T HE MICHAEL J. FOX FOUNDATI ON FOR PA RKIN SON’S R ESEARCH 2 0 15 A NN UAL R EPORT Purpose. Partnership. Progress. The Michael J. Fox Foundation is dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson’s disease through an aggressively funded research agenda and to ensuring the development of improved therapies for those living with Parkinson’s today. Contents 2 A Note from Michael 3 An Update from the CEO and the Co-Founder 6 2015 in Pictures 8 2015 Donor Listing 12 Industry Partners 18 Planned Giving 24 Corporate and Matched Gifts 32 Tributees 36 Recurring Gifts 39 Team Fox 54 Tour de Fox 57 2015 Financial Highlights 62 Credits 63 Boards and Councils 2015 Annual Report 1 A Note from Michael Dear Friend, When the Foundation launched, we promised to focus on the most urgent medical needs of people living with Parkinson’s. We also pledged to do so with tenacity and a commitment to maximize the impact of every gift. In 2015, your partnership — and that of patients, families, researchers and clinicians throughout the Parkinson’s community — helped us accelerate momentum in the field in new and invigorating ways. We still have much to do, but your friendship continues to move us toward a cure. Thank you for sharing our purpose and our progress. 2 The Michael J. Fox Foundation An Update from the CEO and the Co-Founder: Purpose, Partnership and Progress TODD SHERER, PhD DEBORAH W. BROOKS Chief Executive Officer Co-Founder and Executive Vice President Like the synapses and circuits that make up our neurological function, Parkinson’s research is a complex network. It relies on the interconnectivity, shared purpose and partnership of funders, academia, industry, clinicians and allied health care providers, and those living with Parkinson’s disease (PD). The Michael J. Fox Foundation sits at the nexus of these groups, working single-mindedly to accelerate progress toward a cure on behalf of the estimated five million individuals living with Parkinson’s worldwide. (continued...) 2015 Annual Report 3 As this report details, 2015 was marked by a groundswell not only of therapeutic pipeline activity, but also of Parkinson’s community engagement. Thanks to the generosity and commitment of our worldwide network of supporters, we funded $87.8 million in research programs last year — a single-year record for our organization. And our investments continue to bear fruit in the form of tremendous activity in the Parkinson’s therapeutic development pipeline of both symptomatic and potentially disease-modifying treatments. Today, no fewer than seven disease-modifying therapies (a treatment that could slow, stop or even reverse progression of Parkinson’s disease, something no current treatment has been proven to do) are advancing through clinical testing. Genetics remains the leading path to critical breakthroughs in this arena. In 2015, two Foundation-funded investigations targeting alpha-synuclein, the gene whose protein clumps in the brains of people with PD, moved into human trials. One of these already is planning for a Phase II study. (Read more on page 20.) Meanwhile, mutations of the gene known as LRRK2 — the most common known genetic cause of PD — remain the focus of intense research interest. We are cautiously optimistic that our partners working toward the first LRRK2 inhibitor drugs could initiate clinical trials as soon as 2017. On the symptomatic front, as many as four new therapies are positioned to come to market in the next two years, mostly rescue drugs to address disabling motor complications, including “off” periods. In 2015, two new treatments, Rytary and Duopa — novel reformulations of carbidopa/levodopa designed to reduce “off” periods — were approved by FDA and took their place on pharmacy shelves. And as this report went to print, we shared news of the U.S. regulatory approval of Nuplazid (pimavanserin), the first treatment for psychosis (hallucinations and delusions) in Parkinson’s. We join patients and families in celebrating these important wins. But we remain sober about the work still to be done, and we continue to look to the Parkinson’s community as vital partners in the continuing advancement of Parkinson’s therapeutic development as a whole. As more drugs enter late-stage testing, the need for validated, objective biomarkers intensifies. Biomarkers of Parkinson’s would 4 The Michael J. Fox Foundation make clinical trials more efficient, optimize the selection of patient populations for clinical testing, and clarify regulatory pathways to approval for breakthrough treatments. MJFF’s landmark Parkinson’s Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI), launched in 2010, has grown to become the field’s premier vehicle for biomarker development. Last year, the study expanded its genetic cohorts and extended longitudinal observation of the original cohort. PPMI has studied a total of nearly 1,000 individuals to date, and its unparalleled dataset has been accessed more than 500,000 times by researchers worldwide. Today, studies using PPMI biosamples are yielding never-beforepossible insights into the natural history of PD. For example, in September 2015, leaders of the study’s genetics core published an analysis of PPMI data outlining five clear criteria that could for the first time allow researchers to screen for Parkinson’s risk and eventually even predict who will get PD. As evidenced in part by patients’ and families’ tremendous willingness to take part in PPMI, people with Parkinson’s have long been eager to engage in a true dialogue with scientists. In 2015, the Foundation launched Fox Insight, an online observational study and portal for patients to share their experiences and concerns directly with researchers, helping ensure that R&D priorities are reflective of the most pressing unmet medical needs of people with PD. Fox Insight aims to collect and analyze data from thousands of individuals on measurable features of Parkinson’s, such as slowness of movement, tremor and sleep quality, enabling researchers to assemble a better picture of the clinical progression of Parkinson’s and track its relationship to molecular changes. To date, more than 4,000 participants have enrolled; many more are needed. (Read more on page 46.) And because virtual research is most effective when it complements traditional “brick and mortar” studies, our Foundation continues to grow Fox Trial Finder, our online clinical trial matching tool. Last year, Fox Trial Finder crossed the 50,000-mark in registered volunteers, expanded scientifically to include studies focused on atypical parkinsonisms underrepresented in research, and enlarged its international footprint to include France. This brings the total number of countries worldwide in which it is matching volunteers and trials to 31. In addition to tools for research engagement, our Foundation hears every day from patients, loved ones and caregivers seeking community connection and high-quality educational offerings to better understand their disease. We are eager to continue working with the PD community to spread the word about opportunities to partner in the search for a cure. Our grassroots fundraising program, Team Fox, contributed more than $11 million to our research efforts through thousands of community-based events last year. And we connected with friends old and new through an expanding palette of online and in-person events. The Tour de Fox, a summer-long odyssey brought together more than 3,000 participants and supporters across the United States and Canada, and raised an astounding $2.5 million for research. (Read more on page 54.) Remembering a Revolutionary and a Friend Research roundtable discussions and daylong Partners in Parkinson’s symposia reached tens of thousands of patients and families, as did our Third Thursdays webinars, Ask the MD series and MJFF podcasts breaking down the latest news on drug development and living with Parkinson’s. In short, we left 2015 more optimistic and energized than ever by the achievements to date and the possibilities ahead. And we couldn’t do any of it without you. Thank you for helping realize our shared vision of a world without Parkinson’s disease. Andy S. Grove 1937 2016 With gratitude, AS THE MICHAEL J. FOX FOUNDATION PREPARED THIS TODD SHERER, PhD Chief Executive Officer REPORT, we joined the technology and business communities in mourning the passing of Andrew S. Grove in March 2016 at age 79. A visionary leader who was never satisfied with the status quo, Andy served for many years as president, CEO and chairman of DEBORAH W. BROOKS Co-Founder and Executive Vice Chairman the board for Intel Corporation. He was well-known for his love of challenging assumptions and for motivating others to reach goals often thought unattainable. Andy was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease around the time of MJFF’s founding in 2000 and became an adviser who influenced the Foundation’s philosophy of accountability, failure analysis and willingness to change and adapt. We are grateful to Andy for his extraordinary contribution to our mission. 2015 Annual Report 5 2015 in Pictures 2 1 4 5 3 6 7 F RO M TO P (CA PT I O NS L E F T TO R I GHT ) (1) Board members Tracy Pollan, Lily Safra and Michael J. Fox at A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Cure Parkinson’s; (2) Michael J. Fox with Anthony Scaramucci at the SALT Conference in Las Vegas; (3) Nike CEO Mark Parker (center) and his team join Debi Brooks and Michael J. Fox as he tries on the first pair of self-lacing Nike Mag shoes; (4) MJFF Patient Council member and Contributing Editor Dave Iverson moderates at a Partners in Parkinson’s panel; (5) David Letterman takes the stage at Funny Thing; (6) Julianna Margulies and Keith Lieberthal at Funny Thing; (7) Patient Council member Carl Bolch, Jr. (center) and RaceTrac CEO Allison Moran (center left) with Michael J. Fox, Debi Brooks and the Bolch family; (8) John Fogerty and Michael J. Fox perform at Funny Thing 8 6 The Michael J. Fox Foundation 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 16 F RO M TO P (CA PT I O NS LEF T TO RIGHT ) (9) Debi Brooks and Michael J. Fox with Board members Bonnie Strauss, Sonny Whelen, Holly Andersen, MD, George Prescott and Ed Kalikow at Breaking PARkinson’s; (10) Board member David Einhorn at Playing to Win; (11) Vera Alfieri Serrano, Norman Fixel, Michael J. Fox, Susan Fixel and Janet Davis; (12) Michael J. Fox and MJFF CEO Todd Sherer at a Pfizer panel discussion; (13) Board member Andy O’Brien at Breaking PARkinson’s; (14) Tom Strauss, Michael J. Fox, Board member Bonnie Strauss, Michael Bloomberg and Tracy Pollan celebrate MJFF’s research alliance with the Bachmann-Strauss Dystonia and Parkinson Foundation; (15) A Twitter exchange between President Barack Obama and Michael J. Fox on Back to the Future Day; (16) NFL tight end Tony Gonzalez with Board member Curtis Schenker; (17) Charles Lantz, Jane Comer and Michael J. Fox; (18) Michael J. Fox and Tour de Fox’s Sam Fox (no relation) 2015 Annual Report 7 2015 Donor Listing The Michael J. Fox Foundation’s work is made possible by patients, families, friends, researchers, clinicians and companies who believe — as we do — that partnership is critical to driving research advances. This report lists significant gifts made in 2015, and each name is a testament to the strength of this dynamic community. Thank you for helping us move toward our shared vision of a world without Parkinson’s disease. 18 MJFF-FUNDED TREATMENTS IN R&D PIPELINE THAT HAVE SECURED FOLLOW-ON FUNDING 550 ACTIVE GRANTS IN CURRENT PORTFOLIO $87.8M IN RESEARCH PROGRAMS FUNDED IN 2015 8 The Michael J. Fox Foundation Thanks to the generosity of more than 78,000 donors, 2015 was our biggest year to date. $25M and Above $500K– $999,999 Sergey Brin The Albert and Judy Glickman Family $2.5M– $24,999,999 Andy Grove, The Grove Foundation* $1M– $2,499,999 Anonymous (3) Connie and Steven Ballmer The Dickson Foundation Lauren and Lee Fixel Jane Comer and Charles Lantz Leslie and Colin Masson Great Investors’ Best Ideas Foundation/ Michele and Shad Rowe RaceTrac Petroleum, Inc. Signature Bank Karen Pritzker and Michael Vlock* $200K– $499,999 Lauren and Mark Booth* The Creighton Family Cheryl and David Einhorn Tracy Pollan and Michael J. Fox Golub Capital* Shelly and Ofer Nemirovsky William and Margaret Fern Holmes Family Foundation The Edmond J. Safra Foundation* Kinetics Foundation Bonnie and Tom Strauss/ The Bachmann-Strauss Dystonia and Parkinson’s Foundation Marilyn Muir Sonny and Christine Whelen National Stem Cell Foundation Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute* Julie and Doug Ostrover Elena and Scott Shleifer Anne-Cecilie Engell Speyer and Rob Speyer Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc. *Includes payments toward a multi-year gift 2015 Annual Report 9 $100K—$199,999 Katie Couric and John Molner Medidata Solutions Alexis Brown Anonymous (2) Carl Moore Edoardo William Moretti Cathy and Martin Brown, Jr. Marie-Therese and Carle Baker Richard C. Mugler Catherine and John T. Morse BTIG, LLC Debbi and Paul Brainerd Names Family Foundation The Natter Family Foundation Susan and Simon Budman Virginia Clay Robin and Andy O’Brien Dick Nicely Heather Buhr Diana Davidow Parkinson’s Pals Nicholas Family Foundation Anne-Marie and Patrick Demoucelle Donna and Michael Rajkovic Jennifer and Sean O’Neal William O. Burnett Charitable Foundation Shannon and Mark L. Hart III Rawley Foundation David O’Shaughnessy Fletcher Carter Anne and Jeff Keefer Lee Ross Meagan and Gerald Ouderkirk Ellen Hooker and Joseph Cassano The Lauder Foundation – Leonard and Judy Lauder Fund Pam and Jon Scarborough Chuck Pacheco Charity Miles LLC Francesco Scattone Charleston Parkinson’s Support Group The Samuel, Nadia, Sidney and Rachel Leah Fund Susie and Rick Schnall Marion Park Foundation / Carol and Steve Park Barry Silverman The Polo Ralph Lauren Foundation Claudia and Marty Cole The Leon Levine Foundation / Sandra and Leon Levine The Eddie and Jo Allison Smith Family Foundation Mary Power The Dancing Skies Foundation The Billy Rose Foundation Carolyne and Edwin A. Levy Nancy and Tom Davidson Iris and Michael Smith Allen Rosenberg The Malkin Family Foundation Gleeann and Dwight Davis Soros Fund Charitable Foundation Elana and Rafi Rosman Milken Family Foundation Virginia de Lima Carol Spier Carolyn and Marc Rowan Adam Mendelsohn Joseph Deal Alexandra Wentworth and George Stephanopoulos Jean and Robert Schrimmer Jill and Jeffrey Degen Dr. Anna Chapman and Ronald O. Perelman Carl Stiewe James Schwab Barbara and Robert Dein Select Equity Group Foundation Josefina Diez The Sacks Family Foundation The Wasily Family Foundation Jennifer and Ralph Sells Mrs. Emily Chiu and Mr. Cuong Do Carolyn and Curtis Schenker* Wells Fargo Bank William and Jacqueline Shaw Family Foundation Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dobbs Shackleton Family* Wilkins Parkinson’s Foundation Jill and Bill Shepherd Parkinson’s Unity Walk Silicon Valley Community Foundation Skybridge Capital, LLC Shane Smith Kerry and Chuck Tyler* Dr. Brent and Terry Weinberger Charitable Gift Fund $50K—$99,999 Diane and Richard Templer $25K—$49,999 Anonymous (3) A.J. Shea Construction, LLC Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. Zanab Alvi Candace Young and Glenn Batchelder Jennifer Kangas and Zachary Brez Trish McEvoy and Dr. Ronald Sherman Laura and Andrew T. Slabin Thelma and Howard Smith The Smolin Family Trust Marty and Iris Walshin Foundation Wagner Spray Tech Corporation Elsa Watson Amy and Fred Weiss Dina and David Ciagne Clement Dortie Judy Doss Thomas Doyle Eva Andersson-Dubin, MD, and Glenn Dubin Nancy Dubuc Margaret and Bruce Duff Dugan Foundation Pedro Earp Joshua Easterly Anonymous (2) Bridgemill Foundation The Adame Family Shanna and Jon Brooks MacKenzie and Jeff Bezos Joyce and Barry Cohen Connie and Felix Bhandari Dan and Merrie Boone Foundation The Steven A. and Alexandra M. Cohen Foundation $10K—$24,999 Cantor Fitzgerald Simon and Eve Colin Foundation Inc.* Martha and John Coppola Sue A. Murphy Memorial Foundation Barbara and Julian Cherubini Daisy Prince and Hugh Chisholm / Prince Charitable Trusts Frances W. Corbett Trust Joan and Ross Collard Rachael Ray and John Cusimano The Kenneth A. Abrams Charitable Foundation Luke Comer DARCARS Toyota of Silver Spring David Acker Consolidated Anti-Aging Foundation Donny Deutsch Denise and Stephen Adams Norah and John Daly Cecelia and Tad Dickson Joy Adams The Robert & Connie Delaney Foundation Fairchild Martindale Foundation Carol and Robert Allison Virginia and William Dixon Richard H. Fitzgerald American Advertising Federation John and Mary Kaye Fort Family Fund Stephanie and Robert Goldstein Peter and Irene Andrulis Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Anheuser-Busch M. Arthur Gensler, Jr. and Associates Greater Houston Foundation for Medical Research and Education Ramin Arani Golf for Parkinson’s Karen Finerman Julia and Joel Greenblatt Susan and Kim Henry Terry and Regina Armstrong Family Charitable Foundation Greg Gordon Amy and John Griffin Foundation The Grateful Foundation Inc. Armin and Esther Hirsch Foundation The Gurley Family Fund Arrell Family Foundation R. Scott and Luba Greeder Holly Andersen, MD, and Douglas Hirsch Suzan and Rick Harrington Lamar Q. Ball Ellyn and Michael Greenspan Bank of America Charitable Foundation Jason Halpern Lynn and Dave Beall Susan and Richard Hare Family Foundation Fire Protection Products, Inc. Lucy and James Fox Kim and Phil Cox Stephanie and Michael Haverly The Hirschhorn Foundation Gertrude E. Hill Foundation Melvin and Geraldine Hoven Foundation Ann and Skip Irving The Island Foundation The Kalikow and Platt Families Marilyn and George Kaufman Sheldon and Audrey Katz Foundation Danny Kaye and Sylvia Fine Kaye Foundation Julia and Declan Kelly Light of Day Foundation Inc. Rachel and Amar Kuchinad Jennifer and Marc Lipschultz Patricia and Samuel W. Kinnaird John and Linda MacDonald Foundation The Margaret and Daniel Loeb / Third Point Foundation The Louise D. and Morton J. Macks Family Foundation Inc.* Marsh and McLennan Companies / Peter Zaffino 10 The Michael J. Fox Foundation Stephanie and Thomas Wilde Jerome A. Yavitz Charitable Foundation Anonymous (10) Abbe Berman Foundation Trust Kristen and Omar Abdel-Hafez Barbara and Peter Benedek Shira and Loren Berger Bessemer Trust The Eccles Family Foundation Pascale and Paul Edelman Caryn and Craig Effron El Camino Hospital Martin J. Elias Robert E. Enslein Foundation The Ettleman Family Fund Janet Evans Martha Struthers Farley and Donald C. Farley, Jr. Family Foundation Susan and Norman Fixel Julianne Moore and Bart Freundlich Christen C. and Ben H. Garrett Family Foundation Jeanie L. Giles Steven Goldberg The Sol and Lillian Goldman Family Stephanie Harman James T. Haynes Marcia Beutler HBO Robert and Joan Blackman Family Foundation June and Ron Hersh and Family Jay Hoag Bloomberg Fredericka Hunter Norine Boisi Hunter Properties Inc. Irina and Harry Brandler Hurlbert Family Foundation Debi and Jeff Brooks ICAP Services North America LLC Incapital LLC Candace Walker and S.K. Oka Christina Tsichlis Suzanna Buchta Carolyn and Ron Jackson Omnicom Media Group Inc. Donna E. Ucci Burns Family Foundation Roger L. Jackson Trust Mrs. Lynne Pace and General Peter Pace Gail Ullman Linda S. Byars Colleen and Eugene Jacobus / Eugenia Jacobus Kimberly Williams-Paisley and Brad Paisley Susan and Donald Ullmann Barbara and Victor Calaba Lisa and Ross Jagar Parkinson’s Cure Research Funding, Inc. United Talent Agency California Association of Community Managers Lisa and Lamar Johnson Paul Weiss Rifkind Wharton & Garrison LLP Universal City Studios LLC Ron Johnson Corey Jones Sonia and Paul T. Jones Eleanor Frances Nelson Jordan Laura Arrell and Erik Joyal Drs. Julie and Scott Kalniz Edward H. Kaplan Revocable Trust Michael and Nicholas Kaplan / Fashion to Figure Stores Roddie Kaplan Denise and Arthur Katsaros Erik Kay Cynthia and Peter Kellogg Rita Kernen The John W. Hill and Knowl Foundation Chris and John Kocal Lauren Koenig Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP Susan Krause Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Bernard Kravitz The Kremer Foundation Joyce and Graydon Larrabee Cecilia Barajas and Mitchell Lasky Lego System Richard Lehrfeld Erin and Justin D. Lepone Light of Day Canada Suzanne and Craig Litt The Lobster House Deborah and Jim Long Amalia and Peter Lucas George Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Lydick, Jr. Madigan Family Foundation Janet and Tim Maher Manus Family Foundation Nancy Peery Marriott Foundation, Inc. The V & L Marx Foundation Priscilla and George Matouk Noreene Storrie and Wesley G. McCain Elizabeth and Chris McGrath Meacham Family Foundation, Inc. Mellam Family Foundation Frances and John Melone The Mill Foundation LTD Leo Miller Family Foundation Mizuho USA Foundation Inc. Saad Mohseni James McNasby and Donny Moss The Donald R. Mullen Family Foundation, Inc. Amy and Brook Payner Kayla and Richard Pechter Arturo Peralta-Ramos Rose and Art Perrin Anna and William Phillips Edward N. Robinson, Jr., MD, MPH, and Pamela M. Pittman, MD Pocono Foxtrot for Parkinson’s Research Corky and Stephen Pollan Mrs. Jeanne F. Coleman and Mr. Lawrence F. Portnoy Rabobank International The Raether 1985 Charitable Trust John Rafal The Raiff Foundation Michael Rapino Nancy Rapp Vinson & Elkins Remer and Donald Waguespack Bernice Waldbaum Mary and Frank Walsh Roger Warin Carolyn and David Wasserman Pamela Weekes Kim Harris and Scott Weiner Grace and Steve Weitzer Martin Wells Sarah Wetherbee Charitable Trust Donald Williams Theresa and Kenneth Williams Link Wilson - Compulink Healthcare Solutions Joan B. Wilton World Wide Technology Foundation Roslyn Wright Capital One Capitol Market Chris Caratan Ann Carlsen Stephanie and Wayne Caron Tiara Castro Celebrity Machines Andrea Okamura and Jeffrey Chambers Carolyn and Stephen Chase Chicago Irish Brotherhood Dev Chodry Larry Christensen Ciao Parkinson’s of Millbrook Jean Clark Dr. Anne Armstrong-Coben and Harlan Coben Maya Davis and Christian Cocks Barbara and Lawrence B. Cohen Jo Ann and Rick Young Bruce A. Cohen Kevin Roberts $5K—$9,999 Roddenberry Foundation Context Capital Partners