Spring 2017 - Gundersen Health System

Spring 2017
A publication of Gundersen Medical Foundation
here Generosity Changes Liv
Where Generosity Changes Lives
One generation plants the tree,
another gets the shade.
Chinese Proverb
Make 2017 the year you plan your legacy
Design your legacy by completing or reviewing your will today. To make the process easier, we offer a stepby-step wills guide. Download a free copy at gundersengift.org or call (608) 775-9887 to request a guide be
mailed to you.
Consider making Gundersen Medical Foundation part of your legacy. When you do, you help ensure that the
personal and patient-centered healthcare we enjoy today continues into the future.
If you’ve named Gundersen Medical Foundation in your will, please let us know. By informing us of your
intentions, we can make certain your gift is allocated the way you intend, and you will receive deserved
recognition as a member of our Legacy Society (anonymously if you prefer).
To learn more, contact Mandy Nogle at (608) 775-9887, [email protected] or visit gundersengift.org.
To learn more, contact Mandy Nogle at (608) 775-9887,
[email protected] or visit gundersengift.org.
Pathfinders is published by Gundersen Medical
Foundation for friends and benefactors of the
Foundation. We welcome comments or suggestions
from our readers for future stories.
Editor: Jill Blokhuis, MS, CFRE
Director of Development Operations
Photography: Brooke Doval, John Kerrigan,
Marsha Ledman, Kristin Royalty and John Sake
Gundersen Medical Media
Copywriting: Linda Duffy
Design: Vendi Advertising
To learn more about the Foundation’s medical
education, research and community health
outreach programs, or to inquire about making a
charitable gift, please visit us at gundersenhealth.
org/foundation or call the Foundation office at
(608) 775-6600.
Every Gift Enriches Lives
Robyn’s Corner
Profile of a Giver:
Bob Mahr
Development Department
Sigurd Gundersen III, MD
Profile of a Giver:
Lynda Privet
Vice Chair
A. Erik Gundersen, MD
Executive Director - Foundation Operations
Jack Schwartz, CFP®
Administrative Support
Mary Lichtie, Dawn Meyer, Rhonda Smith
Associate Directors of Development
Amanda Acklin, Debbie Kroner,
Mandy Nogle
Chief Development Officer
Robyn Tanke, CFRE
Data System
Bonnie Bathalon, Tiffany Carlson,
Jeni Meistad
Director of Development
Sara Gundersen Battison, CFRE
Director of Development Operations
Jill Blokhuis, CFRE
Fund Allocation Manager
Katie Berkedal
Special Events Specialist
Mandy Dawson
Special Projects
Jeannie Gordon
Strategic Marketing Consultant
Brady Lowe
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals®
Associate Director of Development
Heather Gilles
Program Specialists
Rena Cash, Ashley Zibrowski
© 2017 Gundersen Medical Foundation
The Miracle Connection
Medical Education:
Endowing our Excellence
Meet a Board Member
Expressions of Caring
elping someone in need is gratifying on so many levels. There’s the
realization that an individual’s life has been influenced, but there is a more
global effect, too. As a community, we are stronger when our friends, neighbors
and family members are thriving.
That same collective philosophy applies to philanthropy. Every dollar given to
Gundersen Medical Foundation is combined with other gifts, and the resulting
outcome is nothing short of amazing.
Because of your gifts, thousands of lives are changed for the better. Support for
medical education, medical research and community outreach—not to mention
many other funds that represent your philanthropic passions—changes lives.
Our goal is simple: to enrich as many lives as possible while shaping the
communities we serve. Each issue of Pathfinders is an opportunity to celebrate
the many lives that have already been changed, while at the same time, share
opportunities to influence the future.
Thank you for the impact you make—today and tomorrow—through support of
Gundersen Medical Foundation.
On the cover: (L-R) Gundersen Health System employees Lynda Privet and Bob Mahr are passionate supporters of
Gundersen Medical Foundation. Though Bob and Lynda connected with the Foundation at different times and for
different reasons, they are both inspired by the collective impact being made.
If you do not want to receive future fundraising requests supporting Gundersen Medical Foundation, please call the Foundation between 8 a.m. and
4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday (either the local number 608-775-6600, or toll-free number 800-362-9567, ext. 56600) and if you receive a voicemail message,
please identify yourself and state that you do not want to receive fundraising requests. As an alternative, you can e-mail us with the same request at
[email protected] . We will honor your request not to receive any fundraising communications from us after the date we receive your decision.
Every dollar given to any
fund—general or specific—
makes a positive impact.
For more than 70 years, Gundersen
Medical Foundation has been dedicated
to supporting the health and wellbeing of our community by serving as
philanthropic stewards.
ur benefactors see the value of investing in
community programs, medical research and
medical education. They see that funding from the
Foundation gives patients access to the best care, the
most highly trained caregivers and a cutting-edge
facility. Together, we can make a collective impact.
Some donors direct their gifts to our Greatest Needs
fund, which supports Foundation programs such as
medical education or medical research. However, some
donors are inspired by a particular purpose. That’s why
the Foundation has more than 100 restricted funds that
allow donors to invest in programs and services that
matter most to them.
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Community Health Outreach
The Community Health Outreach fund lends
support to community initiatives that improve
the health and wellness of the populations we
serve. Some initiatives supported by this fund
include HeartMath training, Alcohol and Other
Drug Abuse (AODA) education events, and fall
prevention programs for senior citizens.
In coming years, this fund may also be used in
conjunction with the new Mental Health and
Social Services fund to help support Gundersen’s
population health priority areas of mental health,
opioid addiction, Adverse Childhood Experiences
(ACEs) and trauma-informed care.
Reading Initiatives
a ch
a l H ea l t
e nt
M & Social S
Community Health Outreach
Reading Initiatives (Reach Out & Read)
Renal Dialysis
Neurology and Movement Disorders &
Parkinson’s disease
Mental Health & Social Services
The Foundation studied trends in requests from
Gundersen Health System departments and used
this data to prioritize a small group of funds in 2017.
“Although we are highlighting several funds for which
there is great need, every gift makes an impact,”
says the Foundation’s Chief Development Officer
Robyn Tanke, CFRE. “Support of any fund based on our
donors’ passions is always welcome.”
2017 Priority Funds:
As part of the Reach Out and Read program,
Beth Balder-Schroeder, RN, NP, gives a
pediatrics patient from the Gundersen
Onalaska Clinic a new book.
This fund is used primarily to support the
many Reach Out and Read (ROR) programs at
Gundersen Health System’s Family Medicine
and Pediatric locations. Reach Out and Read
is a national evidence-based early literacy
program wherein our primary care professionals
give children (ages 6 months to 5 years) ageappropriate books at well-child checks. The
program has expanded to our regional sites in
the past year, significantly increasing the need
for support. In all, the Foundation is supporting
the ROR programs in 15 clinic locations across the
health system.
Neurology and Movement
Disorders & Parkinson’s Disease
The Neurology fund supports staff
education, equipment and programs
in the Neurology and Neurosciences
departments at Gundersen. For
example, in 2017, the Neurology
fund will be used to support patient
programming, such as education
for stroke patients or the purchase
of iPads to help stroke patients with
aphasia communicate.
Neurologists Rachel Biemiller, MD, and Michael Schonberger, DO,
(above) received a Foundation grant that was used to support the
annual Parkinson’s Symposium (pictured at right) in April.
The Oncology fund is used to
support staff education, medical
research, equipment purchases
and cancer-related programs of
Gundersen Health System. Gifts
support initiatives such as cancer
support groups and patient bags
(filled with educational materials
and resources) for those newly
diagnosed with cancer.
Renal Dialysis
This fund is used to support
the education, equipment and
programming needs of the Renal
Dialysis departments in our
service area. Because treating
patients with serious illness offers
unique challenges for caregivers,
there is a constant need for staff
education and training.
To make a gift,
CALL (608) 775-6600 or go online to
and click on “Donate Today.”
The Movement Disorders &
Parkinson’s Disease fund is used
primarily for patient education and
support. The annual Parkinson’s
Symposium is an example of an
important event supported through
this fund. On April 8, more than
120 patients, family members and
caregivers participated in this
educational event. Attendees had
the opportunity to hear from experts
about a variety of issues related to
Parkinson’s disease, including the
newest treatment options.
“This community-centered event was
not only helpful in the academic or
educational sense,” says neurologist
Dr. Michael Schonberger, who
helped organize this event along
with neurologist Dr. Rachel Biemiller.
“An event like this helps patients see
that they are not alone.”
In addition to lectures, the event
featured displays with information
about products and programs that
help patients with this chronic disease
improve their quality of life.
The question-and-answer sessions
were also important, shares
Dr. Schonberger. “There is a lot we
don’t know about the disease; it can
be difficult to give patients specific
answers about what to expect after a
diagnosis, but an event like this allows
us to provide in-depth information
and, in a way, individualize care.”
That’s why Dr. Schonberger believes
support for the Movement Disorders
& Parkinson’s Disease fund can make
such an impact. “A significant amount
of what we deal with are conditions
that are not curable,” he says, “but we
can work with patients to improve
their quality of life. Funding from the
Foundation for events like these has
a direct impact on our patients. They
offer a new perspective and a sense
of hope.”
Mental Health & Social Services
The Kerchove Mental Health and
Social Services fund is a new fund that
will be used to support Gundersen’s
Behavioral Health and Social Services
departments, as well as the Center for
Violence Prevention and Intervention.
This fund was established in response
to the clear and increasing need, both
at the national level and the local
level. “One in five adults in the United
States experiences mental illness at
some point,” shares the Foundation’s
Funds Allocation Manager Katie
Berkedal, “but nearly 60 percent
did not receive treatment last year,
in part because of a shortage of
psychiatric practitioners.” In 2016,
for example, Gundersen became the
only healthcare organization in the
La Crosse area to offer inpatient behavioral
health services.
In 2016, more than $54,000 was requested
to support staff education, gas cards for
patients, Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse
(AODA) and National Alliance on Mental
Illness (NAMI) education materials for
patients and patient support groups. But
without a fund specifically designated for
these needs, the Foundation was unable
to fully support these requests.
The fund is designed to expand
opportunities for the Foundation to
support patients, staff and the community.
Gifts to the fund will be used to support a
variety of needs:
• mental health education for patients
• AODA programming
• support groups for patients
• emergency financial assistance
(including gas cards, bus tokens, or cab
fares to reduce the travel barrier for
patients needing assistance)
Anne Berget, the administrative director
of Behavioral Health, Social Services
and Spiritual Care at Gundersen has
seen firsthand the impact on patients.
“Navigating the system can be especially
challenging for patients struggling with a
mental health crisis,” she says. “Emergency
funds to help with medication,
transportation, or even basic necessities
like food allow us to meet our patients’
needs and to treat the whole person.”
In addition to emergency assistance,
support groups and education for
patients, this fund will also support
education for staff, which ultimately leads
to better patient care. “The support we
receive from the Foundation goes back
to patients—either directly or indirectly,”
says Berget. “Our patients and staff are
incredibly grateful for the generosity that
makes this fund possible.” u
Robyn’s corner
The impact of philanthropy
Robyn R. Tanke, CFRE
Chief Development Officer
Gratitude inspires
There are those people who exude
grace, compassion and wisdom in
their everyday lives. These individuals
manage to make a positive impact
on others, even during times of great
personal adversity. Karen Arndt,
RN, DNP, was one such individual.
Not only did she inspire others by
the way she lived her life, but her
thoughtful, careful planning of
the Karen C. Pretko-Arndt Nursing
Scholarship Fund will ensure she
makes a continued impact on the lives
of others, even though she is gone.
A veteran of the U.S. Air Force,
Karen earned an associate degree,
a bachelor’s degree and a doctoral
degree in nursing. She was as
passionate about education as
she was about providing patientcentered care. During her 22 years
as a registered nurse at Gundersen
Health System, which included work
as a Global Partners volunteer in Pine
Ridge, South Dakota, she impressed
her colleagues with her passion,
generosity and kindness.
In 2016, Karen was appointed clinical
manager of General Internal Medicine.
Tragically, she was diagnosed with
Karen Arndt, RN, DNP
metastatic adrenal cell carcinoma
later that same year. But even as her
role shifted from caregiver to cancer
patient, Karen helped others by
sharing her new perspective.
Karen’s passion for nursing and
education, as well as her advocacy
for patient-centered care, led her
to express her wishes to family and
colleagues that a nursing scholarship
fund be established after her death.
Contributions from family and friends
made her wish come true. The Karen C.
Pretko-Arndt Nursing Scholarship
Fund will not only impact future
generations of caregivers, but also
the patients they will someday serve. I
can’t think of a more fitting tribute to a
lifelong learner who, in the end, taught
so many of us how to live graciously.
Though she battled courageously,
Karen passed away in October 2016 at
age 56. Even in her final days, Karen
inspired others by finding purpose
in each moment, in each relationship
and in each opportunity to impact
others. Her story—as shared by
countless family members, friends and
colleagues—is an example of how
generosity is inspired by gratitude. u
Gundersen Medical Foundation | gundersenhealth.org/glmf
(608) 775-4711 or (800) 362-9567 ext. 54711 | [email protected]
A Gift to Gundersen Medical Foundation
Celebrates Generosity
Profile of a Giver
Bob Mahr, Information Systems
Support Specialist
Bob and his wife, Carol, were married for
more than 45 years.
hen Robert (Bob) Mahr joined
Gundersen Health System in
2002 after having worked for a small
privately owned business for nearly
30 years, he hadn’t expected to find a
workplace environment that felt like a
family, but that’s what happened. For
the past 15 years, Bob has considered
working at Gundersen “an absolute
As an IS Support Specialist, Bob
spends his days networking, troubleshooting, updating and repairing
printers. No two days are the same,
and Bob enjoys being a technical
problem solver. However, he knows
his job is about more than mechanics.
“A faulty piece of equipment or a network issue can disrupt or delay care;
I don’t want my area to be the weak
link,” says Bob. “All of us at Gundersen—on every level—are united
through a commitment to patients. I
am proud to be a part of that.”
Part of something bigger
In 2010 when the Campus Renewal
Campaign kicked off, Bob knew the
impact the project would have on
patients. He wanted to support the
initiative, so he began donating to
Gundersen Medical Foundation
through payroll deduction.
Years later, his connection to the
Foundation—and to Gundersen—
further deepened after his wife, Carol,
was diagnosed with stage 4 lung
cancer in July 2015.
