The Spark - Severna Park Middle School

The Spark
Fall/Winter 2015
Volume 16, Issue 1
Severna Park Middle School
450 Jumpers Hole Road, Severna Park, MD/ 410-647-7900
Photograph by Robby K.
Inside this issue
Student Entrepreneurs:
Michael C., crabber – p. 2
Jayson S., firewood cutter – p. 3
Casey F., stock trader – p. 4
Robby K., filmmaker – p. 5
Weird Celebrity Names – p. 10
Mythology Day - p. 11
Dress Code Pros/Cons – p. 12
Life Hacks – p. 13
Like It When/Hate It When – p. 6-7
SPMS Teacher of the Year – p. 14-15
YouTubers to Check Out – p. 8-9
Presidential Survey – p. 16
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Fall/Winter 2015
Interview by Ryan P.
Michael C., an eighth grader, makes extra money
by selling crabs that he catches. He supplies the
crabs for neighborhood parties and sells them
to individuals, too.
Q: Where did you get the idea to start your
Small Crabs:
5 - 5 ½ inches
In 2012 I got the idea to start a crabbing and
rockfish business when I went out rock fishing
with my dad. I realized that I could start selling
them to people in my neighborhood.
Q: When are the busiest times of the year for you?
Medium Crabs: A: The busiest times of the year are Labor Day weekend, 4th of July weekend,
5 ½ - 6 inches and summer time. I can catch about a bushel a day on a high tide.
Q: Where do you sell your crabs?
Large Crabs:
6 - 6 ½ inches A: I deliver the crabs mostly to people in my neighborhood who order them.
Q: Where do you mainly catch your fish and crabs?
Jumbo Crabs:
6 ½ - 7 inches A: I fish and crab along the Severn River along the sandbars…and grass beds
for some softshell crabs.
Q: How much is a bushel of
A: For medium male crabs it is
$125, and for large male crabs, it
is $250-$275.
Q: Do you advertise your
business and if you do, how and
A: I advertise by word of mouth
through people in my
neighborhood and through friends
and family.
Fall/Winter 2015
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Interview by Jack B.
The Spark heard that Jayson S., an eighth-grader, has a profitable part-time
job chopping and selling wood. Jack B. decided to interview him about what it’s
like being in eighth grade and having your own business.
Q. How long have you been in the wood
A. I have been in this business for three years.
Q. How much money do you usually make
selling wood?
A. I make about $10,000 a year.
Q. How much money do you sell each cord of
wood for?
A. I sell each cord of wood for $200, and they
are 8’x4’x3’.
Q. How many cords of wood do you sell?
A. I sell about 50 cords of wood each year.
Q. How do you advertise your business?
A. At first I advertised on Craigslist; then it
spread by word of mouth.
Q. Where do you get the wood?
A. My dad has a tree-clearing business called RJO Tree Service, and when he
clears trees at BWI Airport, we collect the trees and cut them to sell.
Q. Do you see this as being a lifelong career?
A. Yes, when I grow up I plan on taking over my dad’s business and keeping my
business going.
Q. How much money a year do you save? And what do you
save up for?
A. I save about $1,000 a year to buy a truck.
Q. Where do you get the wood to cut and sell?
A. My dad’s business clears trees for BWI and then gives the
trees to me to cut and sell.
Q. What else do you use your money for?
A. I use the money to pay for my hunting lease of 10 places
that are each 100 acres.
Firewood is divided
into two categories.
Soft woods include
pine, juniper,
spruce, poplar and
cedar. These burn
easily and quickly,
providing a hot fire
that does not last
long. Hardwoods
are more dense and
burn quite slowly,
producing less
immediate heat but
a fire that lasts
longer. Hardwoods
include maple, oak,
ash, birch and
-USA Today
Fall/Winter 2015
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Interview by Eric B.
Casey F. is an eighth grader who actively plays the stock
market and makes money from it. We decided to interview
him about his stock strategy.
Q: What was the first stock you bought?
A: I bought Amazon stock for $288 in sixth grade, and now
it is worth $650.
Q: How did you get the idea of buying stock?
A: My dad first showed me, and I thought that if I bought
stock when I was young, I could make a profit from it.
Q: What is the key to picking a good stock?
A: I look at what is happening around the world and where the action is and what the trend is, But,
if the stock is too trendy, it could be vulnerable, so you might want to stick to something safe.
Q: How do you know when to buy stocks?
A: When gas prices are low, shipping prices are low, so then people will buy more things online.
