teacher and society

Unit 4
Teacher and Society
Learning Objectives
Concept of Teaching
Definitions of Teaching
Characteristics of Teaching
Relation of Teaching with Learning
Changing Role of Teachers in Society
Need for Professional Development of Teachers in the context
of Assam
Teaching as a Profession, its autonomy and accountability
Let us Sum up
Further Reading
Answers to Check Your Progress
Model Questions
After going through this unit you will be able to –
l define Teaching
l list the characteristics of Teaching
l interpret the relation of Teaching and Learning
l discuss the changing role of teachers in society with special
reference to Assam
l explain the need for professional development for the teachers in
l analyze teaching as a profession, its autonomy and accountability
l describe the Code of Professional Ethics for school teachers.
We have discussed in detail the concept of education in units 1
and 2. There we have learned that ‘education’ is a very broad term. We
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can say that education is the ‘mother’ which has given birth to the concepts
like teaching, training, etc. Teaching is an important part of the process of
education. Being a teacher, your professional engagement with teaching
is the most important activity in your life. But when it comes to defining
teaching, you may find it difficult to use the exact words. So, we shall start
this unit with a discussion on the meaning and characteristics of teaching.
The two terms, teaching and learning are intimately related to each
other. Here we shall highlight the relationship of teaching with learning.
Teaching is a social phenomenon. In earlier times, society used to accord
a very high place to teachers. But the nature of society is changing with
time and so the role of teacher in society has also been changing. We
shall discuss in detail the changing role of teacher in society.
This diploma course which you are undergoing is a course designed
for your professional development. We shall discuss in detail why you
need to go through this course and why it is necessary for you to develop
yourself professionally by undergoing such type of training programmes.
This will require us to analyze teaching as a profession as well as the
question of autonomy and accountability involved with teaching.
As a teacher the first and foremost thing you must know is what
does teaching actually mean? Is it just simple ‘telling and testing’? No,
teaching is much more than that. It is the complex art of guiding students
through a variety of selected experiences or activities towards the attainment
of appropriate teaching-learning goal. Let us try to understand the concept
of teaching by relating it to the term ‘education’ which we have already
discussed under units 1 and 2. The three focal points in education are –
the teacher, the student and the subject matter. Teaching is a relationship
which is established among these three focal points in education. It is the
process through which the teacher brings the student and the subjectmatter together. Different educationists have defined teaching in different
ways. Let us now have a look on some of the definitions and characteristics
of teaching in the following sub-sections.
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Teacher and Society
4.3.1 Definitions of Teaching
There are many definitions of teaching each of which is valid
and pertinent from its own point of view. The following are some of
the definitions of teaching that demand our attention.
According to Burton, “Teaching is the stimulation, guidance,
direction and encouragement of learning.”
H.C. Morrison (1934) said, “Teaching is an intimate contact
between a more mature personality and less mature one which
is designed to further the education of the latter.”
In the words of Clarke (1970), “Teaching refers to activities
that are designed and performed to produce change in
students (pupil) behavior.”
According to Thomas F. Green (1971), “Teaching is the task
of teacher which is performed for the development of a child”.
4.3.2 Characteristics of Teaching
Some of the characteristics of Teaching are discussed
Teaching is a social phenomenon: Teaching is influenced
by social and human factors. But human and social factors
are dynamic i.e. they are continuously changing and evolving
and so teaching is also dynamic.
Teaching is causing to learn: Teaching is a task that teacher
does with his students for causing the latter to learn something.
Teaching is an interactive process: It is carried out for the
attainment of some specific purposes and objectives.
Teaching is both art as well as science: It is the name of
giving scientific form to art of skills by using suitable methods
and strategies.
Teaching is both formal and informal: Teaching is conducted
both inside the classroom and outside the classroom.
Teaching is a tri-polar process: The three poles in Teaching
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are students, teacher and subject matter.
Teaching is professional activity: The teachers are
professionals and they use their professional skills on their
pupils in a planned manner.
Teaching is basically a communication process.
Teaching provides guidance, direction and encouragement
to the learners.
