HPS Parent Council - Hillsdale Preparatory School

Lead Story Headline
Save the date!!
Club Choice Fundraiser
 Nov 16th: Club Choice
Fundraiser Pick up
from 3-4pm
Huge thanks to everyone who participated
in our fall club choice fundraiser! The final
numbers are not yet in, but it is clear that
the totals have already exceeded last year’s.
Orders will need to be picked up on Monday, November 16th between 3-4 pm in the
library. You must bring your payment at
that time. Checks can be made out to
Hillsdale Preparatory School.
 Nov 9th-19th: Thanksgiving drawing/essay
 Nov 24th: Thankful for
our school lunch
 Dec 1st: Parent Countil
meeting @ 5:15
 Nov 30th-Dec 4th: Holiday Gift Shop
Boys Basketball games start this week!
Please come out to support our team & check
out the new hoops purchased by parent council. Home games will feature concessions.
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Hillsdale Preparatory School Parent Council Newsletter
Thankful for our school luncheon
The parent council’s annual “Thankful for our school” luncheon will
be on Tuesday, November 24th. Due to the extreme popularity of
last year’s French toast & sausage menu, we will be serving these
tasty items again. So if your children like this menu, you don’t need
to send them a lunch on that day. Volunteers to help with the lunch
are always very much welcome! (and will also enjoy the meal)
The Thanksgiving drawing/writing contest
will take place from November 9th-19th.
Students may submit a drawing (grades K2) or essay describing the family holiday
tradition(s) for which they are thankful.
Submissions should be given to Miss Melody in the front office where they will be coded for a blind judging process. As in past
years, there will be three age groups: K-2,
3-5, 6-8. The winning submission from
each age group will receive a remote controlled toy as a prize.
The Holiday Gift Shop will be at HPS the
week of November 30th-December 4th. As we
did last year, the classes will each have a
time to shop in the “store” and buy gifts
for the special people in their lives. Be
on the look out for more information on
this fundraiser. The money earned from
this event will go towards the 8th grade
Washington DC Field trip.
Dear Parents,
We have had such an awesome school year so far! We just ended our first
volleyball season, and it was terrific! We are so proud of our Patriot Girls. The
7th/8th grade team ended their season with a big win! Parent Council just ended
their Clubs Choice Fundraiser and it was a huge success. It looks like they will be
very close to their $4000.00 profit goal. This money goes to help our school with
everything from curriculum support to music supplies and athletic equipment.
Thanks for supporting these fundraiser!!
Please note, we have had to change our school calendar, and the last day of school
will now be Thursday, June 9, instead of Wednesday, the 8th. We have updated the
calendar on our website. If you need a hard copy, please stop in the office and I
will be happy to print one for you.
This year our Parent Teacher Conferences will be held all in one evening.
Conferences will be Tuesday, November 17 from 5:00-8:00 PM. We will be using
an online program called Sign Up Genius to schedule exactly what time your
conference will be. You will receive an email from me with the information you
need to access the account. If you aren’t able to sign up online please call the office
and ask for assistance. Also, please let the teacher know if you are not available on
the 17th, so other arrangements can be made. We are always so eager to share with
you the awesome results of our students!
Retired Senator, and now presenter, Cameron Brown, will be here Thursday,
November 12 at 1:30 PM to give a fabulous lecture/speech about Abraham Lincoln
to our 3rd-8th graders. It’s going to be amazing!! All parents and guests are
welcome to come and watch. The event will be held in the gym. Please let the
office know if you plan to attend. We’re hoping for a big crowd.
Thank you for your continued support of this great school.
Miss Melody