Q: How much money do you put into stocks?
A: I’ve put in about $2,300 and have made $400 dollars, but I am still making money.
Q: How did you make the money in the first place so you could buy stocks?
A: I made $800 in my neighborhood by raking leaves, and I babysit a lot.
Q: What would you do if the stock market crashed?
A: I would still keep stock money, because the stock market will go back up eventually.
Q: How often do you check stocks?
A: I check stocks once a week.
Q: What is your dream stock if you could spend any
amount of money?
A: Google, because everyone uses it. It will probably keep
rising in value.
Q: Do you want to work on Wall Street when you grow
A: Maybe. That would be a really cool job.
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Fall/Winter 2015
Interview by Colin D.
Robby K., grade 8, is another student entrepreneur highlighted in
this issue. Robby has earned a name for himself producing
professional video for organizations and individuals. Robby is also a
photographer and takes pictures wherever he travels. One of his
pictures is on the cover of this issue.
Q: What gave you the original idea to get into photography?
A: I’ve been working my whole life with photography and have always
loved it. My dad has his own film company, and I learned
a lot from him and helped him with jobs he went on. But I didn’t
really admit that I enjoyed it until recently.
Q: When did you decide to take in seriously?
A: After I went to Woodward, which is an elite photography
and sports camp that I went to at the end of this summer.
Q: What are your services?
A: Cinematography, for movies and photography mainly.
Q: And what is an example of a job you have done?
A: I’m filming a promotion video for Henhouse Linens. They are trying to promote their products for
a table setting – tablecloths, placemats – and I film the table and background so they can show the
video to potential clients on their website and other places.
Q: What are your strengths as a photographer/filmmaker?
A: The glide cam is what I do best. It’s a three-axis stabilizer that eliminates shakiness from
handheld camerawork. Also, my knowledge of equipment. People can have a good eye, but you need to
know how to work the equipment.
Q: Do you make any money with your work?
A: Yes, about $500-$700 a year
Q: What was your biggest job ever done?
A: Shooting with Storyfarm, a production
company based out of Baltimore, for the
Martin O’Malley’s campaign.
Q: Do you work alone?
A: No, for paid jobs I work with Teddy G., who is
a senior at Severna Park High School, but I work
alone on personal projects.
Q: How do you get your jobs?
A: Word of mouth
Fall/Winter 2015
compiled by Christian D. and Nic H.
…new trends are made because they are not annoying at first.
– Katrina S.
…people fight in the comment section. – Marissa D.
…people make accounts for charity or to raise awareness for causes. –
Molly M.
…people slide into my DM’s. – Rachel B.
…I see funny, relatable posts. – Marie H.
…people make zodiac accounts. – Sarah A.
…when people post photos of food. – Samuel P.
…I am able to see inspiring pictures with captions that are positive and
promote encouragement to the people around them. – Caroline S.
…people repost your picture, tweet, vine, etc. – Logan B.
…Jack accidently sends me pictures of him shirtless. – Wyatt E.
…people post beach pictures. – Diana V.
…people write nice comments on my posts. - Lexi R.
…people give good advice. – Eric B.
…a new Snapchat filter comes out. – Elizabeth I.
…important news gets spread quickly – Colin M.
…people tag me in funny pictures. – Sophie Z.
…a famous person on social media notices you. – Amelia A.
…Snapchat changes your voice to a chipmunk sound and silly characters. –
Tynera B.
…I can talk to my friend in another country. – Amelia H.
…people use social media to actually post stuff about their lives.
– Gabe R.
…I get enough likes that it stops showing the username, and I can like my
own photo. – Connor G.
Fall/Winter 2015
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compiled by Colin D.
…everyone makes big group chats and asks to play basketball. – Cayden B. friends post a picture of me without asking. – Simone W.
…people post 200 second snapchat stories. – Eric B.
…you accidently like someone’s photo from 82 weeks ago. – Lexi R.
…your mom gets an Instagram account. – Logan B.
…I’m in a group chat that keeps blowing up. – Chase C.
…people let social media take over their lives. – Wylen T.
…autocorrect changes something to the wrong word, people buy followers,
and parents post stuff about their kids. – Katrina S.
…my Mom follows me on all accounts. – Abigail B.
…I get blocked or reported. – Colton B.
…people pronounce “gif” as “jif.” – Ellie V.
…JOHN CENA!!!!! Da, Da, da, da!!!! is overplayed.–Anthony C.
…you need wifi for apps. – Eldrick N.
