Tuesdays with Morrie

Hopkinsville High School
English II
Cook, Mark, T. Jones, Gregory
Feb 1-Mar17, 2017
Class Period: ________
Visible Thinking
On sticky notes, find passages from
"Tuesdays with Morrie" that speak to the
1.) Take one (1) sticky note in each
2.) Put your name on each in the
On sticky notes, find one passage in your
reading for each category:
Yellow = Characterization
Green = Lesson Learned
Blue = Author's Style
3) When finished, place on the board
under each column. We will use these later!
Shawncey Cook-Aguirre
Standards – Novel Unit #4 English II
RL.10.1 Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
I will identify strong and thorough textual evidence.
I will discuss details the text uses to support textual analysis.
I will analyze text in order to provide evidence of how the text explicitly uses details to support key ideas .
I will draw inferences from the text in order to understand how textual analysis is developed.
I will cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support the text (explicit and inferred).
RL.10.2 Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and
refined by specific details; provide an objective summary of the text.
I will identify the central idea or theme within a text.
I will identify specific details that support the development of a theme or central ideas as it:
a) emerges b) is shaped c) is refined
I will summarize.
I will analyze how the theme or central idea of a text emerges, is shaped and refined by specific details.
I will interpret how the text supports key ideas or themes with specific details.
I will formulate an objective summary that includes how the central idea: a) emerges b) is shaped c) is refined by specific details
RL10.3 Analyze how complex characters (e.g., those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a text, interact with other characters, and
advance the plot or develop the theme.
I will identify: a) complex characters in a text b) evidence in a text that makes the character complex
I will identify conflicting motivations.
I will identify the theme of a story.
I will analyze how characters change over the course of the text.
I will explain how characters’ motivations/traits affect the plot.
I will analyze how the character(s)’: a) conflicts b) motivations c) interactions advance the plot or theme.
RL10.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of
specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of time and place; how it sets a formal or informal tone).
I will identify and determine the meanings of: a) words and phrases b) figurative words and phrases c) connotative words and phrases in a text.
I will identify words that impact meaning and tone.
I will determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text.
I will analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choice on meaning or tone.
RL.10.5 Analyze how an author’s choices concerning how to structure a text, order events within it (e.g., parallel plots), and manipulate time (e.g., pacing, flashbacks)
create such effects as mystery, tension, or surprise.
I will identify text structure.
I will identify order of events in text.
I will identify how an author manipulates time.
I will describe the effect such as: a) mystery b) tension c)surprise the author uses.
I will analyze how an author’s: a) choice of plot structure creates an effect b) order of events within a text creates an effect c) manipulation of time creates
an effect.
RL.10.6 Analyze a particular point of view or cultural experience reflected in a work of literature from outside the United States, drawing on a wide reading of world
I will identify point of view from outside the U.S.
I will define cultural experience.
I will distinguish difference between culture and cultural experience.
I will identify the: a) point of view or b) cultural experience
I will cite details or examples of the point of view or cultural experience.
I will analyze the point of view or cultural experience using contrasting and/or supporting views from a wide array of other world literature.
RL.10.7 Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic mediums, including what is emphasized or absent in each treatment (e.g.,
Auden’s “Musée des Beaux Arts” and Breughel’s Landscape with the Fall of Icarus).
I will identify various artistic media.
I will recognize the literary and artistic use of the terms “subject” & key scene.
I will analyze how and why an artist/author chooses to represent a subject or scene.
I will analyze why the artist/author emphasized ideas for effect.
I will explain what is stressed or missing from a given representation in 2 different artistic media.
RL.10.9 Analyze how an author draws on and transforms source material in a specific work (e.g., how Shakespeare treats a theme or topic from Ovid or the Bible or
how a later author draws on a play by Shakespeare).
I will identify theme or topic.
I will distinguish between theme and topic.
I will identify the difference between primary text and source material.
I will identify allusion, metaphor, parable, and parody.
I will analyze how an author draws on and transforms source maternal in a specific work.
I will compare/contrast the treatment of similar themes or topics from two or more texts.
RI.10.3 Analyze how the author unfolds an analysis or series of ideas or events, including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced and
developed, and the connections that are drawn between them.
I will identify organizational patterns (e.g., cause/effect, chronological, sequential, order of importance, c/c and logical)
I will identify paragraph development strategies (e.g., facts, statistics, examples, anecdotes)
I will determine the main ideas or events.
I will examine the strategies the author uses to: a) introduce his points b) develop his points
I will analyze the author’s use of organizational patterns and techniques to connect ideas and communicate an overall message.
I will analyze the author’s use of organizational patterns and techniques to connect ideas and communicate an overall message.
I will analyze how the author unfolds analysis or series of ideas or events including the order in which the points are made, how they are introduced, and
developed and connections drawn between them.
RI.10.4 Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the cumulative
impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language of a court opinion differs from that of a newspaper).
I will identify: a) words and phrases b) figurative words and phrases c) connotative words and phrases
d) technical words and phrases in a text
I will identify tone of a text.
I will determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including: a) figurative
b) connotative c) technical meanings
I will analyze the cumulative effect of words choices on: a) meaning b) tone
RI.10.6 Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose.
I will identify author’s point of view or purpose.
I will define rhetoric.
I will identify rhetorical techniques.
I will analyze the author’s use of rhetoric.
I will analyze the rhetorical techniques the author uses to express his/her point of view or purpose.
I will support analysis with examples from the text.
RI.10.10 By the end of grade 10, read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grade 10 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end
of the range. By the end of grade 10, read and comprehend literary nonfiction at the high end of the grade 10 text complexity band independently and proficiently.
I will identify in literary non-fiction: a) key ideas and details b) craft and structure c) integration of knowledge and ideas at appropriate complexity as seen
in Standards 1-9 with scaffolding as necessary.
I will comprehend independently in literary non-fiction: a) key ideas and details b) integration of knowledge and ideas at appropriate complexity as seen in
Standards 1-9 with scaffolding as necessary.
W.10.1 Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among
claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence.
I will recognize organizational patterns in writing.
I will define precise claim and counter claim.
I will define and generate substantive topics or texts.
I will determine method to introduce precise claim (s) and distinguish the claim (s) from alternate or opposing claims.
I will select organizational structures that establish clear relationships among claim (s), counterclaims, reasons and evidence.
W.10.1d Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing.
I will identify norms and conventions of disciplines use in writing.
I will develop formal writing style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline.
I will recognize: a) Transitional words, phrase, and clauses. b) Formal style and objective tone c) Concluding statements or sections that support the
argument presented
W.10.1e Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.
I will recognize: a) Transitional words, phrase, and clauses. b) Formal style and objective tone c) Concluding statements or sections that support the
argument presented
I will plan concluding statements or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.
I will write an argument to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence which: a)
Introduces precise claims(s) b) Distinguishes claims from alternate or opposing claims. c) Creates organizational structures that establish clear relationships
among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons and evidence. d) Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, with evidence. e) Points out strengths and limitations
of claims and counterclaims. f) Anticipates the audience’s knowledge level and concerns. g) Uses words, phrases and clauses to link sections of text, create
cohesion, and clarify relationship. h) Establishes and maintains formal style and objective tone. i) Attends to the norms and conventions of the discipline. j)
Provides a concluding statement that follows from and supports the argument presented.
W.10.2b Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples
appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic.
I will select well-chosen, relevant, sufficient: a) Facts b) Definitions c) Details d) Quotations appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic.
I will write informative/explanatory text which: a) Examines/conveys complex ideas, concepts, information. b) Demonstrates clear and accurate
information. c) Uses: i) Effective selection ii) Organization iii) Analysis of content
I will develop the topic with: a) Well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts b) Extended definitions c) Concrete details e) Quotations f) Other information g)
Examples appropriate to the audience’s knowledge of the topic.
W.10.3a Engage and orient the reader by setting out a problem, situation, or observation, establishing one or multiple point(s) of view, and introducing a narrator
and/or characters; create a smooth progression of experiences or events.
I will identify multiple points of view in narratives.
I will analyze multiple points of view of various narratives
I will write a narrative to develop real or imagined experiences or events that: a) Engages the reader with a problem, situation, or observation and
introduces a narrator and/or characters. b) Establishes multiple points of view. c) Uses techniques such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and
multiple plot lines to develop experiences, events, characters d) Uses a variety of transitions to develop a coherent sequence of events. e) Uses appropriate
precise, descriptive, and sensory language. f) Includes a reflective conclusion that flows from what is experienced, observed, or resolved.
W.10.3b Use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot lines, to develop experiences, events, and/or characters.
I will define and identify multiple plot lines.
I will analyze the use of multiple plot lines in narratives.
I will design an organized sequence of events with dialogue to develop experiences, events, and/or characters
I will write a narrative to develop real or imagined experiences or events that: a) Engages the reader with a problem, situation, or observation and
introduces a narrator and/or characters. b) Establishes multiple points of view. c) Uses techniques such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and
multiple plot lines to develop experiences, events, characters d) Uses a variety of transitions to develop a coherent sequence of events. e) Uses appropriate
precise, descriptive, and sensory language. f) Includes a reflective conclusion that flows from what is experienced, observed, or resolved.
W.10.3c Use a variety of techniques to sequence events so that they build on one another to create a coherent whole.
I will use a variety of techniques to logically and sequence and connect events.
I will write a narrative to develop real or imagined experiences or events that: a) Engages the reader with a problem, situation, or observation and
introduces a narrator and/or characters. b) Establishes multiple points of view. c) Uses techniques such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and
multiple plot lines to develop experiences, events, characters d) Uses a variety of transitions to develop a coherent sequence of events. e) Uses appropriate
precise, descriptive, and sensory language. f) Includes a reflective conclusion that flows from what is experienced, observed, or resolved.
W.10.3d Use precise words and phrases, telling details, and sensory language to convey a vivid picture of the experiences, events, setting, and/or characters.
I will define and identify multiple creative and personal writing techniques.
I will use precise, descriptive, and sensory language to develop vivid images of experiences, events, setting, and characters.
