6th Grade UBD Unit 2

Understanding by Design
Stage 1 - Desired Results
M6N1: student will understand the meaning of the four arithmetic operations as related to positiveCS
rational numbers and will use these concepts to solve problems.
Standard Elements
M6N1 f Students will use fractions, decimals and percents interchangeably.
M6N1 g Students will solve problems with fractions, decimals and percents
Enduring Understandings:
What will students understand as a result of the unit?
“Students will understand that…”
Essential Question(s):
What arguable, recurring, and thought-provoking
questions will guide inquiry and point toward the
big ideas of the unit?
The same quantity can be represented as a fraction,
decimal and percenti.
How can I tell which form of a rational number
is most appropriate in a given situation?
Fractions, decimals and percents are not isolated topics.
How are fractions, decimals and percents
alike? Different?
Fractions, decimals and percents all represent parts of a
Depending on the context, one form of representation
may be more appropriate.
Students will know…
What is the key knowledge needed to develop the
desired understandings? What knowledge relates to the
content standards on which the unit is focused?
1. fractions, decimals and percents are parts of a
2. when each representation is most appropriate
3. fraction, decimal, percent equivalents
Students will be able to…
What is the key skill needed to develop the
desired understandings? What skill relates to the
content standards on which the unit is focused?
1. use all four operations with fractions and
mixed numbers
2. Use fractions, decimals and percents
3. compare and order rational numbers
4. solve problems involving fraction,
decimals and percents
5. use ratios to represent quantitative
6. choose appropriate form of a rational
number given a real-life situation
7. compare and contrast fractions, decimals
and percents
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Task(s):
Science Fair task-amount of space for display given to
each student is based on the number of students
Dividing Land-students determine fraction of land
owned before and after sales based on clues and
comparing parts of a whole
Other Evidence:
Unit test
Warm ups
Whiteboard practice – teacher observation
Stage 3 - Learning Plan
Activities from Mathematics Activities for the Middle School , Dolan, et al
What is Percent?, What Does it Mean?
From Fractions to Decimals to Percent (uses 100 grid transparency)
Lab 5-4a Glencoe Mathematics. MAC I Fractions and Ratios
Fraction War card game
Practice Workbook page 5-8
Practice Workbook page 5-4
Fraction, Decimal Percent Equivalency Table attached