aRtistic - Manitoba Opera

Mission Statement
Manitoba Opera is a non-profit arts
organization dedicated to changing
people’s lives through the glory of opera.
Manitoba Opera Office
Lower Level, Centennial Concert Hall
Room 1060, 555 Main Street
Winnipeg, MB R3B 1C3
9:30 am - 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday
Single Tickets: 204-944-8824
Subscriber Services Hotline: 204-957-7842
Larry Desrochers
General Director & CEO
Tadeusz Biernacki
Assistant Music Director/Chorus Master
To advertise in this program call:
Michael Blais
Director of Administration
Valorie Block
Events and Sponsorship Manager
Manitoba Opera is a member
of and Opera America.
Sheldon Johnson
Director of Production
Natasha Macdonald-Sawh
Patron Services Representative
Tyrone Paterson
Music Advisor & Principal Conductor
Darlene Ronald
Director of Marketing
Dale Sulymka
Chief Financial Officer
Monica Wood
Director of Development
Student Intern – John Teye
Manitoba Opera gratefully acknowledges
the encouragement and financial support
given by the following:
Program design by Raquelle Lafond, Panama Design
Livia Dymond
Education and Outreach Coordinator
2014/15 Board of Trustees
Wayne Benson,
Elba Haid,
Camerata Committee Chair
Sue Jurkovic,
Bravo Gala Chair
Co-owner, Buhle Painting
& Decorating
President and CEO, Realcare Inc.
Owner, DSM Enterprises
Dr. Robert Biscontri,
Finance Committee Chair
Peter Heavysege,
Audience Engagement Chair
Dr. Hermann Lee
Assistant Professor, Accounting &
Finance, University of Manitoba
Finance Consultant
Brent Bottomley
Dr. Amanda Huminicki
Dr. Henri Marcoux
Partner, Osprey Capital Partners
Pediatric Dentistry Resident,
Health Sciences Centre and
University of Manitoba
Owner, Marcoux
Chiropractic Office
Abbie Grieder
Dr. Anthony Iacopino,
Secretary, Community
Support Committee Chair
Luisa Matheson
Owner, G & L Sales Ltd.
Dean, Faculty of Dentistry,
University of Manitoba
President and CEO,
Rockwell Group
Dr. Bill Pope
Heather Sarna
Principal, HSA Design Inc.
Jennifer Snyder,
Governance Committee Chair
Portfolio Manager, Harbourfront
Wealth Management
Kimberley Puhach
Dr. Jeffrey Sisler
Consultant, Leaders & Co.
Associate Dean, College of
Medicine, Faculty of Health
Sciences, University of Manitoba
Robert Vineberg,
Executive Committee Chair
Historian and Policy Consultant
Under the distinguished
patronage of
Directors Emeriti
James W. Astwood
Allan M. Moore*
The Honourable Philip S. Lee,
Thos. F. Copeland*
Dr. Robert N. Morris
Rosalind Dick
Dr. M.M. Pierce*
His Worship Brian Bowman,
Mayor of the City of Winnipeg
D. Chris Finnbogason
Dr. Elmer E. Reimer
Peter George
Founding President
H.E. Harland
Louis R. (Bud)
The Honourable A. Kerr Twaddle*
Mrs. Kenneth R.
C.M., O.M.
Artistic Director
A. Rolph Huband
Dr. Irving Guttman, C.M., O.B.C.*
Richard Irish
Founding Director
Bruce H. Lang
Dr. Robert H. Thorlakson, O.C.*
Mrs. Sinclair A.
Eleanor Siddall
Dr. Lawrence
J.F. Reeh Taylor
Leigh Taylor
* deceased
Manitoba Opera
gratefully acknowledges the generosity of our
2014/15 Season Supporters
Season Funders
Season Sponsors
Production & Performance Sponsors
Chorus Sponsor
Projected Translations Sponsor
Media Sponsors
Education, Outreach & Audience Engagement Sponsors
Student Night at the Opera
Official Sponsors
Hotel Sponsor
IT Sponsor
from the Chair,
Board of Trustees
As Chair of the Board of Trustees, it is
my pleasure to welcome you to this
evening’s performance of Giacomo
Puccini’s final opera, Turandot. I’m sure
you will enjoy this magnificent fairy tale
as you are swept away to ancient Asia.
This season has been the first under our
artistic policy of pairing a classic “hit”
opera such as Turandot with a work we
have never previously produced, which was
the case with last fall’s Fidelio. And just
as Fidelio dealt with the issues of political
freedoms and unjust imprisonment, our
intent is also to continue to present works
with themes relevant to our time and
our world.
Our upcoming season will match a new
production of Mozart’s wonderful Le nozze
di Figaro (The Marriage of Figaro) with Of
Mice and Men by the American composer
Carlisle Floyd. Based on John Steinbeck’s
novella, Of Mice and Men received its
premiere in 1970 with Seattle Opera. This
will be the first time the opera has been
produced in Winnipeg and only the third
time in Canada. Floyd has set Steinbeck’s
themes of poverty and intellectual disability
to hauntingly beautiful music. And these
are subjects that are every bit as relevant in
Winnipeg in 2015 as they were to America
in the dirty thirties.
Manitoba Opera receives grants from
the arts councils of all three levels of
government, and each year these councils
conduct assessments of funding recipients.
We recently received the Canada Council’s
assessment. The assessment panel
“applauded the Manitoba Opera for
their commitment to engaging Canadian
artists, looking to Manitobans first and
in particular, casting these same artists
in leading roles.” The panel also “was
impressed by the recent choices in
programming (Fidelio).” They felt the
interpretation was forward thinking and
encouraged the organization “to continue
to explore and continue on this path.”
And this is precisely what we intend to do.
Our goal is to continue to engage our
patrons with great opera, but also to
reach out to new audiences in our city
and province so as many Manitobans as
possible can experience the glory and
continuing relevance of opera.
I wish you a wonderful and entertaining
Robert Vineberg
Pre-Show Chat
Presenter: Simeon Rusnak
Saturday, April 18 x Piano Nobile x 7:30 pm
Tuesday, April 21 x Piano Nobile x 6:30 pm
Friday, April 24 x Orchestra Right, Main Floor x 7:30 pm
An informative 20-minute presentation that will add to your enjoyment of the production.
Message from the
General Director
Turandot was Puccini’s last opera, his
most spectacular, and his most troubling.
Unfinished at his death, it was completed
by his student, Franco Alfano. The opera
took a long time, from its premiere under
conductor Arturo Toscanini at La Scala in
1926, to become as popular as it is today.
Why did Puccini, the master of verismo,
which dominated Italian opera from the
end of the 19th century through the first
part of the last, want to create an opera
based on a fairy tale? Verismo, meaning
“truth,” had dispensed with mythical
characters or royalty, to document, even
in historic settings, ordinary people in
realistic surroundings. Think Puccini’s
artists in La Bohème or the geisha in his
Madama Butterfly.
Why take on an essentially light story with
fairy tale elements of a mysterious prince
and unattainable princess; an implacable
law; and three riddles to be solved, while
mixing in Italian commedia del’arte
characters with the three ministers, Ping,
Pang, and Pong? It was certainly a change
in material, but then Puccini insisted on
adding Liù, the slave girl in love with the
hero and upsetting the story, for she is
the classic Puccini heroine: sister to Mimi
or Butterfly.
Liù is the fly in the mythical operatic
ointment of Turandot. Her death casts
a pall over the ending of the opera.
Though cancer stopped him, Puccini
had spent a long time trying to make the
surrender of Turandot to Calaf’s love work
in their final duet. Alfano’s piecing together
seems fine to some, lame to others, but
how could it be otherwise? A more recent
attempt by the Italian avant-garde
composer, Lucio Berio, is quieter, and more
ethereal, but it too is a compromise. Puccini
wanted transcendence in his highborn lovers.
If it seems unlikely Turandot would turn on
a dime and love Calaf after such venomous
dislike, remember that this is a fairy tale.
Calaf, through answering the three riddles,
has freed Turandot (and the court) from the
oath she had sworn for revenge on men.
With Liù dying, however, their love may
seem heartless. As one critic has remarked,
even if Puccini had completed the work,
it would still remain mysterious.
What would Puccini have written after
Turandot if he had lived? Sometimes the
“if only’s” of life have their fascinations.
