Another Adam Sandler dud delivers monotonous anger aterskiing 101

Cardinal Points
April 18, 2003
Movie Review of the Week: Anger Management
lives in the social wasteland depic
tion of The First."
Gems like "Who Am r finds
Judz Santana delving into his soul,
"listening to old Aaliyah." Cam'ron
opens up to his addiction on "Purple
Haze." Cams shakes are
so bad, he actually admits
his lone dependency on
the reefer.
But the Taliban references are kind of retarded.
Especially when contrasted with their lackadaisical
patriotism on "Ground Zero" And
"Let's Go" is a horrible tribute to
Marvin Gaye's classic "Lets Get It
On." It is clear The Diplomats are
focused on nothing but the struggle,
sex and success.
Don't fix a broken jet, unless its
pink and skyscraper-bound, on the
first of the month.
associate life editor
So what is really good? It seems
to be on the mind of these pinkwearing entrepreneurs, or at least
the clown on the interludes.
Yeah, Cam'ron is wearing pink. His clique. The
Diplomats, rides along on
a thorough mission to
"Diplomatic Immunity."
This double album plays out like a
soul sampler, bringing back the feeling of the late Big Us punch-lines
over Roc-A-Fellas firing squad of
Heamakerz's 'Tm Ready" and
"More Than Music" will keep mixtape gremlins howling through the
streets. But the true cocaine epic
BY M K K McftinutN
opinions editor
Shaggy, low-fi foursomes arc
becoming as ubiquitous as there were
"grunge" acts in the early "90s.
Longwave sports the talent and
image of some of the new
wave of irreverent rock
bands; however, they seem
to have come to the party a
bit too late.
"The Strangest Thingsmixes some elements of
Bowie, Radiohead, U2 and other
rock greats in a thoroughly modem
Its a general rock format with
some synth background for good
The most definitive element of this
record is its lack of definition.
For the most part it was an enjoy-
BY M K E C o v u m
managing editor
Although Lucinda Williams* new
album is named "World Without
Tears", it does little but make you
wonder if such a place
This CD offers a
depressing mix of musk,
of which the running
themes are the feelings of
loneliness and being
But the CD is not bad because of
the topics in the musk: the CD is
bad because Williams can't sing that
well and because her lyrics leave
much to be desired
The instrumental side of the
album is pretty tight. The four-piece
band, Williams included, play a
» * »» »
* » * » rspetfcr^d
able album.
However, I feh it needed some differentiation from the contemporaries.
There wasn't a single track that particularly stuck out with maybe the
exception of the first track "Wake Me
When h's Over." that reminded me a
little of the David Bowie
song "Heroes."
This New York City
group definitely has much
to offer.
The trancey sound and
deep lyrics show a band
with somewhat of a future (at least
more so than your average contemporary pop act).
If you're in the mood for a decent
band with some promise, check them
out or their extensive catalog of EPs,
LPs and 7 inches.
However, I'd probably put this
record on my burn list
number of slow bluesy songs that
would be fine to listen to without
Williams vocal style is best
described as a mix between
Courtney Love and Sheryl Crow. It
is low and sad with a tendency to run words
together or unnaturally
draw them out.
This alone is not too
horrific However, the
way she constantly mispronounces words to make them
rhyme is like nails on an ear drum
The best song on the CD is track
two "Righteously". It's one of the
few fast-paced songs on me CD and
has good lyrics, but still, it's hard to
ignore the rmspronunciation.
If you are considering suicide, do
not buy this album.
* * * * * * * butakr**
favorit* teene in
phMc Lcurrts\ o1 interne! nume database
Adam Sandler's character confronts his past personal demons by beating up a monk white
Jack Nicholson stands by in the new film "Anger Management/'
Another Adam Sandler dud
delivers monotonous anger
"Anger Managemear IPG-131
Running time, 1 hour, 41 minutes
Adam Sandler
Jack Nicholson
Marisa Tomei
Ailen Covert
Luis Guzman
Adam Sandler seriously needs to change his image.
He does the same roles over and over; the same guy who
lives in New York, in the same apartment, and there is
always someone picking on him.
1 thought after he did "Punch Drunk Love/' he was
starting to drift away from the conventional characters
he consistently plays in films like "Big Daddy" and
"Mr. Deeds." Quite the contrary, even his animated film
"Eight Crazy Nights** showed the same basic Sandler
that we've come to know.
I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a trailer for
"Anger Management." 1 thought a that teaming him up
with Jack Nicholson would be great but 1 was wrong.
"Anger Management" proves to bet yet another cliched
Sandler flick, with a big-time star accompanying him
around throughout the film creating mayhem wherever
the two go.
"Anger Management" is the story of Dave Buznik
(Sandler), who is accused of raising his voice and creating a disturbance on a plane. After a court hearing, the
judge assigns him to anger management therapy and
thus begins the pandemonium of the film. His anger
management coach is Dr. Buddy Rydell (Nicholson), a
famed therapist who has written a book on harnessing .
After one accidental catastrophe after another. Buznik
keeps getting himsdf into more trouble with the law.
Thus. Rydell decides to move in with Buzntk to observe
his behavior and try to heal his "toxic anger syndrome."
Through a series of hair-brained attempts to cure
Buznik. Rydell teaches htm the importance of his relationship with his girlfriend, Unda (Marisa Tomei K and
to channel his anger in a more appropriate manner.
There are so many littk things in this film that are just
rehashed jokes, or attempts on the part of the screenwriter to make the audience laugh, and in the end. it
doesn't work.
Sandler needs to stop using his cronies in every otheT
film he does Allen Coven follows him around as it his
career depended on it. Sadly, it does Covert has
appeared in several Sandler flicks including "Little
Nicky," "Big Daddy" and "The Wedding Singer.
Without Sandler. Covert is a nobody
Since "Analyze That" the sequel to the Billy
Crystal/Robert DeNiro flick "Analyze This." did so
"When the horse dies.
Marisa Tomei (left) plays Adam
poorly at the bo*-office, the makers of "Anger
Management" figured they could cash in on some of the
same jokes and concepts.
DeNiro did a rendition of a song from the play "West
Side Story" in "Analyze That." Sandler and Nicholson
do the same one here as a temper controller, gleefully
sings. "1 Feel Pretty." v*hile holding up* traffic on the
Brookhn Bridge The audience found this to he amusing, but I couldn't heip but feel cheated. The whole
thing was so trivial.
And stop saying thai stupid "you can do it." It does
grow rather annoying, considering it also appears in
every pathetic Rob Schneider flick
1 did think that there were some humorous, parts to the
film. How anyone wouldn't laugh at Woody HarreJson
dressed in drag and acting like a German she-male i*
bevondme. And natural!). Nicholson is fun to watch
with his psychotic expressions and actions
"Anger Management" is slightly above a mediocre
mo\ie that could have been far better
When fjcuay goes to
get the food and he
feeds the k m until it
Movie Rtfing Syrian
**** - excellent
*** . very good
** - mediocre
* - poor
aterskiing 101
b*>ki of the mpe. Gace I had IT. -be pulled
awjv vr^jht aw^from me The farther she
wa^ ietTini: the trpter the mr* w ^ hetween
rr>e Jr-1 iHe ^tck of tie bo3t
I '-e^ero'xr .V4ea^iasking ** 1 *a^ reaoS and
Crimfrml Justice
When Scmfxt says
what's 9m teg you
used to e*T and be
savs. ofc yufc. possy'"