I will write a narrative to develop real or imagined experiences or events that: a) Engages the reader with a problem, situation, or observation and
introduces a narrator and/or characters. b) Establishes multiple points of view. c) Uses techniques such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and
multiple plot lines to develop experiences, events, characters d) Uses a variety of transitions to develop a coherent sequence of events. e) Uses appropriate
precise, descriptive, and sensory language. f) Includes a reflective conclusion that flows from what is experienced, observed, or resolved.
W.10.3e Provide a conclusion that follows from and reflects on what is experienced, observed, or resolved over the course of the narrative.
I will analyze the relationships among experiences and events.
I will develop conclusions that reflect on what is experienced, observed, or resolved in a narrative.
I will write a narrative to develop real or imagined experiences or events that: a) Engages the reader with a problem, situation, or observation and
introduces a narrator and/or characters. b) Establishes multiple points of view. c) Uses techniques such as dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and
multiple plot lines to develop experiences, events, characters d) Uses a variety of transitions to develop a coherent sequence of events. e) Uses appropriate
precise, descriptive, and sensory language. f) Includes a reflective conclusion that flows from what is experienced, observed, or resolved.
W.10.4 Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.
I will analyze the reason for writing a piece to decide on: a) task b) purpose c) audience
I will determine suitable: a) idea development strategies b) organization c) style appropriate to task purpose and audience
I will produce a writing piece that is clear and coherent with: a) idea development b) organization c) style appropriate to the task, purpose and audience
W.10.5 Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant
for a specific purpose and audience. (Editing for conventions should demonstrate command of Language Standards)
I will recognize how and when to: a) plan b) revise c) edit d) rewrite e) try a new approach
I will recognize significant information for the needs of: a) audience b) purpose
I will edit for conventions of Writing demonstrating.
I will develop and strengthen writing as needed by: a) planning b) revising c) editing d) rewriting e) trying a new approach
I will determine focus on: a) what is most significant for a specific purpose b) what is significant for a specific audience
W.10.6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link
to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.
I will define flexible (e.g. continually updated) and dynamic (e.g. continually progressing with intensity and vigor) display of information.
I will determine appropriate information for links.
I will critique my own or others’ products to update or maintain new and accurate information.
I will use technology, including the Internet, to produce, revise, edit, and publish writing.
I will demonstrate use of technology to update individual/shared writing.
I will use technology to interact and collaborate with others for an intended purpose.
I will demonstrate command of technology to link to appropriate sources of information.
I will use technology to display information flexibly and dynamically.
SL.10.4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the
organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task.
I will identify: a) information b) findings c) supporting evidence
I will recognize that representation of information is determined by analysis of: a) purpose b) audience c) task
I will recognize clear, concise, and logical presentation of information and findings.
I will evaluate: a) supporting evidence b) logical organization c) appropriate development d) appropriate substance e) appropriate style for purpose,
audience, and task.
I will present: a) information b) findings c) supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the:
a) organization b) development c) substance d) style are appropriate to:
a) purpose b) audience and c) task
I will determine or clarify the meaning of unknown or multiple meaning words and phrases
SL.10.6 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.
I will describe audience, situation, and purpose.
I will identify qualities of formal and informal speech.
I will describe formal and informal settings.
I will evaluate audience needs (including perceptions and misconceptions)
I will distinguish between formal and informal speech.
I will analyze the situation to determine if it requires formal or informal language.
I will speak effectively in a variety of situations.
I will demonstrate correct language usage.
I will adjust from informal to formal language when appropriate.
Novel Unit
Enduring Understanding Questions
1. Identify and explain how we develop and sustain a sense of belonging
in life?
2. Identify and explain what roles do other people play in helping us to
define who we are?
3. Identify and explain in detail what my most deeply held beliefs are?
4. Explain why it is important to be generous, and what does generosity look like in action?
5. How does our collective culture influence who we are as individuals?
6. Identify who you admire? Identify who inspires you? Explain why you connect with those heroes?
7. Explain why it is important to listen to advice from others.
8. Identify and explain one instance that you would want an opportunity to re-do in your life.
9. Identify and explain five things/ideas you would add to your bucket list.
10. Compare and contrast how you have matured or changed since you started high school.
List of Challenging Character Trait Words
Here is a list of mostly challenging character trait words in alphabetical order.
Indirect/Implicit Character Traits
Directions: Define the character trait. Then, write what a character showing that trait might do.
Example - Greedy
Definition: Unwilling to share, selfish.
Action: A greedy person wouldn’t share their chips, even if other people have shared with them before.
1. Ambitious
What might an ambitious character do?_____________________________________________________
2. Responsible
What might a responsible character do? ____________________________________________________
3. Envious
What might an envious character do? _______________________________________________________
4. Considerate
What might a considerate character do? ____________________________________________________
5. Strict
What might a strict character do? _________________________________________________________
6. Superstitious
What might a superstitious character do? __________________________________________________
7. Efficient
What might an efficient character do? ______________________________________________________
8. Polite
What might a polite character do? ________________________________________________________
9. Suspicious
What might a suspicious character do? _____________________________________________________
10. Cruel
What might a cruel character do? _________________________________________________________
Illustrating Character Traits
Group Word Knowledge Activity
Directions: Students will receive a list of five words and will have the period to create illustrated
character trait sheets for each of the words.
Students will take one of four roles…
Researcher: looks up the definitions of character traits.
Recorder: writes on the project paper.
Director: thinks of actions that show the character traits, also presents the project.
Illustrator: draws pictures that show the character traits. Other students should help color.
The character trait 
The definition 
One who is friendly, sociable, or likes company.
A drawing showing how the character trait could be
implied or indirectly linked to a character
A ______ character might…
Description of how the character trait could be shown.
A gregarious character might shake
hands with new people they meet.
Defintions: Did you define all five words? Did you define them correctly?
1 ---------------------------- 2 -----------------------------3 -----------------------------4 ----------------------------5
Illustrations: Did you illustrate word meaning? Does it look presentable?
1 ---------------------------- 2 -----------------------------3 -----------------------------4 ----------------------------5
Explanations: Did you explain how your illustration shows the word meaning?
1 ---------------------------- 2 -----------------------------3 -----------------------------4 ----------------------------5
Quality: Overall quality, neatness, artistry, and penmanship.
1 ---------------------------- 2 -----------------------------3 -----------------------------4 ----------------------------5
Group Roles
Illustrating Vocabulary
The researcher looks up the definitions of character traits.
Remember, it’s important to choose the right definition.
The recorder writes on the project paper.
You are responsible for the word, the definition, and the description of the action.
The director thinks of actions that show the character traits.
Also, help the researcher put the definitions in to your own words.
The illustrator draws pictures that show the character traits.
Other group members may help color your pictures.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6
Tuesdays with Morrie
Intro Activity #1
Directions: First, open a Word document. Next, find a school appropriate song that talks about
loss. Copy/paste the lyrics into your Word document. Then, under the lyrics, write a paragraph about
why you liked the lyrics, and how they connect to the idea of loss. Your second paragraph must connect
the lyrics to your life in a meaningful way. When you are done, title the document.
Tuesdays with Morrie
Pre-Reading Activity #2
Theme Objective: Predicting events in the novel based upon its theme
The full title of Albom’s novel is Tuesdays with Morrie: An Old Man, a Young Man, and
Life’s Greatest Lesson. The cover is rather plain: it is only the title and the author’s name.
There are no pictures or graphics that hint at the plot. Could you make a prediction about
the plot based on only the title and subtitle?Albom did not title his novel carelessly. Why
do you think he chose An Old Man, a Young Man, and Life’s Greatest Lesson as the
subtitle? What lessons could these people learn from each other? It is common for young
people to learn from the older generation, but what can older people learn from the
Write a paragraph in which you explain what each age group could learn from the other.
Be specific and include examples.
Who Is Morrie
Schwartz?-Pre-Reading Activity #3
Close your eyes and listen as I read pages 3-4 aloud.(pages following “The Curriculum” and before
“The Syllabus.”) After reading, open your eyes and recall descriptions on a small piece of paper. You
will draw Morrie as you remembered him from the section. You will also write down words that you
remembered. I will re-read the section again as you add to your pictures. I will also read a short section
of “The Syllabus” that described Morrie as well.
Draw your picture here:
Write down words you remember here:
Name: __________________________________ Date: _________________ Hour: ___________
Tuesdays with Morrie Pre-Reading Activity #4
The subtitle of the book also speaks to “life’s greatest lesson.” Morrie discusses at least eleven
categories where lessons can be learned during one’s life.
Categories for Life’s Lessons: love, work, community, family, aging, forgiveness, death, marriage,
emotions, success, and money
Assignment: Choose six of the categories and discuss a situation where you experienced this lesson and
then in the other column discuss what lessons you believe can be learned about them.
Life Lesson
Personal Situation
What can be Learned
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Attachment #1 You may be able to use these for responses, discussions, and projects.
Life Lessons From Tuesdays With Morrie
“Accept what you are able to do and what you are not able to do.” (p.18)
“Accept the past as past, without denying it or discarding it.” (p.18)
“Learn to forgive yourself and to forgive others.” (p.18)
“Don’t assume that it is too late to get involved.” (p.18)
Find someone to share your heart, give to your community, be at peace with yourself, try to be as
human as you can be. (p. 34)
“Love always wins.” (p.40)
“The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. And you have to be
strong enough to say if the culture doesn’t work, don’t buy it.” (p. 42)
“So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even when they’re
busy doing things they think are important. This is because they’re chasing the wrong things. The
way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your
community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and
meaning.” (p. 43)
“...if you really want it, then you’ll make your dream happen.” (p.47)
“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” (p. 52)
“Love is the only rational act.” (p. 52)
“I don’t allow myself any more self-pity than that. A little each morning, a few tears, and that’s all
. . . . It’s horrible to watch my body slowly wilt away to nothing. But it’s also wonderful because
of all the time I get to say goodbye.” (p. 57)
“Sometimes you can’t believe what you see; you have to believe what you feel.” (p. 61)
“What if today were my last day on earth?” (p. 64)
“Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.” (p. 82)
If you accept you are going to die at any time, then you might not be as ambitious as you are. (p.