Larry Desrochers
General Director & CEO
In Memoriam
Kerr Twaddle
The founding president of Manitoba Opera,
the Honourable Justice Archibald Kerr
Twaddle passed away March 30 at Grace
Hospital at the age of 82. A long-time lover
of the art form, one of his most cherished
accomplishments was the creation of the
Manitoba Opera Association with fellow
opera lovers in 1969. He was inspired to
create a company in Manitoba after seeing
a production of Verdi’s Otello (his favourite
opera) at Expo ’67 in Montreal.
Mr. Twaddle served on the board from
1969 until 1975 and from 1977 until 1989.
From 1974 to 1979 he was responsible for
casting and planning. He was also artistic
director between 1975 and 1977. During this
time he went to great efforts to make the
artists feel at home. He made many lifelong
friends and established a warm family
atmosphere within the company.
Dr. Irving Guttman,
C.M., artistic director
of Manitoba Opera
for 21 years, died in
Vancouver on December 7, at the age of
86, following a lengthy illness. Dr. Guttman
was known as the “Father of Western
Canadian Opera.” He was hired by
Manitoba Opera in 1973 to direct the
company’s first full production, Madama
Butterfly. He went on to direct over 35
other productions for the company and
was the artistic director from 1977 to 1998.
“I was honoured to know Justice
Kerr Twaddle,” says Larry Desrochers,
General Director & CEO. “Shortly after
I started working at Manitoba Opera in
2001, he took me to lunch and shared with
me his fascinating story about the company
from its founding through to the end of his
time on the board. Though some years had
passed since his direct involvement with
the company, he was still clearly passionate
about Manitoba Opera. All of us who
enjoy opera in Manitoba owe him a debt
of gratitude for his vision, his incredible
dedication to Manitoba Opera, and his love
of the art.”
Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Winnipeg was
Kerr Twaddle’s chosen home for 54 years.
He emigrated here with his wife, Susan, in
1961, after training as a lawyer in London,
England. He practiced law for a number of
years, and in 1985 was appointed to the
Manitoba Court of Appeal, a position he
relished until his retirement in 2007. While
Mr. Twaddle always had a tremendous
passion for law, it was opera that fed his
spirit. In his later years he no longer went
out in the evening, except to see Manitoba
Opera’s productions, which he never missed.
He was also founding artistic director of
companies in Vancouver, Edmonton, and
Regina and contributed immeasurably
to the birth and artistic growth of
these companies and opera in Canada.
Dr. Guttman was renowned for his ability
to discover singers and foster young talent
including Tracy Dahl, Richard Margison,
and Ben Heppner.
“Irving Guttman was truly a pioneer. It’s quite likely that opera in Western
Canada would not have grown as quickly
as it did without his involvement. He leaves
a legacy unmatched in this country,”
commented Larry Desrochers, General
Director & CEO.
A Mandarin’s Life
by Rory Runnells
Here you are Ping, Pang, and Pong,
with your fairy tale names, living in
the grip of Princess Turandot’s reign.
You are mandarins sworn to duty, but you
just want to leave. The job won’t let you.
Job? You are in a crazy position in a mad,
blood-soaked, nightmare court. Yes, you
do your duty serving the icy princess even
though you try to undermine her relentless
vengeance by discouraging, always
unsuccessfully, these guys who risk
death (and always do die) to win her
love, or hand, or whatever they think
enraptures them.
Yes, the definition of insanity is trying the
same thing over and over again expecting
a different result, but getting the same one.
In your case, it’s assisting in raising the body
count to Turandot’s implacable will. But you
do it.
The cruelty can get to you. You aren’t kind
a lot of the time, but you keep a cynical,
black humour at hand; a wisecrack can do
wonders sometimes. It can also be out of
place; some things just aren’t funny. You
don’t expect sympathy, but occasionally
things get to you, and you can offer it too,
if a little belatedly. Take this new mysterious
guy obsessed with the princess. He has an
aging, blind father and a kind, enchanting
girl in love with him. Yet he doesn’t see
that, the creep. The girl is willing to die for
him, and you are affected, though you may
express it more harshly than you mean.
No matter. What you really want is to go
home to your blue lake, your garden, and
your forests. In other words, you want to
flee the corrupt city of crowds, riddles,
and death. But what’s this? The new guy,
a prince, answers the riddles. Is Turandot
defeated? Will she be ruled? (As if.)
One last, lousy task: find out his name, or
all bets are off, and you will never go home.
So you bribe, cajole, are present at the
torture of the poor Liù who kills herself
rather than reveal his name. Is that enough
for you? It seems enough for the princess.
Love overrules death; the prince gets his
princess; and as happy an ending as one can
have at this court satisfies you, though the
fate of poor Liù lingers. Still, now you can
return home to the beauty and peace you
never witnessed at court.
Rory Runnells is Artistic Director of the Manitoba
Association of Playwrights, Drama Editor for
Prairie Fire magazine, and writes book reviews
for the Winnipeg Free Press.
Special Thanks to our Season and Turandot Production and Performance Sponsors:
The Composer
The Librettist
(1858 -1924)
(1878 -1946)
Considered one of the great operatic
composers of the late 19th and early 20th
centuries, Giacomo Antonio Domenico
Michele Secondo Maria Puccini (II) began
his career at the age of 14 as an organist
at the San Martino Church in Lucca, Italy.
He studied at the Milan Conservatory
from 1880 to 1883. During this time, his
bohemian existence as a poor student later
found expression in La Bohème.
Puccini composed eight major operas in his
lifetime and some of his now-famous works
made disappointing debuts. The response
to La Bohème was mixed. Tosca was ripped
apart by critics. At the premiere of
Madama Butterfly, the audience hissed
and laughed, prompting the cancellation
of all scheduled performances.
However, Puccini persevered, and with
high standards for himself and everyone
involved in his operas, he took an active
role in their production. He knew that his
popular success depended on how well
his works were performed.
Because Puccini was so theatrical, critics
and academics have tried to deny him his
proper place amongst serious composers.
The public, however, feels differently, and
Puccini remains a favourite of opera goers
the world over.
Giuseppe Adami was born in Verona, Italy,
and graduated from the University of Padua.
He worked with Puccini on La Rondine in
1917, Il Tabarro in 1918, and Turandot in
He also wrote several plays including Fioi Di
Goldoni, Una Capanna e il tuo cuore (1913),
Capelli Bianchi (1915), Felicita Colombo
(1935), and Nonna Felicita (1936).
The Librettist
(1875 -1952)
Renato Simoni was also born in Verona.
He was a journalist, playwright, and writer.
His first job in 1902 was as editor and critic
at L’ Adige, a Veronese newspaper.
In 1914, Simoni succeeded John Pozza as an
author and critic of the Corriere Della Sera
newspaper, where he worked until the
end of his life.
In 1952, Simoni donated 40,000 volumes of
his writings and reviews to the Museum of
La Scala.
Puccini died in Brussels, Belgium, in 1924
from complications due to treatment for
throat cancer. His death was declared an
occasion of national mourning in Italy
and Mussolini gave the funeral oration.
Synopsis first performance:
Teatro La Scala, Milan, April 25, 1926
Ancient Peking x
Legendary x
Act I
Turandot, daughter of Emperor Altoum, has
decreed that she will only marry if a suitor
of noble blood can answer three riddles. If
he cannot, the price shall be his head. The
most recent candidate, the Prince of Persia,
is to be executed at the moon’s rising. In the
commotion outside the palace a blind man
falls to the ground, and his companion, Liù,
asks for help. They are aided by a disguised
Calaf, who recognizes the man as his
long-lost father, Timur, the banished ruler
of his land. Calaf, like his father, is running
from enemies and concealing his identity.
He is known only as the Unknown Prince.
Liù continues to aid Timur even in exile
because years before, as she explains,
Calaf bestowed a smile upon her.
The people impatiently await the beheading.
As the Prince of Persia enters, the crowd is
suddenly moved and pleads with the
Princess to pardon him. Turandot appears
and dispassionately confirms the Prince’s
sentence with a silent gesture. Calaf
immediately is entranced by her beauty.
Timur and Liù try to convince the smitten
Calaf that he must leave with them, but
he breaks away and attempts to announce
himself as a suitor. The three ministers of
the Imperial Household, Ping, Pang, and
Pong, warn him of his folly, but to no avail.
In one final attempt, Liù begs him to listen,
but Calaf ignores her entreaties and
ceremoniously rings the gong, signifying
his challenge for Turandot’s hand.
Act II
Ping, Pang, and Pong prepare for the
eventuality of a wedding or a funeral. They
discuss their misery since Turandot reached
the marriageable age, numbering the many
noble suitors who have met a deadly fate
and reminiscing about life in their native
provinces. Is there truly a man whose
passion can melt Turandot’s icy heart?
