Landslides and Engineered Slopes – Chen et al. (eds) © 2008 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-41196-7 Interaction between landslides and man-made works G. Urciuoli Università di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy L. Picarelli Seconda Università di Napoli, Aversa, Italy ABSTRACT: The interaction between landslides and man-made works is a major issue in risk assessment. This paper reviews data and general approaches generally adopted, seeking to summarize and rationally classify experience. Case studies from Italy are reviewed, concerning both slow slope movements and rapid catastrophic landslides. 1 FOREWORD In recent decades the growth of population, structures, infrastructures and lifelines has been responsible for an enormous increase in landslide risk in many parts of the world. As a consequence, land management and planning of new settlements and activities require careful and reliable risk assessment. Unfortunately, current approaches to analysing the consequences of landslides on exposed property are inadequate. In addition, experience in such matters has not yet been summarised or organised. This paper seeks to make a contribution on the above issue and deals with the subsequent topics: – the cinematic nature of landslides, (including the range of velocities, run-out and duration of movement) as well as their relationship with their mechanisms; – the impact of landslides on man-made works, as a function of the cinematic features of the landslide; – the damage induced on exposed property as a function of the type of landslide; – the management of areas at risk and the control works to be adopted for risk mitigation according to the type of landslide. Italian sentiment and experience of landslides and of their effects on man-made works is thoroughly reviewed, summarised and classified by some tables and figures. 2 INTERATION BETWEEN LANDSLIDES AND MAN-MADE WORKS Landslide velocity and run-out are major factors in risk assessment, thus modern landslide classifications include an indication of likely ranges of peak velocity (Varnes, 1978). Nowadays, the Cruden and Varnes (1994) classification (tab. 1) is the most widely used in the literature. This classification allows for the variety of the geomaterials involved and the mechanisms of rupture and of post-rupture movement: there are landslides, such as rock-falls, flow-like landslides and lateral spreads provoked by liquefaction of the basal formation, which display high velocity and run-out, and landslides, such as reactivated slides and mudslides and lateral spreads in clay, which display an extremely low displacement rate (tab. 2). In addition, several intermediate situations exist. For example, there are slope movements, classified by Varnes (1978) in the special category of complex landslides, whose features change during movement: falls which turn into debris flows, slides which turn into mudslides, and so on. A rather special case is that of mudslides whose velocity slowly changes from rapid or moderate to extremely slow while its style turns from flow to slide. In fig. 1, cases Table 1. Classification of landslides based on velocity (from Cruden and Varnes, 1994). Velocity Class Description m/s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Extremely rapid Very rapid Rapid Moderate Slow Very slow Extremely slow 5 m/s 3 m/minute 1.8 m/hour 13 m/month 1.6 m/year 16 mm/year 1301 5 5 · 10−2 5 · 10−4 5 · 10−6 5 · 10−8 5 · 10−10 Table 2. Landslide types and typical cinematic characters. Class Description Typical length of run-out Landslide type and materials Typical slope morphology 1 Extremely rapid Up to kilometres Rock avalanches, flowslides (saturated loose sands and non-plastic silts),debris flows 2 Very rapid 3 Rapid 4 Moderate 5 Slow From hundred of metres to a few kilometres Hundreds of metres Up to hundreds of metres Ten of metres 6 7 Very slow Metres Extremely slow Cliffs and very steep slopes, often characterized by deep drainage network Rockfalls, debris flows, rock slides, mudslides (after collapse) Topplings, mudslides (after collapse) Fractured rock cliffs and steep to relatively gentle slopes Mudslides, first-failure slides in brittle sands and OC clays Mudslides (long-term), undrained first-time Gentle slopes slides in clays, reactivated slides in clay Active rotational and translational slides in clay Active translational slides, lateral spreads in Various geomorphologic clay and in rock conditions 15,0 cm/g A MARINO (SITE 1) DE NICOLA (SITE 2) ACQUA DI LUCA (SITE 3) measured 5,0 cm/g likely B 0,4 cm/g 10 year 1 year C D 1900 1908 1916 1924 1932 1941 1949 1957 1965 1973 1982 1990 ? Figure 1. 2004). 