American History: Pre-Colonial Era to the Civil War

American History: Pre-Colonial Era to the Civil War
Eric Robinson
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The Americas. ; By Lord, Lewis., U.S. News & World Report, 08/16/1999, Vol. 127 Issue 7, p84 (NonScholarly Article)
Cahokia. ; By Dodd, Elizabeth., Southwest Review, Mar1992, Vol. 77 Issue 2/3, p277
Cahokia: North America's earthen mound city. ; By Werner, Lou., Americas, Jan1994, Vol. 46 Issue 1, p2
(Non-Scholarly Article)
Sampling Monks Mound. ; By Rose, Mark., Archaeology, Jan1999, Vol. 52 Issue 1, p24
Colonial Times-Interaction with Native Americans
American Indians in colonial history: A review essay. ; By Usner Jr., Daniel H.., Journal of American
Ethnic History, Jan1992, Vol. 11 Issue 2, p77
Captive Images. ; By Strong, Pauline Turner., Natural History, Dec1985, Vol. 94 Issue 12, p50 (Abstract
only. Full-text not available)
Dying Saints,Vanishing Savages 'Dying Indian Speeches' in Colonial New England Literature. ; By Bross,
Kristina., Early American Literature, Dec2001, Vol. 36 Issue 3, p325
Fatal Attraction: The White Obsession with Indianness. ; By Dyar, Jennifer., Historian, Jun2003, Vol. 65
Issue 4, p817
'A Friend To Go Between Them': The Interpreter as Cultural Broker During Anglo-Iroquois Councils,
1740-70. ; By Hagedorn, Nancy L.., Ethnohistory, Jan1988, Vol. 35 Issue 1, p60
The imposition of colonial jurisdiction over the Montauk Indians of Long Island. ; By Strong, John A..,
Ethnohistory, Sep1994, Vol. 41 Issue 4, p561
Intimacy and Empire. ; By McDonald, Dedra S.., American Indian Quarterly, Jan1998, Vol. 22 Issue 1/2,
The moral dimensions of 1492. ; By Axtell, James., Historian, Sep1993, Vol. 56 Issue 1, p17
`So many little republics': British negotiations with the Choctaw confederacy, 1765. ; By Galloway,
Patricia., Ethnohistory, Sep1994, Vol. 41 Issue 4, p513
`That unmanned wild country'. ; By Wilson, Samuel M.., Natural History, May1992, Vol. 101 Issue 5, p16
Colonial Times-General Articles
The beginnings of the colony of Georgia. ; By Lapezynski, Rebecca Ann., International Social Science
Review, Jan1998, Vol. 73 Issue 1/2, p37
The Emancipation of America. ; By Rodriguez O., Jaime E.., American Historical Review, Feb2000, Vol.
105 Issue 1, p131
Estimated Population of American Colonies, 1630-1780. , World Almanac & Book of Facts, Jan2003, p398
`JOIN, or DIE'. ; By COPELAND, DAVID., Journalism History, Sep1998, Vol. 24 Issue 3, p112 (Full-text
not available.)
The moral dimensions of 1492. ; By Axtell, James., Historian, Sep1993, Vol. 56 Issue 1, p17
The peculiar case of Mary Musgrove Matthews Bosomworth: Colonial Georgia's forgotten leader... ; By
Morris, Michael., International Social Science Review, Jan1996, Vol. 71 Issue 1/2, p14
Rocking the Plymouth Myth. ; By Deetz, James., Archaeology, Nov2000, Vol. 53 Issue 6, p16
Social and cultural capital in colonial British America: A case study. ; By Greene, Jack P.., Journal of
Interdisciplinary History, Jan1999, Vol. 29 Issue 3, p491
Hedges, William H.., Early American Literature, Sep1987, Vol. 22 Issue 2, p166
The unraveling of an Anglo-American Utopia in South Carolina. ; By Roper, Louis H.., Historian, Jan1996,
Vol. 58 Issue 2, p277
Yankee Slavery. ; By Schwartz, Sydney., Archaeology, Sep2001, Vol. 54 Issue 5, p19
Colonial Times-Religious Issues
Death, history and sociology: Stannard's Puritan way of death. ; By Houlbrooke, Ralph., Mortality,
Nov2000, Vol. 5 Issue 3, p317
Explaining Salem: Calvinist psychology and the diagnosis of... ; By Harley, David., American Historical
Review, Apr1996, Vol. 101 Issue 2, p306
Fire in the ashes of Puritanism: The conflict of discourses between John Greenleaf Whittier and... ; By
Vella, Michael., ATQ, Dec1991, Vol. 5 Issue 4, p301
George Washington on Religious Liberty. ; By Munoz, Vincent Phillip., Review of Politics, Jan2003, Vol.
