BY + nome (∅ article): come si viaggia → I go BY bus – train – car – taxi – tube – ship – plane etc. (on foot – on horseback)
MA se si intende mezzo specifico (articolo / possessivo / dimostrativo / numeri) : in → CAR / TAXI / BOAT | on → TRAIN /
BIKE (bicycle) / PLANE / SHIP ETC. : We came in the car / in a taxi – It’ll be quicker to go in the / my car – Did you go in your
car or in Peter’s? - On my bike – We travelled on the 6.50 train (bus / boat / plane etc.)
BY: by heart / by ear / by chance / He took the child by the hand / Are you paid by the week or by the month?
EX 1 TICK the parts which each vehicle below usually has. Use a dictionary to help you.
steering wheel
EX 2 COMPLETE sentences a-f with words from ex 1.
a My dad keeps a first-aid kit in the ________ of his car.
b Mountain bikes are better for rough terrain than road bikes because they have wider, thicker ________.
c I'm not surprised your speedboat was stolen - you always leave the key in the ________!
d As he approached the junction, he tried to slow down but, to his horror, found that his ________ weren't working.
e His passenger reached across and grabbed the ________ just before they hit the wall.
f My bike hit the kerb and stopped, and I flew over the ________ onto the pavement.
EX 3 COMPLETE sentences a-f with the correct verb in an appropriate form.
a We missed the turning the first time, so turned the car around and __________ .
b I was too late. Just as I reached the platform, the train __________.
c Most people slow down when they __________ a police car waiting by the side of the road.
d The bus driver lost control of his vehicle and __________ a lamppost.
e As she drove past the accident, a piece of glass on the road __________ one of her tyres.
f A sudden gust of wind made her __________ into the middle of the road.
go back / reverse
pull away / pull up
overtake / pass
crash / hit
break / puncture
steer / swerve
EX 4 COMPLETE gaps 1-7 in this advertisement for a car using the words in the box.
steering wheel
The new FT 150 has a powerful (1) _______ designed to deliver maximum power with minimum pollution. It's certainly a hi-tech
car. A new kind of (2) _______ uses fingerprint recognition to start the car, rather than a traditional key. The audio system and
satellite navigation can both be controlled without taking your hands off the (3) _______, as can the automatic (4) _______ which
folds back at the flick of a switch and stores itself in the (5) _______ in under 30 seconds. It's one of the safest cars on the market
too. Not only is the (6) _______ heated to ensure excellent visibility even in icy conditions, but the (7) _______ are also designed to
perform perfectly whatever the weather.
EX 5 DECIDE which word in each of a-f does not belong. SAY what connects the other three words.
a platform
departure lounge customs
b hand luggage
overhead locker suitcase
c sail
d bus driver
flight attendant
ticket inspector
e barge
f passport
ticket office
EX 6 CHOOSE the correct verb in phrases a-f.
a to board / to mount a plane
b to lift / to pick up a passenger
c to get onto / to get into a motorbike
d to change / to move trains
e to cancel / to take away a flight
f to get onto / to get into a car
EX 7 COMPLETE the email with words and phrases from 5 and 6 in the correct form.
New Message
What a terrible journey!! The taxi was late 0 picking us up, so we got to the station two minutes before our train left. There was a
queue at the 1 _________ , so we went straight to the 2 _________ and got onto the train, which was just about to leave. When we
tried to buy a ticket from the 3 _________, we discovered that we were on the wrong train. We had to get off at the next station and 4
_________ trains, which is a nightmare when you're carrying four large 5 _________!
At the airport, we queued for an hour at 6 _________ to get our boarding pass and then we waited in the 7 _________ for two hours
before being called to the gate. When they finally allowed us to 8 _________ the plane, I found that I'd been given a window seat,
even though I'd asked for an aisle /’ail/ seat. And to cap it all, the plane sat on the runway for fifty minutes because of a technical
The end of the flight was just as bad. We landed with a huge bump, the 9 _________ above my seat flew open, and my own 10
_________ fell down and hit me on the shoulder.
EX 8 LOOK at the photos. SAY whether or not you would enjoy these ways of travelling. Give REASONS, thinking about
the following and your own ideas.
 scenery
EX 9
 comfort
 speed
 company
In pairs think of as many reasons as you can why people go on holiday. Discuss your ideas with another pair.
EX 10 In many countries people are taking longer, more frequent and more expensive holidays than in previous
generations. Why do you think this is? Think about
 work and pay
 the Internet
 cost of travel
 lifestyles and interests
 travel (uncountable noun: you do not say 'a travel') and travelling are used to mean the general activity of moving
from place to place (the activity of travelling)
• Air travel is becoming cheaper.