LP Anonymous (13) Sharon and Daniel Roitman Copeland Family Foundation Inc. Aberdeen & Rockfish Railroad Co Brett Rosenbaum Donald R. Cox Lisette Ackerberg Roslyn High School C.R. Bard, Inc. The Ajemian Foundation Aliza and Joshua Rosman Credit Suisse Americas Foundation Lonnie and Muhammad Ali James R. Ryan Family Foundation Skip Cressman Allstate / The Giving Campaign Salesforce.com Foundation Cory Curtis Beverly and Joel Altman DARCARS 355 Toyota Melissa Benzuly and Jonathan Schaffzin AmazonSmile Foundation Mark Seliger American Eagle Darling Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation The Honorable Felice K. Shea America’s Charities Inc. Jana Davidson Dganit and David Shefet Amicus Amico Foundation D. Wes Davis Paula and Peter Sherk Carrie and Robert Andalman Deanfox Foundation, Inc. Shouler District Agency Noam Aron Daniel DeCore Sills Family Foundation Anne Arrell Diane and Richard DeNardis Silver Lakes Golf & Conference Centre McCutchen Ashley Elyssa and Mark Dickstein Silverman Holding Corp. Aspen Insurance Sarah Dioguardi The Slagle Family Charitable Fund Babior Foundation Mary E. Dooner Foundation Jamie Smith Linda Baierl Desi DosSantos Jean S. Smith Revocable Trust Bryan Bain Jeff Dupuis Michael Smith Alice and Byrd Ball Steven Earle Soul to Soul Lloyd Barbara Cheryl and Blair Effron Lori and Kenneth Squire Jessica and Shane Baron Edmond Eger Richard Stebbins Susan Cahn and Mario Batali Dale and Marty Ehrenreich Jennifer and John Streit Judy and Joseph Baumgarten Matt Elek Margaret P. Stevenson Foundation Bay Counties Dump Truck Association The Emerson Hermetic Motor Division The James M. and Margaret V. Stine Foundation, Inc. Andrew Bechtel The Charles Engelhard Foundation Conrad Bergstrom Leslie and Ronald Ezerski Catherine and Chris Stroup Tom Bernardson Marcy and Art Falcone Carol and David Bienstock Nicholas Finn Ritzow Family Foundation Chris T. Sullivan Sunbelt Beverage Co., LLC Suwyn Family Foundation Mildred E. Swanson Foundation Richard Bisson Lewis Black Laurie Collins Gerald Fioretti Firman Fund Alecia and Bill Blake Mark Foley Toi Lee Fowler Symphonys Unlimited Inc. Charles J. and Brenda Block Family Philanthropic Fund Lynn and Joel Frank SynTerra Corporation Rosanna Bogart Angela K. and James C. Fritz NBCUniversal Media, LLC Pamela and Joseph Thompson Bolour Associates, Inc. Madelon and Roger Fross Nancy and Bruce Newberg Levino Tittaferrante Karen Bommarito Mary and Tim Galante John Newlin Dennis Toppel James Boyle Bev and Jack Gallagher Dorothy and Richard Nopar Thomas Tournat Donald Bragg Danielle and David Ganek Oak Creek Foundation Truist R. Rebelo and A. Bryant Brandon Gardner Mitsuaki Munegumi Nina and Michael Sweeney Judy and Bill Nadeau / Brewers Supply Group 2015 Annual Report 11 Industry Partners The Michael J. Fox Foundation has long partnered with critical stakeholders in the field to promote strategic collaboration among researchers, identify and overcome roadblocks and drive clinical trial participation. The companies listed here are partners in this unique approach, contributing more than $6 million to MJFF research initiatives in 2015. Learn more at michaeljfox.org/sponsors. AbbVie, Inc. Biostorage Merck & Co. Abcam Biotechnology Industry Organization Meso Scale Diagnostics, LLC Acadia Pharmaceuticals Bristol-Myers Squibb Acorda Therapeutics, Inc. CongressMed Pfizer Global Research and Development Adamas Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Cynapsus Therapeutics, Inc. Piramal Imaging S.A. Allstate Benefits GE Healthcare Prothena Amicus Therapies Genentech Senior Helpers ApoPharma, Inc. GlaxoSmithKline SomaLogic, Inc. AstraZeneca Institut de Recherche Servier Teva Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Avid Radiopharmaceuticals Lundbeck, Inc. UCB Pharma, Inc. Biogen, Inc. MedImmune, LLC Upsher-Smith Laboratories BioRep S.r.l. Medtronic, Inc. Voyager Therapeutics $5K—$9,999 (cont.) Charles and Nancy Harrison Jewish Communal Fund Yvette and Roger Kotch Genuardi Family Foundation The Heithoff Family Foundation JKW Foundation Catherine Lamb Maribeth and David Genuardi Henry Family Janet and David Johnson Cris Lamdin Pat and Charles A. Genuardi Jane and Fred Herzner Judith and Nathaniel Jones James G. Lammy Kirk Gibson Foundation Jean and Rob Hess Lars Jorgensen Lawhon Seed Company LLC Gibson Brands, Inc. Foundation Creighton Hoffman Warren B. Kanders Foundation Kenneth Giuriceo Charles Hoidal Andrew Kaplan Seth Glickman Cathy and Graham Hollis Carol G. Kaplan Tia Miyamoto and Bryce Goeking Virginia and Terrance Holt Thomas Kennedy Lynette and Ronald Goodrich Beverly and Richard Horowitz Christy and Matt Keswick Laurence Gottlieb Mary C. Howell Debbie and Steve Kilian James Grant Mason Hughes Terrie and Kenneth Kipp Michael Greene Nancy and Robert Hunter The Kitay Family Foundation Helene and Chris Hadfield The Huntington National Bank Jerry Klein Eric and Lynn Hagerbrant The Ironhill Foundation Robert Klein Virginia Hajeian J. J. C. T. M. Foundation Abbe and Dan Klores Lupini Construction William Hallman Amy and David Jaffe Frank Komin Gwendolyn Lydon Gayle and Roger Halpin Susan Jennings Koons Toyota of Annapolis, Inc. Stanley and Catherine Maas Foundation John Hammergren Ellen Lynn and Judy Jentzen Elizabeth and Ken Kopelman Thomas Macken 12 The Michael J. Fox Foundation The H. Ward Lay Jr. Foundation Kevin Lay Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Lee Kirsten and Jok Legallet Charles and Margaret Levin Family Foundation Inc. Mary and Darren Levine Sue and Julian Lifschiz The George Link Jr. Charitable Trust Joseph Link Pamela and Arnold Loeb Leveraging the Power of Everyone’s Data —DARRYLE SCHOEPP, PhD Merck & Co. “Parkinson’s research is an ecosystem, and The Michael J. Fox Foundation is at its center. In the end, we all want to find a therapy for PD. To do that you need the best information — including about the targets and potential biomarkers. No one company or single academic lab can do that effectively.” MJFF’S EFFORTS TO FACILITATE COOPERATION companies to support the Parkinson’s Progression BETWEEN DRUG DEVELOPMENT LEADERS — Markers Initiative and to determine the relationship from biotech startups to industry giants — help between LRRK2 and other proteins. clear hurdles to a cure. Yet, data sharing and comparison among companies are atypical for research organizations. A 25-year veteran of PD research, Dr. Schoepp first began investigating Parkinson’s and treatments to block the breakdown of dopamine in graduate The Foundation’s uniquely solution-driven school. When his mother was diagnosed with approach is welcomed by partners such as Darryle Parkinson’s nearly a decade ago, the critical Schoepp, PhD, who serves as vice president and need for a cure was driven home in a new way, head of neuroscience research, discovery, pre- strengthening his commitment to MJFF and its clinical and early development of Merck & Co. robust work bringing competitors together. The Merck is one of the Foundation’s longstanding Foundation thanks Dr. Schoepp and our many collaborators, working with MJFF and other industry partners for their collective support. 2015 Annual Report 13 $5K—$9,999 (cont.) Lisa Pimentel Maureen and Glen Smith Anchin Block & Anchin LLP Stephen MacLean Lloyd Pine John Spackman Kate and Ryan Andrew Magnolia Operating, LLC Virginia and James Pitts Adam Spiegel Ellen and Michael Maguire Judith Belzer and Michael K. Pollan Lizabeth Squicciarini Apgar-Black Foundation / Randolph Apgar and Allen Black Make it Possible Foundation – Lori and Lee Mikles Michael Pope St. Clairsville-Richland City S. D. Jane and Bryce Potter Cadi and Brian Stephenson Katherine Malkin Judith and George Prescott and Family David Stern The Mally Fund Megan Sheetz and Trevor Price Carol and Jim Storm Emily Markham PY vs. PD Foundation Kathy Stout Marlins Foundation Andrew Rachleff Kate Strauchon Marsh Racing, LLC Ila and George Rainwater DeWayne Streyle Joan and Robert Matloff The Mary Stewart Ramsey Family Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of North Texas The Stuart Family Foundation Inc. Michael Mattingly Andrew May Larry F. Randall J. Robb Mayo MBIA Foundation Inc. Cintra and Richard McArdle MCB Foundation for Parkinson’s Phyllis and Jim McDonald Vaughan McKee Family Trust Nancy McNamara and Lydia McMorrow Kenneth Mehlman Judith A. Melton Rita and Gregory Meltzer Helen Mendel Michael Michelson Linda Miller Andrea Rasoli Bridget and Louis Ray Patricia Jehle and James Reidy Claudia and Carlos Revilla Franci and Joseph Rice The Louis A. Ritter Foundation R.J.W. Foundation N. Hayes Robbins Carolyn Robinson Pietro Rocca The Rogers Foundation The Frances & David Rose Foundation Cynthia and Peter Rosenwald Michael Miller Kellie Sumberac Tara Smith Swibel and Brian Swibel Sycamore Creek, LLC Richard Tauber Louise Laraway Teal Foundation Jason Tebutt Craig Tedmon Third Horizon Foundation H. E. Thompson Foundation Ramona and Charles Thompson Adrian Tiemann Toole Charitable Foundation Torrington Area Parkinson’s Support Group Jason Trachewsky Karin and Kenneth Travis Phyllis W. Miller Edward John and Patricia Rosenwald Foundation Daniel L. Milliken Jim Rothman Cheryl and Philip Milstein Theresa Rowland Nanette and Todd Mirolla Timothy J. Moore R.S. Quality Products Inc. / Monica and Robert Serfas Jennifer and John Mor Curtis Rudbart Michael Van Horn Lewis Morris Janice Rudbart Jennifer and Brian Van Klompenberg Kaushik Murali William Rudin Wolfram Vedder Georgina and Tom Russo David M. Wah Joshua Ryder Stacey and Reid Walker Julie and Gary Salomon Warner Bros. Entertainment The San Francisco Foundation Sandi Wasch Mara and Ricky Sandler Washington West International Film Festival Joanna and Daniel Murray Muskin Family Foundation Mary and Warren Myer Kary and Gary Myers Fund MaryLouise Napier National Philanthropic Trust Bonnie M. Nelson Dee Dee and Ned Neuhaus The New York Community Trust Shelly and Warren Newman Maria and Stratton Nicolaides Joyce and William Niles Nomura Securities International, Inc. Nordby Construction Company NorthShore University Health System NWI Parkinson’s Inc. Nancy and Morris W. Offit SAPIO Production Hydrogen Oxygen SRL Schaner & Lubitz PLLC. Lorraine Schapiro Marjory and Jeffrey Sharp Elizabeth and Scott Schefrin Ralph W. Tryon and Maida Schifter Jennifer M. Schneck Caren and William Schneider Nancy and Ray Schoenke Dr. Darryle Schoepp Schrader Community Fund, a fund of The Indianapolis Foundation Triad Tool Co. Lisen Troutman Ueberroth Family Foundation UTA Foundation Greene Van Arsdale Foundation Waterstone Amber Watson Laurie and Steven Weiner The Weismann Foundation Andrew Wells Nina W. Werblow Charitable Trust West Springfield Running, LLC Kaily Smith Westbrook and Adam Westbrook Patricia Wexler, MD Bill and Sara Wilkins Allan and Lyndsey Arendsee Family Foundation James Arnold Michael Ashfield Spencer Baim The Baldwin Group Inc. Leslie and Buck Balkind Barbara Banke Angela and Tony Barrett Craig Barrett Susan and Dale Barrett Barry Family Charitable Fund Stanley Barry Mary F. Beck Carolyn and Don Berger Lee Berger Sharon and Mitchell W. Berger Adar Berghoff Wayne Bilotti Marc Blackson Duff Blair Marsha and Stephen Blank Dr. and Mrs. Louis W. Bloede Roberta Bondi Deborah and Girome Bono Richard Booth Douglas A. Borck Caroline F. Brady Miriam and Steven Bram Rosanne and Michael Breen Margaret and John Brewer Eugenia and Michael Brin Richard and Sharon Brown Foundation Eric Burger Burke & Herbert Bank Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Burkhard Eugenia and George Burylo William Cahn Donald Cantway Ian T. Carnathan Jock Casasus Linda and Bernard Chalfin Matthew and Debra Chanin John Charecky DebbyLou Charitable Fund Charity Golf International Joel Citron Stacy and Richard Clark Bruce Cohen Larry Cohen Meryl and Jeff Schwartz J.R. and M.J. Wilson Foundation Suzanne and Andrew Schwartz Peter Wunsch Ruth Zinar Barbara and Frank Colucci Parkinson Association of the Rockies The Stephen Colbert Americone Dream Fund of Coastal Community Foundation of SC $2,500—$4,999 Barbara and Jim Conen Diane M. Pattee Gail and R. Dan Settle, Jr. Anonymous (6) Connecticut Parkinson’s Working Group Rick Patterson Kim and Mark Shapiro Carol Adams Heather and Chris Cook Beverly and Stephen Pazuk Donna Shea ADP Foundation Inc. Corium International Inc. Patrick Pelkey Kiefer Shenk Richard Aiello Elizabeth Corley Douglas Peterson Elsa and Stanley Sidel Mary Doherty and Thomas Allen Christopher Crawford The Phase Foundation Holger Simon Dewey Alley Judy and Allan Curran Ronald A. and Dorthy L. Pieringer Alex Skora Kathleen and Larry Alongi Donald Curren Philanthropic Ventures Foundation Doenda and Donald Smith Thomas Amaral Alice Cutler Jane Pilant Joseph Smith American Legion Riders Chapter 148 Dawn and Edward D’Alelio Denise D. and Donald E. Paulus and Virginia Pacini Katharine and Bret Parker 14 The Michael J. Fox Foundation Tracey and Adam Collins John Hoffee and Mr. Larry Condon Dalton Parkinson’s Disease Support Group Greater Milwaukee Foundation, Inc. Jennifer Konner Thomas C. Muse Miriam and Peter Daneker Donald and Maureen Green Foundation Mary and John Krebs N T Auto Body Inc. Vicky Gregorcyk Elizabeth and Lawrence Krulik Suzanne Naegle Sharon Griffin Ruth M. Finglass and Kevin Kubach Tracy and Larry Nagler Elizabeth and Michael Gross Michael Kuentz Michael Naumann Elizabeth Grover Gary Lanier William Naylon Jeannette and Douglas Grundstrom Robyn and Marc Leach Neighborhood Theatre Group LLC Susan Gurney Phillip E. Ledin Joel Nelson Austin Hahn Lefkovitz Foundation Marjorie Nelson Dorothy Halperin Judith and Michael Lesch Ninkasi, LLC Emily Halpern North American Road Racing Assoc. LLC Michael Handel Wallace R. and Bernice E. Leslie Memorial Fund Ann and Tom Hanna Bety Levinson Della and Jeffrey Levy Michael O’Connor Henry Hansman Ellen and Samuel Harrison Liberty High School LOC #565 Hartford Marathon Foundation Inc. Michael Lichner Elisabeth and Kenneth Hartung Mary Beth Lichtneger Harvard Community Gifts Jeff Liebenstein Brittany and Noah Hawley John Lindsay Andrea and Ron Hein Erin Lines William Hein John T. Loftus Susan and William Heller Zander Lurie Hercules Corporation Michael and Louise Lynch Charitable Foundation Inc. Janet Davis Letrice and Travis Davis Deer Pass Golf Club, Inc. Margaret and Michael Dees Delivery Agent, Inc. Patrick Dell Ron Delsener Laura and Brian Deutch Ellen and Darryn Dieken Pamela and Robert Difilippo The Dolan Family Foundation Richard Dorfman Doyle Family Foundation Inc. Geraldine Drew Andrew Dunn Marsha and Anthony Durniak Eastern Baseball League Carole and David Ebner Nancy and William Edmunds James Egan Ethel Eisenberg Brian Eishemer Anne Eldridge Judy Epstein Kim and Libbe Erickson Highland Capital Management Karen and Craig Hill Karen and Brian Holcomb Betty and Randolph Holder Anne and Jack Holloway Amy and Brian Maas Jane and Marvin Maas Maison Miscavage Darcy and Mark Malone The Nosler Family Trust Sarah and Thomas O’Connor Tommy Oei Pam and Mark Okada Joanne Okuda Once Upon a Time Foundation Ourisman Chantilly Imports, Inc. Panthera Edge Foundation Doris and Thomas Parry Rakhi Patel Kemp Peterson Plantation Golf Sylvia L. Polen Sarah and Buck Poropatich Stephen Poulin Jane H. Pratt Samuel and Hannah Holzman Trust Betty and Eric Mannes Katalin Mannheim Eventbrite William E. and Audrine C. Honey Foundation, Inc. Richard Manz Madeleine Farragher Judith and Michael Hooffstetter Mary Ann and Charles Margiotti Stephan E. Fay Christopher Hughes Sophie Marsh Susan Feinstein Frances Hunt Christopher Marshall Pilar Rubio Fernandez Illinois Tool Works Foundation Elizabeth Martin Stephen Ferrara Independent Stave Company Soania and Arun Mathur Redwood Credit Union Debbie and Richard Fife IQ Formulations James Maulucci Leon Reimer Joyce and Robert Fieldsteel Gail and Roland Jacobus Nora and Ed McAniff Bryan Reinholt Elinor Fillion Jeanne and Rich Jacobson Pamela and Robert McCabe Jennifer Saul and Stephen Rich Laurine and David Fillo Piper Jaffray Chad and Nicole McDaniel William L. Richter Family Foundation Lynne Fina Bruce McDowell First Clearing, LLC Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago The Philip W. Riskin Charitable Foundation Keith Fisher Mark Jezior Michael B. McMahan Fitch Fund for Medicine of Communities Foundation of Texas John Marshall Bank Mary and Joe Meaden Harry Johnson Debby and Lou Flancbaum Jeroen Medema Jean and Eric Johnson Michelle S. Bright and Edward M. Fluhr Diana Meehan Lindsay and Todd Johnson Nelle and John Fortenberry Shawn Joshi Meltzer Lippe Goldstein & Breitstone LLP Dorothy and Jon Fox Kahn Foundation Members Give Karmen and Greg Fox Sandra Kamin Tricia and Leroy Meyer Bruce and Kipp Freeman Stacey Kapadia Meyer Manufacturing Corp. Bernard and Leslie Friedman John Karpowich Frank Miceli David Gaul Howard Kaskel Middlesex Hospital Cheryl and Richard Gelber Michelle Kavoosi John Miller Joseph George Ralph and Lisa Keipert Matthew Gerson Jerry Keller Stanley Miller / The Litwin Foundation Inc. Lance Gidel Alfred F. Kelly Jr. Anne and Chad Gifford Jerry and Joyce Kennedy Myrna and Mike Ginsberg Adam Kestenbaum Susan and Timothy Ernst Mary Ellen Esgro Global Impact Charlotte and Tiff Kinion McKuin Frankel Whitehead LLP Richard E. Ministri The Minneapolis Foundation Timothy Mitchell Susan Monica-Mollohan The William L. Price Charitable Foundation Dean Provost Pub at Cumberland Jan and Frank Pugliese Sreekanth Ravi Raymond James Global Account Alan Ritchson Rebecca and Bryan Roberts Susan and Robert Roberts John Robinson Sandy and Mark Robinson Mark Robson B.T. Rocca, Jr. Foundation Trust Nelson Rolong Polly and William Rosen Fred Rosenberg Georgina and Alan Rothenberg Joyce and Elliot Rothstein Laurie Rozet Mary Rudolph Leah and Robert Rukeyser Alan Rushfeldt Diane and David Russell Diana and James Rutherford Thomas J. Sabourin Janet Kinney Monique Pean Fine Jewelry LLC Montana Parkinson’s Foundation Inc. Barbara and Howard Goldenfarb The Kenneth and Laurie Kissell Charitable Foundation Carolin Moran Lori Goldstein Kit Kat Club Susan and Mark Moskowitz David Samson Amanda and Brian Gomba Amy and David Klein Moyer’s Landscaping Services LLC Anna and Craig Savage Stephanie Gosling Paula Knott Lars Munson Randy Savoie Erica and Kenneth Grau Michael A. Kolodny Nancy K. Murray O. Saydjari God’s Country Church Samuel Gogolak Dipali and Rajesh Sahasrabuddhe Abby and Steve Sakwa Ajay Salhotra 2015 Annual Report 15 $2,500—$4,999 (cont.) Patrick Wallace Beatriz and Marco Amendola Yvonne Barton Harry and Lila Schiffman Jeff Ware American Bank William Barulich Lisa Rotmil and Alex Schmelzer Phyllis J. Warrick American Epress Company Vikram Baskaran Richard Schmich JP Wartman American Gas Association Mickey Bass Tara and Bill Schmitz Sheila and Edward Weidenfeld AmeriFirst Financial, Inc. Bassett Family Charitable Trust Lewis Schott Mel Weiss Brenda Ames Susan Battles David Schumacher Linda and Patrick Welch Aram Ampagoumian Christopher Batty Ira S. Schwartz Mary and Rick Whiting Greg Anderson Bauerle Automotive Scopia Capital Carmel M. Whitman Gretchen Anderson The Baumann Family Foundation Vera and Julio Serrano Fay and Lyle Wiggins Kim and Andy Anderson The Baupost Group Anshu and Vinit Sethi Patrick Willcutts Mary Anderson Richard Beal James A. Shaffer William H. Cilker Family Foundation Barbara and Roger Bear Patrick Shaw Jo-Anne Williams Robert and June Anderson Fund for Art and Education Alethea Shepardson Lynn Wilmas Richard Andres Mike Beausang Jay Shrauner Lynn Wilson Angela Anglum Ari Becher Susan Shuler Richard L. Wilson The Goldie Anna Charitable Trust Sheila and William Beckeman The Sidewater Family Foundation Inc. Bruce Wisnicki Antenna Group Caryn Seidman Becker Joyce Siefering Joel S. Wojnilower Donna and Arthur Appel Christian Becker Claudia Sills Penny and Daniel Wolf Richard Beckman Kim and Al Silverberg Carla and Leonard Wood Applied Engineering Management Corporation Chris Simpson Jeremiah Wood Arizona Fall League Lynne Begier Josh Simpson WSFS Bank Linda and Bob Sims Marilyn and Joseph Yospe Smith & Associates Michelle and James Young Amy and Howard Smith Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP Thomas Arrieta $1K—$2,499 Eleanor Ascher Susan and James E. Smith Sobel Family Foundation Lena Sorrentino Kathryn and Jeff Speed Scott Spell Craig Spengeman The Spencers Linda and Gregg Spielberg Claudia and Michael Spies Christopher Spurlock Square Egg Entertainment Inc. Dan Stark Lisa Weisglass and Wayne Stills Annette Stockhausen Jason Stout Patricia and Thomas Strachota Esperanza C. Stuart Susan and Darwin Stuart Bob Atchinson ABV Cocktail Bar Sonja Atherton Jane Abbott The Scott and Nancy Atherton Foundation Andrew Abernathy Tsan Abrahamson Carolyn Abrams Scott Ackerman ACT II Thrift Shop Inc. David Adams Adobe Sandip Agarwala Ahlf Family Foundation Karen Ahrens Brenda and Robert Aiken AJ Welding, LLC Marcia and Lon Tabatchnick David Tepperman Kaysie Uniacke and Murat Akgun Diane and Kurt Thomas Rob Alan Kathy and Jim Thornburg Andrew Albarelle Roy Tiarks Barbara and John Alden Alan Tice Carlos Alejandro Photography Christy Tinnes Alba Aleman Lizzie and Jonathan Tisch Foundation, Inc. Samuel Alexander Frances B. and William S. Todman Foundation Daniel Allen Sandra and Edward Tucker Francine and Tim Turk Bob Tuttle David Ungar Ascension Health Ministry 51 Fifth Avenue Owners Corp Kristin and Andrew Akins Patrick Travers Mauren and Jeffrey Aronson Ashcroft Inc. AdMedia Partners Mary Stevens The Arnold Foundation Anonymous (33) Francis Adams Lloyd Stark Ann Ark Brian Allen Jack Allen Mary and Edward Allen Allied Beverage Group, LLC Allstate Restoration Corp. The Donald C. and Norma (Klug-French) Allyn Fund Auburn Opelika Parkinsons Disease Support Group Carl Austin John M. Beard Don C. Bedell Henry Beinstein Dr. Holley A. Belch Belchfire Corporation Christine Belgrad Jules Belkin Belkin Burden Wenig & Goldman LLP Denise and Ed Bell The Edward F. & Barbara A. Bell Family Foundation Linda and Brooks Bell Susan and Harvey Benjamin Daniel Benson Alan Berger Carl Austin Jr. Zachary Berger Jeff and Sissy Austin, Jr. Catherine and James Berges Christopher Avallone Deborah and Paul Bergren Awa-Puhi Consulting William Berkman Jennifer Ayers Marshall S. Berland The Ellen M. and Lawrence