Why do you need a university degree?

Grammar Handout 3
TASK 1. Discuss the following questions with a partner.
1. How do you define success? How can one achieve success?
2. Is university education necessary to be successful in life?
3. What are the advantages of having a university degree?
TASK 2. Some parts in the text below are missing. Complete the missing parts by
joining and rewriting the following sentences using RELATIVE CLAUSES. Omit the
relative pronoun where possible and add commas where necessary. The sentences ARE
Why do you need a university degree?
(Note to the instructor: The sentences that will be used in the grammar tips are written in italics.)
The world we live in keeps changing. In order to live up to the demands of the world, we need
a solid education on which we can base our skills and knowledge.
There are many
alternatives available for receiving an education these days, which is good news for you if
you have not yet obtained a four-year college degree. My mother (1), who had a successful
career in business and (who) got promoted many times during her career, kept saying
“education is the most precious gift that you can give to yourself.” Her advice worked well
for me and for others around her. I visited many different places as part of my research job.
The towns in which I stayed were full of university graduates. I talked to them and made a list
of reasons why one needs a university degree.
Four Reasons for a Four-Year Education
Money. First of all, having a university degree will increase your earning potential. This is the
typical reason why most people return to school after years in the work place. If you are in
high school and haven't really had to think about the bills and burdens (2) many adults deal
with, it may be difficult for you to understand how important it is to earn money. Most high
school graduates, none of whom has had to worry about money before, generally feel
surprised at finding out the difficulty of earning money. Moreover, you should be aware that
you need to choose your major wisely and money shouldn’t be your sole motivation. Careers,
most of which seem interesting at first sight, don’t live up to the expectations of university
graduates. University graduates to whom I talked about the importance of choosing the right
career agreed with me on this issue.
Insurance. University education is definitely the best insurance you can find. Having a
university degree gives you an advantage over those who don’t have a degree. In many cases,
you will find that education is becoming more important than experience. Moreover,
employers are looking for workers (3) whose skills are not limited with one specific area.
Most of the modern universities typically require a brief exposure to all kinds of information
and coursework (4) which/that isn't necessarily related to your major. This provides
graduates with a broader understanding of the world.
Employability. Nowadays, it is easier for university graduates to find jobs. There was a time
(5) when the trend was to employ those with experience rather than those who had
education. That trend is rapidly changing as companies want employees (6) who/that can fill
multiple roles .The limited exposure to certain ideas or ideals and principles that most people
receive as part of their high school education will give you a big advantage over them because
you will be able to adapt and adjust.
Confidence. There is nothing that is more important than believing in yourself. Wherever I
go, I talk to people about self-confidence, and I always meet a group of people, one of whose
main problems is lack of confidence. If you are one of those people, you should know that
getting a four-year education is one way to build confidence not only on a personal level but
also on a professional level. Whether or not you realize it, this is often the best reason for
pursuing a university degree. This reason, as a matter of fact, will actually affect all of the
other things (7) I mentioned above. If you have more confidence in your ability, you will be
more willing to go out there and get the job done. As a result, you will earn more money and
you will prove that you are an asset to the company (8) (which/that) you work for / for
which you work.
(Adapted from: http://justinsloan.articlealley.com/reasons-you-need-a-university-education-845961.html)
My mother had a successful career in business and she got promoted many times during
her career.
Many adults deal with the bills and burdens.
Their skills are not limited with one specific area.
It isn't necessarily related to your major.
The trend was to employ those with experience rather than those who had education then.
Employees can fill multiple roles.
I mentioned all the other things above.
You work for the company.
Grammar Tips:
Remember that in the first semester you studied the use of defining and non-defining relative
clauses. In this handout, you will find out more about these relative clauses.
A. Using “Which” to Modify a Whole Sentence
 The relative pronoun “which” is sometimes used to modify the whole preceding idea.
When the relative pronoun which modifies the whole preceding sentence, a comma
must be used.
 Look at the following sentence from the text and answer the question.
There are many alternatives available for receiving an education these days, which is
good news for you if you have not yet obtained a four-year college degree.
What does “which” refer to in this sentence?
That there are many alternatives available for receiving an education these days.
 Look at the following sentences and re-write them by using “which.”
1. My grandfather wanted to learn Japanese. This surprised us all.
My grandfather wanted to learn Japanese, which surprised us all.
2. She helped me with my homework. I appreciated that very much.
She helped me with my homework, which I appreciated very much.