• Her work involves a lot of travelling.
• The new job involves a fair amount of travel.
means of travel (= transport, the type of vehicle you use)
• We went by bus - the cheapest means of travel.
- rail / air / space travel
• Rail travel in Britain seems to be getting more and more unreliable.
Travels [plural] journeys to places that are far away, usually for pleasure
• We met some very interesting people on our travels in Thailand.
 jaunt /dʒɔ:nt/ n. gita; escursione; breve viaggio di piacere.
 journey: the act of travelling from one place to another, especially in a vehicle
• a long and difficult journey (NOT travel) through the mountains
• I read during the train journey to work.
• Did you have a good journey? (=Were you comfortable, was the train on time …)
 trip: a short journey, or a journey you do not usually make, and come back again. Use this when the emphasis
is on where you are going or why you are going there
• my first trip to the States
• a business trip / school trip / one-day trip
• Was it a good trip? (=Did you achieve what you wanted to or have a good time there?)
• I was moved by the story of Asa Singleton's trip around the world
 excursion: a short journey arranged so that a group of people can visit a place, especially while they are on
Included in the tour is an excursion to the Grand Canyon.
 voyage: a long journey, especially by sea or in space
an around-the-world voyage
a voyage in space
The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage (= first journey).
(figurative) Going to college can be a voyage of self-discovery.
Darwin's epic voyage of exploration
 cruise: a journey by sea, visiting different places, especially as a holiday / vacation I'd love to go on a round-theworld cruise.
 crossing: a journey across something such as a sea, from one side to the other
• a three-hour ferry crossing || • a rough crossing from Dover to Calais
• the first Atlantic crossing || • The crossing takes 90 minutes.
 flight is used for a journey by air
• Have a good flight!
 hike: a long walk, especially in the countryside
have / take (BE) a holiday / (NAE) a vacation / a break / a day off / (BE) a gap year / a cruise
go on / be on holiday / vacation / leave (congedo, permesso) / honeymoon / (a) safari / a trip / a tour / a journey / a
package holiday (tour) / a cruise / a pilgrimage
make / take / have / go on / set out on a voyage / a journey / a trip / a tour / an excursion
take a plane, a ship, a flight
go backpacking (fare escursioni con lo zaino; fare trekking) / camping / hitchhiking / sightseeing
plan a trip / a holiday / a vacation / your itinerary
book accommodation / a hotel room / a flight / tickets
have / make / cancel a reservation / (especially BE) booking
rent a villa / a holiday home / a holiday cottage
hire / (especially NAE) rent a car / bicycle / moped
stay in a hotel / a bed and breakfast / a youth hostel / a villa / a holiday home / a caravan / camper (van) / holiday farm
cost / charge $100 a / per night for a single / double / twin / (BE) en suite room
check into / out of a hotel / a motel / your room
pack / unpack your suitcase / bags
call / order room service
cancel / cut short (interrompere) a trip / holiday / vacation
Foreign travel
apply for / get / renew a / your passport
take out (sottoscrivere) / buy / get travel insurance
catch / miss your plane / train / ferry / connecting flight
fly (in) / travel in business / economy class
make / have a brief / two-day / twelve-hour stopover (sosta, fermata) / layover (spec. NAE) (sosta, tappa durante un
viaggio, spec. in aereo) in Hong Kong
experience / cause / lead to delays (ritardi)
check (in) / collect / get / lose (your) luggage / baggage
be charged for / pay excess baggage
board / get on / leave / get off the aircraft / the plane / the ship / the ferry
experience / hit / encounter severe turbulence
suffer from / recover from / get over your jet lag / travel sickness
The tourist industry
attract / draw / bring tourists / visitors
encourage / promote / hurt (danneggiare, nuocere) tourism
promote / develop ecotourism
visit a tourist / holiday / seaside / beach / ski / health resort / spa
work for a major hotel chain
compete with low-cost / low-fare / budget airlines
book something through / make a booking through a travel agent
contact / check with your travel agent / tour operator
buy / bring back (tacky (di cattivo gusto) / overpriced) souvenirs
(expressing likes / dislikes) mass / package / educational / cultural / archaeological / religious / ecological / eco-friendly
/ environmental / nature-based / green / alternative / farm / exotic / culinary tourism
General travel expressions
I go by plane = I fly - I go by car = I drive
I go by ship = I sail - I go by bicycle / bike / motorcycle / motorbike = I ride
I go on horse = I ride - I go on foot = I walk
To commute is to make the same journey regularly between work and home.