Their hopes are guarded.
A crowd assembles for the Trial of the Three
Enigmas. Turandot devised this system to
avenge her ancestress, Lo-u Ling, who was
captured, raped, and then put to death by
marauding invaders. She offers Calaf one
last chance to withdraw, but he stands firm
in his resolve. The first question is offered:
“What is born each night and dies each
dawn?” Calaf correctly answers “Hope.”
Slightly taken aback, Turandot poses the
next riddle: “What flares warm like a flame,
yet it is no flame?” Calaf hesitates, and then
answers perfectly: “Blood.” Visibly shaken,
Turandot asks the final question: “The ice
that gives you fire, what can it be?”
Calaf tarries, and then triumphantly cries
“Turandot!” The people celebrate his
victory, but Turandot pleads with the
emperor not to be given to this unknown
prince. Seeing her distress Calaf decides to
play her game and offers a riddle of his
own: “If before morning you can discover
the name I bear, I shall forfeit my life.”
It is decreed that none shall sleep, under
penalty of death, until the name of the
Unknown Prince is discovered. Calaf expresses
his conviction that he alone will reveal the
secret. Ping, Pang, and Pong offer any prize,
including his safe escape, if he tells them his
name. Having been seen with Calaf, Timur
and Liù are captured, and at Turandot’s
request Timur is to be tortured until he
reveals the truth. Liù steps forward and says
that she knows the prince’s name but will
keep it as her eternal secret. She grabs
a soldier’s dagger and kills herself. Calaf
reproaches the Princess for her cruelty and
then takes hold of her and boldly kisses her.
Turandot’s strength and desire for revenge
leave her, and she weeps for the first time.
Calaf reveals his true identity, thereby
putting his life in Turandot’s hands. Trumpets
announce the arrival of dawn and the
assembly of the court. Turandot addresses
the emperor and the people: “I have
discovered the stranger’s name –
it is Love!”
Courtesy of The Minnesota Opera
“My students loved
the experience.”
Student Night: Inspiring the Children of Today;
Creating the Audiences of Tomorrow
Each season approximately 3,000
students are introduced to the
wonder of opera through Student
Night at the Opera. For many
students, Student Night at the Opera
is their first time attending an opera.
Once each season, Manitoba Opera
asks our patrons to support this
program through our “Pass the Hat”
initiative which is taking place at all
Chilean students from St. James-Assiniboia International
three performances of Turandot. Student program at Don Pasquale last fall.
After the second intermission,
ushers will be passing baskets to collect contributions in support of
Student Night at the Opera.
Contributions help to offset the cost of this program, which enables
students from Winnipeg and the surrounding region to attend the dress
rehearsal of our regular productions.
“My students are mesmerized. It’s beautiful and interesting.
Every opera is different, I will always come.”
– Pam Mason, Sisler High School
With your support, we are able to offer tickets for Student Night at the
Opera for only $12 per student. Your contribution also helps to pay for the
creation of study guides for teachers to help them prepare students for
the performance.
“My students loved the experience. They were all first time
opera attendees.”
– Leigh Brown, Children of the Earth High School
Thank you for helping us to inspire children today
and create the audiences of tomorrow.
A n O pera in T hree A cts
Music by
Giacomo Puccini
Italian Libretto by Giuseppe Adami and Renato Simoni
The last duet and the final scene of the opera were completed by Franco Alfano
Based on Carlo Gozzi’s drama of the same name
Conducted by
Tyrone Paterson
Directed by
Tom Diamond
PRINCIPAL Cast (In order of vocal appearance)
A Mandarin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gene Wu
Liù, a slave girl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lara Ciekiewicz
The Unknown Prince (Calaf) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Raúl Melo
Timur, the dethroned Tartar King
(Calaf’s father) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Valerian Ruminski
Ping, the grand Chancellor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benjamin Covey
Pang, the general Purveyor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keith Klassen
Pong, the chief Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Christopher Mayell
The Emperor Altoum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Terence Mierau
Princess Turandot, his daughter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mlada Khudoley
Also appearing
The Prince of Persia (Offstage Voice) . . . . . . . . . George Nytepchuk
1st Lady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kadri Irwin
2nd Lady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emily Diehl-Reader
Set Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anita Stewart
Costume Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anna Oliver
Lighting and Projections Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Baumgarten
Stage Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Pel
Assistant Stage ManagerS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kathryn Ball
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Candace Maxwell
Scenery and Costumes provided by . . . . . . . Opera Carolina (Charlotte NC)
Projected Titles Translations by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . James Meena
There will be two intermissions
Latecomers will not be seated until an appropriate break in the program. The use of cameras
and recording devices is strictly forbidden. Please turn off paging devices, cell phones,
and alarm watches. Cast subject to change.
Manitoba Opera is a professional company operating within the jurisdiction
of Canadian Actors’ Equity Association.
The Artists
Tom Diamond
Gene Wu*
A Winnipeg native,
Tom Diamond’s acclaimed
productions include
premieres of Chan Ka Nin’s
Iron Road (Dora Mavor
Moore Award), Timothy
Sullivan’s Florence: The Lady with the Lamp
(Chalmers Award), five productions for Pacific
Opera Victoria, and nine for the Canadian Opera
Company. His production of Squonk was an
off-Broadway hit which transferred to Broadway
where it won the American Theatre Wing
Hewes Award.
In 2015, Mr. Diamond has already staged Turandot
(Opera Carolina), Rimsky-Korsakov’s The Golden
Cockerel (Sarasota Opera), and Le Nozze di Figaro
(Opera Lyra Ottawa). He is perhaps most often
recognized for his participation in the Gemini
Award-winning television series Bathroom Divas.
Tom Diamond last directed La Traviata in 2008 for
Manitoba Opera.
Tyrone Paterson
Tyrone Paterson is Manitoba
Opera’s Music Advisor and
Principal Conductor. He is
one of Canada’s major opera
conductors and has led
performances throughout
Europe, the US, Asia, and Canada. Recent
performances include Otello (Germany); Madama
Butterfly and Tosca (Opera Lyra Ottawa); Rigoletto
(Montreal Opera); Cavalleria Rusticana/Pagliacci
(Edmonton Opera); concerts in San Remo, Italy;
La Traviata (Hawaii Opera Theatre); Medea at
Il Teatro Greco (Italy); concerts for Opera Cracow
(Poland); Manon (Calgary Opera); Carmen (Opera
Lyra Ottawa); Salome, Rigoletto, Aida, Don
Pasquale, and Fidelio (Manitoba Opera).
Other notable past engagements include
Eugene Onegin featuring Russell Braun; Lucia
di Lammermoor featuring Sumi Jo; Borodin’s
Prince Igor (National Theater of Moravia-Silesia);
La Traviata and Rigoletto for Opera Constanta
(Romania); Tosca for the Opern Air Festival
(Austria); Jenufa at the Hukvaldy Festival;
Bartók’s Blue Beard’s Castle (Czech Republic);
and The Magic Flute (Beijing).
Listed in order of Vocal Appearance
* Manitoba Opera debut
Canadian baritone Gene Wu
has been seen on many
stages performing a wide
variety of musical repertoire.
Recent performances include
the title role in Rigoletto
with Calgary Concert Opera, Prince Yamadori in
Madama Butterfly with Opera Lyra Ottawa,
Montano in the Calgary Opera production of
Otello, and Mr. Gobineau in The Medium with
the Highlands Opera Studio.
Other operatic highlights include Silvio in
Pagliacci (Opera Lyra Ottawa), Junius in The Rape
of Lucretia (Opera on the Avalon), Antonio in
Le Nozze di Figaro (Opera Hamilton), Duglas
D’Angus in La Donna Del Lago (Opera in Concert),
and Ford in Falstaff (Summer Opera Lyric Theatre).
In addition, he has been heard as the Musiklehrer
& Harlekin in Ariadne Auf Naxos and as Figaro
in Il Barbiere di Siviglia (Toronto Summer Music
Festival); The Speaker in The Magic Flute
(Vancouver Opera); Emilio Picariello in Filumena,
and the title role in Le Nozze di Figaro, both
with the Banff Centre. Mr. Wu has also sung in
the Canadian premieres of the children’s opera
Naomi’s Road (Vancouver Opera) and Dead Man
Walking (Calgary Opera).
