This Just In: Fake News Packs a Lot in Title, Uses

This Just In: Fake News Packs a Lot in Title, Uses Simpler, Repetitive Content in
Text Body, More Similar to Satire than Real News
Benjamin D. Horne and Sibel Adalı
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
110 8th Street, Troy, New York, USA
{horneb, adalis}
The problem of fake news has gained a lot of attention as it
is claimed to have had a significant impact on 2016 US Presidential Elections. Fake news is not a new problem and its
spread in social networks is well-studied. Often an underlying assumption in fake news discussion is that it is written to
look like real news, fooling the reader who does not check
for reliability of the sources or the arguments in its content.
Through a unique study of three data sets and features that
capture the style and the language of articles, we show that
this assumption is not true. Fake news in most cases is more
similar to satire than to real news, leading us to conclude that
persuasion in fake news is achieved through heuristics rather
than the strength of arguments. We show overall title structure and the use of proper nouns in titles are very significant
in differentiating fake from real. This leads us to conclude
that fake news is targeted for audiences who are not likely to
read beyond titles and is aimed at creating mental associations
between entities and claims.
The main problem we address in this paper is the following:
Is there any systematic stylistic and other content differences
between fake and real news? News informs and influences
almost all of our everyday decisions. Today, the news is networked, abundant, and fast-flowing through social networks.
The sheer number of news stories together with duplication
across social contacts is overwhelming. The overload caused
by this abundance can force us to use quick heuristics to gain
information and make a decision on whether to trust its veracity. These heuristics can come in many forms. In deciding
that content is believable by using reader’s own judgment,
readers may simply skim an article to understand the main
claims instead of reading carefully the arguments and deciding whether the claim is well-supported. In some cases,
other heuristics may rely on the trust for the source producing the information or for the social contact who shared it.
Often the trust decision is a combination of these heuristics, content, source, and social network all playing a role.
This trust decision strucure is supported by the well-studied
notion of echo-chambers, in which the sharing of information often conforms to one’s beliefs and is impacted by
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homophily (Bakshy, Messing, and Adamic 2015). Furthermore, misleading or wrong information have a higher potential to become viral (Bessi et al. 2015)and lead to negative discussions (Zollo et al. 2015b). Even more troubling,
results show resistance by individuals to information challenging established beliefs and that attempts to debunk conspiracy theories are largely ineffective (Zollo et al. 2015a).
As an informed public is crucial to any operating democracy, incorrect information is especially dangerous in political news. As many widely discredited claims have become
viral and distributed widely in social networks during the
2016 elections (Silverman 2016), the topic of “fake news”
and effective methods for debunking it has gained renewed
attention. While there is a great deal of work on the social
factors leading to dissemination of misinformation in networks (Bessi et al. 2014), there is relatively little work on
understanding how fake news content differs from real news
content. We would like to understand whether fake news
differs systematically from real news in style and language
use. While some have argued that the distinction between
fake and real news can be a rather arbitrary one, as wellestablished news organizations have been known to disseminate incorrect information on occasion, such organizations
operate with a degree of transparency that is not found in
fake news sites and risk their established credibility if their
news stories are shown to be false. More importantly, their
articles adhere to a journalistic style in making and presenting claims.
To conduct our study of “fake news”, we study three separate data sets. Two of these data sets are novel: one has
been featured by Buzzfeed through their analysis of real and
fake news items from 2016 US Elections (Silverman 2016).
The second data set, collected by us, contains news articles
on US politics from real, fake, and satire news sources. Finally, we look at a third data set containing real and satire
articles from a past study (Burfoot and Baldwin 2009). We
include satire as a type of fake news that relies on absurdity
rather than sound arguments to make claims, but explicitly
identifies itself as satire. Fake news in contrast has the intention to deceive, making the reader believe it is correct.
We study similarities between fake news and satire to understand different heuristics that they both employ to persuade
their readers. The inclusion of satire as a third category of
news is a unique contribution of our work. Through a statis-
tical study of these three data sets, we show that fake news
articles tend to be shorter in terms of content, but use repetitive language and fewer punctuation. Fake news articles differ much more in their titles. Fake titles are longer, use few
stop words, and fewer nouns but more proper nouns. Furthermore, we find that fake news is more similar to satire
than real news. When fake news is different than satire, the
distinction simply exaggerates satire’s differences with real
news further. Fake news packs the main claim of the article
into its title, which often is about a specific person and entity,
allowing the reader to skip reading the article, which tends
to be short, repetitive, and less informative. Given the arguments in the article are less of a factor, the persuasion likely
relies on heuristics such as conformance of the information
to one’s beliefs. Lastly, we illustrate the predictive power of
our features by utilizing linear kernel SVMs on small feature
subsets. We hope that our study and data sets lead to further
study of stylistic conventions used in persuading audiences
with limited attention and effective methods to counter them.
