then [ γ0 , 1 ] = [ η0 ∨ η1 , 1 ] ≤ η0 which contradicts the fact that (η0 : γ0 ) = κ0 < 1. Therefore, in A, [ β, 1 ] = β, by C1, verifying (1) of the lemma. We define f : A → A by f xy /∆ = xx /∆. As ∆ ≤ κ0 , this is well-defined. That f is an endomorphism satisfying conditions (2) and (3) above is a straightforward verification. In order to continue, we need to recall some facts about our modular variety V. There is a ternary term d in the language of V, called the difference term, with the following properties: (1) V |= d(x, x, y) = y (2) For every B in V, abelian congruence θ on B, and b ∈ B, hb/θ, di is a ternary group, denoted M (θ, b), and for each n-ary term function t, if t(b1 , b2 , . . . , bn ) = c then t is a ternary group homomorphism from M (θ, b1 )× · · · × M (θ, bn ) to M (θ, c). For the appropriate definitions and proofs see [6, 5.5–5.8]. Lemma 3. Let A be an algebra satisfying the conclusions of Lemma 2. There are automorphisms e0 and e1 of A(β) given by: x d(x, f x, y) x x e0 = and e1 = y y y d(x, f y, y) where d is the difference term for V. Proof. Recall that for any x, y ∈ A, xy ∈ A(β) ⇐⇒ x β y ⇐⇒ f (x) = f (y) β y by (3) of Lemma 2. Suppose e0 xy = e0 uv . Then y = v and therefore x β u, so f (x) = f (u) and all six elements lie in the same ternary group, M (β, x). We have x − f (x) + y = d(x, f (x), y) = d(u, f (u), v) = u − f (x) + y, so x = u. Thus e0 is injective. Similarly, one can check that d(x, y, f x) −1 x e0 = . y y That e0 is a homomorphism follows from the fact that every term, in particular every basic operation, is a ternary group homomorphism on the M (β, x)–blocks. Proof of Theorem 1. Assume that V has AP and RS, but fails C2. We shall derive a contradiction. Let A, β, e0 and e1 be as in Lemmas 2 and 3. Since V is residually 4 small, there is a maximal essential extension, E, of A in V (see [12]). Observe that E is subdirectly irreducible. Call its monolith µ. Without loss of generality, we may assume that A ⊆ E and µ A ⊇ β. The automorphisms e0 and e1 of Lemma 3 are also embeddings of A(β) into E2 . Let us also define e2 : A(β) → E2 to be the identity map. By the amalgamation property (applied twice), there is an algebra Q in V and maps sj : E2 → Q, for j = 0, 1, 2, such that s0 ◦ e0 = s1 ◦ e1 = s2 ◦ e2 . Furthermore, there is a map r : E → E2 given by r(x) = xx . Then rA : A → A(β), and figure 1 commutes. Q ..................................................................... ....... ....... ...... ...... I ...... 6@ ..... s0 s1 @ s2 u.................. ... ... @ ... ... ... @ ... ... ... 2 2 2 .. ... E E E ... ... ... ... I @ @ I 6 ... ... r @ @ .. .. e ... 1 e2 e0 @ @ .. . @ @ ..? A(β) E @ I @ @ @ A figure 1 Since E is a maximal essential extension of A, it is an absolute retract in V, that is, a retract of each of its V-extensions. Therefore there is a retraction u : Q → E such that u ◦ s2 ◦ r = idE . Define ρi = ker(u ◦ si ) ∈ Con E2 for i = 0, 1, 2. Claim. For each i, if ρi 6= 0, then either ρi ≥ η0 ∧ µ1 and ρi ∧ η1 = 0 or ρi ≥ η1 ∧ µ0 and ρi ∧ η0 = 0. Proof of claim. Let us write ρ for ρi in the proof of the claim. For any non-zero congruence α on E, [ 1E , α ] ⊇ [ 1E , µ ] ⊇ [ 1A , β ] = β 6= 0A ; that is, E is centerless. Therefore, by the homomorphism property, E2 is centerless. Thus 0E2 6= [ 1, ρ ] = [ η0 ∨ η1 , ρ ] = [ η0 , ρ ] ∨ [ η1 , ρ ] so, say [ η0 , ρ ] 6= 0. Then η0 ∧ ρ 6= 0, implying ρ ≥ η0 ∧ µ1 (since η0 /0 % 1/η1 .) Furthermore, ρ ∧ η1 = 0, for if not, then ρ ≥ η1 ∧ µ0 , so ρ ≥ (η0 ∧ µ1 ) ∨ (η1 ∧ µ0 ) = µ0 ∧µ1 . But choose (a, b) ∈ β−0A . Recall µ ⊇ β and f (a) = f (b). Since d is a term, 5 it follows that d(a, f a, a) µ d(b, f b, b) and therefore ei aa ≡ ei bb (mod µ0 ∧ µ1 ), hence modulo ρ as well. But then u◦si ◦ei aa = u◦si ◦ei bb , so by the commutativity of fig. 1, a = u ◦ s2 ◦ r(a) = u ◦ s2 ◦ r(b) = b, which is a contradiction. Therefore we must have ρ η1 ∧ µ0 , so ρ ∧ η1 = 0. This proves the claim. We first apply the claim