Class - GreenWood Public School

Greenwood Public School
 Entire holiday homework has to be done on A-4 sheets.
 For written homework from Worksheet Booklet, please refer to the school Almanac.The
work has to be done in the respective subjects notebooks.
 Use your creativity & make a beautifully decorated folder. Bring your H.W. in it after the
 Cover of your folder can be made using different techniques that you’ve learnt during Art &
Craft classes or any other best-out – of -waste material.
To save water we must
try, so that in the
future we need not cry.
This summer leT’s enhance our awareness abouT water conservation !!
Dear Students, we all know that “World Water Day” is celebrated on 22nd of March every year. It is celebrated to
spread awareness about importance of water in our daily life, to drink clean water for healthy living and how
significant it is to save water for the future generations.
Workout the following tasks and become aware about the requirement of the day!!!!
Time to enhance your vocabulary and reading skills!!!
1. Reading newspaper is always beneficial. Develop a habit to read it daily and enjoy doing the given exercises:
a) Try to read & cut out news related to ‘Water Conservation’. Paste themto make a beautiful collage.
b) Using colored marker highlightthe ‘Conjunctions’ and ‘Adverbs’ in each news article.
c) List all of them neatly on an A4 Sheet and makeat least 10 sentences of your own using both conjunctions and
adverbs in each sentence.
Now…. Let’s do something Creative !!!
2. Make a beautiful bookmark for your Literature Reader. Decorate it and write an inspirational quotation related
to ‘Conserve Water’. Laminate your bookmark to enhance its durability.
Time to Enhance your Reading, Writing & Comprehension skills !!!
3. Read the novel ‘Oliver Twist’ by Charles Dickens & do as directed:
 Write a short summary of Ch (1 to 6).
 Give the character sketch of any two characters, you liked the most.
 Choose 10 interesting Adverbs from the novel & list them out. Now usethe dictionary to find their
meaning&write them alongside.
 Choose any other 10 words from the novel &find and write the Synonym and Antonym for each word.
 Try to make meaningful sentences using any other 10 words of your own choice.
^^ikuhvewY; /kjksgjgS**bldkegRRo le>krsgq, ikuh dh lqj{kkij ,d Lojfpr
2. ,sls 5&8 eqgkojkas dh yM+hcukb, ftlesaikuh ‘kCndkiz;ksxfd;kx;kgksrFkk
आनेवालीपु श्ोोंका
कछतोहमकरें ख़्याल
भलाकैसे होगाखु शहाल
बच्चे , बूढेऔरजवान
पानीबचाएँ बनेमहान
अबतोजागजाओइों सान
पानीमें बसतेहैंप्राण
पानीहै गुनोोंकीखान
पानीहै धरतीकीशान
izkphu le; esa ty laj{k.k ds eq[; L=ksr dq,¡] ckoM+h] rkykc vkfn gqvk djrs FksA le;
ds lkFk&lkFk budk iz;ksx lekIr gksrk x;kA budk egRRo le>rs gq, ] bl ijaijk dks iquthZfor
djus ds fy, gfj;k.kk ljdkj us dbZ dne mBk, gSaA lekpkji=ksa ds ek/;e ls bl fo”k; ij
tkudkjh ,df=r dhft, rFkk fo”k; ls lacaf/kr lekpkj i=ksa ls dfVax dkVdj ,d ifj;kstuk rS;kj
Boond boond Ka Kar Sanchay !!
1. Water is an essential source of life. This elixir is unevenly distributed on Earth. Which leads to the
problem of scarcity of water. Collect data about the amount of water needed and its supply in any five
states of India; represent this information using bar graph. Also, suggest the ways to tackle the
2. Trees not only make the air pure but also beautify the environment. In a school, the members of Eco
club were taken for a trip to a nearby nursery. As a part of a project, the children planted 95 saplings of
different trees in the nursery. The cost of each sapling was ₹175. The children were very thrilled and
happy with the successful completion of the project. On the basis of the given situation let us try to
find answer to the following questions:
(a) What is the amount spent on the saplings? (Calculate using distributive property)
(b) Name any two saplings that you will like to plant in your garden or nearby park.
(c) Find out & write the cost of the saplings of your choice that you are planning to plant.
(d) Now, find the total cost of planting 35 saplings of each type of sapling, of your choice?
(e) What values do you learn by this plantation activity? (Value Based Question)
3. Members of an NGO decided to provide blankets to an old age home.
For this purpose, a sum of ₹8435 was collected and 35 blankets were purchased. The old people were
very happy with the blankets.
