camp chatter - Hartford County 4

80 Years of Hartford
County 4-H Camping
John Garaventa
It’s early morning in February, 2011 and the thermometer
is registering -2 degrees at Bradley International Airport in
Windsor Locks, Connecticut. Thinking back to the first few
days of September 2010, many New Englanders were
experiencing the 5th heat wave of the summer of 2010.
During this heat wave, the members of the Hartford
County 4-H Camp Board of Trustees’ Birthday Party
Committee had their fingers crossed that the heat would
break before the Labor Day weekend.
The committee was preparing to celebrate 80 years of
4-H camping, 45 years in Marlborough, with a reunion
weekend. The group was very busy putting the final
details together and making sure everything was just right.
Thankfully, the weather cooperated and the heat wave
broke to a pleasant late summer temperature. As the time
drew near, current and former campers, staff, parents, and
other members of the Camp family began arriving to spend
the weekend at camp.
It wasn’t long before Camp was alive with the buzz
of old friends exchanging greetings and hugs. Children
greeted their summer camp friends again, generations of
camp families reunited, and staff, counselors, and campers
from across the decades and around the world happily
reconnected and began to reminisce.
As everyone joyfully gathered in the dining hall, they
shared stories and anecdotes from the past. Sitting in
Baldwin Hall sparked many wonderful memories: Elsie
and Dick greeting campers and counselors, vespers on
rainy evenings, skit nights, Friday dances, Art’s turkey
soup and homemade raisin bread, Dan’s Chicken Teriyaki,
Counselor and Staff meetings, evening snack, arts and
crafts, camp store, the dish room and waiter duties, NO
elbows on the tables, Johnny Appleseed grace, previous
reunion weekends, teen weekends, movie night, and of
course, “bug” juice.
Baldwin Hall Roof
Collapses on 2/6/11
During the fun and festivities of Camp’s Birthday Party
Reunion in September 2010, no one knew it would be
the last time they would see Baldwin Hall the way it
was always known and remembered. During one of
the snowiest winters in Connecticut recorded history,
structural failures were happening daily. No one expected
the iconic Baldwin Hall to also succumb to the snow, but
it did. In the early morning hours of Sunday, February 6,
2011, the walls buckled and the mighty roof of Baldwin
Hall collapsed.
The Hartford County 4-H Camp Board of Trustees, under
the leadership of President Liz Mills and Vice President
Jimmy Riordan, called an emergency meeting on the
evening of February 7, 2011 to evaluate and assess the
damage to Baldwin Hall.
All thoughts were on the united goal of rebuilding
Baldwin Hall in time for the summer 2011 season. Many
even began to formulate ways to make some needed
improvements. Peter Brzezicki was chosen to lead the
project team and subcommittees were formed. They are:
(continued on page 5)
(continued on page 2)
Remembering 80 Years
(continued from page 1)
Camp guests were able to participate in a typical camp
day; “Aaron-the-boy Miele” was back from college to teach
a Ropes class, “Nature Ed Smith” led a nature hike and
helped collect snails for Snail Soup, Ashley Buckwold and
Nate McMullin taught an Archery class, and Mary Ellen
Dillon led a crafts class. Cousins Allyson Zoppa and Katie
Riordan helped campers-for-the-day make tie-dye shirts.
Emilio Maniche flew in all the way from the Netherlands to
teach Tennis.
Friendly bidding continued throughout the day on a
silent auction that ultimately raised over $4,000 for Camp
programs. All of the auction items were donated by friends
of Camp. After a lively water polo game at the pond (the
GIRLS won!), guests returned to the cabins to get ready
for dinner.
Meanwhile, Camp cooks Dan, Mike Jackman and Anna
(who came all the way from Poland for the weekend!) were
very busy in the recently renovated kitchen preparing a
special roast beef dinner. Tables were set in upper Baldwin
Hall complete with tablecloths and candlelight. The Camp’s
original dinner plates, the heavy white and blue tableware
from the Bond Hotel, were available, but this time as
nostalgic souvenirs. Guests sat grouped by decades and
settled in to enjoy the delicious meal. They continued to
share memories and songs and to spread the 4-H Spirit with
our extended 4-H family.