to ρ2 . Certainly, ρ2 6= 0, in fact, xy ρ2 zz , for z = u ◦ s2 xy (since u ◦ s2 zz = u ◦ s2 ◦ r(z) = z.) Let us assume that ρ2 ≥ η0 ∧ µ1 , and we will derive a contradiction. The case ρ2 ≥ η1 ∧ µ0 will follow by symmetry. We have [ 1, ρ2 ] = [ η0 ∨ η1 , ρ2 ] ≤ η0 ∨ (η1 ∧ ρ2 ) = η0 , so [ 1, ρ2 ∨ η0 ] ≤ η0 implying ρ2 ≤ η0 since E is centerless. For any x, y ∈ E, xy ≡ r ◦ u ◦ s2 xy = zz (mod ρ2 ) for some z ∈ E, whence x = z. Thus xy ρ2 xx ρ2 yx0 and we conclude that ρ2 = η0 . Therefore A(β) η0 −1 = e−1 2 (ρ2 ) = ker (u ◦ s2 ◦ e2 ) = ker (u ◦ s0 ◦ e0 ) = e0 (ρ0 ) . a,a) Observe that for every a ∈ A, e0 faa = d(f a,f = aa . Choose (a, b) ∈ β − 0A . a Then fa fb fa fb a b η0 =⇒ u ◦ s0 ◦ e0 = u ◦ s0 ◦ e0 =⇒ ρ0 . a b a b a b Now apply the claim to ρ0 . If ρ0 ≥ (η0 ∧ µ1 ) then ρ0 ∧ η1 = 0. If ρ0 ≥ (η1 ∧ µ0 ) then a b ρ0 a a ρ0 b b , contradicting −1 η0 = e−1 0 (ρ0 ) ≥ e0 (η1 ∧ µ0 ) ≥ η1 ∧ β0 on A(β) which is false, proving the theorem. We now turn to our second theorem. In [1, theorem 6] it was proved that if V is congruence modular, 4-finite and satisfies C2 and R, then V satisfies AP + RS =⇒ CEP. Theorem 1 above, eliminates the need to assume C2. The proof below does without the assumption of 4-finiteness. In addition, it provides a considerable simplification of the previous argument. We require one lemma from that paper. Lemma. Let V be a congruence modular variety satisfying AP and RS. Let A be a subdirectly irreducible member of V, and assume A is an essential extension of B0 × B1 . Then either B0 or B1 is trivial. Theorem 4. Let V be congruence modular and satisfy R. If V has AP and RS, then V has CEP. Proof. By Theorem 1, V has C2. Let A, B ∈ V, with A ≤ B and θ a completely meet-irreducible congruence on A. It suffices to show that θ extends to B. By R, [ 1B , 1B ] A = [ 1A , 1A ]. Thus A/ [ 1, 1 ] can be embedded in B/ [ 1, 1 ]. Suppose first that θ ≥ [ 1, 1 ] on A. Since B/ [ 1, 1 ] is abelian, it has CEP, so the congruence θ/ [ 1, 1 ] (of A/ [ 1, 1 ]) extends to a congruence ψ/ [ 1, 1 ] on B/ [ 1, 1 ]. Then ψ ∈ Con B and ψ A = θ. 6 D f¯ @ I @ ḡ @ @ B S @ I f@ @ g @ A figure 2 So we may assume that θ [ 1, 1 ]. Let f be the embedding of A into B. Define S to be (A/θ) × A and g : A → S by g(a) = a/θ . We apply the amalgamation a ¯ property to (A, B, S, f, g) yielding (D, f , ḡ) with D ∈ V (fig. 2.) Let η0 and η1 denote the coordinate projection kernels on S. It suffices to find γ in Con D such that ḡ−1 (γ) = η0 . By the assumptions on θ, A/θ is subdirectly irreducible with monolith µ. Thus, there is a congruence µ0 on S covering η0 . The commutator respects finite direct products, so [ 1S , 1S ] = [ 1, 1 ]0 ∧[ 1, 1 ]1 ≥ µ0 ∧η1 since A/θ is non-abelian. Therefore for all β ∈ Con S (∗) β η0 ⇐⇒ β ≥ µ0 ∧ η1 Proof: Certainly, η0 ≥ β ≥ µ0 ∧ η1 implies µ0 ∧ η1 = µ0 ∧ η1 ∧ η0 = 0, which is false. Conversely, if β η0 then β ∨ η0 ≥ µ0 . Therefore by additivity and C2, β ≥ [ β ∨ η0 , β ∨ η1 ] = (β ∨ η0 ) ∧ (β ∨ η1 ) ∧ [ 1, 1 ] ≥ µ0 ∧ η1 . −1 S Now let γ be a maximal congruence on D such T that ḡ (γ) ≤ η0 . Then γ is completely meet-irreducible. For suppose γ = j∈J γj with γj > γ, all j. Then ḡ−1 (γj ) η0 , so by (∗), ḡ−1 (γj ) ≥ µ0 ∧ η1 , for all j ∈ J, and therefore ḡ−1 (γ) = \ ḡ−1 (γj ) ≥ µ0 ∧ η1 j∈J which implies ḡ−1 (γ) η0 , which is a contradiction. Therefore D/γ is subdirectly irreducible and ḡ−1 (γ) = η0 ∧ δ1 for some δ ∈ Con A, by modularity. Then S/ḡ−1 (γ) ∼ = A/θ × A/δ and we have an induced embedding ḡ/γ : A/θ × A/δ → D/γ. Furthermore, by the maximality of γ, this embedding is essential. Therefore, by the lemma mentioned above, either A/θ or A/δ is trivial. But θ [ 1, 1 ], so we must have A/δ trivial, which means δ = 1A , and therefore ḡ−1 (γ) = η0 as desired. Corollary 5. Let V be a congruence distributive variety. If V has AP and RS, then V has CEP. 7 Corollary 6. Let V be a congruence modular variety that is 2-finite. If V has AP and RS, then V has CEP.1 Proof. If V is congruence