True and Partial Synonyms

True and Partial Synonyms
1. Have students copy the chart below into notes as the teacher creates the anchor chart.
True Synonym
Partial Synonym
2. Discuss with students the difference between a “true synonym,” those that might be found in
a thesaurus and have very similar meanings, and a “partial synonym,” those words whose
meanings only apply in part. An example of a true synonym pairing would be “car” and
“automobile” while a partial synonym pairing would be “car” and “vehicle.” In the second
example, “vehicle” is only a partial synonym because there are many types of vehicle, not just
3. Students brainstorm synonyms for the given science and academic vocabulary terms
4. In pairs, students then compare and discuss brainstormed lists for accuracy and
5. As a class, compile all lists for one master chart, collecting all applicable true and partial
synonyms, discussing the validity of each as it’s added.
From Jerry Johns and Susan Lenski, 2010, Improving Reading: Interventions, Strategies, and Resources,
Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.