Teaching can be observed, analyzed and evaluated.
4.3.3 Relation of Teaching with Learning
We have learned that teaching is the interaction between
the teacher and the learner, under the teacher’s responsibility in
order to bring about desirable change in learner’s behaviour. Now
you may ask me, what is learning? In short, we can say that learning
is the process of bringing desirable and stable changes in the
behaviour of students. Learning occupies a dominant place in the
field of education. Learning is the focal point at which all the activities
and processes of education converge. Now let us a look on the
relation of teaching with learning. In this connection we can mention
Robertson, an educationist, who has defined the relation between
teaching and learning in the following words “Teaching is a generic term which denotes actions
undertaken with the intention of bringing about learning in another.”
So, we can say that teaching is effective only when it results
into learning. Teaching would be worthless and meaningless if
learning is not produced.
According to another educationist Cage,
“The process of teaching and learning must be adapted to
each other so as to make whatever combination of procedures pay
off best.”
Therefore, where teaching must make a central concern of
the process of education, the leaning, in turn, should be make a
central theme and goal for every kind of teaching.
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As such, as teachers you have to generate appropriate
teaching conditions and select appropriate teaching aids so that
your students may be able to learn effectively. Your teaching will be
effective only when it results into maximum learning in your students.
As you go though this course, you will be able to discover how to
design appropriate teaching activities for creating favorable learning
conditions for your students so as to bring about desirable changes
in them.
Q 1: Write whether the following statements are
true or false.
i) Teaching is a very complex activity. (True/False)
ii) Teaching is a relationship. (True/False)
iii) Teaching takes place only in a formal setup. (True/False)
iv) Learning occupies a focal point in the process of education.
Q 2: What are the three focal points in education? How does the
teacher bring the student and the subject matter together?
Write your answer in around 25 to 30 words.
The Teacher is a maker of man and history.
Both teacher and God are standing before me, but I don’t know,
whom to bow first. I will bow to you my teacher, who has guided me
to God.
Teachers are literally the arbiters of a nation’s destiny – Dr. Zakir
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Unit 4
Your attention is drawn to the above notable quotes and from those
quoted views it is clear that a teacher can play an important role in the
progress and welfare of a society. The teacher is considered the yardstick
which measures the achievement and aspiration of the nation.
In the ancient days, teachers enjoyed a very high position of respect
and honor in our society. In the Vedic and post-Vedic periods the place of
the teachers was second to that of God. They were kept on the pedestal
as Gurus. Even the kings used to sit at their feet. The teacher or guru was
regarded as the guide who used to bring light whenever there was darkness.
The teachers also considered their work as a very honorable activity. They
worked with a sense of self-fulfillment and self-realization. They were
expected to lead a life of self-denial, free of worldly things.
Even though the teachers no longer enjoy the same position of
being second to God as they did in ancient days, still it cannot be denied
that in the emerging Indian society also they have been playing a very
pivotal role in the social reconstitution and in the transmission of wisdom,
knowledge and experience from one generation to another. Regarding
the role of teachers in society, Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan has aptly
“The teacher’s place of society is of vital importance, he acts as the
point for the transmission of intellectual tradition and technical skill from
generation to generation and helps to keep the lamp of civilization burning.”
Children are the potential wealth of a nation. Since classrooms are
controlled by class teachers, therefore the children are always exposed to
the influence of the teacher. Hence, the teacher seems to play the most
dominant role in moulding and shaping the attitudes, habits, manners and
above all, the character and personality of the young students. Thus, we
can say that the progress of the nation and of mankind depends to a large
on the teachers. The teachers occupy an important place in the society as
an architect of our future generation. In this connection, the Kothari
Education Commission (1964-66) has also stated,
“The destiny of India is now being shaped in her classrooms”.