There is no foundation, no secure ground, upon which people may stand today if it isn’t the
family. (p. 91)
“Don’t cling to things, because everything is impermanent.” (p. 103)
“ . . . If you’ve found meaning in your life you don’t want to go back. You want to go forward.
You want to see more, do more. You can’t wait until sixty-five.” (p. 118)
“Money is not a substitute for tenderness, and power is not a substitute for tenderness.” (p. 125)
“ . . . love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone.” (p. 133)
“Love each other or perish.” (p. 149)
“ . . . the big things—how we think, what we value—those you must choose yourself. You can’t
let anyone--or
any society—determine those for you.” (p. 155)
“Don’t let go too soon, but don’t hang on too long.” (p. 162)
“Be compassionate. And take responsibility for each other. If we only learned those lessons,
this world would be
so much better a place.” (p. 163)
“Forgive yourself before you die. Then forgive others.” (p. 164)
“As long as we can love each other, and remember the feeling of love we had, we can die
without ever really going away. All the love you created is still there. All the memories are still
there. You live on—in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were
here.” (p. 174)
“Death ends a life, not a relationship.” (p. 174)
The important questions have to do with love, responsibility, spirituality, awareness. (p. 175)
“You’re not a wave, you are part of the ocean.” (p. 180)
“ . . . there is no such thing as ‘too late’ in life.” (p. 190)
Tuesdays with Morrie Reader’s Response Log
(There will be a total of 11 response logs.)
Name: ____________________________ Class Period: ______________
Pages ______ - ______
Response #_______
As you read each assigned section:
RECORD the following information you find in the
text. (Summarize/quote the text in this column and give
Page# for at least one question per reading section. May
NOT repeat each question more than three (3) times over
the course of our reading)
4) Good writing—beyond the idea the language
expresses, the style/use of language itself is well
crafted. (evaluate)
1) An idea that resonates with you...that captures an
experience or an idea you have had. (connect)
5) An idea that reminds you of a song or a poem you
know. (connect)
2) An idea you agree with. (evaluate)
Now RESPOND to the answers you gave and
paraphrase your thoughts here to one of the questions:
Elaborate, explaining your own thoughts.
3) Lesson learned. (summarize)
Tuesdays with Morrie Reader’s Response Log
(There will be a total of 11 response logs.)
Name: ____________________________ Class Period: ______________
Pages __1____ - __14____
As you read each assigned section:
RECORD the following information you find in
the text. (Summarize/quote the text in this column
Response# ____
4. Good writing—beyond the idea the language expresses,
the style/use of language itself is well crafted. (Evaluate)
and give Page# for at least one question per reading
section. May NOT repeat each question# more than
three (3) times over the course of our reading)
1. An idea that resonates with you...that captures an
experience or an idea you have had. (Connect)
5. An idea that reminds you of a song or a poem you know.
Now RESPOND to the answers you gave and
paraphrase your thoughts here to one of the
2. An idea you agree with. (Evaluate)
Elaborate, explaining your own thoughts.
3. Lesson learned. (summarize)
After his friend’s funeral, Morrie
held a “living funeral,” gathering
all his friends together to say
goodbye. (pgs 13-14)
3) Lesson to be learned: Don’t wait! Don’t hold in all the
love and appreciation you have for somebody, keeping it to
yourself only to share with others after the person is dead.
Speak your love and appreciation NOW—TODAY. Speak
your kind words, express your love It will make those you
love feel good, not only for the moment, but chances are that
person will remember you expressing your feelings and it is
a gift s/he will enjoy each time they recall it. It will make you
feel good, too. It’s a terrible thing to lose someone you love
and to regret things you never shared but should have.
Carpe diem. Seize the day—share the love.
Tuesdays with Morrie Reader’s Response Log
Pages 1 – 14
Response # _______
As you read each assigned section:
RECORD the following information you find in
the text. (Summarize/quote the text in this column
and give Page# for at least one question per
reading section. May NOT repeat each question
more than three (3) times over the course of our
An idea that resonates with you...that captures an
experience or an idea you’ve had. (connect)
An idea that reminds you of a song or a poem you
know. (connect)
‘Live Like You Were Dying” Tim McGraw. Describes the
feeling of being 100% engaged in life and his relationships.
Don't wait until it's time to check out before you fully check
in on life. Forgive, offer kindness and love to others, and
seek adventure and solitude. Live like no tomorrow. One day
there won't be.Gathers friends for a “living funderal” (pgs
Don’t take life/friends/family for granted. I’ve always heard
the phrase, “If you can’t show you love me while I’m alive,
Don’t bring me flowers and weep for me when I’m gone”
(pgs 13-14)
An idea you agree with. (evaluate)
Don’t let work/other things control your life. Take time to
show appreciation to others.(pgs 13-14)
Now RESPOND to the answers you gave and
paraphrase your thoughts here to one of the
Elaborate, explaining your own thoughts.
Lesson learned. (summarize)
After his friend’s funeral, Morrie
held a “living funeral,” gathering
all his friends together to say
goodbye. (pgs 13-14)
Good writing—beyond the idea the language expresses,
the style/use of language itself is well crafted.
3) Lesson to be learned: Don’t wait! Don’t hold in all the
love and appreciation you have for somebody, keeping it to
yourself only to share with others after the person is dead.
Speak your love and appreciation NOW—TODAY. Speak
your kind words, express your love It will make those you
love feel good, not only for the moment, but chances are that
person will remember you expressing your feelings and it is
a gift s/he will enjoy each time they recall it. It will make you
feel good, too. It’s a terrible thing to lose someone you love
and to regret things you never shared but should have.
Carpe diem. Seize the day—share the love.
The use of diction/figurative language improves the desire to
read on and see what will happen next. Inclusion of life
lessons helps to make connections with the text. Gathers
friends for a “living funderal” (pgs 13-14)
Who Is Morrie
As a wrap-up activity for Tuesdays with Morrie, Take out your drawings from the beginning of the book
and reflect on your initial pictures of who Morrie was.
The focus: Draw three pictures that symbolize/represent
Morrie Schwartz as we know him now.
Here is an example:
gazelle – because Morrie saw himself being reincarnated as this fun-loving, energetic animal
Draw three symbols and write a short paragraph (5 sentences minimum) for each symbol to make
deeper connections to the text. (Include a page number as your evidence for your claim.)
General Vocabulary
Literary Skills
Tuesdays with Morrie
Key Vocabulary for the
Amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (ALS)
Local society
Global society
Writing Skills
Speaking /Listening Skills
Present information,
findings, and supporting
evidence clearly, concisely,
and logically such that
listeners can follow the line
of reasoning and the
organization, development,
substance, and style are
appropriate to purpose,
audience, and task
figures of speech
similes / metaphors
writing groups
timed writing
essay writing
letter writing prompt
technical words
grammar and usage
Scheduled outline for reading and associated questions:
Day 1: Assign each group an assignment to complete and then jigsaw with the rest of the class. Complete Journal Prompt #1
Historical Significance –
Author Background –
Reading a Review –
Characterization – based on visual text
Day 2 The Curriculum – The Syllabus (pages 1-13)
Reader Response Log#1 & Journal Prompt #2
Day 3: The Student – Orientation (pages 14-31) Reader Response Log#2 & Journal Prompt #3
Ted Koppel Interview 6:51 – Part 1 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcnL2o385Gw&list=PLC90E6062BA1D8177
Day 4: The Classroom – Taking Attendance (pages 32-47) Reader Response Log#3 & Journal Prompt #4
Ted Koppel Interview 7:43 – Part 2 –
Day 5: The First Tuesday – The Second Tuesday (pages 48-61) Reader Response Log#4 & Journal Prompt #5 & #6
Create a Venn Diagram comparing Morrie & Mitch (What is your perception of Mitch? of Morrie? Do you think they
are similar or different?
Day 6: The Third Tuesday – The Professor (pages 62-79) Reader Response Log#5 & Journal Prompt #7
Ted Koppel Interview 5:56 – Part 3 –
Literary Circle – Follow the roles for literature circles (Appendix #3) Have group read pages as a group taking turns
while also completing their assigned role in group.
Day 7: The Fourth Tuesday – The Fifth Tuesday (pages 80-99) Reader Response Log#6 & Journal Prompt #8 & #9
Ted Koppel Interview 7:22 – Part 4 –
Day 8: The Sixth Tuesday – The Seventh Tuesday (pages 100-122) Reader Response Log#7 & Journal Prompt #10
Ted Koppel Interview 6:12 – Part 5 –
Literary Circle – Follow the roles for literature circles (Appendix #3) Have group read pages as a group taking turns
while also completing their assigned role in group.
Day 9: The Eighth Tuesday –The Ninth Tuesday (pages 123-141) Reader Response Log#8 & Journal Prompt #11
Ted Koppel Interview 5:49 – Part 6 –
Day 10: The Eleventh Tuesday (pages 142-159) Reader Response Log#9 & Journal Prompt #12
Ted Koppel Interview 7:03 – Part 7 –
Literary Circle – Follow the roles for literature circles (Appendix #3) Have group read pages as a group taking turns
while also completing their assigned role in group.
Day 11: The Audiovisual – the Thirteenth Tuesday (pages 160-180) Reader Response Log#10 & Journal Prompt #13
Ted Koppel Interview 9:07 – Part 8 –
Day 12: The Fourteenth Tuesday – Conclusion (pages 181-192) Reader Response Log#11 & Journal Prompt #14
Ted Koppel Interview 2:14 – Part 9 –
 Writing is used to communicate with a specific audience
 Writing can influence the way an audience thinks about the world
 Good literature is supposed to create an emotional response in the audience
Essential Questions:
 How do authors use the resources of language to impact an audience?
 How is literature like life?
 How can your own life be represented using literary elements?