Because the cancer had already
spread, Carol underwent brain
surgery to successfully remove a mass.
With the help of dedicated caregivers,
she recovered in a private room in
the new hospital and began radiation
treatments. “Carol received the kind
of wonderful, loving care that I would
have given her myself if I’d had the
expertise,” says Bob.
It became clear, though, that the
cancer was too advanced, so Carol
wanted to spend her final days
at home with family. The hospice
program made her wish possible,
something for which Bob is deeply
grateful. “We had access to all of the
tools and support we needed to take
care of Carol in a way that we would
never have been able to on our own,”
he shares.
When Carol passed away in August
2015, Bob requested that memorial
funds be directed to the Foundation’s
Hospice fund. Designating these gifts
was not only a way for the family to
express thanks for the care Carol had
received, but it was a fitting tribute
to a woman of faith who had inspired
others though her own generosity.
A tribute to generosity
“Throughout her life, Carol showed
care and concern for others before
herself. She was always in tune with
others’ spirits and seemed to sense
what they needed. Even in the end,
visitors came to lift Carol’s spirits,
but they left as the ones who were
uplifted,” remembers Bob. “A gift
to the Foundation will help others;
what a perfect complement to Carol’s
legacy of generosity.”
Today, Bob shares the story of Carol’s
journey as a positive example of the
impact patient-centered care can
make and as a way to aid in his own
healing process. He continues to
support the Foundation’s initiatives
in cancer research and plans to stay
connected with Gundersen even
after he retires, using volunteering
as another way to make an ongoing
Profile of a Giver:
How many years have you worked
at Gundersen?
15 years
What do you enjoy most about
your job?
We are not a sterile, institutional
medical facility. We are a caring,
compassionate family that is
dedicated to patient-centered care.
When did you make your first
Foundation gift?
What inspired you to make your
first gift?
The Campus Renewal Campaign
Why do you give today?
My family is so grateful for the care
Carol received throughout every leg of
her final journey. I hope to contribute
positively to the care of others. We are
all part of a community, and each of
us can impact so many.
What is your life philosophy?
A worthy goal creates a motivation,
which increases the desire and focus,
to achieve and succeed.
Passion Meets Purpose
Profile of a Giver
Lynda privet, rn
Lynda Privet, RN, is a wellness educator
who enjoys providing personalized care to
patients at Gundersen Health System.
ynda Privet, RN, has been with
Gundersen Health System for
more than 18 years—and there is
nowhere else she’d rather be!
That’s because the opportunity to
make a difference in patients’ lives
is so fulfilling—but there is also
something more. Through her work
at Gundersen, Lynda feels a strong
connection to community, both
the internal community (made up
of colleagues working toward the
same mission) and the community
at large. Ultimately, it’s that same
passion for people and purpose that
has connected Lynda to Gundersen
Medical Foundation.
Caring about kids
After serving as a Reality Summer
Intern in 1999, Lynda spent the next
16 years in Gundersen’s Pediatrics
department. Every day she worked
with children and families, some of
whom were overwhelmed by medical
crises. That’s where Lynda saw the
difference Children’s Miracle Network
Hospitals® made.
“By helping with treatment or
equipment, or even something small
like gas cards or meal vouchers,
CMN Hospitals made a difference,”
remembers Lynda. “The impact
was clear, and I was inspired to help
patients and families in need.” So
when she received an invitation to
support the Foundation through
employee payroll deduction, Lynda
didn’t hesitate to sign up.
High-quality care matters
Though her initial understanding of
the Foundation’s mission was limited,
Lynda’s life experiences soon gave her
a deeper understanding of the impact
being made.
In 2004, Lynda’s father experienced
a massive heart attack that required
him to have a double bypass. The
surgery, which was performed by
Dr. Paramesh, along with the care her
father subsequently received, saved
his life and allowed for a complete
recovery. “Our family was so grateful
for the care dad received; it was life
changing,” shares Lynda.
When Lynda and her husband, Pete,
had their own children, there was
another medical scare. The oldest of
their three children, Sam, was only
5 years old when he began to suffer
from severe asthma. Even today, at
age 14, Sam sees Dr. Todd Mahr and
his care team four times per week
for an injection that allows him to
manage his condition and enjoy being
a typical teenager.
Though she didn’t realize the scope
of the Foundation’s mission when
she began giving at age 24, Lynda
recognizes today that support of
medical education and research
helped ensure her father and her
son had access to the best care (and
caregivers) around. That peace of
mind, she believes, is what everyone
wants for their loved ones.
“The main reason I give today is
because I believe in Gundersen Health
System. I know the quality of care we
offer,” says Lynda. “The Foundation
supports who we are and what we do.”
In 2015, Lynda took a new position
as a diabetes educator. She has
supported the Legacy Hospital project
and Steppin’ out in Pink through
participation in payroll deduction and
plans to continue learning about the
Foundation’s projects and initiatives.
“On some days, I see the impact my
donation makes,” shares Lynda. “But
even when I can’t see the impact, I
know it’s there. I feel the difference.”
Profile of a Giver:
How many years have you worked
at Gundersen?
18 years
What do you enjoy most about
your job?
I believe in what we do at Gundersen
Health System. We provide
exceptional care to patients; we make
sure they know they matter. That is
the kind of care I want to give because
that is the kind of care I would want
to get.
When did you make your first
Foundation gift?
What inspired you to make your
first gift?
CMN Hospitals
Why do you give today?
Through the Foundation, I can help
make an impact on those around
me—my colleagues, my patients and
my community.
What quote inspires you?
“Our job is not to judge. Our job is
not to figure out if someone deserves
something. Our job is to lift the fallen,
to restore the broken and to heal the
hurting.” ~ author unknown
Meet A Board Member
ynn and Brad Sturm were drawn to
the La Crosse area in 1985 by the
area’s natural beauty. Six months later,
Lynn began working as a registered
nurse in the Pediatric Neonatal ICU
(PNICU) at Gundersen Health System
(then Lutheran Hospital). Clearly, the
fit has been a good one. Not only have
the Sturms raised their two children
in La Crosse, they have become
actively engaged in the community
through support of several nonprofit
organizations. Though Lynn retired
from Gundersen in 2016 after 30 years
of service, she remains connected
as a member of Gundersen Medical
Foundation’s Board of Directors.
“I had always supported the
Foundation, but I wasn’t completely
aware of all of its functions,” she
recalls. “Through strategic planning
sessions, I came to better understand
the mission and vision of the
Foundation. I see clearly how the
Foundation’s support of medical
education and research helps make
Gundersen such an esteemed medical
Lynn particularly enjoys serving on
the Grant Allocation Committee and
is passionate about the work that is
accomplished: “We review and discuss
all requests for funding, ensuring that
donor funds are used appropriately
and wisely.”
Through this work, Lynn has seen
firsthand the impact philanthropy
can make both on individuals and
entire communities. “The Foundation
supports Gundersen Health System
to ensure patients in surrounding
communities receive the highest
quality of care available while, at
the same time, supporting so many
other community programs and
organizations,” she shares. “I feel
honored to have served on the
Foundation’s Board for the past
six years.” u
gundersen medical foundation board of directors
Jerry E. Arndt
Retired Senior Vice President
Business Services
Gundersen Health System
A. Erik Gundersen, MD, VICE CHAIR
Retired Cardiac Surgeon
Gundersen Health System
Steve Berg
Community Volunteer
Erik A. Gundersen, MD
Family Medicine - Onalaska
Gundersen Health System
Johnny C. Brevik
Manager, Marketing Services
Logistics Health, Inc.
Sigurd B. Gundersen III, MD, CHAIR
Surgery Clinic
Gundersen Health System
Thomas F. Brock
Executive Vice President of Administration
Altra Federal Credit Union
Patricia M. Heim
Attorney at Law
O’Flaherty Heim Egan Birnbaum LTD
Robert N. Golden, MD
Vice Chancellor for Medical Affairs &
Dean, School of Medicine and Public Health
P. Michael Jacobs, DPM
Medical Vice President
Gundersen Health System
Joe Gow, PhD
UW-La Crosse
Gerald R. Kember
Gundersen Health System
Board of Trustees Liaison
Retired Administrator
School District of La Crosse
10 | G U N D E R S E N M E D I C AL FO U N DAT I O N Brian J. Koopman, CFP®, CPA, CTFA,
Vice President
Trust Point Wealth Management Group
Brian M. Sieck, MD
Gundersen Health System
Board of Governors Liaison
Lynnetta R. Kopp
Executive Director
Coulee Region RSVP
Beth Smith Houskamp, PhD, RN
Administrative Chief Operating Officer
Chief Nursing Officer
Gundersen Health System
Thomas J. Koster
Dairy Queen
Pediatric Specialties
Gundersen Health System
Rebecca A. Naugler
Travel Leaders - La Crosse
Chip Schilling
Schilling Supply Company
David F. Stickler
Attorney at Law
Moen Sheehan Meyer, Ltd.
Lynn D. Sturm, RN
Pediatric Neonatal Intensive Care Department
Gundersen Health System
Mary Jo Werner, JD, CPA, CFF
Wipfli LLP
Gundersen Medical Foundation
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals®
Give Today. gundersenhealth.org/cmnhospitals
Miracles made by you
Since 1986, your gifts to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals have
helped thousands of children overcome medical crises to reach their full
potential. Your generosity has a direct impact on families in our region.
We’re proud to share what a difference your generosity has made:
In 2016, $867,692 was raised to help local kids, the community
and Gundersen Health System.
Support for Kids & Families
4,761 individuals were helped by CMN Hospitals
132 families received transportation support
17 families were helped with respite funding
4,350 individuals received meals while their child was hospitalized
62 families received funding for medical supplies
Support for Community Programs
unded LEAP, a weight management pilot program for children,
and continue to pay program costs for families in need.
tarted a bereavement charm program for pediatric patients
in NICU/PICU, Inpatient Pediatrics, Women and Children’s and
Palliative Care departments. The program provides a fingerprint
of the lost child and uses the print to create a special necklace
for the parents.
upported the Pediatric Palliative Care Pilot Program.
Support for Gundersen Health System
CMN Hospitals provided financial support for
medical education and research at Gundersen
Health System for the following:
edical Staff Teaching for Pediatric Program
» T ransitional Pediatric Resident Rotation
edical Student Pediatric Rotation
Pediatric Oncology Research Associate
Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Summer
Medical Staff for Family Practice
Since 1986, your generosity
has allowed CMN Hospitals
to grant $15,279,072! With
your continued support, we
will continue to make miracles
happen in the Tri-state Region.
Your generosity allowed CMN Hospitals to help Gundersen
Health System with patient support, equipment, programming,
education and research, including these specific needs:
ospital and Clinic Services
» F oundation & Pediatric Programs
“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates
» Individual Patient Specific Grants
profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” ~ Lao Tzu, Philosopher
W H E R E G E N E R O S I T Y C R E AT E S M I R A C L E S | 11
Dr. Jeff Thompson and his wife, Sandy,
longtime supporters of Children’s Miracle
Network Hospitals, were honored at the
9th annual Emerald Ball.
King and Queen of the 2017 Emerald Ball
That’s why Sandy and I have given
our support to CMN Hospitals for
many years,” says Dr. Thompson.
He adds, “While Gundersen is the
largest pediatric center in the area,
I’m proud that CMN Hospitals
reaches beyond Gundersen,
serving families in 24 counties
wherever there is a need.”
As a former CEO and physician in
Gundersen’s Neonatal Intensive
Care and Pediatric Critical Care,
Jeff Thompson, MD, has worn
several hats in his service to
Gundersen Health System. Now
he can add “crown” to that list as
Dr. Thompson and his wife, Sandy,
were named King and Queen of
the Children’s Miracle Network
Hospitals® 9th annual Emerald Ball.
“I’ve had the privilege to work
in pediatrics for 30 years. As an
ICU doctor, I have often seen the
stress on the faces of families who
have children in the hospital. You
can’t help but be moved by that.
Though Sandy is modest about
her new “royal title,” Dr. Thompson
is quick to point out his wife’s
support. “As the person
responsible for all the family’s
finances, Sandy made sure that we
contributed to the important work
of CMN Hospitals with our ongoing
financial support,” he shares.
“It’s a very nice honor be chosen
as King and Queen of the Emerald
Ball,” the Thompsons share. “But
we also honor all the people who
do the work 365 days a year—
fundraising and helping families.
The Emerald Ball is a great
opportunity to highlight all the
good work done throughout the
year by so many.”
2017 sponsors
a Crosse Media Group
• Spectrum
Miracle Maker
ral Surgery Clinic of La Crosse
Hero Program
Rivers Region Chapter of
Credit Unions
• DigiCopy
inona Heating and Ventilating
renengen Auto Group
oulee Bank
ue Kolve’s Salon and Day Spa
• J .F. Brennan
Child Art Auction
onald McDonald House Charities
of Western Wisconsin and
Southeastern Minnesota
utback Entertainment
ittersweet Flower Market
12 | C H I L D R E N ’ S M I R A C L E N E T W O R K H O S P I TA L S
Hero cards
100% of sales benefit
Children’s Miracle Network
Cards are available for purchase at the
Gundersen Health Shop (Onalaska), Gundersen
Gift Shop (La Crosse) and Gundersen Credit
Union, or visit gundersenhealth.org/
cmnhospitals to order your cards online!
$5 includes:
0 Blank notecards
• 10 Envelopes
• 10 Stickers
includes tax
Addison Tarrence
Willa Krase
Jesse Plowman
Iris Abbott
Mason Rotering
Cards are designed by 2016–2017
CMN Hospitals Heroes.
For 30 years, Empire Screen Printing has generously donated
time and materials to allow 100 percent of card sales to help
fund miracles for local kids served by CMN Hospitals.
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The Weaver
Each day, donations in support of Children’s
Miracle Network Hospitals help children and
families facing medical crises. This is just one
example of the impact your generosity makes.
W H E R E G E N E R O S I T Y C R E AT E S M I R A C L E S | 13
Iris, a CMN Hospitals hero, visited a local Sam’s
Club during the campaign and thanked associates
like Shirley Fancher for fundraising for kids like her.
A shared passion for helping kids
Walmart and Sam’s Club share the
belief that every child deserves to
thrive. That’s why these companies
have supported Children’s Miracle
Network Hospitals® for 30 years,
raising more than $935 million in
the U.S. and Canada.