The Baldwin brothers were honored that evening. Mike,
the original Baldwin Hall contractor, and Myron, the Camp
Board president at the time the Marlborough site was built,
were presented with watercolor prints of Baldwin Hall.
The evening continued with more stories to tell and
photo albums to view. Vespers at the Pond included
reading The Fire Bringer and I Remember, followed by
singing favorite songs. More conversations and reminiscing
went well past midnight.
For those who slept over on Saturday night, a delicious
breakfast was served. Cleanup was done in typical Camp
fashion, with everyone pitching in. As with many previous
times at Camp, good-byes were bittersweet.
It was a highly successful weekend with addresses
exchanged and promises to keep in touch.
(continued on page 3)
Remembering Jimmy Riordan
building of the Four Bay Garage, the renovation of the
Staff Barn and Tack Room, and the Baldwin Hall Kitchen.
Jimmy organized and participated in countless other repairs
and upkeep-related projects including the renovation of
lower Grant House and clearing the trees around the Red
Shepard Cabin. Jimmy also planned and contributed to the
recent remodeling of the Caretaker’s House.
Jimmy could be heard at most Board meetings saying this
project “needs to be done to ensure camp is safe for the
kids.” He spoke passionately for the improvement,
maintenance and preservation of 4-H Camp. He selflessly
worked with Camp’s best interest in mind so that it would
be a lasting institution for generations to come.
Jimmy also worked tirelessly at the Hartford County
4-H Fair, mostly managing the 4-H Food Building. He has
dedicated not only his time but his spirit to 4-H with a
never ending commitment To Make the Best Better.
He leaves behind his wife, Lisa, their children; Katie, Tim
and Heather Riordan, and his brother, sisters, in-laws, and
nieces and nephews, many who are active in the 4-H
program. He also leaves the many 4-H friends made over
the years.
In addition, many other people will benefit from Jim’s
organ donations. Memorial contributions may be made to
the Riordan Education Fund, c/o Rockville Bank, 1645
Ellington Road, South Windsor, CT 06074.
On February 8, 2011 the Hartford
County 4-H Camp Board of Trustees
was shocked and saddened by the
death of our dedicated and beloved
Vice President and Chairman of the
Maintenance Committee – Jimmy
Riordan. This was a particularly difficult
time for the Camp Board and the 4-H
community still dealing with
the collapse of Baldwin Hall
two days earlier.
Jimmy had been active with
camp since his first arrival as a
camper in 1971. Jimmy was a
camper for six years, a
counselor for one year and
kitchen staff (Pot Boy) in 1978.
After bringing his daughters to
Camp, he got hooked as a
volunteer. He had been
elected to the Board of
Trustees in 2005 and
immediately signed up for the
Maintenance Committee.
Some of the projects Jimmy
oversaw included: the
Remembering 80 Years
(continued from page 2)
Comments from
our Facebook Page
Emilio Maniche, Netherlands:
Isn’t it fantastic that in a time where
things change around you with
seemingly increasing speed, we can
go back to a place where time seems
to have stood still. Just think of the
familiar view from the deck down to
the flagpole, the reflection of the trees
and bushes in the pond, the smell of
baldwin hall,........ Yeah I think Im
looking very much forward :)
Emilio Maniche: Tickets are booked, old camp shirts are
washed, 4-H box checked for relics, just wondering if I
should bring my tennis rackets :)
Chris Brown: I miss camp
Michele Esposito Frisk: me too!!!
Melissa Urrunage: Me three!!!! Can’t Wait for Labor Day!
Nate McMullin: I loved the smell of pancakes in the
morning as you waited to be let in to Upper Baldwin after
Flag Raising.
MaryLou Franconi Baumgartner:
Ohhh the Lord is good to me
and so I thank the Lord
For giving me the things I need
The sun and the rain and the Apple Seed
The Lord is good to me.
It was the singing! It was the singing!
Kelly Smith: I have
the same to say! What
memories 4-H holds
for me as a camper
and counselor, and
now a parent!
Pete Sid: It’s
absolutely breaking
my heart that I won’t
be celebrating with
you guys this weekend.
Camp was always
such a big part of my life. Have fun and Happy Birthday 4-H Camp!!!
Samantha Ammerlaan: hey every one have fun with the birthday party,
greetings from Holland!
