Bibliography Baumgarten, Linda. What Clothes Reveal

Prof. Dr. W. Herget
Winter Semester 2003/04
Baumgarten, Linda. What Clothes Reveal: The Language of Clothing in Colonial and
Federal America. New Haven: Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 2002.
Bronner, Simon J. Folk Nation: Folklore in the Creation of American Tradition. Wilmington:
Scholarly Resources, 2002. [R/K B40 2]
Bushman, Richard L. The Refinement of America: Persons, Houses, Cities. New York:
Knopf, 1992.
Cable, Mary. American Manners and Morals: A Picture History of How We Behaved and
Misbehaved. Ed. Wendy Buehr. New York: American Heritage, 1969.
Carter, Stephen L. Civility: Manners, Morals, and the Etiquette of Democracy. New York:
HarperPerennial, 1999.
Cohn, David L. Love in America: An Informal Study of Manners and Morals in American
Marriage. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1943.
Cox, James M. “The Rise of Silas Lapham: The Business of Morals and Manners.” New
Essays on the Rise of Silas Lapham. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1991. 107-128.
Davidson, Jenny. “Professed Enemies of Politeness”: Sincerity and the Problem of Gender in
Godwin’s Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of
the Rights of Women.” Studies in Romanticism 39.4 (Winter 2000): 599-615.
Duffy, Richard. “Introduction: Manners and Morals.” 1999. Etiquette.1922. by Emily Post. (30 Sept. 2003).
Elias, Norbert. Über den Prozess der Zivilisation: soziogenetische und psychologische
Untersuchungen. 2 vols. 2nd ed. München: Francke, 1969.
Engell, John. “James Fenimore Cooper, Novelist of Manners.” Studies in the Novel 28.1
(Spring 1996): 120-122.
Evelev, John. “The Contrast: The Problem of Theatricality and Political and Social Crisis in
Postrevolutionary America.” Early American Literature 31:1 (1996): 74-109.
Gosselin, Adrienne Johnson. “Racial Etiquette and the (White) Plot of Passing: (Re)Inscribing
‘Place’ in John Stahl’s Imitation of Life.” Canadian Review of American Studies 28:3
(1998): 47-67.
Hazlitt, Henry. “Chapter 11: Morals and Manners.” Foundations of Morality. 1964. (1 Oct. 2003).
Hemphill, C. Dallett. “Class, Gender, and the Regulation of Emotional Expression in
Revolutionary-Era Conduct Literature.” An Emotional History of the United States.
Eds. Peter N. Stearns and Jan Lewis. New York: New York UP, 1998. 33-51.
- - -. “Age Relations and the Social Order in Early England: The Evidence from Manners.”
Journal of Social History 28:2 (Winter 1994): 271-294.
Himmelfarb, Gertrude. “Manners and Morals.” The De-Modernization of Society: From
Victorian Virtues to Modern Values. New York: Knopf, 1995. 21-51.
Hodges, Debora Robertson. Etiquette: An Annotated Bibliography of Literature in English in
the United States, 1900 through 1987. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1989.
Hulbert, Ann. Raising America: Experts, Parents and the Century of Advice about
Children. New York: Knopf, 2003.
Kamensky, Jane. Governing the Tongue: The Politics of Speech in Early New England. New
York: Oxford UP, 1997.
Leavitt, Sarah Abigail. A Cultural History of Domestic Advice: From Catherine Beecher to
Martha Steward. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 2002.
Lewis, Jon. Hollywood v. Hard Core: How the Struggle over Censorship Saved the Modern
Film Industry. New York: New York UP, 2001.
Martin, Judith. Common Courtesy in which Miss Manners Solves the Problem that Baffled
Mr. Jefferson. New York: Atheneum, 1985. [UB Augsburg: 01 CV 9500 M381]
- - -. Star-Spangled Manners. New York: Norton, 2003.
McAllister, Marvin. White People Do not Know How to Behave at Entertainments for Ladies
and Gentlemen of Color. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 2003. [M B17 1]
McGee, Diane. Writing the Meal. North York: U of Toronto P, 2002. [L/A M3 1]
Morrison, Lucy. “Conduct (Un)Becoming to Ladies of Literature: How-To Guides for
Romantic Women Writers.” Studies in Philology 99.2 (Spring 2002): 202-228.
Murray, Judith Sargent, ed. The Gleaner. Schenectady, NY: Union College P, 1992.
Nelson, Walter. “A Select Bibliography of Victorian Etiquette Sources.” (11 Nov. 2003).
Neville-Sington, Pamela. Fanny Trollope: The Life and Adventures of a Clever Woman. New
York: Viking, 1998.
