The Salt Shaker - Parkville Presbyterian Church

The Salt Shaker
“You are the salt of the earth . . .
You are the light of the world.”
— Jesus (Matthew 5:13M A R C H
Parkville Presbyterian
Church is a community of
believers following
Jesus Christ by sharing
God’s Word,
serving and
welcoming all.
2 0 1 6
The word “Lent” comes from the old
English, “lencten," which means
“spring.” In the Christian Church,
Lent refers to the period of abstinence
preparatory to the Feast of Easter.
As this fast falls in the early part of
the year, it became confused with the
season, and gradually the word Lent,
which originally meant spring, was
confined to this liturgical use.
Family Promise
Pastoral Visit
Adult Education;
Dinners for Eight
One Great Hour of
Final Friday
Hillcrest Blessings;
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Scholarships; Baptism
Elders’ Roster
Join us each Wednesday during Lent for a
simple dinner and a time of
study and reflection.
We meet in Whipple Hall at 6:00 pm.
Thank you for all you do
to bless our neighbors!
Place shared items in
the grocery cart outside
the Sanctuary. Special
needs at this time are:
Pancake syrup
Ramen noodles
Feminine hygiene
Cash donations are
always helpful—
make checks to
SPEAC Food Pantry
Thanks to your support,
16,177 BAGS of groceries were distributed
to clients in 2015!
(3,148 households,
644 individuals)
Items are
the month!
Thanks to everyone who furnished food
for meals and snacks, served as overnight hosts, helped set up and reset the
rooms, and who are continuing to pray
for the success of this ministry in support of the homeless through Family
Promise Northland. It was surely a week
of ‘flexibility’ but our family was provided for every day. The family was grateful for our love and care.
May God continue to bless everyone
in this ministry! Our next host week
is June 19th - 26th. Please mark your calendars! We will schedule another volunteer
training in the weeks before June 19th
so even more of us can engage with our families.
~ Linda Myers & Marla Zaragoza
Following is a note received from
Family Promise —
Thank you so much for your gifts to Family
Promise of the Northland in 2015. Your gifts
make this program possible.
We are very pleased to have added two
new host sites for a total of 13, making it easier on all of us. Welcome to Good Shepherd
United Methodist Church of Platte County
and Missionaries of the Precious Blood in
Liberty. We are currently seeking more support churches and additional financial backing.
Our volunteers have made it possible to
provide excellent services to our most recent
residents making it possible for them to make
some outstanding improvements in their
Wednesday morning was made
much brighter when Pastor Steve
visited the Troy household. Rick
and I enjoyed so our time with
Steve. Add to that thanksgiving
for the flowers from Sunday’s
service and the Lenten devotional, Thank you and bless you. ~
Rick &Pam Troy
To all at
Parkville Presbyterian:
We are thankful for your friendship and support through monetary gifts and clothing donations.
Thank you for keeping us in
your hearts and minds in the
good work of hospitality! We
appreciate you! Peace and blessings,
~ Cherith Brook
Plan to join us for our annual
Easter Brunch to be held
March 27 from 9:30 until
10:30 a.m. in Whipple Hall.
We’ll be sharing egg casserole, muffins/breads, fruit cup,
milk and coffee will be served.
Reservations may be made
beginning March 6 by filling out
the insert in the bulletin and
putting in the offering plate,
contacting the church office or
emailing Teri Frazier at
[email protected].
We need your reservation
by March 20 if possible.
Pastoral Visit
Expect big things from Parkville Presby- 
terian Church in 2016, and expect to be an
integral part of them!
Your ruling elders and deacons—the
ordained officers who respond with
affirmation to most of the same questions that were part of my ordination—have a positive vision for the
future of the church, full of excitement
about where we’ve been, what we’re
already doing, and how we
can continue to live into God’s
vision for us.
