Welcome to QSuper Self Invest

QSuper Factsheet
Welcome to QSuper Self Invest
If you like the idea of rolling up your sleeves and getting hands on with your super, it’s worth taking a closer look at Self Invest. It’s an option
that lets you invest directly in term deposits, shares and exchange traded funds (ETFs), giving you an active role in how your super in invested.
And with access through Member Online, Self Invest means managing your super on your own terms, when and where it suits you.
What is Self Invest?
How does Self Invest work?
Self Invest is our direct online investment option that lets you be
your own investment manager. You can invest your super in a
range of term deposits, or buy or sell ETFs and shares listed on the
S&P/ASX 300. There are plenty of options to choose from.
When you transfer money from your other investment options into
Self Invest, we automatically set up a transaction account for you.
From here you can invest in shares, term deposits and ETFs. This
is the account we transfer your investment returns into, and the
account we deduct fees from.
It’s managed entirely online, and comes with access to
comprehensive share research, market commentary and portfolio
management tools to help you manage your investments.
S&P/ASX 300
Read the Term Deposit and the Australian Shares and
Exchange Traded Funds factsheet on our website for
information on your investment options.
Other QSuper
Is it for you?
As long as you’re a QSuper member with at least $50,000 in your
Accumulation or Income account, you’re able to use Self Invest.
You can transfer as little as $5,000 into Self Invest to get started,
but you’ll need to leave some of your funds in one or more of our
other investment options. If you have an Accumulation account,
you need to leave at least $10,000 in our other options. With an
Income account, you need to leave the equivalent of 24 months of
income payments.
Before deciding if direct investing is for you, we encourage you to
think carefully about whether you have the investment expertise
and time to actively manage and monitor your investments. As
you’re setting the investment strategy yourself, performance will
depend on your management skill and the decisions you make.
Timeframe is important too. Your super is designed to provide you
with adequate income in retirement, so it’s important you choose
investments that will help you meet your retirement goals.
Self Invest
This diagram is provided for illustrative purposes only and
shouldn’t be relied on as personal, legal or taxation advice, and it
doesn’t take the place of this kind of advice.
How do I get started?
Self Invest is easily accessed through Member Online. Before you start
you’ll need to:
• register for Member Online, and accept the terms and conditions
• have a valid email address to receive Self Invest correspondence
• watch a short introductory video on Self Invest.
After that, you simply request a change to your investment mix in
Member Online and choose how much you want to transfer to
Self Invest. As we’ve mentioned, your first transfer needs to be a
minimum of $5,000.
Are there investment limits?
What does Self Invest cost?
Yes, there are. You need to keep at least $2,000 in your Self Invest
transaction account at all times. When you’re making decisions
around buying shares and ETFs, please keep the following
investment limits in mind:
Self Invest offers you a low-cost alternative to an SMSF3. There are
no set up costs and ongoing fees are limited to an administration
fee of 0.20% p.a. of your QSuper account balance, an access fee of
$204 per year (paid monthly) and competitive brokerage and cash
management fees. Compare this to self-managed alternatives and
the benefits really add up.
How it works
For example
Maximum share or
ETF exposure1
You may have
a maximum
exposure to
shares and ETFs
equal to 85%
of your QSuper
Accumulation or
Income account
If you have an
account balance
of $100,000,
the maximum
amount you can
invest in a range
of shares or ETFs
is $85,000.
You may have
a maximum
exposure to a
single share or
ETF product
equal to 25%
of the value of
your QSuper
Accumulation or
Income account
If you have an
account balance
of $100,000,
the maximum
amount you
can invest in a
single share or
ETF product is
Maximum single
share or ETF
Read the Self Invest Guide on our website for full details on fees.
Want expert advice?
We strongly recommend getting advice before deciding if Self
Invest is the right investment option for you. QInvest offers
personal financial advice services including ‘one-off’ simple advice
about your QSuper benefit, right through to comprehensive advice
about your entire financial situation. Just call 1800 643 893 or visit
For term deposits, the minimum investment in a single term
deposit is $5,000. The maximum is $5 million.
What tools and resources are available?
So you can control your super with confidence, we’ve created
a series of online video tutorials and fact sheets, which are all
available on our website. You can also create share watch lists
and access charting tools, reporting and regular updates and
market research on the companies you invest in provided by UBS
Securities Australia Ltd.2
We’re always happy to help too and you can get in touch with us
on 1300 360 750.
1 In some circumstances your maximum share or single share limit may be exceeded as a result
of market movements or corporate action. You won’t be able to buy additional shares until the
share limit is adjusted to the maximum allowable limit. 2 Information and reports from UBS
Securities Australia Ltd are provided for general information only and do not constitute financial
product advice. 3 Average SMSF operating costs as provided by the Australian Tax Office in Selfmanaged superannuation funds: A statistical overview 2012-2013
Member Centres 70 Eagle Street Brisbane and 63 George Street Brisbane
Telephone 1300 360 750 (+61 7 3239 1004 if overseas)
Monday – Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm Queensland time
Postal address GPO Box 200 Brisbane Qld 4001
Fax 1300 241 602
Website qsuper.qld.gov.au
ABN: 60 905 115 063
SFN: 2610 419 41
8616 07/09/15 FS58
And so you know, this information is provided by QInvest Limited (ABN 35 063 511 580 AFSL and Australian Credit Licence Number 238274) which is ultimately owned by the QSuper Board (ABN 32 125 059 006) as
trustee for the QSuper Fund (ABN 60 905 115 063). All products are issued by the QSuper Board as trustee for the QSuper Fund. When we say ‘QSuper’, we’re talking about the QSuper Board, the QSuper Fund, QSuper
Limited or QInvest Limited, unless the context we’re using it in suggests otherwise. We’ve put this information together as general information only so keep in mind that it doesn’t take into account your personal
objectives, financial situation or needs, it shouldn’t be relied on as legal or taxation advice and doesn’t take the place of this type of advice. What we say about law or proposals is based on our interpretation of the
law or proposals at the time we printed this document. You should consider whether the product is appropriate for you by reading a copy of the product disclosure statement before making a decision – you can
do this by downloading a copy from our website at qsuper.qld.gov.au or call us on 1300 360 750. © QSuper Board of Trustees 2015