OHIO IMPAIRED DRIVING LAW TYPES OF OFFENSES ! Operation under the influence of alcohol, drug of abuse or both. RC 4511.19(A)(1)(a). ! Operation with concentration of alcohol specified below. RC 4511.19(A)(1)(b)-(i). Alcohol Level Low Test High Test Whole Blood ≥ .08% §(A)(1)(b) < .17% ≥ .17% §(A)(1)(f) Blood Serum or Plasma ≥ .096% §(A)(1)(c) < .204% ≥ .204% §(A)(1)(g) Breath ≥ .08g §(A)(1)(d) < .17g ≥ .17g §(A)(1)(h) Urine ≥ .11g < .238g ≥ .238g §(A)(1)(e) §(A)(1)(i) ! Operation with concentration of controlled substance specified below. RC 4511.19(A)(1)(j)(i)-(xi). Controlled Substance Urine Whole Blood, Blood Serum or Plasma Section No. Amphetamine Cocaine Cocaine Metabolite Heroin ≥ 500 ng ≥ 150 ng ≥ 150 ng ≥ 2000 ng ≥ 100 ng ≥ 50 ng ≥ 50 ng ≥ 50 ng (A)(1)(j)(i) (A)(1)(j)(ii) (A)(1)(j)(iii) (A)(1)(j)(iv) Heroin Metabolite (6-monoacetyl morphine) ≥ 10 ng ≥ 10 ng (A)(1)(j)(v) ≥ ≥ 25 ng 10 ng ≥ 10 ng ≥ 2 ng (A)(1)(j)(vi) (A)(1)(j)(vii) ≥ 15 ng ≥ 35 ng ≥ 500 ng ≥ 25 ng ≥ 5 ng ≥ 50 ng ≥ 100 ng ≥ 10 ng (A)(1)(j)(viii)(I) (A)(1)(j)(viii)(II) (A)(1)(j)(ix) (A)(1)(j)(x) L.S.D. Marihuana Marihuana Metabolite and under the influence Marihuana Metabolite Methamphetamine Phencyclidine Salvia divinorum and salvinorin A To be specified by State Board of Pharmacy rule To be specified by State Board of Pharmacy rule (A)(1)(j)(xi) ! Operation under the influence of alcohol, drug of abuse or both, with prior OVI conviction in 20 years, and with current refusal of chemical test or tests. RC 4511.19(A)(2). ! Operation by person under age 21 with concentration of alcohol specified below. RC 4511.19(B)(1)-(4). Whole Blood ≥ .02% < .08% Blood Serum or Plasma §(B)(1) ≥ .03% < .096% §(B)(2) Breath ≥ .02g < .08g Urine §(B)(3) ≥ .028g < .11g §(B)(4) ! Having physical control while under the influence of alcohol, drug of abuse or both, or with concentration of alcohol or controlled substance equal to or greater than §(A)(1)(b)-(e) or (j) amounts. RC 4511.194(B)(1)-(3). ADMINISTRATIVE LICENSE SUSPENSIONS1 Refusal of Chemical Test RC 4511.191(B) No. of Refusal/ Offense in 10 Years 1st 2nd 3rd 4th or more Type and Length2 of Suspension Class C (1 year) Class B (2 years) Class A (3 years) 5 years Driving Privileges After 30 days After 90 days After 1 year4 After 3 years4 Restricted Plates Restricted license/ Interlock3 Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Failed Chemical Test5 RC 4511.191(C) No. of Offense in 10 Years 1st 2nd Type and Length6 of Suspension Class E (90 days) Class C (1 year) Driving Privileges After 15 days After 45 days Restricted Plates Restricted license/ Interlock3 Optional Optional Optional Optional 3rd Class B (2 years) After 180 days7 Optional 4th or more Class A (3 years) After 3 years7 Optional Required if alcoholrelated; optional if drug. Required if alcoholrelated; optional if drug. 1 The imposition of an ALS, or a violation of RC 4506.15(A), results in a one-year commercial driver’s (CDL) license disqualification. A second anytime results in a lifetime disqualification. RC 4506.16(D). No CDL privileges may be granted on an ALS or OVI suspension. RC 4510.13(A)(4). Further, CDL operators are subject to separate offenses prohibiting lower alcohol and/or controlled substance levels while operating a commercial vehicle. RC 4506.15. 2 Refusal suspension terminates upon guilty or no contest plea resulting in conviction with time served to be credited against judicial suspension. RC 4511.191(B)(2). However, a subsequent finding of not guilty does not affect the suspension. RC 4511.191(D)(1). 3 A RC 4510.46 certified ignition interlock device (IID) violation, or operation of vehicle without IID, is subject to RC 4510.13(A)(8) penalties. Operation without a restricted license is subject to RC 4511.14 penalties. 4 No privileges may be granted to offender with refusal who has had three or more test refusals within the preceding ten years. RC 4510.13(A)(3). 5 Failed chemical test result is a concentration of alcohol or controlled substance equal to or greater than RC 4511.19(A)(1)(b)-(e) or (j) amounts. RC 4511.191(C)(1). 