1. What makes something a nonrenewable resource? a. A natural

1. What makes something a nonrenewable resource?
a. A natural resource that is consumed faster than it can be
produced. Examples of these types of resources are: coal, oil,
gas, nuclear
Renewable resources are able to be replaced, recycled…examples of
these types of resources are water, solar, geothermal, wind, tidal
waves, biomass
2. What is nitrogen fixation?
a. The process where atmospheric nitrogen gets broken apart in
order to become a useable form.
The majority of nitrogen fixation is done by bacteria. It can also
occur by lightening and made artificially in fertilizer plants.
3. What is symbiosis?
a. The interaction between two different species of organisms.
4. What are the different types of symbiosis?
a. Mutualism
b. Commensalism
c. Parasitism
5. What is competitive exclusion?
a. When two species can not occupy the same niche, one species
will be better suited for that niche and the other will need to
occur a different niche or face extinction
6. What is competition?
a. When two or more species fight over the same limited
7. What are the steps to the water cycle. What does each step mean or
Evaporation, condensation, precipitation, transpiration, collection,
runoff, ground water
What are the steps to the carbon cycle? What does each step mean
or include?
Photosynthesis, cellular respiration, decomposition, combustion
What are the steps to the nitrogen cycle? What does each step
mean or include?
Atmospheric nitrogen, nitrogen fixation, nitrification, assimilation,
ammonification, denitrification
What are the steps to the phosphorus cycle?
Remember: weathering, erosion are extremely important to this
cycle, there is no ATMOSPHERIC component. It is a very slow cycle!
8. Why are ALL the cycles biogeochemical cycles important?
a. Because they recycle nutrients, essential items through the
biotic and abiotic. ALL matter is limited and must be recycled!
9. What is global warming?
a. A gradual increase in global temperatures. It is occurring due
to the increased levels of carbon dioxide being put in the
atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels. Increasing the
carbon dioxide causes more infrared radiation to be reabsorbed
heating up the atmosphere.
What are green house gases?
Methane, carbon dioxide, water vapor are the major green
house gases. This gases are necessary in order for life to exist
so it is NOT to cold.
What is ozone?
a. Is a layer in the upper atmosphere that protects us from the uv
radiation. However, when ozone is found on the lower levels it
is considered to a pollutant which can cause health problems.
What is acid rain? What causes it?
a. Form of precipitation that is unusually acidic. It can be harmful
to plants, animals and infrastructure. It is caused by emissions
of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides that react
with water molecules in the atmosphere to produce strong
What effects does an invasive species have on an ecosystem?
a. Since most invasive species do not have any natural predators,
they out compete natural species. This causes a decrease in
What is a realized niche? What is a fundamental niche?
a. Fundamental niche is the entire set of conditions under which a
species can survive.
b. A realized niche is the set of conditions actually used by a
given species.
What is co-evolution?
Process in which two or more species evolve in response to changes in
each other.