Lara Ciekiewicz
Whether being hailed as
“mesmerizing” (Classical
Voice of North Carolina),
“magnificently bell-toned”
(Capital Critics Circle), or
“a clear standout” (San
Francisco Classical Voice), soprano Lara Ciekiewicz
is making her mark as a dynamic singing-actress. She is excited to sing her first Liù at home with
Manitoba Opera. Ms. Ciekiewicz’s most recent
appearance with the company was as Musetta
in La Bohème last April.
Credits include Micaëla (Carmen); Musetta (La
Bohème); Nellie Forbush (South Pacific); Sylva
(The Gypsy Princess); High Priestess (Aida);
Lyudmila (Ruslan I Lyudmila); Fiordiligi (Così fan
tutte); Pamina and Papagena (Die Zauberflöte);
Alcina (Alcina); Anna (Anna Bolena); and Lauretta
(Gianni Schicchi). Recent collaborators include
Opera Lyra Ottawa, Pacific Opera Victoria,
Toronto Operetta Theatre, Opera in Concert,
l’Opéra de Montréal, l’Orchestre symphonique
de Sherbrooke, and Salute to Vienna.
The Artists
Raúl Melo*
Benjamin Covey
Raúl Melo has performed
at the Metropolitan Opera
as the Duke in Rigoletto
opposite Anna Netrebko
and Pinkerton to Patricia
Racette’s Madama Butterfly.
He was recently seen with Arizona Opera as Faust
and with the Astoria Music Festival as Pollione in
Norma opposite Angela Meade.
Other appearances include Turandot in Hong
Kong; La Bohème in Shanghai, Naples, and
Palermo; Madama Butterfly, Tosca, and La
Navarraise with New York City Opera; Rigoletto in
Bologna; La Traviata in Palm Beach and Oslo; Un
Ballo in Maschera with Seattle Opera; and Lucia di
Lammermoor in Zurich. He has also performed
with the opera companies of Berlin, Hamburg,
Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Dresden,
Washington, Minnesota, and Fort Worth.
In concert, he has appeared with Riccardo Muti
under the auspices of the Chicago Symphony
and as Faust in La Damnation de Faust with
Keith Lockhart and the Utah Symphony Orchestra.
Valerian Ruminski
Mr. Ruminski is a graduate
of the Academy of Vocal
Arts in Philadelphia. He
has performed at the
Metropolitan Opera and
Carnegie Hall. He has also
appeared with l’Opéra de Montréal, The Canadian
Opera Company, Vancouver Opera, Calgary
Opera, L’Opéra de Québec, Opera Lyra Ottawa,
Dallas Opera, New York City Opera, Florida Grand
Opera, Seattle Opera, Portland Opera, Santa Fe
Opera, Hawaii Opera, Opéra de Monte Carlo, New
Israeli Opera, and Opera Ireland. He last appeared
with Manitoba Opera in the fall as Rocco in Fidelio.
His repertoire includes Daland, Banquo, Don
Pasquale, Don Magnifico, Figaro, Raimondo, Frère
Laurent, Olin Blitch, Rocco, Il Commendatore,
Sparafucile, Sarastro, Don Alfonso, Timur, and
Valerian Ruminski is featured on the Naxos CD
“Night at the Opera” and the Deutsche
Grammophon release of I Puritani with the Met.
Upcoming includes Figaro in Le Nozze di Figaro
with Nickel City Opera (Buffalo, NY), Nilakantha
in Lakme with Calgary Opera, and Lodovico with
Opéra de Montréal.
Baritone Benjamin Covey
is one of Canada’s most
dynamic young singers,
and has been described as
having “a rich, resonant and
powerful voice…quite a gift
for comedy.” (Pub Operas, Tapestry New Opera)
A graduate of the University of Toronto and
an alumnus of Calgary Opera’s Emerging Artist
Development Program, Mr. Covey has performed
with Edmonton Opera, Vancouver Opera, Merola
Opera, and is delighted to return to Manitoba
Opera. He last appeared as Dancairo in the
2010 Carmen.
He has also appeared with Toronto Masque
Theatre, sang Escamillo with Carmen on Tap,
and is featured on Centrediscs’ recording of
Dean Burry’s radio opera, Baby Kintyre. In 2014,
Benjamin Covey sang in Anamchara: The
Friendship Opera with Scottish Opera, Glasgow.
Upcoming roles include Fiorello in Opera Lyra
Ottawa’s The Barber of Seville and Eisenstein in
Die Fledermaus with Kitchener-Waterloo Symphony.
Keith Klassen
Tenor Keith Klassen has
emerged to become one of
Canada’s busiest vocal artists.
Since graduating in 2002
with honours from the
Opera Division of the
University of Toronto, he has performed over
100 roles from the standard and new operatic repertoire. He has been engaged across Canada,
as well as in Scotland, Ireland, Germany, the
United States, the Czech Republic, and the Bahamas.
He has received rave reviews, praised as a “tour
de force, a commanding presence with superb
vocal skills” (The Ontario Arts Review), for being
“a skilled tenor, vocally spirited and robust,
who works his emotional range with depth
and authenticity” (For The Record), and as
“one of the country’s most versatile artists, whose leading-man swagger, comic panache and
solid-brass vocals steal the show whenever he
appears” (The Toronto Star). NOW magazine went
so far as to rate Mr. Klassen as one of Toronto’s
Top 10 theatre artists. Keith Klassen last performed with Manitoba
Opera as Spoletta in the 2010 production
of Tosca.
The Artists
Christopher Mayell*
Praised by Opera Canada for
his wholesome tenor voice,
Christopher Mayell is making
his debut with Manitoba
Opera. Recent and upcoming
engagements include
Dr. Caius in Falstaff for Calgary Opera and Pacific
Opera Victoria; Almaviva in The Barber of Seville
for Cowtown Opera; and the Calgary Opera
production of Bernstein’s Candide. Further credits include Carmina Burana with
the Toronto Mendelssohn Choir and the Grand
Philharmonic Choir of Kitchener Waterloo; the
role of August in The Cousin from Nowhere for
Toronto Operetta Theatre; and concerts with the
Kingston Chamber Choir, Peterborough Singers,
Metropolitan United Church, and the Kingston
Symphony. Terence Mierau
Emperor Altoum
After completing a Bachelor
of Theology and a Bachelor
of Church Music at CMBC,
Terry Mierau went on to
earn a Master of Music
(Vocal Performance) from
McGill University in Montreal. His career then
took him to Europe, where he sang on the opera
stages and in the concert halls of cities such as
Amsterdam, Lyon, Vienna, and Edinburgh. A young family, a move back to Canada, and
a waning desire for travel all combined to
awaken the long repressed dream to be a farmer.
Mr. Mierau, together with his wife Monique,
started a small, mixed farm in New Brunswick,
and then moved family, home, and farm to
southern Manitoba in 2012, where they are trying
to balance their passions of music and farming. Mlada Khudoley
Princess Turandot
Mlada Khudoley previously
appeared with Manitoba
Opera as Salome in 2011.
She has appeared in lead
roles in some of the world’s
most renowned theatres
including Covent Garden, Teatro Massimo,
Oper am Rhein, Staatsoper Stuttgart, Greek
National Opera, Dallas Opera, BBC Proms,
Washington National Opera, Opernhaus
Graz, Vancouver Opera, Royal Danish Opera,
Mariinsky Theater, Polish National Opera and
Los Angeles Opera.
Ms. Khudoley has worked with Valery Gergiev,
Seiji Ozawa, Tyrone Paterson, Gianandrea Noseda,
Pier Gorgio Morandi, Giuliano Carella, Semyon
Bychkov, and others.
This summer, she will have her Bregenz Festspiele
debut as Turandot.
George Nytepchuk
The Prince of Persia
George Nytepchuk has been
a member of the Manitoba
Opera Chorus first tenor
section for 25 years and
sung in over 35 productions.
He has also sung with
Rainbow Stage, the Gilbert & Sullivan Society,
and has been a 30-year member of the O. Koshetz
Ukrainian Choir.
Kadri Irwin
1st Lady
Kadri Irwin, who has
a performance degree in
singing, has been performing
sacred and secular works in
Winnipeg for many years,
both as a soloist and
chorister. Opera is her first love, and as a long-time
member of the Manitoba Opera Chorus, she has
played slaves, peasants, beggars, nuns, society
ladies, party guests, geishas, witches, and various
gypsies. Ms. Irwin feels privileged to be able
to sing such glorious music with wonderful
Emily Diehl-Reader
2nd Lady
A Manitoba native, soprano
Emily Diehl-Reader is a
Brandon University School of
Music graduate. She recently
appeared in Mai ’68 with
the University of Manitoba’s
Contemporary Opera Lab at the WSO’s New
Music Festival.