Nationally, Walmart and Sam’s
Club locations conduct an annual
campaign to support CMN
Hospitals. During the campaign,
customers have the opportunity
to donate during the check-out
process by purchasing a balloon
icon or “rounding up” the total of
their purchase. Many stores also
hold additional fundraisers such as
bake sales, hot dog stands, raffles,
employee challenges and more
throughout the year.
Seventeen local Walmart and
Sam’s Club locations have
supported CMN Hospitals since
1988. In 2016, $146,237 was
raised, bringing the total raised
for Gundersen Health System to
Scott Gran, the CMN Hospitals
Champion for Sam’s Club in
Onalaska says, “Supporting CMN
Hospitals fits with our desire to
help others and be involved in our
community. It’s also nice to know
that the funds we raise locally are
used to help families in our own
Radiothon 2017 October 19–21
Join Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals and La Crosse Media Group for their largest
fundraising event of the year. During this three-day event, hear stories and live interviews
from local children and families who have been assisted by CMN Hospitals. All the money
raised locally stays right here in the Coulee Region.
Pledge your support by calling (800) 853-6889.
Together, we help children
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals®, a service of Gundersen Medical Foundation, is dedicated
to saving and improving the lives of children. We directly assist children and their families, and
support pediatric programs and services that help kids battle diseases and injuries of every
kind. In the Gundersen service area, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has raised more than
$16.9 million since 1986. Each charitable donation—whether through special events, annual gifts,
business partnerships, sponsorships or planned giving such as bequests—benefits children in this
region and provides support for specialty medical care, research and preventive education.
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals
Gundersen Medical Foundation, 1836 South Avenue, La Crosse, WI 54601
(608) 775-4424
14 | C H I L D R E N ’ S M I R A C L E N E T W O R K H O S P I TA L S
To learn more about
Children’s Miracle Network
Hospitals and the work we
do, please visit us online
at gundersenhealth.org/
Gundersen Health System has 98 medical and professional staff who are graduates of Gundersen Medical Foundation’s medical education residency and fellowship programs.
These graduates are featured on the following pages.
Medical Education:
Part of our history, shaping the future
In June 2017, 36 residents
and fellows will graduate
from Gundersen Medical
Foundation’s medical
education programs and
begin their careers. These
highly skilled professionals
are intent on providing
compassionate care that
enriches the lives of their
his newest group of medical
professionals, like the 1,203 others
who came before, is a testament
to the Foundation’s 70-plus year
commitment to medical education.
Since 1904, when Dr. Adolf Gundersen
mentored his first intern, training
the next generation of caregivers
has been a core value at Gundersen.
Leadership and support of medical
education have always been part of
the Foundation’s mission. With eleven
accredited training programs for
residents and fellows, teaching and
learning are part of who we are and
what we do.
Although we are proud of our
heritage, the ongoing support of
medical education, which is made
possible due to the generosity and
vision of our benefactors, is driven
more by the future than the past.
Medical education remains a
Foundation priority today because of
future implications for patients and for
the entire region.
Preserving access to
quality care
As the U.S. population ages, experts
believe we can expect a critical
shortage in the numbers of doctors
and nurses. In 2017, for example, the
Association of American Medical
Colleges released a report estimating
a shortfall of anywhere from 40,800
to 104,900 physicians could occur
by 2030, and a new report from
the Wisconsin Council on Medical
Education and Workforce (WCMEW)
warns that Wisconsin may face
a shortage of more than 2,000
physicians by 2030. That is why
having an award-winning medical
education program to attract talented
professionals positively impacts
patients in our service areas.
“Gundersen is one of the nation’s
premier community-based academic
health centers, offering fully accredited graduate medical education
programs,” says Gregory Thompson,
MD, the Edwin L. Overholt Director
of Medical Education. “Our graduate
medical programs offer a balance
of primary, tertiary, inpatient and
outpatient medicine. These programs
provide a rich educational experience,
both clinically and academically.”
The impressive number of graduates who are current staff members
at Gundersen is evident by the photos featured on these pages.
Dr. Thompson believes that
Gundersen’s reputation gives our
region a competitive advantage
when it comes to recruiting and
retaining the next generation
of physicians and allied health
In the long term, our
communities are further
enhanced because those trained
at Gundersen often stay in this
region, go on to raise families,
and become engaged citizens.
Although Gundersen graduates
may be found in 46 states and
7 foreign countries, it’s worth
noting that over 50 percent
went on to practice in Wisconsin,
Minnesota and Iowa.
Nationally recognized
In addition to helping ensure
access to skilled caregivers in
the future, patients in our region
benefit from investments in
medical education because of
the quality of caregivers being
In 2016, the medical education
program was awarded the first
DeWitt C. Baldwin Jr. award
from the Accreditation Council
for Graduate Medical Education
(ACGME). This prestigious award
was created to honor exemplary
residency programs that foster
a “humanistic culture” by
creating a respectful, supportive
environment for medical
education and patient care.
Valuing continuous
While award-winning
educational programs are likely
to attract bright students, the
truth is that a highly respected
educational program also
attracts the best teachers.
Many medical professionals are
drawn to the idea of teaching
and interacting with residents
and fellows because they
believe such an environment is
conducive to quality.
“I am grateful for the
presence of students,” says
Dr. Scott Rathgaber, the CEO
of Gundersen Health System,
“because they enrich our lives and
our profession. We are challenged
to stay current in our approach
to care and retain mastery of
our skills to serve our patients.
Students push us to stay sharp and
strive for even greater excellence.”
Looking ahead, there is no
doubt that support for medical
education will continue to be
part of the Foundation’s mission.
Each year, our graduates are
examples of how support for
medical education has a direct
impact on our community
(and beyond!). They are also
a testament to the enduring
impact of philanthropy.
Endowing Our Excellence
United by a common vision and inspired by
the desire to sustain medical education long
into the future, Endowing Our Excellence is
an $11 million cooperative campaign with five
essential components. This initiative strives to
permanently fund the residency directorships
listed at right.
The permanent funding of these programs
is necessary:
• To help maintain the quality of patient care that
is associated with Gundersen
• To sustain 501(c)(3) status, made possible by our
teaching programs
• To make medical education programs stable
and self-sustaining, even in the face of declining
government support
Gundersen Medical Foundation’s Board
of Directors is committed to medical
education. The board will allocate $1 million
in unrestricted reserves to each of these five
Therefore, our collective campaign goal of
$11 million can be achieved as follows:
• $6 million in new contributions
(with almost $4 million, not including estate
commitments, given to date!)
• $5 million in board reserve matching funds
The Edwin L. Overholt, MD, Chair of Medical Education
Established in honor of Dr. Edwin L. Overholt’s retirement in 1993, this fund
provides ongoing resources necessary to retain the visionary leadership that
our reputation for educational excellence was built upon.
Goal: $3 million
Needed to meet goal: $1,192,836*
The James Webster, MD, & Lucian Griffith, MD, Director of
Transitional Year Residency
Major benefactors Dr. Stephen and Katie Webster established this endowed
Directorship in 2005 to honor their fathers’ dedication to teaching that has
transcended generations…a dedication that continues at Gundersen every day.
Goal: $2 million
Needed to meet goal: $430,499*
The Edward Winga, MD, Director of Internal Medicine Residency
Lead gifts made by Dr. Edward and Sharon Winga provided the necessary
foundation for this endowment in 2006. This program was modeled after
Dr. Overholt’s widely acclaimed military Internal Medicine Residency Program.
Goal: $2 million
Needed to meet goal: $189,691*
The William Kisken, MD, & Thomas Cogbill, MD, Director of
General Surgery Residency
Established in 2006 with multiple commitments from alumni and friends
of the program, this endowment is named in honor of two prominent and
extraordinary directors: Dr. William Kisken and Dr. Thomas Cogbill.
Goal: $2 million
Needed to meet goal: $462,603*
Family Medicine Residency Directorship
Contact the Foundation today to
pledge your support to medical
education! To learn more, call
(608) 775-6000 or visit us online at
The Family Medicine Residency was established in 2013, adding another residency
program of significant importance to our region. This is the Foundation’s newest
endowment and is available for naming.
Goal: $2 million
Needed to meet goal: $1,000,000*
*As of March 31, 2017, and not including estate commitments.
Gundersen Medical Foundation at work
Empowering adults
to help youth
When it comes to protecting youth from drug and alcohol
use, knowledge truly is power. That is why Gundersen Medical
Foundation recently helped fund “Wake Up Call,” an educational
program sponsored by Monroe County Safe Communities, La Crosse
County Prevention Network and Gundersen Health System.
In October 2016, hundreds of parents, family members and educators
in Monroe County participated in an experiential learning activity
that included a tour of an area staged as a teenager’s bedroom.
Participants learned to look for signs of possible drug and alcohol
abuse and how to follow up by starting difficult—but necessary—
“We are so grateful for the Foundation’s support of this event,”
says Christie Harris, a wellness education specialist at Gundersen.
“Participants left with a greater understanding of the need to be
vigilant, as well as strategies and resources to help identify and
address red flags.”
The event was so successful it was offered in La Crosse in April 2017.
For more information, visit lacrossecpn.org/events. u
Save the date
Drive for Hope
Golf Tournament
History comes
Gundersen Health System has a rich history—
one that generates pride in employees, patients
and community members alike. Recently, that
story was brought to life on a wall display
located in a main corridor of the Legacy Hospital.
“Many people, especially patients, are interested
in our unique history,” shares Dr. A. Erik
Gundersen, vice chair of Gundersen Medical
Foundation. “We invite community members to
stop in any time to learn more about how our
past continues to shape our future.” u
Monday, June 5, 2017
La Crosse Country Club
Proceeds benefit lung cancer research at
Gundersen Medical Foundation.
Despite the high mortality rate from lung cancer, it
continues to receive the least amount of funding for
research among the common cancers. We need your help
to reach our fundraising goal for 2017!
Hole sponsorships are available at three levels: Birdie,
Eagle and Double Eagle. Not a golfer? Make a taxdeductible contribution to be listed as a member of the
exclusive “Caddies Club” in the dinner program.
To become involved, contact Mandy Dawson
at [email protected] or
(608) 775-4931.
Commemorative and Memorial Gifts
Gundersen Medical Foundation thanks our
many friends for their generous gifts.
October 1, 2016, through February 28, 2017
Our memorial and honorarium listing includes gifts made to
Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals®. Gifts made after February 28
will appear in the next issue of Pathfinders.
A gift that lasts—a lasting tribute
A gift to Gundersen Medical Foundation, in the name of the
person or persons you wish to honor, provides both the donor
and the recognized—or bereaved family—the satisfaction of
having made a lasting contribution to others.
Your gift will touch their hearts
In response to your gift, we send a note of
acknowledgment to the honored individual or, in the
case of a memorial, to the family. You will be notified
that your gift has been received and dedicated
according to your wishes. The names of those
recognized by tribute are published in this
publication, Pathfinders. Specific amounts are
confidential and are not published.
20 | G U N D E R S E N M E D I C AL FO U N DAT I O N
Charitable gifts to Gundersen Medical Foundation are a thoughtful way to celebrate
a specific individual on special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays. Our
donors also find this method of giving is a meaningful way to express appreciation to
Gundersen healthcare professionals or entire departments for exceptional care received.
Commemorative Gifts
In honor of…
Iris Abbott
American Home Fireplace & Patio
Taylar R. Olson
Brian D. & Kathy S. Wieser
Dr. William A. Agger
Bill & Marsha J. Patzner
Dara B. Bartels
Michael & Laurie Dolan
Robert F. & Donna L. Niedfeldt
Eric J. Bashaw
Gary R. & Mary E. Schmuck
Dr. Raju Ailiani
Mr. & Mrs. Ronn Trudo
Sara Gundersen Battison
Ingri Gundersen Lombardi &
Antonio Lombardi
Denise Albrecht
Ann C. Falkenberg Olson & Ronald Olson
Marc Bauch
Mark Reese
Dr. Mary S. Alvarado
Dr. Christine J. & Jonathan Waller
Meggan M. Baudek, RN, NP
Ruth & Tom Graham
Ruth Ann & Elmer Amborn
David J. Amborn & Karen Gilster
Laney Beeler
Chris A. & Kimberly S. Anderson
Jason R. & Kristin L. Beeler
Jennifer A. Burtness
Lauren E. Anderson
Denise Anderson
Sarah Bement
Gabriel Armstrong
Michelle Armstrong
Elizabeth J. Arnold
Shawn D. & Mary Jo Werner
Dr. Arnold A. Asp
Steven L. & Barbara J. Burke
Molly E. Benck
Susan Benck
Mya M. Berkowitch
Jennifer Luedtke
Dr. Montaser A. Bilbisi
Bill & Marsha J. Patzner
Tiffany Avery
Grace Strong
James Bahnsen
Jean & Norm Krause
Dr. Marilu Bintz
Michael & Laurie Dolan
James H. & Kathleen C. Klock
Braden L. Ball
Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Cash
Donald & Maxine M. Woodhouse
Dr. Julio J. Bird
Kim & Arlo Thorsness
Sonja Banegas
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Dr. David F. Bleidorn
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Ron & Jane Rada
Bangor High School Volleyball Team
Amy Bahr
Christine J. Jepson
Nadine Block
Elizabeth Moore
Ann Barney
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Mathy
Sharon I. Barnhart, RN, NP
Rhoda R. Abts
Debra Boehde, RN
Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Allen
Shirlie Andresen
Dr. Marlene A. & James Bannen
Mark A. Bertrang
David Boehde
Kathleen E. Boehde
Mr. & Mrs. Joel J. Chilsen
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Engen
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Hobelsberger
Rachel Hollingshead
Kevin J. Killean
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Koster
Dr. Justin C. & Jaclyn M. Stakston
Trey Borchardt
Amanda Tischer Buros & Jason R. Buros
Dr. Wayne A. Bottner
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Nicole, Emily and Joey Branstad
Susan Branstad
Rodney A. Brueggeman
Gary R. & Mary E. Schmuck
Val Brunoni
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Quackenbush
Dr. Joel A. Burnet
Sandra K. Sommerfeldt
Alyssa J. Campbell
Scot A. & Karen M. Campbell
Jim and Jeanie Casebolt
Sara Beebe
Sheila Castleberg
Christian Castleberg
Brian Chapeau
Anna L. Swenson, RN
Kim Chapeau
Sarah Kilibarda
Dr. David Chestnut
Dr. Young K. Lee
Children’s Miracle Network
Hospitals® Staff
Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Bramwell
Thomas O. Claflin
Mary L. Tronick
Joyce Clark
David W. & Jennifer L. Stuhr
G I F T S R ECE I V E D O cto b er 1, 2016 , through F e b ruary 28 , 2017 | 21
Gail Cleary
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Dr. Collin D. & Susanna G. Driscoll
Richard R. & Nancy L. McNally
Dr. John J. Coffey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Sweeney
Sue Eber
John E. & Sandra K. Castek
Jean & Norm Krause
Dr. Thomas H. Cogbill
Drs. Brian & Ingrid Watkins
Marjorie Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Dr. Patrick D. Conway
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Jakowski
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kember
Mike Elm
Richard Lang
Blake L. Erdmann
LuAnn S. Buehler
Sharon Ernstt
David W. Ernst
Clara Costello
Ernest N. Hite
Heather Every
Kenneth E. Mohns
Emma R. Crawford
Dr. Adam E. & Shauna Gregg
Dr. Nathanial E. Farley
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Rachel Curtis
Jeff Mullen
Dr. John P. Farnen
Dr. R. M. & Fe Abellera
Roger & Johanna Hargreaves Kwong
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Passe
Sam Dahl
Ryan T. & Angela M. Dahl
Jim & Debbie Kroner
Dr. William Daily
James E. Carroll
Susan Kay Dalbec
Sandra L. Kaalele
Dr. Jared I. Darveaux
Bill & Marsha J. Patzner
Dr. Jerry A. Davis
John A. & Julie A. Holzwarth
Mandy Dawson
Jim & Debbie Kroner
Marc DeBauch
Paul Hogrefe
Dr. Stephen M. Devine
John A. & Marjorie A. Gjevre
Sam & Emma Dobbins
Kevin B. & Lynette E. Dobbins
Dr. Michael J. Dolan
Dr. R. M. & Fe Abellera
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Dr. P. Michael & Susan Jacobs
James H. & Kathleen C. Klock
The Alliance
The Dooley Family
Susan Larson
Lacey Donatell
Chris McDonald & Lisa Olson-McDonald
Dr. Carl J. Drago
Dennis R. & Edna J. Gravos
Alison K. Feigh
Amanda Olson
Al and Kit Ferber
Emily H. Rolek
Peter Ferguson
Mary L. Tronick
Kevin W. Feyen
Gary R. & Mary E. Schmuck
Brenda Finley
Jean Finley
Dr. Sylvia A. Firary
Bill & Marsha J. Patzner
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Passe
Theresa T. Fleckenstein
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Mergen
Dr. Melissa S. Forbes
Dr. Adam E. & Shauna Gregg
Sara J. George
Dr. & Ms. Adam E. Gregg
Ms. Shauna Gregg
Gundersen Health System Staff
Mr. & Mrs. Carl R. Bethke
Nester I. & Phyllis S. Chiglo
Mary Lu Gerke
Rosanne & Alan Schulz
Dr. Mark V. & Jeanne Connelly
Mary Ellen McCartney
Carol J. Oldenburg
Gundersen Hematology/
Oncology Dept.