It's exhausting commuting from Brighton to London every day.
EX 1 TICK the parts which each vehicle below usually has. Use a dictionary to help you.
steering wheel
EX 2 COMPLETE sentences a-f with words from ex 1.
a My dad keeps a first-aid kit in the boot of his car.
b Mountain bikes are better for rough terrain than road bikes because they have wider, thicker tyres.
c I'm not surprised your speedboat was stolen - you always leave the key in the ignition!
d As he approached the junction, he tried to slow down but, to his horror, found that his brakes weren't working.
e His passenger reached across and grabbed the steering wheel just before they hit the wall.
f My bike hit the kerb and stopped, and I flew over the handlebars onto the pavement.
EX 3 COMPLETE sentences a-f with the correct verb in an appropriate form.
a We missed the turning the first time, so turned the car around and went back.
b I was too late. Just as I reached the platform, the train pulled / was pulling away.
c Most people slow down when they pass a police car waiting by the side of the road.
d The bus driver lost control of his vehicle and hit a lamppost
e As she drove past the accident, a piece of glass on the road punctured one of her tyres.
f A sudden gust of wind made her swerve into the middle of the road.
go back / reverse
pull away / pull up
overtake / pass
crash / hit
break / puncture
steer / swerve
EX 4 COMPLETE gaps 1-7 in this advertisement for a car using the words in the box.
steering wheel
The new FT 150 has a powerful (1) engine designed to deliver maximum power with minimum pollution. It's certainly
a hi-tech car. A new kind of (2) ignition uses fingerprint recognition to start the car, rather than a traditional key. The
audio system and satellite navigation can both be controlled without taking your hands off the (3) steering wheel, as
can the automatic (4) roof which folds back at the flick of a switch (scatto di un interruttore) and stores itself in the (5)
boot in under 30 seconds. It's one of the safest cars on the market too. Not only is the (6) windscreen heated to ensure
excellent visibility even in icy conditions, but the (7) brakes are also designed to perform perfectly whatever the
EX 5 DECIDE which word in each of a-f does not belong. SAY what connects the other three words.
a platform
departure lounge customs (dogana)
 the other three are all parts of an airport
b hand luggage
overhead locker (ripostiglio (in aereo) sopra il sedile
 the other three are all bags that you take with you when you travel
c sail
mast ((mar) albero)
 the other three are parts of a boat
d bus driver
flight attendant
ticket inspector
propeller (propulsore, chi o ciò che spinge)
 the other three are people who work in transport
e barge (chiatta)
hovercraft (veicolo a cuscino d’aria) scooter
 the other three are vehicles that travel on water
f passport
ticket office
 the other three are travel documents
EX 6 CHOOSE the correct verb in phrases a-f.
a to board / to mount a plane
b to lift / to pick up a passenger
c to get onto / to get into a motorbike
d to change / to move trains
e to cancel / to take away a flight
f to get onto / to get into a car
EX 7 COMPLETE the email with words and phrases from 1 and 2 in the correct form.
New Message
What a terrible journey!! The taxi was late 0 picking us up, so we got to the station two minutes before our train left. There was a
queue at the 1 ticket office, so we went straight to the 2 platform and got onto the train, which was just about to leave. When we
tried to buy a ticket from the 3 ticket inspector, we discovered that we were on the wrong train. We had to get off at the next station
and 4 change trains, which is a nightmare when you're carrying four large 5 suitcases!
At the airport, we queued for an hour at 6 check-in to get our boarding pass and then we waited in the 7 departure lounge for two
hours before being called to the gate. When they finally allowed us to 8 board / get onto the plane, I found that I'd been given a
window seat, even though I'd asked for an aisle /’ail/ seat. And to cap it all (come ciò non bastasse; per coronare l'opera), the plane
sat on the runway for fifty minutes because of a technical problem.
The end of the flight was just as bad. We landed with a huge bump, the 9 overhead locker above my seat flew open, and my own 10
hand luggage fell down and hit me on the shoulder.
EX 9 In pairs think of as many reasons as you can why people go on holiday. Discuss your ideas with another pair.
Usually people like to feel they are getting away from it all by being:
a in a different time zone
b a long way away from home (by getting on a plane)
c in a country with a different language
d in a place with different culture and routines
e having different sensual experiences in terms of new smells, new sights, and feeling the hotter temperature
f away from the everyday household tasks of cooking and cleaning (e.g. in a hotel).