They blessed the NGO members for their concern for the old people. With respect to the above
situation, answer the following questions:
a. What is the cost of one blanket donated?
b. What will be the cost of 550 such blankets?
c. Write the cost in Indian as well as International systems.
d. Name any two items that you can donate to an old age home(Value Based Question)
e. Which values do you learn from the given situation? (Value Based Question)
a) Crossword Puzzle
1... (3x4) + 5
3... (86,522 x 2) / 4
7... (7 x 9) + 13
10... (4 x 152)
11... 10th consecutive prime
12... twenty squared, plus one
13... 106 x 2
15... (228 x 4)
16... 2 x 2 x 3
18... 121 x 5
19... (1,300 x 5) + 4
21... (2,000 x 4) + 7 squared
23... three times five
25... 100,000 - 505
27... five times eight
28... (400 x 20) + (60 x 5) + 17
30... (1,460 x 4) + 3
32... 104 x 3
33... The sixth consecutive
34... (5 x 170) + 1
36... 5 x 29
37... (10 x 58.2)
38... This clue
39... (99 x 99)
43... (7 x 9) - 1
44... (16,493 x 2)
45... (2 x 2 x 2 x 3)
1... Square root of 100
4... six squared
5... (2 x 2) x 5
6... 4 x 17
7... (2,167,632 / 3)
8... (9 x 7)
9... (50 x 60) + (13 x 2)
20... (11,945 x 5)
22... (9 x 1,010) + 1
24... (1,000,000 / 2) + 33,182
26... (9 x 109)
29... (25 x 4) + (7 x 2)
31... 38-Across times a
hundred, plus eighty-three
Grid 1
12... (four times ten) plus one
13... (13,427 x 2)
14... ten squared
15... (100 x 100) - 582
16... (10 x 10) + ten minus one
17... (48,902 / 2)
35... (13 x 4)
38... six squared
39... (9 x 9) + 1
40... (25 x 4) minus 1
41... six times three
42... (3 x 18)
b) Riddle Time !!!
 Observe the given Grid 1 & Grid 2 carefully. They have some numbers
and basic operations already given alongside. Understand the pattern and
try to complete them by filling the missing numbers.
Grid 2
1. Map Activity
“ Latitudes and Longitudes are very
important to find the exact location of a place”.
Locate the state capitals on a Physical Map of India
and mention its latitudinal and longitudinal location as
per the given format.
One is done for you……
S.No. Name of
the state
Name of the
Longitudinal Latitudinal
28°28 ̋ N
77° 02 ̋ E
Activity Integrated with English and Computers
2. There are many activities that we do on daily basis by which we waste water, ITS HIGH TIME THAT WE
 What do you feel after observing the given picture? Write your views in 80-100 words on A4 size sheet.
 Using the tools of Microsoft software learnt in your computer class –
Create an animated poster showing the present condition of water on Earth.
Create a poster on the theme “ Save Water”
Keep in mind !!!
Poster should convey an effective message.
You must apply tools like word art, pictures, design template (page color) etc.
You should save your work in JPEG format.
Take the printout on A4 size sheet.
The first step toward change is awareness. Let us work towards
creating self-awareness about WATER, its availability and its
1. A lot of water can be saved by following a few simple habits like
keeping the tap closed while brushing teeth etc. List down at least 5
ways by which you can conserve water at home.
Only1% of water on earth is available for our use. Observe the pie chart given alongside &
carefully analyse it in terms of the given questions.
 Do you think that we are making wise use of Nature’s gift to us?
 Will it be available in sufficient amount for our future generations?
 If we do not start using this precious natural resource carefully and wisely one day will
come when there will be less fresh water available for us.
Now, make a project on the topic- ‘Scarcity of Water’ with the help of the
hints given below:
 Importance of water & its availability status.
Reasons for scarcity of water. (geographical, population or natural)
Combating strategies used by the people of these areas.
Steps taken by the government to overcome the situation.
Measures which we should use to conserve water.
3. Write two slogans/ quotes related to save water. The best one will be displayed in school
washrooms/ tap area. (write them neatly on colored A 4 size sheets)
4. Collect two leaves for each of parallel venation and reticulate venation and take out veins from it.
Paste the veins in your scrapbook and label them. Follow the given procedure to get the skeleton of
the leaves of your choice.
 Gather few leaves.
 Place them in a vessel large enough to accommodate them.
 Add 3/4 cup of washing soda and 4 cups of water to thevessel of leaves. Heat the mixture for
about 15 minutes.
 When the water comes to a boil reduce the flame.
 The washing soda will crystallize on top.
 Gently remove your leaves from the vessel.
 Place leaves in shallow baking dish with cool water and use a small blunt brush to remove the
remaining pulp.
 You will be amazed to see the veins of the leaves.
 You can refer to the following links to further understand the procedure.
 Submit your Holiday Homework to the respective Subject Teachers
not later than 4th July 2017.
 Late submission of work will not be accepted.