Nancy J. Flury
Dr. Fadi Z. Ghandour
Laurie A. Hurwitz & Neil F. Stilwell
Gundersen Hospice Staff
Area Council of Churches
Robert W. Mahr
William C. Ness
Ellen Gianoli
Barbara A. Nickelotti
Gundersen ICU
Robert W. Mahr
Dr. Ronald S. Go
Patricia A. Fitzpatrick
Gundersen Infectious Disease &
Wound Center
Bill & Marsha J. Patzner
Dr. Larry S. Goodlund
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce T. Tessmer
Dr. Mary L. Goodsett
WI Physical Therapy Association West Central PT District
Jeannie & Daniel Gordon Jr.
Philip & Rebecca Schumacher
Jeannie A. Gordon
Dr. William A. & Margaret Agger
Robert & Debra A. Sieger
Bradley & Connor Granahan
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Ward Smith
Tiffany Groskreutz
Allina System Community Engagement
Dr. Hjalti Gudmundsson
Mr. & Mrs. Ronn Trudo
Dr. A. Erik Gundersen
Mike & Jill Blokhuis
Thomas Hoby & Lisa Gundersen
Michael J. Mashak
Jack & Debbie Schwartz
Kent M. & Lucy J. Vaaler
Dr. Bradley L. Fowler
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Acklin
Gundersen Administrative
Leadership Team &
Executive Assistants
Jean & Norm Krause
Dr. Mary K. Frohnauer
Randy L. & Susan A. Starkey
Gundersen Allergy Dept.
Bill & Marsha J. Patzner
Dr. Michael P. & Maureen Funk
Mr. & Mrs. Steven K. Kopp
Gundersen CCU
George B. & Connie S. Mumau
Piper G. Gentry
Jodie Carson
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley D. Gentry
Gina R. Gentry
Ashley Snyder
Anna L. Stindt
Dr. Erik A. Gundersen
Fred G.J. Farris
Laura V. Taylor & Dick Gagermeier
22 | G U N D E R S E N M E D I C AL FO U N DAT I O N
Gundersen General Surgery Dept.
Robert W. Mahr
Gundersen Internal Medicine Staff
Mr. Robert W. Mathison
Gundersen Medical Foundation Staff
Dr. Sigurd & Jean Ann Gundersen III
Michael A. & Pam S. Kalinosky
Steve & Betty Sacia
Gundersen Medical Research Staff
Mary Lynn Olson
Gundersen NICU Staff
David Stickler & Susan Des Rosiers
Gundersen Orthopedics Staff
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Quackenbush
Gundersen Physicians
Neil L. Duresky
Gundersen Radiation Oncology Staff
Robert W. Mahr
Gundersen Service Excellence Staff
Carol E. & Richard Wede
Dr. and Mrs. Sigurd B. Gundersen III
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Dr. Sigurd B. Gundersen III
Mike & Jill Blokhuis
Barbara & Kermit Newcomer
Jack & Debbie Schwartz
Gundersen Spiritual Care Staff
Lawrence W. & Helen M. Coleman
Chaplain Ann E. Tyndall
Gundersen Trauma Emergency Center
Robert W. Mahr
Gundersen Vascular Institute
Joey E. Amberg
Dr. Bernard J. Hammes
Dr. Mark V. & Jeanne Connelly
Pauline M. Jackson, MD
Dr. Brenda & Daniel Rooney
Dr. Timothy A. Harbst
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Jakowski
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Harrison
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Rodney D. Hasburgh
Maj. John G. Ness
Dayne R. Hass
Tom & Elizabeth Culver
Trygve Haug
Daniel Dymond
Karen Hayter
Ann C. Falkenberg Olson
Justus X. Heise
Mr. & Mrs. Jon M. Speltz
Mary E. Hemmersbach
Gary R. & Mary E. Schmuck
John T. Hendricks
John D. & Dee J. Medinger
Dr. Michael J. Henry
Chariti S. Peters
Dr. John F. Herath
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Jakowski
Hillview Health Care Center
Nursing Staff
Dr. Christine D. Miller & John R. Streyle
Aubrey J. Hogden &
Katelyn R. Hogden
Susan Bretl
Angela D. Holinka
Gary R. & Mary E. Schmuck
Dr. John R. Houskamp
Nancy R. Korn-Smith & Donald B. Smith
Mark T. Hutson
Thomas G. & Frances A. Hutson
Rebecca L. Inglis
Ann C. Falkenberg Olson
Dr. Kevin M. Jaeger
Mrs. Mildred A. Myhre
Betty Z. Kabara
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Shirley Lang
Susan Hartman
Ethan Hayden Kalla
Roland D. Schwitters
Jackson W. Larson
Dexter L. & Karen Groves
Bonnie J. & Barry J. Mashak
Otto Kaiser & Bobbi Keegan
Barbara Kaiser
Zoey M. Lollar
Mr. & Mrs. Zebulon Lollar
Amanda K. Luedtke
Brady L. Lowe
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Acklin
Dr. John D. Larson
Marilyn A. McElligott
Randy E. Lubahn
Robert F. & Donna L. Niedfeldt
Rose Ann Laureto
Kathleen M. & Paul J. Callan
Michael & Laurie Dolan
Ellen M. Pedretti-Fendt & Robert J. Fendt
Paul R. & Lynn Fisch
Gundersen IS Technical Services
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Klock
Mr. & Mrs. Michael L Larson
Timothy P. & Linda M. Seubert
Mr. & Mrs. Randy D. Weibel
Thomas B. Wiese
Samuel J. Malin
Carol Malin
Robert W. & Karen Marquardt
Anita Lauria
Bill & Marsha J. Patzner
Mark, Mary & Britta Mathiowetz
Debra Fjetland
Dr. Jeffrey M. Lawrence
Rhoda R. Abts
Michael J. Matysik
Donald R. & Joanne Matysik
Jayne M. Laylan, RN, NP
Ann C. Falkenberg Olson
Tyler J. McCoy
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Quackenbush
Marcia Kendall, RN
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Korbyn, Karsyn, & Syndi Layton
Steven & Belinda L. Layton
Donovan & Madeline McCullum
Tonya McCullum
Dr. A. Scott Klein
Wayne J. & Susan C. Goeldner
Dr. Kyla R. Lee
Jo Le Roy
Mr. Robert W. Mathison
Marilyn A. McElligott
Vicki L. McHugh
Ann C. Falkenberg Olson
Michael Lee
Ann Barney
Robert K. & Barbara Sher
Dr. David R. McNamara
Bill & Marsha J. Patzner
Jon and Rhonda Kalkwarf
Gerald A. & Betty A. Baldner
Dr. James R. Kauphusman
Joan Kauphusman
Joseph R. Keating
Thomas D. & Mary Anderson
Logan C. Kelm
Ashley A. Boehlke
Dr. Sigurd & Jean Ann Gundersen III
Jandt-Fredrickson Funeral Home
and Crematory
Carolyn R. Lawrence
Nancy E. Reithel & Timothy T. Henke
Mackenzie Thelemann
Samantha Thelemann
Tyler Thelemann
Kirsten Wallace
Loran D. Zibrowski
Dr. Steven M. Klein
Ron & Jane Rada
Mark Kleman
David Grand
Cheryl A. Kloss
Kathleen M. & Paul J. Callan
Carolyn Knobloch
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Knobloch
Dr. Todd J. Kowalski
Bill & Marsha J. Patzner
Warren Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Butler
Douglas J. Lee
Mary Linden
Marvin & Karla M. Peterson
Al and Dani Lerberg
Julie Reiling
Jeanne Kremer
OB/GYN Dept.
