Medieval Crossword Puzzle

Medieval Crossword Puzzle
Use the descriptions to complete the puzzle.
2. A huge church built in the Middle Ages
3. The name of a saint who founded an order of
priests who were scholars and preachers
5. One who practices Islam
7. The language used at the Mass and for classroom
teaching during the Middle Ages
8. One who lives by begging
12. A group of men who evangelized and educated
during the Middle Ages
14. A Church leader who organized Rome and sent
monks as missionaries
15. An order of monks who followed a rule of prayer
and manual work
1. The name of the saint who reminded the Church of
the value of poverty
4. A Christian emperor crowned in a.d. 800
6. A separation in the Church, resulting from refusal
to obey its lawful authority
8. The time period between the fifth and thirteenth
9. Center of learning that educated people in the faith
10. After the schism in 1054, the Church in the East
was called the Eastern
11. Military expedition to regain the Holy Land
13. One who invaded Europe in the fifth century
16. Monks who spread the Good News to people in
every land
Grade 8 • BLM 55 • Chapter 14