While at Brandon University, she appeared in
the Manitoba premiere of Jana Skarecky and
Di Brandt’s contemporary opera Emily: The Way
You Are, performing the titular role of Emily
Carr. She has also appeared in The Producers,
Les Misérables, and August: Osage County with
The Artists
Brandon’s Seven Ages Productions and Mecca
Productions. Her first appearance with Manitoba
Opera was in the chorus of Fidelio last November.
Tadeusz Biernacki
Assistant Music Director,
Chorus Master
This is Mr. Biernacki’s 32nd
season with Manitoba Opera
as Assistant Music Director,
Chorus Master, and Rehearsal
Pianist. He is also the Music
Director and Conductor of Canada’s Royal
Winnipeg Ballet.
Mr. Biernacki has performed internationally as
a piano soloist and has conducted orchestras
across Canada and the US, as well as in Tessaloniki,
Kaohsiung, and Hong Kong. Mr. Biernacki has also
written orchestral arrangements for TSO, WSO,
SSO, RWB, NAC Orchestra, and others.
His most recent work as a conductor with
Manitoba Opera includes Così fan tutte, Candide,
The Daughter of the Regiment, The Barber of
Seville, and The Magic Flute. He has conducted
numerous productions for Saskatoon Opera
including Die Fledermaus, L’Elisir d’Amore,
Don Giovanni, Carmen, La Traviata, La Bohème,
Rigoletto, The Marriage of Figaro, and Don
Pasquale, as well as concert versions of Hamlet
and Mignon for Opera Lyra Ottawa.
Carolyn Boyes
Children’s Chorus Master
Carolyn Boyes has been
involved in Winnipeg’s choral
music community for many
years. She is the Winnipeg
School Division’s Performing
Arts Consultant and teaches
Choral Music at Sisler High School where she has
directed many award-winning choirs. She is Music
Director of the Winnipeg Boys’ Choir, prepares
children’s choruses for Manitoba Opera, and is
instructor of Choral Techniques with the
University of Manitoba’s Orff Certification
Program. In recent years, she has directed the
Alberta Children’s Chorus (2014), the Manitoba
Senior High Provincial Honour Choir (2010), and
the Eastern Manitoba Youth Choir (2009).
Ms. Boyes earned a Master of Music (Choral
Conducting) from the University of Manitoba in
2010. She was awarded the Michael J. Proudfoot
Award for Excellence in Choral Music Teaching at
the 2009 Winnipeg Music Festival.
Lighting Designer
Michael Baumgarten makes
his Manitoba Opera debut
with Turandot. During his
30 plus-year career, he has
designed lighting for over
350 operas at regional and international companies
including Opera Carolina, Opera Lyra Ottawa,
Arizona Opera, Santa Fe Opera, Lyric Opera Kansas
City, Palm Beach Opera, and Opera Columbus.
A graduate of the Yale School of Drama and
member of United Scenic Artists-Local 829,
Mr. Baumgarten has been the Director of
Production and Resident Lighting Designer for
Opera Carolina in Charlotte since 2005, and
for Chautauqua Opera since 1999. He was the
Lighting Designer/Production Manager at
Amherst College for 17 years.
Robert Pel
Stage Manager
In the rearview mirror: Fidelio,
La Bohème, and Aida for
Manitoba Opera and The
Ballad of Stompin Tom for
Harbourfront Theatre in
PEI. In the headlights is
a production of Anne & Gilbert The Musical
this summer.
Mr. Pel just wrapped up 20 years of teaching
Stage Management and Opera Production at
Ryerson University.
An avid motorcyclist, this summer’s highlight will
be riding around the Great Lakes, then off to
Moose Jaw.
Kathryn Ball
Assistant Stage Manager
Kathryn Ball is pleased to be
back with Manitoba Opera
for her 12th production.
Past productions include
La Bohème, Don Pasquale,
Aida, Rigoletto, The
Daughter of the Regiment, Salome, The Magic
Flute, Tosca, The Barber of Seville, Madama
Butterfly, and Il Trovatore. 23
The Artists
Favourite theatre credits include The Last Resort,
The Drowsy Chaperone (Globe Theatre);
Armstrong’s War, Miracle on South Division Street,
Dreamgirls, Steel Magnolias, The Melville Boys,
Ed’s Garage (RMTC); A Closer Walk with Patsy
Cline, The Full Monty (Rainbow Stage); The Brink
(PTE); and The Nutcracker (RWB).
Following Turandot, Ms. Ball will be returning to
Regina’s Globe Theatre for Mary Poppins. Candace Maxwell
Assistant Stage Manager
Candace Maxwell is thrilled
to be back at Manitoba
Opera for her 12th show.
Ms. Maxwell has been
privileged to travel as she
follows her passion for stage
management. Some favourite credits include
La Bohème, Aida, Carmen (Manitoba Opera);
Les Contes d’Hoffmann, Aida (Edmonton Opera);
Scorpions’ Sting for Opera in Schools Tour,
Outdoor Arias, Hansel & Gretel on Tour, and
Opera in the Village (Calgary Opera); The
Nutcracker (RWB); The Boys in the Photograph
(Mirvish Productions/RMTC); Cabaret, A Christmas
Story, Fiddler on the Roof (RMTC); Small Things,
Bingo! (PTE); The Producers (Rainbow Stage);
Pride and Prejudice (Banff Centre/Citadel Theatre)
and Siren Song, La Tragedie de Carmen
(Banff Centre).
She attended The Banff Centre for the
Professional Theatre and Opera as Theatre
programs and the University of Winnipeg.
Up next, Ms. Maxwell will be back at Rainbow
Stage working on one of her favourite shows,
Les Misérables.
Manitoba Opera Chorus
Ember Benson
John Anderson
Kelley Fry
Peter John (PJ)
Christy Bergen
Kathy Gawlik
Ben Erickson
Jerzy Bibik
Emily Diehl-Reader
Renata Gawlik
Russ Foster
Chris Caslake
Linda Feasby
Donnalynn Grills*
Peter Klymkiw
James Dutton
Micheline Hay
Michal Kowalik
Don Larsen
Celoris Miller
David LaRue
Eliot Lazar
Deborah Ginther
Agata Ploszanski
Rick MacLowick
Eric Loepp
Kadri Irwin
Christina Pyrz-Kowall
Tim Magas*
Devan Ryner
Joanne Kilfoyle
Deanna Rempel
George Nytepchuk
Fred Simpson
Chantal Kuegle
Mavis Ritchie
J Craig Oliphant
Juris Svenne
Kathryn Patrick
Karla Weir
Lawrence Pauls
Jonathan Talbot
Marlise Ritchie
Richard Ryland
Ted Wiens
Cathy Wach-Dueck
Ernst Stiglmayr
Tristan Zaba
Adam von Lau
* Appearing with permission from Canadian Actors’ Equity Association
George Bajer-Koulack
Children’s Chorus
Antonietta Bueti
Jordi Haskerkehrer
Jakob McKenna
Brandon Ward
Shea Carter
Alejandro Hinojosa
Geraldin Padilla
Reed Cohen
Roman Huculak
Selwyn Sarmiento
Rae-Anne CollardVivier
Atticus McIlraith
Seanne Buenafe
Cathy Davis
Bonita Reimer
Matthew Lagace
Jyoti Jhass
Diana Dizor
Nicholas Barker
Ron MacIntosh
Keenan Lehmann
Ashley Kowalchuk
Tim Brenan
Thomas Miles
Megan Krohn
Mark Brubacher
Hugo van Dun
Production Personnel
Director of
Sheldon Johnson
Apprentice Stage
Holly LaJambe
Chorus Master/
Tadeusz Biernacki
Wardrobe Supervisor
Alena Zharska
Children’s Chorus
Carolyn Boyes
Chorus Rehearsal
Cary Denby
Canada’s Royal
Winnipeg Ballet
Hair/Wig Designer
Lori Houston
Hair/Wig Crew
Jill Buhr
Adrianna Oliphant
Marycel Tamayo
Andrea Yurkiw
Make-Up Designer
Christian Hadley
Make-Up Assistant
Jean-Marc Lafond
Make-Up Crew
Aileen Audette
Melissa Hart
Erin Kiazyk
Sarah Mojelsky
Theresa Thomson
Sydney Wiebe
Projected Titles
Kim Lavilla
Production Acknowledgements: Brent Letain, Chris Seida, Chris Thomson, Royal Manitoba