distributive, the commutator reduces to intersection. Thus V trivially has R and the result follows from Theorem 4. Suppose V is congruence modular and 2-finite. By theorem 1, V has C2. By [2, theorem 8] V has R. Therefore, by Theorem 4, V has CEP. It is well-known that an arbitrary variety has enough injectives if and only if it has AP, RS, and CEP. By the above Corollaries, it follows that any congruence modular, 2-finite variety has enough injectives if and only if it has AP and RS. As applications we offer the following Corollaries. Corollary 7. Let V be a variety of groups with AP and RS. Then V is abelian. Proof. By Theorem 1, V satisfies C2. It suffices to show that every subdirectly irreducible group in V is abelian. Let G be subdirectly irreducible, and let M be the normal subgroup corresponding to the monolith. Choose any a ∈ M − {1}, and let A be the subgroup generated by a. Then A is abelian and G is an essential extension of A. Therefore, by [2, Theorem 7], G is abelian. Remarks. In [10, page 43] H. Neumann states the following theorem: If V is a variety of groups with AP, then either every finite member of V is abelian, or else V is the variety of all groups. Observe that the argument in Corollary 7 generalizes to any congruence modular variety V such that (i) the free algebra on 2 generators is abelian or (ii) the free algebra on one generator is non-trivial, abelian and has an idempotent element. Corollary 8. The variety of all squags is not residually small. Proof. A squag is a groupoid hS, ·i satisfying x·x =x x·y =y·x x · (x · y) = y. Every squag is a quasigroup (“squag” is short for “Steiner quasigroup”), so it follows that the variety of squags is congruence modular. It is implicit in Bruck [3, Theorem 2.1] that the variety of squags has AP. On the other hand, Quackenbush [11, 7.6] showed that this variety does not have CEP. It is easy to see that the variety is 2-finite, in fact the free squag on {x, y} has 3 elements: x, y, x·y. Therefore, by Corollary 6, the variety of squags is not residually small. A variety V is directly representable if it is finitely generated and contains only finitely many finite, directly indecomposable algebras. 1 Added in Proof: Recently, Keith Kearnes has shown that the assumption in Corollary 6 that V be 2-finite can be dropped. Thus, any congruence modular variety with AP and RS has CEP. 8 Corollary 9. (1) Let V be a directly representable variety with AP. Then V has CEP. In fact, V is a varietal product A⊗D, in which A is abelian and D is a discriminator variety. (2) Let V be a congruence modular, semi-simple, finitely generated variety with AP. Then V = A ⊗ D in which A is abelian and D is filtral. Proof. By [8], every directly representable variety is congruence permutable (hence modular), satisfies C2 and every subdirectly irreducible member is either simple or abelian. In case (2), semi-simplicity implies C2. Now let V represent the variety in either case. V is finitely generated, hence 2-finite. V has C2, hence C1, hence is residually small (Theorem 0). Therefore, by Corollary 6, V has CEP. Let A be the subvariety of V consisting of all abelian algebras, and let D be the subvariety generated by all simple, non-abelian algebras. Then by [7, 7.2], V = A ⊗ D, and D is a congruence distributive variety, semi-simple and with CEP. Therefore D is filtral, proving (2). In case (1), D is congruence permutable as well, so it is a discriminator variety. References 1. C. Bergman, On the relationship of AP, RS and CEP in congruence modular varieties, Alg. Univ. 22 (1986), 164–171. 2. C. Bergman, Another consequence of AP in residually small, congruence modular varieties, to appear in Houston J. Math.. 3. R. H. Bruck, A Survey of Binary Systems, Springer–Verlag, New York, 1971. 4. S. Burris and H. Sankappanavar, A Course in Universal Algebra, Springer–Verlag, New York, 1981. 5. R. Freese and R. 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