Ageing Services Newsletter – February 2017

Open Arms Care
Ageing Services
Newsletter February 2017
Supported by the Australian Government Department of Health For more information visit . Although funding for OAC Ageing Services has been provided by the Australian
Government, the material contained herein does not necessarily represent the views of the Australian
Open Arms Care acknowledges all of the Gumbaynggir custodians of the land
in the region and elders past and present.
Coordinator's Column
Greeting to all,
The 14th of February is
of course Valentine’s
Day! Many Australians
celebrate Valentine’s Day
with cards, flowers or chocolates to their
loved ones or those they admire.
It’s also National Heart Research Day
so maybe give your own heart some
extra love & care! Good dental hygiene,
getting enough sleep, maintaining a
healthy diet, getting enough regular
avoiding cigarette smoke &
staying connected to community all make
for a happier heart.
As World Cancer Day falls
on 4th February I have
‘Health Page’ on Bowel
Cancer Australia’s ‘Diet &
Lifestyle Risks’, which
outlines positive lifestyle changes to
reduce the risks of bowel cancer.
The Australian Government is gradually
phasing in the National Bowel Cancer
Screening Program by 2020. Eligible
Australians aged between 50 and 74 will
receive a taxpayer-funded screening test.
in the mail and are encouraged to
complete and return it.
Further info ph: 1800 555 494 or online at
Contact details
PO Box 70, Urunga 2455
Phone: 6692 4470
Email: [email protected]
On a lighter note I’d like to
welcome 2 new staff
members to our team at
Ageing Services.
Sharon will be processing the Ageing Services accounts & providing admin support, now that Rina has moved into her
role as OAC Management Accountant,
over at the corporate office in Bellingen.
Kristy has joined the busy client support
team, mainly providing services through
our Domestic Assistance program.
Andrea (Client Support), Simone (Client
Support), Richard (Meals), Michelle
(Meals & Client Support) & of course Clayton (Service Manager), & myself all work
together with a shared goal of providing
great service to our community.
The only way to make sense of
change is to plunge into it, flow with
it ... and join the dance."
Alan Watts
1) Which planet is the eighth and
farthest known planet from the Sun
in the Solar System?
2) What is the nationality of the
Formula One champion Sebastian
3) Which founder of the Mongol
Empire was also known as
4) John Bonham played drums for
which English rock band?
5) Which 'W' is the largest prison
in the UK by capacity?
6) Hugh Montague Trenchard has
been described as the 'founding
father' of which UK Armed Forces?
7) Rhona Martin lead her team to
gold at the 2002 Winter Olympics
in which event?
8) Jerry Cruncher is a character
from which Charles Dickens novel?
9) 'Thinking Out Loud', 'The A
Team' and 'Photograph' are songs
from which British singersongwriter?
10) Which rugby union man who played
and coached the British and Irish
Lions was awarded a knighthood in the
2010 New Years Honours List?
What services are available
to help me stay living at
home for as long as I choose?
Open Arms Care deliver a range of support
services through their Ageing Services
 Meals delivered fresh to your home
 Domestic assistance
 Respite Care in your home
 Social Support Individual
 Other Food Services
The Commonwealth Home Support
Program is designed to support people aged
over 65 or 50 years of age for Aboriginal or
Torres Strait Islander People, to maximise
independence at home and in the community
enhancing their wellbeing and quality of life.
To apply for assistance through the
Commonwealth Home Support Program call
1800 200 422
Or for assistance with referrals contact
Open Arms Care Ageing Services
(02)6692 4470
Volunteers Page
Just a reminder to all volunteers, that meals on wheels run baskets & Ageing Services
work vehicles, are equipped with a hand sanitiser. Below are 7 steps to follow using
the sanitiser to clean your hands, when delivering meals or out & about on outings &
My Space Page
Far away, in the depth of the jungle, peacocks called. Nearby, goat herders moved
their flocks along, singing, tapping the ground or a goat's behind with their staffs. Boatmen striding back and forth, rowed their country boats against the flow, chanting mantras to Mother Ganga or singing fragments of love songs. The sweet odour of jasmine
rose with the heat from below the forested hill.
A small bud burst open, unseen, in a dark cleft of the gorge, becoming a glowing
white star in the gloom. In the Ganga, a group of dolphins herded a school of fish
against the bank with a noisy surge of water that frightened the ibis into flight. The temple elephant, sad and bored, tethered by a stout chain attached to a spike driven
deep into rock, swayed slowly side to side, dreaming of freedom.