1991 1992 1993 1995 1996 1997 1999 2000 2001 2003 Displacement rate in cm/day against time for three mudslides observed in the Basento Valley (Pellegrino et al., of long-lasting observed mudslides in the Basento Valley are reported: strong variations of velocity are shown (Pellegrino et al., 2004). An attempt to relate velocity and run-out to the mechanism of movement is made in tab. 2. As shown, in general, there is some relationship between the displacement rate and the other factors listed above. Typically, rapid landslides involve brittle materials, such as rock, OC clay or loose silts and sands when subjected to undrained shearing. Indeed, the fall in strength after a peak causes an unbalanced force to rise, which is responsible for acceleration of the landslide body. In fig. 2 the cinematic evolution through the collapse of the S. Barbara open pit (Bomba site), in OC clays, and Allori open pit, in ductile fissured clay, are reported (D’Elia, 1984). Prior to collapse, the measured velocity was 0.3 metre/minute in Bomba site and 5 · 10−5 metre/minute in Allori site, as a consequence of different stress-strain relationships of soils. Because their high peak strength, brittle materials typically form steep slopes. In the case of long slopes Figure 2. Displacements versus time, measured before the collapse, of two cuts: in brittle clayey soil (Bomba) and in ductile soil (Allori) (D’Elia, 1984). rupture leads to a sharp increase in the post-failure velocity. Due to the high kinetic energy and inertia possessed by the landslide body, this can cover a large distance, even along a very gentle slope, in a very 1302 Figure 3. Fosso S. Martino landslide: a) slope cross-section, b) water level measured versus time, c) displacement velocity versus time (Bertini et al., 1986). short time. Due to the rather high ultimate strength and the gentle slope of the accumulation area, arrest of granular soils is not followed by further movement. The same does not hold for clay which presents a low residual strength. Slow landslides involve ductile materials, such as slightly OC clay or highly OC clays at residual, which dissipate into friction all the energy possessed. Due to low soil strength, the morphology of the slope is necessarily gentle and the distance covered by the soil mass very short. For the same reason, any small change in boundary conditions can reactivate the landslide; in addition, creep can play some role. Usually movement is strictly correlated to pore pressure fluctuations as is clearly shown by data concerning the Fosso S. Martino landslide (fig. 3). Data from the Italian literature on velocity of active landslides in clay are reported in tab. 3. In general, man-made works can be located only on gentle slopes. This is the case of: i) infrastructures and lifelines which often must cross unstable zones, because of their continuity, ii) villages built in zones where risk of landslide was not detected. Because of slope morphology and, often, nature of soil (typically, gentle slopes consist of clay), gentle slopes may be affected by moderate to extremely slow active landslides or by dormant landslides which can be reactivated by heavy rains, as in the case of the Fosso S. Martino landslide. 1303 Table 3. Italian data on landslide displacement rates in ductile soils (Urciuoli, 1990). Velocity Site Type of movement Yearly average Maximum References (in Urciuoli, 1990) Brindisi di Montagna S. Agata di Esaro M. Marino M. De Nicola M. Acqua diLuca S. Barbara S. Barbara S. Barbara Valle del Sinni Vallone Fossate Vallone Fossate Assisi Campegli Contrada Musa Fosso S. Antonio Fosso S. Martino Motta S. Anastasia S. Pietro in Guarano Vagli Voltaggio Mudslide Mudslide Mudslide Mudslide Mudslide Slide Slide Mudslide Mudslide Mudslide Mudslide Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide Slide 0.6–3.6 m/year 1–1.5 m/year 1–2 m/year 0.2 m/year – 9 cm/month – – – 0.1 m/year 7 m/year 3.5 cm/year 0.5 cm/month 10 cm/month 2–3 cm/year 1 cm/year 3 cm/year 1–1.5 cm/year 4 cm/month 0.33 m/year 0.6 m/day – 12 cm/day 2 m/month 5 cm/month 0.2 mm/day 2 mm/day 10 ÷ 15 mm/day 1 ÷ 20 m/year 1 cm/day 1 m/mouth – 1 cm/month – – 0.35 mm/day – – 1.5 m/day – Cotecchia et al., 1986 Allevato et al., 1980 Pellegrino et al., 2004 ’’ ’’ D’Elia et al., 1984 D’Elia et al., 1984 Esu et al., 1986 Manfredini et al., 1981 D’Elia, Tancredi, 1979 ’’ Canuti et al., 1986 Formigoni et al., 1986 Giusti et al., 1986 Bertini et al. 1986 ’’ Maugeri Motta, 1986 Cascini, 1986 Baschierì, Gulì, 1956 Cancelli Olcese, 1984 If the landslide is very slow, damage can be tolerated by the structures whose conditions can be periodically improved by means of structural maintenance. Alternatively, the problem can be definitively solved by control works (tab. 4). In the case of slow landslides, damage is related to static interaction between structures and the landslide