In our Assamese society also the teachers are looked upon by the
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society as the wisest men in the community. They are regarded as the
backbone of the society. Whenever there arises a conflicting situation in
the society or in a family, particularly in the villages of Assam, everyone,
whether educated or not, turns to the local school teachers for advice. The
teachers by using their wisdom help to solve various problems of the
villages, and thus they play the role of a social reformer. Therefore, in our
society the teachers have to play multifarious roles according to the demand
of the situation, such as, social leader, decision maker, peace setter, adviser,
The National Policy in Education, 1986 thus comments on the role
of teacher in the society as follows:
“The status of the teachers reflects the socio-cultural ethos of a
society: it is said that no people can rise above the level of its teachers.”
Moreover our modern society of 21st century is characterized by
explosions in various areas such as explosion of knowledge, explosion of
technology, explosion of expectations, explosion of population, etc. As a
result, there have been fast changes in socio-economic life of people.
These changes make a heavy demand on the knowledge a child possesses
and the role, he/she is going to play in the future. As the child grows older
he/she will be called upon to face and solve more and more complex
problems. Changes in society’s life demand corresponding changes in
education and as a consequence the role of teacher undergoes changes.
It is, therefore necessary for you to realize that you as a classroom
teacher can help the society in achieving an all-round development by
acting as a powerful agency in transmitting the cherished values of our
culture to the future generation. As a teacher, your duty is not limited inside
the classroom only. You owe a duty to the society and the nation. You have
to play the role of a custodian of the national values and also an architect
of new values. You are the one who can help our country in the social
reconstruction. So, you must recognize your role as one of the most
influential persons in the society. You must keep your knowledge up-to
date to understand the problems of the country and also must make a
sincere effort to create such a climate in which our society can move forward.
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With the changing time, you must be able to act as a change agent for
modernization and development of the society. You must develop your
capability to work as a social worker by organizing programmes in nonformal and adult education, awareness programmes in health and hygiene,
population issues, environmental challenges, etc. Also, in order to equip the
child to face the challenges of a changing society, you must keep on upgrading
your knowledge and competencies throughout your professional career by
attending conferences, refresher courses, orientation courses, seminars,
workshops and through extensive study, traveling and developing a capacity
for independent thinking, etc. In this connection, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, in
his book India 2020 – A Vision of the New Millennium has rightly remarked,
“If you are a teacher in whatever capacity, you have a very special
role to play because more than anybody else it is you who are shaping the
future generation.”
Q 3: Fill in the gap in the following sentences:
i. The teacher or guru was regarded as the
................... who used to bring
................... whenever there was ........................
The .................. of India is now being shaped in her
Q 4: What are the various kinds of roles which the teacher has
to play in our society? Write your answers in around 20 to
25 words.
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Teacher and Society
As a teacher what are your contributions to your
society? Write from your own experience.
You must be wondering why it is essential for you to undergo this
two years diploma course. What is the need of a professional development
course for a teacher? You will get your answer after you go through this
section. In the above section we have learned about how teachers occupy
a central position in any nation as they are engaged in the noble task of
preparing the citizens of tomorrow. Since the progress of a nation depends
on the quality of the school education which in turn depends on the quality
of its teachers, therefore, it is very necessary that our teachers are well
trained, competent and dedicated enough to carry out this responsibility of
shaping the future of our country and also to act as a change agent in the
society. It is believed that elementary level education serves as the
foundation stage for future academic and social lives of children and thereby
also serves as the foundation for building the bright national future of the
Now let us come to the elementary education scenario of our state,
Assam. It has been found that the quality of elementary education in Assam
is quite low in that of comparison to that of some of the developed states
of India. As per preliminary report of Census 2011 the literacy rate of Assam
is 73.18% which is below the national average of 74.04%. It has also
been found that many of the children drop out of school before completing
class VIII. There are various reasons for dropping out of children from
schools, such as poverty, early marriage, physical health of students,
uninspiring school environment, etc. Out of the many contributing factors
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for unattractive school environment, the major factors are found to be
inefficient teaching, physical and mental punishment given to the children
and highly irregular attendance of the teachers themselves. In Assam, most
of the school students are found to be the victims of corporal punishment.