65 Issue 1, p11
Frank., Early American Literature, Sep1990, Vol. 25 Issue 2, p200
Puritanism, paternalism, and power. ; By Higgs, Robert., Independent Review, Jan1998, Vol. 2 Issue 3,
Quakers in the New Jersey assembly, 1738-1775; A roll-call analysis. ; By Batinski, Michael C.., Historian,
Sep1991, Vol. 54 Issue 1, p65
Religious diversity and federalism. ; By Elazar, Daniel J.., International Social Science Journal, Mar2001,
Vol. 53 Issue 167
Religious encounters in a colonial context: New England and New France in the seventeenth century. ; By
Salisbury, Neal., American Indian Quarterly, Sep1992, Vol. 16 Issue 4, p501
Samuel Seabury: Virtue and Christian community in late eighteenth century America. ; By Kirkpatrick,
Frank G.., Anglican Theological Review, Jun1992, Vol. 74 Issue 3, p317
Solomon Stoddard and the origin of the great awakening... ; By Lucas, Paul R.., Historian, Jun1997, Vol.
59 Issue 4, p741
Theocracy in Massachusetts: The puritan universe of sacred imagination. ; By Zakai, Avihu., Studies in the
Literary Imagination, Mar1994, Vol. 27 Issue 1, p23
'They honor our Lord among themselves in their own way'. ; By Bilodeau, Christopher., American Indian
Quarterly, Jun2001, Vol. 25 Issue 3, p352
Tituba's Confession: The Multicultural Dimensions of the 1692 Salem Witch-Hunt. ; By Breslaw, Elaine
G.., Ethnohistory, Jun1997, Vol. 44 Issue 3, p535
Tocqueville's Puritans: Christianity and the American founding. ; By Kessler, Sanford., Journal of Politics,
Aug1992, Vol. 54 Issue 3, p776
American Revolution and the Birth of a Nation
The American Revolution. ; By Greene, Jack P.., American Historical Review, Feb2000, Vol. 105 Issue 1,
Ambiguity and unity in Jefferson's thought. ; By Lerner, Max., Society, Jan1997, Vol. 34 Issue 2, p45
Early American Literature, Dec2000, Vol. 35 Issue 3, p246
The English Problem of Identity in the American Revolution. ; By Wahrman, Dror., American Historical
Review, Oct2001, Vol. 106 Issue 4, p1236
Federalism and the Failure of Imperial Reform, 1774-1775. ; By York, Neil., History, Apr2001, Vol. 86
Issue 282
FLAG WAVING. ; By Pastoureau, Michel., Natural History, Dec2001, Vol. 110 Issue 10, p84
Freemasons and the American Revolution. ; By York, Neil L.., Historian, Jan1993, Vol. 55 Issue 2, p315
George Washington's leadership of Congress: Director or facilitator? ; By Edwards III, George C..,
Congress & the Presidency, Sep1991, Vol. 18 Issue 2, p163
The greatness of George Washington. ; By Wood, G.S.., Virginia Quarterly Review, Mar1992, Vol. 68
Issue 2, p189
Loyalty in the revolutionary war: General Robert Howe of North Carolina. ; By Ranlet, Philip., Historian,
Jun1991, Vol. 53 Issue 4, p721
On Hamilton and popular government. ; By Berns, Walter., Public Interest, Sep1992 Issue 109, p109
Social change, republican rhetoric, and the American... ; By Morris, Richard J.., Journal of Social History,
Dec1997, Vol. 31 Issue 2, p420
Theaters of the American Revolution. ; By Fuller, Randall., Early American Literature, Sep1999, Vol. 34
Issue 2, p126
Valley Forge as the cradle of democracy with Freemasonry as the integrating force (a truly most... ,
Education, Sep1992, Vol. 113 Issue 1, p8
William Tryon confronts the American Revolution, 1771-1780. ; By Nelson, Paul David., Historian,
Jan1991, Vol. 53 Issue 2, p267
Slave Trade, Slavery, and Abolitionism
Amistad(1997): Steven Spielberg's 'true story'. ; By Jeffrey, Julie Roy., Historical Journal of Film, Radio &