Expanding the Dinners for Eight ministry
Encouraging the formation of new
small groups, especially those which
take up the Unbinding the Gospel curriculum, which encourages deeper faith
and evangelism
Offering informal opportunities for
fellowship, by encouraging members to
“Take 5” minutes after each worship
service to interact with people who are
new to them, and inviting newcomers out to lunch
 Facilitating opportunities
for gathering and learning outside of Sunday morning
 Considering new possibilities for outreach, including an
AWANA-style program or other afterschool offerings, or something like
Encouraging more participation from a
wider variety of people in Sunday
morning worship, during times of music, prayer, preaching, offering testimony, and calling to discipleship
Creating opportunities for congregants
to be more hands-on in homeless ministries, including off-site ministries
in which we might participate
Offering opportunities in or after
worship for people to commit to
some form of service
On some Sundays, offer an integrated worship service that
brings the 8:30 and 11:00 worship communities together, and offer at
least some of those outside in the park
Developing a children’s choir, and offering more opportunities for kids to
practice their skills in drama on Sunday morning and in other places
Having a Girl Scout Sunday in addi-
dearth of time and energy with which
to bring them to life. Indeed, the paradox of our current round of brainstorming is that we want to bring new
ideas to life while also paring down
our list of activities, so that when we
do something, whether it’s a new idea
or a traditional practice, we do it well.
tion to Boy Scout Sunday
In my year and a half of ministry
here, I recognize that we haven’t always done a great job of encouraging
and facilitating participation, but the
commitment is there. Are you ready to
At our leadership retreat
toward the end of January,
deacons and elders reflected
on Methodist bishop Robert Schnase’s
five practices of fruitful congregations,
which are also the names of our five
ministry teams: Radical Hospitality, Pas
sionate Worship, Risk-Taking Mission,
Extravagant Generosity, and Intentional
Faith Development.
First, they named some of the ways
our congregation is joyfully living into
these practices, a short and incomplete
list of which includes: the church’s uncommon hospitality on election days
and parade days, our commitment to
opening our space for Family Promise,
VBS and the Easter Egg Hunt and VBS
again, a knock-your-socks-off music
program, openness to community
events and outside groups, outreach
events like Pizza and Pop Theology
and Final Friday, able preaching,
women’s circles, other small groups,
high-quality Sunday School programming, our commitment to Hillcrest and
the Fuller Center and the food pantry,
and a great choir. Just to name a few.
But we also thought of some new
ways to extend and deepen our ministries, including:
Offering something outside for kids,
like a playground or basketball goal
Of course, the trick with good ideas
is to know which ones to take up and
which ones to set aside. Within our
congregation, there is a surplus of
good ideas and, it often seems, a
Toward that end, my personal commitment for 2016 is to spend less time
getting caught up in the details, and
more time delegating responsibility
and empowering you for ministry. I
also plan to take a step back from time
to time and make sure I’m taking in
the big picture, so that the session and
I can plan strategically for the long
term, without always being caught up
in the frenzy of the next thing that has
to be done.
In fact, at its February meeting, with
all these things in mind, the session set
its overall goals for 2016:to increase the
church’s membership by ten percent, to
increase the number of people participating
in the work of each ministry team
by twenty percent, and to develop
and implement a written plan for
increasing membership by June.
Of course, the connecting
thread for all this, from my
own goals to the session’s
goals to our thoughts about
what might God do in 2016—is participation. A congregation in which people
are active and engaged is a congregation where people are growing in faith,
and where the church is very likely
growing in numbers, as well.
Educational and Fellowship Opportunities
Adult Education on Sunday mornings
Sundays through April 3
(No class Easter Sunday—
March 27)
Rev. John Brentlinger will
be teaching over the next
several weeks. This will be
Part 2 of a class that looks at
the growth of Gentile believers in Jesus through the
New Testament documents of Luke-Acts. Attention will be given to the historical setting of
both books, and each week there will be an indepth look at one or more biblical texts that illustrate Luke as historian and evangelist. Join
John and a large group of Bible students on Sunday mornings at 9:40!
Faith and Families Class
3/6 and 3/13 Tim Abrahamson—”Teach
Her Who God Is” from Dr. Meg Meeker's
book Strong Fathers. While the book is
focused on the father-daughter relationship the contents of this chapter are applicable to all children and their relationship with their parents. All parents will
be able to pick up some tips to take
home. There will tidbits for everyone to
take away from the morning.
Note: There are a few openings on Faith
and Families Spring class schedule, so if
anyone is interested in volunteering
please let Shannon Windmeyer know.
Groups of Eight
Do you enjoy having dinner with friends? Do
you enjoy preparing only one dish, but having a
complete meal? Do you enjoy getting to know your fellow congregants better? If
so, Groups of Eight might be
perfect for you.
Each quarter, several of our
members open their homes
and host a dinner for 8 - 10
others. Everyone prepares
one dish, and then they enjoy
an evening of dinner and fellowship.
Groups will be meeting during April or May.
