WORF - Windows Observational Research Facility

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The Window Observational Research Facility ( WORF) Rack is a unique
facility designed for use with the US Lab Destiny Module research quality
WORF will provide valuable resources for Earth Science payloads along
with serving the purpose of protecting the lab window. The facility can be
used for remote sensing instrumentation test and validation in a shirt
sleeve environment. WORF payloads will be able to conduct terrestrial
studies utilizing the data collected from utilizing WORF and the lab
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WORF not only provides the necessary access to the window itself but
also the power, data, cooling and mounting connections required for
science instruments to operate.
The Window Observational Research Facility is available for
International Space Station National Laboratory payload usage.
Visit: International Space Station National Laboratory
“The Window Observational Research Facility (WORF) and Remote
Sensing From the International Space Station." - This video that
describes the remote sensing capabilities of the International Space
Station (ISS) utilizing the United States Laboratory "Destiny" module
science window and the Window Observational Research Facility
ISS WORF Video (Part 1 of 2)
ISS WORF Video (Part 2 of 2)
WORF Patch Description
For more information, please contact:
MSFC WORF Project Manager: Sean Thompson
(256) 544-5592
[email protected]
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Curator: MITS Applications and Web
NASA Official: Ginger Flores
Last Updated: 25 April 2015.
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The U.S. Destiny Laboratory on ISS features an Earth observation window with the highest quality
optics ever flown on a human occupied spacecraft. Images from space have many applications: e.g.,
they can be used to study global climates, land and sea formations, crop weather damage and health
assessments. Special sensors can also provide important data regarding transient atmospheric and
geologic phenomena (hurricanes and volcanic eruptions), as well as a test bed for collecting data for
new sensor technology development.
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The WORF design uses existing EXpedite the PRocessing of Experiments to Space Station
(EXPRESS) Rack hardware which includes a Rack Interface Controller box for power and data
connection, Avionics Air Assembly fan for air circulation within the rack, rack fire detection, and
appropriate avionics to communicate with the ISS data network. The WORF will maximize the use of
this window by providing sensors (cameras, multispectral and hyper-spectral scanners, camcorders
and other instruments) to capture imagery of the Earth and space. WORF also provides attachment
points for power and data transfer and the capability for multiple instruments to be mounted and used
in the window simultaneously. WORF will include a means of preventing the formation of
condensation on the interior surface of the window and a retractable bump shield to protect the
interior window surface from impacts of loose tools and hardware being used in the payload area
during the set-up and changeout of sensor packages by the crew. The interior of the WORF provides
a non-reflective, light-tight environment to minimize stray reflections and glare off the window allowing
use to payloads that are sensitive to extremely low energy phenomena such as auroras. An opaque
fabric shroud can be attached to the front of the rack to allow crew members to work in the WORF
without the problem of glare from the U.S. Lab interior lights.
The high quality optical window is located on the nadir (Earth facing) side of the U.S. Destiny
laboratory module. The window provides a view of 39.5 degrees forward along the axis of the ISS,
32.2 degrees aft, and a total of 79.1 degrees from starboard to port.
The window is 508 cm (20 in) in diameter.
The window is made up of an assembly of
four separate panes. The outermost pane is
a replaceable debris pane a little more than
1.0 cm (one third of an inch) thick. It is
designed to protect the window from small
orbital debris or micrometeoroids that might
strike the station. If it is severely damaged, it
can be replaced during an EVA. The two
middle panes serve as the primary and
secondary pressure windows, ensuring that
the laboratory module stays pressurized.
Each of these panes is 3.2 cm (1-1/4 in)
thick. The innermost pane, a multi-layer
scratch pane, is a little less than a 1.7 cm
(half-inch) thick. The scratch pane has an
integral heater element to prevent
condensation from forming on the pressure
panes, and has a special anti-scratch
coating that protects against accidental
bumps from camera lenses and other
equipment during set-up work inside the
WORF rack. Although the scratch pane can
support normal photography, it is often
necessary to remove the scratch pane
during the operation of other high-resolution
sensors. When the scratch pane is removed,
the WORF provides a deployable metal and acrylic bump shield to protect the primary pressure panes
while equipment is set up in front of the window. When the sensors are ready for use and the interior
of the WORF rack has been secured with a hatch cover, the bump shield can be retracted using
controls on the outside of the WORF rack, giving the cameras/sensors a clear view through the
window to the Earth below. When the scratch pane (and its heater element) is removed, the WORF
rack provides a variable air flow across the window to prevent condensation.
When the WORF is not in use, when visiting spacecraft are docking with the ISS, or when the window
is exposed to orbital ram conditions during special orientations of the ISS, the research lab window is
protected by a metal cover on the outside of the Destiny lab module. This external window shutter
pivots on hinges and is rotated open and closed by the crew using controls on the WORF rack.
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Curator: MITS Applications and Web
NASA Official: Ginger Flores
Last Updated: 25 April 2015.
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The WORF design uses existing EXpedite the PRocessing of Experiments to Space Station
(EXPRESS) Rack hardware which includes: a Rack Interface Controller (RIC), the command and
control interface for rack subsystems; the Payload Ethernet Hub/Bridge (PEHB), the Ethernet
interface to payloads; the EXPRESS Memory Unit (EMU),the solid state memory device (320 MB)
used for System software files, and Configuration files; and the Solid State Power Controller Module
(SSPCM) which provides 120 VDC output to the RIC, AAA fan, PEHB, and Area Smoke Detector, and
which converts 120 VDC to 28 VDC for payloads.
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Curator: MITS Applications and Web
NASA Official: Ginger Flores
Last Updated: 25 April 2015.
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WORF is available for scientific and commercial payloads.
+ Capabilities
WORF will also be a resource for public outreach and educational opportunities for Earth
Sciences (e.g., the EarthKAM, etc.). The resulting images can be used to study global
climates, land and sea formations, and map routes for city planners. Special sensors can also
provide important data-for example, atmospheric conditions or properties as well as data for
new sensor technology development.
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WORF provides a facility by which remotely operated payloads and crew members can
perform Earth/space science research, including hand held photography, at the US Lab
Science Window.
WORF is based on an International Standard Payload Rack (ISPR) and utilizes avionics and
hardware adapted from the EXPRESS Rack program.
The rack provides a payload volume equivalent to 0.8 m3, and will be able to support up to 3
payloads simultaneously, depending on available resources and space available at the
WORF will also provide access and equipment for crew-Earth observations, such as crew
restraints and camera/camcorder brackets, and condensation prevention.
The spectral properties of the window support remote sensing work. The reflective coating on
the window absorbs UV radiation, but transmittance rises rapidly after 304 nm to > 90% in the
visible and into the near infrared. Transmittance tails off after 800 nm, reaching zero at
approximately 2600 nm.
Corning Inc., Corning, N.Y., provided glass capable of supporting viewing with high-resolution
telescopes. The glass panes were polished to a fine finish by Zygo Corp., Middlefield, Conn. The
panes were coated by Optical Coating Lab Inc., Santa Rosa, Calif., with anti-reflection chemicals that
block ultra-violet radiation from the sun. The coating also is electro-conductive to cut down on
condensation. The glass is homogenous, free of color, been polished very smoothly and is flat. In
addition, for extra protection, the outermost panel has a clamshell-like protective aluminum cover that
can be closed from inside the station.
+ Freedom of Information Act
+ The President's Management Agenda
+ NASA Privacy Statement, Disclaimer & Accessibility Certification
Curator: MITS Applications and Web
NASA Official: Ginger Flores
Last Updated: 25 April 2015.