Television, Mar2001, Vol. 21 Issue 1 (Abstract only. No full-text available)
Antislavery politics and the Pearl incident of 1848. ; By Rohrs, Richard C.., Historian, Jun1994, Vol. 56
Issue 4, p711
'Cuffy,' 'Fancy Maids,' and 'One-Eyed Men': Rape, Commodification, and the Domestic Slave Trade in the
United States. ; By Baptist, Edward E.., American Historical Review, Dec2001, Vol. 106 Issue 5, p1619
Europeans and the rise and fall of African slavery in the Americas: An interpretation. ; By Eltis, David.,
American Historical Review, Dec1993, Vol. 98 Issue 5, p1399
Frederick Douglass's change of opinion on the U.S. Constitution: Abolitionism and the... ; By Gregory
Garvey, T.., ATQ, Sep1995, Vol. 9 Issue 3, p229
By Rousey, Dennis C.., Journal of Social History, Dec2001, Vol. 35 Issue 2, p373
Honest Abe and Uncle Tom. ; By Painter, Nell Irvin., Canadian Review of American Studies, Oct2000,
Vol. 30 Issue 3, p245
John Saffin: Slavery and racism in colonial Massachusetts. ; By Von Frank, Albert J.., Early American
Literature, Dec1994, Vol. 29 Issue 3, p254
Looking at Slavery from Broader Perspectives. ; By Davis, David Brion., American Historical Review,
Apr2000, Vol. 105 Issue 2, p452
Representative Man: Ralph Waldo Emerson in His Time. (Book). , American Literature, Mar1989, Vol. 61
Issue 1, p165
The South and the Black Radical Tradition: Then and Now. ; By Scott, Jerome., Critical Sociology,
Apr2002, Vol. 28 Issue 1/2, p169
Southern women and the Civil War. ; By Clinton, Catherine., Journal of Women's History, Sep1996, Vol. 8
Issue 3, p163
Through Slave Culture's Lens Comes the Abundant Source: Harriet A. Jacobs's Incidents in the... ; By
Beardslee, Karen E.., MELUS, Mar1999, Vol. 24 Issue 1, p37
Trade between Western Africa and the Atlantic World in the Pre-Colonial Era. ; By Eltis, David., American
Historical Review, Oct1988, Vol. 93 Issue 4, p936
Manifest Destiny and Westward Expansion
American Indian Treaties and the Presidents: A Guide to the Treaties Proclaimed by Each Administration. ;
By Bernholz, Charles D.., Social Studies, Sep2002, Vol. 93 Issue 5, p218
Antislavery politics and the Pearl incident of 1848. ; By Rohrs, Richard C.., Historian, Jun1994, Vol. 56
Issue 4, p711
Blank paper of the Constitution: The Louisiana Purchase debates. ; By Carson, David A.., Historian,
Mar1992, Vol. 54 Issue 3, p477
Frederick Douglass's change of opinion on the U.S. Constitution: Abolitionism and the... ; By Gregory
Garvey, T.., ATQ, Sep1995, Vol. 9 Issue 3, p229
James Buchanan: Jacksonian expansionist. ; By Binder, Frederick Moore., Historian, Sep1992, Vol. 55
Issue 1, p69
Jeffersonian Ideology and the Second Party System. ; By Brown, David., Historian, Sep1999, Vol. 62 Issue
1, p17
The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions. ; By Watkins Jr., William J.., Independent Review, Jan1999, Vol.
3 Issue 3, p385
Manifest Destiny revisited. ; By Brauer, Kinley., Diplomatic History, Mar1999, Vol. 23 Issue 2, p379
Methodists, Politics, and the Coming of the American Civil War. ; By Carwardine, Richard., Church
History, Sep2000, Vol. 69 Issue 3, p578
Migration and the Unmaking of America. ; By Bellfy, Phil., Journal of American Ethnic History, Mar2001,
Vol. 20 Issue 3, p9
Paintings of Manifest Destiny. ; By Aikin, Roger Cushing., American Art, Sep2000, Vol. 14 Issue 3, p78
(Full-text not available.)