In the least, it suggests that more attention needs to paid to
titles of such articles.
Related Work
Fake news is certainly not a new phenomenon, and has been
well studied in both the fields of journalism and computer
science. In particular, it has been studied in two ways: (1) analyzing the spread of fake news and (2) analyzing the content
of fake news.
Rubin et al. work towards a news verification system
using Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) on content data
from NPR’s “Bluff the Listener” (Rubin, Conroy, and Chen
2015), achieving a 63% prediction accuracy over a 56%
baseline. Given its data source, this study aims at identifying subtle differences in narrative between different stories,
which is not well-suited for news articles. Similarly, Burfoot
and Baldwin use SVMs on lexical and semantic features to
automatically classify true news content from satire news
content. The content features specifically geared towards
satire significantly outperform the baseline and achieve high
classification precision. (Burfoot and Baldwin 2009). Some
of our features and one of our data sets are common with this
study, though we use a much larger feature set that also captures the readability of the text and its word usage. Along
the same lines, Rubin et al. propose an SVM-based algorithm with 5 language features (Rubin et al. 2016). They
achieve 90% accuracy in detecting satire news from real
news. Our features and classification method has some overlap with this work. However, these studies do not explicitly
target fake news. Yet, as demonstrated by the many events
of the 2016 US Election (Silverman 2016), fake and satirical news are clearly different in motivation. Conversely, fake
news is motivated by deceiving its readers into thinking a
completely false story is real, many times with malicious intent (Sydell 2016). This distinction between the content of
three classes of news: satire, fake, and real, is the key contribution of our work.
The spread of misinformation in networks has also been
studied. Specifically, Bessi et al. study the attention given
to misinformation on Facebook. They show that users who
often interact with alternative media are more prone to interact with intentional false claims (Bessi et al. 2014). Very
recently, Shao et al. launched a platform for tracking online misinformation called Hoaxy (Shao et al. 2016). Hoaxy
gathers social news shares and fact-checking through a mix
of web scraping, web syndication, and social network APIs.
The goal of Hoaxy is to track both truthful and not truthful
online information automatically. However, Hoaxy does not
do any fact-checking of its own, rather relying on the efforts
of fact-checkers such as
In our work, we concentrate on content analysis to study
fake news for several important reasons. Readers’ assessment of information play a significant role in decisions to
disseminate it. Even though the abundance of information
leads to limited attention given to each article, users engage
with social media with the intention to find and share information. When controlling for attention and individual differences in the need to engage with information, the relevant arguments and message characteristics become the determinant in persuasion and attitude change (OKeefe 2008).
Therefore, it is helpful to understand whether there are specific the message characteristics that accompany fake news
articles being produced and widely shared. As, textual analysis is well studied in computer science and has been used
for highly accurate document classification, it may prove
quite helpful in stopping the spread of fake news (Sebastiani
2002). Furthermore, we hope that this type of analysis can
be of benefit to grass-root fact-checkers by notifying them
of potential fake articles earlier. This benefit in turn can provide more fact-checked content, ultimately helping systems
like Hoaxy.
To begin exploring the content of fake news, we develop
strict definitions of what real, fake, and satire news stories
are. Specifically, real news stories are stories that are known
to be true and from well trusted news sources. Fake news
stories are stories that are known to be false and are from
well known fake news websites that are intentionally trying
to spread misinformation. Satire news stories are stories that
are from news sources that explicitly state they are satirical
and do not intentionally spread misinformation. Satire news
is explicitly produced for entertainment.
Data sets
With these definitions in mind, we use three independent
data sets.
Data set 1: Buzzfeed election data set First, we collected the news stories found in Buzzfeed’s 2016 article on
fake election news on Facebook (Silverman 2016). Buzzfeed
gathered this data using the content analysis tool BuzzSumo
by first searching for real and fake stories getting the highest
engagement on Facebook using various methods during the
9 months before the 2016 US Presidential Election, divided
into three 3-month segments. For fake stories, they targeted
articles with the highest engagement for key election terms
and filtered these by known fake news sources. For real stories, they found the stories getting the highest engagement
from well-known news organizations in the same time period. The URL and Facebook engagement statistics of the
chosen fake and real stories, 60 each, were made available.
