Algebra II Pre AP Lesson Plan

Algebra II Pre AP Lesson Plan
Team: Sue Murray, Marcie Finley
Revised calendar to address even testing days
February 1
8.4, 8.6
Factoring Polynomials
and Polynomial Root
Dividing Polynomials
Day 2
TB-Pg. 372 (2 - 8 even, 9)
TB-Pg. 373 (Identify the
additional roots and write a
polynomial for each.12 – 20
HW: WS 8.5 A & TBPg. 367 (long division
2, 4, 5, 7, 8, synthetic
division 10, 12, 18 – 20,
HW: WS 8.5 B
9.1-9.4, 10.4, 8.1-8.6 &
Poly. Inequalities
Solving Polynomial
HW: WS-Polynomial
Feb 1
Week of: February 1 – 5, 2016
HW: Review 9.1-9.4, 10.4,
8.1-8.6 & Poly. Inequalities
9.1 – 9.4, 10.4,
8.1 – 8.6 & Poly.
(No Calc.)
8.4, 8.6
Factoring Polynomials
and Polynomial Root
Theorems Day 2
Graphing Polynomial
Quiz 8.5
HW: WS 8.6
HW: WS 8.3
12 Early Release
HW: WS-Poly. Appl. I
Applications Day 2
HW: WS-Poly. Appl. II
Progress Report
8.5 Dividing Polynomials
Objective: Student will divide polynomials using long division and synthetic division.
Procedure :
 Check/discuss homework. Optional – All Write Activity or can be used on review day
 Optional - Introduce lesson with video clip – algorithms!
 Review the long division algorithm
 Model synthetic division (only use synthetic on those where the divisor is in the form x-a for
 Guided practice.
HW: Finish WS 8.5 A & TB-Pg. 367 (long division 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, synthetic division 10, 12, 18 – 20, 22)
Feb 2
8.5 cont.
Objective: Students will divide polynomials using long division and synthetic division.
Procedure :
 Discuss homework.
 Introduce and demonstrate the Remainder Theorem.
 Use a few of the synthetic division examples to show how to extend synthetic division to
situations when the divisor is in the form  ax  b  .
Begin homework.
Page 9 has a good explanation for
synthetic division in the form of ax-b
HW: WS 8.5 B
Additional Examples if needed.
Feb 3
8.4, 8.6 Factoring Polynomials and Polynomial Root Theorems
Objective: Students will find all real and complex zeros using the list of PRR and synthetic division.
Students will write expanded polynomial given roots.
Procedure :
 Discuss homework.
Use Notes 8.6 to introduce Rational Root Theorem. Demonstrate how to determine the list of
possible rational roots.
Demonstrate how to find remaining roots using synthetic division. Explain that only complex
roots come in pairs, irrational roots may come in pairs, but not always.
Model how to use the possibilities to find all the roots.
Demonstrate how to write a polynomial of least degree with integral coefficients with given
roots. Model how to use the sum and product rules to quickly generate quadratics.
Begin homework.
HW: TB-Pg. 372 (2 - 8 even, 9)
TB-Pg. 373 (Identify the additional roots and write a polynomial for each.12 – 20 even)
Feb 4
8.4, 8.6 cont.
Objective: Students will use Descartes Rule of Signs to help narrow choices.
Procedure :
 Quiz 8.1-8.2, 8.5
 Discuss homework.
 Use Notes 8.6 B to model how to determine the possible number of positive, negative and
imaginary zeros.
 Have students work in pairs on homework as you monitor their practice.
HW: WS 8.6 B
Feb 5
8.3 Graphing Polynomial Functions
Objective: Students will graph polynomial functions using polynomial root theorems.
Procedure :
 Discuss homework.
 Discuss the nature of the graphs of polynomial functions based on the degree and sign of the
lead term. Review Notes – Graphing Polynomial Functions to demonstrate how to sketch the
graph if the equation is in factored form and not in factored form using the polynomial root
theorems from earlier this week.
 Model the examples on Notes 8.3 which include irrational and imaginary roots. Select a few
graphs from page 2 of the Notes 8.3 and model how to write the function given the graph.
Assign unused graphs for HW
 Allow students to begin homework by working in small groups.
HW: WS 8.3 & Finish back of Notes 8.3