9.4 Arithmetic Series Binder or notebook/folder questions

9.4 Arithmetic Series
Binder or notebook/folder questions
· Are you taking notes?
· Are you keeping your folder or binder organized and
keeping your HW worksheets?
· How are you studying?
In your groups, try to determine the solution to the puzzle. If the top
square was not in any type of pattern (just looks like random lines),
then make sure the bottom square is divided by some sort of pattern.
What is the sum of the even integers from 2 to 100?
What is the sum of the finite arithmetic series,
4+9+14+19+24+ ..... +99?
Finding the Sum of a Series on a Calculator
Sequence or Series? Finite or Infinite???
Money Questions
· What is a savings account?
· Is it different than a checking account?
· Why do you need a savings account?
· How do you open a savings account?