body that may induce differential displacements or increase of the thrust against retaining works (tab. 4). The response of structures depends on their global deformability. Embankments, for example, can tolerate large displacements keeping working with frequent maintenance to the pavement. Masonry and reinforced concrete structures are more vulnerable than embankments and suffer damage, depending on the abundance of constraints (degree of redundancy) that characterize the structure (tab. 5). Urban settlements and most infrastructures and lifelines cannot be built on steep slopes: man-made works are typically sited at the foot of slopes. In these geological contexts, typical slope movements are rapid landslides, such as rock falls, debris flows and flowslides. The landslide body possesses a high kinetic energy which is transferred to the obstacles: the interaction is hence dynamic (tab. 4). The structures are destroyed and people cannot evacuate because the velocity of the landslide body is higher than that of running people. In addition, no stabilizing works can be carried out due to lack of time. The only way to protect the population is by passive works built in advance or by efficient early warning systems capable of predicting in real time landslide occurrence. In the case of the well-known catastrophe of Sarno (1998), flowslides some 100, 000 m3 in volume reached the foot of the slopes at high velocity (up 10 m/s and more), destroying many buildings. Victims can also be caused by relatively small soil masses invading basements of buildings or open spaces (tab. 4). Besides landslide velocity and mass, the risk depends also on the vulnerability of the elements at risk. For example people are highly vulnerable to rapid movements. By contrast, slow movements give the population the possibility to perceive the risk and evacuate in time (Table 5). 3 RISK MANAGEMENT AND MITIGATION Management of unstable slopes is a very complex challenge, both due to the intrinsic difficulties of the problem and the chronic shortage of financial resources to allocate to environmental problems. Therefore, the most common solution consists of non-structural counter-measures (limitations in land use, town-planning regulations, emergency plans) that allow activities to continue without slopes being stabilised (tab. 6). 1304 Table 4. Interaction between landslides and man-made works and expected damage. Types of man-made works interacting Class Description with landslides 1 Extremely rapid 2 Very rapid 3 Rapid 4 Moderate 5 Slow 6 Very slow 7 Extremely slow Table 5. Expected damage and population reaction (modified, after Cruden and Varnes, 1996) Mode of interaction Structures, Impact, invasion of open infrastructures spaces and filling of and lifelines located basements along the landslide path or at the foot of the slope (I) Catastrophic event. Buildings and structures destroyed by the impact. Many victims. Evacuation is impossible As above; some victims. Evacuation is impossible (I) + (II) Buildings and other structures are destroyed or severely damaged; infrastructures out of action; lifelines damaged. Evacuation is possible Invasion of open spaces and infrastructures (roads, railways), increase of thrust against retaining structures Some special structures can be kept working with maintenance (highway embankments, banks. . .) Structures, Invasion of open spaces and Stabilization works can be carried out even infrastructures infrastructures, increase in during landslide movement. Some structures and lifelines located thrust against retaining can be working by means of frequent on the landslide structures. Deformation of maintenance works body (II) buildings and of other structures Increase in thrust on retaining Damage is not destructive. Structures can be structures. Deformation of kept working, despite secondary damage buildings and of other Movements cannot be detected without structures instrumentation. Buildings and structures are not seriously damaged Vulnerability of property. Vulnerability level Fast landslides Slow landslides High Average Viaducts, tunnels, dams, masonry buildings Low Very Low Human lives, lakes, building basements Cuttings, masonry buildings, reinforced concrete buildings, steel buildings Embankments, viaducts Embankments, cuttings, aqueducts, electric pylons, reinforced concrete buildings, steel buildings Tunnels, aqueducts, gas ducts, electric pylons, Human life, gas ducts, lakes, dams When an infrastructure crosses a landslide, one of the most common counter-measures is to reduce its performance to reduce risk. In the case of motorways and railways, a reduction in traffic velocity can be imposed; moreover parts of the road must be closed to traffic, if necessary. In the case of aqueducts, water flow can