B. Family Foundation Linda Bermingham Rose Chris Babcok Evelyn and William Bernstein Ryoko Bacheller Elizabeth G. Bacot-Aigner Rita Badia Robert Baer The Arnold F. Baggins Foundation, Inc. Patricia Bailey Baird Foundation, Inc. Calvin Baker Donald Baker Marianna Baker Morris Baker Bob Baldwin Nanette and John Ballbach Deborah Baloff Kristen and James Bandy Francine and Delfo Bianchini The Bank of Holland Susan Banks Andrea and Mark Bernier Andrea Berry Douglas Berry Marion Berry Nancy Bertholet David H. Bescherer Family Charitable Fund Lisa Bescherer Kim and Jim Betz Jill Panetta and Leo Bianchi Joe Bianchi Francine and Delfo Bianchini Vicky and Donald Bickel Jill Bikoff The Bionetics Corporation Charitable Trust Bryan Binder Karen and Victor Binsacca Gino Birbiglia John M. and Susan F. Bankston David L. Van Brunt Alouette Old Orchard Beach Oceanfront Resort Inc. Patsy and Arch Van Meter Elizabeth Altman Kathleen and Scott Baright Shane Victorino Manuel Alvarado Richard Barker Alexanderina Vigh Jefferson Amacker Joanna Barlow Frank Bishop Salvatore Vittoria Jesse Amaral Joyce Barney Jonathan Biss Denise F. McCleary and Paul von Behren Amblin’ Films, Inc. Sheri Barronian Sarah and Alan Bittinger Claire Sutherland and Bob Wade Mary Ellen and James Ambrose Anne Bartlett Andy Bivona Carol and Gerald Wahlenmayer Dr. Jay Ambrosini Kevin Bartlett BL Restaurant Operations, LLC Nancy and Chris Unrath 16 The Michael J. Fox Foundation Nick Barbieri Chris Birch David Bird Charlotte Birnbaum Donald Black Lynn and Dan Brody Catch the Cure Stephanie Corcoran William Blackburn Matthew Bronfman Lucyanne Cavallo Agnes Corigliano Ellen Blackstone Jerry Brophy Jane Caveny-Brown Brian Cormier Cheryl Blank Nancy and Howard Brown Cengage Learning Jason Coronado Betty and Ray Blanset Nicole and Austin Brown Center State Bank Carole Yaley Corso David R. Blanset Nina Brown Victoria Cerami Joseph Corso Blistex Inc. Stephen Brown Paola Cerruti Cortopassi Family Foundation Elaine J. Block Diana Browner Mercedes Cesar Linda and Michael Costa William Blue Brucker Family Fund Wayne Chaplin Dorothy and Scott Cotoia Bluecross Blueshield of Kansas City Sandra and Peter Bruhn Irving Chase Ann Cough Vicki Blumenfeld Beverly Brun The Chatlos Foundation, Inc. Coyote Ugly Saloon Denver LLC Theodore Blumenthal Caroline and Luke Bryan Albert Checcio John Cox Jim Blumling James Kevin Bryant Sarah and Roland Chen Jeffrey Craft B’nai B’rith Youth Organization, Inc. BU Youth Musical Theater Workshop Dean Chenoy Coni Craig Joyce and James Boardman Buchanan Crossroads, LLC Jeremy Cheung Jacqueline Craig Cynthia and Clive Bode Lauren Buchholz Barbara and Ronald Chidsey Lisa and Bradford Crandell The Bojcik Family Gladys Bucklew The Chicago Community Foundation Kimberly and Gary Creem Alice and Nelson Bolen Connie Buckley Jim Childress Harriet Croman Paul Bollwinkel Marjorie and Mark Budd Ming Chiu Nancy Cross Michael Bonnet Margaret and Phillip Burcham Albert Choi Deborah Cullen Thijs Boon Bruce Burg Christian Living Communities Josephine Culmone Daniel W. Boone IV Janice and Louie Burgarello Judy Chu and Matthew Jacobson Darrin Cummings Michael J. Borgerding Jacob Burghart Vicki Chung Andrew Cuomo Joseph Borruso Kathleen Burke Kirk A. Churukian, M.D. Inc. Bartholomew Cuomo Ann Boston-Reamey Laura Kang and Paul Burkhead Maria Cilenti Eric Curran Boston College Full Time MBA Class of 2015 Michelle A. Burns Chandra Cirulnick Judi Curry Paul Burns Bonnie Clancy Margaret Cushing Patricia and Conrad Boterweg Daniel Burris Deborah Clark CustomInk Campaigns Francoise Bourdonnec David Burton Kimberly Clark Rolf and Sue Dahl John Bowden Lou Bushinsky Cynthia Clegg Daiwa Asset Management Brian Bower John Bushman The Clifford Family Foundation Erin Daly Alice and William Bowie Ray Butterworth Coastal Gourmet, Inc. Dan Newlin & Partners Margaret F. and Mike Bowler Judy Byrne Charitable Giving Fund Dennis Coates Brenda Daniel Jeffery Boyarsky Nora Byrne Ashley and William Cocke Ken Daniels Linda and Norm Boyer Kristi Cacomanolis Louise and Thomas Coffey Phyllis Danilow David Boyle Caryn and Craig Caffarelli Gene Cofield John D’Arcy Monica and Edmund Bradford The Harman Cain Family Foundation Will Cofnuk Kyle D’Arcy Leslie Seier and Kyle Bradstreet Fred N. Calenda Memorial Gifting Fund Robert Cohan Christine and James Dart Annette Bragalone Brent Callinicos Bernard Cohen Namrata Das Allison and Christophe Bragard Barbara C. and Roger L. Calvert Howard Cohen Kirstyn Davidson David S. Brammer Joseph Camhi Foundation, Inc. Karen and Kenneth Cohen Laura and William Davidson Brenda and Robert Brantley Silvio Camplani Maurice Cohen Yonina Davidson Gregg Brase Angela B. Campo Nancy and Myron Cohn Gregory Davies Melissa Braunstein Louis J. Capano Jr. III Family Foundation Garret E. Cole Daniell Davis Bravelets Vincent Capece The Cole Charitable Foundation Flobelle Davis Sharon and James Bready Matthew Capeci Anthony Collins Martha Davis Denise Breeden Ann and Jeff Caplan The Columbus Foundation Mary and Mark Davis Foundation Barbara Kelly Breitsameter Linda and Jeffrey Carbiener Combined Jewish Philanthropies Robert Davis Jill and Stephen Breitstone Steve Carbonneau Shelley and Laurence C. Davis III Nancy and Greg Bremer Terry Carlton Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley Nancy Brenden Charlotte Carnes Community Foundation of New Jersey James E. Dawson Brennan Medical Corporation Carol Hagan Studios Communities Foundation of Texas Arjun Day Lynn Brennan Catherine Caron Comprehensive Health Management Inc. Dayton Foundation Depositroy Inc. David Breslin Marilyn and David Carp Craig and Debbie Condon Michael L. De Jong Marylane Brett Carroll Carpenter Robert Conkling Elisabete de Sousa Diane and Eric Brewner Clayton D. Carpenter Elaine Conner Glen de Vries Bridgewater Associates Inc. Robert Carroll Anne and Dennis Connolly Carol and Mac Deacon Brief Media James Carruthers Amanda Connor Allen DeBevoise Michelle and Larry Briggs Cheryl and Steven Carver Deborah Conrad Decathalon Sports Club, Inc. Bright Funds Foundation William Cary Karen and Brian Conway Raymond Deeg Cathy and Eric Brinsfield Rita and Richard Case Kevin Conway Diane Deemer Leila Kamal and Andrew Brockway Yuki Kimura and Leo Casey Brandon Cook The Deerfield Foundation Inc. Tara Broderick Roger Casey Michael Cookson Gail Deery Brodeur & Company CPA., PC Irma Caskey Doral and Roger Cooper Suzanne C. Defrancis Fay-Ann and Jonathan Brodie Andrea Casper Kim Martens Cooper Todd Delahoussaye Ellen and Peter Brody Ted Cassman Todd and Kathy Copeland Patricia DeLong The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations 2015 Annual Report 17 Planned Giving We thank the following individuals and families who have contributed planned gifts and bequests to The Michael J. Fox Foundation as part of our Legacy Circle. Planned gifts provide a long-term funding source to plan around or leverage immediately that complements our speedy deployment of funds and helps accelerate Parkinson’s treatments through the pipeline. If you have made estate plans that include the Foundation, contact Shirley Nagar at 212 509 0995, ext. 240 or [email protected]. Learn more at michaeljfox.org/plannedgiving. Nancy and Joseph Adams Estate of Joan Barnes Estate of Iva Pauline Hancock Arthur and Carol Anderson Charitable Remainder Trust Estate of Ellieve Marie Basista Estate of Pollyanna Herrell Mildred Ashen Estate of Jerome Benjamin Estate of Bernadine J. Hetler Estate of Dorothy Rae Bien Estate of Jack F. Holmes Estate of Kim Adren Brackett Estate of Errol Jacobs Estate of Irene Louise Caccamo Estate of James H. Keil Estate of Billie R. Carlisle The Estate of Diane L. Keller Estate of Alfonso R. Cavaliere Estate of Jack Kellogg Estate of Elizabeth T. Clougher The Estate of Donald J. Knoedel Estate of Chase M. Conover Estate of Raymond J. Kouba Estate of Lynn D. Ebert Estate of Keith Kravitz Estate of Margaret Edgecomb Estate of Louis Krieger Estate of Dorothy Mae Edwards Estate of Cynthia Koger Estate of Jack L. Fennie Estate of Jane F. LaFortezzo Carol Spier and Richard Cullen Estate of Charles D. Fjeld The Estate of Claire B. Laird Henry Czerwiec Estate of Sol Goldman Estate of Max Levine Dambly Family Living Trust Estate of David Edward Gordon Estate of Louanne Lewis Rozanne O. Deutsch Trust Estate of Libby Claire Greenberg Estate of Joan P. Llewellyn Janice L. and Robert W. Dowd Trust Estate of Elfriede Grevendick Estate of Dorothy Lynch Fern L. Azuz Reuben Baesler Paul Stephen Bodocsi Revocable Trust Bowman Estate Funds James L. Campbell Trust Billie R Carlisle Trust Chady Living Trust Frederick C. Colton Gerald A. and Martine V. Conway Charitable Gift Annuity 18 The Michael J. Fox Foundation A Legacy of Intellect and Generosity Errol Jacobs 1937 2014 ERROL JACOBS WAS A BROTHER, UNCLE AND FRIEND who passed away in December 2014 at age 77. A high school teacher for nearly 40 years, he was remembered by his loved ones, colleagues and students as a witty storyteller and a keen explorer who loved art, music, vigorous political debate and traveling the globe. Errol lived with Parkinson’s for more than a decade before his passing, and arranged for The Michael J. Fox Foundation to become a beneficiary of his estate. A committed philanthropist, Errol believed that a search for knowledge and A BOVE understanding in many fields was vital to culture and human progress. MJFF is A teacher, Errol Jacobs often connected grateful to Errol, his family and his caregiver for sharing his legacy with us and for with children on his travels their dedication to accelerating a cure for Parkinson’s. Estate of Peter J. Mina Estate of Earl Jackson Savely, Jr. Florence H. Hybl Trust The Nancy J. Novick Trust Estate of Geraldine Joan Monaco Estate of Mary Margaret Shumaker Patricia Jehle and James Reidy Betty Jo Pattyson Estate of Anne Montana Trust Estate of Shirley Stein Esther Kassab Revocable Trust June Powell Estate of May Moore Estate of James L. Strother Carolyn J. Keefe Estate Michele Rae and Dan Swinehart Estate of Martin Nash Estate of Melissa Ann Tucker Pat Kinnaird Donald Reich Revocable Trust The Estate of Frank Neubauer Estate of Bernard Wasserman Kiser-Sorum Contingency Fund The Estate of James C. Nipper Estate of Pauline and Russell Woodcroft Koger Living Trust The Albert J. Robertson and Nadene L. Robertson Family Trust Estate of Frances Paulsen Estate of Arlin G. Piper Estate of David “Dan” Orin Plummer Estate of Henry A. Pope, Jr. Estate of Melvin Rauch The Estate of Anna L. Woods Estate of Lucy Yamoah The Robert I. Fendrich Family Trust Mike Ferguson The Alvin Krause Estate Rodney W. Leininger Trust Louie Family Trust William H. Martin Trust Barbara B. Simon Family Trust The Glenn B. Sinclair Law Corporation Dorothy Strauss Robert W. Swartz Charitable Remainder Unitrust The Hedy M. Hillmer McAndrew Living Trust Stacey Tamulinas Janet McCrory The John D. Turkel Revocable Trust The Shirley and Dennis Gillespie Charitable Gift Annuity The Shirley Michel Charitable Lead Trust Arleigh Jean Watkins Living Trust Marion Miller Revocable Trust Margaret Yacuone Estate of E. Ann Rowley The Revocable Trust of Harvey B. Goddard Eleanor M. Miller Trust Lynne Zieler Irrevocable Trust Estate of Edward Saunders Velma E. Harness Trust Eleanor Francis Nelson Jordan Estate of Arthur Rickel Estate of John W. Rodgers Estate of Orvil Roetman Estate of Mildred Rolstad Estate of Jack Roth The Anne-Marie Garcia Decedent’s Trust Thomas J. Gearing Ms. Keely Thayer Arlene J. Watrous Revocable Trust 2015 Annual Report 19 Accelerating toward a Cure The Michael J. Fox Foundation’s ultimate goal is the development of a treatment to slow, stop or reverse disease progression. Currently, no such treatment exists, but it is the only definition of success we recognize. Today, seven potential disease-modifying therapies have progressed to clinical (human) trials. MJFF has lent support to all as part of our high-risk, high-impact approach: FOUR TRIALS ARE TARGETING ALPHASYNUCLEIN, the protein that forms clumps in the brains of people with Parkinson’s. In 2015, two companies entered clinical testing: one therapy seeks to bind to alpha-synuclein, preventing its accumulation, and the second introduces antibodies (the body’s natural disease fighters) against the protein. Two additional companies are planning Phase II trials of other antibody approaches. MJFF is working closely with each through financial support PHASE III TESTING FOR ISRADIPINE — a calcium and/or collaboration on clinical trial design. channel blocker currently prescribed to treat high blood pressure — is progressing. MJFF funded pre- IN SEPTEMBER, THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF clinical work and the Phase II study. In early 2016, HEALTH (NIH) ANNOUNCED FUNDING for a Phase researchers shared a record pace of recruitment for III trial of inosine, a precursor to the antioxidant the NIH-funded Phase III trial, with more than 300 urate. Studies have shown that people with higher volunteers enrolled last year. levels of urate have lower risk for Parkinson’s or slower rate of progression. The MJFF-funded Phase MJFF ALSO IS FUNDING A PHASE I TRIAL of II study showed that inosine is safe, tolerable and nicotine patches based on strong data indicating a does raise urate levels in people with early-stage PD. reduced risk of PD in smokers. The study seeks to determine possible biological connections between nicotine and Parkinson’s. 20 The Michael J. Fox Foundation Dic-Wisco Farms Inc Lisa and Christopher Engel David Fox Jo Di Cecco Kate Engelbrecht Jovan and Theodore Franchetti III Catherine and Horace Dickens Bonnie S. Englebardt Family Charitable Trust Veronica Franchino Philip Erdoes Ann and Alan Frank Diane and Douglas Dickey Will Dickson Rachel Francis Dickson Bowling Co., LLC Kurt Erickson Adele Hoffmeyer and Richard J. Diemer, Jr. Laurie and Charles Ermer Andrew Ertman Ruth Frankfurt Barbara and Thomas Diemer Ralph Eschenbach Matt Franklin Matthew Diestler Eugene Esne, Jr. Deanne and Robert Frarck Ben Dietz Mimi and Nate Espe Ted Frecka William R. Dillof Esprit Du Vin LLC Ryan Freedman Sandra Disney The Esteban and Elie Families Brad Freeman Michael Dixon Joshua M. Eubank Seth Freilich Patricia and Michael Dobosenski Clifford Evans Carole Freitas Mary and Chris Doerr Laura and Ned Evans Thomas Freston Jacob Doft Mary and James Evans Tracy Freudendahl Richard Donato Frank Evarone Mark Frey Suzanne Donohoe Linda and Terry Eward Gloria and Ronald Friedman Sherri and Edward Donovan Carole Fabris-Mackie Richard Friedman Family Foundation Doolittle & Harrington Healthcare Joyce Fahy-Laundre Suzanne and Albert Friedman Deborah Doran Brenda Fairbanks Emilie Friesen Thomas Dougherty Family Management Corporation David Fruchey Steve J. Downs Adam Farina Sarah Fujita larry Doyle Judy and Randy Farless Peggy Furth Allison Dozier Fasnacht Family Foundation Mindy Gabler Scott Drawe Noelle and Burt Faure Walter Gaceta Will Drew James Fay Jill and Peter Gagliardo William Drewry Amy and Eric Federman William Gaine Michael Drews Robert Feeney Tina and Bob Gale David Driscoll Jeanne and Peter Fellowes Jane and Robert Gallagher Michael Droege Carl Ferenbach Patrick Gallaher Edward Droho FHC Inc. Marcia Gallina Duane Morris LLP Beverly Field-Fielding Noah Gallup Amy DuBreuil Fifth Avenue of LI Realty Associates Gloria Galperin Michelle DuEst Michele and Drew Figdor Rafael Garcia Joy Nikkel and Thomas Dumyahn Peter and Scott Findlay Dean Gardner Patrick Dunleavy Rebecca Finger Barbara and David Garlock Diane Durban Loretta and Robert Fink Jason Garmise Michael Durrwachter Lisa Finn Kathleen B. and Kenneth L. Garrett Cleofas Dvorak Sheryl Paul Finn and Daev Finn Judy Garrison Dwelle Family Foundation Fino Family Foundation Talia Gart Mary and Michael Dykema Margaret Fiola Anthony Gattuso E.S.T. TRUST FirstGiving Robert Gaul East Pub Inc. Eric Fish Kristina Gavello Eastern MA Adventure Boot Camp Cheryl Fisher Julie and Daniel Gaver e-Builder Henry Fisher Charles Gebben Margaret A. Eckenroad John Fisher Dr. Charles F. Gehlbach William Delong Hans Eckert Judy and Arnie Fishman Joshua Geleris Jill and Lawrence Deluise Eddie Bauer LLC Fitts Family Foundation Robert Geller Susan Den Herder Hollis Eddins Peggy and Dick Fitzgerald Sheila and Paul Gendron Lowell Denning Ryan Edmonds Michael Fitzgerald Charles Gengler David Dennis Educational Testing Service Priscilla Fjorden The Geo Group Foundation Denovo Aalok Shah and Donna Edwards Annie Flaig George Penniman Architects Daniel DePaoli Ann Edwards Karla and Mark Flannagan Marilyn Gerber John Deputato Naomi and Gary Edwards Alan and Esther Fleder Foundation Agathy and James Gerkis Starlight Derby Mike Effron David Fletcher Jennifer Barry and David German Jayesh Desai Shelley and Michael Egger Florida Tire Supply Michael Germano George R. and Janet E. Desko Charitable Foundation Neil Eisenband Joel Florin Linda and Robert Gersh Randall Eliason Kirby and Glenn Floyd Erika and Vernon Gerth Roberta and Reed Deupree Angela and Henry Elkins Thomas Follett Centerchem, Inc. Timothy Devanney Barbara and Earle Ellefsen Mary Folts Mary Gherty DeWitt Stern Group Planning Services, LLC Nancy and Robert Elliott Elizabeth and John Foraker Dr. Eric Gibbs Kimberly Elmore Christine and Austin Forman GIL T. Taimana Sole Prop Jerry Diamondstein Adam Elster James Formisano Gill Foundation Patricio Diaz Encana Cares (USA) Foundation Geraldine Foster Byron Gill $1K—$2,499 (cont.) Maris and Arnold Frank David Frankel 2015 Annual Report 21 $1K—$2,499 (cont.) Laura Hackett Philip Herr Erin and Tim Hunt Kay Gill Robin Bergen and Janine Hackett Jon Herrick Dianne and Charles Hunter Deborah and Donald Gill The Hackett Family Charitable Fund Julie and Everette Herring Huntington National Bank Dane Gillette Bill Hackney Judy and Mark Herrmann Hurst Foundation Cara and Jon Gilman Stefan Haeckel Pamela and Herbert Hertner Jill and Stuart Hurwitz Asi Ginio Elizabeth and George Hainsworth The Hesse Family IBM Corporation The Glad to Be Here Foundation Curtis Haley Solgard Hessler Illinois Shotokan Booster Club Dr. Andrew Glantz Rodney N. Hamilton Dr. Jo Hewell Bonnie and Dudley Ince John Glaz and Bernice Roginski Glaz Family Foundation Barri Hammer The Annette Heyman Foundation Inc Lisa Indovino Jason Hammerman Laurel and Randall Hickok Sharyl and Roy Inlow Glenview Capital Management J.H.H. Hammerstein Elaine Hicks Integrated Home LLC Mara and Mel Gober Steve Hanchuk Mary Hunter Hieronimus Investacorp Inc Raphael Golberstein Kim Handler Richard Higgins Jeff Ippoliti Barry Goldbaum Christopher Hanf Highfields Capital Management LP Ubong Ituen Diana Goldberg John Hanley Anders Hildebrand David Iverson Jeffrey Goldberg Joanne Hannafin Donald Hillman Ken Goldberg Hansen Family Foundation Linda and Mike Hinkle Goldfarb & Fleece LLP Geoffrey Hardaway Robert Hinkle Dana Golding William Hardcastle Robert Hinrichs David Goldman Gerard Harper Laura Hirschmann Leonard J. Goldner Jen and Jon Harris Nancy and Ben Hirst Mitchell and Lenore Goldstein John Harris Warren Hirst Richard Goldstein Lynne and John Harris Kathryn Hobart Alan Goodale Mary Ann Harris Susan and Tom Hoffman Brian Goodman Chris Harrison Anne and Colin Holbrook Meg and Bennett Goodman Elaine and Bob Harrison Joseph Holden Alec Gores Virginia Harrison Laurie and Greg Holden Dorothy Gorham Adele and Mark Hart, Jr. Dr. Cato Holler Penny and James Gorman Hailey Hartford Terry and Oliver Holler Patricia Gorsky Patti and Rich Hartley Barbara Willis Gould Mark Hartman The Lawrence T. and Dorothy A. Holmes Foundation John Hartmann Robert W. Holmes Stephen Graessle Ambrosia Harwood The Holt Family James Graham Robert B. Haserot Jill and Michael Holzer Mitchell Grandstaff Kathleen Hastings Lisa Homampour Grandstand Sports & Memorabilia Inc Megan Haugen Kristina Homer Jill and Richard Granoff The Gould-Shenfeld Family Foundation Alice Ivy Craig Iwamoto Linda and Todd Jablonsky Cynthia Jackson Julia Jackson Katherine Jackson Lynn and Douglas Jackson Steve and Nancy Jackson Kathleen and Justin Jacobs Craig Jacobson Stephen Jacques Eve Jaffe Jaguar Club of Florida Lori and David James Todd James Robin and Patrick Jaranson Marilyn Jedinak Sheryl and Tony Jedlinski Marilyn Jenkins Maryanne and Jack Jerrett Roshan Jessani Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven Inc. Nancy Hausman Noriko Honda E. Raymond Grant Michelle Haussler Phyllis and Peter Honig Glenn Graves June Haverly Marion and Jon Hookstratten Jennifer Graves Mark Haverly Hoop Crew LLC Carl and Karin Gravina HAVI Global Solutions LLC Steven Hoover Cindy and Jerry Gray Jane Hawes Matthew Hopkins Michael Grealish Margaret and Leonard Hawn Kara and Jonathan Horgan Green Diamond LLC Ken Haydis Gregory Horne Kathleen and Ted Greenberg Jo Anne Haye Stephen Horne Andrea Greene Sharra and Gary Haynes Jennifer Koen and Mark Horowitz Mrs. Ida Greenfield Martina and Peter Hayward Stuart Hosansky Sharon Gregorcyk Fred Hazan Margaret Hosel Gresco Utility Supply, Inc. Linda Elizabeth Hazen Endowment Fund Host Committee, Inc. Richard Griffin Lynn and Roger Headrick Kenneth House Robert Grillo Sarah and John Hebda Patricia Houser Ralph Grishman Hebron Presbyterian Church Karen and James Hovey Elizabeth A. Grizzetti Robin Preble and Daniel Hedlund John Howard Emily and Peter Gross Gina Keenan-Heepke and Daniel Heepke Trisha Howell Maria Gonzalez and Eugene Gross Dr. Marsha Heinke Wilson Hsieh Gruber Law Offices LLC Jean-Marie and John Heins Harriet Hubbard Bonnie and Terry Gruppen Lisa Heinz Molly and Carl Hubbard Barry Gslgut Madalyn and Lewis Helfstein Leane and Gerald Huchital GTJ Reit Inc. Sanford Heller Claudine Hughes Yvonne Kellar-Guenther Thomas S. Hembrough The Huisking Foundation Mary Gullixson Anne Hemmert Laura and James Hulburd David Guss Brian Henderson Peter Hull Stephen Gutleber Barbara Henry Raymond Hull H. Foundation Inc. Ilze and Walter Henry George Hulme Craig Haas Marjorie and James Herald HULU, LLC Dr. Rudolph and Mildred Joseph Foundation Stephen Haberkorn W. M. Hereford Derris and John Humphrey Sheryl and Bob Josephson 22 The Michael J. Fox Foundation John L. McHugh Foundation, Inc. Cathy and Mark Johnson Charles Johnson James Johnson Johnson Family Foundation, Inc. Larry Johnson Pamela Best Johnson Robert Johnson Suzanne and Thad Johnson DJ and William