September 21st Newsletter

Ms. Conat’s Get Set Newsletter
Week of September 17th-21st
Upcoming Events
Friday, October 5 -11:10 dismissal for AM class NO PM class
Monday, October 8th-No School: Columbus Day
Friday, October 19th-Pumpkin Patch Field Trip
Thursday, October 25th-NO School: Parent/Teacher Conferences
Friday, October 26th-No School: Parent/Teacher Conferences
Here’s what we’ve been up to…
*This week we worked on recognizing colors and shapes
*We played a balloon color game
*We started painting at the easel
*We matched colors then named colors
*We sang new songs about colors
*We talked about our favorite colors and took a picture
with our favorite color to make a song book
*We learned all about shapes
*We matched and named shapes
*We played a shape game called Perfection
*We played shape and color bingo
*We read a story called, “Mouse Paint” and learned about
primary and secondary colors
*We mixed red and blue icing to make purple icing, we
mixed yellow and blue icing to make green icing, and we mixed red and yellow icing to make
orange icing
*We took pretzels and dipped them into the icing and ate them as a snack
*We are going to learn all about trees and apples for the next couple of weeks, so we made
an apple by painting a circle on the palm of our hand, painting our thumb green for a worm
and painting our middle finger brown for a stem
*We are being great bucket fillers! We filled up a bucket and
had a bubble party!
*We had such a great and fun
With the cooler weather approaching please
write your child’s name in his or her jackets.
Also, please start sending in jeans/pants/long
sleeve shirts for the extra set of clothes we
keep on hand for your child. As soon as we get
warmer clothes sent in, we will send home your
child’s summer clothes home.
Toy Lending
Toy lending will start next week!! On Thursday your
child will bring home a book or toy. Please keep
the book or toy over the weekend and send it back in on Monday. This will give
your family a chance to read a new book together or play a new game together☺
Every other week in the newsletter will be a section for homework. Please complete the
homework with your child. Have your child sign his/her name (with or without your
help) and bring it back to school. Your child will receive a special incentive for
completing the homework.
When parents are involved in their child’s education at home, the child will do
better in school☺
Homework of the Week
We worked hard at recognizing colors this week. Ask your child what his/her favorite color
is. Then search around the house for something small he/she can send to school in that
color. We will graph our favorite colors. Examples include, pen cap, hair tye, wrapper of
some sort, piece of foam, straw, etc. Please do not send in food or anything of value, you
may not get it back!
Child’s Name _________________________________________
My Favorite color is: (Circle your favorite color)