Wi-FI and INTERNET - Goodenough College

Information Technology Department IT Guide – Internet, Wifi & General Info This guide provides valuable information about the IT services available at the College. All users of Goodenough College IT services must follow the terms outlined in this document and adhere to Goodenough College’s Terms and Conditions and Acceptable Use Policy. (Available in the Goodenough College Terms & Conditions Guide.) Internet Access As there are over 700 people who live at Goodenough College, Internet access works differently than it does in your home as the Internet Connection is a Shared Resource. The Internet service being a shared resource means that the Internet connection is available 24/7, other than during occasional service outages and shut‐downs for maintenance. With considerate use the bandwidth is sufficient for the number of users. The busiest time for Internet use in the College is between 10pm and midnight on weekdays and 6pm – 8pm at weekends. We kindly ask all Members to be considerate when using the Internet connection so as not to deprive others. What you’re doing on the Internet makes a big difference as well. Browsing webpages and sending emails uses very little bandwidth and won’t have much impact on other users. Downloading large files uses more bandwidth but applications like Skype and also movie streaming (Netflix and Amazon Prime) use a great deal more. A good rule of thumb is “You should not Skype or download TV and films for more than an hour a day”. If you can schedule these activities at a less busy time you will be more likely to have a continuous connection. Please see Appendix 1. at the end of this guide for the full Goodenough College IT Services Terms and Conditions. User Accounts A user account is required to use the PCs in the media rooms, Papercut for printing and the Debitrak system for buying food and drink. Another account is required in order to use The Square. These account details are created automatically and will be emailed to you within a few days of your arrival at Goodenough College. Wi‐Fi There is Wi‐Fi coverage throughout Goodenough College and the Goodenough Club. This is the primary method that members use to connect their computers, tablets and smartphones to the internet. Wifi Network Name (SSID): gcwifi Wifi Password: Changes regularly and is displayed on a sign at Reception Goodenough College Information Technology Department Page 1 of 5 Information Technology Department Wired Network In addition to the Wi‐Fi, there are also network sockets in rooms and flats. These are part of our legacy wired network and were used prior to the Wi‐Fi being installed. These wired sockets are no longer in use but you can request one to be re‐activated in your room by emailing [email protected] please state your room number, the socket ID (printed on the socket) and what you plan to connect to the wired network. These sockets are commonly used for games consoles or desktop computers. One of the sockets in your room / flat is used for the Cisco phone. DO NOT UNPLUG THE PHONE IN YOUR ROOM as it is an integral part of the college’s fire‐safety systems and must not be unplugged. The phone will not work in any of the other sockets in your room. It is forbidden to plug in any Wi‐Fi or other network equipment into the sockets in your room. Wi‐Fi routers that you bring from home and plug‐in can (and do) break the network! IT Support The Goodenough College IT staff support the IT infrastructure for the Staff and the Members. They are able assist you with problems related to the College systems, e.g. phones, Wi‐Fi or printing. They are not able to assist you with general computer problems and issues with your own devices as they are not insured to work on any equipment that does not belong to the College. Opening Hours The IT support staff are available Mon‐Fri 09:30 – 17:00 (16:30 on Fridays) Any issues that you raise outside of those hours will not be looked at until the following day and any issues that are reported after 16:30 on Friday, will not get processed until Monday morning. In order to contact the IT Helpdesk, please email [email protected] Alternatively you can call them on extension 1549. Firewall The Goodenough College network is protected by a firewall. The firewall allows the use of web browsers, email and a lot of common internet applications. Xbox Live and Playstation Network also work through our firewall. The firewall does not block 99% of outgoing applications. The College IT department does not permit the use of certain applications including Bittorrent and network applications such as packet‐analysers. Bittorrent Downloading any video, audio, software or other media that you have not paid for using a Bittorrent client or any other software is forbidden throughout Goodenough College. Any attempts to circumvent or otherwise avoid this ban will be treated extremely seriously and will usually result in your expulsion from the College. Goodenough College Information Technology Department Page 2 of 5 Information Technology Department Skype Skype is a popular application for contacting friends and family around the world. Unfortunately it is not a very well written application and is prone to stuttering and crashing, especially when multiple copies of Skype are used simultaneously on the same network. There is nothing that the IT Dept. can do about these Skype problems as they are caused by the application itself rather than the College’s internal network or the Internet connection. We strongly suggest you use an alternative application, such as Google Hangouts. TV and Movie Streaming The College has a very large capacity Internet connection but it’s not infinite. Streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime use up huge amounts of the