Johnson Anne Johnston Andrew Jones Catherine Jones Gabriel Jones Jennifer Jones Ken Jones Lisa Jones Melinda and Paul Jones Ralph Jones Raymond Jones Timothy Jones William Jones Syamala Jonnalagadda Eric Jordan Steven Jordening Anthony Joseph Josflo Corp. Michael Klonsky Monica and Larry Layton Miyoko and Roger Love Joyful Blessings Foundation Marjorie and Russell Knauer Alan Lazare Elaine Lowenthal J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation James Knaur Matthew Le Nevez Loyal Order of Moose JTP Trucking Ken Knevel Lynn LeBlanc Guillermo Loyola Kerrie Juras Emily Knobloch Dennis Leddy LRES Corporation The K Foundation Darrell Knutie Jennifer and Carter Lee Richard Lubin Bonnie Barnett and Robert Kagan Andrew and Seda Knysh Lindsay and Scottie Lee Lucas Group Championship for Charity Rose and Burton Kahn Family Foundation Pamela Kobusch Leffler Consulting, LLC Jean and James Lucey Koch Family Foundation, Inc. Legal Media Inc. Michelle Luethy Kenneth Kahn Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co Evan Leibner Diana Lum Alan Kalell Lutz Kohler Cindy and Richard Leibovitch Charlie H. Lydecker Amy and Dan Kamensky Margaret Kohn Mike Lein Isabell Lydecker Judy and Marvin Kamensky Michael Kopper Stephen Lemay Michael Lydon Lawrence Kaminsky Paul Korman Barbara and Herbert Lembcke Joella and John Lykouretzos Orapin Kanchanagom Sharon Kornhaus Cynthia Leonard Sharon Lyle Michael Kandalaft Connie Koster Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Leone Jr. Jane Lynn David Kanter Jessica Kostner Penny Leong Dawn Lyon Debbie Kaplan Frank Koughan Jr. Ronald Lerman Judy and Ronald Lyons Lenore Kaplan Frank Koughan Sr. B.E. LeSage Nancy Lyons Nicholas Kaplan Demos Kouvaris Sandra Lesco Andrew Lytle Ralph Kaplan Lauren and David Kovar Michael Karsch Douglas Kovatch Mary Karson Pamela Kowalski Matthew Kasman Keith Krehbiel Laura Katayama Julie and Jim Kress Katharine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center Jon and Lori Kriens Yvette Katz Christina and Barry Kringstein Beth and Brett Kaufman Abilash Krishnan Merrill Kaufmann Lisa and Clyde Krogh Linda and Ilan Kaufthal Sherry and Henry Krostich Beth Kawasaki Dr. and Mrs. Bernard M. Kruger KC Running Company Kevin M. Kruszenski Meg and Bryan Keen Carolyn and John Keller Joseph Kuhn, Contrail Aviation Support Inc. Katrina and Pat Kelley Steve Kuhn Kellwood Company Patricia Kukes Dennis Kelly Shel Kupper Michael Louis Kelly Philip Kurze Timothy Kelly Chris Kustanbauter Marie Kelsey Barbara Jean and Paul Kuzniar Kirk Kemp Dana and Richard Lachapelle Stanley Kemp Eseng Lai Scott Kenkelen Charles LaMantia Billy Kennedy Judy and Joseph Lamastra Robert Kern Stephen Lamay Irene and James Kerr Richard and Susan Lampen Fund at the Miami Foundation Elizabeth Kerrigan Eugene Kessler Sivana Kessler Michelle Landis Eugene W. and Gloria Landy Family Foundation Michael Lesniak Nathan Leventhal Allan Levin Ilissa Levine Michael Levine Martha Blackwell and Peter Levine Kenneth Levinrad Ronald Levinson Cheri Levitan Lara Levitan Jim Levy Jack Lewi The Andrew and Marina Lewin Family Foundation Mary Lewis Meryl Lewis John Lewison Lewitz, Balosie, Wollack, Rayner, Giroux CPAs Alan Lieberman Kelly and Steve Lilley Fred W. Limbach Glenda Lin Jenny Lin Linden Research Linn County Anesthesiologists, PC The Jack R. Linsky Foundation Sari and Brian Lipschultz William Lipschultz Linda Lyttle The M&T Charitable Foundation Jack MacAllister Memorial Fund Susan and James Macanliss Ruth MacCartney Miriam Macdonald Jonathan Mackin Macquarie Group Foundation Glenice Magee Christopher Magoon Amina Mahamadi Vicki Maitre Diksha and Divesh Makan Catherine and Thomas Malarkey Elizabeth A. Malone Patrick Maloy Mary and Robert Mandell Catherine Mandi Carol and John Mangan David Mannheim Bernhart Mannila Sallie and Mike Manning Robert Manning Diane and Nicholas Marangella Carl Marbach Tamara Marble Milford Marchant E.S. Marcuse Derek Lisinski Margaret Campos Revocable Trust Craig Littlefield Anthony Mariani Stephen Littlefield Brenda Marjaniemi Emily M. Littleton Cindy Mark Robert Livingston Rachel Mark Frank Larew Lloyd Bedford Cox Inc. Rudy Markmiller I.J. Mary LaRosa Memorial Foundation, Inc. Christina and Peter Lofgren Lizzy Markus Ali and Dan London Linda Marlowe Christine Lattanzio Allison London Theresa Marran Oliver Laubscher Robin London Margaret and Robert Marshall Janice and Fredric Laughlin Angela and David Long Mary Ann Marshall Laura and Gary Lauder Dr. Edward and Suzanne Long Nikki Marshall Michael Longaker Demond Martin Anthony Klein Laurel Conqueror Association Inc. Smoller Scholarship Fund Looking Forward LLC Holly and Andrew Martin Bonnie and Bradford Klein Bonnie Englebardt Lautenberg Vincent Loozen Laura and Kevin Martin Denise Klein Lavoie Foundation Sarah Lord Michael Martin John Klein Erik Lavoie Deborah and Antone Lott Gail Martineau Jason Kliewer Judy and Geordie Lawry Loughborough Student Union Guy Martino Mary Beth and Richard Ketchum Kimbell Art Foundation Kimberlite Group LLC Becca and Craig S. Kinard Dana and Richard Kind Alan Kintisch Ronald Kisner Marilee Kistler Jane Kiviat Vicky and Edward Klaas Jason Klamm Audrey and Leonard Kleiman Richard Lane Eugene M. Lang Foundation Mary Lou and Bill Lange Diane and Jerome Lapham 2015 Annual Report 23 Corporate and Matched Gifts The Michael J. Fox Foundation acknowledges the following companies for matching or organizing employee gifts totaling nearly $1.5 million in 2015. Learn how your gift to research efforts could be doubled or tripled at michaeljfox.org/employermatch. 24 Abbott Aon Bobcat AbbVie Apple Inc. Boeing Accenture Applied Materials Booz Allen Hamilton Achievers ArcelorMittal BP Adobe Systems Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb ADP Associated Benefit Planners, Ltd. Broadridge AEM Corporation Assurant Health CA Technologies Aeroject Rocketdyne AT&T Cambia Health Foundation Aetna ATCO Gas The Capital Group Agilent Technologies Autodesk Capital One AIG AXA Cardinal Health Alaska Airlines BAE Systems Caring for the Community Alexion Pharmaceuticals Ball Corporation The Carlyle Group Alliance Data Bank of America CEB AllianceBernstein Bank of the West Celanese Alliant Energy Battelle Cengage Learning Allianz Global Investors The Baupost Group Cenovus Energy AllState Baxter Centraide of Greater Montreal Ally Bank Becton Dickinson CenturyLink Altria Berkshire Partners LLC Charles Schwab American Express Best Buy Chemtura Corporation American Giving Charitable Fund Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Chevron Ameriprise Financial Biogen The Chubb Corporation Amgen BlackRock Ciena Amica Mutual Insurance Co. The Blackstone Group Cigna Annie E. Casey Foundation Bloomberg Citigroup AOL BNY Mellon Citizens Bank The Michael J. Fox Foundation A Diagnosis Galvanizes a Corporate Community “One of the most difficult things I’ve ever done professionally was to tell my team at Microsoft that I have Parkinson’s. I shouldn’t have been surprised by their reaction — a giant embrace, followed by countless offers to get involved.” —MATTHEW LYDON Vice President, Microsoft Corporation MICROSOFT EXECUTIVE MATT LYDON’S PD DIAGNOSIS has inspired employee-led fundraisers and in-kind consulting to support MJFF’s mission of speeding research. Microsoft employees work with MJFF staff to analyze our website and technical infrastructure to improve performance and speed. The Foundation is grateful to Microsoft, its employees and the many companies who support our mission through donations, pro-bono services and matched gifts. 2015 Annual Report 25 Citrix Google Meredith Corporation Schneider Electric Clark Construction Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation MFS Investment Management Sempra Clif Bar & Company The Graham Holdings Company MGM Resorts Shell Oil Company The Clorox Company Grainger Microsoft Shure CNA Enterprises, Inc. Great-West Life MidAmerican Energy Silicon Valley Community Foundation Colgate-Palmolive GSK Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Smithfield Foods Combined Charitable Campaign Guggenheim Mizhuo Soros Fund Management Combined Charities Campaign Halliburton Mondelez International SpaceX Combined Federal Campaign Harris and Eliza Kempner Fund Monsanto Springleaf Financial Services Combined Fund Drive Harvard University Moody’s Starr Companies Combined Municipal Campaign HBO Morgan Stanley State Employee Combined Appeal Commonwealth of Massachusetts Employees Charitable Campaign HCA Morrison & Foerster Hearst Corporation Motorola State Employees Charitable Campaign The Community Foundation Hillshire Brands National Fuel Gas Supply Corporation State Employees Combined Appeal Community Shares The Home Depot National Instruments State Employees Federated Appeal ConocoPhillips Honeywell Nationwide Insurance State Street Constellation Brands Hospira Natixis Global Asset Management SunTrust Banks CSAA Insurance Group HP Neiman Marcus Symantec CVS HSBC Nestlè Symetra Danaher IBM News Corporation Synopsys Dell Independent Charities of America NIKE, Inc. T. Rowe Price Deutsche Bank Intuit Northrop Grumman Tableau Software DigitasLBi ITW Illinois Tool Works Novartis TASC DirecTV Jeffries LLC Nvidia TEGNA The Dominion Foundation JK Group Inc. Omni Development Company, Inc. Tektronix DonorsTrust JLL O-Ongo, Inc. TELUS Driscoll’s John Hancock OppenheimerFunds Tesoro Dropbox Inc Johnson & Johnson Oracle Thomson Reuters Dun & Bradstreet JPMorgan Chase Pacific LIfe Thrivent Financial DWS, Inc. Juniper Networks Pall Corporation TIAA Dynegy Kaiser Permanente Paramount Pictures TIFF Advisory Services EA Electronic Arts Keurig Green Mountain PayPal Time Inc. Time Warner Inc. Eastern Bank KeyBank PepsiCo eBay Kimberly-Clark Pfizer T-Mobile Edison International King Street Capital Management PG&E Toys “R” Us EIX KLA-Tencor Foundation Piedmont Natural Gas The Travelers Companies Elsevier KPMG Pitney Bowes Tributes.com Encana Kraft Foundation Plexus TripAdvisor Turner Broadcasting System Endo Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Lending Club PNC Bank Envestnet Lenovo Portland Cement Association Tyco Electronics EOG Resources Levi Strauss & Co Portland General Electric U.S. Bank Ericsson LexisNexis Praxair UBS ETS Liberty Mutual Progressive Insurance Unilever Union Bank Exelon LinkedIn Prospect Hill Foundation Inc ExxonMobil Linn Energy Prudential Financial Union Pacific FedEx PSEG United Airlines Fidelity Investments Local Independent Charities of America Public Employee Charitable Campaign United Technologies FINRA Lockheed Martin PwC UnitedHealthcare Fortis Business Media, LLC Lone Pine Capital LLC Qualcomm United Way Agencies (88) Fortress Investment Group Lord, Abbett & Co, LLC Quest Diagnostics Unum Freddie Mac LPL Financial QVC Varian Medical Systems Freescale Semiconductor Lundbeck Raytheon Verizon Gannett Company LyondellBasell Razorfish VISA Gap Inc. MacArthur Foundation Regeneron VMware Gartner Macy’s Inc. RES Americas W.K. Kellogg Foundation Gen Re Magnetar Capital Riot Games The Walt Disney Company Genentech Markel Corporation The RMR Group Waters Corporation General Atlantic LLC Massachusetts Bankers Association Robert W. Baird & Co Wayne Homes General Electric MassMutual Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Wells Fargo General Mills MasterCard Roche Diagnostics Williams Companies Genworth McGraw-Hill Education Sabre Workday, Inc. Getty Images McKesson Salesforce.com WTAS LLC Glenmede McKinsey & Company Samsung Electronics Xcel Energy Golden Rule Insurance Mead Johnson Nutrition Sanofi X-PAC Goldman Sachs Medtronic Santa Barbara Foundation Yahoo! Goodrich Corporation Merck SAP SE Zynga 26 The Michael J. Fox Foundation $1K—$2,499 (cont.) H. Meisel MST, Inc. Cathleen O’Connor Lynne and John Marty Linda and Christopher Mellen Mt. Zion Church of the Brethren Karen and Howard Odom Marval Inc. and Dunkin’ Donuts Judith Scheuer and Joseph Mellicker Martha Mueller Amanda Offit Diane and Richard Mason Mr. and Mrs. Roger Membreno Mark Mularski Offit Family Fund Alison Mass Thomas G. and Andrea Mendell Foundation Molly Mulholland Sandra Jane O’Grady Mulyk, Laho, & Mack LLC Brian O’Herlihy Etic Menke Murali Revocable Trust Dan O’Keefe Sara Menke Creighton Murch Joe O’Kelley Jean and Thomas Mentis F. Murdoch Ranch & Farm, Inc. Gail and Scott Okin John Paul Matthews Stephen J. Meoli Memorial Foundation Eleanor and Kevin Murphy Susan Rock Okrent Susan Matthews Robin Meredith Jane and Jim Murphy Jennifer Okutake Suzanne Matthews Meringoff Family Foundation Inc. Jay Murphy James Olson David Maxwell-Jolly Charles Merinoff Omaha Community Foundation May Foundation Trust Janice and Richard Merk Maureen O’Callaghan-Murphy and John Murphy Kevin Mayer Annette Merle-Smith Ruth Murray Edwin Onaga The Michael and Sally Mayer Family Foundation Harold Merrill Judy Mustafa Lisa O’Neal Michael F. Metcalf My Tribute Gift Foundation Inc. Marcia and Jay Oppenheim Todd Mayman Phyllis Metzler Paul Myer David Opperman Joseph Mayo Don and Jeannie Meyer and family Andrea and Leon Nachenberg Orange Coast Ballroom Joseph Mazzone Ginny and Harold Meyer Paul E. Nadeau Lisa Orberg Kenneth McAshan Kelly Meyer Essie Nadler Carlos Orihuela Daniel McCall Fran L. Middleman Scott Nadler David Osborn Barbara and Todd McCallister Archer Daniels Midland Foundation Penni Nance Rosemarie Osborn McCleary Family Foundation Midtown Athletic Susan Napier Mitchell Oslick Susan McCollum The Milford Bank Laura and Don Nathlich Don Oswald Miller Toyota Scion National Paper Company Stephanie Ottavan Ann Miller Natural Chemistry L.P. Charlotte and John Otterbacher Brent D. Miller Raymond Naumann Dr. Robert Ousterhout Bruce Miller Bruce Naylor Deborah Ouyang Julie and Sean Nazareth Carla Overbeck Karen Nebel John Overbeck Sarina Neer Angela Owen Todd Neilson Jerry Owen Gary Nelson The Pacer Foundation Troy Nelson Zachary Pack Neuberger Berman LLC Paddle for Parkinson’s Matthew Neuls Theresa Paddock David Neumann John Page Craig and Karen Nevelow Philanthropic Fund of the Dallas Jewish Community Foundation Elizabeth Painter Marcia S. Massee Ron Mastin Frank Matagrano Fern Matlin Jeffrey McConnell Docie and Larry McCormick Anne and James L. McCoy Ms. Rosanne McGraw and Mr. William McCoy Lanie and Jack McCue David McCune Stephen McDermid Malcolm McDonald Tara and David McDonald Julie McDowell Maria and John McEvoy Vic McFillan James McGee Helen M. McGinn Francis McGovern Michael McGuire Cici Collins and Jim Miller Dolly Miller Emily Miller Keith Miller Nancy J. and Douglas W. Miller Paul M. Miller Richard Miller Lisa and Don Mills James Miras Zara Mirza Lucy Missimer Marshall Missner Jocelyn Sage Mitchell Stacey Neville Omni Development Inc. Anita Gomez Palacio Cheryl Keamy and Paul Pantano Jacob Paperman Mary Beth and Jewell Mohn The New Millennium Charitable Foundation Andrew Mohr Joanie and Roger Newman Erik-Jaap Molenaar Christopher Nicastri John Molloy Marilyn and John Nicely Danielle Montgomery William Niebuhr Montgomery Professional Baseball Joan C. Niedfeldt Blair Mooney Estate of Louise Martha Nikkel David Moore Scott Nikkel Ross Mopsick Judy and Craig Nixon Mariann and Carl Morales Michael Noll Jack Morey Maryellen Noreika Megan Moriarty Janet A. Norris Joy and Bruce Morimoto Virginia W. Norris Janet Morlan North Star Foundation Inc. Stuart Morse Kelly Norton Julie and Don Morton Patty Norway Ms. Suzanne Morton Lynne and Steve Novak Christopher Medina Sally Morton Novetta Mr. Christopher L. Medina and Dr. Karla A. Medina Sharon and Louis Moskowitz Kristin and Michael Nugent Edith and Walter Mossberg Patrick Oates Raj Mehta Motor Home Finders Kathleen and James O’Brien Patricia P. Smith and Dr. John W. Paul Steven Meier Barbara and Donald Moulin Melissa and Charles O’Brien Richard Pauletich Nina and Bill Meierding The Mountain Room Foundation Diane O’Connell Nancy Paxton Elizabeth and Josh Meikrantz The Movado Group Foundation Bart O’Connor PBF Holding Company LLC Lisa and J. Burke McHugh Thomas McInerney MCJ Properties, LP Timothy McKay Thomas McKelvey Linda and Chris McKenney Mindy Hepner and Jacqueline McKeon Colleen and Kevin McKeown Michael Mclaughlin Debra McLean Faye McLeod Bonny McLoud Arla McMillan Abby McMullen Betty McNulty Mrs. Judy Meador Alfred Means North Miami Cleaners, Inc. Nancy and Philip Park Thomas Park Carrie and Dale Parker David Parker James Parker Karen Parker Arlis Parkhurst Nancy and Christopher Parkinson Parkinson Association of Central Alabama Erin Parks Patricia Uston and John Parnell Laura Parsons Lisa Repp Parsons and Bob Parsons Mario and Alma Pastega Family Foundation Paige and Graham Pate Dan Patridge Petra and Brian Patterson Helen and Guy Paul 2015 Annual Report 27 $1K—$2,499 (cont.) Ann Purcell Keith Rosen Cheryl Schempp Peak Physical Therapy David Purdy Michael Rosen Michael Scherer Barbara L. Pearl Wayne Purdy Randy Rosen Clare Scherrer Leonard and Susan Pearlstein Chaitanya and Vivek Puri Rosen Family Foundation Mitch Scherzer Cynthia and Michael Peffers Martha S. Purl Sally Rosen Kathleen and Joseph Schindler Raymond Pellegrino Michael Purnell Harvey Rosenbaum Philip Schlein Anne Penniman Associates Thomas Quigley Joseph Rosenbaum Helen Schlichte Thomas Perkins RA Fund Karen and David Rosenbaum Andrew Perlman Merle Raab The Rosenheim Family Fund Linda and Eric Perlmutter Mukund Raghavachari John Roslak Donald Perlyn John Rakow Marla J. and Michael S. Ross Patricia Perna Lisa Ramsay Ripley Ross Jean-Marc Pernigotto Karen Rankin Valerie Hart-Ross and David Ross Duane Perreault Mary and Larry Raper Rotary Club of Milford, CT, Inc. The Perrone Family Julie and John Rapisarda Richard Rothstein Jean Perryman Kathy Raseman Louie Rouse Pershing LLC Bonne and Robert Rathmell Clare and Paul Peters Adam Ratica Arthur R. and Judith T. Peterson Revocable Trust Margaret Rau Pamela Burkley and John M. Peterson Chris Petescia Susan Toeniskoetter and Dan Petree John Petry Jamie Molaro and Ian Reasor Recreation Farm Society Inc. Ellen Reddy Janine Reed Norman Reedus Donald Pettit Robert I. Pianalto Carol Picini MaryNell Regan Shelly Regan Regional School District #7 of Winsted, Connecticut Kevin Pike Janet Piller The Reichert Foundation John Pina Carson Reid Elizabeth Piper The Reierson Family Randy Pirkle Charles Reimer Wayne Pither Michelle Pittman The Pittsburgh Foundation Asher Platt Linda and Steven Plotnicki Plumbers & Pipefitters Lo 286 Ann and Peter Pollack Yvonne and Leslie Pollack Foundation Inc. Lori Pollan Karin Bliman and Lon Poole Elaine and Henry Pope Stephen and Tara Popernik Simone Poppelaars Andrew Porter Portfolios with Purpose, Inc. Sheri Postma Morton Jay Potoff Olga and Galen Poulin Victoria Born and Gregory Powell Christopher Pozezanac David Reimer Stephanie Reininger Bernadette Reist Jeff Relyea Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc. Herbert Reynolds Marcia Ribner Carla and Russell Ricci Gary Rice Toby Richey Mark Richman Rickard Family Foundation Scott Riddles Richard Riedman Beth Riesgraf Rob Rix Leandro Rizzuto Jonathan Roach Sue Roberge Dr. Dale and Ann Roberson Chris Rowe Joseph Rowe Marie and Stephen Rozan Steven G. Rubenstein Rubenstein Communications Robert N. Rubin Wendy Rubin Martha and Max Rubinstein Family Foundation Debora K. Grobman and Theodore Schlissel Francie and Sascha Schmid Dana Schmidt Raymond Schmidt Mimi Schmir Phoebe Schmitz Shirley Schneer Mindy Schneider Amy and Paul Schneller Roger, James and Daniel Scholten Janice and Jeffrey Scholz Michelle Ores and Charles Schorin Isabel Schornstein Jean and Thomas J. Schreiber Dean Schreier Schroder Investment Management North America Inc. Jonathan Schroder Allison Rubler Scott Schroeder Chuck Rudnick Carrie Schuessler Theresa Rudolph Barbara Howard and Dahl Schultz Balyn Runnels Judith and John Schumacher Karen Rupert Mary and Richard Schuster Rusk Renovations Inc. Michael and Susan Schwab Benjamin Ruth Ann and Stuart Schwartz Ruth and Jack Glantz Family Foundation, Inc Bernard Schwartz Julie Ryan Lisa Schwartz Patricia Ryan Lori Schwartz Joshua Ryder Gerhard Schwarzblatt Bonnie Johnson Sacerdote Brittany Schwefel Nancy and Ali Saifi Peter Schweitzer Lisa Sakhai Cindy and Dan Schwimer Ellen Sakowski Julie Scott Mary and Mario Saltarelli Randall Scott Daniel Saltz Michelle Scotter Salim Samaha Edward Samek Irma Samek Janet Sammer Barbara and Ron Sanches and Family Barry Sanderson Linda Sandgren John Sandquist Sanford Sirulnick Pamela Santacroce Daniel C. and Teresa Moran Schwartz Georgia L. Sebek Nancy Sedlack Carol and William Sedlazek Debra and David Seely Evan Segal Lloyd Segan Marlo Seligman The Selkowitz Family Foundation Maxine Sellers Tait Living Trust James E. Serfass Joan and Jack Setterlund Joey Pozzuolo Memorial Scholarship Fund Alan Roberts Nate Pratt James Robertson Janice Pratt-Scott Enid and William Satariano Brian Robinson Ann Prescott Rudolf Sauerwein Robby and Susan Robinson Madlyn and Richard Primoff Brian Savage Anne Roby Anthony and Jeanne Pritzker Family Foundation Padma and Anand Savur Laurie G. Rocha Nicoline and Stuart Sawabini Leslie and Virginia Proceviat Christopher Rockey Patrick Scarangella Rode Hard Riders Maura Shaughnessy Mindy and Michael Scarano Harry Roesener John Shaw Bobbette Schaefer Maria Luisa Urrutia and Jon Shaw Andrew Rogers Gloria Schall David Shealy Larry Roi Richard Schaps David Sheehan William Romans Kathryn Scharf Kevin Sheehan Caleb Roope Kim and J.K. Scheinberg Clifford A. Sheets Deborah Rickenbaker Pruitt P.S. Management, Inc. Jeff Psaki Linda Puckett PUPS for Parkinson’s Disease, Inc. 28 Roberts Foundation The Michael J. Fox Foundation Patricia and Joseph Saseen Wendy and Edward Sassower Linda and Karl Shallenberger Paul Shapiro Roberta and Arnold Shapiro The Philip and Janet Shapiro Family Foundation Kim and Michael Sharpe Alexander Shashaty Family Foundation Virginia Shepard Alice Spring Zachary Sherburne Springbank Lions Club Trish Sherman Stephen Sprinkle Mark Shields St. George’s Episcopal Church Mark Shifke Carol Stabenow Maureen and Tom Shiftan William Stack The Shilberg Foundation Scott Stackman Amy Shinn Sylvia Stanford John H. Ship Pam and Frank Stapleton Betty Shoemaker Barbara W. and Harold S. Star III Joan Shorey Kathy Stark Ira and Josie Shoulson Bruce Steinberg Peter Shumway Deirdre Steinberg and David Newman Barry Sidman Leonard L. Steiner Bippy Siegal