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Galilean Home Shepherd
Bread of Life Café Hours:
Closed Sunday
Do you need a place to stay? Call for reservations at the
Bed & Breakfast
A log home nestled deep in an Amish/
Mennonite Horse & Buggy community.
Just a reminder:
You’ll be glad you did!
You can designate your United Way contribution to us. (Our agency # is 7003).
You would need to fill out an application with your employer.
✓ Organic Toddler Snacks ✓ Sugar Free Snacks
✓ Gerber Good Start Powdered Baby Formula
(soy and gentle)
✓ Toilet paper & Paper Towels
✓ Cleaning Supplies
✓ Baby Diapers (Size 1) ✓ Ibuprofen ✓ Bleach
✓ Adult Size Diapers – Size M (not the pull up type) (Orders over $50 on get
free shipping)
✓ Fruit Juice & Drink mixes (no sugar added)
✓ Cream Rinse & Body Wash for sensitive skin
More on our needs list at
PO BOX 880
LIBERTY, KY 42539-0880
For reservations call:
(606) 706-7488 • (606) 787-6612
We are in need of mature ladies (18 years or older) to
volunteer their time in service at the Galilean Home. We
would need at least a 3-month commitment. You would be
caring for the handicapped residents as well as the babies
in the Angel House. Please contact our volunteer coordinator,
Dawn Shultz, at 606-787-4697 for more information.
Email: [email protected]
Galilean Home Ministries, Inc. keeps all donor information private and secure. We keep information under
physical, electronic, and procedural control at all times. We do not sell or trade a donor’s confidential information
to any other entity in existence. This policy covers all ministries and businesses affiliated with the Galilean
Home. The Galilean Home Shepherd is issued monthly and is published by the Galilean Children’s Home.
There is no charge for this publication to subscribe, contact information is on the front page.
Non-Profit Org.
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“This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out His commands.” 1 John 5:2
Planning on visiting our area?
(All times are Eastern)
Call for Reservations 606-787-6110
February 2014
Galilean Home Ministries, Inc.
PO Box 880 Liberty, KY 42539
Shipping Address: Galilean Children’s Home
712 South Fork Church Road
Liberty, KY 42539
A Foundation of Love
1 Corinthians 13 is filled with statements like, “Love is
cal needs was up for adoption without going through any
patient” and “Love never fails.” Mom coined the phrase,
agency, Jerry and Sandy jumped at the chance. When it
“Faith, Hope and Room for One More” from the end of
was official, Jerry went running through the streets yellthe same chapter. Every single aspect of our ministry is
ing, “I have a son!”
founded on love.
A year later, a miracle happened! Sandy had a baby
girl against all odds and now they were a family of
four. Shortly after there were two little girls that need Jerry and Sandy Tucker were married in 1963 and
ed a home, and when they were settled in it was only
had only met four months prior at the urging of a mutual
natural that the baby boy needed a brother. So, Sandy
friend. The two knew from the start that they were in love
found a young boy that needed a family and found out
and just had to spend their lives together. Sandy was
that he had three siblings and no one wanted to adopt
18, Jerry had just turned 22 and tension at home forced
all four of them – guess what Jerry and Sandy did to
them to elope if they wanted to be together.
keep them all
“I had always
together? Yup,
dreamed of the
now a famwhite dress and
ily 10 just like
walking down
that and only
the aisle,” Sandy
10 years after
said. “But, being
they had been
with Jerry was
importold they would
tant. We were in
never have chillove and I knew
that I wanted to
Another mirspend the rest of
acle baby, a
my life with this
little more than
man and to be
ten years and
the best wife in
a move to Kenthe world.”
tucky-to-Mon Eight months
tana-back-to after
tensions eased
later and they
Our Co-Founders - Jerry & Sandy Tucker around 30 years ago.
were a family
family and she
approaching 50 and were just getting started. Sandy exgot her church wedding after all, but adversity for this
plained the way God’s calling developed in their lives,
couple’s dreams had not yet run its course.
“We believe God called us to care for the least of these
by taking in children that others didn’t want or couldn’t
“A one-in-a-million chance,” that’s what doctors told
Sandy her chances were of having a baby. Years of trying
to adopt through agencies failed. Broken hearted and
As the family grew and grew . . . and grew some
almost out of hope, a friend stopped by with an option
more, Jerry and Sandy Tucker decided to expand their
that changed their lives forever. A baby with a few medi-
Galilean Home Shepherd
home to be able to accommodate taking in as many as they could. Sandy
described the transition to becoming a
non-profit. “We wanted to be in position to increase our ministry to include
more unwanted children and others
whose families were unable to care for
Galilean Home Ministries was born.
It wasn’t long before there were
children of “all” ages roaming the
acreage of the rural Liberty home that
Jerry and Sandy had cultivated. A few
short years later the Galilean Christian
Academy opened its doors. Not too
long after that an incarcerated mother
needed someone to care for her baby so
she didn’t lose it – Born Free Ministries
began to keep families together. In the
mid-90’s our Christian bookstore was
failing so Sandy decided we should
add a few tables to serve soup and
sandwiches which later became the
Bread of Life Café’. It was also her
vision, several years later, to give back in
the community by launching The Liberty
Trading Post providing gently used items
at extremely affordable prices.