6 Suspension for failing test terminates upon guilty or no contest plea resulting in conviction with time served is to be credited against judicial suspension. RC 4511.191(C)(2). Under RC 4511.191(D)(1), any subsequent finding of not guilty does not affect the suspension. But under RC 4511.197(D), where the suspension is continued upon appeal, a subsequent finding of not guilty terminates it. 7 No privileges may be granted to offender with failed test who has had three or more convictions or guilty pleas within the preceding ten years. RC 4510.13(A)(3). Appeal RC 4511.197 An administrative license suspension may be appealed at the initial appearance (5 day hearing), or within 30 days of the same. The scope of appeal is limited to determining whether one or more of the following conditions have not been met:* 1. Whether the officer had reasonable ground to believe the person was OVI, OVUAC, or in physical control in violation of statute or municipal ordinance, and whether the person was in fact placed under arrest. RC 4511.197(C)(1). 2. Whether the officer requested the person to submit to a chemical test or tests. RC 4511.197(C)(2). 3. Whether the officer informed the person of consequences of taking or refusing test or tests; or for repeat OVI offender that would be required to be sentenced under RC 4511.19(G)(1)(c),(d), or (e), that in event of test refusal officer could use whatever reasonable means were necessary to ensure the person submitted to a blood test. RC 4511.197(C)(3). 4. Whichever of the following applies: a. if a test refusal suspension was imposed, whether the person refused to submit to test or tests requested by the officer, or b. if a failed test suspension was imposed, whether at the time of the offense, the bodily substance tested contained a prohibited concentration of alcohol or a listed controlled substance or metabolite. RC 4511.197(C)(4). * Note, however, that BMV Form 2261 (ALS Court Disposition Notification), sets forth additional reasons for appeal not contained in RC 4511.197(C). PENALTIES OPERATING VEHICLE UNDER THE INFLUENCE RC 4511.19(A),(G) - 6 POINTS No. and Type of Offense Degree of Offense 1st in 10 years [simple OVI, low test or drug] M-1 1st in 10 years and either: [a] high test, or [b] refusal with prior in 20 years unlimited privileges with IID, jail to be suspended]1 6 days jail or 3 days jail and DIP. Up to 6 months. [If ∆ given unlimited privileges with IID, jail to be suspended]1 10 days jail or 5 days jail and 18 days HAEM and/or CAM.2 Up to 6 months. M-1 2nd in 10 years and either: [a] high test, or [b] refusal with prior in 20 years M-1 3rd in 10 years [simple OVI, low test or drug] Unclassified misdemeanor 3rd in 10 years and either: [a] high test, or [b] refusal with prior in 20 years Unclassified misdemeanor Either: [a] 4th or 5th in 10 years, or [b] 6th in 20 years [simple OVI, low test or drug] Either: [a] 4th or 5th in 10 years, or [b] 6th in 20 years [ and high test or refusal] 2nd felony lifetime [simple OVI, low test or drug] 2nd felony lifetime, and either: [a] high test, or [b] refusal 1st or 2nd felony lifetime with RC 2941.1413 specification st Fines 3 days jail or DIP. Up to 6 months. [If ∆ given M-1 2nd in 10 years [simple OVI, low test or drug] Incarceration 20 days jail or 10 days jail and 36 days HAEM and/or CAM.2 Up to 6 months. 30 days jail or 15 days jail and 55 days HAEM and/or CAM.2 Up to 1 year. 60 days jail or 30 days jail and 110 days HAEM and/or CAM.2 Up to 1 year. Treatment Type and Length of Suspension Unclassified $375 $1,075 Optional $375 $1,075 Optional $525 $1,625 Alcohol/drug assessment and recommended treatment mandatory $525 $1,625 Alcohol/drug assessment and recommended treatment mandatory $850 $2,750 Alcohol/drug Addiction program mandatory Unclassified (2 to 12 years) $850 $2,750 Alcohol/drug addiction program mandatory Unclassified (2 to 12 years) $1,350 $10,500 Alcohol/drug addiction program mandatory Class 2 (3 years to life) (1 to 3 years) Unclassified (1 to 3 years) Unclassified (1 to 7 years) Unclassified (1 to 7 years) [minimum may be reduced to 1 year] [minimum may be reduced to 1 year] Driving Privileges Restricted Plates and/or License/ Interlock Immobilization/ Forfeiture After 15 days1 Plates optional. License/interlock required with unlimited privileges. No After 15 days1 Plates required. License/interlock required with unlimited privileges. No After 45 days3 Plates optional. License/interlock required if alcoholrelated, optional if drug. Immobilize 90 days if registered to ∆4, 5 After 45 days3 Plates required. License/interlock required if alcoholrelated, optional if drug. Immobilize 90 days if registered to ∆4, 5 After 180 days3, 6 After 180 days3, 6 Forfeit if registered to ∆7 Class 2 (3 years to life) After 3 years3, 6 Plates required. License/interlock required if alcoholrelated, optional if drug-related. Forfeit if registered to ∆7 F-4 120 days local incarceration, up to 1 year; or 120 days prison, with option of additional 8 6 to 30 months. $1,350 $10,500 