Ronald Steinlauf Lloyd A. Marks and Janice Siegel Foundation, Inc. Drs. Susan and Robert Stephens Deborah A. Siegrist Rowena Sterling Signature Sales and Engineering, LLC Robert Sill Richard Silliman Ricardo Silva Donald Simpson Marcia and Richard Sinclair Steven and Marcie Singer Mitchell Singer Nicholas Singer Aaron Sirulnick Talia Siscovick Bridget Sisson SJS Beacon Baseball, LLC Laurie and Barry Skolnick John Skoug Skymark Real Estate Investors LLC Nathan Sleeper Allan King Sloan Family Fund Barbara Small Robin and David Small Kevin Smallwood Caldwell Smith Hugh C. Smith Judy Smith Kevin P. Smith Michael Smith Chris Stephenson Dana and Mitchell Stern Jeremy Stewart Seeking a Missing Link in the Development of PD Treatments THE PROMISE OF NEW THERAPIES IN THE DRUG Thomas Stewart DEVELOPMENT PIPELINE has highlighted the need for Elizabeth Still biomarkers of Parkinson’s disease — objective measures that Jean and Robert Stoessel Charles Stokeld communicate disease risk, onset and/or progression (such Curtis Stone as cholesterol level for heart disease). The identification and Dana and Andrew Stone Richard H. Stone The Stop & Stor Charitable Fund validation of biomarkers are critical to assess the efficacy of existing and emerging treatments. James Stopa Robert Stott Sheila Stowell To that end, in 2010, MJFF launched its Parkinson’s Brian Strange Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI). Five years later, 1,000 Nancy Stratford Teri Stratton people both with and without PD have shared data and Bernard Strauss biosamples; data has been downloaded by researchers more Jacquie L. Strauss Marie Strebel Steven Streit Stringer Family Fund JoAnna K. Strizic Emily Stuart than 580,000 times. Additionally, in 2015, the genetic cohort expanded. Currently, PPMI includes people with one of the three lead genetic mutations associated with Parkinson’s (in the SNCA, LRRK2 or GBA gene). Lisa and Scott Stuart Martin J. Stuart MJFF also is investing in imaging techniques as biomarker Reed Smith Student Activities Fund Superior High School Rodger Smith Susan Su Sally Smith Evelyn Sullivan Consortium continued refining compounds with potential to Coral and Ron Snider Michael Sullivan Sam Sniderman Patrick Sullivan visualize protein clumps in the brains of people with PD. A Frank Snipes Sun Broadcast Group Inc. similar breakthrough in Alzheimer’s research has transformed Kristin Snow Sun Life Financial Soda Pops #1, Inc. that field by allowing researchers to correlate clinical Brett Sundheim David Solie Steve Sunshine Lynn Solky Supera Family Foundation Babs Soller of therapies on the underlying disease process. In 2016, Jacob Solomon Sussex County Parkinson’s Education and Support Group MJFF’s Imaging Consortium moves closer to testing its lead Lawrence Sommer Andrew Sussman Tom Cherner and Lynn Suter compound in humans. Stephen Sondheim Carol and Richard Songer Sue and Ken Sutherland Jordan Sorensen Sutter West Bay Hospitals Through PPMI, the Imaging Consortium and novel discovery David Sorkin Glen Swan Southeastern Commercial Finance LLC Kurt Swanson techniques, the Foundation drives the development of Douglas Spector Kathryn Swart methods to learn more about Parkinson’s disease and to Mary Jane and Lawrence Speen F. Wayne and Judith A. Swartz Randolph Speers Peter Swartz hasten treatments to patients’ hands. David Spiecker Swiss Time Inc. Lynne and Eric Spillman Szeftel Family Fund Splashin’ Safari Karen and Richard Tajer instruments. In 2015, our Alpha-Synuclein Imaging symptoms with brain changes and to measure the impact 2015 Annual Report 29 MOVIE FANS, FRIENDS OF THE MICHAEL J. FOX FOUNDATION and the Parkinson’s community converged on cinemas, social media and grassroots gatherings across the globe on October 21, 2015 — The fun with a cause continues in 2016 with Nike’s the date on which Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) and lottery-based release of a limited-edition run of self- Dr. Emmett “Doc” Brown (Christopher Lloyd) arrive to lacing MAG shoes to benefit the Foundation. (The the future in the second installment of the iconic Back 2011 release of the non-self-lacing MAG shoes raised to the Future (BTTF) trilogy. $4.7 million for MJFF, which was matched by the $50 million Brin Wojcicki Challenge). In addition to puffer vests, BTTF Day inspired 30 conversation on the state of Parkinson’s research (see MJFF thanks all who helped turn the world’s BTTF a Presidential exchange on Twitter on page 7) and an Day spotlight on the passion and resolve of the outpouring of support for the Foundation. PD community. The Michael J. Fox Foundation $1K—$2,499 (cont.) Jacqueline and Brian Udell Peter Weinberger Tana Bana Design Services Susan Tomasky and Ronald Ungvarsky Sean Weinerman Tanner Family Heritage Fund Susan and Robert Urban Christine Kelly and Morton O. Weinress Angelina Taylor U.S. Chemicals, LLC Ellen and Tom Weir Clare Taylor Utility Trailer Sales of Southern California Melvyn I. Weiss Vacation Races, Inc. Frances Michele Welch Kyle Taylor Paul Taylor TCG, LLC TD Ameritrade, Inc. TD Bank Teaneck Cinemas LLC TechOps AppNexus Teespring, LLC Sayoko and David Teitelbaum Temple Israel Westport Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Territo Rachel Terry Susan and Douglas Terry Paul and Louise Testa Cheryl Tetlow Jaganathan Thangavelu Christine and Mark Thiel Marilyn G. Thompson Michele and William Thompson Scott Thomsen Kent M. Thornbrugh Frank and Margaret Throssell Fund Adelaine Thunen Tides Foundation Gannon Tidwell James Tobin Matthew Tobin Terry and Lawrence Tobin Joseph Toce, Jr. Maureen Todd Vahla and Tom Todd Jane and Robert Toll Foundation Toluca Lake Tennis Club & The Sports Center Gail and Edward Tomberg Paula and Dave Tomlin Mamie and Keith Tompkins Vida Toombs Catherine and Ned Topham Fund Milagros X. Torres Tourocom Middletown-Soma Jason Tozzi Brian Tracey Tradeweb Jean Trainor Jonathan Tratt Janet Trieschmann Ardith and Robert Trost Christopher Vaccaro Vahl Inc. Victoria and Walter Van Den Burg Helen and Robert Van Eck David Van Meter John and Jacqui Van Meter Loren K. Vanderslik Jean and Edward VanSweden Stacy Varghese Suzanne Varisco Omesh Varma Yvonne and John Vasicek Velostreet, Inc Susanna Ver Eecke Meredith and Bryan Verona John Vesia Veterinary Clinic of Schoolcraft, PLC Niki and James Vick Susan and Robert Vinci Margie and Jeffrey Vogel Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. Billy Vollenweider Vorsheck Family Foundation Krist A. and James B. Voyles Peggy and Ellis Wachs R. F. Wacker Sandra Wadsworth Sybil and Kenneth Wager Iris and Alex Wagman Bruce M. and Carol S. Wagner Jeaninne and John Wagner Stephanie and Harry Wagner Sara Wahl Barry Waldorf Eugene Waldron John Walker Kevin Walker Sandra Walker James and Beth Wall Norma Walling Suzanne E. Walsh Keith Walter John Wanamaker Irene Wanat Aaron Wangenheim Carolyn Ward Sylvia Horwitz and Dov Weitman Thomas Welch William Weldon Kristin and Austin Wenger William Werwath West Virginia Power Charlotte Westerfield Jeff Westphal Lori Wetzel David Wheeler George Whelen, Jr. Kathleen O Whelen Bates White Christopher White Philip White William J. White Whiteman Family Fund Jim Whitlock Kirk Whitman Ryan Wickstrand Karen and Layne Wiebe Neil Wienke Gordon D. Wiesjahn Irrevocable Trust Diane Wiesmann Robin Y. Wiessner Alexandra Yellowlees Yes Energy Stuart Yingst YogaWorks Janet York Charles Young Heather Young Kurtis Young Nancy and David Young Peggy Kratz and Jim Young Jordan Zachary Marion and Salvatore Zaffino Larry S. Zajdel Becky Zane John Zanocco Mr. and Mrs. Wayne R. Zdenek Eric Zehnder Naomi and Michael Zigmond Marisa and Jeremy Zimmer Bill Zimmerman Patricia Zimmerman Beth Williams Charlene Williams Joseph Williams Sally and David Williams Timothy Williams Deane and Searcy Willis Wayne Wilmot Fran and Herb Wilson Wine Trends Marketing, LLC Colleen Harder Winner Group Management, Inc. Debra Winters Gail Wishneski Francois Wasselin Verna and James Wismer Mindee Wasserman Mr. Ralph B. Wittman Richard Waterlow Jane and Homer Wolfe Yolanda Waters Janice and Alan Woll Deb Watne Michael Wolpert Judy Watson Wolzinger Family Foundation Tyco Inc. Craig Weatherwax Shirley Wong The Herbert E. Tyler and Grace M. Tyler Foundation Jason Webber Lillian Woo Beth and Ben Wegbreit Betsy and Michael Wood Candy Udell Irene and Alan Weinberg Michael Wood Ron Twilley Bettina and Kenneth Yau William Morris Endeavor Entertainment Michael Wishart Jill and Jay Twery Eva Yarmo William Buckley Social Committee The Wasch Family Robert Tweed Lily Yap Lise and Jeffrey Wilks Family Foundation Thomas Wipf Meredith and Sam Tutterow Linda Yanikoski Janice Wilkins Warrenton Toyota Scion The Darla Dee Turlington Charitable Foundation Karthik Yadatore Andrea and Laurence Wilken Rebecca Warner Shari and Jonathan Turell Joshua Wyse Louise Wiley Yvette and Michael Winton Melissa and Oliver Tuckerman Gordon Wyatt Ron Wiles Winthrop Construction, LLC Susan Tucker William W. Wurts Ivette and Michael Wilderman William Warden Marna Tucker Sean Wright Lawrence Wigley Gary Ward Blaine Trunnell The Woodmere Club Charitable Foundation 2015 Annual Report 31 Tributees The Michael J. Fox Foundation celebrates the following individuals — people living with Parkinson’s, family members, caregivers and those who have passed away. We are grateful for gifts made in their honor or memory in 2015. To recognize a loved one, visit michaeljfox.org/tribute. Daniel Abbott 32 Karen Brown, Benjamin Balkind and Beauge Balkind Clarence Brandenburg Armando Abreu Nancy Ackard Eleanor Ball Gilda Brehm Lisette Ackerberg Frank Barker Howard Brickman Omar Adame Carol Barnett Dr. Nancy Brill-Downey James Adams Eileen Baron Edward L. Brink David Adelman Clare Barron Elizabeth Broderick Klara Adelmann Frank Bass Robert and Sunny Brody Patricia Aiello Glenn and Candace Batchelder Debi Brooks Dr. Roy Alcalay Jean Batchelder Marie A. Brooks Larry Alexander James Bates Robert Brorsen Aizik and Aliette Robert Bates Hormoz Broumand Diane Allen Dr. George M. Bauernschub Robert Brown Frederick Allen Gary Baumann Wiley T. Buchanan Thomas M. and Patricia Allen Jack Beck Arnold Buchholz Charles Allerton John C. Beck Mary Buczek Beverly and Joel Altman William Beeck Bill Burke Patricia Michaels Altman Joseph Bekius Randy Burns Dr. Holly Anderson Shirley Belch Arturo Bussani James Andrew Leonard Berger Donald Butts Jim Andrew Paul Berghoff James E. Byrne Leland Andrew Joanne S Bescherer Elba Arencibia and Jayne Cairns Dr. Gene Appel Usha Bhaskaran Barbara Calvert Benjamin K. Applebaum Carl J. Block Jane Cambias Gene Armentrout William and Peggy Bloomfield Josephina Campanelli David Aronson Dr. Richard H. Bobenhouse Joaquin Campo Eileen Artaserse Irene Bodie Elmo Cantway Dr Cirilo Aseron Carl Bolch, Jr. Sandy Capone Jack Atwater Joe Bordonaro Judy Caporeno Laurel (Sissy) Austin Ann Borner Kevin Carmody We-Seah Larry Ba Ida Both Cyril Carr, Jr. Eleanor Babajko Charles Bowers Raymond Carr Romano Bacci Tom Bowman Sue and Nick Carter Lloyd Bach Arthur Boyle Jeanne Caruthers Frank Baierl Angelina Bracali Carol Case Rita Randall Bain Donald Brammer Kathrine Case The Michael J. Fox Foundation Rita Tucker Bratton Kathleen Caulder Michael Duncheon William Goff Grace Holmes Velma Jo Cavallaro Edward “Jack” Wood Dunham Bernard Goldberg Omar Holt Elizabeth Chase Dorene Dunkleman Charles Gomez Fernald Holte Eli Chatzinoff F. Durban Margy Goode Jack Hood George Chaves Peter Durniak Margot Gosen Richard Hoover Elizabeth Chittick Theresa Dwyer Bobby Goslee Edward Hopey Our sister Christine William E. Wyatt Mrs. Jane Gover Norman Hosansky Carl and Kathy Cilker Tom Ebner Dr. Louis Governale Edward House Clifford Clark Merilyn Edelman Bernie Goydish Edward G. House J.P. Coghlan Terry Egan Dorothy Greene Joyce and Barry Cohen Adele Eilen Bruce C. Greenlaw Charles, Catherine and Frank Huisking Cecil Cole David Einhorn Randal Greensalte Constance Hunter Jane Collen Herta Eiselt Elliott Greenspan Deborah Hurlbert Francis J. Condie Florence Eisenmeyer Matthew Greenstein Michael Hutson Frances Condouris James Ellis Verna Grice Frank Charles Hyams Anna Connor Harvey Epstein Edward Grossman Hisa Ikeda Carl Conti, Jr. David Ernst Peter Gundermann Dudley Ince Mabel Cooke Linda Estes Jean Hackett Robert J. Inglima, Jr. Bruce Cooper Evan Evans Endrea Haims Judith Eilers Ingram Jerome Cooper William B. Evans Jeremy Halle Margaret Isaacs Jerry Cooper Jack Farris James C. Hallett Linda Iwamoto Anthony Cotoia Estelle Feinstein May Halliday Dr. Fred Jabaley James Cotter Mark Fessenden Irving Hamada Roger Jackson Thomas Coyle John Fetherston Bill Hanke William Jackson Arlette Crandall Jeanne Ann Filosi Gary Hanson Peter Jacobsen Merrell Crandell Cheryl Fisher Irene and Jerome Hantman Florence Marie Jacobson Jane Crawford Eugene Fitzgerald Gregory Harm Matthew Jacobson Jane Tibbetts Crawford Richard Fitzgerald Sylvia Harman Irene Jediak Samuel Crawford, Sr. Lee Fixel Annabelle Harris Sheryl Jedlinski Bernard Creeger Norman and Susan Fixel Claude Harris Dave Jennings Sonny Whelen and Christine Croll James Fjorden Dr. Gordon F. Harris Susan Jepsky Marilyn Crotty Dr. Lawrence Forthofer Dr. Loyd Lee Harris David Jeremy Russell E. Jervis, II Michael J. Fox John D. Harris Paul Culler Jerry Franck MaryLou Harris Mengho Jessani Governor Mario Cuomo Daniel Frankfurt Samuel Harris Chuck Johnisee Hugh Joseph Curran Benjamin Freed Gerald “Jerry” Hart John E. “Jack” Johnson Patricia Curtin Ramona Frega Mark Hart, Jr. Patricia “Xandy” Johnson Carol Curtis Mary Crouse Ronald Friedman Mark Hart, III Beth Ammons Jones Alberico D’Ambrosio Thomas Fulmer Joan Hartfield Tom Jones Scott Davidson Tom and Elaine Fulmer Richard Hartle Krish Jonnalagadda Letrice Joyce Davis Don and Vicky Gabay Tami Hase Freeman P. Jordan, Jr. Patricia H. Davis Donald Gabay Richard Hassett James Junge Shelley Davis Irving O. Galperin Tinker Hatfield Robert J. Kamin Peggy Kamysz Dr. David Gambill Myron Haugen Jane DeBlasi Michael Gardner Eugene Haught Patrick Kane Barbara P. Dein Joy Nichols Gargis Amanda Haverly Lawrence Katayama Harry Denning William Garland Edmund J. Haverty, Jr. John Katsaros Richard DeTata Cherry Garmannslund Veronica Hayes Marion Kearney Donald DeVane Arthur Gattozzi Joy Haywood Tammy Dunlap Keil Hans Keipert Robert Dawson Verner and Betty Gaul Donna Hazan Manuel V Diez Marilyn Gehlbach John Hazard Dr. Richard A. Keller Dr. Dieu Thuc Do Gloria Geller Mark Hecht William Keller Ludwik Dolata Margot Heinrichs Larry Kelly Valente Dolcini The Gendron / Martin Wedding Guests Dr. J. Ronald Heller Malcolm Kelly Michael Dole Kimberly George Fred Henry Michael Kelsey Rachel Dolhun Charles “Chuck” Gerber Kathryn Henry Jules Kernen William Donald Mel Gerber Malachy Hession Henry Killian Linda Donley Alfred Gerriets Solgard Hessler Peter Kimball Gideon Donoho Jack Giesecke Mr. Brian Higgins Thomas Kincaid Nicholas Doxakopoulos Rufus Gifford Marion Hills Dale King William and Marlene Drawe Victor Gilla Herbert Hinrichs David King Shirley P. Drissell Patricia Gillenwater Dr. Henry Hirsch John W. King John Driver Ronnie Gitlin Stanley Hirschhorn Jay Kislak Sue Dubman Michael Glenister Solomon Hoffman Gale Klupt Renato Duccilli Al Glickman Manfred Hohmann Seda Knysh Michelle DuEst James Godfrey Cleveland Holmes Dan Kocal Charles Curtis Diegnau 2015 Annual Report 33 Ewanna Konopisos Martha Magoon Lawrence Novak Merlin W. Reierson Frank Koughan Shakira Mahamadi Nancy Novick Seymour Rein Angelo Koutris Mary Mallon JoEllen Nugent Diane Reina Theodora Koutris James and Marie Mallory Richard O’Bosky Ellen Reitkopp Barbara Kraly William Mandi Thomas Edward O’Briant Samuel Rensin Phyllis Kraus Argean Mannila John F. O’Brien Ellen Ress Saul Kreshek Mrs. Irene Markel Paul M. O’Connor, Jr. James C. Reynolds Ken Krueger Jack Markle Carol Odenwaldt William Ribner William Kuhn John Marran Khe-Ing Oei Fred Richman Bella Kurtz Janet Marrano Mary O’Keefe Eddie Rickenbaker David Lampen Lucille Marrone Bernard Okin Deborah Ridel Sheri LaRoche Ricardo Marti Marvin Orlovick James Rigg Brendan Wayne Larrabee Morgan Martin Anna Osborn Robert J. Rivest Grace Regina Lasko Joan Marwitz Mary Oskorep Dr. Dale Roberson Judy Glickman and Leonard Lauder Dr. George K. Massing Victor Oswald Robert Rogan Earl Laughlin Jayne McAuliff Mary Ousterhout Rose Roginski Morton Leader Michael McCray Neill Overman Liane Rosenberg Bruce Ledous Kathy McCune Arlene Pagano Randy Ross James Lee Mark McCune Dale Paige Ann Roth Robert Lee Shelly McFillan Mary Parisi Myron Rottersman Dr. Don Lehocz Robert McNulty Merrill Parker Guy Vidra and Liensa Rouse Peter Leinroth James McVey Patricia Parker Robert Rouse Donald Leith Julia Meaden Dwayne Parnell Mary Roussos Susan Lentz Joel H. Meador Richard Pasico Shad Rowe Richard Leone Brian Meikle Conrad Paulo Morris J. (Duke) Rowlands Kostas Leontaritis Richard Meirink Robert Peace Martha and Max Rubinstein Margaret Levchuck John Mendel David H. Peery Cal Rudolph Gus Levinson Lee Mendel Felix Chisolm Pelzer Josef Ruepp Robert Levitan Jean Mentis James J. Perazzo James Runnels Murray Levitt Alfred Menziuso David Perrone Jonas Sadunas Carolyne and Ed Levy Jerome Meyers Arthur Robert Peterson Doris Sager Marjorie Levy Marek Milewicz Donald L. Peterson Hans Salomon Maxine Levy Dan Miller Margaret Peterson Marguerite Samborn Sander Levy Darrel Miller L. Robert Pfund James Sammer Edward A. Lewis David D. Miller Thomas Picone Elsie Sandquist Michael Lewis George Miller Samuel Pietrini Dr. David Sarner Robin Lewis James Miller C. Ray Pilant John Sawinski Carol Case and Ira Lieberman Ken Miller and Kristine Miller Kenneth W. Piller Thomas Scharf Salvatore Liguori Leo Miller Eric Pitcher Carolyn and Curtis Schenker Reba Lilley Don Mills Edward Louis Pittman Dr. Donald Schetman Francis Lincoln Noreen Ministri Albert B. Polen Arnold “Tony” Schiffman Wayne Lindquist Valerie and Hilton Mirels Attorney Gary Poliakoff Hans C. Schmid Anne P. “Nancy” Lindsay Rod Mitchell Stephen Pollan Herbert James Schmidt, Jr. Andrew P. Lipschultz Robert Monacci Robert Popp Melvin Schmitz Marc and Jennifer Lipschultz Robert Monke Armand Poulin Harry J. Schneller Sybil Lipschultz Sara Montanez Jerry Powell Jerry Schuster Raymond Lipschutz Joan Montross Joey Pozzuolo Evelyn Schwartz Joan Lipton Meg Moore Bernard Preschel Hans Schweitzer Lynn Lipton Sam Morton Gretchen Prunier Dr. William B. Scott Rose Lit Valda Mosteller Gregg A. Puckett James Scotter Janice Lloyd Erhard Mueller Lloyd Purnell Frank Sebek William Lockhart Thomas Muller Wilma “Billie” Purnell Diane Seeley Bill and Trudy Loeb James Muro Max Raab Harold Segal Dr. Richard H. Loeb Loretta Murphy Lillian Shames Rachleff L.J. Sevin John Lohrer John Myers Alfred Raggi Jagdish Shah David Lonegran John Joseph Myers Gary L. Randall Jay Shah Michael L. Long Clint Names John Rankin Leslie Shapiro John Lovrak Jane Fox Napier Alice Rapisarda Carl Ray Sharp Jim Lucas Maurice Nazareth Michael W. Rasberry John Sharpe LouAnne Lucas Barbara Neumann Pastor William Rave William Shaw Ruth Lucas Hal Newsom Kevin Reardon Marjorie Sherer Bruce Lundvall John Nicely Michael Regan Todd Sherer Stanley and Catherine Maas Vincent Nicotina Joe and Carol Reich Doug Sherwood Jack MacAllister Robert Nidds Raymond Donald Reich Chung-Tuo Shih Morton J. Macks Howard Niederman M. James Nikkel and Russ Reid Joanne Ship Daniel A. MacLean James C. Nipper Richard Reid Ely Shrauner 34 The Michael J. Fox Foundation Thomas Siegel Terrance Tri Nancy Siegler Robert Tuchin Susan Sills Vern Turner Norman Silver Max Tyson Natalie Simes The Uhry Family Fred Simmons Richard H. Ullman Richard Simon Robert Underwood Noel Sissom Katie Usrey Rita Sklar Lambros Vasilopoulos George J. Skudrna James Vaugh Geraldine and Robert Slater Richard Wager Howard Slater Thomas Wai D. Michael Smith Marjorie Walker Joseph Smith Ward Walquist Jude P. Smith Anthony Walsh Les Smith Donald Ward Martha Snow Stephen H. Snow Frank Sokolosky Sondra Soloway Frank Sorrentino Wayne Spickerman The Spielberg Family Rik Spier Marvin Spike Suzanne Sprague Veronica Staib Robert L. Staloch Joan Stanger Dale R. Stecher Betty Steel Annie “Rita” Williams Steelel Steven Steinberg Roy Sterling Edward Stern William Stevens Irene Stiber Rainer and Gerhild Stiewe Joanne Stokeld Jo Ann Stolley Johnny Strange Herbert Strauss Howard Strauss Randall Sudduth Arthur Sullivan Lynne Sullivan Roger Sump Barbara Swanborg Paul and Craig Swanson Wayne and Judy Swartz Remembering Tom Picone Joyce Ward Susan Wasch George Wasserman Gerald Weber Negroni Week Barbara R. Weekes John Weiman Stephen D. Weinress Allen Weinstein Alice Weiss Daniel Welch Sarah R. Wetherbee Peter Wettstein The White Family Ruki Wickremesinghe Dianne Wilken Linda Willaims Carolyn Williams David Williams Linda Williams Nancy Williams Robert Williams “We want Tom’s legacy to be a part of the work that can yield a cure for Parkinson’s and other neurological diseases.” —CLAIRE PICONE Speed Williams John F. “Jack” Willis David Wilson Jenifer Wilson Michael Wilson Pete and Carolyn Wilson Anthony Winkler Paul Winslow THOMAS PICONE WAS A FOUNDING MEMBER OF THE MJFF Norma Winton PATIENT COUNCIL and a leader in drug development. Tom Marjorie Withers passed away in October 2015 at age 61. Sue Wojnilower Allen Swers Al Pittarelli and Don Woldt A PhD in biochemistry, Tom was a pharmaceutical executive, Farhad Tabbador Linda Won Jesse Wood most recently at Schering-Plough. After his diagnosis, he shared Maxine Sellers Tait Derek Tetlow Cindy Worthy Dr. Frank Theisen Carol A. Wurts industry conference. He continued to foster collaboration across Joseph Thomas Walt Wyse industry partners as a strategic adviser to MJFF. Kurt Thomas Jay Yates Colburn R. Thomason Joo Yun Oh Ybarra Tom was remembered for his intelligence and commitment to Irving Thompson Kenneth Yingst Murray Yospe fueling scientific achievement by his wife, Claire, and dozens of Jack Throop Paul Thurston Howard Zagor Joseph Tilves Jonie Zanocco Edith Tinnes Martina Zehner Paula Pratt Tomlin Joseph Zicarelli Lydia Traub Edward Marchand Zimmerman Patrick Travis Edward Zura that he was living with PD with colleagues and peers at an family, friends and colleagues who gave to MJFF in his memory. We thank them for sharing their memories and supporting vital Parkinson’s research. 