Theatre Centre
Concert Hall Production Staff
Stage Manager
Dave Martin
Light Board
Denis Crymble
Sound Board
Glen Jonatchik
Stage Crew/
Wardrobe Dressers
I.A.T.S.E. Local #63
Rehearsal piano provided by St. John’s Music
Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra
First Violin
Laszlo Baroczi
English Horn
Gwen Hoebig,
Richard Bauch
Robin MacMillan
Brendan Thompson,
Acting Principal**
Karl Stobbe,
Suzanne McKegney
Merrily Peters
Micah Heilbrunn,
Mary Lawton,
Mike Scholz
Michelle Goddard
Frederick Liessens,
Yuri Hooker,
Alex Eastley,
Richard Turner,
Mona Coarda
Leana Rutt,
Assistant Principal
Kathryn Brooks
Hong Tian Jia
Alex Adaman
Janet Liang
Margaret Askeland
Simon MacDonald
Arlene Dahl
Patricia Evans,
Meredith McCallum
Carolyn Nagelberg
Julie Savard
Emma Quackenbush
Karin Andreasen
Chris Anstey
Greg Hay
Jun Shao
Second Violin
Darryl Strain,
Elation Pauls,
Assistant Principal
Ken MacDonald,
Associate Principal
James Robertson
Caroline Oberheu
Meredith Johnson,
Michiko Singh
Andrew Goodlett,
Assistant Principal
Travis Harrison
Earl Stafford
– Celeste
Daniel Perry
Steven Dyer,
Jan Kocman,
John Helmer
Martha Durkin
Bass Trombone
Julia McIntyre,
Isaac Pulford
Martha Durkin
Daniel Scholz,
Anne Elise Lavallée,
Assistant Principal
Beverly Wang,
Jim Ewen
– Bassoon
Paul Jeffrey
Elizabeth Dyer
Jane Pulford+
Pat Daniels
– Clarinet
Victoria Sparks
– Percussion
Bruce Okrainec
Claudine St-Arnauld
Caitlin Broms-Jacobs
– Oboe
Brian Sykora,
Kristina Bauch
Takayo Noguchi
Laura MacDougall –
Paul Nagelberg
Susan McCallum
Extra Musicians
Tony Cyre
– Percussion
Karen Bauch
Rodica Jeffrey
Personnel Manager
Chris Lee
Principal Librarian
Raymond Chrunyk
Assistant Librarian
Laura MacDougall
* On Leave
** One year contract
Chris Lee,
+ Dual Section Position
Robin MacMillan
Bravo Gala 2015
On March 14th, our 7th annual Bravo
Gala was held at the Delta Winnipeg to
raise funds for season productions and
community programs. A sumptuous,
Asian-inspired meal included a show-stopping
soup course that featured dry ice. Soprano
Monica Huisman, accompanied by pianist
Cary Denby and cellist Minna Rose Chung,
performed four crowd-pleasing selections.
Enthusiastic bidding ensued throughout the
evening for the many live and silent auctions
that featured an impressive array of prizes
courtesy of many generous donors and
sponsors. Guests danced until the wee hours
accompanied by The Danny Kramer Event
Band. All in all, it was a lovely and very
memorable evening.
Manitoba Opera would like to thank the
many guests, sponsors, donors, corporate
supporters, and volunteers who helped to
make this event one of the highlights of the
season. We are already looking forward to
next year. Please mark your calendars for
Saturday, March 5, 2016!
Three generations of opera supporters:
Constance Sarchuk, Tasia Patmore, Leslie Sarchuk
Back Row (L to R): Luc Collet, Dale Evanyshyn,
Kady Evanyshyn, Tom Tomchyshyn, Ryan Sherbo
Front Row (L to R): Tamara Nyysola, Rita Trautmann,
Heather Sarna (MO Board Member),
Donna Sarna, Amrit Malik
Rolland Gillies, Amanda Huminicki (MO Board Member),
Natalia & Sean Longley, Tatiana & Barret Procyshyn
Elba Haid
(MO Board Member)
& Edward J. Ransby
Ember & Wayne Benson
(MO Chorus Member;
MO Board Member)
Back Row (L to R):
Ken Drysdale, Rosalie Drysdale,
Melanie Sifton-Borger, Dr. John Bracken,
Sue Jurkovic-Bracken (MO Board
Member & Bravo Gala Chair),
Beverly Hoeschen, Richard Hoeschen
Front Row (L to R):
Hon. Douglas Abra, Alison Darling,
Bob Darling, Marilyn Burt, Jim Burt
Photos: Artistic Impressions
Auction Donors
Across the Board
Advance Electronics
Aliana Au
Artistic Impressions
Assiniboia Downs
Assiniboine Park Conservancy
Aveda Institute and Academy
Bailey’s Prime Dining
BC Fitness
Ben Moss Jewellers
Berns & Black Salon
Be-You-Tee Factory
Bonfire Bistro
Broadway Florists
Buhle Painting & Decorating
Cadillac Fairview
Chanel @ The Bay Polo Park
Chop Steakhouse & Bar
Cibo Waterfront Café
Clay Oven
Coach @ The Bay Polo Park
Crown Cap
d.a. niels
Day Spa Daughter at Nature’s Inn
De Luca’s
Delta Montreal
Delta Winnipeg
Deseo Bistro
Design Manitoba
Diamond Gallery
Dr. Earl Minuk’s Laser,
Skin & Hair Centre
Drs. Bill Pope & Elizabeth
Dry Cold Productions
Edward Carrière
Elizabeth Arden
Epsilon Creations
Escalade Wines & Spirits
Falcon Trails Resort
Fargo-Moorhead Opera Company
Five Small Rooms
For Space Sake
Fort Whyte Alive
Gilbert & Sullivan Society
Glen & Charlotte Sytnyk
Gravity Lingerie
Hampton Inn and Suites
Henri Marcoux
Hermano’s Restaurant & Wine Bar
Hillary Druxman
House of Ace
HSA Design Inc.
Hudson’s Bay Fur Salon
Hy’s Steakhouse & Cocktail Bar
Image Fitness Centre
Independent Jewellers
Inn at the Forks
Julia (Liying) Zhu
Lionetti Clothier
l’Opéra de Montréal
Lucienne Blouw
Manitoba Centennial Centre Corporation
Manitoba Children’s Museum
Manitoba Club
Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries
Manitoba Opera
Manitoba Theatre for Young People
Massage Athletica
McKim Communications Group
MERE Hotel
Metropolitan Opera (New York)
Miriam Rudolph
Mona Lisa
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts
Normandy Shop
Octopi Managed Services
Out Of The Blue
Pam Mann
Pampered Chef, Kelly Evans
Parlour Coffee
Pegasus Publications/Manitoba
Home & Gardener
Prairie Theatre Exchange
Prepared Pleasures
Raber Glove
Rady Jewish Community Centre
Rainbow Stage
Richard Turner
Richlu Manufacturing
Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre
Royal Winnipeg Ballet
San Francisco Opera
Shakespeare in the Ruins
Shelter Canadian Properties Limited
Si Chen
Siglarr Viking Naturals
St. James Audi
Stella’s Café and Bakery
Sue Jurkovic-Bracken &
Dr. John Bracken
Swyston, Pearls of Distinction
Tammy Sigurdur
The Keg Steakhouse & Bar
The Laughing Loon
The Manitoba Museum
Thomas Hinds Tobacconist
Tonic Spa & Hair
True North Sports & Entertainment
Upstairs For Hair
VIA Rail Canada
Virtuosi Concerts
Vittorio Rossi
Winnipeg Airports Authority
Winnipeg Art Gallery Gift Shop
Winnipeg Art Gallery/Stephen Borys
Winnipeg Comedy Festival
Winnipeg Folk Festival
Winnipeg Free Press
Winnipeg Fringe Theatre Festival
Winnipeg Goldeyes
Winnipeg Limousine Service
Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra
WOW! Hospitality Concepts
Partners in Opera
Manitoba Opera gratefully acknowledges the encouragement and financial
support of our community of donors that allows us to create opera of the
highest calibre. It is because of this generosity that the power and beauty
of professional opera can be experienced right here in Manitoba.
For information on making a donation to Manitoba Opera, contact Monica Wood
at 204-942-0489. (Listings include donations made from February 1, 2014 to March 27, 2015.)
Corporate Support
$2,500 to $4,999
$500 to $999
Mile Road Productions
Nova 3 Engineering Ltd.
Parrish & Heimbecker
Indutec Alchemist
(1987) Inc.
Melet Plastics Inc.
Morier Benefits Inc.