Newton, Sarah Emily. “Wise and Foolish Virgins: ‘Usable Fiction’ and the Early American
Conduct Tradition.” Early American Literature 25.2 (1990): 139-167.
Ostry, Elaine. “Magical Growth and Moral Lessons; or, How the Conduct Book Informed
Victorian and Edwardian Children’s Fantasy.” The Lion and the Unicorn 27:1 (Jan
2003): 27-56.
Pocock, J. G. A. “Virtues, Rights, and Manners: A Model for Historians of Political
Thought.” Virtue, Commerce, and History: Essays on Political Thought and History,
Chiefly in the Eighteenth Century. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1985.
Piper, William Bowman. Common Courtesy in the Eighteenth-Century English Literature.
Newark: U of Delaware P, 1997.
Pipher, Mary. Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls. New York:
Ballantine, 1995.
Rabb, Theodore K. From Courtesy to Civility: Changing Codes of Conduct in Early Modern
England. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1998.
Scanlon, Philip. What We Owe to Each Other. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1999.
Scott, Janny. “Manners and Civil Society.” May/June 1998. (1 Oct. 2003).
Shields, David S. Civil Tongues and Polite Letters in British America. Chapel Hill: U of
North Carolina P, 1997.
Shumway, David R. “Something Old, Something New: Romance and Marital Advice in the
1920s.” An Emotional History of the United States. Eds. Peter N. Stearns and Jan
Lewis. New York: New York UP, 1998.
Stearns, Peter N. Battleground of Desire: The Struggle of Self Control in Modern America.
New York: New York UP, 1999.
Tandon, Bharat. Jane Austen and the Morality of Conversation. London: Anthem, 2003.
Weber, Donald. “ Manners and Morals, Civility and Barbarism: The Cultural Contexts of
Seize the Day.” New Essays on Seize the Day. Ed. Michael P. Kramer. Cambridge:
Cambridge UP, 1998. 43.64.
Williams, Susan. Savory Suppers and Fashionable Feasts: Dining in Victorian America.
Knoxville: U of Tennessee P, 1996.
Wouters, Cas. “Etiquette Books and Emotion Management in the Twentieth Century:
American Habitus in International Comparison.” An Emotional History of the United
States. Eds. Peter N. Stearns and Jan Lewis. New York: New York UP, 1998. 283304.
Zuckerman, Michael. “Dr. Spock: The Confidence Man.” Almost Chosen People: Oblique
Biographies in the American Grain. Berkeley: U of California P, 1993. 260-87.
Advice Columns
Faulkner, J. Howard, and Virginia D. Pruitt. Dear Dr. Menninger: Women’s Voices from the
Thirties. Columbia, London: U of Missouri P, 1997.
Fry, H. Virginia, and Jody H. Wrightson. “Ann Landers’ Mediated Advice: The Intersection
of Rhetorical and Interpersonal Forms.” Talking to Strangers: Mediated Therapeutic
Communication. Eds. Gary Gumpert, and Sandra L. Fish. Norwood: Ablex, 1990. 98-
Gieber, Walter. “The Lovelorn Columnist and Her Social Role.” Journalism Quarterly
37:513 (1960): 499-514.
Hall, Ruth, ed. Dear Dr. Stopes: Sex in the 1920s. New York: Penguin, 1981.
Hendley, W. Clark. “Dear Abby, Miss Lonelyhearts, and the Eighteenth Century: The Origins
of the Newspaper Advice Columns.” Journal of Popular Culture 11 (1977): 345-352.
Kane, Harnett Thomas. Dear Dorothy Dix: The Story of a Compassionate Woman. Garden
City: Doubleday, 1952.
Kidd, Virginia. “Happily Ever After and Other Relationship Styles: Advice on Interpersonal
Relations in Popular Magazines, 1951-1973.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 61 (1975):
Landers, Ann. “Dear Ann Landers.” Ann Landers Online.
(2 Nov. 2000).
Lumby, E. Malcom. “Ann Landers’ Advice Column: 1958 and 1971.” Journalism Quarterly
53 (Spring 1976): 129-133.
Moran, J. Joseph. “Newspaper Psychology: Advice and Therapy.” Journal of Popular Culture
22 (1989): 119-127.
Olson, Lynne. “Dear Beatrice Fairfax…” American Heritage (May/June 1992): 90-97.
Reuss, Carol. “Dear Dorothy Dix.” New Orleans Review 15:1 (Spring 1998): 77-83.