2015 Annual Report 35 Recurring Gifts We thank the following individuals for their continuous support of the Foundation through recurring donations in 2015. These ongoing gifts help us propel research forward. To become a monthly donor, visit michaeljfox.org/monthlygiving. 36 Kathleen and Larry Alongi Megan Haugen Ronald Ricker Adele Arrigale Jonathan Hertz Shannon Riordan John B. Barber Tommy Hessler Ronald Rioux Michael Beeman Marjorie Hilsenrad Diana Rivers Margaret Behnke Walter Hogan Liensa Rouse Christina Belfiore Ann Hutchinson Michele and John P. Russo Jody Bell Jerie L. Ilch Joseph Sanders Karen and Peter Belli Thomas Irving Julie Sandler Matteo Bevilacqua Kevin Jones Candice Seiger Michael Blessing Andrea L. Kay Anne Sharp-Deeg Roger Casey Diane Kisner Elizabeth Shostak Howard Chai Andrew and Seda Knysh Michael Sibulkin Ivan Chin Judy Levinson David Sokolow Tamara Clemmons Jim Levy Richard Soll Jason Connolly James Major Stanislav Starobin Thomas Cook Mal Manchee Keerthika Melissa Subramanian Jeffrey Cooper Linder Marot Robin and Adam Taback Brian Cormier Diane and John Martin Seow Kek Thay Robert Cypher Richard Massey Marti and Matthew Toner Steven Dawson Gavin McAllister Monika Trogdon Kathleen Lockhart and James Dixon Karen Miller Karen Van Haitsma Daniel Donley Anthony Mitten Alexander Vinik James M. DuBois Jane and William Morgan James Walker Ryan Edmonds Susanne Newell Kathleen Whaley Michael Ferguson Cheryl and John Novak Nicholas Wickremesinghe Deborah Fouts Vadim Ogloblin Aaron Widera Timothy Freeman Janette Parker Kathleen Wilkinson Jill and Peter Gagliardo Gloria Ruiz Pastush Barbara Williams Sachit Garg Scott Pepper Cedric Williams Ethan Giffin Douglas Phillips Richard Williams Dylan G. Gill Denise Pieroni Vivian Wolfson Charlotte and Larry Gustavson Olga and Galen Poulin Vida Yazdani Viola Hallett Lorraine Reina Charlene Zimmerman Jim Harrod Jody Reines Ted Hase David Rich The Michael J. Fox Foundation A Heart and Spirit for Giving “It’s important for us to give back, to try to find a cure and the answers eluding families. If you have a heart and spirit for giving, MJFF is an easy choice to help facilitate that critical research.” —MARTI TONER MARTI AND MATT TONER SHARE A STRONG receiving at the time. At their wedding, Marti COMMITMENT TO FAMILY and to supporting and Matt donated to the Foundation in lieu Parkinson’s research. Marti’s grandmother of giving favors. More recently, they support lived with young-onset PD. She remembers her MJFF through monthly gifts. They appreciate grandmother’s love of cooking and managing a the ease of this giving option and the regular card shop, how her PD progression made these updates they receive about how their support is pursuits challenging and her own mother’s helping accelerate improved PD treatments. role as caregiver. Soon after they met, Matt learned about Marti’s connection to Parkinson’s and how little attention PD research was 2015 Annual Report 37 38 The Michael J. Fox Foundation Team Fox In 2015, Team Fox members collectively raised a record-breaking $11.5 million for research. Fueled by the generosity of an anonymous donor, 100 percent of Team Fox proceeds go directly to MJFF research programs. Team Fox friends, families, companies and groups create fundraisers, take on athletic challenges and activate their communities behind our cause. With their energy, passion and dedication, great strides are being made to speed a cure for Parkinson’s. 3.3K TEAM FOX MEMBERS $45M RAISED BY TEAM FOX FUNDRAISERS TO DATE O P PO SI T E Team Fox member Yvon Carrière has clocked hundreds of miles for a cure 2015 Annual Report 39 $500K– $999,999 Andrew Creighton TCS NYC Marathon Anne and Jack Holloway Celebrate Advancements in Parkinson’s Disease Research Wendy and Rick Tigner UCSF Celebrity Golf Classic, Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition The Woods Family New England Parkinson’s Ride $100K– $499,999 Susan Bilotta Tips for Parkinson’s, Tour de Fox Penny and Quentin Dastugue Kickin’ Parkinson’s Chris and Jim Edlund Danville D’Elegance Nicole Jarvis Winter Gala for Parkinson’s Research, Tour de Fox Kyle Davis and Lamar Johnson Gensler’s Big Ed Bowl Nancy and Jeff Silverman Jake’s Classic Car Ride Justin Sternberg Raising the Bar to End Parkinson’s Sonny Whelen Racing for a Cure, Tour de Fox $50K– $99,999 Andrew Lipschultz Bar Mitzvah Fundraiser James Little Shoot for the Cure Ashley and Justin Vedder MCC Golf for Parkinson’s University of Virginia Pancakes for Parkinson’s $25K– $49,999 Lawrence Birnbaum TCS NYC Marathon Jimmy Choi Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend, NYC Half Marathon, Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge, Chicago Half Marathon & 5K, Chicago Marathon, NYC Marathon, Team Fox Fundraiser, Tour de Fox The Epstein Family Pancakes for Parkinson’s Nancy Gaul Golf 4 Parkinson’s Bob Harmon Golf for the Cure for Parkinson’s Disease Michael Haverly TCS NYC Marathon Jack Taylor’s Alexandria Toyota-Scion Team Fox Fundraiser Colleen Jacobus Team Fox Brew City Karen and Marc Jaffe Team #LaughAndShake Cory Jones Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition The Delaware Pancakes Committee Delaware Pancakes for Parkinson’s Nancy Mulhearn Leave Parkinson’s Behind Gala, Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Lucy Fox Tour de Fox Bret Parker NYC Half Marathon, Tour de Fox Terry and Oliver Holler Back to the Future Fundraisers Brett Rosenbaum New England Parkinson’s Ride The Kober Family Tee Off Fore Parkinson’s Golf Outing Michael Westphal The Great Run on Cranberry Island 40 The Michael J. Fox Foundation $10K—$24,999 Eagle Bridge Foundation Team Fox Fundraiser Deborah Meyer Summit Kilimanjaro Robert Vecsler Team Fox Fundraiser Mark Gherty Team Fox Fundraiser Natalya Michaels TCS NYC Marathon Raj Vishwakarma Team Fox Fundraiser Kathryn Gorski Team Fox Fundraiser Timothy Moraghan TCS NYC Marathon Jennifer Walski Summit Kilimanjaro Henry Gourdeau Team Fox Fundraiser Russell Motz Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Stephanie Weinberg Team Fox Fundraiser Chris Griffin Summit Kilimanjaro John Murphy Team Fox Fundraiser $5K—$9,999 Kathryn Hobart TCS NYC Marathon Juliet Neal Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Benjamin Achin Team Fox Fundraiser Scott Jones TCS NYC Marathon Stephanie Nykerk Team Fox Fundraiser Gail Achin Team Fox Fundraiser Shelley Joseph TCS NYC Marathon Gail Oliver Team Fox Fundraiser Mike Achin Team Fox Fundraiser Richard Chow Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Kenneth Kapalowski Team Fox Fundraiser Toni and Gary Palumbo Team Fox Fundraiser Ross Anderson Team Fox Fundraiser Ben Collier Team Fox Fundraiser David Kleinhandler TCS NYC Marathon Mike Pauletich Team Fox Fundraiser Jane and Jack Armistead Team Fox Fundraiser Carol L. Constable Team Fox Fundraiser William Leppo Team Fox Fundraiser, Tour de Fox Josephine Poehlmann Team Fox Fundraiser Jason Aron Team Fox Fundraiser Jody Culmone Team Fox Fundraiser Allison and Dan London Team Fox Fundraiser Zak Rau Team Fox Fundraiser Kathy and Robert Cypher Team Fox Fundraiser Longhorn Pancakes for Parkinson Team Fox Fundraiser Candy Rhoads Team Fox Fundraiser Rose and Chris Babcock Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend, TCS NYC Marathon Stephanie Desautels Team Fox Fundraiser Jeff Lyons Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Caroline Shaw Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Gillian Dickson Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Ken MacKenzie Team Fox Fundraiser William Shea Team Fox Fundraiser Julie Drew Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition George Manahan Team Fox Fundraiser The Soul to Sole 5K Team Fox Fundraiser The Bergman Family Team Fox Fundraiser Mary Marbach TCS NYC Marathon Cliff Thompson TCS NYC Marathon Laurine Fillo Team Fox Fundraiser, Tour de Fox Peter Marconi New England Parkinson’s Ride William Tincup Team Fox Fundraiser Pamela Fioretti Team Fox Fundraiser, Tour de Fox Rebecca Markley Summit Kilimanjaro Meredith Tutterow Virgin Money London Marathon Cris and Rich Florian Team Fox Fundraiser Thomas McDonough Team Fox Fundraiser U-go & Play Team Fox Fundraiser Brian Alongi Bank of America Chicago Marathon Jill Bares Team Fox Fundraiser Cheryl Blank New England Parkinson’s Ride Daniel “Watt” Boone Virgin Money London Marathon David Breslin Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Daniel Carbonneau New England Parkinson’s Ride Mark Cartier NYC Half Marathon, TCS NYC Marathon, Tips for Parkinson’s Shannon Barbato Team Fox Fundraiser Beer Thirty Tour de Fox Loren Berger TCS NYC Marathon, Tips for Parkinson’s Kyra Bishop Team Fox Fundraiser Michael Blessing Tour de Fox Harry Brandler TCS NYC Marathon William Bucklew Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge, TCS NYC Marathon, Tour de Fox LEFT Board member Andrew Creighton competing in the New York City Marathon BELOW (L to R) Anne, Jack and Michael Holloway hosted a conversation on research advances in Menlo Park, California 2015 Annual Report 41 $5K—$9,999 (cont.) Ashley Dolhun Team Fox Fundraiser David Fillo Team Fox Fundraiser, Tour de Fox Eric Gibbs NYC Triathlon Bess Donoghue TCS NYC Marathon Travis Finkle New England Parkinson’s Ride Samuel Gogolak Team Fox Fundraiser David Chalifour Team Fox Fundraiser Rene Duquesnoy NYC Half Marathon, Bank of America Chicago Marathon Marion Fioretti Team Fox Fundraiser, Tour de Fox Janet Clough Team Fox Fundraiser, Tour de Fox John Emerson Bank of America Chicago Marathon Miriam and Aaron Cohen Team Fox Fundraiser John Evans TCS NYC Marathon Bob Corb Team Fox Fundraiser Brenda Fairbanks TCS NYC Marathon Joshua Davis TCS NYC Marathon Nancy Feeney Team Fox Fundraiser Janet Garber Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend, Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Carole Dempsey TCS NYC Marathon Lily Fielding Team Fox Fundraiser Andrew Garcia New England Parkinson’s Ride Tara Carbonneau Team Fox Fundraiser Erin Caudill TCS NYC Marathon Allison Fishman Chicago Half Marathon & 5K David D’Arcy and Judy Freitag Tour de Fox Evan Frommer Team Fox Fundraiser Jennifer Goldman Team Fox Fundraiser Jennifer Graves TCS NYC Marathon Carol and Pat Hagan Team Fox Fundraiser Hal Halvorsen Team Fox Fundraiser Brooks Hamblett TCS NYC Marathon Kevin Hansen Tour de Fox Deus Haraja Tour de Fox Team Fox Teams Team Fox is grateful to the groups of friends, families and colleagues who came together to drive many of our most successful fundraisers. These groups possess an extraordinary commitment to accelerating research and were collectively responsible for raising more than one-third of Team Fox revenue in 2015. 42 $100K—$249,999 $50K—$99,999 $25K—$49,999 Racing for a Cure Back to a Future without Parkinson’s 5 Kelly’s and Friends Team Defeat Dystonia CRCF Strong Areti’s Angels Team Merrie Miles Fox Family Baehr Challenge Team PD Cure Parkinson’s Pals Birdies Fore Parkinson’s Research Team Fox - Wells Fargo Pedaling 4 Parkinson’s Chowdogs Team Cantore Fox Trot for Parkinson’s Research Team ESB Friends of Team Fox Team JFW Team Parker HR Gives Back to a Future without Parkinson’s Team Woods Pedal for Parkinson’s Research ToTheFuture.Org The Pettinaro Family Griddle Team Showmasters — Up To 88! Pinky’s Passion for a Parkinson’s Cure Young Professionals of Los Angeles Team #laughandshake The Michael J. Fox Foundation Jenn Haraja Tour de Fox Bradley Hunt Bank of America Chicago Marathon Dan Kamensky NYC Triathlon Rejean Levasseur Team Fox Fundraiser Beth Hart TCS NYC Marathon Christina Hunt-Fuhr Tour de Fox Sean Kane TCS NYC Marathon Sue Lifschiz Team Fox Fundraiser Drew Heighway IRONMAN 70.3 Mont Tremblant Dave Iverson Tour de Fox Jon Herrick TCS NYC Marathon Ryan Jackson Team Fox Fundraiser Kathleen Holden Rock N Roll DC Marathon, Half & 5K, Team Fox Fundraiser Julia Jackson Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Mark Homchick Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Karen Janos TCS NYC Marathon Alexis Hovanesian Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Alyssa Johnson Team Fox Fundraiser, Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Alexandra Hulme TCS NYC Marathon Rosie Kaplan Chicago Half Marathon & 5K Samuel Kapreilian New England Parkinson’s Ride Lilja Klempan Tour de Fox John Kocal Team Fox Fundraiser Kevin Kwok Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Sarah Lord Team Fox Fundraiser, Tour de Fox Liza Mandell Team Fox Fundraiser Linda Mandolini New England Parkinson’s Ride, Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Dustin Matthews Team Fox Fundraiser John Kycia New England Parkinson’s Ride Liz Means TCS NYC Marathon Mike Johnston Team Fox Fundraiser Denise Lanier TCS NYC Marathon Gregory Meltzer Team Fox Fundraiser Team Fox Adirondacks Putt for Parkinson’s 2015 Evanston Tour de Fox Ride Team Flux Capacitor Team Fox Brew City Rabobank Excelsior Teams *E-M-P* Team Fox Denmark Team Fox North Texas Rock Steady Boxing SF Exercise Is Anti+freeze Team Fox SCW Team Fox Swing for the Cure Shea Kin for a Cure Exercise to Defeat Parkinson’s 2015 Team Gary and Reesa Young Professionals of Boston Sisters Fighting Parkinson’s From Normandy with Team Fox Team Gilman Young Professionals of Chicago Suzy’s Shakers Grand Lodge Team Here to Win Young Professionals of New York City Symphonys Hacker’s Cup 2015 Team Jane and Jack Armistead Zoe’s Dance/Shake/Donate Challenge Team B+ Hacking for a Cure for Parkinson’s Disease Team Jimmy Hans vs. Route 66 Team Kocal Herd of Heroes Team Lois Hot Shots Team Margarita The Ivy Family Griddle Team Team Millers, Almonds and Pancakes Joe and Billy Try to Run a Marathon Team Offit and Frischling London Devils Ice Hockey Club Team Shakin’ Not Stirred Meek and Son’s — Anything but “Meek” Team Silver $10K—$24,999 BAC Bulls Bid Wanted Bobcat 1955 Bridget’s Movers and Shakers Cheers for a Cause Ciao Parkinson’s of Millbrook Delaware Pedals for Parkinson’s — Tour de Fox Do Good Marketing DominACHIN over PD Fashion to Figure Team Betty Team Biagi Team Chard Team Chu Pound the Pavement Team Family Ties Team Forza Mandolini Team Fox Curesaders Team Gerhard Team Geri Mandell Team Gourdeau Pat’s Parkinson’s Warriors Team Vannoni Playing Tricks on Parkinson’s TeamPaz Takes On the C&O Towpath Pops for Parkinson’s The Fox Avengers Potion for Motion The NLS Group / Team Miga Pour Guys The Tri-ing Hellfish Ready, Set, Live Top Dogs Redwood Credit Union Tour de Todd Rocky Mountain High Washington West Film Festival 2nd Annual Shakes, Rattles, Rides and Rods Scranton/Wilkes-Barre RailRiders Waving Warriors 88 MPH St. Clairsville Spell for a Cure Black Kite Cellars TAPSG - Torrington Area Parkinson’s Support Group #GoTeamFox Team Back in Time Chang Sisters Team Berlin Chip MacKelcan’s Griddlers Team Bev Cowfest Team Bosch Designing a Cure Team Kathy Clunie Focused for Fox Team Phil Schilling / Cycle Magazine General Equipment Pedals Past Parkinson’s Team Rita Iggy’s Piggy’s The Shouler Group Jim’s Jog We’re Going Back MADPA Maine-iacs Montana Parkinson’s Foundation Team Fox Team Tyler Brown Team University of Delaware and Christiana Care Health System Team Kycia Liquid Leaders O’Donnell Abu Team Sterry Party for Parkinson’s Team Into the Wild Flex Your Face Lenders on a Bender Oasis Day Camps Team Kaplan Team William Shea $5K—$9,999 Shake It Off $2,500—$4,999 Cengage Learning Moving for a Cure Bobcat Competition for Cure Mt. Cureamanjaro — Sperbers Summit Kilimanjaro Breaking Parkinson’s Classic BTTF Cruise to End Parkinson’s North Shore Walk for Parkinson’s Disease Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region Pedal for Parkinson’s Cooperages 1912 Team Camino 2015 Dodgeball for a Cure Plattsburgh Half Marathon Creations for Parkinson’s Team Charro Doug, Heather and Friends Pocono FoxTrot 5K for Parkinson’s Research Cycling for Synapses Team Danny Emily Ebert Darry Norcross 2nd Annual Team Fox Golf Tournament Team Danny Boy Foxy for Pops Team Emerson Franz and Friends Pourin’ 4 a Cure 2015 Annual Report 43 $5K—$9,999 (cont.) Justine Miras TCS NYC Marathon Susan Mollohan New England Parkinson’s Ride The Moon Joggers Team Fox Fundraiser Scott Moore New England Parkinson’s Ride Hayley Moore Team Fox Fundraiser Paul Murphy Tips for Parkinson’s Gail Nanof New England Parkinson’s Ride, Team Fox Fundraiser Kate Ondrejko TCS NYC Marathon Ben Richardson Tour de Fox Mariann Rybarczyk New England Parkinson’s Ride Stephanie Paddock Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge, New England Parkinson’s Ride, Team Fox Fundraiser, Tour de Fox Jeff Romley NYC Triathlon Scott Schefrin Tips for Parkinson’s Warren Rosen TCS NYC Marathon Cooper Paul New England Parkinson’s Ride Alan Rosenbaum New England Parkinson’s Ride Cheryl Schempp TCS NYC Marathon Jens Rønnemoes Pedersen Team Fox Fundraiser Megan Pliscofsky Team Fox Fundraiser Edward Reed TCS NYC Marathon Shawn Regan NYC Half Marathon Grad Rosenbaum New England Parkinson’s Ride Mary Rubens Team Fox Fundraiser Danielle Russell Bank of America Chicago Marathon Louis Russo Team Fox Fundraiser The Schornstein Family Team Fox Fundraiser Megan Shackleton Team Fox Fundraiser Kimberly Sherman New England Parkinson’s Ride, Tour de Fox Laura Shields Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Joshua Shutler Team Fox Fundraiser Mine Okano Team Fox Fundraiser Peter Repole Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Tim Ryan Marine Corps Marathon & 10K, Team Fox Fundraiser Teams (cont.) $2,500—$4,999 (cont.) Team D Boston Battles Parkinson’s Nelle’s Cornhusker Team Team Doc BTTF Forum New Tribe Tattoo and Piercing Friends who Hike Team Gardner / Team Bostic Buzzy’s Bees H&A Financing Team Gero Cajun Iron Horse Poker Run ParkinSons and Daughters of Bill Giarrusso Jeane Graves Charity Cupcake Challenge Team Granbob Climbers for Carolyn Parks and Records Team Guzi Club Echelon JoyRide Ridgefield SpinRaiser Team Hot Crafty Lady Keep Jogging 4 My Dad Team Jumelkla Dadz lululemon men Team MARVelous DNA Heal-X Luthis’ Wedded Bliss Team Max Do the Dougie More Cowbell Team Mom Doc’s Flock for Fox Mountain Madness Team Nordby Dossie’s Riders Movers and Shakers Team Oliver Dwight’s Fight MUFG Union Bank Team Silver Fox For Fox Sake Neuroscience Institute at Maine Medical Center Team Stanley Forza Mandolini No Hand Ride 2015 Team Sweet Cakes Fox Hokkaido Team Vincent Frendly Crew Team Jane Gamer Babe Knitters The Cycling Canucks Gamma Omicron Chapter of Sigma Nu The DC Wheels Gene’s Riding Machine The Provolone Open Gorgeous Gary The Robert Miller Memorial Fund Schmerer Family Gosh “Jam” It! Help Parkinson’s Thunder Alley / Pins for Parkinson’s Seidman Gravity Design Build Tour De Fox Jersey Strong Shake Rattle and Bowl Grindin’ with Milliron UChicago Road Runners Shake Rattle and Rehab Hockey for Hope UCSF PD Riders Sherry’s Dream Hope for Daddy Undergraduate Neuroscience Organization Simone’s Troop Jay’s Heart Spike Parkinson’s Jim Lechleiter San Antonio Marathon Stubborn Mule Jonathan’s Team Team 1927 JRD Team 3 Sisters Keep Looking Up Team Adamas Kickin’ Parkinson’s One Lap at a Time Team Auger StolenDress Entertainment 2015 Smuttynose Rockfest Half Marathon L8dees Team Berta StreetSmarts 5280 Motorcycle Ride Leo’s Legacy Team Brian Swiss Time 4 a Cure Aikido of San Jose Lily and Kayla Mee Team Brooks (DE) Team ACE Almost 40 Matt and Claudia Team Brooks (FL) Team Alison Arizona Summit 12,637 Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy Team Chrachel Team Alliant Barrett in Motion MJB Riders Team Curtis Team Big Phil BBC Pancakes for Parkinson’s Mo Dog Team Davis Team Cohen BeatPD Montgomery Biscuits Baseball Team Team DennCorp Team Cul De Sac Bobby’s Derby Party Giver’s Movers and Shakers of Baton Rouge Team Diaz O’Donnells for O’Cure O’Meara/Lyons Fam and Friends Park.Runners Peaks for Parkinson’s Pedaling for Pat Pickleball, Paddle and Point Play for Parkinson’s Pounding the Pavement for Papa Radical Riders Revilla Tour de Fox Rock Steady Boxing Boston Team Geheb Run Ingbers, Run Running like a Fox Shake Rattle and Roll Sih-Choi 44 Wheels in Motion YTF Utah Hike $1K—$2,499 The Michael J. Fox Foundation Lewis Silberman New England Parkinson’s Ride Pedal for Parkinson’s Research — Calgary Philly Magic Pink Fluffy Unicorns Pistols for Parkinson’s The Pop Pop Sullivan Griddle Team Prothena PT Pedalers Puck Farkinson’s Pushing Past Parkinson’s Rice University Pancakes for Parkinson’s Richard Bowler Memorial Relay RiverView - Half Marathon Team Sachem East Sandy B’s Support Team Maureen Smith Team Fox Fundraiser Cindy Theberge New England Parkinson’s Ride Katherine Wallace Team Fox Fundraiser Elizabeth Woodbury Team Fox Fundraiser Steven Spencer Team Fox Fundraiser Bryan Thompson TCS NYC Marathon, Tour de Fox Anthony Walsh Team Fox Fundraiser Terry and Chris Woods New England Parkinson’s Ride Hannah Stephenson Team Fox Fundraiser Lisa Tice Team Fox Fundraiser Patricia Washington Team Fox Fundraiser Edna and Bob Woods New England Parkinson’s Ride David Sterry Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Lindsay Van Meter Team Fox Fundraiser Andy Weatherwax Team Fox Fundraiser Pamela Worthington Tour de Fox Greg Stout Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Ross Vedder TCS NYC Marathon Andrew Wheatcroft Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Evan Young Team Fox Fundraiser Billy Stovall Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Susanna Ver Eecke Team Fox Fundraiser Janet Wichelhaus Team Fox Fundraiser Jacq Jones Ziegler TCS NYC Marathon Brian Sweeney Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Anne Voorheis TCS NYC Marathon Matt Wilbur Team Fox Fundraiser Michael Zwerner NYC Triathlon Takeda California, Inc. Team Fox Fundraiser Alison Wachstein Team Fox Fundraiser James Cole Winery Team Fox Fundraiser $2,500—$4,999 Reesa Tansey and Gary Greenfield TCS NYC Marathon Tonya and Chad Walker Team Fox Fundraiser Anna Wolfe Team Fox Fundraiser Rebecca Adey-Merrithew Bank of America Chicago Marathon Team Ellie Team Grammie Team Grandma Cindy Team Hopey Team Howell Team Jarvis Team Jude Team JVH II Team Kusty Team Littlefield Team Lois Kershner Team Malachy Team Mary Team Olson Team Parkie Papa Team Powers Team Sanderson Team Sharon Team Shawne Camp Team Stathis Team Staycee Team Stein Team The Sparkler Team TNT Team Wally Team Weil