Common Symptoms of Pregnancy

Am I Pregnant?
Think you might be pregnant? It's normal to feel a full range of emotions. You might be
confused, scared, or overwhelmed one moment and filled with hope and joy the next. You don't
have to know what to do right now. You just need to do the next right thing.
If you're wondering whether or not you might be pregnant, start with this checklist. If you match
one or more of the symptoms listed here, then schedule an appointment for a free pregnancy
test. It's safe and confidential.
Common Symptoms of Pregnancy:
- Implantation bleeding with spotting or cramping (Usually occurs 6-12 days after
- Late or missed period
- Tender or swollen breasts (Can start as early as 1-2 weeks after conception.)
- Darkening of the skin around your nipples
- Frequent urination (Usually occurs 6-8 weeks after conception.)
- Fatigue/Tiredness (Can begin as early as 1 week after conception.)
- Nausea/Morning Sickness (Will often begin 2-8 weeks after conception.)
- Backaches
- Headaches
- Increased Appetite/Food Cravings
Am I Pregnant?
Take our quick online pregnancy test to see if you might be pregnant.