One of the main reasons for this sorry state of affairs of our schools,
particularly the government-run schools is found to be the lack of adequate
professional training on the part of majority of our teachers. We have
mentioned above that the elementary education is the foundation on which
the super structure of the entire educational system is built and the
responsibility of laying that foundation lies on the shoulders of classroom
teachers. Therefore, to improve the standard of our elementary level
education, there is an urgent need that our teachers develop themselves
professionally by undergoing a rigorous professional training course.
Moreover, one of the salient features of the Right to Education
(RTE) Act-2009, which came in to force on April-2010, is that every school
teacher must obtain an adequate professional degree in teaching within
a period of five years from the date of commencement of the Act so
that along with the free and compulsory education, the children will
also get quality education. In Assam, the State Cabinet approved the
RTE Act on July 5, 2011 thereby making Assam the 19th state to implement
this act. With the implementation of the RTE Act in Assam, it has become
compulsory to obtain a diploma in elementary education for all the teachers
of Assam both in-service and pre service to teach at the elementary level
So, it must be clear to you by now why there is a need for you to
undergo a training course to develop yourself professionally. Now let us
discuss in brief how this course will help you in your professional growth
and make you a better teacher. It is however not meant to say that lack of
training will necessarily make you a very bad teacher and that training, by
itself, is sure to make you a very good teacher. To be an effective teacher,
along with the professional training you need to have some personal
qualities such as honesty, punctuality, cleanliness, dedication, affection,
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impartiality, etc. Still, professionally trained teachers can be more effective
than untrained teachers, since the training course itself tries to imbibe these
personal qualities in the teachers.
Now let us proceed to examine the various professional qualities
which are required to become an effective teacher and how this professional
training in particular can help you to acquire those qualities. These are
discussed more elaborately below.
Professional Training enables teachers to have a better
understanding of the students
Since the aim of teaching is an all-round development of the
personality of a student, as a teacher you must have a thorough
knowledge of child psychology and principles of pedagogy. This
training will enable you to understand the child better and will help
you to deal with your students / children scientifically so as to bring
about their all-round development.
Professional Training boost teachers’ confidence
Teacher training is essential to build confidence in the teacher. As a
trained teacher, with the scientific knowledge of class management,
you will be able to tackle any odd or problematic situations in the
classroom with confidence.
Professional Training is important to have mastery over teaching
A thorough knowledge of the subject matter on which you teach is a
must for you to be able to face your students confidently. But as a
teacher, along with the knowledge of the subject, you also require
various skills to communicate the knowledge effectively to your
students. Some of the skills are: skills of planning and preparing
classroom instruction, classroom management, guiding pupils,
teaching techniques, evaluating the progress of the students, contact
with parents, etc. This training will help you to master these skills.
Professional Training is needed to understand the methodology
of teaching
As a teacher, you should be able to contrive and use a number of
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suitable teaching methods and devices. This course will make you
familiar with the various methodologies of teaching and thereby will
help you to choose suitable methods and devices according to the
demand of the subject as well as the interest or need of the students.
Professional Training develops organization capacity of teacher
A teacher should be able to organize, supervise and participate in
co-curricular activities of the school. This training course will help
you to develop these qualities.
Professional Training is a must for teaching in a democratic
A teacher in a democratic country should be able to teach with zeal
and zest and strengthen the democratic setup of the country. This
training will help you not only to become a good teacher but also a
good citizen.
Q 5: What are the major factors responsible for
unattractive school environment?
Q 6: Which Act has made ‘an adequate professional degree in
teaching’ compulsory for the elementary school teachers?
Q 7: To be an effective teacher you only need to have a complete
mastery on the subject matter which you teach. (True/False)
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Do you think that you are already a good teacher even
without undergoing any professional development
course? Is this course on professional development necessary for
you to become an effective teacher? Write down your personal
opinion on this course.