…people post a picture without a caption, open up my snapchat but don’t
reply, and post multiple pictures in a row, filling up my feed. – Holly H.
…people spam me because I know they are stalking me. – Kelly K.
…my friends post pictures of something I was invited to but couldn’t go to. –
Marie H.
…the selfies I take don’t send ‘cause they’re too hot to handle. - Jack B.
…people post pictures for attention, like of their body or injuries. – Ella M.
…my mom comments a heart emoji and comments cutie. –Sophie W.
…people talk trash on screen but not in person. – Kayla S.
…people argue about the new Starbucks red cup on my
twitter. – Evan T.
…girls at Starbucks post pictures of their mocha lattes.–
Christian D.
…people put who they’re dating in their bio. – Abbi J.
…people creep on your posts. – Carlee E.
…#people #use #hashtags #on #every #word #in #a #sentence. – Abby O.
– Sami I.
…girls suck in on
instagram posts.
– Emmie H.
…people post
squad pictures.
– Russel M.
– Sean H.
…people steal
your captions.
– Lexi R.
…there are
– Nick S.
Fall/Winter 2015
by Ellie V.
Need a laugh? Inspiration? Well, there’s one
solution for that, and that word is YouTube!
If you don’t watch YouTube, I would strongly
suggest it; there’s so much content on that
site that you will never be bored! If you don’t
know what to watch, I can help you. Here are
some good suggestions.
Boy Vloggers:
-ThatcherJoe, or Joe Sugg, previously a roof thatcher in England,
just reached over five million subscribers. He is popular among all
the other British YouTubers. Joe enjoys making funny prank
videos, collaborations with his roommates, and fantastic
impressions videos every Sunday. He is also the author of one of
the best-selling graphic novels in the world, titled Username:
-Ricky Dillon is an American YouTuber living in Los Angeles. He
makes videos every Sunday, except for in December when he
uploads one video every day in the spirit of the holidays. Ricky is
popular for his collaborations with his friends and other
YouTubers. He frequently posts skits and Q+As throughout the
year. Ricky also enjoys singing and releases music videos often.
-Connor Franta is an American internet star who just reached
five million subscribers. He also just won an award for best
memoir of the year, A Work in Progress. He is an artsy person
and enjoys photography. Connor is popular for his sit down-andtalk videos and his Q+As.
-AmazingPhil, or Phil Lester, an awkward but funny internet lover,
has been making YouTube videos since 2008. Living in London, he
is roommates with another popular YouTuber, danisnotonfire, or
Dan Howell. Together, they wrote a best-selling book titled The
Amazing Book Is Not On Fire. Phil is popular among many
YouTubers because of his brilliant, challenge-creating skills. He
makes multiple videos with Dan, including their annual Phil Is Not
On Fire.
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Fall/Winter 2015
If You Like Gaming:
- Type Pewdiepie into the YouTube search bar. That’s his screen name,
but his real name is Felix. Originally from Sweden, he is the biggest
YouTuber in the world with over 40 million subscribers who watch his
daily gaming videos. He is famous for his over-the-top personality and
plays on screen. He has played every game you can think of and is
laugh-out-loud hilarious with his exciting commentary. Felix ends his
videos with his signature brofist. He is also an author of a best-selling
book called This Book Loves You. Become a bro by watching Pewdiepie!
- Maybe you will enjoy watching VanossGaming. This Canadian YouTube
star makes animated gaming videos. Creating and showing his own short
films off screen, he will entertain you with his unique skills in shortfilm creating.
If You Are Into Beauty Tutorials or Need Inspiration:
- Seriously consider watching Zoella, or more commonly known as Zoe
Sugg, an English beauty guru. She creates tutorials on mostly hair and
makeup and makes everyone feel her best. Her tips are worth paying
attention to. Zoe also likes making videos with her brother, Joe, or
some of her other YouTube friends such as Tanya Burr (see below) or
Tyler Oakley. Her light-hearted, helpful, and funny personality
contributes to her cute appearance. She is the author of two New York
Times best-selling books, titled Girl Online and Girl Online On Tour.
- Tanya Burr, another popular English guru, is brilliant when it comes to
vlogs. Her “Get Ready With Me” videos or “My Morning Routines” give
perfect insight on how to start their day. Her autobiography, Love
Tanya, has been read wildly around the world by teens.
- One more expert when it comes to tutorials is Bethany Mota. Not only
does she do her own hair and makeup videos, but she also makes unique
videos on how to decorate bedrooms and incorporate your own skills to
create small decorations, such as flower pots, pillow cases, or candles,
for any room. Bethany takes interest in singing--she has written her
own songs--and dancing; she was on Dancing With The Stars for a
while! Girls everywhere can relate to her and her cheery personality.