Team Werchoski The Parky’s Peddlers The Sunoco Challenge The Young WongTurns The Ian Challenge - Paddle for Parkinson’s Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine NY, SOMA Upstate Fight for Silent Disease Winchell Griddle Team Xterra Fox Young Professionals of DC Z Tribe FRO M TO P TO B OTTOM Team Defeat Dystonia after the Westchester Super Sprint Triathlon; Participants at the P.A.R. for Parkinson’s Golf Outing Zora Sizmore Duchnowski 2015 Annual Report 45 Mobilizing the PD Community Online TEAM FOX IS JUST ONE WAY THAT PEOPLE LIVING WITH PARKINSON’S AND LOVED ONES CAN ENGAGE WITH MJFF’S WORK. THEY ALSO HAVE A CRITICAL ROLE in helping speed a cure through research participation. And MJFF continues to provide new opportunities to infuse research priorities and design with the patient’s voice, including through technology-enabled solutions. In March, the Foundation launched Fox Insight, a virtual clinical trial and portal for volunteers to contribute data, including how “off” periods impact daily activities and non-motor symptoms may shift over time. Participants add to a vast dataset from the convenience of their own homes, helping researchers identify medical needs and reliable measures of the disease. Data collected through Fox Insight is de-identified and will be made available to researchers worldwide for independent study. More than 4,000 people to date have contributed data via home computer, mobile phone or smartwatch that can help speed research. Volunteers also can use Fox Insight to optimize their care by tracking symptom frequency and severity for clinician visits, helping them provide a clear snapshot of their PD. 46 The Michael J. Fox Foundation $2,500—$4,999 (cont.) Kirby Adlam Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Henry Allen TCS NYC Marathon Justin Anderson TCS NYC Marathon Paul Arebalo Team Fox Fundraiser Nancy Arnold TCS NYC Marathon Phil Comar Team Fox Fundraiser Rachel Deputato NYC Triathlon Michelle Carbonneau New England Parkinson’s Ride Ryan Conner Rock N Roll DC Marathon, Half & 5K Sharon Desatnik Tour de Fox Julie Cauvin Bank of America Chicago Marathon Amanda Connor TCS NYC Marathon John Cannon New England Parkinson’s Ride, Team Fox Fundraiser Paola Celi Team Fox Fundraiser Andrew Chang Team Fox Fundraiser Tim Cratty Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Andrew Cribb Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Selina Deschamps TCS NYC Marathon Jacqueline Desimone TD Bank 5 Boro Bike Tour Jeanette Dexter TCS NYC Marathon Joseph Cuccia Team Fox Fundraiser Liz Diemer Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge Isabella Cusano NYC Half Marathon Alex Disney Bank of America Chicago Marathon Allison Dale Bank of America Chicago Marathon Jaime DiTata TCS NYC Marathon David Darby Tour de Fox Tom Dodge New England Parkinson’s Ride Jamie Cole TD Bank 5 Boro Bike Tour Philip DeAngelo NYC Half Marathon, TCS NYC Marathon Michael Dolan Bank of America Chicago Marathon Devon Ball TCS NYC Marathon Michael Colegrove Bank of America Chicago Marathon Holly Deery Team Fox Fundraiser Dale Dolan Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Spiro Bantis Team Fox Fundraiser Mackenzie Collard TCS NYC Marathon Patrick DeGregorio TCS NYC Marathon Kevin Donnelly Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Heath Barnes Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Jessica Collins Team Fox Fundraiser Beth Demba Tips for Parkinson’s Jeff Dorman TCS NYC Marathon Jason Arwine Team Fox Fundraiser Deb Aston Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Billie Audia IRONMAN 70.3 Mont Tremblant Brian Baehr Team Fox Fundraiser Jill Baldwin Tour de Fox Annie Christman Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Joyce Chu Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge, TCS NYC Marathon Meg Clark NYC Half Marathon Daniel Cohen NYC Half Marathon Katherine Barrow Team Fox Fundraiser Pebble Beach Tips for Parkinson’s, Tour de Fox Jimmy Beale TCS NYC Marathon Robert Berlin Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition, Tour de Fox Brian Bermingham TCS NYC Marathon Tom Birdsall Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Benjamin Blaisdell New England Parkinson’s Ride Penny Blaisdell New England Parkinson’s Ride Olivia Blechner TD Bank 5 Boro Bike Tour Stephen Bliss TCS NYC Marathon Christopher Blower Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Liz Bossart Mathison Tour de Fox Yoko Bradford Bank of America Chicago Marathon Eva Brown TCS NYC Marathon Hammond Brown New England Parkinson’s Ride Jason Brown Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Jerry Brown Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Lisa Brown Tour de Fox Patrick Burns TCS NYC Marathon Zoe Butchen Team Fox Fundraiser, Tour de Fox Julie Callihan Team Fox Fundraiser AB OV E Eric Callinan New England Parkinson’s Ride Care Health System griddle team flips The University of Delaware / Christiana pancakes for a cure 2015 Annual Report 47 Emily Johnson Team Fox Fundraiser Connie Jones Team Fox Fundraiser Kelley Jones Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Rosanne Jones Team Fox Fundraiser Rick Karczewski Team Fox Fundraiser Melissa Kaul TCS NYC Marathon Andrea Kay Team Fox Fundraiser William Kelly TCS NYC Marathon Jennifer Kelly Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge, Tips for Parkinson’s, Team Fox Fundraiser Mary Kelly Mires Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge, Team Fox Fundraiser Sandy Kim NYC Half Marathon Chelsea Kinzinger Team Fox Fundraiser Margaret Kohn Summit Kilimanjaro Steve Kostoff NYC Triathlon Brian Kubovcik TCS NYC Marathon Mary Kycia New England Parkinson’s Ride Annette Lalic TCS NYC Marathon Julie Lawson Team Fox Fundraiser Patrick Leary Tips for Parkinson’s A B OV E Current and future players at the London Joyce Lee Bank of America Chicago Marathon Devils Ice Hockey tournament and family skate in England $2,500—$4,999 (cont.) Michael Drew TCS NYC Marathon Mike Dubin Team Fox Fundraiser Steve Durkee New England Parkinson’s Ride Emily Ebert Team Fox Fundraiser Jonathan Eger TCS NYC Marathon ELizabeth Ehrlich New England Parkinson’s Ride Brenda Estrada-Schmidt Team Fox Fundraiser, Tour de Fox Lauren Everly Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Barbara Factor Team Fox Fundraiser Margo Feeney Bank of America Chicago Marathon Shelly Fleisher Bank of America Chicago Marathon Theodore Franchetti Tour de Fox Marci Frankenthaler TD Bank 5 Boro Bike Tour 48 Erin Lentz TCS NYC Marathon Jack Freeman New England Parkinson’s Ride Amy Gutknecht Team Fox Fundraiser Beth Friedman Tour de Fox Ilka Hadlock Team Fox Fundraiser Emilie Friesen TCS NYC Marathon Judy Haenn Team Fox Fundraiser James Frischling NYC Triathlon Laura Hanf Team Fox Fundraiser, Tour de Fox Elaine and Tom Fulmer Team Fox Fundraiser Joan Harris Tips for Parkinson’s, Tour de Fox Leah Gagle Team Fox Fundraiser Ned Hazen New England Parkinson’s Ride James Geary Bank of America Chicago Marathon Maureen Healy Bank of America Chicago Marathon Sophie Geoghan Team Fox Fundraiser Judith Heller TCS NYC Marathon Cara Gilman TCS NYC Marathon Evan Henry Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Elizabeth Goodman TCS NYC Marathon Erin Holden Rock N Roll DC Marathon, Half & 5K Jessica Green TCS NYC Marathon Max Greenfeld Team Fox Fundraiser Grey Matters-Movement Disorder Research Team Team Fox Fundraiser The Michael J. Fox Foundation Mary Beth Lichtneger TCS NYC Marathon Ashley Lobell TCS NYC Marathon Craig Lockwood Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Mollie Lombardi Team Fox Fundraiser Jonathan Mackin Team Fox Fundraiser, Tour de Fox Kristen Mai Tips for Parkinson’s Seth Manthey Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend, Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge, TCS NYC Marathon Carolyn Marks Tips for Parkinson’s Seth Matarasso Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon The Mathur Family Team Fox Fundraiser Janie Hoover Team Fox Fundraiser, Tour de Fox Cristin McDermott Team Fox Fundraiser Sarah Hudson Team Fox Fundraiser Scott McLean Bank of America Chicago Marathon Nikolaus Hunt New England Parkinson’s Ride Mark Stuart McNair Bank of America Chicago Marathon Honoring Revolutionary Thinking and Leadership in the Field A BOVE (L to R) MJFF Scientific Advisory Board member Mark Cookson, PhD, 2015 Pritzker Prize recipient John Hardy, PhD, MJFF Scientific Advisory Board member Andrew Singleton, PhD, and Michael J. Fox at the Pritzker Prize luncheon IN 2015, THE MICHAEL J. FOX FOUNDATION on Xandra O. Breakefield, PhD, for her pioneering HONORED RESEARCHERS whose achievements research in genetics leading to better diagnosis have had a profound impact on the Parkinson’s and treatment of dystonia, the third most common research field and whose work and leadership movement disorder. The $100,000 prize was created continue to propel advances and discovery through the collaborative research alliance between throughout neurology and the life sciences. MJFF and The Bachmann-Strauss Dystonia and Parkinson Foundation. John Hardy, PhD, was recognized with the Robert A. Pritzker Prize for Leadership in Parkinson’s Eugene Johnson, PhD, received the Langston Award, Research in April 2015. Dr. Hardy was saluted for his given annually to an MJFF adviser who displays work uncovering the role of genetics in Parkinson’s outstanding commitment to MJFF’s mission and disease and for his commitment to mentoring PD named for Dr. James Langston, the Foundation’s researchers. The $100,000 prize was established first chief scientific adviser. In addition to his in honor of Robert Pritzker, the industrialist, contributions to the understanding of nervous system entrepreneur and philanthropist. In November, Dr. cells, Dr. Johnson served as the head of MJFF’s Hardy’s contributions to Alzheimer’s research were Scientific Advisory Board for nine years, counseling recognized with the $3 million Breakthrough Prize in research staff in shaping research priorities. Upon Life Sciences, given by technology entrepreneurs to receiving the award in May, Dr. Johnson requested extraordinary scientific leaders. that the accompanying $25,000 grant be directed to PD research efforts at Washington University School In May, the inaugural Bachmann-Strauss Prize for of Medicine, where he has served on the faculty Excellence in Dystonia Research was conferred since 1976. 2015 Annual Report 49 $2,500—$4,999 (cont.) Jamie Meek Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Emma Miller IRONMAN 70.3 Mont Tremblant Kristen Milliron NYC Half Marathon, Tour de Fox Morgan Mitchell TCS NYC Marathon Thomas Moore Tips for Parkinson’s Kelly Morris Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Jim Morris Team Fox Fundraiser Carlos Revilla Tour de Fox Nikita Tolani Tips for Parkinson’s David Robbins Team Fox Fundraiser Jason Tozzi TCS NYC Marathon Niki Rosenbaum Team Fox Fundraiser Chris Tracey Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge, TCS NYC Marathon, Team Fox Fundraiser, Tour de Fox Jonathan Rothberg TCS NYC Marathon William Russell Team Fox Fundraiser Sean Ryan NYC Triathlon Dan Rybarczyk New England Parkinson’s Ride Eric Moses TCS NYC Marathon Thomas Sabourin Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge, Tour de Fox Molly Mulholland TCS NYC Marathon Bill Sansone Team Fox Fundraiser Colin Mullan Team Fox Fundraiser David Satterthwaite TCS NYC Marathon Richard Musicant Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Reggie Scarpa Team Fox Fundraiser Bridget Napoli Team Fox Fundraiser Jennifer Schalk Team Fox Fundraiser Nicole Nevard Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Half & 5K Gary Schmitz Team Fox Fundraiser Kevin Norcross Team Fox Fundraiser Susan Schroder New England Parkinson’s Ride, Team Fox Fundraiser Marisa Norona Bank of America Chicago Marathon Paul Oakes NYC Half Marathon, TCS NYC Marathon Annie O’Donnell Marine Corps Marathon & 10K, Tips for Parkinson’s Joanne Okuda Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Richard Oliver TCS NYC Marathon, Tour de Fox Tom Olson New England Parkinson’s Ride Laura O’Neil Marine Corps Marathon & 10K James Ostrenga Bank of America Chicago Marathon Stephanie Ottavan TCS NYC Marathon Gwen Schroeder TCS NYC Marathon Heidi Schroeder NYC Half Marathon Jennifer Schworm TCS NYC Marathon Tom Sebastian TCS NYC Marathon Jeff Shaw TCS NYC Marathon Alanna Shea TCS NYC Marathon Cassandra Sica TCS NYC Marathon Stephen Sih-Choi Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Cheryl Silverbrand NYC Half Marathon, Tour de Fox Jessica Tracy Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge, Marine Corps Marathon & 10K, Tour de Fox Jennifer Traver Team Fox Fundraiser Joseph Triolo Tips for Parkinson’s Richard Tucker New England Parkinson’s Ride Stephen Tucker Bank of America Chicago Marathon Ari Turobiner Team Fox Fundraiser Richard Tyrol Team Fox Fundraiser Gary Tyson New England Parkinson’s Ride The Undergraduate Neuroscience Organization Team Fox Fundraiser Scott Van Doormaal Tour de Fox Douglas Vanderlaan Team Fox Fundraiser Anthony Viramontes Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Lesly Wagner Team Fox Fundraiser JP Wartman NYC Triathlon Bridget Wells Tips for Parkinson’s Elizabeth Wescott Bank of America Chicago Marathon Sally West Team Fox Fundraiser Perrin Wheeler NYC Half Marathon $1K—$2,499 Kate Achille Team Fox Fundraiser Kim Adams Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Brittany Adams TCS NYC Marathon Marcelo Aguero Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Tom Aiello Bank of America Chicago Marathon Ari Alexander Team Fox Fundraiser Lori Alexander-Winkler Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Meral Ali Team Fox Fundraiser Rashid Alsulaiti Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Jesse Amaral Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Carol Anderson TD Bank 5 Boro Bike Tour Alan Anderson New England Parkinson’s Ride Jay Antle Bank of America Chicago Marathon Jessica Arnold Bank of America Chicago Marathon Maureen Ashdown Bank of America Chicago Marathon, Tour de Fox Philip Baer Team Fox Fundraiser Monica Bailey Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Joyce Baker New England Parkinson’s Ride Kevin Ban New England Parkinson’s Ride Beth Bandy Team Fox Fundraiser Kim Barbieri Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Nicholas Barbieri Team Fox Fundraiser Thomas Wildes TD Bank 5 Boro Bike Tour Leigh Barwin Tour de Fox Patrick Willcutts Team Fox Fundraiser Micah Baskir Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Pam Wood Team Fox Fundraiser Barbara Baum Bank of America Chicago Marathon Sean Woods New England Parkinson’s Ride Robert Baxter Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Robert Woods New England Parkinson’s Ride Craig Beauregard New England Parkinson’s Ride Gabriel Sperber Summit Kilimanjaro Laura Wormuth New England Parkinson’s Ride Ilan Benhamou Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Chris Stanley Tour de Fox Sean Wright Team Fox Fundraiser Shaena Berlin Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Peter Sullivan Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Zachary Wydra NYC Triathlon Stacey Biagi Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Parking Suns Team Fox Fundraiser Charles Yarnold NYC Half Marathon, TCS NYC Marathon Fred Biagi Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Jamie Reed TCS NYC Marathon Melissa Tatum Team Fox Fundraiser Jean Yee Team Fox Fundraiser Joseph Bianchi New England Parkinson’s Ride Bianca Reist TCS NYC Marathon Bradley Templin Bank of America Chicago Marathon Kyle York IRONMAN 70.3 Mont Tremblant Mario Bianchi New England Parkinson’s Ride Michael Reitzell Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Kimberly Thiel Bank of America Chicago Marathon Melissa Young TCS NYC Marathon Karen Bickerstaff Bank of America Chicago Marathon Robert Resnik TCS NYC Marathon Lloyd Thornburg Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Manuela Zoninsein TCS NYC Marathon Sarah Blaser NYC Half Marathon Brett Pedersen Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Heather Perez TCS NYC Marathon Diana Pickard Chicago Half Marathon & 5K Michael Pickersgill IRONMAN 70.3 Mont Tremblant George Prescott Tour de Fox Elizabeth Pumala Bank of America Chicago Marathon Jenny Pust Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Half & 5K Mekea Radicchi Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge, TCS NYC Marathon 50 Kelli Slocum TCS NYC Marathon Jamey Smith IRONMAN 70.3 Mont Tremblant Martin Smith TCS NYC Marathon Kelly Sobieski Bank of America Chicago Marathon The Michael J. Fox Foundation Abby Bond Team Fox Fundraiser Tara Bozarth Team Fox Fundraiser David Bracken New England Parkinson’s Ride Christopher Breen Bank of America Chicago Marathon Peter Broderick New England Parkinson’s Ride Abby and Molly Brooks Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition, Tour de Fox Gary Brown Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Half & 5K Lili Brown New England Parkinson’s Ride Rick Brown Bank of America Chicago Marathon Laura Budgell Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Tori Bundy Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Mark Burek Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge Nancy Busch New England Parkinson’s Ride Shawne Camp Team Fox Fundraiser Sean Cantwell New England Parkinson’s Ride Jeffrey Caputi New England Parkinson’s Ride Tim Carnes Team Fox Fundraiser Wayne Cartee Team Fox Fundraiser Colin Checcio Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Alicia Cieszykowski Bank of America Chicago Marathon Lee Clark Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Sheri Clement Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Lawrence Cohen New England Parkinson’s Ride David Cohen NYC Half Marathon Amy Cohen TCS NYC Marathon Oksana Cole Tips for Parkinson’s Autumn Collasius Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Pamela Collins NYC Half Marathon Kareem Collins TD Bank 5 Boro Bike Tour Dolly Cooke Tour de Fox Chris Cosentino Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Thomas Costello Marine Corps Marathon & 10K AB OV E Thomas Wildes at the 5 Boro Bike Tour Anna Davis Team Fox Fundraiser Jordan Dorfman Team Fox Fundraiser Jason Fields Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Tina DeAngelo TCS NYC Marathon Lisa Drew Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Arwen Fine Tour de Fox Alex DeCorrevont Bank of America Chicago Marathon Crystal Duran Bank of America Chicago Marathon Shannon Finnegan Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Denice DeQuinzio Tips for Parkinson’s Shelley Egger Team Fox Fundraiser Jared Fisher Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Robert Elder NYC Half Marathon Jessica Fitzpatrick Bank of America Chicago Marathon Claybourne Elder NYC Triathlon Susan Fleming TD Bank 5 Boro Bike Tour Michael Emerson Bank of America Chicago Marathon Christopher Fletcher New England Parkinson’s Ride Karen Entrekin Team Fox Fundraiser Alexis Flewelling Team Fox Fundraiser Joseph Falzarano NYC Half Marathon Matt Franklin Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Stephanie Fargnoli Bank of America Chicago Marathon Gwendolyn Franks Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Adam Fauer NYC Half Marathon Molly Franz Chicago Half Marathon & 5K Andrew Diamond Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Juliana Diaz NYC Half Marathon Michael Diaz NYC Half Marathon Caroline Diemer Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge Ana DiLoreto Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Michael Dixon Tips for Parkinson’s Wheeling STS-Gr. 10 Boys Crew Team Fox Fundraiser Nikki Dobbins Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Half & 5K Phyllis D’Accordo Team Fox Fundraiser Douglas Dolan New England Parkinson’s Ride James Feldman New England Parkinson’s Ride Nancy Frey Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Mary Dalaba Team Fox Fundraiser Annette Donnelly New England Parkinson’s Ride Katie Fell NYC Triathlon Deborah Friesen Team Fox Fundraiser Jared Davis Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Michele Donovan New England Parkinson’s Ride Susanne Felser Tour de Fox Marion Frost New England Parkinson’s Ride 2015 Annual Report 51 $1K—$2,499 (cont.) Zsolt Fuzik NYC Half Marathon Steven Galecki Team Fox Fundraiser Mike Gallaher Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Chris Gardner New England Parkinson’s Ride Kristen Garzone Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Charlotte Gaskins Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Joel Gaynor Bank of America Chicago Marathon Gregory Geheb New England Parkinson’s Ride Elizabeth Gerhard Tour de Fox Karen Geromini New England Parkinson’s Ride, Team Fox Fundraiser Lev Gershman Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Randi Gewirtz Team Fox Fundraiser Roy Gilbert Team Fox Fundraiser Jeffrey Goldberg New England Parkinson’s Ride Daniela Goldgruber Team Fox Fundraiser Adam Gordon New England Parkinson’s Ride John Gray Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Tim Greene New England Parkinson’s Ride Sharon Greif Team Fox Fundraiser Danna Gross Bank of America Chicago Marathon Gary Guinta Tips for Parkinson’s Gene Gurkoff Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge Spencer Guthrie Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Christopher Guzikowski New England Parkinson’s Ride Jon Hackler Bank of America Chicago Marathon Ron Hadar New England Parkinson’s Ride Don Hall Team Fox Fundraiser Stephanie Hall Tour de Fox Amanda Henkel Chicago Half Marathon & 5K Dean Kousek Team Fox Fundraiser John Maxwell Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Mary Hennen Team Fox Fundraiser Cole Krajeski Team Fox Fundraiser David Maxwell-Jolly Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Lucy Herrman Tour de Fox Heather Kralj Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Lisa McCabe Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Nicole Hinckley Chicago Half Marathon & 5K Donna Krenicki Tour de Fox Nicole McCabe Bank of America Chicago Marathon Samantha Hirschmann Tips for Parkinson’s Jennifer Kukel Bank