(a) Teaching as a Profession:
The teacher offers the beacon light of knowledge to the new
generation for leading a good and useful life in the society. As a teacher,
your main duty is to teach. You know what you are teaching. But you must
also know the purpose of teaching. You are teaching for the individual
growth, social progress, national development, etc. We have already
discussed in section 4.4 how the teachers have to play a very vital role in
any society or community. Because of their role in individual and social
uplift, the teachers are referred to as professionals and teaching as a
Profession generally means an occupation which requires
specialized knowledge or advanced learning. A professional is one who is
able to acquire a fund of knowledge, range of skills in a particular area and
apply their knowledge and skills in the service of humanity. A teacher is
considered to be a professional because he/she is a person who needs to
be trained in teaching skills. In fact, teaching is regarded as one of the
noblest professions in the world because it helps in the all-round
development of an individual – in mind, spirit and body. The modern society
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is full of professional persons such as doctors, engineers, weavers, cobblers,
tailors etc. A doctor’s profession is concerned with the physical side of man’s
personality and the engineer looks after the physical side of development
social aspects like building roads, bridges, dams, houses, devising new
methods and machines. He enriches national life and adds to the comfort
of common and convenience of the common man; similarly a weaver by
making clothes, a cobbler by making shoes, a tailor by stitching clothes
serve mankind by their own professions. Though their professions are useful
to the society, still they are limited to the physical side of human life. But the
highest service consists in the all-round development of an individual and
this is carried out by the teachers. The teacher is concerned with the
development of the whole child: intellectually, emotionally, socially, spiritually
and, to some degree, physically. That is why teaching has been accepted
as the noblest profession.
Every profession has its own professional ethics. The professional
ethics means certain code of conduct which should be followed by every
person belonging to a particular profession. Since teaching is a profession,
as a teacher, you should also follow certain code of ethics and maintain
high professional standard. The National Council for Teacher Education
(NCTE) has developed certain code of professional ethics for school
teachers. NCTE has prepared this document as an attempt to provide
direction and guidelines to the teachers in enhancing the dignity of this
very noble profession (NCTE, 2010).
The code provides a framework of principles that would guide
teachers in discharging their obligations towards students, parents,
colleagues and the community. Each of you as a teacher must try to
understand and adopt these as your professional ethics. These principles
developed by NCTE are described below in detail.
Obligation towards Students: It shall be our primary duty
to treat all our students with love and affection
to be just and impartial to all our students irrespective of their
caste, creed, religion, sex, economic status, disability, language
and place of birth
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to promote their physical, social, intellectual, emotional, and moral
to respect the basic human dignity of the child in all aspects of
school life
to make planned and systematic efforts so that the children
can actualize their potential and talent
to transact the curriculum in conformity with the values enshrined
in the Constitution of India
to adapt our teaching to the individual needs of students
to maintain the confidentiality of the information concerning our
students and dispense such information only to those who are
legitimately entitled to it
to refrain from subjecting any child to fear, trauma, anxiety,
physical punishment, sexual abuse, and mental or emotional
to set before them a high standard of character, discipline and
Obligation towards Parents, Community and Society: It shall be
our primary duty
to establish a relationship of trust with parents or guardians in
the interest of all round development of students
to resist from doing anything which is derogatory to the respect
of the children or their parents/guardians
to strive to develop respect for the composite culture of India
among students, to keep the country uppermost in mind, refrain
from taking part in such activities which may spread feelings of
hatred or enmity among different communities, religious or
linguistic groups
Obligation towards Profession and Colleagues: It shall be our
primary duty
to strive for our continuous professional development
to create a culture that encourages purposeful collaboration
and dialogue among colleagues and stakeholders
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to take pride in our profession and treat other members of the
profession with respect and dignity
to refrain from engaging in private teaching activities
to refrain from accepting any gift or favour that might impair or
appear to influence professional decisions or actions
to refrain from making unsubstantial allegations against
colleagues or higher authorities
to avoid making derogatory statements about colleagues,
especially in the presence of pupils, other teachers, officials or
to respect the professional standing and opinions of our
colleagues, to maintain confidentiality of information concerning
colleagues and dispenses such information only when
authorized to do so.
(b) Teaching: Its Autonomy and Accountability
We have learned that the profession of teaching demands the
teachers to be idealist in thinking and to follow certain code of conduct.