Number Ten
Architectural Group
Price Industries Limited
Reitmans Canada
Winmar Property
$5,000 to $9,999
National Leasing
Red River Cooperative
Terracon Development
$1,000 to $2,499
Cambrian Credit Union
HSA Design Inc.
(Heather Sarna &
Associates Inc.)
Viewpoints Research
One Anonymous Donor
$100 to $499
Crosier Kilgour &
Partners Ltd.
Edmond Financial
GHY International
InterGroup Consultants
Saper Agencies Ltd.
Thank you to our corporate donors who supported Manitoba Opera with gifts of under $100.
Camerata members play a leading role in their visionary support for
Manitoba Opera. Gifts of $1,250 or more are acknowledged with a number
of exclusive privileges and special programs.
+ Member, Board of Trustees
Impresario Circle
Susan Brownstone Brock
in memory of Her
Father, Jack
Bonnie & John Buhler
Elba Haid + in memory of
Marshall Haid
Bill & Shirley Loewen
Michael F. B. Nesbitt
Mrs. Deborah Thorlakson
- in Memory of Dr.
Robert H. Thorlakson
TD Bank Group – Bravo
Gala Gold Sponsor
One Anonymous Donor
$3,000 to $4,999
Gail Asper &
Michael Paterson
u Manitoba Opera Staff
Mr. & Mrs. Armin &
Denise Martens
Lorraine Beck &
Craig McIntosh
The Michael Nozick
Family Foundation Inc.
Mrs. Donna Plant
Edward J. Ransby
Heather & Hartley
Drs. William Pope + &
Elizabeth Tippett-Pope
Robert Vineberg +
& Lena Horne
$2,000 to $2,999
Jim & Margaret-Lynne
Mrs. Audrey F. Hubbard
Mr. B. Roslycky &
Dr. P. Kmet
† Deceased
Hon. Christopher
Mainella & Christine
van Cauwenberghe
Bill & Donna Parrish
Mr. & Mrs. H. Sanford
& Deborah Riley
Vic & Ruth Thielmann
The Hon. A. Kerr
Twaddle † &
Susan Twaddle
One Anonymous Donor
$1,250 to $1,999
Aubrey & Dr. Linda Asper
Liz Barron
Patricia Chaychuk
Robert & Alison Darling
Laurie Lam
& Larry Desrochers u
Dr. Michael Dyck
& Ms. Lisa Bueckert
Dale Evanyshyn
& Heather Sarna +
Susan Glass
& Arni Thorsteinson
Garth & Abbie + Grieder
Leona Herzog
Robert B.
& S. June † Jackson
Sheldon Johnson u
Katarina Kupca
& Bartley Kives
Mr. Ralf Kyritz
Dr. David Lyttle
Ms. Patricia Nesbitt
& Mr. Paul Infuso
Darlene Ronald u
& Stewart Heaton
Eleanor & Bob Siddall
Jeff Sisler +
& Cathy Rippin-Sisler
Leigh Taylor
& Beverley De’Athe
Dr. Reid
& Ruth † Waters
Friends of Manitoba Opera
Friends of Manitoba Opera are instrumental to the success of our productions
and education and outreach programs. Every gift makes a difference.
$500 to $1,249
Bruce & Shelley
Gerhard & Helga Bock
Cathie & Brian Bowerman
Bjorn & Roberta
George & Irene
Mr. Piotr Czaykowski
Pendeshuk Family Fund
at the Winnipeg
John & Gay Docherty
Bruno Gossen
Barbara Hamilton
Mr. Peter Heavysege +
Ms. Ljiljana Kovacevic
Drs. Herman Lam
& Laura Chan
Dr. Hermann Lee +
Ted & Wanda Lismer
Dr. John & Natalie Mayba
Ron & Sandi Mielitz
Mr. Josef Nejmark
Ms. Norma Anne Padilla
Margaret & Paul Shuckett
Dr. & Mrs. Murray R.
Reeh & Pamela † Taylor
Dr. Milada A. Toffler
Shirley & Herb Wildeman
Elizabeth &
Charles Wilson
Four Anonymous Donors
$250 to $499
John & Carolyn Adair
All Charities Campaign
Carol Campbell &
Andrew Krentz
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bartolo
Wayne + & Ember Benson
Dr. Robert Biscontri +
Sheila & David Brodovsky
Richard Chartier &
Liza Maheu
Mr. Lawrie Cherniack
Ron Clement
Martin Reed &
Joy Cooper
Denise Cyr-Gander
Dr. Monika Czarnecka
Dr. Lawrence &
Brenda Ellerby
David Elliott &
Joanne Thompson
Kathleen Estey
Mrs. Elaine Finnbogason
Reg Friend
Ms. Penny Gilbert
Dr. Jeremy &
Mrs. Maureen Gordon
Barny Haines
Mr. Bruce Haines
Investors Group Matching
Gift Program
Jacob & Judi Janzen
Loretta Kampeas &
John Gartner
Irene Hamilton &
Tim Killeen
M. & M. Kinnear
Barry Konzelman
Mr. Thomas G. Kucera
Marion Lewis
Dr. Littleford
Dr. Douglas W. MacEwan
Ms. Iona McPhee
Mr. Marc Monnin &
Ms. Donna Miller
Parker Hannifin Canada
Matching Gift Program
Hans Pintea
Danielle Saranchuk &
Mr. Scott Sarna
Barbara Scheuneman
Thomas & Wanda
Carolin Taubensee
Ian R. Thomson &
Leah R. Janzen
Mr. & Mrs. H. Voigt
Edna Walpole
Florence & Donald
Dr. & Mrs. Ken &
Louise Young
Five Anonymous Donors
$100 to $249
P. Achtemichuk
Ross & Doreen Adamson
Monica Allison
Jay & Judy Anderson
Tatiana Arcand
Doug Arrell & Dick Smith
Dick & Minnie Bell
Ruth Berry &
Hugh Larimer
Mr. & Mrs. Morley &
Marjorie Blankstein,
Tim & Brenda Boychuk
Patricia Bragg
Ms. Jaqueline Brignall
Mrs. Donna Byrne
Mrs. Natalie Byrne
Agnes & John K. Collins
Ken & Lynn Cooper
Miss K. Crowston †
Andree Dagenais
Judy & Werner Danchura
Ms. L. Daniels
Mr. Gary R. Davis
Anna M. Desilets
Mrs. Helene Dobel
Evelyn Downey
Harry & Mary Lynn
Mr. Spencer Duncanson
Ms. Sylvia Ellis
Siegfried Enns
Julie Enyingi
Jillian Epp
Mr. Richard J. Falk
Henry Fast
Mr. & Mrs. James &
Linda Feasby
Robert & Margaret
Paul Fieldhouse
Ms. Patricia Fitzpatrick
Sandra Foster &
Peter Holle
Theo Fourie
Ms. Janice Freeman
Myra & Arnold Frieman
Mrs. Inge Froese
Oliver Gardner
Ms. Dianne Matthew
Ben & Serky Goldberg
Lisa Gould
Don Graham †
Mr. Michael &
Dr. Ruth Grimes
Patricia Guy
Ian & Gerry Hamilton
Gregory &
Heather Hammond
Glen & Margaret Harrison
Evelyn Hecht
Ms. Laura Heuring
Mr. Vladimir Hlas
Rhonda Hogg
Sonia & Harvey Hosfield
Charles Huband
Ms. June S. Hunnie †
Maureen & Gary Hunter
James & Margaret Jeffries
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Jewell
J.H. Kaminsky
Donald & Sheila Keatch
Mr. Gordon C. Keatch
Alan & Shirley Kessler
Mr. Allen Kimelman
M.J. King
Dr. Istvan Kinizsi
Mona Koropatnick
Ms. Heather Kozubski
Mr. Jean-Jacques Laurans
Sonia Lebedin
Katherine Lee
Ms. Ellen Leibl
David & Suzanna Libby
Richard Lobdell &
Evelyn Forget
Shirley Lynch
Debbie Mackenzie
Cam Mackie &
Doris Mae Oulton
Gert & Katherine Martens
Kevin & Judy Masse
David & Francesca
Barbara McCandless
Donald J. &
Martha McCarthy
Julia & Don McInnes
Maria Stapleton &
Michael Lea
Walter & Gladys Mildren
Myrna Mitchell &
Bryan Kirk
Mr. & Mrs. Fred &
Margaret Mooibroek
Charlotte Murrell
Mrs. B. Nicolson
Sunny Oh
Wayne & Linda Paquin
E. & D. Paryzek
Layna Penner
Timothy Penner
Brian Perchaluk
Mr. Rick Pinchin
Ms. Marina Plett-Lyle
Mr. Jason Regula
Levi & Tena Reimer
David H. & Helene Riesen
Roger Rigelhof &
Marjorie Russell
Ann & Raymond Rivera
Ms. Elizabeth Roy
Emery E. Ruff
Mr. Johnny Rule &
Ms. Pearly Salangad
