Egbe Newsletter - Cultural awareness, Egbe Omo Yoruba of Greater

VOY is published quarterly in March, June, September, and December
December 2015
Vol. 6, No. 4
Table of Contents
Engineer Bakare ….…………….. ………………………………………………………………
Moraks ……………………………..……………………………………………………………
Wedding Bells …………………………………………………………………………………..
How to be 60 …………………………………………………………………………………….
Christmas Party Photo Collage ………………………………………………………………….
Welcome to 2016
Engineer Bakare at the Helm
- A Lesson in Transportation System Management
We are delighted to share this information with everyone. Our
very own Engineer Tajudeen Bakare recently hosted the Nigerian
Society of Engineers and showed the members the way
Transportation is designed, managed, and controlled in Ohio. This
is a great intellectual outreach. Please thank and congratulate
Engineer Bakare for his ambassadorial accomplishments in
representing our Nigerian community positively.
Please share the Youtube link below with everyone. Hopefully,
the lessons learned from the visit will stick in the minds of our
Nigerian counterparts in enhancing the Nigerian transportation
May the Lord walk with us as we
walk into the new year of 2016.
Poem by
Margaret Fishbank
Moraks Recognized with a Prestigious Award
Way to go, Moraks!
Mr. Morakinyo Kuti (aka Moraks) was recently recognized with a prestigious award for his multi-faceted
contributions to the society.
On November 15, 2015, in Indianapolis, Indiana, The Association of
Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) named 19 recipients of its
inaugural 1890 Universities Career Exemplar Awards. Our very own
Moraks was one of the recipients. According to APLU, the
distinguished alumni representing each of the 19 historically black landgrant universities “have achieved excellence in navigating their career
pathway and providing mentorship to other traditionally
underrepresented students pursuing similar career pathways.” The award
recipients were nominated by their alma maters and were evaluated on
the basis of their commitment to institution, individual achievement,
civic engagement and impact in providing access, opportunities and
mentorship to current students and new alumni. All members of our
Nigerian community in the Greater Miami area can attest to the
immense contributions of Moraks to any group of which he is a part. The awards program celebrates the 125th
Anniversary of the Second Morrill Act. The Morrill Land-Grant Acts are statutes that allowed for the creation
of land-grant colleges and universities in the United States. Moraks’ citation reads as follows:
Morakinyo Kuti is currently the Director of Sponsored Programs and Research at Central State
University (CSU). His professional career has been dedicated to increasing CSU’s capacity to
train, transform, and graduate individuals to make positive change in their personal lives and
also improve society by increasing its knowledge base. Mr. Kuti has a demonstrated record of
success in research administration. As the Director of OSPR at CSU, he has been responsible
for all pre and post award grant and contract management activities at the university since
2005. He has served in various leadership roles that led to successful outcomes, including
leading a multidisciplinary proposal development team of faculty and staff that received CSU’s
first NIH grant in over 15 years. He has a strong background in facilitating successful outcomes
for underrepresented students, particularly in STEM. Mr. Kuti was instrumental in the
development of the $4.7 million Center of Excellence in STEM and STEM Education proposal
funded by the Department of Defense in 2010. Mr. Kuti is a member of Pi Alpha Alpha
National Honor Society for Public Affairs and Administration. He is an active member of the
Society for Research Administrators (SRA), the National Council for University Research
Administrators (NCURA), and the National Sponsored Program Administrators Alliance
(NSPAA). Mr. Kuti is the institutional representative to the Council for Undergraduate
Research and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities’ Grants Resources
Center. Mr. Kuti is originally from the city of Abeokuta in Nigeria and belongs to the Nigeria
United Club of Dayton and Miami Valley and the Egbe Omo Yoruba of Greater Miami Valley
in Ohio. Moraks has served Nigeria United and Egbe Omo Yoruba in leadership roles. Kudos!
Hearty Egbe’s Congratulations to our beloved Moraks!
Did you hear what I hear?
*** Wedding Bells were ringing in Dayton on December 4, 2015 ***
All members of EGBE and several well-wishers heard the bells ringing and showed up in droves for the day of
joy and celebration of the Union between Samuel Banjoko and Bimbola Sonubi on December 4, 2015.
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel and Bimbola Banjoko
We dance our dance.
We sing our song.
We hold ourselves close and tight.
How to be 60
Stay Young, Remain Beautiful, and Be Active. So, is the lesson from Olori Iswat Badiru, who celebrated her 60th birthday
on December 25, 2015. The good thing about having December 25 as a birth date is that everyone roles out a red carpet in a double
celebration. Some of us will have to be born again to have the right birth date.
Congratulations! Many Happy Returns.
Fourth Quarter 2015 Birthdays
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to members whose birthdays occurred between October and December, 2015.
Alhaja Silifat Bakare, October 6
Elizabeth Omolewu, October 18
Bridgette Archie-Kuti, October 31
Elizabeth Adegbile, November 3
Fola Fadeyi, November 6
Theo Adegboruwa, November 25
Funmilayo Adegbile, December 3
Iyabo Oluyitan, December 3
Bamidele Apapa, December 6
Kimberly Fadare, December 10
Solomon Sonya, December 22
Iswat Badiru, December 25
Mama Deborah Oladitan, December 25
Photo Journal of Egbe’s 2015 Christmas Party
December 12, 2015
Sing along . . . .
There was food, fun, fellowship, singing, dancing, Santa, and more food.
Presidential declaration . . . .
Kids fest . . . .
Warm embrace . . .
Exuberant rejoicing . . .
Booty shakes . . . .
Whispering gossips . . . .
Who is singing in there . . . .?
Line dancing . . . .
Hey kids, do it like this . . . .
Here comes Santa . . . .
Father Christmas . . . .
Lagbaja went down, down, down to meet tamedu . . . .
down, down, down . . . .
First couple’s dance . . . .
Show me your new style . . . .
Laughter is the best medicine . . . .
Sister Act II, . . . .
Ho, Ho, Ho, Holly Reindeer . . .
In the end, only bones were left . . . .
RSVP (Rice Still Very Plentiful . . . )
Moin-moin mo mi o . . . .
Oni dodo, oni moin-moin . . . ati oni puff-puff pelu oni iresi . . . .
Moraks and Morex . . . as DJs
Yes, he is still up there . . . .
Here is “arijo majeun” . . . . .
See you there next year!
A look towards the future . . .
Call F&F Tree Service for all your tree control needs.
Time to pull that wayward tooth? Call Dr. Apapa!
2013/2014 Officers of Egbe Omo Yoruba
Social Secretary:
Dr. Bamidele Apapa
Mrs. Iswat Badiru
Mrs. Ronke Odunsi
Dr. Bisi Adegbile
Vice President:
Mr. Theo Adegboruwa
Mrs. Elizabeth Adegbile
Prof. Deji Badiru
Mrs. Iswat Badiru
Donate to Advance Egbe
Egbe can now receive online donations directly through the website.
Please go to and Click on Donation.
Donations can be made via Paypal or Credit Card.
To VOY readers,
The Egbe Omo Yoruba of Greater Miami Valley, P. O. Box 148, Wilberforce, OH 45384