Anne Rogers: Happy Birthday! I miss you all so much! Love from the Wild West!
Aryn Jacques: PS. thank you for filling my life with some of the greatest
moments ever ... sometimes I wonder will any summer ever compare?
…loved the turkey rice soup and the raisin bread!!!
Cory Lowrey: Sorry I missed the celebration...was a camper, counselor and
volunteer staff many years ago... My family brought me back souvenirs though!
Hope everyone had fun! I remember the good times!
Liz Mills: I remember the 80th/45th Birthday Party. Lots of fun! Many enjoyed
returning to camp and we had many creating their first time memories. We had
visitors from as far as Holland (Emilio and Petra) and Poland (Anna). wow!
Hope all had fun. Post your pictures from the weekend to share! In 5 years we
will be celebrating our 85 year in camping and 50 years in Marlborough.
(continued on page 6)
March 26, 2011
Dear Friends of 4-H Camp,
February 6, 2011 was a defining moment for the 4-H Camp. Due to the unusual and heavy snowfalls, Camp suffered a
devastating loss with the roof and building collapse of its centerpiece, Baldwin Hall.
Many of you from near and far have been calling, writing, texting and e-mailing your thoughts and concerns; you want
to see Baldwin Hall restored. And, you want to help and give back to 4-H Camp – to the place you called home every
summer. There is a way. And we need your help – now.
The 4-H Camp Board of Trustees met soon after the collapse and was unanimous and unwavering in their commitment
that 4-H Camp will open, on time, for the 2011 summer season in June. Campers, Counselors and Staff will not be
disappointed. As of February 28, 2011, an insurance appraiser has been to Marlborough, a demolition crew has been hired,
and an architect selected. The 4-H Camp Board is fortunate to have insurance coverage to rebuild Baldwin Hall to its
original condition.
Baldwin Hall has served 4-H Camp well over the past 45 years. Yet, this catastrophic event has provided a
tremendous opportunity to “MAKE THE BEST BETTER” for campers of the future. Plans are being crafted to make
improvements to Baldwin Hall over and above what the insurance will cover. Some of the suggestions include: a new
staircase and elevator to fulfill ADA requirements, energy-efficient windows, and fire retardant materials required by
updated fire codes.
Your contribution to Hartford County 4-H Camp NOW, is important. Each and every parent/camper, counselor, staff,
alumni, and friend of the 4-H camp program can make a difference.
Our challenge is to complete the rebuilding, including improvements, by June 1, 2011. To meet the deadline,
demolition and reconstruction has begun. BUT, to complete the improvements, 4-H Camp needs your help. Every
contribution matters.
Your gift is absolutely necessary to achieve this goal. For your convenience, contributions can be made in a variety of
methods. Please choose your method from the list below:
To donate by credit card:
• On the Internet, go to and select the box “DONATE.”
• Also on the Internet, go to the Facebook page “HC4H Camp Baldwin Hall Improvement Fund.” Click on the
words “Donate Now!” located on the left side.
To donate by cash or check:
• Send your donation of $5,000, $500, $50, or even $25 (every bit helps!) to “Hartford County 4-H Camp’s Baldwin
Hall Improvement Fund” to Chuck Ferguson, Treasurer, 188 Brent Road, Manchester, CT 06042.
• Donate directly to Hartford County 4-H Camp Baldwin Hall Improvement Fund at any New Alliance Bank.
Thank you for your generous contribution in helping us to achieve our $500,000 goal.
Liz Mills, President
Elsie Woolam, Camp Administrator
P.S. Watch the rebuilding progress on our Facebook Page: “Help HC4H Camp Baldwin Hall Improvement Fund”.
18 USC 707
Baldwin Hall
(continued from page 1)
Re-build of Baldwin Hall (Ken Picard, Ch.), Inventory
(Kathy Dillon-Orduz, Ch.), Kitchen (Mike Jackman, Ch.),
Finance (Chuck Ferguson, Ch.), and Public Relations
(Simone Upsey, Ch.). A combined weekly meeting was
scheduled with subcommittees meeting as needed.
While the pictures of destruction passed around during
the meeting were distressing, there was one that had an
opposite effect: A photo of the fireplace and large 4-H
clover stood tall amidst the debris, undisturbed against the
open sky. To many of us that night, it represented the
unfaltering Spirit of Camp.
