Beyond 26.2 Miles: The World of Ultra Running

Beyond 26.2 Miles: The World of Ultra Running
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Beyond 26.2 Miles: The World of Ultra Running
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She Just Finished Her 13th Ultra-Marathon at a Race Distance of 70 Miles!
During the event, the 130 participants experienced high
humidity, deep sections of mud, and pouring rain.
Despite the obstacles, Kristen Mam 搒䌖nished under her
nineteen-hour goal as the tenth place woman 搒䌖nisher.
Many people would think she’s crazy….
For most, the thought of running a marathon at just 26.2
miles is an extreme endeavor. Now imagine multiplying
that distance by three. Join us as we take a look at ultra
running and explain a bit more about the motivation and
perseverance needed to run thirty, 搒䌖fty or even onehundred miles in a single race.
As a teen and young adult, Kristen had no desire to run
long distances. Eventually, the running bug hit her and
she began to train and ultimately complete her 搒䌖rst
marathon in November of 2006. When her friend asked
her to pace a thirteen-mile section of the Laurel Highlands Trail Ultra Marathon
( in the spring of 2009, she was introduced to a whole new world of
running. “I was scared out of mind at the start, but by the end I decided I wanted more,” she
shared. “A month later I submitted my application for the JFK 50-miler
( that November.”
What is an Ultra-Marathon?
Beyond 26.2 Miles: The World of Ultra Running
An ultra marathon is any race that goes beyond the marathon distance of 26.2. There are a
wide variety of ultra races throughout the world covering some of the most diverse and
beautiful terrain our planet has to oᑹþer. Some of these races, like the Badwater 135
( in California, are run primarily on the road. Road races can be di邇cult to plan because of the logistics of blocking tra邇c over such a long
distance. As an alternative, most ultra marathons are run on trails where participants can enjoy
beautiful scenery and a more-forgiving natural footing. This also comes with rocks, roots, and
other obstacles just waiting to twist ankles and knees.
There are two types of ultra marathon events – those based on time and those based on
distance. For a timed event, runners loop a set course for 4-72 hours with the win going to the
runner with the greatest number of miles. Kristen once participated in a twelve-hour event with
a 搒䌖ve-mile loop several years ago. “It was interesting. I liked being able to come back to my little
camp every hour and get what I needed, but it got a little boring after a while.”
The more common type of ultra marathon is a distance-based race where runners attempt to
complete a course within a certain time frame. The typical distances are 50K (31 miles), 50
miles, 100 K (62 miles), and 100 miles. Kristen loves the variety in her sport. “There are races of
200 miles popping up throughout the US, as well as races that traverse the Sahara
( and other natural landscapes,” she explained. “If you
dream it, it can be run on foot!”
The Physical Challenges of Running Extreme Distances
During such a long race, it is understandable that ultra runners deal with some unique physical
challenges. They are in constant risk of taking a misstep that could end it a rolled ankle, fall, or
worse. This risk is elevated for those who enter into events without the proper conditioning.
During the race, they also must deal with cha搒䌖ng, blisters, and the need to stay properly
hydrated and fed during an eᑹþort that may take over 20 hours to complete. Some runners get
too cold or experience a “fuzzy” sensation due to an electrolyte balance. Others experience
blisters underneath their toenails that cause the nail to fall oᑹþ.
Ultimately, correct preparation, proper hydration,
and adequate calorie intake during the race make a
huge diᑹþerence in a runner’s performance. Kristen
explained, “It’s hard to 搒䌖gure out how to deal with all
of those issues. It completely depends on the
individual. What works for one person will not work
for the next.”
Ultra races are usually divided into 5-8 mile legs with
aid stations separating the sections. These aid
stations often have a huge assortment of food like
watermelon, oranges, strawberries, potatoes, and
sometimes even beer! All of these foods are provided so that the runners can ingest enough
calories to get them through the race. What each runner chooses to eat varies widely. Kristen
knew one runner who could scarf down a McDonald’s value meal mid-race! Personally, she
doesn’t eat much at all but instead depends on a nutrition powder that is mixed into her
Beyond 26.2 Miles: The World of Ultra Running
hydration pack to provide a constant source of electrolytes and calories during the event. Any
additional food provides bonus calories. She explained her favorite; “I have to say that boiled
potatoes rolled in salt during an ultra is like heaven.”
How Do You Train for an Ultra-Marathon?
For Kristen, mental and physical preparation are tied very tightly together. If she knows that she
has taken all of the correct steps to prepare her body during the months leading up to a race,
she knows that her mind will provide the strength to make it through.
She runs 4-5 days per week on the trails on the mountain near her Harrisburg, Pa home. As a
stay-at-home-mom, she has some trouble 搒䌖nding free time to make it onto the trails and
exclaimed, “Strollers don’t work on trails!” She makes it work and runs 6.2 miles on Tuesdays
and Thursdays with another run on Wednesdays. Her weekly long run is on Saturdays and
consists of anywhere from 10 to 40 miles depending on her training schedule. On Sundays, she
搒䌖ts in a middle distance run of 7 to 20 miles. On top of the running, she strength trains three
days a week, attends a workout class once a week, does yoga, and takes lots of walks with her
All of this preparation provides her with the con搒䌖dence she needs to tackle the big event.
During a race, Kristen focuses on the individual segments of distance between the aid stations.
“I break the race down into mini-races. I just focus on getting from aid station to aid station.”
During these breaks, she is often greeted by her friends, husband, and young son who are there
to cheer her on. “You can’t imagine how much energy you can absorb from those few minutes
of support and human interaction.”
In the winter months when extreme cold, wind, and ice keep her oᑹþ of the trails, Kristen likes
running on the fancy TV connected treadmills at the gym. “I like a treadmill to have a lot of
cushioning and to feel smooth. I really hate getting ones that feel old and clunky.” If you are
looking for some of the best treadmill reviews ( so
you can start training for your ultra-marathon, be sure to check out the rest of our site.
A Supportive Community
The ultra community is small and supportive. Kristen can pretty much guarantee that she’ll
know someone at every race she runs. Sometimes a runner will only 搒䌖nish because they meet
up with new friends during the race who band together for support and pacing. “I only 搒䌖nished
my 搒䌖rst 100K because I met two runners, PJ and Ally, and we stayed together for almost 30
miles,” she explained. “We became a team, in a way.”
When asked about her proudest moments with ultra running, Kristen had two races in mind. In
2012, she managed to complete her 搒䌖rst attempt at the 100-mile distance despite badly twisting
her ankle on mile 10. She still 搒䌖nished in 29.5 hours.
Her second great success came just this last weekend with the Laurel Highlands 70 miler. She
had an extremely di邇cult last year, losing her mother to a rare form of breast cancer. She also
battled injury after injury in the months leading up to this race leaving her feeling extremely
unprepared. While many would have pulled out of the race, Kristen was determined to
participate in at least the 搒䌖rst 19 miles since she was running this as part of a relay team. After
Beyond 26.2 Miles: The World of Ultra Running
this leg was complete, she felt able to continue and eventually
搒䌖nished the entire 70 miles. It was just the most recent of
many great successes for a woman who admits she used to
hate running.
So yes.. ultra marathoners are a little bit crazy. They are also
courageous, determined, dedicated, fun loving, inspired, and
incredibly talented people….and crazy again.
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