Literary structure
 Character
 tone
 theme
 Universal themes and perspectives
 How literary works can be interpreted
 Develop, explain and defend literary interpretations and perspectives
 Identify philosophical assumptions and basic beliefs in literature texts
 Write non-fiction expository essays characterized by suitable vocabulary, descriptive detail, an
appropriate voice, and a variety of sentence structures that help establish tone and reinforce meaning
 Write for a variety of readers and in a variety of situations
 Evaluate the effects of different types of language in communication
 Use language appropriate to the topic and the audience
Tuesdays with Morrie
Discussion Prompts
**Starred questions indicate thought or opinion based questions**
Answer questions on separate paper in complete sentences and
The Curriculum – The Syllabus (pages 1-13)
1. Where does Mitch Albom’s last class with Morrie Schwartz take place? When do they meet? What is the subject they
2. What are some of the topics they cover? What is held in lieu of graduation?
3. When did Mitch graduate from college? Explain Morrie’s parting request of Mitch and Mitch’s reply?
4. Identify Morrie’s fatal illness. Give the date he receives the diagnosis and prognosis. What famous person is the disease
named for?
5. *What is the first “loss” Morrie experiences? How do you think this affects him emotionally?
6. *Identify Charlotte. What are her primary concerns after learning of Morrie’s terminal illness? How do you think she will
7. *How does Morrie initially react to the diagnosis of ALS? Quote and explain the simile that describes his feelings.
8. Sequence the usual progression of Morrie’s disease.
9. How does Morrie conduct his “living funeral”? Why does he do so? What is the outcome?
10. *Prediction: What will unfold during the most unusual part of Morrie’s life?
The Student – Orientation (pages 14-31)
1. Identify three major events in Mitch’s life since he last saw Morrie.
2. *How does Mitch’s life change after his uncle dies? Why do you think he makes these changes?
3. How does Mitch learn about Morrie’s illness?
4. Describe Morrie’s physical and mental condition the first time Ted Koppel interviews him.
5. *How does Morrie initially react to Koppel? Why do you think he does so?
6. *Quote one of Morrie’s aphorisms and explain what you think it means (page 18).
7. *During Koppel’s interview, how does Morrie explain his philosophy about living with a terminal illness? What does he
most dread about the decay of his body? Why do you think this especially bothers him?
8. Explain how Morrie and Mitch react to each other when they first meet at Brandeis University. What does Mitch begin to
call Morrie? What are Mitch’s two overwhelming desires during his acquaintance with Morrie at Brandeis?
9. *”What is Mitch doing when he first arrives at Morrie’s house after seeing him on “Nightline”? What do you think this
reveals about Mitch?
10. How does Morrie react to Mitch’s first visit? How does Morrie introduce the “last class” he will ever have with Mitch
The Classroom – Taking Attendance (pages 32-47)
1. *How does Mitch analyze his life during the past 16 years? Explain whether you think he is happy with his life.
2. *How does Morrie explain the interest people have in him since his appearance on “Nightline”? Why do you think he
refers to himself as “a bridge”?
3. How does Morrie explain his dying process? How does Mitch react?
4. *Explain what Morrie means by the “tension of opposites.” How do you think this phrase exemplifies Mitch’s life since
college? Identify tensions of opposites in your life.
5. *What major event does Mitch cover a few weeks after his first visit with Morrie? How has Mitch changed since this visit?
Why do you think these changes have occurred?
6. When Mitch returns from London, what has happened at the newspaper where he works? How does he react?
7. *During his sophomore year in college, what does Mitch tell Morrie he wants to do when he gets out of college? How does
Morrie respond? Why do you think Mitch “lost his dream”?
8. *Prediction: Will Mitch continue his profession as sports writer or will he again pursue his dream of music?
The First Tuesday – The Second Tuesday (pages 48-61)
1. During their first Tuesday, what does Morrie tell Mitch about his increasing dependency on others?
2. *How does Morrie react to people who are suffering? What do you think this reveals about him?
3. What does Mitch mean when he tells Morrie they are “Tuesday people”?
4. *State Morrie’s aphorism about the most important thing in life. Explain why you agree or disagree with this aphorism.
5. *What does Morrie plan to teach his college students by silence? Do you think this is an effective teaching tactic? Explain
why you are most comfortable with silence or with noise.
6. *How far does Mitch travel for his Tuesday visits with Morrie? How do you think he feels about being there?
7. How does Morrie respond when Mitch asks him if he feels sorry for himself?
8. *Why do4e Mitch describe Morrie’s students in the “Group Process” as human lab rats? How do you think you would
react in a class like this?
The Third Tuesday – The Professor (pages 62-79)
1. In addition to food, what does Mitch begin to bring to his Tuesday sessions with Morrie? Why does he do so? How does
Morrie react?
2. *List the subjects Mitch wants to discuss with Morrie. Explain which one of these is most important to you.
3. When Mitch is in college, what is the subject of his thesis? How long does it take him to complete it? How does this thesis
fit into his future career?
4. *Identify two signs that Morrie’s health is deteriorating when Ted Koppel comes for his second “Nightline” interview.
What physical functions does Morrie most dread losing? Why? Which one would you most dread?
5. What “pain” has Morrie retained for seventy years?
6. How old is Morrie when his mother dies? How does he cope with her illness?
7. What happens to Morrie’s brother, David? Why does Morrie feel responsible?
8. Identify Eva and explain her significance in Morrie’s life.
9. Where does Morrie’s father want him to get a job? Why does this plan fail? How does Morrie feel about this?
The Fourth Tuesday – The Fifth Tuesday (pages 80-99)
1. What is the newest addition to Morrie’s house when Mitch arrives for his fourth Tuesday? How does Mitch react to it?
2. *Explain what you think Morrie means by his aphorism, “Once you learn how to die, you learn how to live.”
3. Explain the metaphor, “He (Morrie) was a religious mutt,”
4. How does Morrie apply the idea “if you accept that you can die at any time” to Mitch’s life?
5. Identify Rob and Jon. How do they assist Morrie when they visit on Sunday?
6. *Explain Morrie’s philosophy about family. What kind of rapport does he have with his own family? Explain whether you
do or do not agree with Morrie’s philosophy.
7. What is the “painful price” Morrie must pay for having children?
8. *Who is Mitch’s brother? What is their relationship? Why do you think Mitch includes the flashback about their
9. *Prediction: Will Peter allow Mitch to reenter his life?
The Sixth Tuesday – The Seventh Tuesday (pages 100-122)
1. When Mitch arrives for the sixth Tuesday, how does Charlotte react to Mitch’s gift of food?
2. *How does Morrie think a person should approach emotion? How does this contrast with the way Mitch feels? Explain
which approach is closest to the way you deal with emotion.
3. How does Morrie tell Mitch he wants to die? What prompts this statement?
4. *What animal would Morrie like to be if he were reincarnated? Why d you think he chooses this animal?
5. Explain Morrie’s first work experience after receiving his Ph.D. and how this affects his future.
6. What effect does the Vietnam War have on Morrie’s department at Brandeis University during the 1960’s?
7. *How does Morrie now feel about his dependence on others for everything except breathing and swallowing his food?
How do you think you would react to becoming this dependent?
8. Briefly summarize how Morrie feels about aging.
The Eighth Tuesday –The Ninth Tuesday (pages 123-141)
1. *What doesn’t Ted Turner want written on his tombstone? What do you think this reveals about him? How does Morrie
react to Turner’s statement?
2. *What does Morrie mean when he refers to the “brainwashing” going on in the United States? Explain why you agree or
3. What is Morrie’s philosophy about money and power?
4. *What does Morrie believe is the key to a meaningful life? Explain whether you agree or disagree?
5. *Explain your interpretation of the quote from Mahatma Ghandi on page 129.
6. What is Morrie’s latest aphorism when Mitch comes for the ninth Tuesday?
7. Does Morrie think he will be forgotten after he dies? Why or why not?
8. *What does Morrie want engraved on his tombstone? Explain whether you think this portrays his life.
9. *How did Morrie’s father die? Why do you think Mitch includes this recapitulation?
The Tenth Tuesday – The Eleventh Tuesday (pages 142-159)
1. Who is Janine? What does she do for Morrie? How does he react?
2. What does Mitch think is his generation’s primary struggle with marriage? How does Morrie respond to Mitch’s concerns
about marriage?
3. *How long have Morrie and Charlotte been married? How would you describe their marriage?
4. What Biblical character does Mitch mention to Morrie? Why does he do so? How does Morrie respond?
5. Describe Morrie’s physical condition when Mitch comes for the eleventh Tuesday. What does Mitch mean when he says
that Morrie’s disease is dangerously close to his surrender spot? What does Mitch do to help him?
6. How has Mitch changed during the months he has been visiting Morrie?
7. *What does Morrie mean about people building their own little subcultures? Explain why you agree or disagree.
The Audiovisual – the Thirteenth Tuesday (pages 160-180)
1. *What does Morrie tell Koppel living means to him? What prompts his statement? Explain whether you agree with Morrie.
2. Quote Morrie’s aphorism about dying and explain how Morrie wants to die.
3. *What are Morrie’s final words to the TV audience? To Ted Koppel? What do you think this indicates?
4. *Quote Morrie’s aphorism about forgiveness and explain how this applies to himself and others. Why do you think many
people struggle with forgiveness?
5. What two things does Morrie regret in his life?
6. Who is Norman, and why is he significant to Morrie?
7. How does Morrie apply the “tension of opposites” to himself?
8. *What does Morrie ask Mitch to do after his death? Why do you think this is significant?
9. *How does Morrie explain his near-death experience the night before the thirteenth Tuesday? Why do you think he asks to
see the hibiscus plant?
10. *What does Morrie consider the important question in life? Which one of these is the most important to you? Why?
11. *What conclusion does Mitch draw from Morrie’s depiction of a perfect day? What is your idea of a perfect day?
12. What does Morrie tell Mitch about his brother?
The Fourteenth Tuesday – Conclusion (pages 181-192)
1. How does Charlotte let Mitch know about Morrie’s final days have come?
2. *Briefly explain Morrie about Mitch’s farewell visit. How do you think each of the men has changed since their first
lesson began?
3. *Why do you think Mitch titles the chapter about Morrie’s death and funeral “Graduation”?
4. *Which of Morrie’s words does Mitch recall as he watches Morrie’s ashes being placed into the ground? Why do you
think this is significant?