Alcohol/drug addiction program mandatory F-3 60 days prison. Up to 36 months.8, 9 $1,350 $10,500 Alcohol/drug addiction program mandatory Class 2 (3 years to life) After 3 years3, 6 F-3 120 days prison. Up to 36 months.8, 9 $1,350 $10,500 Alcohol/drug addiction program mandatory Class 2 (3 years to life) After 3 years3, 6 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years prison to be served prior and consecutive to any F-4 or F-3 penalties as set forth in boxes above and which may be imposed. $1,350 $10,500 Alcohol/drug addiction program mandatory Class 2 (3 years to life) After 3 years3, 6 F-3 (2nd felony) Forfeit if registered to ∆7 After 3 years3, 6 F-4 (1 felony) Forfeit if registered to ∆7 Plates required. License/interlock required if alcoholrelated, optional if drug. 60 days local incarceration, up to 1 year; or 60 days prison, with option of 8 additional 6 to 30 months. F-4 Plates required. License/interlock required if alcoholrelated, optional if drug-related. Plates required. License/interlock required if alcoholrelated, optional if drug. Plates required. License/interlock required if alcoholrelated, optional if drug. Plates required. License/interlock required if alcoholrelated, optional if drug. Plates required. License/interlock required if alcoholrelated, optional if drug. Forfeit if registered to ∆7 Forfeit if registered to ∆7 Forfeit if registered to ∆7 1 If defendant requests and court grants order of “unlimited driving privileges” with certified ignition interlock device (IID), it must suspend any jail term imposed (but the term must be served if order is violated during suspension period). RC 4510.022(C)(2)(c); RC 4519.11(G)(1)(a). Court may reduce up to one-half of the license suspension period. RC 4510.022(C)(2)(b). RC 4510.14 penalties apply if ∆ fails to obtain restricted license. RC 4510.022(D)(2). Penalties for violation of IID order contained in RC 4510.022(E). 2 “HAEM” is house arrest with electronic monitoring. “CAM” is continuous alcohol monitoring. Within 60 days, court must issue finding of lack of jail space. RC 4511.19(G)(3). 3 RC 4510.46 IID violation or operation of vehicle without IID is subject to RC 4510.13(A)(8) penalties. Operation without restricted license is subject to RC 4511.14 penalties. 4 Court may terminate immobilization if privileges granted. Upon good cause showing that ∆ violated any condition, immobilization may be reinstated. RC 4510.13(A)(5)(e)(ii). 5 Waiver may be granted for “family or household member” if completely dependent on vehicle and immobilization would be undue hardship. RC 4503.235. 6 No privileges may be granted on suspension imposed on offender who has had three or more convictions or guilty pleas within the preceding ten years. RC 4510.13(A)(3). 7 If vehicle forfeiture is required and title is assigned/transferred, offender may be fined value of vehicle per national auto dealers’ association publications. RC 4503.234(E). 8 Under RC 2967.19, court has limited power to order early release for felony offender serving prison term imposed under RC 2929.13(G)(2). 9 Ohio Supreme Court held in State v. South, 2015-Ohio-3930, that under RC 2929.14(B)(4), the maximum sentence for an F-3 OVI is 36 months rather than 5 years as provided in RC 4511.19(G)(1)(e). Although South involved an F-3 with an RC 2941.1413 specification, its logic would apply to any F-3 OVI. OPERATING VEHICLE AFTER UNDERAGE ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION RC 4511.19(B),(H) - 4 POINTS No. of Offense Degree of Offense Incarceration Fines Treatment 1st in 1 year M-4 0-30 days jail [If ∆ given unlimited privileges with IID, jail to be suspended] $0-$250 Optional M-3 0-60 days jail $0-$500 Optional 2nd or more in 1 year License Suspension Driving Privileges Restricted License/ Interlock Immobilization/ Forfeiture Class 6 (90 days to 2 years) After 60 days License/interlock required with unlimited privileges No After 60 days Optional No [may be reduced up to half w/IID] Class 4 (1 to 5 years) PHYSICAL CONTROL WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE RC 4511.194 - 0 POINTS No. of Offense Degree of Offense Incarceration Fines Treatment License Suspension Driving Privileges Restricted License/ Interlock Immobilization/ Forfeiture Any M-1 0-180 days jail $0 - $1,000 Optional Class 7 optional (Up to 1 year) No “hard-time” Optional No Judge Jennifer P. Weiler, Garfield Heights Municipal Court © 2017 Jennifer P. Weiler. All rights reserved. Effective 4-6-2017. Updated 4-26-2017.
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