Dr. Benjamin T. Jarman
The Guthrie Clinic
Dr. Laura E. Krister
Robert M. & Gretchen L. Burns
Patricia H. Gray
Roger & Ellen Jensson
Mr. & Mrs. David F. Mergen
Paula Kroes
Robert F. & Donna L. Niedfeldt
Dr. Jeanne M. Johnson
Roger & Johanna Hargreaves Kwong
Jennifer Kruckow
Alvin & Nancy Amann
Brent A. Jones
Robert F. & Donna L. Niedfeldt
Dr. Roger W. Kwong
Lois A. Storlie
Dr. Alcee J. Jumonville
David M. & Sandra K. Wagner
Dr. Jeffrey Landercasper
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Inglebret
Jennifer Letts
Connie Letts
Tom and Jennifer Letts
Judy Conroy
Mary E. Lichtie
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Jim & Debbie Kroner
Dr. Rana Limbo
Dr. Mark V. & Jeanne Connelly
Livie and Rina
Sara Adams
Dr. Tiffany J. Marinier
Rhoda R. Abts
Margie E. Mason
Jean & Norm Krause
Dr. Joan M. Matey Romeyn
Carol A. Taebel
Dr. Jill P. McMullen
David M. & Sandra K. Wagner
Dr. David W. Metzler
Herman J. & Janice A. DeHaan
Jake Meyers
Dera Arnold
Elrita Meyers
Joan K. & Douglas D. Meyers
Lori F. Moystner
Elizabeth ‘Libby’ L. Middleton
Bill & Marsha J. Patzner
Alexandra Miller
Marcia LaValley
Angela Miller
Marcia LaValley
Dr. Kenneth A. Miller
Wayne L. & Sharon L. DeSotel
Maxwell Miller
Marcia LaValley
Dr. David Momont
James K. & Diane K. McCready
G I F T S R ECE I V E D O cto b er 1, 2016 , through F e b ruary 28 , 2017 | 23
Paul & Celena Monn
Grace Strong
Wyatt R. Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick C. McGuire
Dr. Sajjad H. Rizvi
Mr. & Mrs. Ronn Trudo
Dr. Sampoornima Setty
Mr. & Mrs. Ronn Trudo
Havyn and Elissa Moonen
John & Jane Curran
Judy Piper
Sarah B. Piper
Dr. Stephen B. Shapiro
Richard R. & Nancy L. McNally
Gary C. Moore
Gary R. & Mary E. Schmuck
Mark E. Platt
Michael & Laurie Dolan
Brayen C. Morey
Benjamin P. & Rachel K. Morey
Jesse Plowman
Todd & Lisa Olson
Rev. & Mrs. Paul M. Plowman
Jameson D. & Brittany Rau
Tom Koster
Dr. Alan D. Pratt
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Mason Rotering
Badgerland Financial
Susan Byom
Haley Curtis
Barbara A. Ferguson
Jane M. Grace
Olin Knudsen
Mr. & Mrs. Rob D. Mahlum
Barbara S. Marg
Brian J. & Deborah K. Moran
Marilyn A. Nyre
David J. & Jessica Pehl
Robert F. & Joy E. Ranney
Deborah M. Ruff
Kathleen Schneider
Andrea Thompson
Underwater Inspectors
Mr. & Mrs. Alan R. Wernecke
Louise Howard Price
Marianne Price
Dr. Thomas S. Roukis
Martin J. & Mary L. Callaway
Dawn R. Steffes
Ann C. Falkenberg Olson
Rick Przywojski
Jim & Debbie Kroner
Dr. Kevin M. Rumball
Rhonda K. & Douglas M. Smith
Dr. Premnauth Rabindranauth
Mr. & Mrs. Ronn Trudo
Mary E. Rumble
Dr. Mark V. & Jeanne Connelly
Lisa L. Rainey
Robert F. & Donna L. Niedfeldt
Dr. Catherine R. Ryan
Ruth & Tom Graham
Emerson Steig
Robin P. & Judy A. Hawley
Laverna N. Humphrey
Jackson County Bank
Donald & Colleen M. Kirschner
Nola R. Olson
Tamara J. Steig
Drs. Scott and Mary Rathgaber
Rob Tashiro & Rose Ann Laureto
Dr. Andrew T. Saterbak
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Matt
Hailey A. Steinhoefel
Sonja & Renold Gibeaut
Dr. Scott W. Rathgaber
Michael & Laurie Dolan
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Dr. P. Michael & Susan Jacobs
Jim & Kathy Klock
Julie A. Sawyer, MS
Maj. John G. Ness
Allan Joseph Stier and
William Joseph Stier
Adam J. Stier
Brenda Moser
Robert F. & Donna L. Niedfeldt
Ryan A. Mullikin
Maj. John G. Ness
Dr. Trey C. Mullikin
James & Denise Albrecht
Dr. James H. Munn
Tara J. Johnson & Tim D. Padesky
Donna S. Nelson, RN
Darlene M. Schlesser
Mandy L. Nogle
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Acklin
Tanner Novak
Katie J. Sauer
Edith F. Nutter
Mrs. David W. Hogue
Dr. Kurt R. Oettel
Louise A. Butterfield
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Kember
Connor and Aidan O’Hanlon
Barbara Anakkala
Marie A. Orcutt
Jessica L. Gerke, RN
Julie A. Gerke
Jeremiah Orcutt
Matthew Orcutt
Michael J. Orcutt
Ralph & Barbara L. Orcutt
Ryan & Kara Orcutt
Timothy & Brittany W. Orcutt
Our Four Granddaughters
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene M. Hogden
Dr. Edwin M. Overholt
Dr. & Mrs. Steven Overholt
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Overturf
Jacquelynn Olson
Edan Paar
Sarah Hanhan
Dr. Venki Paramesh
Mr. & Mrs. Ronn Trudo
Kathleen Passe
James F. & Brenda A. Schaffer
Dr. Maynard Poland
Ann Barney
Dr. Peter J. Polewski
James & Denise Albrecht
John & Kathy Reinhart
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Rob & Diane Reinhart
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Nelson & June Richason
James A. & Susan L. Richason
Riders of the Purple Sage
World Premier
Karin Wolverton
Peggy Schmid
Ann Therese Schmid
Julie Schmid
Dr. Kevin L. Schoepel
Joey E. Amberg
Holden Schuld
Vicki Strangman
Kelsey Schultz
Kay I. Wagner
Philip G. Schumacher, ACFRE
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Brian Rietzel
Travis & Tina M. Scharmach
Philip & Rebecca Schumacher
Betty Z. Kabara
Dr. Edward H. Riley II
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Boehmke
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Quackenbush
Jack W. Schwartz
Mike & Jill Blokhuis
H. Kenneth Ring
Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Ulland
Miya Servais
Lisa N. & Sam J. Sauer
24 | G U N D E R S E N M E D I C AL FO U N DAT I O N
Tina Schwartz
Peggy K. Brennan
Patrick Sidoti
Richard N. & Ann Christiansen
Dr. Agnes Smaradottir
Richard R. & Nancy L. McNally
Elisha J. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Quackenbush
Dr. Martin J. Smith
Avanelle E. Major
Elizabeth Smith-Houskamp
Michael & Laurie Dolan
Dr. Vanee Songsiridej
Marlene L. Michel
Bill & Marsha J. Patzner
Susan Stinson
Ann C. Falkenberg Olson
Dr. Richard J. Strand
Dr. Mark V. & Jeanne Connelly
Judy L. Kirkpatrick
Brian L. Stuempges
Gary R. & Mary E. Schmuck
Linda Sullivan
Susan A. Loken
Addison Tarrence
Debra Best
Kristin L. & Trevor Boettcher
Cassandra J. & Keven Buehler
Tom & Elizabeth Culver
Chris Fortsch
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Ingram
Kaddy’s Kafe
Mark & Mary A. Loeffler
Jean A. Melson
Annette Schoh
Terry L. & Lynn F. Schoh
Zath Schoh
Debra J. Shimshak
Kristina K. Smaby-Schoh & Jared Schoh
Nathaniel P. Smith
Pat Tarrence
Elizabeth A. Theede
Matthew & Jennifer Tradewell
Joseph R. Welch
Tim Thone
Susan E. Reid
James J. Tauer
Amy Wetterling Tiegen
Education Richfield
Jill Johnson
Brian J. Theiler
Mike & Jill Blokhuis
Dr. San Thida
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Jakowski
Krista Thomas
Dr. Gregory & Linda Thompson
Dr. Kenneth W. & Janine Merkitch
Everett Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. Vern W. Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Tainter
Vernon County Department of
Human Services
Dr. Margaret E. Webster
Dr. James R. Webster Jr.
The Family of Jacob Wetterling
Amy Bergeron
Robert Chavez
The Church of the Holy Spirit of
St. Paul, Minnesota
Dale & Paula Grace
Barbara Hurwitz
Eileen M. Ketola
Timothy P. & Jennifer O. Monson
Doraine L. Newland
Richfield High School
Jennifer Rothchild
Jack & Linda Van Straaten
Kathryn Thompson
Janet Urbanowicz
Vickie Vars
Throughout the year, Gundersen Medical Foundation
is honored to be the chosen recipient of special gifts
made in remembrance of friends or loved ones who
are no longer here to carry on their own legacy of
caring. Memorial gifts pay lasting tribute to a person’s
life and accomplishments, while also advancing
healthcare quality for the future.
memorial Gifts
In memory of…
Brigadier General Norris P. Abts
Rhoda R. Abts
Nancy J. Adducci
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Dyrhaug
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Koenen
Eugene E. & Betty J. Linse
Dr. Gregory P. Thompson
Sharon J. and Spencer R. Peters
Jacob Wetterling
Resource Center Staff
Gloria D. Blaske
Dr. John L. Udell
Lois A. Storlie
Trevor Wetterling
Kaitlin Toney
Dr. Yazhini Vallatharasu
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Dan and Gerianne Wettstein
David J. & Cynthia M. Berger
Dr. Marvin J. Van Every
Wayne J. & Susan C. Goeldner
Jeanne Willinger
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Davidson
Dr. Lisa Veglahn
Marlene A. Gallup
Dr. Edward R. Winga
John A. & Marjorie A. Gjevre
Cynthia R. Vieth
Dr. R. M. & Fe Abellera
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Dr. Michael A. Witcik
Kim & Arlo Thorsness
Mr. & Mrs. Ronn Trudo
Rick and Karen Vilonen
Gerald A. & Betty A. Baldner
Dr. Robert S. Witte
Gayle R. Tweed
Olivia K. Vogler
Myron & Cindy Schuster
Elizabeth Wyland
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Wyland
Hilmer L. Anderson
Duane S. & Arlene R. Dreves
Kay & Rich Petry
Dr. Eric W. Voter
Maj. John G. Ness
Jane E. Young
Dr. William A. & Margaret Agger
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
James Arnold Anderson
Dr. & Mrs. John C. Cleveland
Sadie J. Zebell
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Acklin
Norma Anderson
Nancy E. Burgett
Marjorie P. Collins
Ryan and Kristen Walker
Colin Walker
Dr. Ricky J. Waniger
Rhonda K. & Douglas M. Smith
FaithRose Wateski
Ace Hardware Foundation
Madi Aiello
Lauren Hoest
Dr. John L. Alexander
Marilyn A. Alexander
Nancy A. Alexander
Dr. & Mrs. John M. Alexander
Doug Allen
Lloyd E. & Christine O. Giese
Dr. Ben H. Anderson
Dr. Larry S. Goodlund &
Nancy C. Todd Goodlund
Darlene ‘Dee’ C. Anderson
Dr. William R. & Tamara L. Scorby
Ashley D. Zibrowski
Kathy Reid
Stanley & Bertha Anderson
Carolyn B. Anderson
Dr. Jonathan A. Zlabek
Nancy R. Korn-Smith & Donald B. Smith
Verdell L. Anderson
Joyce M. Anderson
David B. Antony
Annie T. Antony
Karen Christine Arndt, RN, DNP
Peggy J. Arentz
Stephen E. Arndt
Dr. Kelley A. & Jason F. Bahr
Terry & Julie Bartels
Dr. Mary C. & Matthew Bassing
Dr. & Mrs. David F. Bleidorn
Kenneth R. & Nancy A. Boehm
David L. & Judith A. Bouffleur
Judy K. Brennan
Dan & Nikki Brown
Ryan L. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Carpenter
Central High School - Music Department
Central High School Grand Central Station
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Christianson
Karen Christianson
Steven S. & Teresa A. Clements
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Diermeier
Doris I. Dyer
Mr. & Mrs. Todd R. English
Mr. & Mrs. Garry H. Faas
Lori A. Falada
Patricia A. & Dennis A. Gerke
Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Gilbert
Joan A. Glander
Debra J. Groleau
Gundersen Health System
Ingri Gundersen Lombardi &
Antonio Lombardi
Dr. Sigurd & Jean Ann Gundersen III
Sherri A. Hayes
Dawn M. Heimer
Mr. & Mrs. John M. Henkelman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hollnagel
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Hooverson
Gary M. & Rhonda M. Jensen
Dr. James R. &
Barbara J. Kauphusman
Ivan B. & Janet A. Key
G I F T S R ECE I V E D O cto b er 1, 2016 , through F e b ruary 28 , 2017 | 25
Karen Christine Arndt, RN, DNP
Kind Realty, LLC
Cornelius A. & Mary Jo Klos
Jim & Debbie Kroner
Mr. & Mrs. David Kubicek
Longfellow Middle School Faculty
Doris M. Lubinski
Steven R. & Margaret A. Manson
Drs. Joan M. Matey Romeyn &
Richard L. Romeyn
Karen Mathis
Mr. & Mrs. James H. McGettigan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Miller
Dr. & Mrs. Edward B. Miner
Rosemary Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Nicholson
Carol J. Oldenburg
Allan & Melinda G. Orebaugh
Sandra A. Pehler
William E. & Teresa M. Peters
Sandra C. Poehling
Walter A. Pretko
Marilyn C. & Doug Quinn
Dave & Paulette Richling
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Roach
Luke M. & Elizabeth C. Rodgers
Jan H. Sahagian-Crandall
Maribeth Schmitz
Terry L. & Lynn F. Schoh
Rosanne & Alan Schulz
Robert W. & Julie K. Schuppel
Mr. & Mrs. William Simon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Stibbe
Patricia L. Stilwell
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon D. Stinson
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley G. Stoner
Bradley J. & Lynn D. Sturm
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Sullivan
Kathleen M. Swanson
Robin & Stephanie Lee Swartz
Amy L. Sweeney
Thomas J. Tallman &
Donna Peterson-Tallman
Jeff & Sandy Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Steven T. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Tucker
Dr. John L. Udell & Dr. Amanda L. Strosahl
Ralph L. & Tina Voigt
Scott D. & Serena A. Von Ruden
Daryl D. & Margaret A. Wood
Michael & Kate M. Woodward
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey J. Wrobel
Drs. Mary Zaky & Prem Rabindranauth
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Zibrowski
Marie E. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Roger C. Barnes
Lorna M. & Carl N. Barnes
William F. & Anne L. Dunn
Wilfred H. Hemker & Gail Brisbin
Allan N. & Kathleen A. Johnson
David & Shirley Lemke
Richard A. & Sharon Mueller
Richard L. & Marlene A. Roesler
John A. & Mary E. Curtis
Mrs. William R. Grayburn
Gregory J. & Ellen M. Koelker
Ruth A. Kuntz
Patrick W. Lawrynk &
Louise A. Sedevie-Lawrynk
Jean A. Sandry
Gary J. & Susan Schettle
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Shupe
William ‘Bill’ Arthur Barney
Robert K. & Barbara Sher
Nicolas Bonnell
James A. & Alice M. Fonfara
Delores M. Beal
Mr. & Mrs. Jerold H. Leis
Hugh C. Boyle
Marion N. Boyle
Rev. W. L. ‘Bill’ Beckendorf
Nancy M. Beckendorf
Alan Howard Bratberg
Mrs. Garnet M. Bratberg
Lu J. Becker
Harold E. & Swanhild D. Lubeck
Tamara Bratberg
Douglas & Diana D. Backus
Audra T. Bena
Haley A. Haus
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Helmers
Wayne H. Bratberg
Douglas & Diana D. Backus
Norm & Lorie Bednarek
Mrs. Garnet M. Bratberg
Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne C. Page
Terry & Rhonda L. Peterson-Stone
Mrs. W. B. Prieur
Karl Artschwager
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Paggi
Robert G. Boldt
The family of Robert G. Boldt
Ruby C. Gross
James O. Ash
Mrs. James O. Ash
Leona Berg
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Kulcinski
Joan M. Berger
Gundersen Health System
Richard F. Biering
Ruby A. Biering
Adam Chul Bigalk
Rebecca A. Nindorf
Aziz A. Bilbisi
Gundersen Health System
Gundersen Infectious Disease Wound Center
Bill & Marsha J. Patzner
Florence Bissen
Donna M. Bartuski
Renee K. Blanchard
Mrs. Donna J. Carmichael
Michael J. & Laura S. O’Neill
Wesley Eugene Bluske
Larry & Linda L. Arentz
Carol M. Bluske
Harry C. & Ardis H. Bolstad
Lucile M. Dahlke
Duane S. & Arlene R. Dreves
James C. & Jean M. Urbanek
Nancy L. Boettcher
Michael J. & Sara M. Albrecht
Gundersen Health System
Robert Bonine
Gerald E. & Marilyn J. Arndt
26 | G U N D E R S E N M E D I C AL FO U N DAT I O N
Francis G. Breidel
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford C. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Koenen
David E. & Yvonne Whiteman
Dr. Eric F. Brekke
Drs. Mason G. Fisher & Irina Shakhnovich
Richard R. & Nancy L. McNally
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen B. Shapiro
Thomas G. Wilson
Betty Lou Brenegan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Brenegan
Steve & Diane Brenegan
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Duane A. & Judith A. Hoff
Mr. & Mrs. Randy C. Jacobson
Robert & Debra A. Sieger
Roxanne K. Brenno
Lemont O. & La Donna E. Brenno
Marie D. Brieske
Mrs. Donna J. Carmichael
Darla J. Brodigan
Michael J. & Sara M. Albrecht
James D. & Angela M. Elsen
Genevieve R. Brom
Conrad B. Brom
William Bross
Gundersen Health System
Norma J. Hirsch
Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Metcalf
Mrs. Earl M. Morkrid
Michael F. & Siri E. Valencia
Susanne R. Wedwick
Delmar L. Brown
Nelma J. Brown
Joanne L. Brown
Richard R. Brown
Lorraine Beatrice Brown
Carol Hehn
Lyle K. Brown
Garry W. & Gale P. Bahe
Kenneth W. & Cheri A. Brown
Mrs. Ruth Brown
Cutler Cranberry Co.