Dr. C. Michael Sampson
Dr. Wilfrid Francis
Mr. & Mrs. Eduard
Mr. & Mrs. Hans
Shirley Schroeder
Ms. Vivian Schubert
Mr. Gunter Schupke
Susan Scott
Ms. Marlene Serafin
Mr. Morse Silden
Mr. T. David &
Mrs. Lorraine Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Snidal
Ellen Spencer
Mr. & Mrs. Stano Spina
Brenda Keith St. Clair
William & Peggy Stewart
Ms. Joan Sutter
Ms. Karen Sutton
Lloyd Talbot
Robert & Catherine
Nicola Spasoff
Suzanne Ullyot
Dory Vanderhoof
Eve Vickar
Dr. Robert D. Walker
Mr. A.M.C. Waterman
Darlene & Roger Wight
Kathy Gough &
Tim Wildman
Mr. Donn K. Yuen
Dwayne Zaba
Mr. Ivan Zimmer
Ten Anonymous Donors
$50 to $99
Mr. David Arnason
John & Shirley Babaluk
Mr. Chris BeaumontSmith
Audrey Belyea
Jerzy & Mary Bibik
Mrs. Bernice Blakeman
Jeanette Block
Mr. Gord &
Dr. Tracey Bone
Ms. Marilyn Boyd
Caroline & Art Buckley
Mrs. F. Buckmaster
Mr. Robert Campbell
Shelley Chochinov
Ms. Mary Clarke
Ms. Margaret Clayton
G & M Crielaard
John Daly
Pat Daniels & James Ewen
Christine Dewar
Elizabeth Duncan
Dr. Dorothy J. Easton
Mr. & Mrs. H.R Entz
Mr. Willie Falk
Peter & Vera Fast
Greg & Linda Fearn
James R. Ferguson
Ms. Nelma Fetterman
Dr. & Mrs. D. D. Fillis
Elisabeth & Robert
Gayle Fischer
Ms. Marguerite Fredette
Gitta Fricke
Mr. George Gamvrelis
Andre Gautron
Ms. Deborah L. Ginther
Mrs. Kathryn Girard
John & Louise Greenaway
Lorraine Griffiths
Mr & Mrs. Reinhard &
Liesel Jansson
Esther Haluschak
Ann Hanks
Mr. John Harder
Barbara Herriot-Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Earl S.
Mr. & Mrs. Stan J. &
Eldith Hildebrand
Mr. & Mrs. Robert &
Patricia Hill
Ms. Rhonda Hogg
Mrs. Donece Elizabeth
Mira Hummerston
William J. Hutton
H. Isaak
Dr. Arno Jansen
David & Heather Jenkins
Ruth Johnson
Lucie Joyal
Marilyn Kapitany
Vera Kostyshyn
Ms. Anne-Marie
In Memory of Mrs. Jean
Kuryk – Ms. Claudia
Betty Laing
Mr. Gilles Landry
Ms. Shirley Layne
Mr. Camille Legare
Gordon P. Linney
Laura Lussier
Henry S Majewski
Dr. Henri Marcoux +
Elaine & Neil Margolis
Mrs. Iris Maurstad
Claudette &
Michel McDonald
Thomas McKenzie
Mrs. Olga Lena McNamee
Ms. Emily Mikolajewski
Mr. Tony Mitousis
Mr. Michael Mongeon
Tony & Ayumi Nakazato
Dr. Donna Norell
Jadranka Paskvalin
Lesia Peet
Ms. Beverly Phillips
Anne Ratuski
Ms. Valerie Regan
Arthur & Lorie Rey
Mrs. Waltraut
John & Nerina Robson
Craig Ross
Beverly Ryman
Elecerio & Maria
Dr. & Mr. Cynthia
Gail & Johann Schnabl
Rita Schroeder
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Scott
Ms. Hedy Senyskiw
Mr. Justin Shaer
Mrs. Louise Shaw
Ms. Eveyln R. Smith
Leann Smith
Bob Smith
Clifford & Gina Speer
Mr. Peter Sribniak
Ms. Linda Stechesen
A Retired Opera Singer
M. & H. Stinson
Donald &
Lorraine Swanson
Ms. Moya Taylor
Rev. Ross Taylor
Ross & BJ Taylor
Marilyn Thompson
Mr. Norman D. Toms
Mrs. F.A. Trott
Mrs. Shirley Tyderkie
Mrs. J.E. Walli
Dr. Kim Wiebe
Barbara Williams
Debbie Wilson
Dr. & Mrs. Graham &
Vicki Young
Twenty One Anonymous
Many thanks to all of our
donors who generously
supported Manitoba
Opera with donations
under $50.
In Memory of…
Ross Houston and
Leo & Margareth Mol
Ms. Patricia Gartrell
Dr. Irving Guttman
Mr. Bruce H. Lang
George Hansen
Ms. Abbie Grieder +
John Hodge
Rod & Sandra Cline
One Anonymous Donor
Max Kettner
Ms. Ruth B. Kettner
Lillian Kushniaryk
Ms. Anne Dunlop
Harold Pollock
Arnice Pollock
Basil Rotoff
Kyle Dear
Karen Ruta
Glenn, Anne &
Simeon Rusnak
Dr. Lawrence Soloway
Jeanie M. Dubberley
Mr. Bruce H. Lang
Pamela Taylor
Mrs. Deborah
Mrs. Rosalind Dick
Wayne Tefs
Ms. Abbie Grieder +
Honourable Justice
Kerr Twaddle
Jeanie M. Dubberley
Marylla Van Ginkel
Ramon Zelech
In Honour of…
Wayne Benson
The Conservative Club
of Winnipeg
Laurie Lam’s Birthday
Steven Schipper
Douglas MacEwan’s 90th
Robert B. Jackson
Dr. W. Reid & Ruth †
The Marriage of Carla
& Josef Nejmark
Ms. Suzanne Lynne
Marie Soulodre
Dr. William Pope on
His Retirement
Marilyn & John Wade
Encore Circle
Manitoba Opera’s
Planned Giving Program
Larry Desrochers u
& Laurie Lam
Donn K. Yuen
Endowment Fund
In Honour of Dr. William
Pope’s Retirement Elba Haid +
Mr. Fred Kisil
Marion Lewis
Grant & Janet Saunders
Howie & Sue Simpson
Terracon Development
Mrs. Faye Warren
The Winnipeg
The Anonymous Fund
at the Winnipeg
The Estate of
Frank Fred Gladky
Please consider making
a gift to the Manitoba
Opera Endowment Fund.
Visit to
make a donation today!
Many companies encourage
the financial generosity
of their employees through a
matching gift program. Check
with your employer and make
your donation to Manitoba
Opera go even further!
Participate in a study
on experiencing
a live event
Manitoba Opera patrons are being asked
to participate in a U of M research project
that is examining how people experience
live events. PhD candidate Raymond Lavoie,
in conjunction with Dr. Kelley Main of the
Asper School of Business, is focusing his
dissertation on how people perceive live
events and what factors can help them
optimize their satisfaction and happiness
from such experiences.
The research includes gathering data from
surveys completed by people after they
have attended a live event. The survey takes
about five minutes to complete, and anyone
completing the survey will be entered to
win a $200 Best Buy gift card.
To participate in the survey
after attending Turandot,
go to
Please note that the link opens immediately
following each performance and closes
16 hours later.
A more detailed explanation on the
research project is given in the debriefing
at the end of the survey.
Thanking you in advance for your
participation is this research project.
Enjoy Tea Sampling and Chinese
Traditional Dance Demonstrations
April 18, 21 & 24
Don’t miss the complimentary Chinese
tea sampling occurring before the
curtain and during the first intermission.
A demonstration of Chinese traditional
dance will also be featured on the Piano
Nobile during the first intermission. The
Fantasy of Jasmine will be performed by
Julia Zhu, followed by a Chinese costume
show with Julia Zhu and performers from
Manitoba Great Wall Performing Arts and
the Lan Classic Chinese Tearoom.
Sincere thanks to master tea expert Si Chen,
Nan Cui, and Michael Case, as well as
Julia Zhu, Olivia Ma and the dance troupe
for this special taste of China.