1. Relative Clause Pronouns Used as the Object of a Preposition
 The relative pronouns can refer to the object of a preposition. In formal English, the
preposition comes at the beginning of a relative clause. The preposition is followed by
either whom (NOT who) or which (NOT that) and the pronoun cannot be omitted.
This is the teacher. I told you about her.
This is the teacher (whom/who/that) I told you about.
This is the teacher about whom I told you.
The conference was interesting. We went to it.
The conference (which/that) we went to was interesting.
The conference to which we went was interesting.
That is the drawer. I keep my books there.
That is the drawer where I keep my books.
That is the drawer in which I keep my books.
That is the drawer (which/that) I keep my books in.
8:40 is the time. Our classes start then.
8:40 is the time when our classes start.
8:40 is the time at which our classes start.
8:40 is the time (that) our classes start.
 Look at the sentences from the text and complete the other alternatives.
1. The towns in which I stayed were full of university graduates.
The towns (which/that) I stayed in were full of university graduates.
The towns where I stayed were full of university graduates.
2. University graduates to whom I talked about the importance of choosing the right
career agreed with me on this issue.
University graduates (who/whom/that) I talked to about the importance of
choosing the right career agreed with me on this issue.
2. Using Expressions of Quantity in Relative Clauses
 A relative clause may contain an expression of quantity (e.g. some, many, none, most,
one, two, half, both, neither, each, all, several, a few, few, a little, little, a number of
...etc.) with “of”. The expression of quantity comes before the noun. Only whom, which
and whose are used in this pattern. Commas are used.
 Look at the sentences from the text.
Most high school graduates, none of whom has had to worry about money before,
generally feel surprised at finding out the difficulty of earning money.
e.g. Most high school graduates generally feel surprised at finding out the difficulty of
earning money. None of them has had to worry about money before.
Careers, most of which seem interesting at first sight, don’t live up to the expectations
of university graduates.
Careers don’t live up to the expectations of university graduates. Most of them seem
interesting at first sight.
I always meet a group of people, one of whose main problems is lack of confidence
I always meet a group of people. One of their main problems is lack of confidence.
 Look at the following sentences and re-write them by using expressions of quantity in
relative clauses.
1. I have two sisters. Both of them are students.
I have two sisters, both of whom are students.
2. We are taking five courses. Two of them are really boring.
We are taking five courses, two of which are really boring.
3. The secretaries are very efficient. We hired both of them last month.
The secretaries, both of whom we hired last month, are very efficient.
TASK 3. Rewrite the following sentences by using relative clauses.
1. He was respected by the people. He worked with them.
He was respected by the people with whom he worked.
He was respected by the people (who/whom/that) he worked with.
This is the room. I was born in this room.
This is the room in which I was born.
This is the room (that/which) I was born in.
This is the room where I was born.
I’ll never forget the day. I met you that day.
I’ll never forget the day when I met you.
I’ll never forget the day on which I met you.
I’ll never forget the day (that) I met you.
He got married again a year later. This surprised everybody.
He got married again a year later, which surprised everybody.
She cycled from Glasgow to London. This is pretty good for a woman of 75.
She cycled from Glasgow to London, which is pretty good for a woman of 75.
The elevator is out of order. This is too bad.
The elevator is out of order, which is too bad.
They picked up five boat-loads of refugees. Some of them had been at sea for several
They picked up five boat-loads of refugees, some of whom had been at sea for
several months.
We’ve tested three hundred types of boots. None of them is completely waterproof.
We’ve tested three hundred types of boots, none of which is completely waterproof.
The teachers discussed Jim. One of his problems was poor study habits.
The teachers discussed Jim, one of whose problems was poor study habits.
10. She had a teddy-bear. Both of its eyes were missing.
She had a teddy-bear, both of whose eyes were missing.
TASK 4. The texts below are two versions of a text which has been adapted from Language
Leader Intermediate Course book, Unit 8. Read the texts and find the differences between
the sentences in italics.
The sentences in the first text include reduced relative clauses.
Maria Montessori
Maria Montessori (1870-1952) is a famous Italian
educationalist whose method of teaching has influenced
people all over the world.
Maria Montessori (1870-1952) is a famous Italian
educationalist whose method of teaching has influenced
people all over the world.
Montessori, born in the province of Ancona, Italy,
became the first woman to receive a medical degree in
Italy. After graduating from medical school in 1896, she
became one of the first female doctors in her country.
Later, while working with deprived children, she set up a
'Children's House' in Rome. This was the place where she
developed the Montessori Method, an educational system
encouraging an informal style of teaching.
