The Reading Section: Read Everything Carefully
Budget about 2.5 HOURS for the ENTIRE reading section
o 1.5 hours to read all the passages AND answer the multiple choice questions
o ONLY 1 hour for the SHORT ANSWER SECTION (approximately 15-20 MINUTES per short answer)
Don’t let the subject matter of a passage or its length throw you; trust that you can handle anything this
test throws at you.
You’ve been working on strategies for this test all year long in class, even if I didn’t specifically tell you it
was STAAR related—YOU ARE READY.
Read the passages twice
o Read once for comprehending the passage and identifying the overall theme or main idea; and
o Read a second time (after glancing at the questions) for making notes about details, literary
elements, unfamiliar vocabulary, etc.
o Read EVERYTHING—charts, graphs, maps, legends, keys, etc.
o Ask yourself questions about the passage, make PREDICTIONS, and draw CONCLUSIONS
o Create mental pictures by VISUALIZING what is occurring in the text
o Look for LITERARY ELEMENTS, e.g. themes, symbols, irony, etc.
o Make connections with what you already know; use your SCHEMA
o SUMMARIZE the text in your own words, and write summaries for every couple of paragraphs if you
o Think about what is IMPORTANT
Imagine we are back in the classroom, and we just finished reading
What questions would I ask you?
What do I usually make sure you focus on?
o Underline, circle, and highlight (mark up) the text and take notes
o Since you have a dictionary, look up words you do not know; STAAR passages are written on the
9th-grade reading level and HIGHER
o Use your finger or a place marker to underscore the line you are reading
This forces your mind to slow down and really focus
Ignore everything (and everyone) else in the room
The Reading Section: Tackling the Multiple Choice Questions
NOTE: There will be 7 FIELD-TEST QUESTIONS added to the base test in this section.
Read each question carefully, highlighting key words and phrases; you may have to decode—uncover,
decipher, or reword—the question to figure out what is really being asked.
Carefully read ALL of the answer choices for each question, even after you think you know the answer.
When you decide to eliminate an answer choice, mark it off with your pencil; it may also help to write
WHY you eliminated that answer choice in the margin.
Answer choices must COMPLETELY answer the question.
Process of elimination method
o Eliminate any OBVIOUSLY WRONG answer choices
o Eliminate any answer choices that are TOO BROAD OR TOO NARROW in scope; these answer
choices include unnecessary, extra information or not enough information to satisfy the
o Eliminate ILLOGICAL answer choices (these don’t make sense)
o If two answer choices are close (and there will be some that seem somewhat reasonable),
choose the BEST answer—the answer choice that answers ALL PARTS of the question
Substitution method (fill-in-the-blank)
o REPHRASE the question, leaving a blank where the answer should be
o Fill in the blank with each answer choice until you find the BEST answer to the question
Using the context clues method
o When a question directs you to a specific set of lines, words, or phrases, LOCATE THE
o Read the sentence PRECEDING the reference, the sentence OF the reference, and the
sentence FOLLOWING the reference
o Choose the BEST answer to the question
The Reading Section: Surviving the Short Answer Questions
NOTE: There will be 1 FIELD-TEST SHORT ANSWER added to the base test in this section.
Budget NO MORE THAN 1 HOUR for the short answers (approximately 15-20 MINUTES per short answer)
Read the questions carefully, highlighting key words and phrases; you may have to decode—uncover,
decipher, or reword—the questions to figure out what is really being asked.
While most short answer questions will be about a single selection, you will encounter at least one
CROSSOVER QUESTION, a question that asks a question about a thematically-linked pair of passages.
Your response to each short answer question should mainly be IN YOUR OWN WORDS, with quotes
sprinkled throughout “like chocolate chips in cookies”.
Word choice is ESSENTIAL in communicating an effective response; utilize the dictionary and thesaurus
provided to you to improve your diction. [Caution: Your word choice must compliment your writing style.]
The response box contains 10 lines (including the bottom); you CANNOT write outside this box, nor can
you add any lines within the box.
You must still complete the writing process for each short answer question: brainstorm, rough draft,
revise, edit, and final copy.
Your handwriting must be LEGIBLE; if the graders cannot read it, or if your handwriting is difficult to
discern, your score will suffer.