The meeting was over and an historic new chapter for
Camp began. The group gathered their coats and said
good night, still trying to grasp the enormity of the
situation, yet strong in their commitment and resolve.
Tricia Terwilliger Coe: heartbreaking.
Judy McInerney Cecchini: What a loss. Sorry
Comments from our Facebook Page
Dot Muszynski: I am so saddened by this!
Amanda Kapral: I am so upset. The fact that I was just there for
the bday party and have such fresh memories makes it that much
sadder. If there is anything we can do, I want to help!
Lori DeLude: Thank you for sharing. As tragic as these photos are,
it helps to see them to take this all in.
Anna Marmur: OMG.....
Michele Esposito: Frisk me too. it’s depressing.... :(
Heidi Flowers: In heartbreaking
Lori DeLude: Please keep us all posted every step of the way, and let
us know how we can help.
Katie Tighe: So Sad..So many great memories in Baldwin Hall.
Bridget Smyth Jones: I don’t even know what to say, except, how
can we help?
Bernadette Healy: So many memories of my childhood happened
in this building, and wonderful meals by the cook “ART”.
Remember the homemade raisin bread??? It was to die for!!!
Melissa Urrunaga: Oh my! I’m so sad! But thankfully everyone
is safe!
Heidi Flowers: Baldwin Hall was so much more than just a
building... I hope it is rebuilt just as it was.
Joann Russell Desy: So sorry about this. Yes, how can we help??
Aimee Gilbert: We are 4-H’ers, strong and determined.
Samantha Sirote Noone: Really sad!
Suzanne Begin Arel: Wow, thats some serious damage!
Lori Tarka: So sorry! I was at a party last with the Fire Marshall and
heard the tragic news! Was with a group of current campers and they
were so sad! Keep us posted and if we can help in anyway!
Agnes Nagy Hegyvarine: Any ideas how to donate from Europe –
or from the other parts of the world? Thanks...Agnes
Rob Alward: My check is in the mail today! Calling all 4-H camp
alumni, and parents of 4-H campers. Lets get the word out and start
the ball rolling with donations. We don’t have much time.
Heather Chandler: That is just many good
memories there
Emily Bengston: Oh my gosh I love 4H camp it’s my life!!!!! Im going
to be a counselor this year and i hope it’s rebuilt in time so my dreams
can come true...every one please help as much as possible!!!!
Tim Walsh: I’m sure I speak for the entire NLC 4-H Camp staff and
community in wishing HC the best of luck in repairing your roof!
Lauren Purple: Oh Baldwin Hall, how you have a special place
in my heart. I have laughed harder in your belly than I ever have
before. I have shed many a tear of joy and of sadness in your heart. I
have danced and danced and danced around your tables, up your
walls and by your fire place. I have composted more food in the piggy
bucket and played more games involving your coffee cups than most
people ever do in their life time. I have sat by your fire, read poems,
sang songs and shared memories with friends.
(continued on page 7)
Remembering 80 Years
(continued from page 3)
Anne Starr: It was DEFINITELY worth the trip! Kudos
to the planning committee!! How many other people
have the kinds of friendships – like family – that we
have with our 4-H family?!? Love you all!
Fill in the blank: My favorite memories from the 80th/45th
Birthday Bash are _______________:
Shawn M. Flynn: …are knowing that somethings do change,
but for the most part they stay the same.
Benjamin Aucoin: sharing my childhood experiences with my daughter.
Donna Fyre: Reliving some of the best weeks of prior summers and sharing them with
my kids. Seeing old friends and singing old songs was the best.
Kerstin Zak Perrott: Bonfires, watching the stars, laughter and reuniting with lifelong friends!
Sharon Riley: The best part for me was how wonderfully happy I feel when I’m there...
just like coming home!! Nothing compares :)
Kathy Temple: One of my favorite memories from the 80th/45th Birthday Bash was
singing all the old songs at vespers with people I didn’t know, but feeling like I’d known
them forever, and realizing that we all still remembered the words decades after being
at camp.
Hartford County 4-H Fair
75th Anniversary Celebration
“How Can I Help?”
Our volunteer Camp Board and I have been asked this
question many times since the collapse of Baldwin Hall.