5. What does Mitch want to tell the person he was before he rediscovered Morrie?
6. *How do Mitch and his brother reestablish contact? What do you think their future relationship will be?
7. What does Morrie call the book Mitch writes about their visits? Who names it? How does the publication of the book assist
8. What does Mitch say about Morrie in the conclusion of the book?
Tuesdays with Morrie- Reader’s Response Requirements
This book is a very personal account of a relationship between two people. It involved
intrapersonal and interpersonal quests. Consequently, our study of this book will be different than some
of the other pieces of literature that we study.
You are to keep a reader’s response log as we study this book. It will be graded for completion
and content. All entries must be dated and numbered. When an entry is due, it must be a minimum of ¾
of a page in length to receive full credit. All entries will be handed in at the end of the unit and will be
graded for content. What I will be looking for is involvement with the book, reaction to the book, and
connection to the book and/or characters. Grammar, spelling, and punctuation do not count; what is
evaluated is your ideas/reactions to the book.
My questions/instructions for each entry are meant as a steppingstone for your writing and as a
catalyst for your thoughts.
Journal Prompts:
#1: First, list 3-5 people who have influenced you in some way (leave 3-4 lines between each name).
Now, give 3-4 reasons why you chose these people; for example, how have they influenced you, why
are they special, etc.
#2: (p. 3-13) List Morrie’s physical and emotional qualities; after each quality, include an excerpt from
the book to support this quality. Now, write a 2-3 sentence description emphasizing what you think is
most interesting about him.
#3: (p. 4-17) Do the same thing as you did in entry #2 but for Mitch.
#4: (p. 18-38) On page 18, Mitch refers to Morrie as “a lightning rod of ideas.” List some of the ideas
he’s talking about and then respond to one of them. (You may respond to more if you wish.)
#5: (p. 39-61) On page 42, Morrie comments on our culture saying that we “give up days and weeks of
(our) lives, addicted to someone else’s drama.” Comment on this idea and give some examples. (Think
of what you see on TV, read in newspapers and magazines, and experience in your own lives.)
#6: (p. 39-61) On page 49, Morrie comments on dependency. He has to depend on other to do things for
him. On page 52, he says, “We think we don’t deserve love, we think if we let it in we’ll become too
soft.” One page 61, he comments, “Sometimes you cannot believe what you see, and you have to
believe what you feel. And if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you
can trust them, too— even when you’re in the dark. Even when you’re falling.” How do these ideas say
a similar thing? What is your reaction to them? Do you agree or disagree? Why? Connect these ideas to
something that has happened to you or to someone you know.
#7: (p. 62-78) In this section, Morrie talks about regrets; reread the following quotes and connect them
to something that has happened to you. On page 40 and on page 68, Mitch talks about the “tension of
opposites.” On pages 64 and 65, he refers to “standing back and looking at our lives.”
#8: (p. 80-89) One page 81, Morrie talks about dying and the Buddhist saying about having a little bird
on your shoulder. “Everyone knows they’re going to die, but nobody believes it. If we did, we would do
things differently” (p. 81). “The truth is, Mitch, once you learn how to die, you learn how to live" (p.
82). What is your response to these comments? What would you do? How would this knowledge make
a difference in how you live your life?
#9: (p.90-99) Morrie discusses family. How important is family to you? What is your definition of
FAMILY? Is your family just your parents, siblings, and those who are related to you?
#10: (p. 100-107) On p. 103, Morrie says that we need to “Learn to detach.” What does this phrase
mean to you? Why is it important to learn to do this? Discuss this concept and give an example from
your own life.
#11: (p. 108-113) Morrie’s students say, “I’ve never had another teacher like you.” What makes him
different? Why is he so memorable? What makes a teacher good, effective, influential? Use your
experiences as a student to influence your answer.
#12: (p. 114-121) This section discusses the fear of aging. We live in a very youth-oriented society;
how does this attitude about aging affect how you view older people? How do you view growing older?
What does Morrie have to say about aging? What is your reaction to his comments?
#13: (p. 123-140) This section concerns money and possessions. On page 123 and on page 135, Morrie
and Mitch discuss Ted Turner’s comment on what he doesn’t want his tombstone to say and what
Morrie wants on his tombstone. What does each of these wishes reflect about the two people? Which
attitude is most like yours? What do you want your epitaph to say? What does it reflect about you and
what you value?
#14: (p. 142-158) Morrie discusses marriage and our culture. On page 148, he states that “in our
culture, it is important to find a loving relationship…”; on page 149, he says that people get tested in a
marriage. On pages 154-155; he says our culture threatens people. Then on page 155, he says that the
“big things— how we think, what we value— those you must choose yourself. You can’t let anyone—
or any society— determine those for you.” How do these ideas tie together? How do they affect and/or
relate to you? Give an example.
Name: ________________________________
Tuesdays with Morrie
“Taking Attendance”
Exploration of Theme
Explaining the title of the chapter
Listing activities that foster a feeling of connection to others
In this chapter, Albom contrasts Mitch’s lifestyle with Morrie’s. Albom confesses that he enjoyed reading tabloid magazines,
he worked too much, and he has had few experiences interacting with other people. He also feels displaced when the
newspaper unions go on strike and he has no work to do. Morrie, however, lives a different and unique lifestyle. While most
Americans are immersed in the O.J. Simpson trial, money, material possessions, and gossip, Morrie values “conversation,
interaction, [and] affection,” which fill his life completely. Who is richer: the person rich in material goods or the person rich
in experiences?
Morrie counsels Albom on his ever-growing feeling of emptiness. Morrie explains that our culture creates an addiction to
excess and leaves us always wanting more. Morrie says, “The culture we have does not make people feel good about
themselves.” Because of this, Morrie creates his own culture and, as a result, never experiences emptiness and
purposelessness. According to Morrie, “the way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others.” We all
could do more to increase our connection to others.
This activity has two parts:
1. Explain why you think this chapter is called “Taking Attendance.”
2. On the same paper, make a list of activities you engage in or would like to engage in. Which activities feed your soul
instead of improving your self-image and earning you money? Which activities make you feel more connected to your true
self and to the other people around you?
Attachment #1 You may be able to use these for responses, discussions, and projects.
Life Lessons From Tuesdays With Morrie
1. “Accept
what you are able to do and what you are not able to do.” (p.18)
2. “Accept
the past as past, without denying it or discarding it.” (p.18)
3. “Learn
to forgive yourself and to forgive others.” (p.18)
4. “Don’t
assume that it is too late to get involved.” (p.18)
5. Find
someone to share your heart, give to your community, be at peace with yourself, try
to be as human as you can be. (p. 34)
6. “Love
always wins.” (p.40)
“The culture we have does not make people feel good about themselves. And you have
to be strong enough to say if the culture doesn’t work, don’t buy it.” (p. 42)
“So many people walk around with a meaningless life. They seem half-asleep, even
when they’re busy doing things they think are important. This is because they’re
chasing the wrong things. The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself
to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to
creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.” (p. 43)
“...if you really want it, then you’ll make your dream happen.” (p.47)
“The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.”
(p. 52)
“Love is the only rational act.” (p. 52)
“I don’t allow myself any more self-pity than that. A little each morning, a few tears,
and that’s all . . . . It’s horrible to watch my body slowly wilt away to nothing. But it’s
also wonderful because of all the time I get to say goodbye.” (p. 57)
13. “Sometimes
you can’t believe what you see; you have to believe what you feel.” (p. 61)
14. “What
if today were my last day on earth?” (p. 64)
15. “Once
you learn how to die, you learn how to live.” (p. 82)
16. If
you accept you are going to die at any time, then you might not be as ambitious as you
are. (p. 83)
17. There
is no foundation, no secure ground, upon which people may stand today if it isn’t
the family. (p. 91)
18. “Don’t
cling to things, because everything is impermanent.” (p. 103)
“ . . . If you’ve found meaning in your life you don’t want to go back. You want to go
forward. You want to see more, do more. You can’t wait until sixty-five.” (p. 118)
20. “Money
is not a substitute for tenderness, and power is not a substitute for tenderness.”
(p. 125)
21. “
. . . love is how you stay alive, even after you are gone.” (p. 133)
“Love each other or perish.” (p. 149)
23. “
. . . the big things—how we think, what we value—those you must choose yourself.
You can’t let anyone--or any society—determine those for you.” (p. 155)
24. “Don’t
let go too soon, but don’t hang on too long.” (p. 162)
25. “Be
compassionate. And take responsibility for each other. If we only learned those
lessons, this world would be so much better a place.” (p. 163)
26. “Forgive
yourself before you die. Then forgive others.” (p. 164)
27. “As
long as we can love each other, and remember the feeling of love we had, we can
die without ever really going away. All the love you created is still there. All the
memories are still there. You live on—in the hearts of everyone you have touched and
nurtured while you were here.” (p. 174)
28. “Death
ends a life, not a relationship.” (p. 174)
29. The
important questions have to do with love, responsibility, spirituality, awareness. (p.
30. “You’re
31. “
not a wave, you are part of the ocean.” (p. 180)
. . . there is no such thing as ‘too late’ in life.” (p. 190)
NAME: ___________________________________________
Morrie’s Aphorisms
Directions: In the spaces provided below, copy down some of your favorite Morrie
aphorisms (quotes about life). Complete all sections for each aphorism.
1. Aphorism: Page #: _____________
What does it mean to you:
2. Aphorism: Page #: _____________
What does it mean to you:
3. Aphorism: Page #: _____________
What does it mean to you:
4. Aphorism: Page #: _____________
What does it mean to you:
5. Aphorism: Page #: _____________
What does it mean to you:
6. Aphorism: Page #: _____________
What does it mean to you:
7. Aphorism: Page #: _____________
What does it mean to you:
8. Aphorism: Page #: _____________
What does it mean to you:
9. Aphorism: Page #: _____________
What does it mean to you:
10. Aphorism: Page #: _____________
What does it mean to you:
Tuesdays with Morrie Reader’s Response Log
(There will be a total of 11 response logs.)