Montessori, who was born in the province of Ancona,
Italy, became the first woman to receive a medical
degree in Italy. After graduating from medical school in
1896, she became one of the first female doctors in her
country. Later, while working with deprived children, she
set up a 'Children's House' in Rome. This was the place
where she developed the Montessori Method, which is an
educational system which encourages an informal style
of teaching.
The Montessori philosophy is simple. Children are unique
individuals who must be free to learn without being
criticised or restricted. It is the child that controls the pace,
topic and lessons, not the rest of the class or the teacher.
The method also encourages children to learn by doing
and experimenting. Children are taught to dress
themselves, to cook and to put their toys and clothes
away, leading them to become independent.
The Montessori philosophy is simple. Children are unique
individuals who must be free to learn without being
criticised or restricted. It is the child that controls the pace,
topic and lessons, not the rest of the class or the teacher.
The method also encourages children to learn by doing
and experimenting. Children are taught to dress
themselves, to cook and to put their toys and clothes
away, which leads them to become independent.
A Montessori teacher observes children closely to provide
them with individual learning programmes. The teacher in
this method is a guide, not a leader of the classroom,
helping to open students' eyes to the wonders around
A Montessori teacher observes children closely to provide
them with individual learning programmes. The teacher in
this method is a guide, not a leader of the classroom,
helping to open students' eyes to the wonders around
A typical room used in a Montessori school has many
things children can use, such as books, objects and
games. The furniture is light so that they can arrange it as
they wish, and the cabinets are low, so the children can
reach them. Because the environment offers a range of
activities, children like to work together and they
develop a social life based on cooperation rather than
A typical room which is used in a Montessori school
has many things children can use, such as books,
objects and games. The furniture is light so that they can
arrange it as they wish, and the cabinets are low, so the
children can reach them. Because the environment offers
a range of activities, children like to work together and
they develop a social life which is based on cooperation
rather than competition.
Maria Montessori travelled all over the world, training
teachers to use her method, but it was only in her final
years when she established the teacher-training centers
that would take her work forward. There are now many
schools in Europe and North America using the
Montessori curriculum and methods.
Maria Montessori travelled all over the world, training
teachers to use her method, but it was only in her final
years when she established the teacher-training centers
that would take her work forward. There are now many
schools in Europe and North America which use the
Montessori curriculum and methods.
TASK 5. Study the sentences in italics in the texts above. Read the rules below and
complete the chart with the relevant examples from the texts.
Rule 1: We can reduce a relative clause if there is a relative pronoun + verb “to be”.
OMIT the relative pronoun and “to be”.
Example sentences:
Reduced Form
1. Montessori, born in the province of
Ancona, Italy, became the first woman to
receive a medical degree in Italy.
Original Form
1. Montessori, who was born in the
province of Ancona, Italy, became the
first woman to receive a medical degree
in Italy.
2. This was the place where she developed
the Montessori Method, an educational 2. This was the place where she developed
system encouraging an informal style of the
Montessori Method, which is an
educational system which encourages an
informal style of
3. A typical room used in a Montessori
school has many things children can use,
such as books, objects and games.
4. Children develop a social life based on
cooperation rather than competition.
3. A typical room which is used in a
Montessori school has many things
children can use, such
as books,
objects and games.
4. Children develop a social life which is
on cooperation rather than
Rule 2: We can reduce a relative clause if there is a relative pronoun + present/past simple
verb to describe a permanent state.
OMIT the relative pronoun and PUT the verb in –ing form.
Example sentences:
Reduced Form
Original Form
1. This was the place where she developed
Montessori Method, an educational
encouraging an informal style
of teaching.
1. This was the place where she developed
the Montessori Method, which is an
educational system which encourages
an informal style of teaching.
2. Children are taught to dress themselves,
to cook and to put their toys and clothes
away, leading them to become independent.
2. Children are taught to dress
themselves, to
cook and to put their
toys and clothes
away, which leads
them to become independent.
3. There are now many schools in Europe
and North America using the Montessori
curriculum and methods.
3. There are now many schools in Europe
and North America which use the
curriculum and methods.
Rule 3: Also relative clauses with the following structures can be reduced by replacing the
clause with an infinitive phrase.
Ordinal numbers (the first/second/last etc.)
Superlatives (the best/ oldest etc.)
The only
Modal verbs in the clause (have to/should/can etc.)
Example sentences:
Reduced Form
1. Montessori, born in the province of Ancona,
Original Form
1. Montessori, born in the province of Ancona,
Italy, became the first woman to receive a
medical degree in Italy.
