Chapter 17 The Early Middle Ages Focus Questions

Name:________________ Date due: March 25th & 28th Test date: March 29th/30th
Chapter 17 The Early Middle Ages Focus Questions
1.Describe the geography of Europe:
2. Define Eurasia:
3.Define topography:
4.Due to northern Europeans living on rich, fertile plains, they
5. Each area in Europe developed differently because …
6.How did the peninsulas of southern Europe affect the way people lived?
7.Southern Europe was invaded by raiders less often than northern Europe because it had more
8.In what way did the geography of northern Europe affect the spread of Christianity there?
9.Which element of European geography contributed to the development of feudalism?
10.Who were the people who were most important in spreading Christianity throughout Europe ?
11.Who was Saint Patrick?
12.How were monks and missionaries were similar ?
13.Who built a European empire and was crowned Emperor of the Romans in 800?
Name:________________ Date due: March 25th & 28th Test date: March 29th/30th
14.What can you infer about Charlemagne from his accomplishments?
15.In what way were Charlemagne’s empire and the old Roman Empire similar?
16. Who were the invaders from Scandinavia who attacked Europe during the 700s and 800s ?
17.The Viking, Magyar, and Muslim invasions of Europe directly caused the development of the__________
18.What might have happened if the Vikings had not invaded Europe?
19.What did knights receive in exchange for their pledge of loyalty to a lord?
20.What was the main duty of a vassal ?
21.Feudalism began to spread to Britain soon after what?
22.A manor was a large estate owned by a
23. Summarize the manor system.
24.What was unusual about Eleanor of Aquitaine?
25.Frankish knights introduced feudalism to….
26.Summarize how feudalism reached Britain.
Name:________________ Date due: March 25th & 28th Test date: March 29th/30th
27.What happened after Europe’s population began to increase during the Middle Ages?
28.What was the most important similarity between knights and samurai?
29. Samurai warriors and European knights both followed codes of behavior that emphasized what ?
30. Describe what activities monks typically did.