Name: ____________________________ Class Period: ______________
Pages __1____ - __14____
As you read each assigned section:
RECORD the following information you find in
the text. (Summarize/quote the text in this column
Response# ____
4. Good writing—beyond the idea the language expresses,
the style/use of language itself is well crafted. (Evaluate)
and give Page# for at least one question per reading
section. May NOT repeat each question# more than
three (3) times over the course of our reading)
1. An idea that resonates with you...that captures an
experience or an idea you have had. (Connect)
5. An idea that reminds you of a song or a poem you know.
Now RESPOND to the answers you gave and
paraphrase your thoughts here to one of the
2. An idea you agree with. (Evaluate)
Elaborate, explaining your own thoughts.
3. Lesson learned. (Summarize)
After his friend’s funeral, Morrie
held a “living funeral,” gathering
all his friends together to say
goodbye. (pgs 13-14)
3) Lesson to be learned: Don’t wait! Don’t hold in all the
love and appreciation you have for somebody, keeping it to
yourself only to share with others after the person is dead.
Speak your love and appreciation NOW—TODAY. Speak
your kind words, express your love It will make those you
love feel good, not only for the moment, but chances are that
person will remember you expressing your feelings and it is
a gift s/he will enjoy each time they recall it. It will make you
feel good, too. It’s a terrible thing to lose someone you love
and to regret things you never shared but should have.
Carpe diem. Seize the day—share the love.
Tuesdays with Morrie Reader’s
Response Log
Pages 1 – 14
As you read each assigned section:
RECORD the following information you
find in the text. (Summarize/quote the text
in this column and give Page# for at least
one question per reading section. May NOT
repeat each question more than three (3)
times over the course of our reading)
Lesson learned. (summarize)
After his friend’s funeral, Morrie
held a “living funeral,” gathering
all his friends together to say
goodbye. (pgs 13-14)
Good writing—beyond the idea the language
expresses, the style/use of language itself is well
crafted. (evaluate)
The use of diction/figurative language improves the
desire to read on and see what will happen next.
Inclusion of life lessons helps to make connections
with the text. Gathers friends for a “living funderal”
(pgs 13-14)
‘Live Like You Were Dying” Tim McGraw. Describes
the feeling of being 100% engaged in life and his
relationships. Don't wait until it's time to check out
before you fully check in on life. Forgive, offer
kindness and love to others, and seek adventure and
solitude. Live like no tomorrow. One day there won't
be.Gathers friends for a “living funderal” (pgs 1314)
Now RESPOND to the answers you gave
and paraphrase your thoughts here to one
of the questions:
An idea you agree with. (evaluate)
Don’t let work/other things control your life. Take
time to show appreciation to others.(pgs 13-14)
10. An idea that reminds you of a song or a poem
you know. (connect)
An idea that resonates with you...that captures
an experience or an idea you have had.
Don’t take life/friends/family for granted. I’ve always
heard the phrase, “If you can’t show you love me
while I’m alive, Don’t bring me flowers and weep for
me when I’m gone” (pgs 13-14)
Response # _______
Elaborate, explaining your own thoughts.
3) Lesson to be learned: Don’t wait! Don’t hold in all
the love and appreciation you have for somebody,
keeping it to yourself only to share with others after
the person is dead. Speak your love and appreciation
NOW—TODAY. Speak your kind words, express your
love It will make those you love feel good, not only
for the moment, but chances are that person will
remember you expressing your feelings and it is a gift
s/he will enjoy each time they recall it. It will make
you feel good, too. It’s a terrible thing to lose
someone you love and to regret things you never
shared but should have. Carpe diem. Seize the day—
share the love.
Attachment #
Literary Terms
Alliteration: the repetition of sounds at the beginning of words.
Example: More Mischief and Merriment.
Aphorism: a short statement, sometimes humorous, that attempts to state a
general principal about human behavior. Example: “Three people may keep a
secret if two of them are dead.”–Ben Franklin
Figurative Language: words and phrases that have meanings different from
their usual ones in order to create a poetic and/or literary effect. Examples:
Love certainly has its own seasons; crumbling cities made of matches.
Flashback: a scene that interrupts the ongoing action in a story to show an
event that happened earlier. Example: The movie, Citizen Kane, tells its story
almost exclusively through the memories of its characters, who all knew Kane
before his death.
Foreshadowing: the use of hints or clues in a story to suggest what action is
to come. Foreshadowing is frequently used to create interest and build
suspense. Example: Two small and seemingly inconsequential car accidents
predict and hint at the upcoming, important wreck in The Great Gatsby.
Imagery: the use of words to evoke impressions and meanings that are more
than just the basic, accepted definitions of the words themselves. Example: The
quotation, “Get thee to a nunnery,” from Hamlet implies that Ophelia must
regain her purity and chastity and does not simply mean that she needs to go to
a convent.
Irony: a perception of inconsistency, sometimes humorous, in which the
significance and understanding of a statement or event is changed by its
context. Example: The firehouse burned down.
• Dramatic Irony: the audience or reader knows more about a
character’s situation than the character does and knows that the
character’s understanding is incorrect. Example: In Medea, Creon asks,
“What atrocities could she commit in one day?” The reader, however,
knows Medea will destroy her family and Creon’s by day’s end.
• Structural Irony: the use of a naïve hero, whose incorrect perceptions
differ from the reader’s correct ones. Example: Huck Finn.
• Verbal Irony: a discrepancy between what is said and what is really
meant; sarcasm. Example: A large man whose nickname is “Tiny”
Juxtaposition - the placement of two dissimilar items, people, thoughts,
places, etc., next to one another to emphasize the differences or heighten
the similarities. Example: In The Pearl, the main character instinctively
touches the valuable pearl and his knife at the same time.
Metaphor: a comparison of two things that are dissimilar in which one is
described in terms of the other. Example: The moon, a haunting lantern, shone
through the clouds.
Motif: a situation, incident, idea, or image that is repeated significantly in a
literary work. Examples: In Hamlet, revenge is a frequently repeated idea. In
The Catcher in the Rye, Holden continually comments on the phoniness of
people he meets.
Point of View: the position or vantage point, determined by the author, from
which the story seems to come to the reader. The two most common points of
view are First-person and Third-person. Examples: First-person point of view
occurs in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; the reader receives all
information through Huck’s eyes. An example of third-person point of view is
Dickens’ Hard Times, in which the narrator is not a character in the book.
Repetition: repeating of a word or phrase for stylistic effect. Example: “When
I was a child, I spoke as a child; I understood as a child, I thought as a child.” - I Corinthians 13:11
Rhetoric: the art of eloquent speech or writing, which employs various
techniques in order to persuade one’s audience. Example: Congressional
Simile: a comparison between two different things using either like or as.
Examples: I am as hungry as a horse. The huge trees broke like twigs during
the hurricane.
Subjective: first-person narration in which the author is recording action from
a character’s point of view. Example: Huckleberry Finn tells his story from his
own viewpoint, which is prejudiced, limited, and opinionated.
Symbol: an object, person, or place that has a meaning in itself and that also stands
for something larger than itself, usually an idea or concept; some concrete thing
which represents an abstraction. Example: The Sea could be symbolic for “the
unknown.” Since the sea is something that is physical and can be seen by the reader,
and has elements that cannot be understood, it can be used symbolically to stand for
the abstraction of “mystery,” “obscurity,”
(These words will also be used for one of the assignments for this unit)
blissful – filled with happiness
normalcy – lack of unusual or different circumstances
lindy – a dance
profound – important and well-thought out
prominent – leading
demise – death
commandeered – took over
meditation – the act of quiet thought and prayer
inexplicably – unexplainably
rousing – exciting
neurological – dealing with the nervous system
lieu – instead of
hibiscus – a plant with large flowers
averting – looking away
spouting – vehemently declaring
freelanced – to work on a temporary basis
hypocritical – characterized by acting in a way that is different from
what one proclaims to believe
insatiable – unsatisfied
aphorisms –statements of principles
withered – shriveled
clamor – noise
composure – calmness
awkward – uncomfortable
humility – the state of being submissive
narcissist – a person overly concerned with him or
induced – caused
insidious – subtle
philosophy – a system of beliefs
gaunt – painfully thin
emerge – to come into view
envious – jealous
pathetic – emotionally moving
efficient – effective
serene – peaceful
gingerly – carefully
lamented – mourned
alienation – estrangement
atrophied – withered away
anguish – pain and suffering
cynical – distrustful
agitated – bothered
mimicking – imitating
hoisting – lifting
clamoring – insisting
egotistical – fi lled with self-importance
nostalgia – sentiment
grapple – to struggle
imminent – threatening
opiate – painkilling drug
ambivalence – uncertainty
synagogue – a Jewish place of worship
boccie – a game like bowling
murky – dark and heavy
antidote – a remedy
indecipherable – incapable of being understood
quivered – shook
solidarity – unity
ambitious – motivated
agnostic – a person who is not convinced that God
defi cient – lacking
transcend – to overcome
exuberance – extreme joy
Lavaliere – to hang on the lapel
materialistic – characterized by a belief that importance comes from only
responsive – capable of seeing a result
laurels – small trees with red or white fl owers
vulnerability – openness
lilting – rhythmic
instinctively – prompted by a natural tendency
impermanent – temporary
deceptively – misleadingly
deferments – postponement of military service
exploiting – taking advantage of
levitate – to raise above the ground
snarled – snapped
inclination – a tendency
manipulating – unfairly controlling
sultry – seductive-looking
revel – to take pleasure in
inadequacy –insufficiency
mogul – a great and important person
colleagues – associates
disillusioned – dissatisfied
inconsequential – unimportant
comradeship – friendship
observant – perceptive
stagnated – stopped
fatigued – tired
pilgrimage – a journey
scoffed – sneered
catheter – a medical tubing device used to inject or
remove liquid from the body
ruddy – red in complexion
gargle – a congested sound
corpses – dead bodies
intuitive – natural
puree – a blend
commode – a toilet
crescent – curved, like a half-moon
supplements – nourishment
facade – the front of a building
solidifying – becoming solid
squeamish – uneasy
alabaster – white
innately – inherently
calisthenics – exercises
serenely – peacefully
tenor – a mood or tone
coaxed – persuaded
stoic – composed
mantra – a saying
patriarch – a father-fi gure
reconcile – to reunite
estranged – alienated
audible – capable of being heard
whimsical – carefree
dwindling – diminishing
raspy – hoarse
negotiated – dealt with
accosted – approached in a harassing manner
grapple – to tackle
buoyant – lighthearted
Attachment #3
Literature Circle Roles
*Discussion Director: Your roles demands that you identify the important aspects of
your assigned text, and develop questions your group will want to discuss. Focus on the
major themes or big ideas in the text and you reaction to those ideas. What interests you
will most likely interest those in your group. You are also responsible for facilitating your
group’s discussion.