Now, when we try to examine the autonomy of the teaching profession, we
find that under the current system of administration, the teachers have to
play a limited role while deciding the goals or objectives of school education,
in the construction or reformation of curriculum, examination procedures,
etc. Even though teachers’ representatives are included in various
educational committees and their opinions are sought, still actually they
have the same limited power like the students in running the administration
of a school. However, as a teacher, you can enjoy academic freedom while
dealing with your students inside the classroom. For example, if you want
to use a new method of teaching for your students, then you must have
the courage to try the method. Also, you must express your opinion without
any fear in matters concerning the well-being of your school or your
students. However, while doing so you must keep in mind that you are the
one who is ultimately responsible for what and how much your students
have learned. This means you are accountable for your action. So with
this we have come to the concept of accountability of teachers.
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Accountability means that one is answerable for one’s conduct,
performance of duty, etc. The teachers’ accountability, therefore, means
their obligation to account for their actions. It is essentially a devotion to
the teaching profession and a commitment to impart knowledge and skills
to the students. It is an obligation to discharge one’s duty with sincerity
and dedication. Hence, to be accountable implies a sense of moral thinking
and an ethical consciousness. By and large, the teacher’s accountability
implies that a teacher is ultimately responsible to the students, to the
community or society, to the authorities and of course, to your own self.
As a teacher, you can show your accountability to your students by
giving them the best possible education and by guiding them towards
socially and morally acceptable behavior. In some cases there may be a
conflict between the two socially acceptable behaviour and the morally
sound action. For example, in case of some society drinking alcohol
permissible, but actually it is not a morally or physically sound action. In
such a situation, you have to apply your own judgment and accept the
viewpoint which is in the direction of the betterment of the society. You
must have a philosophy of your own and your judgment may depend on it.
Also, for being accountable to the students, you must yourself be a learned
person. You must have mastery over the subject matter which you teach.
You must have knowledge about the best methods and techniques of
teaching and above all, you must be a good communicator. How you
communicate with your students through spoken or written words, your
voice, the language you use and also your body language while you speak
- everything contributes to your effectiveness.
You are also answerable to the community or the society for your
actions. The society hands over their children to you so that you lead them
towards all round development and also develop in them good manners
and ideal behaviour patterns. If you do not carry out this duty of developing
good habits in your students and if you are not discharging your obligations
to the society, then the society has every right to condemn your behaviour.
Accountability to the authority is the most common form of
accountability. The service conditions of the teachers require them to obey
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those who are in superior position to them. Your work is being evaluated
by your superiors. They may be the principals or school inspectors or other
supervisors. These persons rate your work and are supposed to guide you
for achieving efficiency and effectiveness in your work. On the basis of
this accountability you may be given increment, reward, etc.
Accountability to self implies that as a teacher, you yourself evaluate
your work and conduct. You must perform your duties to the best of your
abilities and not because of any outside pressure but because of your own
realization that this is right and virtuous. You should feel morally, socially
and emotionally attached to your profession and discharge your obligations
in keeping with the standard of the professional ethics.
Q 8: Why teaching is considered as the noblest
profession? Write your answer in around 35
Q 9: Which body has developed the Code of Professional Ethics
for school teachers?
Q 10: Complete the following sentence:
Teacher accountability implies that a teacher is ultimately
responsible to
..........................................., ......................................................
........................................., and .............................................
Education, Society and Curriculum
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Teacher and Society
As a teacher, you have been associated with the task
of teaching for quite a long time. So, from your own
experience write down how you use to create suitable teaching
conditions in your classroom to attract the attention of your students.
In this unit we have discussed the following matters:
Teaching is a complex activity. It can also be regarded as a relationship
among the three focal points in education – the teacher, the student
and the subject matter. Teaching is said to be effective only when it
results into learning.
The teachers were regarded as next to God in the ancient days. At
the present time also teachers are looked upon as the wisest men in
the community. According to the demand of the situation, the teachers
have to play multifarious roles in our society. Also, in order to equip
the child to face the challenges of changing society, there is a need
for the teachers to keep upgrading their knowledge and competencies
over the full length of their professional career.