To keep the ground truth of real/fake within our definitions,
we filtered out stories that are opinion based or were explicitly satire; leaving us with 36 real news stories and 35 fake
news stories. Other than this filtering, we took the ground
truth as is; thus, it is important to keep in mind the limitations of this data set. First, we do not know if there was any
selection bias in collecting the data, which could impact our
results. Second, while we can say these were news stories
with high user engagement, we cannot say anything about
the actual traffic the stories generated. Despite these limitations, this data set provides reasonable ground truth labels
and we know all stories were highly shared on social media.
Data set 2: Our political news data set Given data set
1 contains political news only, we created our own political news data set to strengthen our analysis and control
for the limitations of the first data set. Our data set contains 75 stories from each of the three defined categories of
news: real, fake, and satire. We collected this data by first
gathering known real, fake, and satire new sources, which
can be found in Table 1. The fake news sources were collected from Zimdars’ list of fake and misleading news websites (Zimdars 2016) and have had at least 1 story show up
as false on a fact-checking website like in the
past. The real sources come from Business Insider’s “MostTrusted” list (Engel 2014), and are well established news
media companies. The satire sources are sites that explicitly state they are satirical on the front page of their website.
Once the sources were chosen, we then randomly selected
political stories from each of the sources. Each of these stories must be a “hard” news story, and not an opinion piece.
The sources used in this data set have some overlap with
data set 1, but all collected stories are different than those
in the first data set. While we cannot say anything about the
engagement of the articles in data set 2, it avoids the possible limitations of the Buzzfeed data set described above.
Furthermore, data set 2 allows us to explicitly analyze all
three defined categories of news by having both satire and
fake news stories in the same data set.
Both data sets 1 and 2 will be publicly available together
with this paper at
Data set 3: Burfoot and Baldwin data set Finally, we use
a data set from (Burfoot and Baldwin 2009), which consists
of 233 satire news stories and 4000 real news stories used
in a classification task between these two types of news stories using lexical and semantic features. The authors collect
the real news stories using newswire documents sampled
from the English Gigaword Corpus. To select satire documents, they hand select satire stories that are closely related
in topic to the real stories collected. They manually filter out
“non-newsy” satire, similar to the method we use to construct our data set. While Burfoot and Baldwin do control
for topic when matching articles, they do not limit themselves to only political topics; thus, this data may not be directly comparable to our other two data sets with respect to
some of our more topic-driven features. We include this data
set to strengthen our categorical comparisons between satire
and real stories. A separate limitation of Burfoot and Baldwin’s data set is that we do not explicitly know the sources of
each story and cannot verify that the definition of real news
sources by the authors corresponds to ours.
Real sources
Wall Street Journal
The Economist
USA Today
The Guardian
Washington Post
Fake sources
Ending the Fed
True Pundit
DC Gazette
Before its News
Real News Right Now
Satire sources
The Onion
Huff Post Satire
Borowitz Report
The Beaverton
Faking News
Table 1: Data set 2 sources
To study these different articles, we compute many content
based features on each data set and categorize them into 3
broad categories: stylistic, complexity, and psychological.
Stylistic Features The stylistic features are based on natural language processing to understand the syntax, text style,
and grammatical elements of each article content and title.
To test for differences in syntax, we use the Python Natural
Language Toolkit (Bird 2006) part of speech (POS) tagger
and keep a count of how many times each tag appears in the
article. Along with this, we keep track of the number of stopwords, punctuation, quotes, negations (no, never, not), informal/swear words, interrogatives (how, when, what, why),
and words that appear in all capital letters. For features
that need word dictionaries, such as the number of informal
words, we use the 2015 Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count
(LIWC) dictionaries (Tausczik and Pennebaker 2010).
Complexity Features The complexity features are based
on deeper natural language processing computations to capture the overall intricacy of an article or title. We look at two
levels of intricacy: the sentence level and the word level. To
capture the sentence level complexity, we compute the number of words per sentence and each sentence’s syntax tree
depth, noun phrase syntax tree depth, and verb phrase syntax tree depth using the Stanford Parser (de Marneffe, MacCartney, and Manning 2006). We expect that more words per
sentence and deeper syntax trees mean the average sentence
structure complexity is high.
