Social Studies Word Wall - Montgomery County Public Schools

Social Studies Word Wall
A social studies word wall is a systematically organized collection of
words displayed in large letters on a wall or other large display site in
the classroom. The purpose of the word wall is to increase students’
use and understanding of vocabulary. It is a tool to use, not just a
display. A content word wall provides a user-friendly reference as new
vocabulary is developed. Content word walls are designed to promote
group interaction and learning.
Ways to use:
 Note (circle, highlight, discuss) a particular vocabulary word to
build familiarity as it is encountered.
 Select a reference for an important social studies word.
Cooperatively decide on a common reference for the word and
post on word wall.
 Circle in Writing: Ask students to circle their use of word wall
vocabulary in their writing.
 Quick Review: Do a quick review a few times each week. Take five
minutes to call out a few words. After each word is called out
students draw a quick sketch with labels or captions to
demonstrate the meaning of the word.
 Collect Words: Ask students to search reading and writing
contexts to collect examples of word wall vocabulary and record
examples on charts.
 Overhead Celebrations: Celebrate successes. Show positive
examples of word wall usage by copying and displaying student
writing with usage of the vocabulary.
Social studies word walls are consistently changing based on the
content being taught and the needs of the students.
Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Curriculum 2.0 – Grade 5 2012
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An activist is a person
who strongly supports
or is in strong opposition
to a particular cause or
Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Curriculum 2.0 – Grade 5 2012
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A boycott is a type of
protest through which
people refuse to deal with
another group or refuse to
buy from a certain person,
organization, or country.
When people boycott, they
express their disapproval
of the policies of a person,
organization, business, or
Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Curriculum 2.0 – Grade 5 2012
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Collaboration is an
academic success skill
used by individuals to
work effectively and
respectfully to reach a
group goal.
Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Curriculum 2.0 – Grade 5 2012
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command decision
A command decision is a
decision made by an
authority such as a king
or a governmental body.
Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Curriculum 2.0 – Grade 5 2012
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A compromise is a
settlement of
differences in which both
sides give something up in
order to come to an
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Curriculum 2.0 – Grade 5 2012
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A conflict is a
disagreement or
argument about
something important.
Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Curriculum 2.0 – Grade 5 2012
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Currency is something
used as a medium of
economic exchange such as
Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Curriculum 2.0 – Grade 5 2012
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Loyalist (Tory)
Loyalists are colonists who
upheld the authority of
the British crown and who
disagreed with those who
supported American
independence during the
American Revolutionary
Period. Many Loyalists
belonged to a political
party called the Tories.
Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Curriculum 2.0 – Grade 5 2012
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opportunity cost
Opportunity cost is the next
best (second-best) choice that
is given up when a decision
(choice) is made.
Example: Pedro is buying lunch
in the cafeteria. The choices
are pizza, tacos, or a hot dog.
Pedro likes all three choices,
but he can only have one. He
chooses pizza. His opportunity
cost is his next best (secondbest) choice, which is tacos.
Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Curriculum 2.0 – Grade 5 2012
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Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Curriculum 2.0 – Grade 5 2012
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Patriots are colonists who
were opposed to British
control of the American
colonies during the
American Revolutionary
Period. They were often
associated with the
political party called the
Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Curriculum 2.0 – Grade 5 2012
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A rebellion occurs when a
group of people openly
oppose or fight against
authority such as
Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Curriculum 2.0 – Grade 5 2012
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turning point
A turning point event is a
decisive event after which a
significant change occurs. A
turning point event causes
the progression of events to
change in a significant way.
For example, the loss or win
of a particular battle may be
a turning point event in the
course of a war that later
determines the victor.
Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Curriculum 2.0 – Grade 5 2012
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urban artisan
An urban artisan is a skilled
worker or craftsperson in a
trade that involves making
things by hand. The business
of an urban artisan is
located in a city
environment. Urban artisans
include cobblers,
silversmiths, coopers,
weavers, brick makers,
blacksmiths, and glass
Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Curriculum 2.0 – Grade 5 2012
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Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Curriculum 2.0 – Grade 5 2012
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yeoman farmer
A yeoman farmer is a
free farmer who owns
and works his own land.
Yeomen farmers are
thought of as hardworking and without
great wealth.
Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland
Curriculum 2.0 – Grade 5 2012
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