Acetyl Chloride Specifications

Acetyl Chloride
Product : Acetyl Chloride
Chemical Structure :
CAS# : 75-36-5
Synonym : Acetic acid chloride; Acetic chloride;
Ethanoyl chloride; Acetyl chloride
Formula :
Class : Specialty Chemicals
Product Type :
Hazard :
Odor : pungent odor
Melting Point : -112 c
About Parchem fine & specialty chemicals
As a supplier and distributor of Acetyl Chloride, we offer a full range of Acetyl Chloride Distribution, Import / Export, Logistics and Outsourcing
services. Our Global Contacts, state-of-the-art technology, knowledge of the relevant Acetyl Chloride Chemistry and the industry, and direct links to
the Acetyl Chloride Manufacturers, Suppliers and Distributors, enable us to provide high quality Products at very competitive prices in a minimum
amount of time.
As a member of the National Association of Chemical Distributors (NACD), Parchem has committed to quality and to fulfill the distribution guidelines
set forth in the Responsible Distribution Process.