To capture the word level complexity, we use several key
features. First, we compute the readability of each document using three different grade level readability indexes:
Gunning Fog, SMOG Grade, and Flesh-Kincaid grade level
index. Each measure computes a grade level reading score
based on the number of syllables in words. A higher score
means a document takes a higher education level to read.
Second, we compute what is called the Type-Token Ratio
Data set ID
filtered Buzzfeed 2016 election data set
our 3 class political news data set
Burfoot and Baldwins satire data set
# real news
# fake news
# satire news
Table 2: Ground truth counts and ID number of each data set used in this study.
med depth
med np depth
med vp depth
flu coca c
flu coca d
avg wlen
Gunning Fog Grade Readability Index
SMOG Readability Index
Flesh-Kincaid Grade Readability Index
median depth of syntax tree
median depth of noun phrase tree
median depth of verb phrase tree
avg. frequency of least common 3 words using all of the coca corpus
avg. frequency of words in each document
using all of the coca corpus
Type-Token Ratio (lexical diversity)
avg. length of each word
(a) Complexity Features
str neg
str pos
number of analytic words
number of insightful words
number of causal words
number of discrepancy words
number of tentative words
number of certainty words
number of differentiation words
number of affiliation words
number of power words
number of reward words
number of risk words
number of personal concern words (work,
leisure, religion, money)
number of emotional tone words
number of emotion words (anger, sad, etc.)
strength of negative emotion using SentiStrength
strength of positive emotion using SentiStrength
(b) Psychology Features
all caps
per stop
word count
words per sentence
number of nouns
number of proper nouns
number of personal pronouns
number of possessive pronouns
number of determinants
number of Wh-determinants
number of cardinal numbers
number of adverbs
number of interjections
number verbs
number of past tense verbs
Verb, gerund or present participle
Verb, past participle
Verb, non-3rd person singular present
Verb, 3rd person singular present
number of past tense words
number of future tense words
number of I pronouns (similar to PRP)
number of we pronouns (similar to PRP)
number of you pronouns (similar to PRP)
number of she or he pronouns (similar to PRP)
number of quantifying words
number of comparison words
number of exclamation marks
number of negations (no, never, not)
number of swear words
number of online slang terms (lol, brb)
number of interrogatives (how, what, why)
number of word that appear in all capital letters
percent of stop words (the, is, on)
number of punctuation
number of quotes
number of verb phrases
(c) Stylistic Features
Table 3: Different features used in our study
(TTR) of a document as the number of unique words divided by the total number of words in the document. TTR is
meant to capture the lexical diversity of the vocabulary in a
document. A low TTR means a document has more word redundancy and a high TTR means a document has more word
diversity (Dillard and Pfau 2002). Third, we compute a word
level metric called fluency, used in (Horne et al. 2016). Fluency is meant to capture how common or specialized the
vocabulary of a document is. We would say that a common
term is more fluent, and easier to interpret by others; while
a less common term would be less fluent and more tech-
nical. This idea is captured by computing how frequently
a term in a document is found in a large English corpus.
We use both the Corpus of Contemporary American English
(COCA) (Davies 2008 ) corpus to compute this feature.
Psychological Features The psychological features are
based on well studied word counts that are correlated with
different psychological processes, and basic sentiment analysis. We use Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC)
dictionaries (Tausczik and Pennebaker 2010) to measure
cognitive processes, drives, and personal concerns. Along
with this, we use LIWC to measure basic bag-of-words sen-
timent. We then use SentiStrength (Thelwall et al. 2010) to
measure the intensity of positive and negative emotion in
each document. SentiStrength is a sentiment analysis tool
that reports a negative sentiment integer score between -1
and -5 and a positive sentiment integer score between 1 and
5, where -5 is the most negative and 5 is the most positive.
Statistical Tests and Classification
Due to our use of small data sets and large number of
features, we choose to first approach the problem using
two well known hypothesis testing methods, the one-way
ANOVA test and the Wilcoxon rank sum test, to find which
features differ between the different categories of news.
