Monsoon CHIVASSO FABRICS AND WALLPAPERS 2014 the arrival of the monsoon rains brings new life and energy , a vibrant life force , a fresh burst of inspiration. a deluge of exciting ideas, aof fresh cloudburst colours and bold prints. FA B R I C S B Y C H I VA S S O Hocker: Cheeky Linen CH2788 C H E E K Y V E LV E T S Upholstery: Cheeky Girl CH2826, The Colour Velvet Vol. 3 CH1912, Cheeky Linen CH2788 Cushions: The Colour Velvet Vol. 3 CH1912, Cheeky Boy CH2787, Cheeky Stripe CH2786, Cheeky Linen CH2788 Cushions: Cheeky Stripe CH2786, Cheeky Linen CH2788, Cheeky Plain CH2789, The Colour Velvet Vol. 3 JUNGLE LIVING Wallpaper: Mirage CH9116 Cushion: Wild Jungle CH2814 FA B R I C S A N D WA L L PA P E R S B Y C H I VA S S O W E L C O M E TO T H E J U N G L E Fabric: Flowers of Paradise Curtains: Wild Jungle FA B R I C S B Y C H I VA S S O C H I VA S S O W I L D L I F E Curtains & Upholstery: Jungle-Like CH2813 M O N S O O N - T E X T U R E D, O P U L E N T A N D B R I G H T F A B R I C S A N D WA L L PA P E R S B Y C H I VA S S O Wallpaper: Monsoon CH9117 C H I VA S S O M O N S O O N The arrival of the monsoon rains brings new life and energy. Plants and animals are reborn, appearing to spring up from nowhere. Rich foliage, beautiful blooms and succulent grasslands, carpet the earth as the barren land springs to life. Monsoon is a vibrant life force bringing with it a fresh burst of inspiration. With Monsoon, Chivasso brings you a deluge of exciting ideas, a cloudburst of fresh colours and bold prints. With the monsoon comes the wind of change, a fresh breeze of colour and energy. Chivasso takes you on a entrancing trip with these new fabrics and wallpapers, which encompasses three themes: Jungle, New Hampshire, and Vintage. Travel from the hillside jungles of northern Thailand, to the Hamptons, off the coast of New York and over the ocean to the English countryside. Let Chivasso take you on a journey and immerse yourself in the vibrant world of “Chivasso Monsoon”. Don’t be afraid to bring the energy and vibrance of the tropical monsoon rains to your home. Curtains: Backdrop CH2816 Wallpaper: Mignon CH9115 M O D E R N L I V I N G B Y C H I VA S S O Cushions: Birdsong, Mimosa Cushions: Rainbow, Ripple, Rhythm Fabrics: Razzle, Rapture Cushions: Jungle-Like CH2813, Cheeky Linen CH2788, The Colour Velvet CH1912, Tango CH2344, Cheeky Boy CH2787, CH2777 Cottage Garden, Jungle Fever CH2815, The Colour Velvet CH1912, Nourish CH2799, Jungle-Like CH2813 Cushions: Jungle-Like CH2813 Nourish CH2799, Jungle Fever CH2815 MONSOON BLUES B Y C H I VA S S O FA B R I C S B Y C H I VA S S O COLOURS & TEXTURES Upholstery: Nourish CH2799 Curtains: Jungle-Like CH2813 Upholstery: Nourish CH2799 Wallpaper: Mirage CH9116 Curtains: Jungle Fever CH2815 B Y C H I VA S S O C O A S TA L L I V I N G Curtains: Pretty Island CH2769 Upholstery: Chester CH2783 C H I VA S S O B E AC H H O U S E Upholstery: Candia CH2780 B Y C H I VA S S O SEMI SHEERS AND STRIPES Curtains: Porto Beach CH2767 Cushions: Candia CH2780, Clarksville CH2784, Canterbury CH2781, Candia CH2780 Curtains: Pretty Island CH2769 Cushions: Sensible CH2821, Semblance CH2822 Curtain: Scent CH2798 B Y C H I VA S S O S O P H I S T I C AT E D L I V I N G Curtains: Midland CH2791 Upholstery: Madam CH2793 Hocker: Maiden CH2796 Wallpaper: Mirage CH9116 M O N S O O N - INSPIRED & ENCHANTING F A B R I C S A N D WA L L PA P E R S B Y C H I VA S S O Wallpaper: Colour Block C H I VA S S O E N G L I S H G A R D E N Curtains: Colourful Garden CH2779 Cushion: The Colour Velvet Vol. 3 CH1912 C H I VA S S O C O L O U R F U L L I F E Curtains: Royal Garden CH2776 Upholstery: Madam CH2793, Royal Garden CH2776 Cushions: Royal Garden CH2776, The Colour Velvet Vol. 3 CH1912 V I N TA G E , D E L I C AT E & L I G H T F A B R I C S A N D WA L L PA P E R S B Y C H I VA S S O Curtains: Backdrop CH2816, Vintage Beauty CH2772, Vintage Soul CH2770 Upholstery: Hot Madison Vol. 4 CH1249Cushions: Vintage Beauty CH2772, The Colour Velvet Vol. 3 Wallpaper: Monsoon CH9117 C H I V A S S O N AT U R A L H I S T O R Y Cushions: Vintage Beauty CH2772, The Colour Velvet Vol. 3 CH1912 C H I V A S S O V I N TA G E L I V I N G Curtains: Vintage Groove CH2773 C H I VA S S O C E L A D O N L I V I N G Curtains: Vintage Queen CH2771, Vintage Groove CH2773 Upholstery: The Colour Velvet Vol. 3 CH1912 Cushions: The Colour Velvet CH1912, CH2772, Garden Lounge CH2778 C H I VA S S O F A B R I C S A N D WA L L PA P E R S This is a small selection of the different prints, Candia CH2780 Madagascar CH9114 Canterbury CH2781 Just Like CH2812 Madagascar CH9114 Royal Garden CH2776 Mirage CH9116 Jungle-Like CH9113 Garden Lounge CH2778 Monsoon CH9117 patterns, colours and textures you will find in the Chivasso Monsoon fabrics and wallpapers collection. Mirage CH9116 Cheeky Linen CH2788 Madagascar CH9114 Chivasso fabrics and wallpapers can be found via the “Productfinder” on our website. Select a design and the application will show you all the colours available. Mirage CH9116 Cheeky Stripe CH2786 Jungle Fever CH2815 Jungle-Like CH9113 Wild Junge CH2814 Jungle Chic CH 2810 Garden Lounge CH2778 Colourful Garden CH2779 Madagascar CH9114 Cottage Garden CH2777 Colourful Garden CH2779 Funky Jungle CH2811 With thanks to: PRODUCTION: Studio Chivasso PHOTOGRAPHY: STYLING: DESIGN: MODEL: Michelle Schutte FURNITURE & ACCESSORIES: - - - - - www. Copyright © 2014 MONSOON BY CHIVASSO STUDIOS. No part of this publication may be reproduced without prior permission of Chivasso BV. Chivasso is a member of the JAB Anstoetz Group.
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