Fall/Winter 2015
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by Paige O.
{ Englebert Humperdinck }
{ House Guest }
Basketball Player
Colorado Basketball Team
{ Slim Pickens }
{ o’mmA Givens }
Basketball Player
{ D’Brickshaw Ferguson }
Football Player
{ Bow Wow }
{ God Shammgod }
Basketball Player
{ Pilot Inspektor }
Actor’s Son
It’s great that people decide to step out of the box and choose
unique names for their children, but sometimes they might have
stepped a bit too far. Mostly actors (and their children), singers, and
athletes hold the top spots, so take a look. Could you ever come up
with these?
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Fall/Winter 2015
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Fall/Winter 2015
by Ellie C.
All people know and follow most parts of the dress code. Maybe it’s time that
some of those rules are changed. Here is a brush up on the rules stated in
the student handbook and my opinion on them. I actually agree with most of
the rules; there are only a few I think are unfair.
Dress Code rules I agree with:
In the student handbook, it states that headwear can be worn “Only for
health, safety, or religious reasons.” This rule is one most people actually
follow and one that I agree with, even though hats are great fashion
Students cannot wear “clothing that shows profanity, obscenity, violence,
or symbols of hate.” Why would you want to? I am all for freedom of speech,
but when it could hurt or offend someone, it’s probably best you leave it at
Another rule is that clothing “cannot promote alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.”
This rule I definitely agree with. All of these things can kill you. Why would
you want to promote that? Just having the brand name on a piece of clothing
might not seem like much, but when someone reads your shirt, they now know
what that product is. Sometimes just knowing the product name is enough to
get people to want to buy it. Why do you think brands like Under Amour and
Vineyard Vines have their names and logos on everything?
The rule that students “cannot show underwear” is a good one. No one
wants to see it, so don’t show it. Honestly, it’s sort of sad this has to be a
rule in the first place.
“No bare feet.” Think about how dirty the floors can get. Then think about
your bare feet touching it. No thanks.
Dress Code rules I disagree with:
“Boys cannot carry small bags.” I know that boys don’t particularly need
them, but a small bag for pencils and phones doesn’t seem like too big of a
deal to me. Plus, if girls can carry a bag or purse, the boys should be able t,o
Tank tops are an example of what not to wear, but spaghetti straps are not
mentioned specifically in the rules. This seems unfair to girls, because boys
are basically allowed to wear what they want, except for the underwear
What do you think about the dress code? What rules should be kept or
scrapped? Share your thoughts, because everyone can make a difference!
Fall/Winter 2015
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by Anna V.
You always want life to be easier, and yet, it never is. But, you can
make life so much easier by using life hacks. There are many
different life hacks; some for organization, some for hidden
storage, and some to help you with your everyday routines! Life
hacks keep things simple and easy.
 Are you tired of
your straw floating
up when drinking
soda out of a can?
Well, if you don’t
pull the tab of the
soda can off, you
can just rotate it
around and stick
the straw through
the pop top’s hole
to prevent it from
floating up!
 Cut off the bottom (tip) of
the sock, then put it on
your arm. Find a
comfortable spot to cut a
hole. Make the hole big
enough that you can see the
screen of your phone. After
you cut the hole, slide your
arm through the sock and
slide your phone in. Now you
can exercise listening to
music and have a cheap way
to do it.
 Are you tired of having to
take off the rubber band you
put on your chip bags to keep
them closed? Are you tired of
leaving them open to ants and
insects or nosy pets? Well,
worry no more as you can take
retail hangers and use them
as chip clips. Just take the
clips off the retail hangers
and clip them on your chips.
 Using the bottom (tip) of
the sock from the arm
phone holder you made
above, you can make a mug
holder that helps you not
burn yourself when you are
holding the mug. Just slip
the mug in and BAM! You
have a mug holder, and you
are not wasting the bottom
of your sock.
 Who likes ice cream sandwiches? I know I do! And I know a quick
and easy way to make one. Get two cookies and one of those small
ice cream containers. Cut the container into thin slices, not too
thin though, and set it on one of the cookies. Peel the container
off of the ice cream and put a cookie on top. YUM!
Fall/Winter 2015
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Interview by Robby K.
