Have you considered including MAMI in your will?

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Have you considered
including MAMI in
your will?
The Oblates of Mary Immaculate
are taking the message of Jesus, the
message of hope, to the needy in more
than 70 countries world wide. When
you leave a bequest to the Missionary
Oblates of Mary Immaculate, you
provide a legacy of hope to some of the
world's poorest people. Your gift will
help people come to know and love
God through the practical assistance
and example provided by the Oblate
Missionaries who workwithandminister
to them.
Thinking about our Will can be a difficult task for many.
However, it does give us the chance to reflect on what we
value most in life and the sort of legacy we wish to leave.
As a member of the Missionary Associates of Mary
Immaculate (MAMI), or simply as a friend of the Oblates,
you have already demonstrated your Catholic values and
your practical care and concern for others less fortunate.
By including a bequest to MAMI in your Will, you can
ensure that your values are continued, and that God's work
of providing practical and spiritual assistance to the needy
can continue for generations to come.
The first thing to do is seek professional advice from your
solicitor or a Trustee company. This ensures that your
wishes are accurately and legally reflected in your Will,
and avoids delays, problems and extra expense at a time
when your loved ones are already suffering.
Wills are legal documents, so it is important to use the
correct wording to ensure your wishes are achieved.
We recommend the following wording be used to
express your intentions:
If you would like to include a bequest to the Missionary
Oblates of Mary Immaculate in your Will there are three
main approaches which have been successfully used by
other Associates and which you may wish to consider,
depending upon your circumstances:
"I give .... (See below for examples)
Free of all
duties to the Director of Missions, for the time being,
of the Congregation of Missionary Oblates, now of 649
Burke Road, Camberwell, Victoria to be applied to assist
the work of the said Congregation and I direct that the
Receipt of the Director or Treasurer shall be sufficient
discharge to my Trustee for the said payment"
1. Give a percentage of your estate.
This allows you to give to each person or organization
the share or proportion of your estate that you decide is
appropriate. It also means that the beneficiaries of your
Will are not disadvantaged if your estate grows or is
depleted by inflation or other unforeseen circumstances.
"% of the residue of my estate"
"the sum of $ "
"my property at....."
2. Give a specific amount of money.
This does not take into account changes in your
circumstances or inflation, which can erode the relative
value of a specific amount. If you use this type of bequest,
it is advisable to review your Will regularly.
3. Give a specific item.
This may include such items as property, shares, jewelry
or artworks.
If you wish, you can make a bequest to the
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, to take
effect only after the death of your spouse or other loved
one. This allows your spouse, or other loved ones, to
have use of a specified part of your estate for their
lifetime. Only when that person dies will the remaining
asset be handed over.
If you need assistance or advice in relation
to making a bequest to the Missionary Oblates
of Mary Immaculate, please call the MAMI Office
on (03) 9882 4013, or write to us at PO Box 384,
Camberwell, Vic, 3124. If you include your telephone
number, we will be happy to call you.