A one-way ANOVA test is used to compare the means of
different groups on a dependent variable. ANOVA uses the
ratio of the treatment and residual variances to determine if
the difference in group means is due to random variation or
the treatment. In our case, the treatment is grouping news as
fake, real, or satire. ANOVA assumes that the variables are
approximately normally distributed. While these assumptions are true for most of our features, we cannot assume it is
true for all of them. Thus, we also utilize the Wilcoxon rank
sum test to compare two distributions that are not normal.
Specifically, for each feature that passes a normality test, we
use the one-way ANOVA, otherwise, we will use Wilcoxon
rank sum. In both cases, we are looking for a large F-value
and a significance level of at least 0.05.
These statistical test cannot say anything about predicting
classes in the data, as a machine learning classifier would.
However, these test can illustrate a shift in the use of a
linguistic feature based on the category the article falls in.
We would expect that the more significant the difference
in a feature, the higher chance a machine learning classifier would be able to separate the data. To better test the
predictive power of our features, we will use a linear classifier on a small subset of our features. We select the top 4
features from our hypothesis testing methods for both the
body text and title text of the articles. With these 4 features,
we will run a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model with a
linear kernel and 5-fold cross-validation. Since we are only
using a small number of features and our model is a simple linear model on balanced classes, we expect to avoid the
over-fitting that comes with small data.
In this section, we present the most significant features in
separating news, referring to each data set by its ID number
found in Table 2. The complete results can be found in Tables 4 and 5. Classification results can be found in Table 6.
The content of fake and real news articles is substantially different. Our results show there is a significant difference in the content of real and fake news articles. Consistently between data sets 1 and 2, we find that real news
articles are significantly longer than fake news articles and
that fake news articles use fewer technical words, smaller
words, fewer punctuation, fewer quotes, and more lexical
redundancy. Along with this, in data set 2, fake articles need
flu coca c
flu coca d
flu acad c
avg wlen
all caps
avg negstr
avg posstr
med depth
med np d
med vp d
Data set 1
Real > Fake
Fake > Real
Real > Fake
Real > Fake
Real > Fake
Fake > Real
Fake > Real
Real > Fake
Fake > Real
Fake > Real
Fake > Real
Data set 2
Real > Fake > Satire
Satire = Fake > Real
Satire = Fake > Real
Satire > Fake = Real
Real > Fake = Satire
Real > Fake = Satire
Real > Fake = Satire
Real = Satire > Fake
Real = Satire > Fake
Real > Fake = Satire
Fake = Satire > Real
Real > Fake = Satire
Satire > Fake > Real
Satire > Fake = Real
Fake = Real > Satire
Fake = Real > Satire
Satire = Fake > Real
Satire > Fake = Real
Fake > Real = Satire
Satire > Fake > Real
Satire > Real = Fake
Real = Fake > Satire
Real > Fake = Satire
Satire > Real = Fake
Satire > Fake > Real
Data set 3
Satire > Real
Real > Satire
Satire > Real
Satire > Real
Satire > Real
Satire > Real
Satire > Real
Satire > Real
Satire > Real
Real > Satire
Satire > Real
Satire > Real
Table 4: Features that differ in the body of the news content
(bolded results correspond to p values of 0.00 or less, all
other results have p values of at least less than 0.05)
flu coca c
avg wlen
all caps
per stop
Data set 1
Fake > Real
Fake > Real
Fake > Real
Real > Fake
Real > Fake
Fake > Real
Real > Fake
Real > Fake
Real > Fake
Real > Fake
Real > Fake
Data set 2
Fake > Real = Satire
Satire > Fake = Real
Real > Fake = Satire
Satire > Fake > Real
Real > Satire = Fake
Real > Satire = Fake
Fake = Satire > Real
Real > Satire > Fake
Data set 3
Satire > Real
Real > Satire
Real > Satire
Satire > Real
Satire > Real
Satire > Real
Real > Satire = Fake
Fake > Real = Satire
Fake > Satire = Real
Real > Satire
Real > Satire
Fake > Real
Fake > Real = Satire
Table 5: Features that differ in the title of the news content
(bolded results correspond to p values of 0.00 or less, all
other results have p values of at least less than 0.05)
a slightly lower education level to read, use fewer analytic
words, have significantly more personal pronouns, and use
fewer nouns and more adverbs. These differences illustrate
a strong divergence in both the complexity and the style of
content. Fake news articles seem to be filled with less substantial information demonstrated by having a high amount
of redundancy, more adverbs, fewer nouns, fewer analytic
words, and fewer quotes. Our results also suggest that fake
news may be more personal and more self-referential, using
words like we, you, and us more often. However, this result
is not consistent between data sets and is less significant.