Each year, SPMS selects a Teacher of the
Year, one teacher who has exhibited
exemplary skill and dedication. This year,
Special Educator Mrs. Rosenbloom is
SPMS’s selection. Currently co-teaching in
the M&M’s team’s eighth-grade
classrooms, Mrs. Rosenbloom has taught at
SPMS for five years and a total of 20 years
throughout the county.
Below, Robby K. asked Mrs. Rosenbloom
about what the nomination means to her.
What are some character traits that got you nominated?
I am a serious advocate for children. I am creative, energetic, and excited
about education and kids learning. I put 100 percent behind my teaching and
expect 100 percent from the kids.
What do you do when you face a kid who just hates school and is not
Kids have lots of reasons to not like school. I try to listen and find out the
reason they are turned off. Often, they say they are not good at something,
they hate their teachers, or they think their teachers hate them. Or, they
say no matter how hard they try, they still fail. Sometimes they have parents
who didn’t go to college, so they don’t see the point in trying hard in school.
So what do you tell them?
I tell them, “You’re still here every day.” And they may say that they are
forced to be here. And I’ll say they are here physically if not mentally, and
they have a choice to make the most of their time here.
So how do you motivate kids that is different from other teachers?
I see the potential, even if the kid doesn’t. They are questioning themselves
and what they will do when they grow up. I tell them what I see about their
potential. I tell them what I observe, and I try to get them to see
themselves in a new light. I think kids believe what I say.
Fall/Winter 2015
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Do you keep track of kids’ grades and what kids have turned in and
what they haven’t?
Yes. I give kids the opportunity to evaluate their grades. But kids have
different goals with grades. Some just don’t want to get E’s. Other kids
want to see if they turned things in. They think they did, but then they
realize they didn’t.
Is it better to grade on effort or correct work?
Both. Effort is really important to me because it is the key to improving.
What about homework?
Homework is important because it is the student’s opportunity to work
independently and assess what they learned that day. It shows me more
about how they think.
How is it to co-teach with other teachers?
I’ve learned to be more flexible. I am respectful of other teachers and
mold my own style to adapt to theirs and vice versa.
How did you find out you were SPMS’ Teacher of the Year, and what is
the next step for Teacher of the Year?
Ms. Hansen called me into her office and told me. When I got called to the
principal’s office, I was afraid I was in trouble!
What’s next is that I will compete against teachers in the county to see
who will be Anne Arundel Schools’ Teacher of the Year. In the middle of
December, I find if I make it to the next round. Then they will pick
finalists, with the county’s selection to be announced in April at a big
About The Spark
The Spark, the student newspaper of Severna Park Middle School,
provides a public forum for students to express their views, which are
their own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the school, its
employees, or other students. We reserve the right to edit copy, strive to
report accurately and objectively, and do not discriminate against any
group or individual.
Check us out online and in color at the SPMS homepage at
Go under Parents & Community, then select Newsletters.
Student Editors:
Colin D. and Eric B.
Mrs. Lane & Mr. Bracone
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Fall/Winter 2015
Among the presidential candidates in both
parties, who would you vote for if middle
schoolers were allowed to vote and why?
Results from our random sampling of students:
“Donald Trump because he would take a
definite stand on national security.”
“Bernie Sanders because he
seems to have common sense.”
“Marco Rubio because he seems to know
foreign policy well and he would give
America credibility overseas.”
“Carly Fiorina because she seems like
a good all-around candidate, and she
would make a good first female
“Marco Rubio because he takes a good,
reasonable stand on gun control and
“Ben Carson because he’s
not a politician.”
“Donald Trump because he’s
strong on defense.”
“Bernie Sanders because he
supports strict but
reasonable gun laws.”
“Ben Carson because he’s
“Hillary Clinton because she
is trying to support middleclass people.”
“Bernie Sanders because I think he
would reject contributions from
wealthy donors and corporations.”
“Donald Trump because he is
a successful businessman, so
he could help get America out
of debt.”
“Donald Trump because he’s popular,
and he’s the only one I really know.”
“Bernie Sanders because he
supports gay rights.”
“Bernie Sanders because I think he would
worry about America’s problems first
before global problems.”
“Bernie Sanders because he
is pro-environment and
supports unions and the
middle class.”
“Marco Rubio or Bernie Sanders
because they seem to be accepting of
minorities, and they both support
reasonable gun laws.”
“Donald Trump because other candidates
promise things, but he seems like he would
actually follow through on his campaign
“Marco Rubio because he
seems to know foreign policy,
and he does not make a fool
of himself.”
“Bernie Sanders by process
of elimination.”