Deep in the jungle depths a tiger made a kill. Tired and panting, the tiger sat with
its forepaws on the body of a buck. The westering sun, large and dusky red, shed its
misty light on the radiant clouds floating over a distant land. About the village, the cows
were being driven lazily home for milking.
In the temple the Brahman rang the big bell and began chanting the Gayatri Mantram - mystical sounds from before the beginning. Mothers put babies to the breast and
elder sons lit the fires. Smoke drifted about the village and the smell of burning cowpats floated about with it – a smell the wild things knew well. As the light faded, birds
went to roost and the creatures of the night sniffed the air to know the direction they
should take. Silence as deep as the dark hung heavily in the warm air, made more intense by the short sudden hoot of an owl or the clucking of geckos.
Far away, a doe and buck were mating in an ancient ritual and some villagers in
their huts were becoming amorous with each other. All home in the hive, the bees
swarmed about the honey cells and the Queen laid more eggs.
By Russell Atkinson
My Space
We would love to hear from you!
If you have a original short story, memory
or poem you would like to share on our My
Space page please either hand deliver to
191 Old Pacific Highway Raleigh, post to
PO Box 70, Urunga 2455, or Email: [email protected].
You can remain anonymous if you wish.
Trivia Answers
1) Neptune
2) German
3) Genghis Khan
4) Led Zeppelin
5) Wandsworth
6) Royal Air Force
7) Curling
8) A Tale of Two Cites
9) Ed Sheeran
10) Sir Ian McGeechan
Ladies Lunch
Aqua Aerobics
Art Class
Tai Chi
Tai Chi
Aqua Aerobics
Art Class
Tai Chi
Vision Group
Aqua Aerobics
Art Class
Tai Chi
Tai Chi
Men’s Outing
Aqua Aerobics
Art Class
Mixed Lunch
1/2 Day
Vision Group
March 2017
Outings and Activities
March 2017
Mondays: Art Group
9am- 12pm at the Bellingen Youth Hub.
Work at you own pace, with help and guidance available by local artists if
required. Beginners welcome! Client contribution is $5.00
Tuesdays: Aqua Aerobics
10am-10.45am at the Macksville Memorial Aquatic Centre & Hydro Therapy pool.
Come and enjoy a relaxing and therapeutic Aqua Aerobics
program. Aqua Aerobics is a great way to stay fit, keep the
cardiovascular system in good shape, and is a relaxing way to
strengthen muscles after sustaining an injury.
Client contribution is $10 plus you pay $7.50 for pool entry & Aqua Aerobics class
Wednesdays: Tai Chi
10am-11am at the Bellingen Youth Hub.
Relax and re-energize with an hour of movement that promotes balance
and harmony in both body and mind. Beginners welcome.
Client contribution $2.00
1st Thursday of each Month
Vision Insight Group Outing, Thursday 2nd March
The group enjoys an outing which may include guest speakers, visits to
various vision specific services, assistive technology information & other
places of interest, followed by lunch
Client Contribution is $10.00 plus you pay for your own lunch.
Thursday 9th March Half day shopping to Centro Toormina & Aldi.
This is for those of you who don’t have transport and/or need assistance
with shopping. For the comfort and safety of all, we have a 4 bag limit per
client. Client Contribution is $10
Monday 13th March Men’s Outing.
This month we are heading to the Bellingen Federal Hotel for lunch.
Client contribution is $6 & you pay for your own lunch.
Thursday 16th March Mixed Lunch Outing.
This month we will travel down to the Nambucca for a leisurely
stroll along the V Wall
before heading off to the Pub With No Beer for lunch.
Client contribution is $15 plus you pay for your own lunch.
Wednesday 15th March Vision shopping trip.
This outing is for those who have vision impairment and may need a little
extra assistance with their shopping needs.
Client contribution $10.
Thursday 23rd March Regular shopping trip to Coffs Harbour.
This shopping trip is mainly for those items that aren’t available in the
local shops. Lunch is at the Chillout Café For the comfort and safety of
all, we have a 4 bag limit per client.
Client contribution is $10.00 you pay for your own lunch.
Tuesday 28th March Ladies’ Lunch.
This month we will be lunching at the Atelier Cafe situated next to
Fullers Fruit & Veg on Waterfall Way Bellingen.
Client contribution is $6 plus you pay for your own lunch.
Health Page