Step 1: Answer the Question [gift]
o Answer the question by restating part of the question
o Be sure your answer sufficiently responds to all parts of the question
o When responding to a crossover question, provide the title of each story in your response
Step 2: Back Up Your Answer [wrapping paper]
o Support you answer by giving TWO (2) RELEVANT, DIRECT QUOTES from the passage that are
relevant to the question
o Use only what textual evidence is NECESSARY to support your answer
o A quote should NEVER stand alone; provide a lead-in or introduction to the quote, the necessary
textual evidence, and follow-up with commentary
o When responding to a crossover question, provide TWO (2) QUOTES from each story in your
Step 3: Connect Answer and Evidence (proof statement) [bow]
o Explain HOW the textual evidence relates to the question’s answer
o Analyze rather than recite by using some of these stems:
Since ___, then ___
Because of ___, then ___
As a result of ___, then ___
o Provide a thematic link between the passages for the crossover question
The Writing Section: Reaching the Revising and Editing Questions
NOTE: There will be 6 FIELD-TEST QUESTIONS added to the base test in this section.
Budget about 2.5 HOURS for the ENTIRE writing section
o 30 MINUTES to read the revising and editing passages AND answer the multiple choice questions,
Contrary to TAKS, you are now ALLOWED to have a dictionary and thesaurus in the revising and editing
section of the STAAR test.
Read each passage provided SLOWLY AND CAREFULLY; note in the margin any errors in GUMPS you
notice as you read.
Read the questions carefully, paying close attention to HOW the question and answer choices are worded.
After you have chosen the BEST answer to a question, go back to the passage and physically MAKE THE
CHANGE in each passage (questions build on another).
The correct answer WILL NOT contain an error.
The Writing Section: Waltzing Through the Written Composition
NOTE: There will be 1 FIELD-TEST PROMPT added to the base test in this section.
Budget about 2.5 HOURS for the ENTIRE writing section
o NO MORE than 1 HOUR PER ESSAY (10 minutes to brainstorm, 20-25 minutes to write a rough draft,
10-15 minutes to revise and edit, and 15-20 minutes to NEATLY write your final copy).
Read the prompt carefully, highlighting key words and phrases; you may have to decode—uncover,
decipher, or reword—the prompt to figure out what is really being asked of you.
Remember, the STAAR essay prompts contain a considerable amount of extraneous information; this is
designed to ease students into the prompt but is sometimes more confusing for students and can be
marked out.
Students must write using MULTIPLE INDENTED PARAGRAPHS; your essay should contain AT LEAST 3-4
o Introduction
3-4 lines that must contain a hook (beginning) and your CLEAR thesis (end of introduction)
Restate part of the prompt to help form your thesis if needed
o Body paragraph(s)
18-20 lines (If writing multiple body paragraphs, try to have similar lengths)
Must contain SPECIFIC EXAMPLES to help EXPLAIN or illustrate your thesis statement
o Examples can be a personal anecdote, from current events, from historical events, etc.
DO NOT make your personal example into a narrative.
You ARE NOT telling a story; you’re simply referencing something from you own
experience to support your thesis
o It’s not enough to include examples; you must also answer/explain this question: How
does my example prove my thesis?
They must be clearly organized and effectively developed—NOT a hit-and-run example
o Conclusion
2-4 lines
Restate your thesis
Diction, or word choice, is ESSENTIAL in communicating an effective response; utilize the dictionary and
thesaurus provided to you to improve your diction. [Caution: Be sure your word choice COMPLIMENTS
your writing style. You don’t want to end up like Joey on Friends.]
Language to avoid:
o Anything from the “no-no” list: contractions, misspelled words, abbreviations, slang, a lot/a lot,
alright, get, got, getting, stuff, things, you, your, it is, that is, there is, there are, they are, etc.
o Phrases such as, “I think” or “I believe”—remember, these phrases WEAKEN your essay
The response box contains 26 LINES (including the bottom); you CANNOT write outside this box, nor can
you add any lines within the box.
You must still complete the writing process for each short answer question: brainstorm, rough draft,
revise, edit, and final copy.
Your handwriting must be LEGIBLE; if the graders cannot read it, or if your handwriting is difficult to
discern, your score will suffer.