If you’d like to participate, please contact Kay
Jackson at
[email protected] or 816.746.1473.
This special offering will be received during the month of March and
dedicated on Easter Sunday (March 27)
Little Dresses for Africa
The Parkville Pres Little Dresses for Africa group will meet Friday, March 4,
from 1:00 to 5:00 PM in Whipple Hall. Please come when you can and leave when you
must, or drop by to pick up a packet of materials to work on at home.
All skill sets are needed and welcome at this work session. Currently we need volunteers to:
- select fabric to make dresses and shorts
- cut out patterns (rotary cutters are available)
- make preassembled kits for home sewing
- do basic machine sewing.
We have two donated sewing machines for our use
if you would rather not tote your own machine
If you would like to help by sewing at home, there
are packets of fabric and supplies available to make
dresses and shorts. Or, you can select materials
from our stash of donated fabric to personalize
homemade garments.
Coming up Friday,
March 25
(Good Friday)
An Evening with a
musical telling
Christ’s Passion
Some of the most
sublime music ever
conceived was not
written for the concert hall, but for
communities of worship. Towering over
all such musics are
J.S. Bach’s Passion
settings. Each are
masterworks of the
highest caliber and
each was written
for community
worship during
Holy Week. This
year, join our Chancel Choir with musical guests the Kansas City Baroque
Consortium for excerpts from J.S.
Bach’s Passion According to St. John.
Retrospective: February Final Friday
Hillcrest Blessings was formed last year as a way to assist
families that might fall into ‘homelessness’. PPC Missions
and the Session have committed to support this ministry on
behalf of the PPC congregation. Using a portion of our
Community Assistance Fund, we have sent a donation in
the amount of $1000.00 to Hillcrest Blessings. Hillcrest
Blessings will match this amount as Pastor Steve refers families in need of financial help over what PPC can do
on its own. Once referred to Hillcrest Blessings, the family
works with a financial counselor to develop a budget program that fits their needs as they grow financially stable.
The families either can pay back the loan or serve in community payback programs such as Hillcrest Thrift Shop. Through Hillcrest Blessings, 50 families
have been served and prevented from becoming a part of the ‘Homeless’ population in 2015.
If you feel God is calling you to help families in this way, please contribute to the PPC Community
Assistance Fund. Let’s continue to serve God by serving others in need. Thank you for being a loving, caring community at PPC.
Congregational Meeting—Sunday March 6,
following 11:00 worship service; election of a
Ruling Elder to fill vacancy.
Prayer Shawls and Magazines:
We have broadened our mission!
The No Names Coordinator is distributing approximately
200 magazines to
the teams visiting
three nursing homes
they service. The Team Leaders were thrilled to be
able to have so many magazines to hand out to
residents. The No Names Leadership sends their
heartfelt thanks to the people of PPC for the large
donation of old magazines. They were astonished
with your ongoing generosity in donating so
many magazines over the last few months. While
this remains primarily a Prayer Shawl ministry,
those magazines have become an equally important means of reaching people and letting them
know others care. Your kindness is now benefitting people in four different area nursing homes.
~ Risk-Taking Ministries
Per Capita Offerings are made to our Presbytery, in the amount of $39.52 per member, to
support the work of the wider church. If you are
able to offset, your help would be appreciated.
Below: Paul Gault and Charlie Rusher take advantage of a bright, sunny, winter day to do
some work on our church building. Our appreciation to the Buildings and Ground Ministry team
which works to keep our church healthy and
vibrant for us!
Fulfilling our Mission
News from Kids’ Sunday School
with Hands-On Ministries
The kids are expanding our Heifer, International
menagerie. Over the last four years, we have purchased a hive of bees, 2 sheep, 5 flocks of ducks and
geese, 3 flocks of chicks, 6 water buffalo and 2 llamas. We now have set our sights on goats and more
chicks! Kids can bring their dimes, quarters and
dollars through Palm Sunday to contribute.
Hillcrest Transitional Housing
The current resident of our apartment, Tara, will
graduate on March 15th. She is ready to move
into an apartment in April and recently passed the
test to renew her cosmetology license. We celebrate with her and congratulate her on her progress toward self-sufficiency.
SPEAC Food Pantry
During January 193 households were served.
This translates into 483 individuals provided
with1232 bags of groceries.
Fuller Center
Families are being interviewed to participate in
another new home build project.
There is also an applicant for a Greater Blessing
renovation project.