*Illuminator: You find passages your group would like to/should hear read aloud from
the reading. These passages should be memorable, interesting, puzzling, funny, or
important. Your notes should include quotations but also why you chose them, and what
you want to say about them. You can either read the passage aloud yourself or ask
members of your group to read roles.
*Illustrator: Your role is to draw what you read. This might mean drawing a scene as a
cartoon like sequence, or an important scene so readers can better understand the action.
You can draw maps or organizational trees to show how one person, place, or event
relates to the others.
*Connector: Your job is to connect what you read with what you study in this or other
classes. You can also connect the story with events in your own life or the world outside
the classroom as depicted in the news or other media. Another valuable source of
connections is books you have already read this year. Connections should be meaningful
to you and those in your group.
*Word Watcher: While reading the assigned section, you watch out for words worth
knowing. These words might be interesting, new, important, or used in unusual ways. It
is important to indicate the specific location of the words so the group can discuss these
words in context.
*Summarizer: Prepare a brief summary of the day’s reading. If it helps you to organize
the information, consider making a numbered list or a timeline.
1. Read the assigned section carefully.
2. Think about the main idea being presented.
3. Jot down the main ideas on paper. Look for 3 or 4.
4. Use bold-faced print and headings to help you.
5. Tell your partner/group what the section was about.
6. Avoid retelling all the little details.
1. Read the assigned section carefully.
2. Think about the main ideas being presented.
3. Jot down 3-4 “I wonder” statements about the
4. Read one question to your partner/group and
ask for possible answers. Share your thoughts,
5. Continue discussing the rest of your questions.
1. Read the assigned section carefully.
2. Think about the main ideas being presented.
3. Jot down any words you find confusing.
4. Jot down any ideas you found confusing.
5. Tell your partner/group about your confusions. See
if anyone in the group can clear things up.
6. Ask your group if they had any confusions. Try to
clear up any of their concerns.
1. Read the assigned section carefully.
2. Think about the main ideas being presented.
3. Based on what you have just read, predict what
you think you will read next.
4. Jot down 3 or 4 predictions.
5. Tell your partner/group about your predictions.
See what they think might happen next.
Sones’ Stanza Form:
To [name of the significant
my [role that the person played],
who . . . [describe the person’s
influence in 3 to 4 lines]
I say . . . [what you would say to
the person].
Dear Teachers,
To Mrs. Hunt,
my kindergarten teacher,
who taught me the pleasure
of making up fairy tales in my mind
to go with the classical music
To Miss Slotnick,
my seventh grade English teacher,
who taught me
that solace and salvation
can be found
in the pages of a diary,
I say thank you.
To Myra Cohn Livingston,
the teacher I waited for
all my life,
who taught me
the infinite joy
of writing poetry,
I say thank you.
she played each day during nap time,
I say thank you.
And to all of you,
who are out there every day,
To Mrs. Sables,
my third grade teacher,
who respected my creativity so much
that she let me spend the whole day
working on my raindrop story,
that time I was so inspired,
I say thank you.
teaching children to love
the written word,
I say thank you, thank you, thank you,
for giving them
this magnificent gift.
With deepest admiration and appreciation,
Sonya Sones
CCSS.ELA.Literacy.RL.0-10.7 Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic
mediums. To make the movie more relevant, students will compare and contrast the book and the movie.
Tuesdays with Morrie
Aphorism Project ~ 50 points
Reading Tuesdays with Morrie offers insight into how to live a full life, being present
with those you love and always pushing yourself to be more than what culture
dictates. One way that Mitch Albom was able to offer these great lessons was
through Morrie's aphorisms; most of Morrie's quotes apply to any person who is
trying to live through all of life's difficulties and needs a way to refocus on what is
Directions: Your task is to choose ONE of Morrie's aphorisms and show its
application in the book through quotes and images and then take the quote and
develop ways that it applies to your life as well.
Choose one of Morrie's aphorisms and create THREE slides on Power Point, Prezi, or
Slide One (20 points): Literary Connection to Aphorism
 Put your chosen aphorism in the center - be sure to cite page
number and quote it
 Find FIVE quotes in the text that directly apply to your chosen
quote - be sure to cite page number(s) and quote them
 Under each quote - write 1-2 sentences that explains how each
quote applies to your chosen aphorism
Slide Two (10 points): Illustrative Connection of Aphorism
 Put your chosen aphorism in the center - be sure to cite page
number and quote it
 Find TEN images that clearly depict what the quote is trying to
teach its readers
 Be sure to cite each image by copying and pasting its url and
putting it underneath the image
 Next to each image, use one word or a short phrase that states
how the image applies to the quote
Slide Three (20 points): Personal Connection to Aphorism
 Put your chosen aphorism in the center - be sure to cite page
number and quote it
 Provide FIVE experiences from your life that connect to the quote
 Next to each example, provide an explanation as to how the story
applies to Morrie's aphorism
Projects are DUE by Wednesday, March 3 at 8am to:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Tuesdays with Morrie Independent Book Project Activities—120 points
Due Date:
You must complete 4 activities, one from each quadrant. Each activity must fill one side of an 8 ½” by 11” sheet
and the total project must have at least 40 different facts from the book. All work must be typed, double-spaced, 12point Times New Roman font. Feel free to come up with your own idea for a quadrant, but I must approve it before
you begin work on your idea!
#1 Practical
Make a 20 point fill in the blank quiz for the book
and include an answer key.
Summarize the main event and the main lesson
learned for each of the fourteen “Tuesday”
chapters. Write in complete sentences.
Create a two column-chart that outlines major details
about Mitch’s life and Morrie’s life. Include 10
events on each side.
Create a poster illustrating major people, lessons,
and scenes from the book.
#3 Analytical/Judgmental
Analyze Mitch and Morrie in the book by naming
two character or personality traits for each and
supporting these character traits with scenes/details
in the book.
Analyze Mitch Albom’s writing style (structure,
details, use of emotions, themes, word choice etc)
and explain what writing techniques he used to keep
you interested in the book. Be sure to prove your
points by specific references to the book.
Analyze the two most significant events in the book
and explain why by using quotes and scenes to
support your answer.
What do you think is the most important message in
the book? Explain your response with quotes from
the book and with details from your life that prove
the message or theme is important.
#2 Emotional/Interpersonal
Who are you most like/unlike in the book and why?
Whom do a person or persons in the book remind you
of and why?
Put yourself into the book somewhere and explain your
Compare and contrast an event from your life with one
from the book. Emphasize your feelings and responses
compared to the feelings and responses of the person
(s) in the book.
#4 Creative
Create a list of questions about life similar to lessons in
the book and interview someone you know over 50.
Type your questions and the person’s responses. Ask
them specific questions about their life experiences.
Create a symbol or think of an extended
analogy/metaphor for a person or conflict in the book
and explain its importance with references and quotes
from the book.
Write a song or a poem that would go with a theme,
character, or situation in the book. (poem or song must
be at least 25 lines long)
Pick a song that you think would be the perfect theme
song for the book. Explain at least three reasons why
the song and the book match. Be sure to reference the
song with exact quotes and discuss specific
scenes/quotes from the book. Include a copy of the
song lyrics when you submit your project.
Project Points Scoring Criteria
25 points--thoroughness/development
20 points--clarity of ideas/organization
20 points--adherence to instructions/completion of all parts
20 points—grammar, spelling, and neatness
20 points --accuracy of ideas and understanding of the literary work
15 points--effort and creativity
_________/120 points
Read book and complete 1st quadrant by___________________________
Complete 2nd quadrant by___________________________
Complete 3rd quadrant by ___________________________
Complete 4th quadrant by____________________________
Final draft of project due____________________________
Character Project for Tuesdays with Morrie
You will create a Post-Mortem of a character from Tuesdays with Morrie. You will find
quotations or passages to illustrate the following body parts below and answer the questions
related to the body parts. Be sure to include the page number where you found the quote. For
example, (p. 12).
1. Draw the outline of your character by lying down on butcher paper and having someone draw
an outline around your body. You will use this outline for your character. Get the paper from
me, OR you can use poster board and hand-draw the outline of the character.
2. Using the body parts from the list below. Answer the questions that go with the body part and
include the quotations that support your answers (glue down or write this information on the
character model). Also include the page number in parentheses after each quotation or passage.
Body Parts – ALL of these! Include an example from the text & page number that supports your
 Head – Intellectual side of the character – What are his/her dreams? Visions? Philosophies
she/he keeps inside?
 Eyes – Seeing through the characters eyes – What memorable sights affect him/her? How?
 Ears – Hearing through the character’s ears – What does she/he notice and remember
others saying to him/her? How is she/he affected?
 Nose- Smelling through the character’s nose – What smells affect him/her? How?
 Mouth – The character’s communication – What philosophy does the character
share/espouse? What arguments/debates? What song would symbolize the character’s
philosophy of life? What lyrics/images from the song would symbolize his or her
 Arms – Working – What is the character’s relationship to work in general? To specific
 Hands – The practical side of the character – What conflicts does he or she deal with?
 Heart – The emotional side of the character – What does he or she love? Whom? How?
 Torso – The instinctive side of the character – What doesn’t he or she like about himself or
herself? What does hide? What brings the character pain? What does he or she fear?
(Describe his or her “dark” side.)
 Legs – The playful side of the character – What does he or she do for fun? What are his or
her avocations?
 Feet – The character’s mobility – Where has he or she been (literally/figuratively)? How
has he or she been affected by travel or setting?