Farmers & Merchants Bank
Duane & Deborah Jacobson
David R. & Mary L. Mauch
Martin B. & Lisa Potter
St. Joseph Hospital Radiology Dept.
Nora Ann Brown
Matt J. & Diana Brown
Ronald L. & Carla McNulty
John E. & Karla E. Stanek
James ‘Jim’ L. Brueggeman
The Family of Jim L. Brueggeman
Jeanne Burger
John J. & Dolores R. Sandleback
Pernelia ‘Pearl’ E. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Blanchard
Mr. & Mrs. James I. Bottcher
Allan J. & Cristi Johnson
Leon Jostad
Larry W. Pischke
Bernard K. & Kay C. Sasse
Lois Carlson
Ann Barney
Dr. E. S. Carlsson Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Chamberlain
Dr. Edward S. Carlsson Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Chamberlain
Chris W. & Rena Ludden
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Ludden
Mavis C. Carlsson
Chris W. & Rena Ludden
Dr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Ludden
Alexas Carpenter
Lemont O. & La Donna E. Brenno
Georgia Ragna Carr
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Verse
Leo J. Carter
Kay F. Carter
Sue Ekberg
Richard R. & Cathy J. Hilton
Eugene A. Chadbourn
Peggy R. Corey
Kay Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Mathy
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Odegaard
Shirley A. Otto
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Paulson
Mr. & Mrs. David N. Pradovic
Julie K. Smith
Sally Chaney
Gundersen Health System
Belva Dickman
Rebecca Auna
Germaine J. (Craig) Erickson
Barbara A. Nickelotti
Richard ‘Dick Chip’ Chapiewsky
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Grosskopf Sr.
Judie A. Dickson
Michael J. & Sara M. Albrecht
Ethel Euerle
Jonathan P. & Cheryl A. Peters
Martin M. Clark
Sachi Clark
Otto G. Dingfelder Jr.
Diane C. Dingfelder
Lydia K. Everson
Mr. & Mrs. Russell J. Everson
Carli Christina Clements
Charles F. & Janet T. Schleifer
Bob Farrington
Kathi Volden
Finley Marie Clements
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Sanger
Betty J. Dix
Bruce L. Dix
William & Sara Duckwitz
Mike & Wanda Kern
Jeff & Terri Somers
Barbara J. Coe
Robert B. Coe
James V. Dougherty
Carol K. Dougherty
Raymond Collins
Avis I. Collins
Devyn M. Doughty
Paul R. & Maureen Doughty
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Doughty
Barbara L. Filas
Robert J. & Vickie Baer
Olga Draskoci-Johnson, RN
Kelly S. Cary
Robert, Colleen & Keely Raasch
Thomas R. Caspersen
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Schini
Bruce A. Conrad
Dr. & Mrs. Roger A. Grant
Charles W. Cook
Marlene L. Cook
Phyllis Cruciani
Roxanne M. Cruciani
Joan L. Curran
Michael S. & Georgia A. Curran
Andreas Dahl
Brotherton Strategies
Dr. Mark V. & Jeanne Connelly
Mr. & Mrs. Terry A. Davis
John L. & Mary G. Dudley
Carla Grodi
Robert A. Kierlin & Mary Burrichter
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Lommen Sr.
McDonald’s Restaurants Courtesy Corporation
Linda S. Sherwood
Gunvor Dahl
Carla Grodi
Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Lommen Sr.
Linda S. Sherwood
Sharon R. Dahl
Kay Hall
Kay & Rich Petry
Joan H. Davis
William J. & Jeanne M. Beeler
Ann Graff-Fluekiger
Dr. Sigurd & Jean Ann Gundersen III
Myron W. Ekern
Richard L. & Marlene A. Roesler
John E. Elmer
Ellen L. Elmer
Carla A. Figgie
Richard F. Figgie
Ryne D. Fisher
Jeffrey & Kimberly Fredrick
Paul S. Frost
Gundersen Clinic - La Crescent
Gundersen Health System
Phyllis L. Frye
Janice Jacobson
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford C. Johnson
Patricia ‘Pat’ J. Fuchsteiner
Aimee M. Wichelt
Molesha ‘Molly’ Courtney
(Mason) Fuglestad
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Wieser
Dr. Larry James Fundell
Tom & Jan Cogbill
Albert P. Funk Jr.
Mary M. Funk
Alvin F. Gamble
Beverly J. Gamble
Herbert E. Garbers
Violet M. Garbers
Kenneth E. Garves
Michelle Klingbeil
Donna Drugan
Douglas & Diana D. Backus
Sharon L. Fitting
Joshua L. & Rebecca L. Hamit
Joseph J. Duff
Reedy Concrete Construction, Inc.
Howard J. Fitzpatrick
Patricia A. Fitzpatrick
Dana Geske
La Crosse County Mediation and
Family Court Services
Anita L. Lemke
Darlene Kempf
Arlene Duncan
Nora R. Graham
Jacob ‘Jay’ K. Flury
Nancy J. Flury
Donald V. & Evelyn E. Gillette
Franklin L. & Linda J. (Smith) Gillette
James P. Dunham
Rabbi Simcha & Keren L. Prombaum
Sandra L. Folgers
Don & Karen M. Birkeland
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Feyen
Michael Folgers
James S. & Elaine D. Gillies
Angela Santiago
Craig M. & Julie A. Walker
Harold W. & Verene M. Gingerich
William H. & Sherryl L. Gingerich
Laura J. Forsyth
Paul D. & Ethelyn M. Gensmer
Ladd C. Golding
Ann L. Golding
Kay & Rich Petry
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Poehling
Dolores Strittmater
Sarah E. Woods
Michelle J. Durand
Michael J. & Sheila J. Durand
Betty Durgin
Mr. & Mrs. Randy C. Jacobson
Brant Eagon
Roxanne Larson
Dale Arthur Ebner
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Genty
Len & Vicki Golwitzer
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Lefebvre
Mr. & Mrs. Vince Mitzen
Phyllis Ecklund
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Schini
Cristian ‘C.J.’ Joel Ehler
Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Olson
Marion F. Freagon
Donald E. Freagon
Andrew Riemann Fries
Karen L. Fries
Richard O. & Marjorie F. Fries
Robert ‘Bob’ T. Frise
Ann Barney
Dr. Mark V. & Jeanne Connelly
Arlene C. Martin
Alvin ‘Bud’ H. Fritz
Elaine W. Rundahl
Dorothy Ehlinger
Gundersen Health System
Richard J. Eirschele
David E. & Yvonne Whiteman
Theresa Gleason
Gundersen Health System
Dorothy Goette
Amanda D. Horstman
Danny ‘Dan’ K. Gran
Regina A. Gran
Cecelia Granos
Paul & Renee Granos
Kenneth B. Greene
Paul A. & Lori A. Meyer
Lois R. Gruber
Verdel K. & Carol L. Dawson
Rodney R. Gudbaur
Maxine H. Gudbaur
G I F T S R ECE I V E D O cto b er 1, 2016 , through F e b ruary 28 , 2017 | 27
Beverly June Guenther
Scott & Debbie Guenther
David R. & Barbara A. Skogen
Gary D. Skogen
Dr. & Mrs. Adolf L. Gundersen
Sara & Chris Battison
Sven M. Gundersen
Carol W. Gundersen
Dr. Thorolf Gundersen
Mr. & Mrs. Finn E. Gundersen
Mavis Kaye (Roseth) Gustafson
Lois Amen
Tony Halley
Jean Eggen
Pamella Halter
James B. Halter
Robert M. Halverson
Gundersen Health System
John ‘Jack’ Harr
Mrs. Lois Harr
Mary Lou Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Acklin
Samuel Hartman
Dr. David & Jo Ellen Hartman
Bruce Hass
Gundersen Health System
Dean F. & Louise A. Limberg
Elaine G. Haug
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Haug
Doris M. Haugen
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Black
James M. & Cynthia Finley
Allan & Melinda G. Orebaugh
Marilyn E. Trisch
Delainey A. Hayden
Paulette R. Schomberg
Dr. John W. Hayden
Dr. & Mrs. Julio J. Bird
Mike & Jill Blokhuis
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Caplan
John L. & Mary G. Dudley
Peter J. & Esther L. Harman
Herb & Barbara Heili
Pauline M. Jackson, MD
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon L. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Clinton L. Kramer
Daniel J. Lilly & Lisa R. Valentini-Lilly
Dr. Larry A. & Diane J. Lindesmith
Barbara A. Nickelotti
Douglas J. & Barb A. Ramsey
Beverly I. Stuhr
Dr. Eugene & Patty Valentini
Stanley Bruce Hays
Cheryl R. Vieth
Merlyn H. Helland
Marilyn E. Helland
Mikkel ‘Mike’ Helland
Marilyn E. Helland
Russell ‘Russ’ Dean Hellwig
Sandra J. Hellwig
Charles W. Hemmersbach
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Koenen
William Harrison Hempy III
William Hempy
Christine E. Henderson
Lyle E. Henderson
Beth A. Hendricks
Gulnara Dreier
John T. Hendricks
Dr. Stacy A. Her
Paul & Brenda Fischer
Paul F. & Jean J. Hunsinger
Dr. Nelleen G. Noack
John P. & Melanie T. Savage
Lorraine Ruth Herman
Gundersen Health System
Todd Hervey
Robert W. & Jean M. Raz
Jeanine Hetherington
Sister Mary Ann Gschwind
Iris Heyt
Dr. Arlynn & Ann Schwanke
John E. & Karla E. Stanek
Irven E. Holtegaard
Mr. & Mrs. Keith H. Connaughty
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Dalton
Lester & Dianne Dunn
Kaye Eiken
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne R. Haug
Arlene A. Holtegaard
Doug & Linda Johnson
Dorothy A. Lucus
Greg & Nancy Schwanbeck
Paul & Sandy Shalet
Brandon & Daniel Sjarpe
Rick & Sandy Sjarpe
Allan Skalet
Jim & Barbara Snackenberg
Dwight & Luanne Storlee
Robert & Margaret Vagts
John Holty
Ruth Holty
LeRoy Hovell
Tom Slaggie & Kathy Hovell
Amy J. Hubing
Dr. Christine D. Miller & John R. Streyle
Emmett E. Humburg
Dr. & Mrs. Mordechai D. Lederman
Deanna Hurwitz
Robert J. Fendt & Ellen M. Pedretti-Fendt
Gundersen Health System
Bill Hutschenreuter
Martin J. & Mary L. Callaway
Gundersen Lab Dept.
Jonathan P. & Cheryl A. Peters
Gordon E. Hutson
O. Manley & Vernice D. Kirkeeng
Robert L. Hicks
O. Manley & Vernice D. Kirkeeng
Ruth Huttenburg
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Brodrick
Dick Hierlmeier
Gundersen Health System
Jeff Hutzenbuehler
Jean Eggen
Lois Jean Hillyer
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Koenen
James G. Ingels
Susan Y. Ingels
Dorothy Hoffland
Lloyd R. & Louella F. Holthaus
Anna Nicole Isler
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Campbell
Karen M. & Thomas L. Haville
Jessica E. Miller, RN
Catherine A. Mooney
Dr. Brenda & Daniel Rooney
Carol & Rodger Schomberg
Gordon Oliver Hoffman
Kurt Kurandt
Kenneth L. & Marie Reed
J.L. Monte Holman
Mrs. Barbara Decker
Don Holmgren
Gary L. & Phyllis R. Minkel
28 | G U N D E R S E N M E D I C AL FO U N DAT I O N
Ervin Jacobson
Shirley M. Jacobson
Lila Jameson
Michael P. & Susan K. Anderson
Stanley G. Mann
Jessica Jandro
Studio of Stars Dancers
Robert J. Janeiro
Kathleen J. Nevin
Carol A. Stephens
Del J. Janisch
Diana K. Janisch
Gerald G. Jansky
Robert B. Coe
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Fregin
Dr. Larry A. & Diane J. Lindesmith
John H. & Patricia A. Payne
The Children of Pat & Ed Reget
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew C. Temte
Donald G. Jerdee
Friends & Loved Ones
Ms. Barbara C. Johnson
Philip Johnson
David B. Johnson
James C. & Jean M. Urbanek
Katherine M. Johnson
Lloyd L. & Sonja Olson
James C. & Jean M. Urbanek
Mildred ‘Millie’ M. Johnson
Marian A. Johnson
Sheryl Kamm
Cheryl R. Vieth
Maxine M. Kane
Richard L. & Marlene A. Roesler
Ruth E. Karis
Gundersen Health System
Clara Karli
Lois E. Czaplewski
Mary Jo Kaufenberg
Gundersen Health System
Robert F. Kauphusman
Joan Kauphusman
Dr. Rudolph M. Keimowitz
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Caplan
Dr. Sigurd & Jean Ann Gundersen III
Herb & Barbara Heili
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin J. Hennessy
Pauline M. Jackson, MD
Barbara & Kermit Newcomer
Sarah R. Newick
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Pulvermacher
Gary & Teresa Pulvermacher
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Resavage
Cindy & James Steinhoff
Mary Ann Kemper
Gundersen Health System
Barbara C. Kendhammer
Kay & Rich Petry
David S. Krieg
Rose A. Krieg
Alyssa Diane Elizabeth Keppel
Trischa A. Keppel
Hildegard Kriesel
Bernard F. Kriesel
Earl P. Kern
Rita R. Kern
Barbara J. (Koeller) Kroner
Russell W. Kroner Jr.