Today, the same mission holds true – we serve children
of ALL ages, worldwide. We still do not take any government
support as we rely fully on donations, grants and events.
It is because of you that we can continue this labor of love
that began so many years ago with something as simple
as an introduction of two people by a mutual friend.
Their love that turned into a family and the love that
turned that family into ministry is the same love that is
the foundation of everything we do today.
We have available upon request with any donation:
A. Both of Sandy’s books
B.Our 30 minute documentary “The Story”
on DVD
C.A DVD of a recent 30-minute TV episode on
our ministry
We are still saving
soup UPCs and boxtops!
A Wagon-load of Babies at the Angel House.
Remember to send Campbell’s soup UPCs and General
Mills Box Tops (not Betty Crocker points), and make sure
the Box Tops are not expired. We can earn much needed
equipment and cash for our school. Every little bit helps!
Galilean Home Shepherd
From the Comfort of Dad’s Cabin
s I sit in the warmth and comfort of my cabin
with pen in hand and a pad of paper on my lap,
my mind drifts as I attempt to start February’s
newsletter. This is the 29th year of the Shepherd
newsletter. Of course, for most of those 29 years, mom
took on that task of writing, but for her, it was not a task
as much as a labor of love. For me, writing is not my cup
of tea.
The most current news is the polar weather. My thermometer reads -2 degrees and in anybody’s book, that
is COLD!
51 years ago today (January 21st) it was cold in Detroit, Michigan. However, temperature did not matter. It
was our wedding day! We had eloped and were standing
in the living room of the local judge exchanging vows.
As I think back, my mind is flooded with so many good
memories of the 45 years we spent together. They include: 2 biological daughters, 32 adopted children and
60+ grandkids (I think). Besides all of our own children,
WELL over 1,000 more have passed through our doors
and have called the Galilean Home their home. Some
stayed for just a short time though for others, it has been
We were childless our first seven years and thought
that would be our lot in life. Boy, were we ever surprised
as God had other plans for these two young, immature
city kids! From where I sit in our cabin, I can see Mom’s
gravestone. Someday, that stone will have both our
names on it. But for now, there is work to be done. A
LOT of work!
Babies keep coming and going at the Angel House,
which is always a bee hive of activity.
The population of Galilean Christian Academy is up
this year (60 students Pre K-12) as we have offered transportation for Liberty and Russell Springs, which keeps
two 15-passenger vans busy! There is also a possibility
of a third van running a route into some towns east of us.
The Blessing House is full and busting at the seams.
As I write, we have an interview tomorrow with a potential placement for the Blessing House. We have an excellent staff in both the Angel and Blessing House. Some
have worked for us for over 20 years, in these two arms
of our ministry.
The Girls Dorm is also full with 7 girls calling the
dorm home. Miriam Showalter from Virginia is their
dorm mother who does a tremendous job along with her
sister, Anna.
I fill in my spare time with 3 boys under my wing,
namely Levi, James, and Josh - the 3 stooges! Or is it 4?
The Cafe’ and Trading Post both had a very busy year
in 2013 and it looks like 2014 will be even better. One
of the big blessings of the Café is that it provides employment for some of our residents who are able to be out
and work.
Our V.S. coordinator, Dawn Shultz, does a phenomenal job taking care of the V.S. program and running
errands for the ministry such as shopping trips with the
Girls Dorm and Blessing House. Also, she organizes all
the work teams we have in the summer. Usually, 4-6 different teams throughout the spring and summer arrive to
help. She arranges their housing and meals and various
jobs in the community to be done by the teams. Her teen
boys are also a very big help. Her husband, Jeff, takes
care of all our bulk mailing here from the house, all except the newsletter mailing. Every month the school stuffs
the newsletter going out with a return envelope. They do
all 30,000 newsletters in about 45 minutes, quite a sight
to behold!
This is one very busy place, to say the least. Everything
we do is only possible because of all our supporters who
provide the funds to keep us trucking. Without the faithful support of so many, we would not exist and that’s the
bottom line. We are not state licensed or supported, yet
for 40 years have relied on the Lord to supply all our
needs. He continually gives me and all our devoted staff
and volunteers the strength and courage to keep pressing
Before I forget, I want to mention Becky and Jessica.
They co-manage the Cafe’, and Becky has really taken
over Mom’s roll as I realize and feel that I am not as
young as I think I am (73). She (Becky) says she will wear
Mom’s shoes, but could never fill them.
I could go on and on about all our staff. The 5 girls
in the office, our laundress, all the maintenance men,
cooks, school teachers and principal, and Quincy (our
Public Relations and Fund raising man) - all of them, and
I mean ALL really take a huge load off my shoulders. The
largest, most challenging task they have (especially the 5
office gals), is putting up with Papa’ Oso (Daddy Bear).
I’ll close and try to catch a wink or two. It is 3 AM!
Still focused & committed,
—Jerry, Dad, Papaw or Papa’ Oso
P.S. We would be honored to have someone come
and share about our ministry with your church or
organization. Call 606.787.5120 or email quincy@ - Jerry is available on a limited