Italy, became the first woman who received
a medical degree in Italy.
2. Maria was the youngest person to become a
3. This is the only school in town to use the
Montessori curriculum and methods.
4. Teachers in this method have many
responsibilities to fulfill.
2. Maria was youngest person who became a
3. This is the only school in town which
uses the Montessori curriculum and
4. Teachers in this method have many
responsibilities that they must/should fulfill.
Subjects have to be the same when you reduce clauses, so only subject relative
clauses can be reduced.
It is an educational system which many schools in Europe and North America use now.
(not reduced)
It is an educational system which is used by many schools in Europe and North America
= It is an educational system used by many schools in Europe and North America now.
We cannot reduce a clause if the verb states/describes a single action.
e.g. The people who stopped me in the street were tourists.
NOT The people stopping me in the street were tourists.
We usually do NOT reduce a relative clause with the present perfect tense.
e.g. The students who have taken Mr. Green’s classes are very lucky.
NOT The students taking Mr. Green’s classes are very lucky.
TASK 6. Rewrite the following sentences using the reduced relative clauses.
1. MIT, which is a popular educational centre in Boston, USA, has many international
MIT, a popular educational centre in Boston, USA, has many international students.
2. James Hunt was the last student who came to class, and he missed the quiz.
James Hunt was the last student to come to class, and he missed the quiz.
3. Students who want to join the club must apply to the English teacher.
Students wanting to join the club must apply to the English teacher.
4. Marie Curie was the only woman who won the Nobel Prize twice.
Marie Curie was the only woman to win the Nobel Prize twice.
5. To solve the serious problems which threaten our country, we need to improve our
education system.
To solve the serious problems threatening our country, we need to improve our
education system.
6. The ideas which are presented by Dr. Montessori in that book are inspiring.
The ideas presented by Dr. Montessori in that book are inspiring.
7. The Absorbent Mind, which was written by Dr. Montessori in 1940s, includes many
aspects of the physical and psychological growth of young children.
The Absorbent Mind, written by Dr. Montessori in 1940s, includes many aspects of
the physical and psychological growth of young
TASK 7. (Homework) The text below has some missing relative clauses. Read the text
carefully and fill in the blanks with relative clauses using the given statements (a-j). The
sentences are NOT in the correct order. Use reduced forms where possible.
Captain Scott — Antarctic Explorer
Until the end of the 19th century, only sealers and whalers had set foot on the remote southern land
(1) called Antarctica. Until as late as 1820, no one had even seen its mainland. In the 1890s,
however, there were explorers of various countries (2) competing to be the first to reach both the
North and the South Poles. Robert Falcon Scott (1868–1912) was the first person to explore
Antarctica extensively by land. Captain Scott, (3) an officer in the Royal Navy, had joined his first
ship when he was 13. Scott led two expeditions to Antarctica. His first expedition in the ship
Discovery took place between 1901 and 1904. Discovery, (4) specially built for the voyage, was a
research ship designed to travel through icy seas. In 1910, Scott and his men sailed on another
scientific voyage, this time in the Terra Nova, originally a whaling ship. The idea was to explore the
part of Antarctica around the Ross Sea, (5) discovered in 1841 by Sir James Ross. They also
wanted to find out more about the animals, weather and geology of the Antarctic. Dr Edward
Wilson, (6) the zoologist on both expeditions, collected embryos of Emperor penguins so that he
could study the birds more closely. On their first trip, Scott and his party anchored Discovery in
McMurdo Sound, Ross Island, (7) where / on which they built a hut / which they built a hut on
as their home base. After conducting magnetic, astronomical and meteorological observations, in
the spring, they set off south across the Ross Sea Ice Shelf towards the Pole. They had some sledgedogs but did not really know how to use them. Scott travelled slightly further than 82 degrees south,
(8) much further than anyone had travelled before. It was a terrible journey. All their dogs died
and the men became exhausted pulling the sledges. They had health problems (9) caused by poor
nutrition and lack of vitamin C, which led to a deficiency disease called scurvy. The men, who
also struggled against frostbite and snow blindness, eventually had to turn back.
a) They were caused by poor nutrition and lack of vitamin C.
b) He was the zoologist on both expeditions.
c) It was called Antarctica.
d) It was specially built for the voyage.
e) The Ross Sea was discovered in 1841 by Sir James Ross.
f) They built a hut there.
g) This was much further than anyone had travelled before.
h) They were competing to be the first to reach both the North and the South Poles.
i) He was an officer in the Royal Navy.