This stark difference between real and fake news content
is further strengthened by our SVM classification results on
the content of fake and real articles in Dataset 2. To classify the content, we use the top 4 features from our statistical analysis: number of nouns, lexical redundancy (TTR),
word count, and number of quotes. We achieve a 71% crossvalidation accuracy over a 50% baseline when separating the
body texts of real and fake news articles. Similarly, when
classifying fake from real content in Data set 1 using the
same 4 features, we achieve a 77% accuracy over a 57%
baseline. These results are shown in Table 6.
Fake vs Real
Satire vs Real
Satire vs Fake
Table 6: Linear kernel SVM classification results using the
top 4 features for the body and the title texts in Data set 2.
Accuracy is the mean of 5-fold cross-validation.
news is closely related to Rubin et al’s finding in the quotations of satirical articles (Rubin et al. 2016) where a large
number of clauses are packed into a sentence. Saliently, this
title structure is not as similar to clickbait as one might expect. Clickbait titles have been shown to have many more
function words, more stopwords, more hyperbolic words
(extremely positive), more internet slangs, and more possestive nouns rather than proper nouns (Chakraborty et al.
Once again, these differences are further strengthened by
our SVM classification results on Data set 2. To classify
fake and real news articles by their title, we use the top 4
features from our statistical analysis on titles: the percent
of stopwords, number of nouns, average word length, and
FKE readability. We achieve a 78% cross-validation accuracy over a 50% baseline, demonstrating the importance of
the title in predicting fake and real news. These results are
shown in Table 6. In addition, when classifying fake from
real titles in Data set 1 using the same 4 features, we achieve
a 71% accuracy over a 49% baseline.
Table 7 shows the distributions of select features that are
significant and consistent between data sets.
Data set 1
Data set 2
Titles are a strong differentiating factor between fake
and real news. When looking at just the titles of fake and
real news articles, we find an even stronger dissimilarity between the two, with high consistency between the data sets
and high statistical significance in the differences. Precisely,
we find that fake news titles are longer than real news titles
and contain simpler words in both length and technicality.
Fake titles also used more all capitalized words, significantly
more proper nouns, but fewer nouns overall, and fewer stopwords. Interestingly, we also find that in data set 1 fake titles
use significantly more analytical words and in data set 2 fake
titles use significantly more verb phrases and significantly
more past tense words. Overall, these results suggest that
the writers of fake news are attempting to squeeze as much
substance into the titles as possible by skipping stop-words
and nouns to increase proper nouns and verb phrases.
Looking at an example from our data will solidify this
Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Children, Child Exploitation, Pay to
Play, Perjury”
2. REAL TITLE: Preexisting Conditions and Republican
Plans to Replace Obamacare
There is a clear difference in the number of claims being
made in each title. The fake title uses many verb phrases and
name entities to get many points across, while the real title
opts for a brief and general summary statement. This broad
pattern shown in the example is consistent across the first
two data sets. Interestingly, this finding in the titles of fake
Table 7: 95% Confidence plots of all caps, NNP, and
per stop. These features were found to be significant across
both data sets 1 and 2 for fake and real titles. Top: all caps
Middle: NNP Bottom: per stop
Fake content is more closely related to satire than to
real. When adding in satire articles to the analysis, we find
that the majority of our features distributions are common
between satire and fake. Specifically, both satire and fake
use smaller, fewer technical, and fewer analytic words, as
well as, fewer quotes, fewer punctuation, more adverbs, and
fewer nouns than real articles. Further, fake and satire use
significantly more lexical redundancy than real articles.
These claims are further supported by SVM classification
results in Table 6. When using the number of nouns, lexical
redundancy (TTR), word count, and number of quotes for
the body text, we achieve a 91% cross-validation accuracy
over a 50% baseline on separating satire from real articles.
On the other hand, when separating satire from fake articles,
we only acheive a 67% accuracy over a 50% baseline. Similarly, when classifying the titles of articles using the percent
of stopwords, number of nouns, average word length, and
FKE readability, we achieve a 75% cross-validation accuracy when separating satire titles from real titles, but only
achieve a 55% accuracy when separating satire titles from
fake titles. While this accuracy is a reasonable improvement
over baseline, it is not nearly as high as big of an improvement as separating satire from real or real from fake.