 “Wings” – The character’s future – Where is he or she going?
Characterization Definitions for the assignment:
Characters in novels typically fall into the following categories: Round Characters (complex and
multidimensional, like real people), Flat Characters (one dimensional and superficial; they can be
described in a single sentence), Dynamic Characters (they change in an important way because of
the story’s action), Static Characters (do not change much or at all in a story), and Stock
Characters (predictable stereotypes of people).
You will write an 11 sentence paragraph that answers this question: How does Mitch Albom
develop the character of ______________ in the novel into a _________ character? Discuss how
the character grows or changes OR how the character is used as a stereotype in the novel. Use 3
pieces of evidence and 3 explanations to support your thesis.
Thesis Statement:
Must include the author’s name, the title, and what you are trying to prove. Your thesis must
have a VIVID VERB (not a being verb), TONE WORD (adjective from tone sheet), THEME
WORD (abstract noun).
In “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell the character of Rainsford is a dynamic
character who evolves from a confident big game hunter into a man who can empathize with the
vulnerability of his prey.
11 Sentence Paragraph Outline
1st Sentence – Thesis Statement
2nd Sentence – Introduce first reason or example that supports your thesis.
3rd Sentence – Provide the quote or specific example.
4th Sentence – Explain how the quote or example supports your thesis.
5th Sentence – Transition to 2nd reason or example that supports your thesis.
6th Sentence – Provide a quote or specific example.
7th Sentence – Explain how the quote or example supports your thesis.
8th Sentence – Transition to 3rd reason or example that supports your thesis.
9th Sentence – Provide the quote or specific example.
10th Sentence – Explain how the quote or example supports your thesis.
11th Sentence – Conclusion Sentence that explains how all three examples above support your
Rubric: -To receive 100 points for the Character Post-Mortem students must
meet the requirements below:
 The character model is neat, presentable and easily read.
 The character quotes accurately relate to the questions about the body parts.
 All of the questions about the body parts are answered effectively.
 Effort and creativity are evident in the project.
To receive 50 points for the writing assignment students must meet the
requirements below:
 Provide an effective thesis statement.
 Provide evidence to support the thesis statement.
 Provide explanations of the evidence.
 Provide an effective conclusion.
 Have few or no errors.
PROJECT DUE DATE: Friday, March 17, 2017
My bucket list ___________________2017
Attachment #
Literary Terms
Alliteration: the repetition of sounds at the beginning of words.
Example: More Mischief and Merriment.
Aphorism: a short statement, sometimes humorous, that attempts to state a
general principal about human behavior. Example: “Three people may keep a
secret if two of them are dead.”–Ben Franklin
Figurative Language: words and phrases that have meanings different from
their usual ones in order to create a poetic and/or literary effect. Examples:
Love certainly has its own seasons; crumbling cities made of matches.
Flashback: a scene that interrupts the ongoing action in a story to show an
event that happened earlier. Example: The movie, Citizen Kane, tells its story
almost exclusively through the memories of its characters, who all knew Kane
before his death.
Foreshadowing: the use of hints or clues in a story to suggest what action is
to come. Foreshadowing is frequently used to create interest and build
suspense. Example: Two small and seemingly inconsequential car accidents
predict and hint at the upcoming, important wreck in The Great Gatsby.
Imagery: the use of words to evoke impressions and meanings that are more
than just the basic, accepted definitions of the words themselves. Example: The
quotation, “Get thee to a nunnery,” from Hamlet implies that Ophelia must
regain her purity and chastity and does not simply mean that she needs to go to
a convent.
Irony: a perception of inconsistency, sometimes humorous, in which the
significance and understanding of a statement or event is changed by its
context. Example: The firehouse burned down.
• Dramatic Irony: the audience or reader knows more about a
character’s situation than the character does and knows that the
character’s understanding is incorrect. Example: In Medea, Creon asks,
“What atrocities could she commit in one day?” The reader, however,
knows Medea will destroy her family and Creon’s by day’s end.
• Structural Irony: the use of a naïve hero, whose incorrect perceptions
differ from the reader’s correct ones. Example: Huck Finn.
• Verbal Irony: a discrepancy between what is said and what is really
meant; sarcasm. Example: A large man whose nickname is “Tiny”
Juxtaposition - the placement of two dissimilar items, people, thoughts,
places, etc., next to one another to emphasize the differences or heighten
the similarities. Example: In The Pearl, the main character instinctively
touches the valuable pearl and his knife at the same time.
Metaphor: a comparison of two things that are dissimilar in which one is
described in terms of the other. Example: The moon, a haunting lantern, shone
through the clouds.
Motif: a situation, incident, idea, or image that is repeated significantly in a
literary work. Examples: In Hamlet, revenge is a frequently repeated idea. In
The Catcher in the Rye, Holden continually comments on the phoniness of
people he meets.
Point of View: the position or vantage point, determined by the author, from
which the story seems to come to the reader. The two most common points of
view are First-person and Third-person. Examples: First-person point of view
occurs in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; the reader receives all
information through Huck’s eyes. An example of third-person point of view is
Dickens’ Hard Times, in which the narrator is not a character in the book.
Repetition: repeating of a word or phrase for stylistic effect. Example: “When
I was a child, I spoke as a child; I understood as a child, I thought as a child.” - I Corinthians 13:11
Rhetoric: the art of eloquent speech or writing, which employs various
techniques in order to persuade one’s audience. Example: Congressional
Simile: a comparison between two different things using either like or as.
Examples: I am as hungry as a horse. The huge trees broke like twigs during
the hurricane.
Subjective: first-person narration in which the author is recording action from
a character’s point of view. Example: Huckleberry Finn tells his story from his
own viewpoint, which is prejudiced, limited, and opinionated.
Symbol: an object, person, or place that has a meaning in itself and that also stands
for something larger than itself, usually an idea or concept; some concrete thing
which represents an abstraction. Example: The Sea could be symbolic for “the
unknown.” Since the sea is something that is physical and can be seen by the reader,
and has elements that cannot be understood, it can be used symbolically to stand for
the abstraction of “mystery,” “obscurity,”
(These words will also be used for one of the assignments for this unit)
blissful – filled with happiness
normalcy – lack of unusual or different circumstances
lindy – a dance
profound – important and well-thought out
prominent – leading
demise – death
commandeered – took over
meditation – the act of quiet thought and prayer
inexplicably – unexplainably
rousing – exciting
neurological – dealing with the nervous system
lieu – instead of
hibiscus – a plant with large flowers
averting – looking away
spouting – vehemently declaring
freelanced – to work on a temporary basis
hypocritical – characterized by acting in a way that is different from
what one proclaims to believe
insatiable – unsatisfied
aphorisms –statements of principles
withered – shriveled
clamor – noise
composure – calmness
awkward – uncomfortable
humility – the state of being submissive
narcissist – a person overly concerned with him or
induced – caused
insidious – subtle
philosophy – a system of beliefs
gaunt – painfully thin
emerge – to come into view
envious – jealous
pathetic – emotionally moving
efficient – effective
serene – peaceful
gingerly – carefully
lamented – mourned
alienation – estrangement
atrophied – withered away
anguish – pain and suffering
cynical – distrustful
agitated – bothered
mimicking – imitating
hoisting – lifting
clamoring – insisting
egotistical – fi lled with self-importance
nostalgia – sentiment
grapple – to struggle
imminent – threatening
opiate – painkilling drug
ambivalence – uncertainty
synagogue – a Jewish place of worship
boccie – a game like bowling
murky – dark and heavy
antidote – a remedy
indecipherable – incapable of being understood
quivered – shook
solidarity – unity
ambitious – motivated
agnostic – a person who is not convinced that God
defi cient – lacking
transcend – to overcome
exuberance – extreme joy
Lavaliere – to hang on the lapel
materialistic – characterized by a belief that importance comes from only
responsive – capable of seeing a result
laurels – small trees with red or white fl owers
vulnerability – openness
lilting – rhythmic
instinctively – prompted by a natural tendency
impermanent – temporary
deceptively – misleadingly
deferments – postponement of military service
exploiting – taking advantage of
levitate – to raise above the ground
snarled – snapped
inclination – a tendency
manipulating – unfairly controlling
sultry – seductive-looking
revel – to take pleasure in
inadequacy –insufficiency
mogul – a great and important person
colleagues – associates
disillusioned – dissatisfied
inconsequential – unimportant
comradeship – friendship
observant – perceptive
stagnated – stopped
fatigued – tired
pilgrimage – a journey
scoffed – sneered
catheter – a medical tubing device used to inject or
remove liquid from the body
ruddy – red in complexion
gargle – a congested sound
corpses – dead bodies
intuitive – natural
puree – a blend
commode – a toilet
crescent – curved, like a half-moon
supplements – nourishment
facade – the front of a building
solidifying – becoming solid
squeamish – uneasy
alabaster – white
innately – inherently
calisthenics – exercises
serenely – peacefully
tenor – a mood or tone
coaxed – persuaded
stoic – composed
mantra – a saying
patriarch – a father-fi gure
reconcile – to reunite
estranged – alienated
audible – capable of being heard
whimsical – carefree
dwindling – diminishing
raspy – hoarse
negotiated – dealt with
accosted – approached in a harassing manner
grapple – to tackle
buoyant – lighthearted
Tuesdays with Morrie Reader’s Response Log
(There will be 11 response logs.)
Name: ____________________________ Class Period: ______________
Pages ______ - ______
Response #_______
As you read each assigned section:
RECORD the following information you find
in the text. (Summarize/quote the text in this
column and give Page# for at least one question
per reading section. May NOT repeat each
question more than three (3) times over the
course of our reading)
Good writing—beyond the idea the language
expresses, the style/use of language itself is well
crafted. (evaluate)
An idea that reminds you of a song or a poem you
know. (connect)
1. An idea that resonates with you...that captures an
experience or an idea you have had. (Connect)
An idea you agree with. (evaluate)
Now RESPOND to the answers you gave and
paraphrase your thoughts here to one of the
Elaborate, explaining your own thoughts.
Lesson learned. (summarize)