Dale E. Keune
Marcella J. Keune
Ludwig F. Kroner
Nancy E. Kroner
Shirley J. Kilmer
David R. Kilmer
Lucile Anna Kumm
James C. & Jean M. Urbanek
Mary L. King
Joyce R. Wichelt
Jane F. Kurtz
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Blanchard
John L. & Mary G. Dudley
Dr. Richard A. & Jo Ann Fink
Mary E. Moen
John C. & Carol M. Wittenberg
Ashlyn J. Kingsbury
Gundersen Health System
Janice Kirchner
Gundersen Health System
Kay & Rich Petry
Cheryl R. Vieth
Melbourne B. Kirkeeng
Barbara A. Nickelotti
Dr. William A. Kisken
Tom & Jan Cogbill
Mary J. Kisken
William M. Klas
Jeff & Sally Hillesland
Michael ‘Mick’ Klein
Savvy Home Consignments
Vincent Klimek
James R. & Marilyn A. Reedy
Bruce Knutson
Gundersen Health System
Hazel J. & Selmer M. Knutson
Rev. Barbara J. Knutson
Nancee D. Koch
Marla H. Withey
Norman Kohlmeyer
Carmen J. Viner
Joyce E. (McFarlane) Kolb
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fox
Gundersen Health System
Audrey A. Kotnour
Gundersen Health System
Kevin Jay Kowalke
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Kowalke
Nora T. Kramer
Donald Kovabel
Karen & Gary Neves
Brenda Tully
Donald J. & Joann R. Tully
Albert ‘Al’ La Fond
Richard T. Weisbecker
Steven W. Lafky
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Koenen
Tom Lange Jr.
Sherry Lange
Sarah Lanzel
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Lanzel
Donald M. Larson
Richard L. & Rita A. Wolfe
Janet R. Lawrynk
Patrick W. Lawrynk &
Louise A. Sedevie-Lawrynk
Robert O. Le Roy
Charles & Steffanie J. Habeeb
Jo Le Roy
Connie LaVon Lee
William J. & Jeanne M. Beeler
Philip & Rebecca Schumacher
Evelyn A. Lee
William J. & Jeanne M. Beeler
Philip & Rebecca Schumacher
LaVerne F. Lehmann
Mr. & Mrs. Clifford C. Johnson
Nolan Leis
Mr. & Mrs. Jerold H. Leis
James F. Lembezeder
Thomas & Jane F. Treglowne
Leland ‘Lee’ H. Lemke
David J. & Sandra A. Balduzzi
Robert & Alberta Bauman
William J. & Jeanne M. Beeler
Richie & Leone Berger
John E. & Linda K. Burns
Barbara J. Cantlon
Roger & Judy Casberg
Richard E. & Blondie Cornell
Amanda L. Dawson
Rhonda K. Doely
Randolph A. & Judith A. Eddy Sr.
James R. & Nancy Eggen
Jason A. Eggen
Ronald & Linda Elsen
Michael K. & Mary L. Gilbert
Gundersen Health System
Marlin & Valerie Gunderson
Mrs. MaryAnn Gunderson
Jean M. Hanson
Jarlan D. & Ellen Hesselberg
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Horman
Larry A. & Patricia J. Howe
Russel A. & Darlene E. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Knutson
Michael G. & Sue Leavitt
Russell T. Lee Jr.
David & Shirley Lemke
Linda Maringer
Mary J. McFadden
Richard R. & Rose A. Meier
Daniel F. Schiffer
Mr. & Mrs. James L. Shoults
David R. & Barbara A. Skogen
Gary D. Skogen
Gary & Carol Skoy
Mary C. Smith
Ronald H. & Joann M. Sprehn
Shirley E. Stuart
Frederick & Mary Tetzlaff
Fannie J. LeMoine Midelfort
Sigurd H. Midelfort
Robbin ‘Simba’ LeRoy
Charles & Steffanie J. Habeeb
James R. Lichtie
Dr. Mark V. & Jeanne Connelly
Mary E. Lichtie
Jessica L. Lichtie
Mary E. Lichtie
Shawn D. & Mary Jo Werner
Beverly R. Limberg
Wayne R. & Cheryl L. Blomberg
Mr. & Mrs. David M. Evenson
Dean F. & Louise A. Limberg
Mr. Richard T. Limberg
Main Street Baptist Church
Nancy L. Listiak
Dr. Richard L. Listiak
Dorothy A. Losinski
James A. & Alice M. Fonfara
Kai E. Lueck
Donna Dietsche
Anton H. Lund
Rose Marie Thiel
La Vonne Ferne Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Brodrick
Julie A. MacDonald, RN
Gary H. MacDonald
Braeden L. Mahlke
David J. Branson
Phyllis C. Branson
Rebecca L. Hatke
Carol Lynn (Celius) Mahr
Robert W. Mahr
Kaitlin E. Mahr
School District of Onalaska
Bernard Majerus
Gundersen Health System
Bonnie J. Mann
Stanley G. Mann*
Salem M. Markos II
William & Cindy Berg
Marjorie P. Collins
Mr. & Mrs. David G. Growt
Mrs. Paul A. Johnson
Ornelle A. Jorgensen
Georgia W. McGuire
Erin B. Solomon
Elizabeth Solverson
Dr. & Mrs. Gary R. Stiers
Paul Martin
Gundersen Health System
Paul L. Martin
Orla Mae Brown
Doris E. Martin
Marilyn E. Trisch
Scott Martinovich
Cutler Cranberry Co.
Janet A. Mason-Bolduan
Jean & Norm Krause
Kathryn L. Mathison
Mr. Robert W. Mathison
School District of Onalaska
Arthur R. Mathson
Alyce May Mathson
Jo McGrath
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Carlson
Alice A. McHugh
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Larson
Mary K. McMahon
Robert C. McMahon
Ronald F. McMullin
Mary Jane McMullin
G I F T S R ECE I V E D O cto b er 1, 2016 , through F e b ruary 28 , 2017 | 29
“Gundersen as a whole and the
individual employees put their
focus on the patient and do their
utmost to provide high quality care
for each individual. Patients are
not viewed as ‘cases’ or monetary
resources. Further, patient
feedback is taken very seriously
and action is taken, if necessary, to
improve the patient’s situation.”
~ Postville, Iowa
Charles J. Mears, DDS
Teresa M. Mears
Shirley Milstein
Dr. David & Jo Ellen Hartman
Donna ‘Susie’ (Becker) Meehan
David R. & Barbara A. Skogen
Gerald Miskowitz
Gundersen Health System
Harry James Herman Meinking Sr.
Gundersen Health System
Robert L. Mitchell
Doris Mitchell
James Melde
Dean F. & Louise A. Limberg
Janet M. Mlsna
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Koenen
Harley Roger Meyer
Merrick J. Beron & Judy K. Koopman
David L. & Judith A. Bouffleur
Jerry C. Bumgardner
Bert P. & Betty W. Gasch
Gilman R. & Jean G. Gronvold
K. E. & J. L. Heinze
Rosetta E. Heinze
La Crosse County Voiture 830
Ronald K. & Paula R. Martinmaki
Kathleen A. McIntee
Audrey M. McRae-Mades
Helen J. Meyer
Henry Meyer
Gregory C. & Nancy A. Olson
Sherman E. & Lois Olson
Dean S. Peterson
Kay & Rich Petry
Robert F. & Joy E. Ranney
Thomas K. & Mary J. Sheehy
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry F. Unser
Richard W. & Lorna Wehrs
West Salem Insurance Agency, Inc.
Marie Ann Moga
Jason & Sandra L. Steig
Lucia C. Meyer
Marietta Clemens
John & Kathleen Henjum
Laverne T. O’Neill
Joanne Peterson
Esther M. Ruelle
R. & C. Sanders
James & Karen Steffen
Lucy Meyer
Donald Seiler & Lori Twedt
Albert Miller
Studio of Stars Dancers
Dr. Gerald J. Miller
Marie A. Miller
Margaret L. Miller
James R. Miller
Ronald C. Miller
Cheryl M. Jakowski
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Jakowski
Izzy Milstein
Dr. David & Jo Ellen Hartman
30 | G U N D E R S E N M E D I C AL FO U N DAT I O N
Franklin N. Molitor Sr.
Gundersen Health System
Cory Scott Monti
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne E. Alderman
Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Moran
Melissa Ann
David L. Morris
Dr. R. M. & Fe Abellera
Thomas F. & Jan L. Brock
Dr. Mark V. & Jeanne Connelly
Verdel K. & Carol L. Dawson
Herb & Barbara Heili
Marie A. Miller
Joyce M. Morrison
Gundersen Health System
Cindy & James Steinhoff
Joan O. Moulis
John E. Meier Estate
Frederick J. Mueller
Gundersen Health System
KayCee Marie-Murphy Sanders
Patricia A. Carroll
Edward & Elrose Nagle Jr.
Dean G. & Debra S. Seidel
Charlotte Virginia Nelson
Richard L. Meyer & Denise Cahalan
James David Nelson
Rosemary Nelson
Roy N. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Thompson
Joyce B. Ness
Maj. John G. Ness
William C. Ness
Bob, Jim, & Peg Sutherland
Mary J. Ness & Charlene
Ronald Neuman
Mrs. Donna J. Carmichael
David A. Neumeister
June M. Knudtson
Arlene C. Martin
Marilyn A. Ondell
Richard L. & Marlene A. Roesler
Willibald O. Newburg
Duane S. & Arlene R. Dreves
Ronald R. & Mary M. Garves
Marie A. Newstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Tony Knutson
Barry M. Nimtz
Lynda C. Nimtz
Tom Norris
Dr. Sander M. Johnson
Eris Ann Olson
Galen W. Olson
Janet Ann Olson
Friends & Loved Ones
Irene R. Olson
George H. Olson
Travis H. Olson
Tracy A. Stahl
Timothy E. O’Rourke
Mrs. Timothy E. O’Rourke
Martin Osier
Mary Zeimetz
George E. Osterhout
Peter G. & Marie A. Tabor
Margaret Paulus
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Camann
Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Knobloch
Mary Ellen McCartney
Jane A. Morgan
Dr. & Mrs. Milton J. Schmida
Sharon Wallace
Malita E. Raymond
Lloyd R. & Louella F. Holthaus
Mr. & Mrs. James Kloety
Sally Raymond & Family
Peter J. Rethwisch
Gundersen Health System
Jerome J. Revels
Helen J. Nevin
Kathleen J. Nevin
Nancy Sheldon
Tom Pauly
Dee Paque’
Paul J. Pearson
Jan A. & Barbara Pearson
Jeanette Pearson
Judith R. Pederson
Jerome L. Gilbertson
Elaine Perry
Gundersen Health System
Rupert H. Pfuhl
Shannon R. Lesky
Cheryl R. Vieth
Lynn M. Pohlman
Gundersen Health System
Vernie L. Preston
David A. & Gail L. Jelinek
Billy Pritchett
Ann E. Kiel
Paul Pudlitzke
Arlene Kranz
Patricia M. Ristow
Mr. & Mrs. Darren K. Amundson
Ellen V. Bluske
Judith A. Bullock
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Colgan
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Fox
Global Brass and Copper Holdings, Inc.
Ken & Barbara Herlitzka
Linda Herman
Ronald J. & Adele M. Johnson
Geraldine M. Jolley
Cynthia Mullowney
Rita S. & Clarence R. Newberry
Gerald H. & Julaine Ristow
Mr. & Mrs. James Scheide
Dan & Mary Beth Sinniger
Eileen K. Stickney
Rose Marie Thiel
Janice Thompson
Jeff Thompson
Kimberly A. Yancey
Chester Ostrem
Gundersen Health System
Mason Ward Jr., Frieda Mae,
Lucille Dorothy & Lorretta Norma
Mason W. & Julie Quackenbush
Lucille J. Ostrem
Paul A. & Lori A. Meyer
Phillip ‘Phil’ J. Quillin
Barbara S. Quillin
Dr. Edwin L. Overholt
Stephanie E. Overholt
Bonnie L. Raatz
Dee Paque’
Morris L. Robinson
James A. & Donna M. Pangier
The Family of Steve & Kris Reutzel
Arlene M. Page
Karen J. Wallace
Blaine Franklin Rabuck
Deanna L. Rabuck
Robert D. Rochester
Dennis L. Subera & Victoria J. Clason-Subera
Danny L. Parsneau
Mrs. Jane Parsneau
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Schini
Marian Ward Schlabach Ramlow
Tom & Jan Cogbill
Jo Le Roy
Dr. Almon R. & Elizabeth Mac Ewen
Barbara Ramlow & Michael French
Lloyd ‘Bud’ Rotering
Renai L. Rotering
Donald A. Patzner
Catherine M. Patzner
Abigail Paulsen
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Lanzel
Rebecca L. Paulson
Larry & Bonnie Gensch
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Gordon Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Koenen
Ronald L. & Judy A. Ostreng
Sally K. Raymond
Brian D. & Karen A. Rude
Joyce R. Wichelt
Dennis L. Rivers
Susanne K. Rivers
Donna L. Robinson
Gundersen Health System
Norma Rotering
Renai L. Rotering
James R. Ramsey
Carol Ramsey Lewis & Russ Lewis
Donald J. Roth
Michael J. Cain
Ronald W. & Lois Harris
Ralph L. & Bonnie J. Hicks
Bob & Toni Kowalski
Richard T. Record
Francis M. Rattle
Donna J. Rattle
S. Therese Roth
Jane M. Gleason
Dr. Robert W. Ramlow
Tom & Jan Cogbill
Barbara Ramlow & Michael French
Blanche Rumpho
Studio of Stars Dancers
Morris Rumpho
Studio of Stars Dancers
Antony A. Rutherford
Dyanne E. Brudos & Roger D. Thornton
Gina M. Rybold
Kathleen O. Stoen
Joyce M. Sagen
Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Thrun
Michael & Ann Thrun
Jon Sainty
Brian B. Tridle & Vicki L. Truscott-Tridle
Gerald ‘Jerry’ C. Scheidegger
Judith A. Scheidegger
LaVern J. Scherbring
Kenneth F. & Lois F. Krause
Hubert J. & Olga M. Schleiter
Linda S. Sherwood
Jerome W. Schneider
Katherine Schneider
Donald W. Schoenfeld
John C. & Emily J. Fothergill
Gene Edwin Schoenfeld
Shirley A. Schoenfeld
Phyllis Schreiber
Corrine T. Abegglen
Arthur L. & Barbara Engh
Violet M. Garbers
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Gartner
Grace A. & Timothy R. Harnish
Harry E. Harnish
Barbara C. Hegge
Mr. & Mrs. Ramon D. Hollnagel Sr.