Family Promise of the Northland
Two families are currently participating in the program. We will provide another training before our
next host weeks in June and July.
More good news, Family Promise has been chosen as the Charity of Choice for the Parkville
Chamber of Commerce for 2016.
The Northland Community Choir will present
John Rutter’s Mass for the Children as a fundraiser for Family Promise April 24 at 3pm at Park
University. All proceeds from the concert will be
donated to Family Promise. Plan now to attend
and invite your friends to support this important
ministry to our neighbors dealing with the homelessness.
Highway 9 Clean Up
Saturday, April 2, 9am
Easter Egg Hunt
Help out with our community Easter Egg
Hunt! Pick up a bag of plastic eggs on
March 6 and 13. Fill them with candy,
stickers, small toys, or tattoos and return them to
church by March 20. We’ll gather all the filled eggs,
take them to the Park University Shelter House and
Park, and hide them in the grass. Community kids
will gather at the Shelter House on Saturday, March
26 at 10:00 for the Easter Egg Hunt.
Invite your neighbors to join us on March 26!
Election Day: You have a couple of opportunities
to connect with our community on election days
during March and April. Since Whipple Hall is a
polling place, we provide a reception table with
cookies and drinks for our neighbors. The polls are
open March 15 and April 5 from 6 am - 7pm. Please
contact Kay Jackson if you can bring cookies or
serve for 2 hours as a welcoming presence at the table. Label cookies “Election” and leave them in the
kitchen. Contact Kay at: 816.550-1112 -1112 or
[email protected]
Wednesday evening Lenten Dinners and study
at 6pm - Whipple Hall
Palm Sunday - March 20 - Palm Parade
Maundy Thursday - 7pm Whipple Hall
Good Friday/Final Friday - Bach’s St. John’s Passion - 7pm
Holy Saturday - Easter Egg Hunt - 10:00 - 11:30
Park University Shelter House
Easter - Sunrise 6:30 am
Easter Early Service - 8:30
Easter Brunch - 9:30 - 10:30 am
No Christian Education on Easter
Easter Late Service - 11:00 a.m.
2016 Memorial Scholarship
Forms for the 2016 Memorial Scholarship are available on the kiosk in the narthex. Both graduating
high school seniors and college students are eligible to apply. The initial scholarship amount is between $500 and $1000. College students may apply for a renewal scholarship of $250 with a lifetime
limit of $2,000. The scholarship is intended to assist the student with tuition, fees, book or supplies.
Completed applications are due May 1, 2016. Questions may be directed to Mary Listrom
[email protected].
Support our churchsponsored Scout
Troop and enjoy a
great meal!
Saturday, March 5 4pm
Rite of Christian Baptism - February 28, 2016
For Kayla Elizabeth Chapple, daughter of Nicole and Andy Chapple
and granddaughter of Steve and Janet Walker.
ELDERS — 2016 Church Office #741-1641/Fax#741-1644
Cell# 816-719-4315
[email protected]
Cell# 816-456-7200
[email protected]
Cell# 816-682-4770
[email protected]
Cell# 913-244-4015
[email protected]
Cell# 816-522-8021
[email protected]
Cell# 816-520-4211
[email protected]
Cell# 816-550-1112
[email protected]
Cell# 816-914-8731
[email protected]
Cell# 816-853-9721
[email protected]
Cell# 913-951-1821
[email protected]
Cell# 816-797-8024
[email protected]
Cell# 515-306-8583
[email protected]
Cell# 816-351-4993
[email protected]
Radical Hospitality Ministry Team
Intentional Faith/Children Team
Radical Hospitality Ministry Team
Passionate Worship Moderator
Extravagant Generosity Team
Extravagant Generosity Team
Radical Hospitality Moderator
Extravagant Generosity