Overall, these results paint an interesting picture where
satire and fake news articles are written in a less investigative way. This conclusion is in sync with what we know of
satire (Randolph 1942) (Burfoot and Baldwin 2009). Satire
news articles do not have the goal of creating sound arguments, but often make absurd and eccentric claims, whereas
real news articles must back up the information they are providing with direct quotes, domain specific knowledge, and
reasonable analysis.
Real news persuades through arguments, while fake
news persuades through heuristics. To better explain
our findings, we look at the Elaboration Likelihood Model
(ELM) of persuasion, well-studied in communications. According to ELM, people are persuaded through two different
routes: central and peripheral (Petty and Cacioppo 1986).
The central route of persuasion results from the attentive examination of the arguments and message characteristics presented, involving a high amount of energy and cognition. In
opposition, the peripheral route of persuasion results from
associating ideas or making conjectures that are unrelated
to the logic and quality of the information presented. This
method could be called a heuristic method as it does not ensure to be optimal or even sufficient in achieving its objective of finding correct or truthful information. The peripheral
route takes very little energy and cognition.
This model fits well with both our results and recent studies on the behavior of sharing online information. Given the
similarity of fake content to satire, we hypothesize that fake
content targets the peripheral route, helping the reader use
simple heuristics to assess veracity of the information. The
significant features support this finding: fake news places
a high amount substance and claims into their titles and
places much less logic, technicality, and sound arguments
in the body text of the article. Several studies have argued
that the majority of the links shared or commented on in social networks are never clicked, and thus, only the titles of
the articles are ever read (Wang, Ramachandran, and Chaintreau 2016) Titles of fake news often present claims about
people and entities in complete sentences, associating them
with actions. Therefore, titles serve as the main mechanism
to quickly make claims which are easy to assess whether
they are believable based on the reader’s existing knowl-
edge base. The body of fake news articles add relatively little
new information, but serves to repeat and enhance the claims
made in the title. The fake content is more negative in general, similar to findings in past work (Zollo et al. 2015b).
Hence, fake news is assessed through the peripheral route.
We hypothesize that if users were to utilize the central route
of persuasion, they would have a much lower chance of being convinced by the body content of fake news, as we have
shown the fake news content tend to be short, repetitive and
lacking arguments.
Conclusions and Future work
In this paper, we showed that fake and real news articles are
notably distinguishable, specifically in the title of the articles. Fake news titles use significantly fewer stop-words and
nouns, while using significantly more proper nouns and verb
phrases. We also conclude that the complexity and style of
content in fake news is more closely related to the content of
satire news. We also showed that our features can be used
to significantly improve the prediction of fake and satire
news, achieving between 71% and 91% accuracy in separating from real news stories. These results lead us to consider
the Elaboration Likelihood Model as a theory to explain the
spread and persuasion of fake news. We conclude that real
news articles persuade users through sound arguments while
fake news persuades users through heuristics. This finding
is concerning as a person may be convinced of fake news
simply out of having low energy, not just contempt, negligence, or low cognition. Unfortunately, misleading claims in
the titles of fake news articles can lead to established beliefs
which can be hard to change through reasoned arguments.
As a starting point, articles that aim to counter fake claims
should consider packing the counter-claim into their titles.
This work has some limitations and room for improvement. First, we would like to extensively expand the news
data set. Typically it is very difficult to obtain a non-noisy
ground truth for fake and real news, as the real news is becoming increasingly opinion based and many times more detailed fact checking is needed. We would like to make more
objective clusters of fake, real, and satire news through unsupervised machine learning methods on a variety of news
sources. With an expanded data set and stronger ground truth
comes the ability to do more sophisticated classification and
more in-depth natural language feature engineering, all with
the hope to stop the spread of malicious fake news quickly.
With more data and more in-depth features, our arguments
could be made much stronger. Second, we would like to
conduct user studies to more directly capture the persuasion
mechanisms of fake and real news. For users studies such as
this to be valid, careful planning and ethical considerations
are needed. Largely, we hope this work helps the academic
community continue to build technology and a refined understanding of malicious fake news.
Research was sponsored by the Army Research Laboratory
and was accomplished under Cooperative Agreement Number
W911NF-09-2-0053 (the ARL Network Science CTA). The views
and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors
and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies,
either expressed or implied, of the Army Research Laboratory or
the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation here on.
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