Smith, Terry, and Jack Levin. “Social Change in Sex Roles: An Analysis of Advice
Columns.” Journalism Quarterly 51 (1974): 525-527.
Recent Newspaper Articles:
Bedard, Paul. “Even Whitney Had Bad White House Manners.” U.S. News and World Report
8 Nov. 2003: 8.
Brooks, David. “Dating on the Internet Has Come of Age.” International Herald Tribune
Dec. 5, 2003: 11.
Hsu, Caroline. “Tribal Culture: Single but not Alone, these Urbanites Are Redefining the
‘Adultescent’ Years.” U.S. News and World Report 13 Oct. 2003: 42.
Kluger, Bruce. “Parents: Talk to Teens about TV’s Casual Sex.” USA Today 23 Dec. 2003:
“The Matter of Manners: Many Americans Seek a Restoration of Civility, but Is It
Overrated?” U.S. News and World Report 26 Feb. 2001: 16.
Safire, William. “This Boldfaced Age of Celebrity.” International Herald Tribune 19 Jan.
2004: 12.
Vanderkam, Laura. “Sexually Active Girls’ Lament: Why Didn’t I Wait?” USA Today 13
June 2003: 11.
Wloszczyna, Susan. “Nudity over a Certain Age Deemed Family-Friendly.” USA Today 16
Jan. 2004: 8.
Zelizer, Gerald L. “Should Clergy Endorse ‘Living in Sin.’” USA Today 25 July 2003: 9.
Hollywood Code
Black, Gregory D. Hollywood Censored: Morality Codes, Catholics, and the Movies. New
York: Cambridge UP, 1994.
Couvares, Francis G, ed. Movie Censorship and American Culture. Washington: Smithsonian,
Doherty, Thomas Patrick. Pre-Code Hollywood: Sex, Immorality, and Insurrection in
American Cinema, 1930-1934. New York: Columbia UP, 1999.
Facey, Paul W. The Legion of Decency; a Sociological Analysis of the Emergence and
Development of a Social Pressure Group. New York: Arno P, 1974.
Feldman, Charles Matthew. The National Board of Censorship (Review) of Motion Pictures,
1909-1922. New York: Arno P, 1975.
Gardener, Gerald C. The Censorship Papers: Movie Censorship Letters from Hays Office,
1934-1968. New York: Mead, 1987.
LaSalle, Mick. Dangerous Men: Pre-Code Hollywood and the Birth of the Modern Man. New
York: St. Martin’s Press, 2002.
- - -. Complicated Women: Sex and Power in Pre-Code Hollywood. New York: St. Martin’s
Press, 2000.
Leff, Leonnard J. and Jerold L. Simmons. The Dame in the Kimono: Hollywood, Censorship,
and the Production Code. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 2001. 285-301.
Lewis, Jon. Hollywood v. Hard Core: How the Struggle over Censorship Saved the Modern
Film Industry. New York: New York UP, 2000.
Miller, Frank. Censored Hollywood: Censored Hollywood: Sex, Sins and Violence on Screen.
Atlanta: Turner, 1994.
Motion Pictures Association of America: The Free Screen: Statement of the Motion Picture
Association of America before a Committee of the United States Congress.
Washington: Motion Picture Association of America, 1960.
Motion Pictures Classified by National Legion of Decency: A Moral Estimate of
Entertainment Feature Motion Pictures Prepared under the Direction of the National
Legion of Decency with the Co-Operation of the Motion Picture Department of the
International Federation of Catholic Alumnae. New York: National Legion of
Decency, 1948.
Randall, Richard S. Censorship of the Movies: The Social and Political Control of a Mass
Medium. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1968.
Vieira, Mark. Sin in Soft Focus: Pre-Code Hollywood. New York: Abrams, 1999.
TV Code
Abelman, Robert. Reaching a Critical Mass: A Critical Analysis of Television Entertainment.
Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum Associates, 1998.
Bryant, Jennings and Dolf Zillmann, eds. Perspectives on Media Effects. Hillsdale, N.J.:
Erlbaum Associates, 1986.
Conrad, Peter. Television, the Medium and Its Manners. Boston: Routledge, 1982.
Gabler, Neal. Life the Movie: How Entertainment Conquered Reality. New York: Knopf,
Gitlin, Todd. Inside Prime Time. Berkeley: U of California P, 2000.
Parenti, Michael. Make-Believe Media: the Politics of Entertainment. New York: St. Martin's
P, 1992.
Smead, Elmer E. Freedom of Speech by Radio and Television. Washington: Public Affairs P,
Winick, Charles. Taste and the Censor in Television. New York: Fund for the Republic, 1959.