Intentional Faith/Children
Risk Taking Mission Moderator
Acting Clerk of Session
Extravagant Generosity Team
Radical Hospitality Ministry Team
Parkville Presbyterian Church
March 2016
8:30 a.m. Worship
9:45 a.m. Church
11:00 a.m. Worship
followed by Congregational Meeting
4:00 p.m. Upper
Elementary & Youth
8:30 a.m. Worship
9:45 a.m. Church
11:00 a.m. Worship
4:00 p.m. Upper
Elementary & Youth
1:30 p.m. SPEAC/US
meeting, Room 307
6:00 p.m. Bible Study,
Room 307
6:00 p.m. Cub Scouts
7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts
Whipple Hall
7:00 p.m. Evening Circle
at the home of Linda
6:00 p.m. Bible Study,
Room 307
6:00 p.m. Cub Scouts
7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts
Whipple Hall
1:00 p.m. Little Dresses
for Africa
4:00 p.m. Scout
Chili Supper,
Whipple Hall
6:30 p.m. Cubs/rooms
6:00 p.m. Lenten
Journey, Whipple Hall
7:00 p.m. Session,
Room 307
7:00p.m. Choir
10Ministry Night
6:30 p.m. Cubs/rooms
6:00 p.m. Lenten
Journey, Whipple Hall
6:00 p.m. Ministry
Teams light-meal
6:30 p.m. Worship
7:00 p.m. Ministry
Team Meetings
7:00 p.m. Right Side
of the Tracks/Room
15 Election
2:00 p.m. SPEAC,
Room 307
Whipple Hall
6:30 p.m. Cubs/rooms
7:00 p.m.. Board of
Deacons, Room 307
10:00 a.m. Small Group
Meeting, Youth Floor
10:00 a.m. Small Group
Meeting, Youth Floor
10:00 a.m. Small Group
Meeting, Youth Floor
6:00 p.m. Lenten
Journey, Whipple Hall
7:00p.m. Choir
10:00 a.m. Circle III,
Room 307
5:00 p.m. Brownies
Room 206
7:00 p.m. Shawl
7:00 p.m. Right Side
of the Tracks/Room
5:00 p.m. Brownies
Room 206
9:00 a.m. All Together
Now Music Class, Room
10:00 a.m. Small Group
Meeting, Youth Floor
9:00 a.m. All Together
Now Music Class, Room
10:00 a.m. Girl
Scouts Room 205
7:00 p.m. N/A Ad Hoc
Meeting, Room 208
9:00 a.m. All Together
Now Music Class, Room
9:00 a.m. Worship
7:00 p.m. Pizza & Pop
Theology @Stone
Canyon, Parkville
10:00 a.m. Small Group
Meeting, Youth Floor
7:00 p.m. Right Side
of the Tracks/Room
6:00 p.m. Cub Scout
Lock in
9:00 a.m. All Together
Now Music Class, Room
10:00 a.m. Small Group
Meeting, Youth Floor
10:00 a.m. Easter
Brunch Decorating
Holy Week
8:30 a.m. Worship
9:45 a.m. Church
11:00 a.m. Worship
10:00 a.m. Small Group
Meeting, Youth Floor
4:00 p.m. Upper
Elementary & Youth
6:00 p.m. Bible Study,
Room 307
6:00 p.m. Cub Scouts
7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts
Whipple Hall
6:30 p.m. Cubs/rooms
6:00 p.m. Lenten
Journey, Whipple Hall
7:00p.m. Choir
27 Easter
6:30 a.m. Sunrise
Worship. Pocket
Park, Parkville
8:30 a.m. Worship
9:45 a.m. Easter
Brunch, Whipple
11:00 a.m. Worship
No Bible Study
6:00 p.m. Cubs/rooms
7:00 p.m. Boy Scouts
Whipple Hall
6:30 p.m. Cub Pack
Meeting/Whipple Hall
7:00 p.m. Choir
7:00 p.m. Right Side
of the Tracks/Room
8:00 a.m. Morning
10:00 a.m. Small Group
Meeting, Youth Floor
7:00 p.m. Maundy
Thursday Worship/
Whipple Hall
7:00 p.m. Right Side
of the Tracks/Room
7:00 p.m. Final Friday
Community Good
Friday Concert
10:00 a.m. @ Park
Easter Egg Hunt
Parkville Presbyterian Church
819 Main Street
Parkville, MO 64152-3630
Office: 816.741.1641
Fax: 816.741.1744
E-mail [email protected]
PPC has a Facebook page! “Like” us at “Parkville
Presbyterian Church”
Forward the Salt Shaker to a Friend
Sunday Worship 8:30 & 11:00 a.m.
Church School: 9:45 a.m.
Wednesday Morning Prayers: 7:30 a.m.
Church Office: 816-741-1641
Church Fax: 816-741-1644
E-Mail: [email protected]
Salt Shaker published monthly by
Parkville Presbyterian Church
The Rev. Steven Andrews, Pastor
Paul Erickson, Director of Music and Arts & Organist
Peggy Pape, Office Manager
News Deadline is NOON — Last Sunday of Month