be reduced, to lower the consequences of possible pipe cutting, caused by landslide movement. As regards artificial lakes, if a fast landslide is recognized as likely on the slope, lake water level must be lowered, to mitigate the risk associate to formation of high waves (due to the slide of the landslide into the lake) which could over top the dam. Drawing up emergency plans allows the population to continue living in areas exposed to landslide risk. The main technical part of an emergency plan is prediction of landslide collapse, for which specialized geotechnical knowledge is required. Prediction can be based on monitoring of indicators (Damiano et al., 2008), as displacements, when the movement is slow enough to allow controls in the phase preceding collapse, or on monitoring of precursors (such as rainfall) when the pre-failure phase is expected to be very short. In the first case, management of slopes should include a comparison of predicted displacement rates 1305 Table 6. Risk management and mitigation. Class Description Risk management Counter-measures 1 3 4 Rapid Moderate 5 Slow 6 Very slow 7 Extremely slow Limitations in land use, town-planning regulations, reduction in executing man-made works, emergency plans (strategies for collapse forecasting and prevention), early warning systems Limitations in land use, town-planning regulations, reduction in executing man-made works, emergency plans Limitations in land use, town-planning regulations, downgrading of service level of man-made works, stabilization works, maintenance of structures Downgrading of service level of man-made works, stabilization works, maintenance of structures Maintenance of structures Active and/or passive stabilization works 2 Extremely rapid Very rapid Figure 4. Active stabilization works Acceleration of monitored landslide, against time to failure (Pellegrino and Urciuoli, 1996). or acceleration with thresholds for different alert levels. With respect to this aim, Pellegrino and Urciuoli (1996) analysed data from a large number of slopes which had been carefully monitored until failure. Interpretation of these data is presented in figure 4 where the relationship between slope acceleration and time to failure is shown. The dotted line represents the best regression of data, whereas the solid line bounds 95% of them. Three threshold values of the slope acceleration were selected: the first threshold, equal to 1 mm/day2 , corresponds to an average time to failure of 27 days (when using the lower, more conservative envelope, the time to failure is 2.2 days); the second threshold, corresponding to 10 mm/day2 , leads to a time to failure of 5 days (from the lower envelope the time to failure is 10 hours); finally, the third threshold, equal to 100 mm/day2 corresponds to a time to failure of 1 day (from the lower envelope, the time to failure is 2 hours). As this paper is devoted to the cinematic behaviour of landslides, alert systems based on rainfall control have not been dealt with. Alert systems can be used as transient countermeasures while structural control works are being designed and built or, when financial resources are lacking, they can be assumed as the definitive solution to the problem. In table 6 physical counter-measures, such as active or passive stabilization works, are indicated as suitable 1306 for the different cases examined. Active measures lead to an increase of the safety factor producing a decrease in landslide hazard. Passive measures reduce the risk in some areas, protecting man-made works from impacts. 4 CONCLUSION The interaction between landslides and man-made works mainly depends on the velocity and mass of landslides. To schematize the problem it is useful to classify landslides into two groups: fast and slow movements. The first are extremely hazardous for human lives and for all structures located along the run-out of the landslide. In contrast, slow movements cause damage mainly to structures and infrastructures built on the slope because of differential soil movements. In all cases vulnerability of man-made works plays an important role in risk assessment. Classification of landslides into the two described groups is also useful to establish a proper strategy to protect areas at risk and for the choice of stabilizing works. REFERENCES Cruden D.M. & Varnes D.J. 1994. Landslides types and processes, In: ‘‘Landslide: investigation and mitigation’’, Transportation Research Board, Natural Academy of Science, 1994. Damiano E., Olivares L., Minardo A., Greco R., Zeni L. & Picarelli L. 2008. Advanced monitoring criteria for precocious alerting of rainfall-induced flowslides. Proc. X Int. Symp. on Landslides, Xian, submitted for publication. D’Elia B. 1984. 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