of America Chicago Marathon Dawn Marie McGaff Bank of America Chicago Marathon Alea Hocutt Chicago Half Marathon & 5K Michelle Kweder New England Parkinson’s Ride Catherine McKinney Tips for Parkinson’s Allison Hoden Chicago Half Marathon & 5K Seth Kweller Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Bonnie McNey TD Bank 5 Boro Bike Tour Bobby Horvath Team Fox Fundraiser Matt Lattman Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Katie Miller NYC Half Marathon Karen Hottle Bank of America Chicago Marathon Katherine Laundre Bank of America Chicago Marathon Marcia Howard Team Fox Fundraiser Serena Hu Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Thomas Huber BMO Vancouver Marathon Stacey Huntoon NYC Half Marathon Janet Iacobuzio TD Bank 5 Boro Bike Tour Greg Ingrassia Tips for Parkinson’s Ann Irving New England Parkinson’s Ride, Tour de Fox Mason Irving New England Parkinson’s Ride, Tour de Fox David Isaac Tips for Parkinson’s James Jablonka New England Parkinson’s Ride Liz and Dean Jurgen Team Fox Fundraiser Jessica Kahn Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Brian Karbel New England Parkinson’s Ride Talia Katz Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Susan Keady Team Fox Fundraiser Andy Keller Bank of America Chicago Marathon Stephanie Kelly Tour de Fox Kevin Kennedy Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Randy Kershner New England Parkinson’s Ride Paul Lebar Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend James Lechleiter Team Fox Fundraiser David Lee NYC Half Marathon Benjamin Lee Bank of America Chicago Marathon Walter Lee Bank of America Chicago Marathon John Lenox Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Raymond Lessard New England Parkinson’s Ride David Ligon-Miller Tips for Parkinson’s Percy Link Team Fox Fundraiser Irida Llambiri Team Fox Fundraiser Erika Lokander Bank of America Chicago Marathon Suzanne Long Tour de Fox Bob Lucci New England Parkinson’s Ride Mary Lucci New England Parkinson’s Ride Olivia Lyman New England Parkinson’s Ride Crystal Lyon Team Fox Fundraiser Lauren Mahoney Team Fox Fundraiser, Tour de Fox Abby Mahoney New England Parkinson’s Ride Nicholas Malone Bank of America Chicago Marathon Erin Miller NYC Half Marathon Julian Modesti New England Parkinson’s Ride Steven Mollohan New England Parkinson’s Ride Kelly Moore Chicago Half Marathon & 5K Alexander Mouzas New England Parkinson’s Ride The Mullenators Team Fox Fundraiser Natalie Muzzio NYC Half Marathon Karen Myers New England Parkinson’s Ride Chris Nanof New England Parkinson’s Ride, Team Fox Fundraiser Mohamed Nazeeb IRONMAN 70.3 Mont Tremblant Sean Negron Bank of America Chicago Marathon Tara Nelson Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend, Tour de Fox Danielle Nelson Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Half & 5K Jeff Ngo Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Edward Norton NYC Half Marathon Sean O’Donohue Bank of America Chicago Marathon Daniel Offit NYC Triathlon Sydney Offner NYC Half Marathon Anne O’Gorman New England Parkinson’s Ride Lauren O’Hara TCS NYC Marathon Fahd Khan New England Parkinson’s Ride Bradford Maltby Jr. New England Parkinson’s Ride Peter O’Keefe Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Imad Khan New England Parkinson’s Ride Brynn Marchiando Team Fox Fundraiser Lindsey Oken TCS NYC Marathon William Kift Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Chris Marinelli Tips for Parkinson’s Alyson O’Meara NYC Half Marathon Jennifer Kim Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Rachel Mark Team Fox Fundraiser Brian Orfall Team Fox Fundraiser Denis Haskin Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Jason Klamm Team Fox Fundraiser Claudia Marshall Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Crystal Overland Team Fox Fundraiser Michael Haviland New England Parkinson’s Ride Jennifer Knapp TCS NYC Marathon Francesca Marshall Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Regan Packer Team Fox Fundraiser John Hellier New England Parkinson’s Ride Emily Knight Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Jennifer Martley TD Bank 5 Boro Bike Tour Brian Pariroo Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Jim Hempleman Bank of America Chicago Marathon Marisa Koten Tour de Fox Eva Mathews Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Katharine Parker NYC Half Marathon John Hanley Bank of America Chicago Marathon Donna Hanley Tour de Fox Paul Hanna Bank of America Chicago Marathon 52 The Michael J. Fox Foundation Ken Parker Team Fox Fundraiser Erich Roehre New England Parkinson’s Ride Linda Spielberg Team Fox Fundraiser Chad Warner Bank of America Chicago Marathon Toby Paz Team Fox Fundraiser Mary Roffers Team Fox Fundraiser Jeff Spratt TD Bank 5 Boro Bike Tour Emily Wasserberg TD Bank 5 Boro Bike Tour Craig Peacock New England Parkinson’s Ride Susan Rogers Bank of America Chicago Marathon Julia Springer Team Fox Fundraiser Louise Wasserberg TD Bank 5 Boro Bike Tour Ryan Pearson Bank of America Chicago Marathon Kevin Rubinstein TCS NYC Marathon Ryan Squillante Tips for Parkinson’s Franz Weber Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Bruce Pegg Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Amy Rudnick Team Fox Fundraiser Elizabeth Stacey Team Fox Fundraiser Nikki Weerts Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Denise Penuel Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Claudia Russell Bank of America Chicago Marathon Mary Stahl Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Patrick Weil Chicago Half Marathon & 5K Laxmi Peri Bank of America Chicago Marathon Barbara Ryan Tour de Fox Tiffany Stewart Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Zachary Weiner NYC Half Marathon Christopher Peter TCS NYC Marathon Lisa Salmon TCS NYC Marathon Amy Stickford Becker Tour de Fox Matthew Weiss TCS NYC Marathon Kristen Peterson Bank of America Chicago Marathon Cristin Sampair Bank of America Chicago Marathon Lauren Streib NYC Half Marathon Cynthia Weissbein Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Jennifer Stults Bank of America Chicago Marathon Elizabeth Wells Chicago Half Marathon & 5K Jacquelyn Sukie TCS NYC Marathon Sarah Werner Team Fox Fundraiser Wesley Sweet Tips for Parkinson’s Sue Wheeler New England Parkinson’s Ride, Team Fox Fundraiser Eric Pfeil Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Michael Pickens Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Stephanie Pierce Team Fox Fundraiser Chistopher Pino Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Sully Pinos NYC Half Marathon Beltway Plaza Mall Team Fox Fundraiser Lucy Pliscofsky Team Fox Fundraiser Mark Pollard New England Parkinson’s Ride Greg Poole-Dayan TD Bank 5 Boro Bike Tour Yvonne Poon Team Fox Fundraiser Kimberly Prescott New England Parkinson’s Ride Benjamin Price Bank of America Chicago Marathon Jamie Principi NYC Half Marathon Nicole Prisco NYC Half Marathon Greg Purinton-Brown New England Parkinson’s Ride Dermot Quigley Rock N Roll DC Marathon, Half & 5K Mary Rae Team Fox Fundraiser Kristienne Rassiger New England Parkinson’s Ride Sierra Rauchbach NYC Half Marathon Zachary Raymond Rock N Roll DC Marathon, Half & 5K Reddit Inc. Team Fox Fundraiser Karen Sanderson New England Parkinson’s Ride Cindy Sanderson New England Parkinson’s Ride Shari-Liane Sangster NYC Half Marathon, Tour de Fox Craig Scheidler Team Fox Fundraiser Simone Hilfstein Scheumann Tour de Fox Wilma Schmerer Team Fox Fundraiser Olivia Schwandt Tour de Fox David Schwartz Team Fox Fundraiser Jonah Schwartz Team Fox Fundraiser Mary Helen Seim (Sperber) Summit Kilimanjaro Team Senior Varsity Boys Never Give Up Team Fox Fundraiser John Shannon Bank of America Chicago Marathon Bill Shepherd Tips for Parkinson’s Kristin Shulman Bank of America Chicago Marathon Mary Simmons TCS NYC Marathon Richard Singh Tips for Parkinson’s Lori Sirmen Bank of America Chicago Marathon Michael Skinner Tips for Parkinson’s Trudi Smith NYC Half Marathon Jacqueline Talarico Team Fox Fundraiser Dan Tarkinson New England Parkinson’s Ride Sherill Taub New England Parkinson’s Ride Abbe Temkin Tips for Parkinson’s Tristan Theissing Bank of America Chicago Marathon Hillary Thomas Team Fox Fundraiser Stacy Thomas Rock N Roll DC Marathon, Half & 5K, Marine Corps Marathon & 10K Myrdin Thompson Rock the Ridge 50 Mile Endurance Challenge, Bank of America Chicago Marathon Richard Tigner Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Becky Sue Tigner Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Karli Tobin Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Lauren Tomasich Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon Paulina Tsagaris Team Fox Fundraiser Cyril Urbano NYC Half Marathon Daniel Vannoni New England Parkinson’s Ride Alex Vannoni New England Parkinson’s Ride Margaret Smith Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Virag Vas NYC Half Marathon Jan Smith Billing Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Chris Vaughan New England Parkinson’s Ride Stephen Snow New England Parkinson’s Ride Jim Vawter Team Fox Fundraiser David Soiles Tour de Fox Mark Voronin Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Barbara Richards Team Fox Fundraiser Saul Sola NYC Half Marathon Donna Wagner NYC Half Marathon Rock Star Riders Team Fox Fundraiser TouroCOM SOMA Team Fox Fundraiser Kathryn Wakely-Clare Toronto Waterfront Marathon, Half & 5K Pam Rilling Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Brian Sparkman Team Fox Fundraiser Dion Waldow Tips for Parkinson’s Lizbeth Robledo Bank of America Chicago Marathon Suzanne Speece Team Fox Fundraiser Nicholas Warder BMO Vancouver Marathon Terri Reid BMO Vancouver Marathon Stephanie Rheinheimer Bank of America Chicago Marathon Justin Rhudy Rock N Roll DC Marathon, Half & 5K, Marine Corps Marathon & 10K, Jean Whitcomb Team Fox Fundraiser Sharon Whitehead-van Loben Sels Team Fox Fundraiser Mary Whorlow Bank of America Chicago Marathon Staci Wilkenson Team Fox Fundraiser Mollie Wilkie Tips for Parkinson’s Andi Willis Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Robert Wills Chicago Half Marathon & 5K Danielle Winterhalter Tour de Fox Kevin Wodlinger Tour de Fox Wine Country Edition Charles Wolenter Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend Pat Wolf Tour de Fox Bruce Wolfe Team Fox Fundraiser Josh Wolff Bank of America Chicago Marathon Jervis Wong NYC Half Marathon Carol Wood NYC Half Marathon Michael Wood Team Fox Fundraiser Bonnie Woods New England Parkinson’s Ride Chris Wren Tips for Parkinson’s Jennifer Wright Team Fox Fundraiser Stephanie Wright Bank of America Chicago Marathon Gregory Zick Tour de Fox 2015 Annual Report 53 Tour de Fox In the summer of 2015, thousands from the Parkinson’s community took part in the Tour de Fox — a 103-day cycling and climbing journey across the United States and Canada. All proceeds from the Tour went directly to research efforts. Thank you to all who biked, climbed or donated with us along this journey. A special thanks is owed to Board members whose extraordinary support of the Tour helped unite the PD community: Lee Fixel, Nelle Fortenberry, Amar Kuchinad, Woody Shackleton, Rick Tigner and Sonny Whelen. Learn more about the Tour and the 2016 Series at tourdefox.org. MJFF staffer and ultra-athlete Sam Fox (no relation to Michael J. Fox) was inspired to lead the Tour by his mother, Lucy, who has lived with PD for more than 15 years. TOP TO B OT TO M Sam Fox with his mother Lucy Fox, his father James Fox and his nephew Lucas; Tracy Pollan, Michael J. Fox, Sam, Lauren Fixel and Lee Fixel at the Tour de Fox kickoff 54 The Michael J. Fox Foundation 3K+ Participants $2.5M raised 2X the original goal Community Engagement 2,127 SOCIAL MEDIA CONVERSATIONS 41 CELEBRATION EVENTS LED BY THE PD COMMUNITY AND TEAM FOX Athletic Derring-Do 8,000 MILES BIKED 49 CLIMBS MADE CLOC KW ISE FRO M TOP LE FT Michael J. Fox joins Sam and Tour climbers at the final summit at Grouse Grind, Vancouver; Patient Council member Dave Iverson summits California’s Mt. Whitney; Leadership Council member Susan Bilotta (middle left) and her mother Joan Bilotta (middle) with participants at High Point State Park, New Jersey; Sam poses with Rick Tigner, Board member and founder of the Wine Country Ride — the largest event of the Tour; Board member Sonny Whelen and Christine Whelen join Sam and Kristen Milliron to summit Vancouver’s Grouse Grind 2015 Annual Report 55 56 The Michael J. Fox Foundation 2015 Financial Highlights At The Michael J. Fox Foundation, we take our responsibility to our donors seriously, and we are grateful that you choose to support our mission to speed a cure for Parkinson’s. SINCE WE OPENED OUR DOORS in We can’t do it alone, and we thank 2000, accountability, transparency and you for every gift to help drive medical efficiency have been core values of our solutions to benefit patients and families. Foundation. We seek to maximize the The 2015 financial highlights follow. generosity of our supporters and to accelerate high-impact science: 89 cents of every dollar we spend With this year’s annual report, we are moving to a digital version as part of our goes directly to research programs. commitment to putting as many dollars Though we have funded more than report, full audited financials and our $600 million in research to date, we most recent IRS Form 990s are available don’t measure success in dollars spent. at michaeljfox.org/annualreport. toward research as possible. The online We continue to push forward toward the day when we reach our ultimate goal of a cure, and we close our doors. 2015 Annual Report 57 The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research Consolidated Statements of Financial Position As of December 31 Assets Cash and cash equivalents Investments Contributions receivable, net Beneficial interest in trusts Prepaid expenses and other current assets Security deposits Inventory Property and equipment, net Total Assets 2015 2014 $ 108,518,271 1,276,214 16,317,283 531,011 578,045 852,521 38,257 851,153 $ 97,476,247 1,287,327 15,995,428 267,295 560,555 845,586 40,920 1,107,159 $ 128,962,755 $ 117,580,517 $ 2,679,755 75,551,313 1,150,196 401,917 560,468 327,615 152,800 $ 2,140,662 67,293,865 1,150,196 337,017 644,656 147,448 — $ 80,824,064 $ 71,713,884 $ 30,195,017 17,943,674 $ 26,917,079 18,949,554 48,138,691 45,866,633 $ 128,962,755 $ 117,580,517 Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses Grants payable, net Loans payable, net Interest payable Deferred rent Annuities payable Deferred revenue Total Liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted Temporary restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets Growing Investments in PD Research 4 0 % IN Five-Year Snapshot 58 The Michael J. Fox Foundation $62M $63M 2011 2012 C R E AS E S IN C E 2 0 11 $87M $77M $76M 2013 2014 2015 The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research Consolidated Statements of Activities Year Ended December 31 2015 2014 Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Total Total Contributions $ 40,780,392 $ 52,060,040 $ 92,840,432 $ 77,988,180 Special events 2,574,501 2,864,127 5,438,628 6,009,630 Investment losses (27,359) — (27,359) (142,997) Rental income 429,678 — 429,678 429,678 1,229,015 — 1,229,015 45,677 44,986,227 54,924,167 99,910,394 84,330,168 55,930,047 (55,930,047) — — $ 100,916,274 $ (1,005,880) $ 99,910,394 $ 84,330,168 $ 87,863,177 — $ 87,863,177 $ 75,749,283 Management and general 2,306,176 — 2,306,176 2,099,098 Fundraising 7,468,983 — 7,468,983 6,785,045 $ 97,638,336 — $ 97,638,336 $ 84,633,426 3,277,938 (1,005,880) 2,272,058 (303,258) 26,917,079 18,949,554 45,866,633 46,169,891 $ 30,195,017 $ 17,943,674 $ 48,138,691 $ 45,866,633 Public Support and Revenue (net of direct benefit to donors of $1,095,431 and $982,009 in 2015 and 2014, respectively) Miscellaneous income Total public support and revenue before release of restrictions Net assets released from restrictions Total public support and revenue Expenses Program Services Total expensess Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year Where Your Money Goes Since Inception 89% 8% 3% Research Programs Since 2000 Fundraising Administration 2015 Annual Report 59 2015 Financial Highlights Canada Since our launch in 2000, The Michael J. Fox Foundation has received a steady outpouring of Canadian support. Canadian researchers have been actively involved in our scientific agenda since the earliest days, and individuals from all over the country have invested in our research efforts or joined Team Fox. MJFF officially registered as a Canadian charity in 2009. 60 The Michael J. Fox Foundation The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research Statements of Financial Position As of December 31 2015 2014 1,669,847 618,849 103,800 11,045 — 442,781 $ 1,773,647 $ 1,072,675 7,500 6,695 88,202 1,065,980 1,677,945 — $ 1,773,647 $ 1,072,675 2015 2014 1,318,035 1,210,110 $ 1,318,035 $ 1,210,110 1,300,259 1,197,347 17,776 12,763 $ 1,318,035 $ 1,210,110 — — Assets Cash Pledge receivable Due from The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (USA) Total Assets Liabilities Liabilities Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Grants payable Due from The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research (USA) Total Liabilities Statements of Operations and Changes in Net Assets Year Ended December 31 Revenue Donations Total Revenue Expenses Research grant awards Administration and other Total Expenses Excess of revenue over expenses and net assets, beginning and end of year 2015 Annual Report 61 Credits Purpose. Partnership. Progress. Photo Credits The Michael J. Fox Foundation 2015 Annual Report was published in June 2016. Cover and pages 20, 46, and 56 Chief Executive Officer Pages 5, 13, 19, 25, 35 and 37 Todd Sherer, PhD Founder Sam Ogden Pages 2 and 3 Mark Seliger Courtesy of MJFF supporters and their friends and families Pages 6 and 7 Michael J. Fox 1 – Getty Images Co-Founder & Executive Vice Chairman Deborah W. Brooks Senior Vice President, Communications and Content Strategies Holly Teichholtz 4 – Elena Olivo 5 – Filip Wolak 6, 8 and 16 – Ann Billingsley 9, 10 and 13 – Studio 1923 11 – James Ernestine 14 – Ben Aset Page 30 Editor Cheryl Blowers, Associate Director, Development Communications [email protected] Publications Coordinator Emily Murphy Top left – Cinespia Bottom left – Vianney Le Caera Pages 38, 41, 45, 47, 48 and 51 Courtesy of Team Fox staff and members Page 49 Design Taylor Ahearn Simplissimus www.simplissimus.net Page 54 Elena Olivo Page 55 Top left – Kurt Wedberg Bottom left – Christine McAvoy 62 The Michael J. Fox Foundation Boards and Councils Board of Directors Chairman Jeff Keefer Vice Chairman Woody Shackleton Holly S. Andersen, MD Glenn Batchelder Mark Booth Jon Brooks Barry J. Cohen Andrew Creighton Donny Deutsch David Einhorn Karen Finerman Lee Fixel Nelle Fortenberry Michael J. Fox Willie Geist David Glickman David Golub Mark L. Hart III Skip Irving Edward Kalikow Amar Kuchinad Edwin A. Levy Marc S. Lipschultz Ofer Nemirovsky Andy O’Brien Douglas I. Ostrover Tracy Pollan George E. Prescott Ryan Reynolds Frederick E. Rowe Lily Safra Carolyn Schenker Curtis Schenker Jeffrey Katzenberg Morton M. Kondracke Nora McAniff Scientific Advisory Board Donna Shalala, PhD Alberto Ascherio, MD, Dr PH Leadership Council Anders Björklund, MD, PhD Erwan Bezard, PhD Chairman Susan Bressman, MD Richard Fitzgerald Robert E. Burke, MD Vice Chairman Angela Cenci-Nilsson, MD, PhD Daisy Prince Omar Abdel-Hafez Shakeeb Alam Loren Berger Felix Bhandari Susan Bilotta Dev Chodry John S. Daly Julia Kelly Justin Lepone Rafi Rosman Scott Schefrin Bill Shepherd Ryan Squillante Patient Council Carl Bolch, Jr. Eugenia Brin Ken Cater Christopher Chadbourne Carey Christensen Rich Clifford Quentin Dastugue Steve DeWitte Anne Cohn Donnelly, D.P.H. David Eger, PhD Bill Geist Cindy Gray Richard J. Schnall Lynn Hagerbrant Anne-Cecilie Engell Speyer David Iverson George Stephanopoulos Karen Jaffe, MD Bonnie Strauss Nicole Jarvis, MD Rick Tigner Soania Mathur, MD Fred G. Weiss Tony Mendez Sonny Whelen Hilton Mirels, MD Peter Zaffino Bret Parker Founder’s Council Eric Pitcher Lonnie and Muhammad Ali Bryan Roberts Steven A. Cohen Israel Robledo Albert B. Glickman Richie Rothenberg John Griffin Margaret Sheehan Andrew S. Grove Dan Suwyn Katie Hood W.N. (Bill) Wilkins Marie-Françoise Chesselet, MD, PhD P. Jeffrey Conn, PhD Mark R. Cookson, PhD David Eidelberg, MD Matthew Farrer, PhD Charles (Chip) Gerfen, PhD J. Timothy Greenamyre, MD, PhD Franz F. Hefti, PhD Etienne C. Hirsch, PhD* Oleh Hornykiewicz, MD Ole Isacson, MD (Dr Med Sci)* Joseph Jankovic, MD Jennifer Johnston, PhD Jeffrey H. Kordower, PhD J. William Langston, MD Andres Lozano, MD, PhD* Kenneth Marek, MD Kalpana M. Merchant, PhD* C. Warren Olanow, MD Bernard M. Ravina, MD, MSCE Peter H. Reinhart, PhD Ian J. Reynolds, PhD Irene Hegeman Richard, MD Ira Shoulson, MD* Andrew Singleton, PhD David G. Standaert, MD, PhD Dennis A. Steindler, PhD Caroline Tanner, MD, PhD, FAAN David M. Weiner, MD* Michael Zigmond, PhD William (Bill) Richter *Executive Committee 2015 Annual Report 63 “ You can effect change if you are bold, strong and positive. ” Michael J. Fox The Michael J. Fox Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. © 2016 The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research We gratefully acknowledge Ruder Finn, Inc., for their support in sharing our mission and urgency with more people every year. Thank you to Bulkley Dunton for donating the high-quality Finch Opaque Smooth paper stock on which this publication was printed and to Hearst Corporation for facilitating the gift. We also share our gratitude to EarthColor for printing this book below cost. We have made a concerted effort to accurately list all donors of significant contributions in 2015. If your name is misspelled or missing from this report, please accept our apology and email the correct information to [email protected]. Read and share this Annual Report online at michaeljfox.org/annualreport. MICHAEL JFOX .ORG 8 0 0–7 08–76 44 michaeljfoxfoundation @michaeljfoxorg @michaeljfoxorg michaeljfox
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