Glen R. & Susan K. Larson
James E. & Kathryn A. Leide
Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Lynch
Donald R. Mouchka &
Marilyn Von Ruden Mouchka
Ruth A. Rebhan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Schini
Iris M. Topp
Jean E. Weigel
Dianne L. Williams
Zonette E. Schreiner
Gundersen Health System
Robert & Marjorie Schroder
Sandi K. Schroder
Alton A. Schroeder
James A. Sill
Beverly I. Stuhr
Joseph H. Schubert
Steve & Betty Sacia
G I F T S R ECE I V E D O cto b er 1, 2016 , through F e b ruary 28 , 2017 | 31
Eugene Schulze
Harlan & Dorthy Yahnke
David J. Spears
Susan C. Spears
Sally M. Strupp
John H. Strupp
Joanne ‘Lola’ Van Riper
Sam R. Van Riper
Donald C. Schuster
Ann E. Schantz
Dean Speidel
Marie B. Kabat
Eugene R. & Leslie J. Shumann
Martha Joy Stuckey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Kramer
Sharon, Ron, & Kim Van Tassell
Michelle Majkrzak
Emily Suesse
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt M. Suesse
Terry J. Vandenboom
Wenzel J. & Edna J. Smetana
Louie Suter
Sandra K. Sommerfeldt
Rodney D. Vaningan
D-Lux Screen Printing
Vernell S. & Carolyn A. Hesselberg
Mr. & Mrs. James Shuda
Gary & Carol Skoy
Spencer D. Sedlmayr
Jeffrey M. & Andrea L. Wieser
Emma J. Shaw
Robert W. & Mary G. Carrier
Josie’s River Queen, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis A. Noack
Wayne & Krista Walton
James N. Sherwood
Nancy Bunge
Dr. Mark V. & Jeanne Connelly
Samuel J. & Heather G. Sayles
Philip & Rebecca Schumacher
Donald F. & Nancy K. Sieger
Susan M. Sieger
Alice M. Silha
Dennis J. & Jolene D. DeMaiffe
Gundersen Health System
Larry D. Skipton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Ritger
Shirley Skipton
Darin J. Skoy
David R. & Barbara A. Skogen
Audrey Maxine Evelyn (Volden) Slack
Kathleen A. Schuler
Dr. Rolv K. Slungaard
Dolores A. Slungaard
Steven Edward Smetana
Wenzel J. & Edna J. Smetana
Cypriano Smith
Gundersen Health System
John W. Smyth
JoAnne H. Jansky
Kerry Snyder
Dawn E. Snyder
Ted C. Snyder
Dawn E. Snyder
Timothy Snyder
Dawn E. Snyder
Francis R. Solberg
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Haug
Sons Bennie, David, Karl &
Grandson Greg
Benjamin J. Ward Jr. & Linda C. Wangen
Audrey M. Soucheck
Larry & Linda L. Arentz
Eva R. Spitz
Diane C. Dingfelder
Dr. Scott J. Sprtel
Dr. Polly A. Quiram
Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Sprtel
Daniel E. Stanek
Mary E. Stanek
Muriel M. Stanek
Mary E. Stanek
Earl Duane Stannard
Susan M. & Terry Hays
Bruce H. Staples
Dr. & Mrs. Lawrence F. Staples
Richard ‘Dick’ T. Stavlo
Edwin A. & Susan K. Fish
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Fry
Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gums
Julie McAdams
Sonja L. & David W. Neubauer
Lori A. Richert
Terry L. Schultz
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Stotesbery
Michael F. & Sheryl Weinandt
Jean & David Wolfert
David Steers
Gundersen Internal Medicine
Edward Stellmacher
Kuldip S. & Karen L. Kalsy
Russell H. Stenslien
Carol M. Bluske
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence R. Brodt
Mr. & Mrs. Earl D. Crowley
Duane S. & Arlene R. Dreves
Gordon E. & Mary Ann Dreves
Robert Swanson
Mary Swanson
LeRoy Swim
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald M. Swim
Charles R. Taylor
Matred E. Taylor
Ralph G. Tegeler
Bernadette C. Tegeler
Richard ‘Buck’ V. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry R. Thompson
Keith Thrune
Kay E. Thrune
Dr. Douglas G. Tompkins
Philip & Rebecca Schumacher
Rita R. Tranberg
Rita Tranberg Memorial Event
Vernon R. Triplett
Jo Ann Triplett
Willard E. Tronick
Harry C. & Ardis H. Bolstad
Andrea L. Hale
Glen R. & Susan K. Larson
Cheryl R. Vieth
Debra R. Wagner
Richard A. Trussoni
James C. & Jean M. Urbanek
Mia E. Stollenwerk
Mary Ann Ekern
Therese M. Trussoni
Gundersen Health System
Barbara A. Nickelotti
Jonathan P. & Cheryl A. Peters
Arthur S. Warner
Earl J. Storandt
Donna Lee Storandt
Vaughn E. Trynowski
Jean L. Brostrom
Skyler J. Storandt Klotz
Donna Lee Storandt
George M. Uting
Gundersen Health System
Leverne S. Storlie
James E. & Nancy L. Cutlip
Gundersen Health System
Bob & Kathy Patros
Jean & David Wolfert
Donnie P. Vaaler
Kent M. & Lucy J. Vaaler
32 | G U N D E R S E N M E D I C AL FO U N DAT I O N
Ellen Cherie Valentine
Kristie V. Hemmersbach
Leon A. & Dia M. Holseth
Gordon R. & Kristin R. Lowell
Charlene A. Vick
Mary E. Dikeman
Gerald Charles Vieth
Jolene E. Vieth
Harry G. Viner
Carmen J. Viner
Timothy H. Viner
Carmen J. Viner
Eleanor Voight
John H. & Patricia A. Payne
Robert C. Voight
Joyce Voight
Calvin L. Voshart
Gundersen Health System
Michael J. & Bonnie K. Ritter
Myrna M. Walters
Family of Myrna Walters
David L. & Theresa J. Lee
Michael Watunya
Marlowe A. Watunya
Joan Waund
Ann Barney
Dr. John B. Weeth USNR
Roger & Johanna Hargreaves Kwong
Bernice A. Wehrenberg
Richard R. Wehrenberg
Jacob E. Wetterling
Linda Abel
Michell & Tasha Ackerman
AgStar Financial Services, ACA
Allen Ahlbrecht
Albany Area Schools
David W. & Janice K. Algoe
Richard & Jessica Ambrose
Barbara A. Arkowski
Judith A. Bailey
Karen Baker
Ben Beaudoin
Geraldine Beckmann
Sara Beebe
Jay Beutler
Gordon D. & Lynnette M. Blem
Mark P. & Lindee Bly
Gary R. & L. Ann Bormes
Roger & Joan Bostrom
Mark W. & Susan L. Brassington
Mary Bullert
Michael S. & Kay Carda
Richard N. & Ann Christiansen
Ann Chubb
Matthias C. & Theresa E. Conaty
Trudi L. Cook
Duane J. & Anita Y. Crandall
Janice E. Cummings
Kristin Cutler
Paul & Karen Daniel
MaryKay V. DeStasio
Curtiss C. & Michelle Doble
Stanley R. & Carol L. Dobrin
Eden Prairie Bahá’i Fund
Education Richfield
Kathryn Eggleston
Elite Repeat
Daniel J. & Linda C. Elstad
Daniel & Cindy Erickson
Ronald D. & Phyllis Ettinger
Tod & Alison Ewing
David & Mary Fenske
Dennis J. Fier
First Presbyterian Church
Kellie Fischer
Lynette Fjellman
Barbara L. Frank
Libby Frank
Ken & Karol Fredrickson
William & Maureen J. Fuchs
Jeffery Gauss
Brian J. & Angela Giese
Marcie Goehring
Julie Goodlund
Thomas E. Gort & Caroline Aruna-Gort
Dale & Paula Grace
Gary & Lila Greene
Tami J. Griffin
Daniel R. Grode
Charles E. & Kathryn A. Gumbel
Sandra M. Hansen
Kathleen Hanson
Robert L. & Beth D. Hendrickson
Nancy J. Hopp
Merritt C. & Kirsten P. Horning
Aubrey Immelman
Steven C. & Barbara R. Isaacson
Ronald E. & Michelle L. Jackelen
Gwen R. Jacobson
Matthew P. & Juliana P. Jarvis
Jeffery D. & Susan M. Johnson
Jill Johnson
Michael D. Juenemann
Margaret M. Juhnke
Christopher E. & Catherine L. Karp
Nikki C. Kauls
Ralph E. & Annette M. Kelash
Nancy A. Klaers
Suzan J. Kobbe
Patrick Kraemer
M. Susan Lamski
Emmi M. Lattu
Nancy Liddy
Mary Linn
Kristine K. Marshall
Clay & Jade Matson
Colleen McCarthy
Steve & Jennifer McCarthy
Kelly Mehta
Mindy Mitnick & Carl Marquit
Daniel R. Monson
Frank M. & Pamela A. Monteiro
Thomas G. Muehlbauer & Kathy A. Tifft
Martha E. A. Murphy
Mary Ness
Network For Good
Ian M. & Tanya Nibbe
Miranda Nobriga
Donald E. & Carolea J. Nord
Thomas M. & Carol M. O’Connell
Karen Odden
Dennis & Runay Olson
Gary A. Olson & Katherine Carlson
Origami Owl
Alvin W. & Joan Patton
John T. & Nanette M. Pederson
Stacey J. Pederson
Thomas Peterson & Mary Cardinal-Peterson
Robert A. & Peggy A. Plohg
Sylvia Preston
Bruce J. & Susan R. Rader
Christopher M. & Belinda L. Reep
Becky Reich
Philip R. & Randi A. Reitan
Dennis D. Rohloff & Jill Soulek-Rohloff
Roxanne M. Rothfork
Byron Rowell
William & Anna L. Sanchez
Jeanne Schirmers
Roger H. & Kathy P. Schmidt
Curtis Selander Jr.
Joel M. Shutty & Martine Nalani Hyland
Mary Siekman
Suzanne M. Singer
Carol A. Smith
Nancy Sohre
Karl & Brenda J. Solie
Luke Sowada
St. Rita’s Mission Group
Jo Stachowiak
Michael Staiger & LeAnn Bauer-Staiger
Bruce E. & Renee E. Stewart
Byron E. & Melissa A. Stroberger
Sharon Sullivan
John B. Sutter & Alexandra Revie
William & Pamela Sweetman
James Szymanski
Shannon Teigen
Michael W. Tenney
Terra Loco - Capital Nine Inc.
The Church of the Holy Spirit of St. Paul, MN
John Thompson
Roberta E. Thorpe
Shari A. Tjossem
Tower View Candle Company
Dennis & Diana Trettel
Eileen M. Troseth
Troy Van Leer
Mark & Emalou Van Osdale
James A. & DeNae VanWestrienen
Dennis D. & Joann E. Venditto
Jason L. & Rebecca C. Vinje
John L. & Kay Vinje
Robert Vizenor
Jean Wagner
Robert W. & Trudy P. Walsh
Carrie J. Walz
James P. Warnke &
Jolene M. Sullivan-Warnke
Violet L. Welck
Anna L. Wetterling
Cheryl L. Wheeler
Sandra Q. Williams
John C. & Jean E. Wittrock
Lisa Woodman
Yours Truly Marketing Incentives, Inc.
Michelle B. Zad
Kevin C. & Elahna E. Zimmerman
Sandra Whiteley
David L. Whiteley
Raymond ‘Ray’ Marvin Wichelt
Harry C. & Ardis H. Bolstad
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence R. Brodt
Joan P. Everson
Kimberly Fredricksen
Jeanne M. Goody
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley S. Hanan
Jim & Debbie Kroner
Donald R. & Janice Ostreng
Ronald L. & Judy A. Ostreng
Douglas J. & Barb A. Ramsey
Jane E. Young
Bing G. & Kathryn A. Zillmer
Marvin C. & Marilyn L. Nordquist
Sharon K. Waldenberger
Marla H. Withey
Kenneth C. Wrobel
Jonathan P. & Cheryl A. Peters
Joanne H. Wuensch
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Schini
Donald & Arlene L. Terlson
Dale Yemm
Ann Barney
Belva Yeske
Mervin D. Yeske
Delores Young
Dorothy A. Gartner
Sylvia Mae Yutuc
Dr. Mark V. & Jeanne Connelly
Dr. Almon R. & Elizabeth Mac Ewen
Wilfrido R. Yutuc
Robert E. Zenker
Mr. & Mrs. DeWayne F. Aasen
Virginia & Thomas Larkin
David R. Morrison
Amelia L. Pierce
Judith A. Ruppert
John Taylor & Nancy Pirkey
Mrs. Suzanne Zenker
Harold & Rose Zibrowski
Mr. & Mrs. Leland Zibrowski
Beatrice R. Zielke
Art & Shelly Fahey
Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Herlitzke
G. William & Karen L. Hoel
John A. & Janet W. Miller
Linda K. Zillmer
Mr. & Mrs. Dean T. Loeffler
Gavin K. Williams
Thomas & Marylou Garavalia
Nakeata M. Willis
Gundersen Health System
John M. Wisneski, DDS
Sarah A. Wisneski
Kevin Phil Withey
Mr. Larry L. Erickson
G I F T S R ECE I V E D O cto b er 1, 2016 , through F e b ruary 28 , 2017 | 33
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Our Mission
We improve the lives of patients and our larger community through medical education,
research, outreach and the philanthropic support of Gundersen Health System.
We gratefully recognize your support, which enabled Gundersen Medical Foundation
to do more, be more and accomplish more in 2016.
The 2016 Annual Report covers the full range of Foundation
accomplishments and activities including philanthropy, medical
education, medical research, fund distribution, Children’s Miracle
Network Hospitals®, Global Partners, Grants, Bereavement Services
and Advanced Care Planning, a financial overview and much more.
Steppin’ Out in Pink
Online registration begins
(Walk date is Sept. 9)
Gundersen Medical
Foundation’s Annual
Science and Math Expo
Mitchell Hall
You may download and print this report directly from
our website: gundersenhealth.org/annualreport
If you have questions, please call (608) 775-6600 or
email [email protected].
Drive for Hope
Golf Tournament
Festival Foods
Wine & Beer Tasting
Medical Resident
Graduation Ceremony
For Lung Cancer Research,
La Crosse Country Club
To benefit Steppin’ Out
in Pink, Cargill Room,
Riverside Center South
Gundersen Lutheran
Medical Center,
Rasmus Center
To see a full listing of news and events, visit us online at gundersenhealth.org/foundation/news