The event of February 6, 2011 has given us the opportunity
to rejuvenate our Volunteer campaign. While we have
immediate needs to assist us re-open this June, we also
welcome volunteers who can assist us with ongoing
endeavors. Please consider this an invitation to become
involved with Hartford County 4-H Camp.
We are in the process of putting together a Volunteer
Registry and want you to join us! Contact us for more
information and to obtain a Registration form to join our
“Friends of 4-H Camp Volunteer Program.”
4-H’ers, 4-H alumni and their families will be coming
from near and far to celebrate 75 years at this year’s
4-H Fair on August 19, 20, and 21. 4-H’ers and
dedicated volunteers are working hard to plan for this
special celebration. Here’s how you can help:
Gather Addresses – The committee needs addresses
of 4-H alumni and past volunteers for a special invitation
mailing which will include schedule of events and activities.
Old 4-H Projects – Dig out those old blue ribbon
projects, record books, photos, new articles, etc., and show
them off! The committee expects to make a memorable
DVD of past and present 4-H Fair fun!
Help Pass on the Info – Get the word out! Save the
date and share your wonderful memories of your 4-H Fair
Contact Chairpersons – Chris Spencer (860) 749-4959
or Junior Advisor Chris Ferguson (860) 906-4880. For
further info check the 75th Hartford County 4-H Birthday
Celebration facebook page, [email protected]
or [email protected].
Baldwin Hall
Thank you,
Liz Mills
President and Trustee
Hartford County 4-H Camp, Inc.
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 860-289-4177
Stay tuned for updates on our website.
(continued from page 5)
Windham-Tolland 4-H Camp: From Everyone at
Windham-Tolland 4-H Camp our hearts go out to you guys
at this time but we know that because of the power of camp
family it will build a stronger bond for years to come... Many camps
memories were made in that building.
Elizabeth Hills (Abby Rocker): Summer after summer an anxious
young 4H camper would carefully pack her trunk, roll her sleeping
bag and take the ride from Manchester CT to Marlborough CT...yes to
the Hartford County 4H camp!!! Memories fill my heart and soul
from the very first cabin my sister and I would share with the Dillon
and Riordan girls, Brenda Moulton and if I remember correctly Sue
Paine was our 1st counselor. As the summers would pass, we would
grow from eager young campers to camp counselors eager to bring
the legacy of 4H camp alive for the campers. For me it was 5 glorious
years as a camper, 3 as a counselor, and then as a young nurse I
would return as Camp Nurse with my 2 children in tow. My own
children and nephew would go on to experience the magical and
glorious experiences of Hartford County 4H campers.
Just this past September my sister and I visited the camp for the big
birthday bash. It was as if we never left....sitting in Baldwin Hall
surrounded by the loving families of Hartford County 4H Camp
was overwhelming and heart warming. Sharing a table with Patty
Riordan, Jeanie McDermott, seeing Elsie, the Brady girls and Mr &
Mrs Brady, Mrs. Dillon and the list goes on...what a spectacular day.
It may be Feb. but as those of us who grew up at 4H camp we know
the plans for camps opening are already in full swing. As for myself
and my family I would be happy to help in whatever way I can to get
Baldwin Hall Rebuilt and ready for the anxious, 4H Campers of the
Summer of 2011.
Fundraisers, dinners, dances whatever I can be a part of I will
gladly be there. Hartford County 4H Camp and all it represents is a
part of me and I am grateful for all that it has represented to me
over the years.
I anxiously await news on donation links or committees etc.
c/o 1225 Main Street
South Windsor, CT 06074-2410
Every contribution matters.
Contributions can be made in a variety of methods.
• To donate by credit card on the Internet, go to and select the box “DONATE.”
• Also on the Internet, go to the Facebook page “HC4H Camp Baldwin Hall
Improvement Fund.” Click on the words “Donate Now!” located on the
left side.
• Send your donation check of $5,000, $500, $50, or even $25 (every bit
helps!) to Hartford County 4-H Camp’s Baldwin Hall Improvement Fund
to Chuck Ferguson, Treasurer, 188 Brent Road, Manchester, CT 06042.
• Contribute cash donations directly to Hartford County 4-H Camp Baldwin
Hall Improvement Fund at any New Alliance Bank.