Roman Leader Research Project

Roman Leader Research Project -­‐ How did a leader influence Ancient Rome or the Roman people. Throughout Rome’s history, many people have greatly influenced Rome and it’s people – both positively and negatively! As a class, we are going to learn about 6 influential people during Ancient Rome. You will be given a person to study in class and will be working in groups to research all the information and put together your project. Your final project will be a stand-­‐up 3 sided folded poster. The main purpose of this project is to determine How did a leader influence, change, or impact Ancient Rome
or impact the Roman people.
Example: Barack Obama affected the USA people by creating
health care for everyone called Obama Care
Example: Xi Jin Ping, President of China, affected the
government image and government policy by arresting people who
were corrupt (stole money from the government)
** These are examples of how a LEADER can impact or influence
the country or the people they rule over***
Circle or highlight the leader you are researching: Nero Augustus Hadrian Cicero Constantine Julius Caesar Steps to complete the project: 1) Read & Research information on websites (see page 2 for links for your leader) ** You can use other websites that you find. I included some as a place to start à You are looking for information about all the major accomplishments that the leader did. What GOOD things and what BAD things the person did and how those things AFFECTED the people or Roman Empire 2) Write down a minimum of 15 notes that you will use for your project. Your notes must be shown to Mr. Forbes & approved as being finished before beginning your poster 3) Reliability paragraph for one of the links you used. You must refer to 3 elements that make a source reliable. (author, education, experience, website, advertising) 4) Complete your poster. 3 fold poster like the pictures above 5) Bonus Marks – Complete a construction of an artifact connecting to your person a. Example (Hadrian = Building a wall across countryside // Cicero – a prepared speech on old paper // Constantine = a cross signifying Christianity) Due Date January 28th The information you must include in your poster: 1. Name of your leader
2. Birth & death of your leader
Show on a timeline of Rome. On this timeline you must include:
(1) the birth of Jesus Christ 0 AD, (2) The fall of the Roman
Republic, (3) The Fall of the Roman Empire in 376 AD, and (4)
Romulus founding Rome
3. The highest position your leader held over Rome (Consul? Emperor?
Philosopher? Etc…)
Learning Goal - Ways a leader influences / changes / impacts a
4. Positives - What good things did they do for the Roman Empire and the
Roman people? How did they bring about positive change? (Must
include a minimum of 1 picture)
5. Negatives - What bad things did they do for the Roman Empire & The
Roman People? (Must include a minimum of 1 picture)
Websites for Leaders:
Nero (You must include info about the Great Fire)
Hadrian (you must include info on Hadrians Wall)
Constantine the Great (you must include info on "The Christian Emperor who united the
Empire…” )
Julius Caesar
Print & Cut out to determine partners
Nero Augustus Hadrian Cicero Constantine Julius Caesar Nero Augustus Hadrian Cicero Constantine Julius Caesar Nero Augustus Hadrian Cicero Constantine Julius Caesar Rubric for Ancient Rome Influential People Project Your task: Show your understanding of how various people in Rome’s history influenced Ancient Rome and the Roman people. Style of Project: 3 folds, stand up poster You will be evaluated for: Content: You have included detailed information about all 5 aspects of information that must be included in your poster / 10 Organized: Your poster shows organization. Your titles, your layout, your colors, your pictures are all attractive, and easy to read. / 6 Creativity & Effort: You have shown an interesting and attractive way of displaying your information on your poster that shows your own style. It is clear you have put time and effort into making this project your best. / 5