There is a very urgent need for the professional development of
elementary school teachers of Assam to improve the quality
elementary education which is the foundation stage on which the
entire educational structure is built.
Teaching is regarded as a profession and teachers as professionals
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because of their contribution to individual and social development. The
teachers as professionals should follow Code of Professional Ethics
to maintain the dignity of this very noble profession. The NCTE has
prepared certain Code of conducts for school teachers which would
guide them in discharging their obligations towards students, parents,
colleagues and community.
The teachers can enjoy autonomy inside the classroom, but at the
same time they are obliged to account for their actions. The teacher’s
accountability implies that a teacher is ultimately responsible to the
students, to the community, to the authorities and to his/her own-self.
Aggarwal, J.C. (2007). Essentials of Educational Technology. New
Delhi: Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Aggarwal, J.C. (2010). Principles, Methods and Practice of Teaching.
New Delhi: Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Aggarwal, J.C. (2009). Teacher and Education in a Developing Society.
New Delhi: Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Das, B.C. (2004). Educational Technology. New Delhi: Kalyani
Dash, B.N. (2006). Teacher and Education in the Emerging Indian
Society (Vol -II). Hyderabad: Neelkamal Publication Pvt. Ltd.
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Ans to Q No 1: (a) True, (b) True, (c) False,(d) True.
Ans to Q No 2: The teacher, the student and the subject matter are the
three focal points in education. The teacher brings the student and the
subject matter together through the process of teaching.
Ans to Q No 3: (i) guide, light, darkness; (ii) destiny, classrooms
Ans to Q No 4: The various roles which the teacher has to play in a society
are those of a social worker, change agent or social reformer, leader,
peace setter, adviser, custodian of national values, social architect
Ans to Q No 5: The major factors for unattractive school environment are
– inefficient teaching, prevalence of mental and physical punishment
and irregular attendance of teachers.
Ans to Q No 6: Right to Education Act (RTE) – 2009
Ans to Q No 7: False
Ans to Q No 8: Teaching is considered the noblest profession because,
more than any other profession, teaching has the power to create a
healthy, just and progressive society by developing the future citizens
of the society in every aspects – intellectually, socially, spiritually and
also physically.
Ans to Q No 9: The National Council for Teacher Education
Ans to Q No 10: The students, the community, authorities and own-self.
A) Very Short Questions
Q 1: Define teaching. Write any one definition.
Q 2: What is meant by learning?
Q 3: As a teacher of 21st Century, how can you keep your knowledge up-to100
Education, Society and Curriculum
Unit 4
Teacher and Society
Q 4: Mention the various reasons for dropping out of children from
elementary schools.
Q 5: Name some of the skills required for a teacher to communicate
knowledge effectively in the classrooms.
Q 6: On which date the RTE Act-2009 was implemented in Assam?
Q 7: Why is a teacher regarded as a professional?
Q 8: What is professional ethics?
Q 9: As a teacher, in what way can you enjoy academic freedom or
autonomy in your school?
Q 10: What is meant by teachers’ accountability?
B) Short Questions (Answer in about 150 words)
Q 1: List the characteristics of teaching.
Q 2: Teaching is a generic term which denotes actions undertaken with
the intention of bringing about learning in another. On the basis of
this statement write down the relation between teaching and learning.
Q 3: The destiny of India is being shaped in its classroom – Explain how.
Q 4: Explain in what way a professional training course can help you to
become an effective teacher.
Q 5: But the highest service consists in all-round development of an
individual and this is carried out by the teachers. Elaborate the
Q 6: As a teacher how can you show your accountability towards your
C) Long Questions (Answer in about 300-500 words)
Q 1: Discuss the role of a teacher in the emerging Indian society.
Q 2: Explain the need of professional development for teachers in particular
reference to Assam.
Q 3: The National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE) has developed
certain code of professional ethics for school teachers. Describe the
Code of Ethics as prepared by the NCTE.
Q 4: Write a short note on – ‘Teaching as an autonomy and accountability’.
*** ***** ***
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Unit 4
Teacher and Society
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