The Plymouth Pulpit: Henry Ward Beecher's Slave Auction Block. ; By Shaw, Wayne., ATQ, Dec2000,
Vol. 14 Issue 4, p335
Review article. ; By Perdue, Theda., Ethnohistory, Sep1995, Vol. 42 Issue 4, p651
`Sweet Dreams of Freedom.' ; By Schwalm, Leslie A.., Journal of Women's History, Mar1997, Vol. 9 Issue
1, p9
Teaching about Manifest Destiny: Clarifying the Concept. ; By Chiodo, John J.., Social Studies, Sep2000,
Vol. 91 Issue 5, p203
Too small a place: The removal of the Wilamette Valley Indians, 1850-1856. ; By Spores, Ronald.,
American Indian Quarterly, Mar1993, Vol. 17 Issue 2, p171
The Antebellum Period and the Civil War
African-American Baltimore in the era of Frederick Douglass. ; By Towers, Frank., ATQ, Sep1995, Vol. 9
Issue 3, p165
Antebellum Agricultural Reform, Republican Ideology, and Sectional Tension. ; By Phillips, Sarah T.,
Agricultural History, Sep2000, Vol. 74 Issue 4, p799 (Abstract only. No full-text available)
The antebellum church. ; By Southern, Eileen., Black American Literature Forum, Mar1991, Vol. 25 Issue
1, p22
'The Awful Shock and Rage of Battle': Rethinking the Meaning and Consequences of Combat in the
American Civil War. ; By Dean Jr., Eric T.., War in History, Apr2001, Vol. 8 Issue 2, p149
Black experience in the union army: The other civil war. ; By Reid, Richard M.., Canadian Review of
American Studies, Sep1990, Vol. 21 Issue 2, p145
Catharsis, revision, and re-enactment: Negotiating the meaning of the American Civil War. ; By Allred,
Randal., Journal of American Culture (01911813), Dec1996, Vol. 19 Issue 4, p1
CONFEDERATE TESTIMONY. ; By Lewis, Clay., Sewanee Review, Mar2000, Vol. 108 Issue 2, p271
The Contestation over National Identity: Nineteenth-Century Black Americans in Canada. ; By Rhodes,
Jane., Canadian Review of American Studies, Mar2000, Vol. 30 Issue 2, p175
CREATED BY THE CIVIL WAR. ; By Wartman, Michelle., International Social Science Review,
Jun2001, Vol. 76 Issue 3/4, p122
The Great Centralizer. ; By DiLorenzo, Thomas J.., Independent Review, Sep1998, Vol. 3 Issue 2, p243
Honest Abe and Uncle Tom. ; By Painter, Nell Irvin., Canadian Review of American Studies, Oct2000,
Vol. 30 Issue 3, p245
The literature of the antebellum south. ; By Bradford, M.E.., Sewanee Review, Jun1991, Vol. 99 Issue 3,
Methodists, Politics, and the Coming of the American Civil War. ; By Carwardine, Richard., Church
History, Sep2000, Vol. 69 Issue 3, p578
Profile of a citizen army: Shiloh's soldiers. ; By Frank, Joseph Allan., Armed Forces & Society, Sep1991,
Vol. 18 Issue 1, p97
CONFEDERATE ARMY. ; By Knight, James Thomas., International Social Science Review, Jun2001,
Vol. 76 Issue 3/4, p130
System, Organization, and Agricultural Reform in the Antebellum South, 1840-1860. ; By Collins, Steven
G.., Agricultural History, Jan2001, Vol. 75 Issue 1, p1 (Abstract only. No full-text available)
The Union blockade and demoralization of the South: Relative prices in the Confederacy. ; By Ekelund Jr.,
Robert B.., Social Science Quarterly (University of Texas Press), Dec1992, Vol. 73 Issue 4, p890
Union Civil War Patriotic Covers: An Overview. ; By Boyd, Steven R.., Journal of American Culture
(01911813), Sep1998, Vol. 21 Issue 3, p1
Using Songs to Help Teach the Civil War. ; By Waller, Lynn., Social Studies, Jul2001, Vol. 92 Issue 4,
War, reconstruction, and the end of the old republic. ; By Wilson, Clyde., Society, Sep1996, Vol. 33 Issue
6, p68
Weddings on Contested Grounds: Slave Marriage in the Antebellum South. ; By Will, Thomas E..,
Historian, Sep1999, Vol. 62 Issue 1, p99
Brown, Alexis Girardin., Historian, Jun2000, Vol. 62 Issue 4, p759
`Bloody Caddo': White violence against blacks in a Louisiana parish, 1865-1876. ; By Vandal, Gilles.,
Journal of Social History, Dec1991, Vol. 25 Issue 2, p373
Class and State in Postemancipation Societies: Southern Planters in Comparative Perspective. ; By Hahn,
Steven., American Historical Review, Feb1990, Vol. 95 Issue 1, p85
From Our Archives: A New Look at the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson. ; By Benedict, Michael Les.,
Political Science Quarterly, Sep1998, Vol. 113 Issue 3, p493
`Reconstruction is still in abeyance': Walt Whitman's Democratic Vistas and the federalizing... ; By
Mancuso, Luke., ATQ, Sep1994, Vol. 8 Issue 3, p229
Slavery as an Interpretive Issue in the Reconstruction Congresses. ; By Brandwein, Pamela., Law &
Society Review, Jun2000, Vol. 34 Issue 2, p315
War, reconstruction, and the end of the old republic. ; By Wilson, Clyde., Society, Sep1996, Vol. 33 Issue
6, p68
`Your old father Abe Lincoln is dead and damned': Black soldiers and the Memphis race riot of 1866. ; By
Hardwick, Kevin R.., Journal of Social History, Sep1993, Vol. 27 Issue 1, p109