available bandwidth and if the entire College were to try and simultaneously stream movies, the Internet connection would grind to a halt. The solution is to use some common sense and courtesy towards your fellow Members. Please don’t stream movies or TV for more than an hour a day and try not to stream during the busiest time in the evening if you can avoid it. Please also do not stream in a higher resolution than necessary. You do not need to stream in 4K if you are watching on an iPad! We recommend using 720p resolution as it looks fine on laptops and most TVs. Media Rooms In order to use the Media Rooms, you will need a network account to allow you to login to the PCs. The account details will have been emailed to you shortly after your arrival. If you did not receive an email containing your account details, please contact [email protected]. If you wish to print or photocopy in the Media Rooms, you will not be able to do so until you have added some funds to the Papercut application on your Goodcard. The computers in the Media Rooms are all PCs running Windows 7 and Microsoft Office. Once you have your username and password, you can login to them in the usual way. Telephones There is a Cisco VoIP phone in each bedroom or flat. These allow internal calls to other bedrooms, reception, helpdesks and staff phones. They are critical for fire‐safety and MUST NEVER be unplugged. Do not plug computers or any other devices into the phone socket ‐ They are designed for telephones only. The phones accept incoming calls but do not allow you to make outgoing calls. Calls to 999 (emergency services) and 101 (Police non‐emergency) can be made. Your phone number when dialled from within the College is your room number. When calling from anywhere else in the UK, the phone number is 0203 053 {room number.} When calling from overseas, you will need to prefix the number with the international dialling code for the UK (44) and follow any other guidelines in that country for dialling the UK. Please note that the dialtone produced by the Cisco phone in your room is slightly different to what most people are used to. All the phones are powered through their network cables and do not require a separate power supply. The phones do not have voicemail. If you don’t hear a dialtone when you pick up the receiver, a quick reset of the phone will usually solve the problem. Goodenough College Information Technology Department Page 3 of 5 Information Technology Department To Reset your Phone 1. Pick up the receiver. 2. Press the Green button in the top right of the phone. 3. The button will turn Red and you should hear a dialtone. 4. Put down the receiver. 5. The next time you pick up the receiver, your phone will be working normally again. If your phone is still not working, please contact the IT Helpdesk – [email protected] Data Storage Policy You must look after your files. They are your responsibility. Goodenough College is neither responsible nor liable for any loss, damage or other corruption to any of your files. Data storage tips  Do not store files on the hard drives of the computers in the Media Rooms or on the P: drive. 
Always keep multiple copies of important documents and store them on different USB memory sticks or portable hard drives. (Goodenough College Memory Sticks can be Purchased from Reception in LH or WGH.) 
You should make full use of any personal document storage facilities provided by your University. 
Keeping a tiny USB memory stick on your keyring and another in your wallet or purse is a good way to keep multiple copies of your documents safe as you will always have them with you. 
Cloud‐based storage is also useful but use this option as a last resort as you are trusting your valuable data to an external organisation. You may access sites such as dropbox or Google drive through a browser but it is forbidden to install any client software onto the Media Room PCs. TV Services Requirements for standard TV: The College does not provide televisions. There are aerial sockets (for access to free terrestrial channels) in the flats and suites but not in the single rooms. Members may not erect satellite dishes, TV aerials or any other TV receiving equipment in LH or WGH. TV Licensing: If you use a TV or any other device to watch or record TV programmes (for example, a freeview set‐top box, DVD recorder or computer with a TV card) you need to have a TV License. It is illegal to watch TV in the UK without purchasing a TV License. Each room requires its own TV License. At the time of writing, a TV License is not required to use BBC iPlayer, however the law will soon be changing so that a license is required. For more information about TV Licenses, please visit http://www.tvlicensing.co.uk Goodenough College Information Technology Department Page 4 of 5 Information Technology Department Licences can be obtained online from the TV licensing website or from any Post Office. The fee can be paid annually or monthly. You are required by law to have one. You are not covered by the College and are personally liable for prosecution if you are operating a television without a licence. For specific advice for students living in Halls of Residence, please see the ‘Students’ page on the government’s TV licensing website. http://www.tvlicensing.co.uk/check‐if‐you‐need‐one/for‐your‐home/students‐aud1 Other TV Options: Goodenough College has a satellite dish that provides Sky TV (including Sky Sports) to the Gbar and there are two TVs in Freddie’s that show Freeview channels. There is an additional TV in the Members’ Common Room. Acceptable Use By utilising Goodenough College’s IT Services, all users are agreeing to follow the Terms and Conditions of use. (See Terms and Conditions Guide.) Goodenough College Information Technology Department Page 5 of 5